(LEM ADHESIVE RTV 133) Tds - RTV - 133
(LEM ADHESIVE RTV 133) Tds - RTV - 133
(LEM ADHESIVE RTV 133) Tds - RTV - 133
Special Features
• Fast cure
• Low viscosity
• Easy to demould
• Excellent tear strength and tensile properties
• Low shrinkage
Mix Ratio
Product Data
Issue: 1 13/06/18
TDS RTV 133.doc Page 1 of 4
Technical Data Sheet
Typical Cured Properties
Mould Preparation
Ensure the master mould is clean, dust and dirt free. If the master is made of
glass or ceramic, it is possible that the silicone rubber may stick to it, so a release
agent is advisable. We recommend Release Agent R5.
Use clean containers, which have a capacity for the rubber to expand to at least
five times its volume during degassing e.g. if 1kg is being mixed, use a 5 litre
We advise using the batch of catalyst supplied with the RTV. Add the Catalyst to
the RTV at the correct ratio, accurate weighing is essential. Mix the Catalyst into
the RTV immediately. The product should be mixed thoroughly, paying particular
attention to the sides and bottom of the mix vessel. Care should be taken to avoid
entrapping too much air during mixing.
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Technical Data Sheet
ALCHEMIX RTV 133 will self degas, but to achieve best results the product
should be de-aired under vacuum. When vacuuming, the material will expand to
approximately five times its original volume and collapse, it is at this point the
material has been successfully vacuumed. Pour the vacuumed silicone rubber
uniformly all over the surface of the master. Any bubbles must be broken with
positive air pressure or by passing a spatula gently across the surface. For
intricate moulds degas again ensuring there is sufficient room in the mould box for
expansion of the rubber. When degassing use 40 mbar vacuum, degassing is
completed about 1 minute after the frothing ceases. Mould life and tear strength
are improved with degassing.
We recommend using RTV 106 at a level of 1 – 3%. Mix the RTV and catalyst
before adding RTV 106.
ALCHEMIX RTV 133 and CATALYST C133S & F should be stored in original,
unopened containers between 15 and 25°C. Always tightly reseal containers after
use. Air, moisture or other contamination causes a reduction in reactivity over
If stored under the above conditions, ALCHEMIX RTV 133 will have a shelf life of
6 months, from the date of production.
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Technical Data Sheet
Further Information
This data is not to be used for specifications. Values listed are for typical
properties and should not be considered minimum or maximum.
Our technical advice, whether verbal, or in writing is given in good faith, but
without warranty – this also applies where proprietary rights of third parties are
involved. It does not release you from the obligation to test the products supplied
by us as to their suitability for the intended process and use.
Before using any of our products, users should familiarise themselves with the
relevant Technical and MSDS provided by Alchemie Ltd.
Alchemie Limited
• Electrical encapsulation
• Rapid Prototyping
• Prototypes
• Casting
• Gel Coating
• Laminating
• Model Making
• Master Models