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The only valid versions of the documents of the BELAC management system are
those available from the BELAC website (www.belac.be).
This document aims to define the general policy and means implemented by BELAC to
comply with ISO/IEC 17011:2017 requirements on the identification and management
of risks related to its operation. Document EA 2/19 was taken into account for this
This document refers to and complies with the relevant sections of the legal
stipulations that determine the operation of BELAC.
- Coordination Commission
- Accreditation Board
- Secretariat
The standard ISO/IEC 17011:2017 requires each accreditation body to develop and
implement a risk-based approach for all the processes governing its operation.
The standard ISO/IEC 17011:2017 explicitly focuses on the risks that may impact
- the maintenance of the impartiality of the accreditation body at all levels of its
operation including its decision-making processes (ISO/IEC 17011:2017 clause
- the reliability of the services performed by the accredited bodies, due to a lack
of control of the performance and the harmonization of the accreditation
processes (ISO/IEC 17011:2017 clauses 9.6 and 9.8);
- the efficiency of the accreditation body organizational processes and of the
implemented management system (ISO/IEC 17011:2017 clauses 9.6 and 9.8).
The present document covers the points a and b , considering the obligation for the
accreditation body
- to ensure the impartiality of its operation (see point 4 of the present document);
- to guarantee the competence of the accredited bodies for all concerned
activities through the implementation of appropriate assessment plans and
programs (see point 5 of the present document);
- to set into force an efficient management system aiming to continuous
improvement (see point 6 of the present document).
The tables under points 4, 5 and 6 present the details of the analysis. Based on the
working experience, a level is assigned for each identified risk (major - high –
medium – low – not significant) as well as the existence of a potential residual risk.
Government accreditation bodies - including BELAC - present specific risks since they
are generally placed under the final responsibility of the State and inserted into a wider
administrative structure with its own management requirements and which may also
include conformity assessment bodies such as laboratories, inspection or certification
bodies and even notified bodies.
Considering the environment in which BELAC is operating and the potential impact on
impartiality, the following elements are to be taken into account in the identification of
potential risks :
- the provision of services by the larger administrative structure which are
incompatible with the accreditation activities (consultancy, conformity
assessment activities such as those can be offered by bodies accredited by
- the existence of conformity assessment bodies within the larger administrative
structure to which BELAC also belongs and whose activities can create conflicts
of interest;
- the possibility for BELAC to grant accreditation to related conformity
assessment bodies that are part of the larger administrative structure;
- the role of the administration (Federal public Service Economy) in the
management of BELAC;
- the external influences on the decision-making mechanisms;
- the nature of the accredited activities;
- pressures of financial type;
- the methods of recruitment and assignment of the BELAC permanent
secretariat staff;
- the methods of recruitment and appointment of accreditation assessors and
- the handling of appeals;
- the recourse to sub-contracting or to externalised services;
- discrimination in the handling of applications for accreditation.
The following conformity assessment Not BELAC belongs to the Directorate Not
bodies currently operate within the significant General Quality and Safety and the significant
FPS Economy: different Directorates General within
- the Directorate General the FPS Economy are managed in a
Economic Inspections and the completely independent manner.
Directorate General Energy
perform inspection activities; The National Standards service
- the Directorate General Quality carries out only occasionally
and Safety (to whom BELAC calibration services for third parties.
belongs) includes: These services generate only a
- the National Standards service limited fraction of the operational
that performs calibration budget.
- several testing and inspection No tests or inspections are carried
services within the framework out on request of third parties. The
of legal metrology and activities concerned fall directly
under the responsibility of the
product safety.
regulatory authority within the
framework of market surveillance.
BELAC commits itself to take into account the risks at all levels of the performance of the accreditation process.
The following processes may negatively impact the level of performance and the reliability of the accreditation decisions and are
given specific attention : the review of the applications for accreditation, the composition of the assessment teams, the duration of
Source of risk Description and impact of the risk Level of Measures aiming to eliminate or Residual Situation as of
risk minimize the risk risk 01.08.2022
Competence of the BELAC has to ensure the Medium BELAC has documented competence Low The efficiency of the
personnel involved competence of the personnel criteria, a description of tasks and implemented tools is
in the accreditation involved at all stages of the responsibilities as well as training checked during the
process accreditation process, which methods and monitoring of the internal audits : no
includes: performance level for all the major problem
- The permanent staff in charge of functions involved in the detected until now.
the handling of the accreditation accreditation process. Various tools
files; for monitoring the implementation of
- The assessors and experts (mainly these provisions are in place.
external personnel) (References : BELAC 1-01, BELAC 3-
- The members of the Board who 05, BELAC 3-09, BELAC 5-07)
make decisions.
Despite the recruitments, BELAC As of 01.08.2022,
continues to struggle with the Medium BELAC has 32
understaffing of some critical employees and a
functions number of
recruitments are still
on the agenda
The risks linked to the following Medium The competence issue is part of the Low .
situations need to be taken into feasibility review performed by
account: BELAC prior to any significant
- the obligation for BELAC to extension of the BELAC activities
demonstrate competence at all scope. BELAC may decide not to
stages of the accreditation propose a specific accreditation
process in case of extension of program if competence cannot be
the BELAC activities scope ; ensured. Whenever possible,
- the constraint following a legal preliminary contacts are made with
obligation to offer an the regulators who consider to have
Complementary to the issues related to the obligation for BELAC to operate with the necessary level of impartiality and to control the
accreditation process, the BELAC operational processes and their implementation through a documented management system may
generate sources of risks and impact the general level of performance and the expectations with respect to accreditation.
Source of risk Description and impact of the Level of Measures aiming to eliminate or Residual Situation as of
identified risk risk minimize the risk risk 01.08.2022
Structure Risk of confusion in the definition of Not The legislation governing the Not
tasks and responsibilities with significant operation of BELAC together with significant
respect to the management of the documented provisions of the
BELAC and of the accreditation management system specify the
processes. tasks and responsibilities of the
involved functions. These provisions
are strictly implemented.
(References : BELAC 0-05,
BELAC 1-01)
Resources Insufficient resources in competent Medium IT tools are made available to BELAC Medium The development of a
personnel for all functions involved in by the FPS Economy. Improvements new IT tool has been
the accreditation process : see table are however necessary to ensure an started.
5 point 1 optimal management of the
Lack in appropriate material accreditation files and an effective
resources (premises, equipment, IT communication between BELAC, its
tools) assessors and its accredited bodies.
Financial resources : see table 1 point