Protocol Recs Meth Miso

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Both methotrexate and misoprostol have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) for purposes unrelated to abortion. Administration of methotrexate and
misoprostol for induction of abortion in very early pregnancy has been reported in the medical
literature, and the scientific evidence indicates that it is safe and efficacious for this use.
Clinicians can prescribe methotrexate and misoprostol at their discretion for this off-label use.

These protocol recommendations were initially developed at a meeting convened by the National
Abortion Federation (NAF) and Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) on June 6,
1996. It was attended by the leading researchers who have published in this field as well as
clinicians experienced with medical abortion techniques. These recommendations have been
updated to reflect the use of methotrexate and misoprostol as supported by the current evidence
in the medical literature.

These recommendations were developed to facilitate quality care for women seeking medical
abortion, because we recognize that women are increasingly asking for access to medical abortion
options, that clinicians are increasingly using it for early abortion, and that practice protocols are
necessary to ensure quality care. As further research is completed and additional experience is
gained, these recommendations will continue to be modified.

These protocol recommendations are not Clinical Policy Guidelines. Rather, they are
recommendations based on a medical review of all published literature through October, 2000.
All applicable NAF Clinical Policies Guidelines should, however, be followed when providing any
abortion, either medical or surgical.

Several considerations must be stressed:

• There have been no studies to assess whether routine vs. selective ultrasound use impacts
final outcomes in clinical use of medical abortion regimens. However, all published studies
using methotrexate/misoprostol have relied upon routine ultrasound for determination of
gestational age and confirmation of the completed medical abortion. Since the efficacy of
methotrexate/misoprostol regimens decreases after 49 days’gestation, accurate determination
of gestational age is critical for this method. For these reasons, transvaginal ultrasound is
recommended, especially for practitioners inexperienced with clinical dating of very early
• we urge that great care be taken to provide appropriate and comprehensive options and
medical counseling; and
• follow up care to assure complete abortion is critical.

Additionally, delivery of all abortion services requires twenty-four hour availability of a clinician
for assessment of potential complications. This is especially critical with medical abortion where
bleeding may be greater and delays before expulsion of the pregnancy will be common. Vacuum
aspiration may be offered at the clinician's discretion at any time for a patient experiencing a
delay in passage of the pregnancy and who is unwilling to wait for the medical abortion to be
NAF Methotrexate/Misoprostol Recommendations/Page 2 of 7

In addition to these protocol recommendations, clinicians are strongly encouraged to read the
published literature on the subject of medical abortion and attend accredited training programs
in medical abortion and early ultrasound diagnosis. We have included a bibliography of
important articles. Additionally, NAF’s publication “Early Medical Abortion with Mifepristone
and Other Agents: Overview and Protocol Recommendations” includes a comprehensive outline
and review of the published literature. These resources will provide information that may be
useful to you, your clinic staff, and/or your patients.

1. must be in overall good health and have none of the following:
a. acute or chronic renal or hepatic disease;
b. coagulopathy or current severe anemia (hematocrit less than 30%; hemoglobin less than
c. acute inflammatory bowel disease;
d. uncontrolled seizure disorders;
e. unwillingness to undergo a surgical abortion if indicated;
2. must have gestation no more that 56 days from the first day of the last menstrual period
(LMP). Confirmation with ultrasound is strongly recommended. The failure rate for
methotrexate/misoprostol increases steadily with gestational age. The failure rate (curettage
for bleeding or for viable pregnancy two weeks after methotrexate) at 50-56 days is
approximately twice that at 43-49 days. Many providers will choose to limit provision of
methotrexate/misoprostol abortions to pregnancies under 50 days. It is recommended that
providers who offer methotrexate/misoprostol at 50-56 days’ gestation have a full
understanding of the data and medical literature regarding appropriate care when using
methotrexate/misoprostol at that gestational age range;
3. must be able to give informed consent and comply with treatment requirements;
4. must have ready access to a telephone, emergency medical care, and transportation;
5. must have no other medical contraindications or known intolerance to either methotrexate or

1. Although there are no data available on the effect of folate supplementation on the efficacy of
methotrexate/misoprostol for abortion, it may be advisable for patients to discontinue use of
vitamins containing folate for one week after methotrexate administration.
2. Although there are no data available on the effects of methotrexate while breast-feeding, it is
prudent to advise patients to discontinue breast-feeding for 72 hours after methotrexate


1. discussion of the decision to have an abortion and assurance that the decision is patient’s
2. discussion of available abortion methods (e.g. medical abortion, vacuum aspiration) and the
risks and benefits of each, as well as discussion about the need to consent to vacuum
aspiration or other treatment if and when it is recommended by the clinician;
3. discussion of known side effects and possible complications of methotrexate and misoprostol;
explanation that both methotrexate and misoprostol can cause serious fetal anomalies, so that
once methotrexate has been administered, the abortion must be completed, either medically or with
vacuum aspiration;
NAF Methotrexate/Misoprostol Recommendations/Page 3 of 7

4. explanation that while both methotrexate and misoprostol have been approved by the FDA
for other uses, neither has been approved for induction of abortion;
5. discussion of the amount of time involved, the requirement of multiple visits (with one dose
of misoprostol, 67% of patients will abort within 1 week; with a second dose of misoprostol,
80-85% of patients will abort within 2 weeks; in about 1% of cases, non-viable pregnancy
tissue may be retained for as long as 6 to 10 weeks), and the failure rate of methotrexate-
induced abortions resulting in the need for a surgical abortion; patients should be advised
that if their gestational age is greater than 49 days, the success rate for medical abortion will
likely be lower; patients should also be advised that if the pregnancy is not fully expelled from
the uterus it could cause infection or other complications.
6. discussion of amount of pain that might occur and the use of pain medications;
7. instruction concerning the vaginal insertion or administration of misoprostol tablets or
8. discussion of the amount of bleeding associated with the abortion process and, in particular,
the size of the clots and embryo. An embryo is approximately the size of a grain of rice at the
time when medical abortion with methotrexate/misoprostol is most commonly provided, and
is typically not seen;
9. availability of contraception and contraceptive counseling;
10. a review of the consent form;
11. compliance with additional applicable state and local laws, ordinances, regulations, and
common law governing the consent process and standard of care for abortion procedures.


1. a thorough medical and obstetrical history, including history of allergies and all current
patient medications;
2. pelvic examination, and pertinent physical examination, including height and weight for
calculation of intramuscular methotrexate dose;
3. baseline blood pressure.

1. Transvaginal ultrasound is recommended to confirm gestational age. Document
ultrasound examination (gestational sac; embryonic pole; presence of cardiac activity; yolk
sac) in the medical record before administering methotrexate.
2. As soon as the embryonic pole is visible, use this measurement instead of gestational sac
3. If an intrauterine sac is not present, this could indicate early intrauterine pregnancy or ectopic
pregnancy (or miscarriage if patient has had bleeding).
a. If patient is at low risk for possible ectopic pregnancy:
1) give precautions for ectopic pregnancy signs and re-evaluate in 1 week; OR
2) measure quantitative serum -hCG
a) -hCG >2,000 IU/L: pregnancy is very likely ectopic and patient should be
treated accordingly;
b) -hCG <2,000 IU/L: could be consistent with an intrauterine or ectopic
pregnancy. Management based on the clinician’s judgment should be to:
(1) give precautions for ectopic pregnancy and re-evaluate in 1 week; OR
(2) proceed with methotrexate/misoprostol abortion treatment regimen and
follow the serum quantitative -hCG to zero at an interval deemed
appropriate by the clinician.
NAF Methotrexate/Misoprostol Recommendations/Page 4 of 7

b. If patient is at high risk of possible ectopic pregnancy, measure quantitative -hCG:

1) -hCG >2,000 IU/L: pregnancy is very likely an ectopic pregnancy and patient
should be treated accordingly;
2) -hCG <2,000 IU/L: could be consistent with an intrauterine or ectopic pregnancy.
Management based on the clinician’s judgment should be to:
a) give precautions for ectopic pregnancy and follow the patient until intrauterine or
extrauterine pregnancy is confirmed, and then give appropriate treatment; OR
b) proceed with methotrexate/misoprostol treatment regimen and follow the serum
quantitative -hCG to zero at an interval deemed appropriate by the clinician.

1. Hemoglobin or hematocrit;
2. Rh factor;
3. Evaluation of renal function (serum creatinine) and/or hepatic function (aspartate
transaminase) only if clinically indicated;
4. Quantitative serum -hCG:
a. not necessary if transvaginal ultrasound demonstrates gestational sac;
b. perform if clinically indicated for evaluation of possible ectopic pregnancy;
5 Other tests as medically indicated.



DAY 1:
a. Methotrexate 50 mg/m2 IM or 50 mg po
b. Rh immune globulin for Rh-negative patients (can be administered on Day 1 or any
day prior to misoprostol administration).
c. Provide patient with adequate analgesic information and prescription.
d. Provide patient with misoprostol 800 µg (as 4-200 µg tablets) with instructions for
self-insertion on Day 3-7.

DAY 8:
Obtain patient history and perform transvaginal ultrasound.
a. If gestational sac is absent, treatment is complete.
b. If gestational sac is still present, repeat misoprostol dose. This can either be
administered by the clinician or given to the patient to self-administer in the office or
later at home.
1. If no cardiac activity is present in the gestational sac, follow-up in approximately
3-4 weeks.
2. If cardiac activity is present in the gestational sac, follow-up in 1 week.

DAY 15: (if completed abortion has not been confirmed)

Obtain patient history and perform transvaginal ultrasound.
a. If gestational sac is absent, treatment is complete.
b. If gestational sac is still present with cardiac activity, perform vacuum aspiration.
NAF Methotrexate/Misoprostol Recommendations/Page 5 of 7

c. If gestational sac is still present without cardiac activity, follow-up in approximately 3

weeks. Patients should be given appropriate instructions regarding what to expect
with delayed passage of the pregnancy.

DAY 29-45: (if completed abortion has not been confirmed)

Obtain patient history and perform transvaginal ultrasound.
a. If gestational sac is absent, treatment is complete.
b. If gestational sac is still present, perform vacuum aspiration.


DAY 1:
a. Methotrexate 50 mg/m2 IM or 50 mg po.
b. Rh immune globulin for Rh-negative patients (can be administered on Day 1 or any
day prior to misoprostol administration).
c. Provide patient with adequate analgesic information and prescription.
d. Provide patient with two doses of misoprostol 800 µg with instructions for self-
insertion of the first dose on Day 3-7. The second dose should be administered 24
hours later if little or no bleeding occurs.

DAY 8:
Optional office visit if bleeding has occurred. Perform transvaginal ultrasound to
determine status of pregnancy and provide patient reassurance.

DAY 15: (if completed abortion has not been confirmed)

Obtain patient history and perform transvaginal ultrasound.
a. If gestational sac is absent, treatment is complete.
b. If gestational sac is still present with cardiac activity, perform vacuum aspiration.
c. If gestational sac is still present without cardiac activity, follow-up in approximately 3
weeks. Patients should be given appropriate instructions regarding what to expect
with delayed passage of the pregnancy.

DAY 29-45: (if completed abortion has not been confirmed)

Obtain patient history and perform transvaginal ultrasound.
a. If gestational sac is absent, treatment is complete.
b. If gestational sac is still present, perform vacuum aspiration.

When a transvaginal ultrasound confirms expulsion of the gestational sac, the abortion has been
completed. The patient should receive follow-up instructions to include information about
expected length of bleeding, increased heavy vaginal bleeding (which may indicate an incomplete
abortion), and any other pertinent medical information.
NAF Methotrexate/Misoprostol Recommendations/Page 6 of 7


Carbonell JLL, Varela L, Velazco A, Cabezas E, Fernandez C, Sanchez C. Oral methotrexate
and vaginal misoprostol for early abortion. Contraception 1998;57:83-8.
Carbonell JLL, Varela L, Velazco A, Tanda R, Sanchez C. 25 mg or 50 mg of oral methotrexate
followed by vaginal misoprostol 7 days after for early abortion. Gynecol Obstet Invest
Carbonell JLL, Velazco A, Varela L. Cabezas E, Fernandez C, Sanchez C. Misoprostol 3,4, or 5
days after methotrexate for early abortion: a randomized trial. Contraception 1997;56:169-74.
Creinin MD. Change in serum B-hCG after abortion with methotrexate and misoprostol. Am J
Obstet Gynecol 1996;174:776.
Creinin MD. Methotrexate for abortion at ≤42 days gestation. Contraception 1993;48:519-25.
Creinin MD. Oral methotrexate and vaginal misoprostol for early abortion. Contraception
Creinin MD. Medical abortion with methotrexate 75 mg intramuscularly and vaginal
misoprostol. Contraception 1997;56:367-71.
Creinin MD, Burke AE. Methotrexate and misoprostol for early abortion: A multicenter trial.
Acceptability. Contraception 1996;54:19-22.
Creinin MD, Carbonell JLL, Schwartz JL, Varela L, Tanda R. A randomized trial of the effect
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abortion. Contraception 1999;59:11-6.
Creinin MD, Darney PD. Methotrexate and misoprostol for early abortion. Contraception
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Creinin MD, Shulman T. Effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on the action of
misoprostol in a regimen for early abortion. Contraception 1997;56:165-8.
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abortion. JAMA 1994;272:1190-5.
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misoprostol three and seven days following methotrexate for early abortion. Am J Obstet
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Creinin MD, Vittinghoff E, Keder L, Darney PD, Tiller G. Methotrexate and misoprostol for
early abortion: a multicenter trial. I. Safety and efficacy. Contraception 1996;53:321-7.
Creinin MD, Vittinghoff E, Schaff E, Klaisle C, Darney PD, Dean C. Medical abortion with
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Grimes DA. Medical abortion in early pregnancy: a review of the evidence. Obstet Gynecol
NAF Methotrexate/Misoprostol Recommendations/Page 7 of 7

Hausknecht RU. Methotrexate and misoprostol to terminate early pregnancy. New Engl J Med
Horrigan TJ, Fanning J, Marcotte MP. Methotrexate pneumonitis after systemic treatment for
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ectopic pregnancy: a report of two cases. Obstet Gynecol 1996;88:694-6.
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Schaff EA, Eisinger SH, Franks P, Kim, SS. Combined methotrexate and misoprostol for early
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Schaff EA, Eisinger SH, Franks P, Kim SS. Methotrexate and misoprostol for early abortion.
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Wiebe ER. Abortion induced with methotrexate and misoprostol. Can Med Assoc J
Wiebe ER. Abortion induced with methotrexate and misoprostol: a comparison of various
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Wiebe ER. Oral methotrexate compared with injected methotrexate when used with misoprostol
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These education materials are intended as guidelines and do not dictate an exclusive course of management. These materials
contain recognized methods and techniques of medical care that represent currently appropriate clinical practice. Variations in
the needs of individual patients and differences in the resources available to clinical providers may justify alternative
approaches to those contained in these materials. Neither the National Abortion Federation, its officers, employees, or
members are responsible for adverse clinical outcomes that might occur in the course of delivery of abortion services in which
they are not expressly and directly involved in the role of primary caregiver.

Approved August 30, 1996

Revised December 18, 2000
Revised March 11, 2005
National Abortion Federation

For more information contact: National Abortion Federation

1660 L Street, NW, Suite 450
Washington, DC 20036

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