The Influence of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

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The Influence of Extrinsic motivation

among Taekwondo Athletes performance

(Motivation Theory)


Motivation is one the of key importance for student-athletes as it influences their

commitment to conditioning/training in their field and ultimately their team’s success.

The literature suggests that there are different types of motivation, and different ways to

motivate athletes (Pedscleauz, 2010; Taylor, 2009; & Mahoney, 2011). Intrinsic

motivation (IM) refers to engagement in behavior that is inherently satisfying or

enjoyable. On the other hand, Extrinsic refers to the performance of behavior that is

fundamentally contingent upon the attainment of an outcome that is separable from

action itself. There also are varied factors that impact student athletes’ motivation such

as their home-life/upbringing, their coaches, the environment, and their teammates.

Athletes train and compete in sports for various reasons. Every athlete is motivated to

improve their performance in their chosen field by different inner and external factors.

They say that knowledge is power. You may improve as an athlete by knowing the

components of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation as well as how they interact.

Taekwondo is one of the most systematic and scientific Korean traditional martial arts,

that teaches more than physical fighting skills. It is a discipline that shows ways of

enhancing our spirit and life through training our body and mind. Today, it has become a

global sport that has gained an international reputation, and stands among the official

games in the Olympics. (World Taekwondo Federation WTF) Taekwondo can be

characterized by unity: the unity of body, mind, and life, and the unity of the pose

["poomsae"] and confrontation, and cracking down. Many people say it takes a strong

body to train in Taekwondo, but a strong mind is just as important. Mental toughness

and physical toughness are two sides of a scale, and individuals who have specific

strengths in each can find success. Finding a balance between the two is where the real

results happen during Taekwondo training.

II. Inquiry questions

1.) How does extrinsic motivation impacts student-athlete's performance?

2.) How does extrinsic motivation from coaches impact a player's development?

This paper will provide a complete response to these queries since they relate

Motivation theory Extrinsic motivation and to describes factors that affect student-

athletes’ motivation for their athletic participation.

III. Methods

A. Participants and/or other Sources of Data and Information

Students-Athletes from Tagoloan National High School are the respondents of the

present study. The team composed of (23) Male and (17) female students-athletes from

Taekwondo Program. The researcher conducted survey questionnaire to the selected

participants (5) female and (5) male. This is due to conflict schedule of the participants.

B. Data Gathering Methods

The data collection was done by survey questionnaire of Taekwondo Students

motivation. The participants were the Taekwondo student-athletes in Tagoloan National

High School. Data were collected using a survey for the student-athletes. The survey,

designed by the researcher, was constructed based on the researcher’s review of

literature and interest in the Influence of Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation among

taekwondo student-athletes performance. The researcher informed the students that

their participation was voluntary. The researcher reviewed the instructions for taking the

survey, and asked participants to respond to all items. Participants completed the

survey individually, giving their surveys to the researcher as they were completed.
Surveys were coded with numbers to ensure confidentiality of responses to all but the


IV. Findings and Discussions

Extrinsic motivation can be seen as a positive experience in multiple different aspects of

sports. The purpose of this chapter was to review the literature on how extrinsic

motivation has an impact on an athlete's performance After reviewing the literature on

these areas, it is concluded that extrinsic motivation has a greater impact on student-

athletes. Also, extrinsic motivation can be positive or negative depending on the

perceptions of the athlete. The researcher used Likert scale

As part of this literature review, several research questions were posed. The following

two research questions were looked at in the review of literature:

1.) How does extrinsic motivation impacts student-athlete's performance?

2.) How does extrinsic motivation from coaches impact a player's development?

The result of the conducted survey shows that extrinsic motivation has an impact to

student-athletes performance. extrinsic motivation can have a huge impact on all

athletes of all skill levels. This impact can come from coaches, parents or their fellow

peers. Wendling et al. (2018) found that with the excitement and challenge of

competition; the development of close friendships creates a desire for one to seek

social approval from their peers. O'Rourke et al. (2019) found that coaches can

influence 10 to 30 children during the course of a practice. With all this in mind, one may

see how extrinsic motivation from coaches, parents and peers can have a powerful

influence on young athletes.

The second research question also had multiple results about parents and

coaches. One conclusion that was presented was that coaches and parents both have a

strong influence on their athletes (O'Rourke et al., 2019).The survey shows that
expectations from coaches, parents and the athletes' fellow peers make the student-

athletes feel they need to live up to these standards. Similarly, many student-athletes

may experience a loss of motivation in their given sport due to these standards set by

coaches, parents or peers. This could eventually lead to athletes having an increased

risk of burnout or leaving the sport in its entirety regardless if they are just starting out in

the sport or they are elite.

V. Conclusion

The strong motivation variables typically have an impact on the level of physical

activity. There are numerous internal and external as well as other motivating factors.

This study aims to identify and explore the inner motivational factor that influences

student athletes' participation in sports and degree of physical activity. The results of

this study revealed that extrinsic motivation has both a positive and negative effect on

student-athlete's development and performance. A study by Alexandra et al. (2015)

revealed how verbal aggression from coaches lead to a positive correlation with

extrinsic motivation. The data also suggests that extrinsic motivation can negatively

affect the cohesion of a team. An example is described by Szemes et al. (2017) where

they found that factors such as starter versus non-starter and team member seniority

status can impact motivation among athletes and teammates.

VI. Reflection

I was given an instruction to find and construct study circulating the theories and

concept in recreational. I choose to include in my study The Intrinsic motivation under

motivation theory. I was able to conduct research in Taekwondo in Tagoloan National

High School. I choose Taekwondo in Tagoloan national high school for the reason that

Taekwondo was one of the most successful and competent I would like to have a study

regarding the Extrinsic motivation,how it can affect the student-athletes performance

and how does coaches affect the motivation of the student-athlete. The study was

conducted in Tagoloan National high School last September 19, 2022. The Participants
were the student-athletes from Tagoloan National high school. In collecting data, I was

facing trouble with the participants. Some of athletes were having their class. There are

only 10 students who are available to answer the survey question. I already asked

permission to the sports head to allow me conduct my study and I receive a positive


I have to continue the survey with the limited number of students. The participants were

voluntarily accepted the task to answer the questionnaire.

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