Module 3
Module 3
Module 3
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student is expected to:
1. Analyze the context, content, and perspective of different kinds of primary
2. Determine the contribution of different kinds of primary sources in understanding
the Philippine history;
3. Development critical and analytical skills with exposure to primary sources.
Suggested Activities:
1. Lecture/ Discussion
2. Library research
3. Textual Analysis
4. Small group discussion
5. Reporting
6. Film analysis
Suggested Assignment:
1. Graded Reporting
2. Quizzes
3. Critical Essay about a particular primary source; students are to discuss the
Importance of the text, the authors background, the context of the document, and
its contribution to understanding Philippine history
Chapter 3
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this chapter, the student is expected to:
1. Analyze the context, content, and the perspective of different kinds of primary
2. Determine the contribution of different kinds of primary sources in understanding
Philippine history;
3. Develop critical and analytical skill with exposure to primary sources.
Chapter Outline:
1. Content/ Textual Analysis
2. Contextual Analysis
Importance of Context in Analysis and Interpretation
by Grace Fleming
3. Subtext
Content, Contextual, and Subtext Analyses are methods of data analysis
in historical research
Computers are increasingly used in content analysis, to automate the labeling (or
coding) of documents. Simple computational techniques can provide descriptive data
such as word frequencies and document length. (Wikipedia, 2018)
The Simplest and most objective form of content analysis considers unambiguous
characteristics of the text such as word frequencies, the page area taken by a
newspaper column, or the duration of a radio or television program. Analysis of simple
word frequencies is limited because the meaning of a word depends on surrounding
b. Kinds of Texts
1. Conceptual Analysis
As with most other research methods, conceptual analysis begins with identifying
research questions and choosing a sample or samples. Once chosen, the text must be
coded into manageable content categories. The process of coding is basically one of
selective reduction, which is central idea in content analysis. By breaking down the
contents of material into meaningful and pertinent units of information, certain
characteristics of the message may be analyzed and interpreted.
An example of conceptual analysis would be to examine a text and to code it for the
existence of certain words. In looking at this text, the research question might involve
examining the number of positive words used to describe an argument, as opposed to
the number of negative words used to describe a current status or opposing argument.
The researcher would be interested only in quantifying these words, not in examining
how they are related, which is a function of relational analysis. In conceptual analysis,
the researcher simply wants to examine presence of positive or negative words used
with respect to a specific argument or respective arguments.
2. Relational Analysis
There are many techniques of relational analysis available and this flexibility
makes for its popularity. Researchers can device their own procedures according to the
nature of their project. Once the procedure is rigorously tested, it can be applied and
compared across population over time. The process of relational analysis has achieved
a higher degree of computer automation but still is, like most forms of research, time
consuming. Perhaps the strongest claim that can be made is that it maintains a high
degree of statistical rigor without losing the richness of detail apparent in even more
qualitative methods.
1. The first step involves preparing a coding schedule. This consist of a table where
each row is a unit for which data is being collected (e.g. an assignment or
discussion contribution might be a unit of data collection). Each column is a
dimension or theme for the analysis that will depend on your evaluation
questions. For a discussion contribution for example these dimensions might be
the type of contribution, the contributor, the timing of the contribution. There
should be no overlap in dimensions. Themes are therefore predefined, unlike the
qualitative approach of template analysis where themes may emerge during the
2. A coding manual is then produced to accompany the coding schedule, listing the
codes for each of the categories that are valid for each dimension to ensure
reliability and consistency in the coding. For example, for the contributor
dimension, valid codes and categories might be 1-student, 2-tutor. There should
be no overlap in the categories. Codes for each observation of category are
entered into the appropriate cells in the schedule.
3. Elements of the content are described and organized using these categories.
This process is called coding and, particularly if appropriate software is used to
aid the process, enables more efficient sorting and retrieval of data by each
4. Categories are used to describe the information that is emerging from this data.
The unit of analysis may be different than that used for data collection. This is the
level at which data is analyzed and findings reported. In the example of the
discussion forum already used, the purpose of the analysis is to provide insight
into the interaction between the participants and therefore analysis at the level of
a single contribution would be meaningless. The unit of analysis would be need
to be the whole discussion.
The issues of reliability and validity are concurrent with those addressed in other
research methods. The reliability of content analysis study refers to its stability, or the
tendency for coders to consistently re-code the same data in the same way over a
period of time; reproducibility, or the tendency for a group of coders to classify
categories membership in the same way; and accuracy, or the extent to which the
classification of a text corresponds to a standard or norm statistically.
Content analysis offers several advantages to researchers who consider using it.
In particular, content analysis:
a. Looks directly at communication via text or transcript, and hence gets at the
central aspect of social interaction.
b. Can allow for both quantitative and qualitative operations
c. Can provides valuable historical/ cultural insights over time through analysis
of texts
d. Allows a closeness to text which can alternate between specific categories
and relationships and also statistically analyze the coded form of the text
e. Can be used to interpret texts for purpose such as the development of expert
systems (since knowledge and rules can be both be coded in terms of explicit
statements about the relationships among concepts)
f. Is an unobtrusive means of analyzing interactions
g. Provides insight into complex models of human thought and language use
h. When done well, is considered as a relatively “exact” research method (based
on hard facts, as oppose to Discourse analysis).
2 Contextual Analysis
A contextual analysis can proceed along many lines, depending upon how
complex one wishes to make the analysis. But it generally includes several key
Describe (or characterize) the language (the words, or vocabulary) and the
rhetoric (how the words are arranged in order to achieve some purpose).
These are the primary components of style.
2. What does the text tell us about its apparent intended audience(s)?
Why did the author write this text? And why did the author write this text in this
particular way, as opposed to other ways in which the text might have been
Remember that any text is the result of deliberate decision by the author. The
author has chosen to write (or paint, or whatever) with these particular words
and has therefore chosen not to use other words that she or he might have
used. So, we need to consider:
What the author said (the words that have been selected);
What the author did not say (the words not were not selected); and
How the author said it (as opposed to other ways it might or could have
been said).
4. What is the occasion for this text? That is, is it written in response to:
If so, what does the author seem to wish the reader to think about and to
conclude or decide?
Why does the author wish the readers to do this?
What is to be gained, and by whom?
7. Can we identify any non-textual circumstances that affected the creation and
reception of the text?
Historical context is an important part of life and literature and without it,
memories, stories and characters have less meaning.
But what exactly is historical context? It’s essentially the details that surround an
occurrence. In more technical terms, historical context refers to the social, religious,
economic, and political condition that existed during a certain time and place.
Basically, it’s all the details of the time and place in which a situation occurs, and
those details are what enable us to interpret and analyze works or events of the past, or
even the future, rather than merely judge them by contemporary standards.
A strong understanding of the historical context behind a work’s creation can give
us a better understanding of and appreciation for the narrative. In analyzing historical
events, context can help us understand what motivates people to behave as they did.
Put another way, context is what gives meaning to the details. It’s important,
however, that you don’t confuse context with cause. “cause” is the action that creates
an outcome; “context” is the environment in which that action and outcome occur.
(Fleming, 2010)
Without historical, we are only seeing a piece of the scene and not fully
understanding the influence of the time and place in which a situation occurred.
(Fleming, 201)
3. Subtext
The epic poems of the ancient Greeks, for instance, which glorify prowess and
physical courage in battle, suggest that such virtues are exclusively male. The state
portraits of Napoleon Bonaparte carry subtext of unassailable and absolute power. Andy
Warhol’s serial adaptation of soup cans and Coca-Cola bottles offer why commentary
on the supermarket mentality of postmodern American culture. Identifying the implicit
message of an artwork helps us to determine the values and customs of the age in
which it was produced and to assess those values against others.
Chapter 4
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this chapter, the student is expected to:
1. Analyze the context, content, and perspective of different kinds of primary
2. Determine the contribution of different kinds of primary sources in understanding
Philippine History
3. Develop critical and analytical skills with exposure to primary sources.
Chapter Outline:
Historical significance
a. Criteria on assessing the historical significances of sources
b. Issues on assessing the Historical Significance
Historical Significance
Significance has been called the forgotten concept in history, no doubt because it
can be challenging for teacher and students. (Northern Ireland Council for Integrated
Education, n.d.)
“Teachers often tell students what is important instead of asking them to consider
what is significant. The key to understanding significance is to understand the distinction
between teaching significant history and asking students to make judgements about
significance.” (Bradshaw, 2004)
The past consists of everything that ever happened to everyone, everywhere, but
there is much too much history to remember or to learn. Consequently, at the core of
the study of history are questions about what events and people from the past are
important and why they are important. In other words, in considering historical
significance we ask: What and who should be remembered, research and taught?
Historians, authors and educators must select what and whom to study. Decide the
details to include in their descriptions and determine how important these events and
people are in relation to other aspects of the past.
There are number of criteria that historians’ use that can be applied to establish
the significance of events. These criteria are interrelated to each other.