Lesson Plan On Mental Health Act
Lesson Plan On Mental Health Act
Lesson Plan On Mental Health Act
TIME - 3-4pm
VENUE - UG Block
LANGUAGE - English
GENERAL OBJECTIVES: After teaching learners will be able to identify objectives, amendments and criticism of mental health act 1987. And will be
enlightened with the rights of mentally ill clients in context to Indian Constitution.
After the completion of the topic the students will be able to:
Describe history of mental health act, 1987.
Enlist the objectives of mental health act 1987.
Outline chapter 1 of mental health act, 1987.
Locateschapter 2 of mental health act, 1987.
Presents chapter 3 of mental health act, 1987.
Displays chapter 4 of mental health act, 1987.
States chapter 5 of mental health act, 1987.
Estimates chapter 6 of mental health act, 1987.
Comprehends chapter 7 of mental health act, 1987.
Generalises chapter 8 of mental health act, 1987.
Infers chapter 9 of mental health act, 1987.
Complies chapter 10 of mental health act, 1987.
Deconstructs positive aspect of mental health act, 1987.
Appraises criticismof mental health act, 1987.
Conforms definition of mental health care bill 2016.
Relates amendments of mental health care bill 2016.
S.No Time Specific Content Teaching Learning A.V. Evaluation
Objective Objective Aids
Teacher’s Learner’s
Activity Activity
2 Students will be Mental health act was introduced in Rajya Sabah in 1981, Discussion Pay PPT When was
3.min. able to Describe mental health act bill no. XLI act 14 came into practice as attention MHA
history of mental a Mental Health Act from 22nd may, 1987. Mental Health amended?
health act, 1987. Act has been derived from Mental Health Act of England
and Wales (1959) amended in 1982.
3. 3. Students will be Establish central and state authorities for Lecture Write PPT Enlist few
min. able to Enlist the licensing and supervising the psychiatric hospitals. Notes objectives
objectives of Establish such psychiatric hospitals and nursing of MHA?
mental health act homes.
1987. Check on working of these hospitals.
Custody of mentally ill persons.
4. 8.min. Students will be Deals with the preliminaries of the act, definition and Lecture Listen PPT What are
able to Outline provides for change of offensive terminologies used in Actively the new
chapter 1 of Indian Lunacy Act 1912. terms
mental health given in
act, 1987. MHA?
5. 4.min. Students will It deals with central authority establish by the central or Lecture Listen PPT What are the
be able to state government to regulate, develop direct and Actively rules
Locates coordinate the mental health services under the central regarding
chapter 2 of government. psychiatric
mental health hospitals?
act, 1987.
6. 3min. Students will It lays down the guidelines for establishment and Lecture Listen with PPT What is the
be able to maintenance of psychiatric hospitals and nursing concentration expiry period
Presents homes. There is a provision for licensing authorities to of license?
chapter 3 of process application for license which have to be
mental health renewed every 5 years.
act, 1987.
7. 4min. Students will It deals with the procedure of admission and detention Lecture Pay attention PPT Classify the
be able of mentally ill in psychiatric hospitals. modes of
toDisplays admission?
chapter 4 of
mental health
act, 1987.
8. 4min. Students will It deals with the inspection, discharge, leaves of Lecture Pay attention PPT Why is
be able absence and removal of mentally ill persons. Boards of inspection
toStates visitor should visit hospital at least once a month and at important for
chapter 5 of least 3 members of the team should be present. hospitals?
mental health Director General of health service should visit once in 6
act, 1987. months.
9. 7min. Students will be able This chapter deals with the judicial inquisition Lecture Listen PPT What is the
toEstimates chapter 6 regarding alleged mentally ill person possessing Actively main highlight
of mental health act, property, custody of the person and of chapter 6 of
1987. management of his property. MHA?
10. 7mins Students will be able It deals with the maintenance of mentally ill Lecture Listen PPT How a
to Comprehends person in a psychiatric hospital/ nursing home. Actively psychiatric
chapter 7 of mental Application of district court for payment of cost hospital can be
health act, 1987. of maintenance out of the state of mentally ill maintained?
person or from a person legally bound to
maintain him can be made.
11. 7min. Students will be able It deals with the protection of human rights of Lecture Listen PPT. What are the
toGeneralises mentally ill persons carefully and harm a mental
chapter 8 of mental responded client can
health act, 1987. actively. suffer?
12. 5min. Students will be able It deals with the penalties and procedures for Lecture Listen PPT. What are the
toInfers chapter 9 of infringement of guidelines of the act. carefully and punishment for
mental health act, responded violating laws?
1987. actively.
13. 6min. Students will be able It deals with miscellaneous matters not covered Lecture Listen PPT. What are the
toComplies chapter in other chapter of act. carefully and miscellaneous
10 of mental health responded matters?
act, 1987. actively.
14. 8min. Students will be Replacement of offensive terminologies of Indian Lecture Listen PPT. What were the
able Lunacy Act 1912 by new soft terms. carefully and positive aspect
toDeconstructs Establishment of licensing authorities – this will participate of MHA?
positive aspect help in improving standards of mental health care. actively.
of mental health Provision for establishment of new hospitals.
act, 1987.
15. 6min Students will be License authorities do not have a doctor who may Lecture Listen PPT. Highlight the
able toAppraises be in a better position to assess the facilities and carefully and criticism of
criticism of services of these centers. participate MHA?
mental health Concept of establishing new hospitals might actively.
act, 1987. appear good but in a developing country like ours
this may be a costly affair. It will put extra burden
on the health budget.
16. 6min Students will be On August 8, 2016, the Mental Health Care (MHC) Bill, Lecture Listen PPT. Define the MHB
able toConforms 2016 was passed in the Rajya Sabah. The Mental carefully and 2016?
definition of Healthcare Bill, 2016, aims to provide for mental participate
mental health healthcare and services for persons with mental illness actively.
and ensure these persons have the right to live a life with
care bill 2016.
dignity by not being discriminated against or harassed.
17. 7min Students will be It deals with the new amendments and short comings of Lecture Listen PPT. What are the
able toRelates the MHA, 1987. carefully and new
amendments of participate amendments in
mental health actively. MHB 2016?
care bill 2016.
1. Lalitha K. Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing. 1st edition. Bangalore: V.M.G.Book House; 2007
2. Sreevani R. A Guide to Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing. 2 ndedition. New Delhi: J.P Brothers Publication; 2007
3. Kumar C.L. Text book of Psychiatry and Mental Health Nursing. 1st edition. Banglore: EMMESS medical publishers; 2014
ASSINGMENT –Enlist all the chapters of MHA, 1987 with their amendments and submit on___________.