Corrected EMD SD 27112020
Corrected EMD SD 27112020
Corrected EMD SD 27112020
Security) ***
1. Vide letter referred at (i to v) above, inter- alia, instructions on "Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for
stores tenders" and "Security Deposit (SD}/Performance Security in stores contracts" were issued.
Ministry of Finance, Dept. of Expenditure, vide OMs at reference vi to vii above, has issued
instructions on the subject matter, which are applicable to procurements by Indian Railways.
2. The matter has been examined in Board and in view of above, following amendments to the above
refered instructions are issued:
2.1 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for Stores Tenders:
The policy issued vide this instruction shall apply to all tenders issued til 31/12/2021
. All bidders shaill be exempted from submission of EMD in all tenders except those disqualified
from such exemption vide note 2.1 ii below.
1. All bidders shall be required to sign the bid securing declaration as follows:
/ we hereby understand and accept that if / we withdraw or modify my/ our bids during the
period of validity, or if Wwe are awarded the contract and on being called upon to submit the
performance security/ Security Deposit, fail to submit the performance security/ Security Deposit
before the deadline defined in the request for biddocument Notice Inviting Tender, we shall be
debared from exemption of submitting Bid Security/ Earnest Money Deposit and perfomance
security/ Security Deposit for a period of 6 (six) months, from the date we are declared
disqualified from exemption from submission of EMD/SD, for all tenders for procurement of
goods issued by any unit of Indian Railways pubilished during this period.
Wherever, there are compelling circumstances to ask for Earnest Money Deposit/Bid Security
the same should be done only with the approval of the next higher authority to the authority
competent to finalise the particular tender or concerned Board Member, whichever is lower. In
such cases EMD shall be applicable as per the existing policy.
2.2 Security Deposit (SDJPerformance Security for Stores Contracts:
i. It is decided for all existing contracts, in case the performance security is more than 3% of the
value of the contract, to reduce Performance Security to 3% of the value of the contract
However, the benefit of the reduced Performance Security will not be given in the contracts
under dispute wherein arbitration/ court proceedings have been already started or are
. Further, all tenders/ contracts issued/ concluded till 31/12/2021 shall have performance security
as per existing instructions or 3 % whichever is lower.
In all contracts where Performance Security has been reduced to 39% in view of above
stipulations, the reduced percentage of Performance Security shall continue for the entire
duration of the contract and there should be no subsequent increase of Performance Security
even beyond 31/12/2021. Similarly, in all contracts entered into with the reduced percentage of
Performance Security of 3%, there will be no subsequent increase in Performance Security even
beyond 31/12/2021.
N. Wherever, there is compeling circumstances to ask for Performance Security in excess of three
percent as stipulated above, the same should be done only with the approval of the next higher
authority to the authority competent to finalise the particular tender, or the concerned Board
Member, whichever is lower. Specific reasons justifying the exception shal be recorded. In such
cases performance security shall be applicable as per the existing policy.
3. Other instructions on the matter shall continue to apply. Tender conditions to be suitably altered by
the procuring agencies.
4. CRIS shall make necessary changes in the applications.
(Anurag Grover)
Dy. Dir. Rly. Stores(G)
Railway Board
No. 2020/RS(G)}/779/16 Dated: 27/1 1/2020.
1. PFAs, All Indian Railways &Production Units
2. The ADAI(Railways), New Delhi
The Directors of Audit, Al Indian Railways
2. As per Rule 170 of General Financial Rules (GFRs) 2017, Micro and Small
Enterprises (MSEs) and the firms registered with concerned Ministries/ Departments
are exempted from submission of Bid Security. Further, in lieu of Bid Security,
Ministries/ Departments may ask bidders to sign "Bid Security Declaration" accepting
that if they withdraw or modify their bids during period of validity etc., they will be
suspended for the time specified in the tender documents. Similar provisions also
exist in the Manuals for Procurement of Works 2019 and Manual for Procurement of
Consultancy & other Services 2017.
3. ln this context it is noted that Bid Security (also known as Earnest Money
Deposit) is still being taken from the contractors by the various Ministries/
Departments, though the relaxations have already been provided in General
Financial Rules (GFRs) 2017.
5. Wherever, there are compelling circumstances to ask for Bid Security, the
same should be done only with the approval of the next higher authority to the
authority competent to finalise the particular tender or the Secretary of the Ministry/
Department, whichever is lower.
6. The above instructions will be applicable for all the tenders issued till
7 ' These instructions will be applicable for all kinds of procurements viz. Goods,
Consultancy, Works, non-consulting Services etc and are issued under Rule 6(1)
the GFRs 2017.
(Kotluru Narayana Rfiat) -
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of lndia
Email: [email protected]
Copy to: Secretary, Department of Public Enterprises with a request to issue the
same instructions to central public sector Undertakings (cpsUs).
No. F.9/4/2020-PPD
Government of lndia
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Procurement Policy Division
4. Further, all tenders/ contracts issued/ concluded ti]l 31 .12.2021 should also
have the provision of reduced Performance Security.
7. These instructions will be applicable for all kinds of procurements viz. Goods,
Consultancy, Works, non-consulting Services etc and are issued under Rule 6(1) of the
GFRs 2017.
Copy to: Secretary, Department of Public Enterprises with a request to issue the
same instructions to Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs).
No. F.9/4/2020-PPD
Government of lndia
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Procurement Policy Division
3 As per para 7.5.7 of the Manual for Procurement of Goods 2017 issued by
this Department, an Abnormally Low Bid is one in which the bid price, in combination
with other elements of the Bid, appears so low that rT raises material concerns as fo
the capability of the bidder to pefform the contract at the offered price. Procuring
Entity may in such cases seek written clarifications from the bidder, inctuding
detailed price analyses of its bid price in relation to scope, schedule, allocation of
risks and responsibilities, and any other requirements of the bids document. lf, after
evaluating the price analyses, Procuring Entity determines that the bidder has
substantially failed to demonstrate its capability to detiver the contract at the offered
price, the Procuring Entity may reject the bid/ proposal. However, it would not be
advisable to fix a normative percentage below the estimated cost, which woutd be
automatically be considered as an abnormally low bid. Due care should be taken
while formulating the specifications at the time of preparation of bid documenf so as
to have a safeguard against the submission of abnormally tow bid from the bidder.
6. These instructions will be applicable for all kinds of procurements viz. Goods,
Consultancy, Works, non-consulting Services etc.
Copy to: Secretary, Department of Public Enterprises with a request to issue the
same instructions to Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs).