List of All Verbs For The JLPT n5 - Nihongo Ichiban

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List of all verbs for the JLPT N5

Posted by Nicolas

173 Votes

All verbs to pass the JLPT N5

This is the list of all verbs you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N5. Click on
the “Share” button at the end of the article and press the printer symbol in order to
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Kanji Furigana Romaji Meaning Type

会う あう au to meet

開く あく aku to open

開ける あける akeru to open

あげる ageru to give

遊ぶ あそぶ asobu to play

浴びる あびる abiru to take a shower

洗う あらう arau to wash

有る ある aru to be, to exist

ある ある aru to possess

歩く あるく aruku to walk

言う いう iu to say, to tell

行く いく iku to go

いる iru need, must haven be required

いる iru to exist

入れる いれる ireru to insert, to put in

歌う うたう utau to sing

生まれる うまれる umareru to be born

売る うる uru to sell

起きる おきる okiru to get up, to stand up

おく oku to put

送る おくる okuru to send

押す おす osu to push

覚える おぼえる oboeru to memorize, to remember

泳ぐ およぐ oyogu to swim

降りる おりる oriru to get off

終わる おわる owaru to end

買う かう kau to buy

返す かえす kaesu to return an object

帰る かえる kaeru to return home

かかる kakaru to take time or money

書く かく kaku to write

かける kakeru to wear

かける kakeru to make a phone call

貸す かす kasu to lend

冠る かぶる kaburu to put on a hat

借りる かりる kariru to borrow

消える きえる kieru to go out, to vanish

聞く きく kiku to listen

切る きる kiru to cut

着る きる kiru to wear, to put on

来る くる kuru to come

消す けす kesu to turn off, to switch off

答える こたえる kotaeru to answer

困る こまる komaru to be in trouble

咲く さく saku to blossom
さす sasu to open an umbrella

死ぬ しぬ shinu to die, to pass away

閉まる しまる shimaru to close

閉める しめる shimeru to close

締める しめる shimeru to fasten a belt

知る しる shiru to know

吸う すう suu to breath, to smoke

住む すむ sumu to live, to reside somewhere

する する suru to do

座る すわる suwaru to sit

出す だす dasu to take out, hand in

立つ たつ tatsu to stand

頼む たのむ tanomu to ask, to request

食べる たべる taberu to eat

違う ちがう chigau to be different

使う つかう tsukau to use

疲れる つかれる tsukareru to get tired

着く つく tsuku to arrive
作る つくる tsukuru to make, to produce

点ける つける tsukeru to turn on

勤める つとめる tsutomeru to work for someone

出かける でかける dekakeru to go out

出来る できる dekiru can do

出る でる deru to leave

飛ぶ とぶ tobu to fly

止まる とまる tomaru to stop

取る とる toru to take

撮る とる toru to take a photo

鳴く なく naku to sing, mew, moo

並ぶ ならぶ narabu to form a line

並べる ならべる naraberu to line up

なる naru to become

脱ぐ ぬぐ nugu to take off clothes

寝る ねる neru to sleep

登る のぼる noboru to climb up

飲む のむ nomu to drink

乗る のる noru to take, to ride

入る はいる hairu to enter

履く はく haku to put on shoes

始まる はじまる hajimaru to begin, to start

走る はしる hashiru to run

働く はたらく hataraku to work

話す はなす hanasu to talk, to speak, to tell

張る はる haru to put something on, to stick

晴れる はれる hareru to clear up

引く ひく hiku to pull

弾く ひく hiku to play an instrument

吹く ふく fuku to blow (wind)

降る ふる furu to fall (rain, snow)

曲がる まがる magaru to turn

待つ まつ matsu to wait

磨く みがく migaku to polish, to brush

見せる みせる miseru to show

見る みる miru to see, to watch

持つ もつ motsu to have, to own

休む やすむ yasumu to rest

やる yaru to do

呼ぶ よぶ yobu to call

読む よむ yomu to read

分かる わかる wakaru to know, to understand

忘れる わすれる wasureru to forget

渡す わたす watasu to hand over

渡る わたる wataru to cross

Learn more about Japanese verbs:



August 21, 2011  18 Replies

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autumn leaves on August 21, 2011 at 23:32

22 3 Rate This

Very essential words for the test. Thanks so much!

 Reply

esther on August 22, 2011 at 13:18

11 9 Rate This

Benrina verbs

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Patricia Ross on September 22, 2011 at 01:22

13 5 Rate This

Subarashii desu.

 Reply

CK on January 4, 2012 at 11:14

8 4 Rate This

Anyone have a list of these verbs with all of the required conjugations for the
JLPT 5 test? Thanks.

 Reply

Nicolas on January 4, 2012 at 11:51

5 2 Rate This

@CK. When I make vocabulary cards I add all possible grammar forms
and I have done a few for i-adjectives to far. As for verbs, it is on the to
do list but since there is still so much to add to Nihongo Ichiban I don’t
know yet when it will be ready.

Until then, it would be great if someone else knows how to help on this

 Reply

Can on January 19, 2013 at 22:29

10 1 Rate This

Over here.

Click to access 121verbs.pdf

Dane on October 26, 2013 at 15:25

9 1 Rate This

This site is wonderful and the folks running it are awesome.

prakash on June 6, 2012 at 06:38

7 5 Rate This

very usefull for my n5 exam. arigato gosaimasu

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Meriya Khadgi on June 12, 2012 at 15:58

6 1 Rate This

i guess a verb for taking off clothes in “nugu” instead of nuku.


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Meriya Khadgi on June 12, 2012 at 16:36

5 1 Rate This

Dictionary form of Okimasu having meaning to Put is “Oku”.

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prashant jangde on
October 1, 2012 at 18:30
4 1 Rate This
thank’s a lot . it is very useful to me for n5
 Reply n

wan on November 28, 2012 at 10:08

4 2 Rate This

Faltarian los del grupo 3 y estaría muy completa : )

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Zoelfahmi Uryuu on November 28, 2012 at 15:58

5 2 Rate This
will all of thoose verb-kanji appear on jlpt n5 test with kanji form? i just know
several verb-kanji in JLPT N5 Kanji page. Thanks before…

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ryuchan11 on March 14, 2013 at 02:04

3 3 Rate This

Reblogged this on imserious4ursake and commented:

Very useful for those who want to take JLPT N5

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Baltan S on April 29, 2013 at 06:03

2 1 Rate This

Very useful list. Out of interest – are the verbs needed for each level
published somewhere? Or is this list done from experience. Thanks

 Reply

Jim on July 8, 2013 at 19:08

6 2 Rate This

My wife tells me “forget” should be “wasureru”. It would probably help a few

students to correct this mistake.

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sophiecoureau on July 9, 2013 at 09:58

5 1 Rate This

Typo corrected thank you for noticing.

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Supriyo Datta on November 26, 2013 at 16:07

4 1 Rate This

In the grammer List I found this entry at line 33 & 34. Please check the
entries. I checked in dictionaries, those entries does not exist.

かける kakeru to wear

かける kakeru to make a phone call

Please Confirm.


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