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William Butler Yeats Edited

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Mt. Carmel College of San Francisco, Inc.


8501, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur, Philippines
Carmelian Education: Wisdom in the Light of Faith lived in Love


School Mount Carmel College of San Francisco Grade Level 9

Teacher Umpoc, Nerwejohn Learning Area English
Teaching Date and Time Quarter 3
A. Content The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding of
Standards Anglo-American Literature, including Philippine Literature and other texts types for a
deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of the countries.
B. Performance Employ the appropriate communicative styles for various situations (intimate, casual,
Standard conversational, consultative, frozen)

C. Learning MELC9OL/F-Q1.3
with Code
D. Specific At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;
Objectives a. Determine the relevance and the truthfulness of the ideas presented in the
material viewed;
b. Relating the content of a material viewed to a poem read into real life
experience; and
c. Perform the poem with proper tone and intonation.
A. Subject Other Works from Early 20th Century English Literature
B. Approach/ 4A’s
C. Lesson
A. References
1. Teacher’s English Communication Arts and Skills through Anglo-American and Philippine Literature – Teachers
Guide Wraparound Edition
2. Learner’s English Communication Arts and Skills through Anglo-American and Philippine Literature
3. Textbook
4. Additional
(LR) Portal
B. Other  Pictures, Books/PowerPoint Presentation, Visual Aid
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities

1.) Prayer

Kindly lead the prayer, ______. (pray)

2.) Greetings

Good morning class!

Good morning, sir!

Before you take your seats, I want you to pick up first the Done sir!
pieces of papers.

Okay, you may now take your


3.) Checking of Attendance

May I ask from our class monitor who is absent for today? No one is absent for today sir.
That’s great! I’m glad to know that everyone is present this

So class, how was your We feel energized ma’am and ready for
morning? the whole day’s activity.

I’m glad that you feel that way especially that your first
subject this morning, which is English will be needing your
100% cooperation for us to be able to achieve our objectives

4.) Drill

Before we begin with our lesson for today, we will

have first an activity. This activity is called “I’m broken,
please fix me up.” I will group you into three groups. For
your grouping, you count 1 to 3. All number one’s will be
called Team Luzon, all number two’s will be Team Visayas,
and all number three’s will be Team Mindanao. Your task is
to fix the jumbled cut out pictures inside the envelope into its
original form and paste it on the board. You have 1 minute to
complete the task. The first group to finish will be declared
winner and will receive a reward of additional points for our
upcoming quiz later.

Am I clear, class?

You start counting now from the right and after that
you go to your respective groupmates. All number ones will
group at the right, all number twos will group at the middle,
and all number threes will group at the left.

The teacher gives the envelope to each group.

You open the envelope simultaneously on my cue.

Are you ready, class?

You may start now!

What do you see on the picture?

That’s right! What do you think does the star in the

picture represent?

That’s a brilliant idea.

However, as I said earlier that the first group who

finished the activity correctly will be declared winner,
so, our winner for today is group number ---

Let’s give them a round of applause.

7. Setting of Standards
As we start our lesson for today, may I know what
should a good student do when the teacher is discussing here
in front?
Yes, teacher!

Can I expect that from you? (Students count from 1 to 3 and then
Very well. proceed to their respective groups.)

8. Review
What was our topic last meeting?

Yes, we tackled about the Verbals. Can you share Yes, teacher!
anything you learned from that lesson?

B. Motivation

Now, we are going to learn a new topic but before that,

we will have another activity that will exercise your mind and
eyes. This activity is called “Look to find the word”. What
you are going to do is to arrange the rumbled letters given to
produce a single word. And the word that will appear will be
our topic. You can use scratch paper for you to answer. The
first one who can find the word will receive additional points
for our quiz later. I will give you 2 minutes to finish the

Are you ready class?

You can start now!

I see a girl reaching for a star, teacher!

I think it represents the girl’s or our
__ __ __ __ __
ambitions in life, teacher!


1. The first letter is located on the middle of the letters ‘A and


2. The next letter is located either on the left side of ‘V’ or in

the right side of ‘F’.
(students are clapping)
3. Then count the letters up to the 33 letter.

4. The last three letters are located between the letter’s ‘S’ Behave, sit properly, and participate in
and ‘M’. the discussion and activities.

Okay. There is one student who found the word. Let’s see if
his/her answer is correct. What have you found?

“Are you sure that Poetry is the word?”

Yes, teacher!
“Yes, your answer is correct.”

Did you enjoy the activity class? Our topic was about the Verbals.

Verbals are formed from verbs, but are

1.Unlocking of Difficulties
never used alone as action words in
sentences. Instead, verbals function as
It seems that you were all enjoyed from our activity right
now! Am I right, class? nouns, adjectives, or adverbs. These
So, you are all ready for another activity? verbals are important in phrases.

Directions: Match the words from column A to Column B.

Column A Column B

1.Nodding whimper

2.Pilgrim among

3.Sorrows traveler

4.Murmur grieve Yes, teacher!

5.Amid bowing


Wow! You all did a great job in answering the activity, class!

Today we will discuss the poem “When you are Old” by

William Butler Yeats. But before that, let us get acquainted
with some words that is found in the poem that are/or maybe
(The students are answering.)
unfamiliar to you so that it will be easy to understand the
message of the poem. These are the following words.





Amid POETRY is the word, teacher!

Yes, teacher!

Nodding- a short, quick downward bending forward of the

head, as in assent, greeting, or command, or because of
Example: Of course teacher!
She smiled, nodding her head in agreement.

Pilgrim- a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious


Example: He hires extra security on important church days to

ensure the safety of visiting pilgrims.

Sorrows- a feeling of deep distress caused by

loss, disappointment, or other misfortune suffered
by oneself or others.
Example: My deepest sorrow and thoughts are with his
family at this time. 1.bowing
Murmur- a soft, indistinct sound made by a person or group
of people speaking quietly or at a distance.
Example: They spoke to each other in murmur. 5.among

Amid- surrounded by; in the middle of.

Example: It was hard to hear amid all the cheering.

C. Lesson Proper

I have here a picture, class. And I want you to observe what’s

in the picture. Am I clear?

What have you noticed on the picture, class?

What do you think is the old man doing in the picture?

I know that you are all wondering why I show you that
picture. You will know the reason why, after you read the
poem that I am going to discuss later. But before that, let us
know the author first.
William Butler Yeats

Butler Yeats (1865-1939) is the best known Irish poet in
modern times. A Protestant of Anglo-Irish descent, and was
born in Sandymount, Ireland. His early poetry was highly
lyrical and musical. He participated in the revolution that won
freedom for Ireland in 1921 then he became a minister in the
first Irish cabinet. In 1923, he won the Nobel Prize for

Yes, teacher!

Who is the Irish poet again, class?

Where was William Butler Yeats born?

Okay, it seems that you are listening to our discussion, class.

Right now, let’s tackle one of William Butler Yeats Poem.
This poem is titled, “When You Are Old.”

1.) Reading of the Poem We see an old man, teacher.

The old man is sitting on a rocking chair,

Kindly read it all together, class. teacher.

“When You Are Old”

Okay, teacher!
By: William Butler Yeats
When you are old and gray and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep,

How many loved your moment of glad grace,

And loved your beauty with love false or true;
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrow of your changing face;

And bending down beside the glowing bars,

Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.

(if someone is not cooperating, let him read it aloud in solo)

2.) Comprehension Check-up William Butler Yeats, teacher.

What do you think the poem is all about, class? He was born in Sandymount, Ireland

Alright. Base on the title itself, the poem is all about being

While reading the poem, what emotion did you feel? Is it

happy or a sad one?
Ye, Matthew?

If you think that it is a sad one, can you cite some words or
phrases or images from the poem that evoke sadness/joy?
If you think that it is a happy one, can you cite some words or
phrases or images from the poem that evoke sadness/joy?

Very well, class!

Right now, does anyone from the class can point out Yeat`s
attitude toward old age. Comment on the melancholy air of
his poem “When You Are Old.” And what accounts for this

Okay. So, let`s go on now to our next poem titled “The Lake
Isle of Innisfree”
Please read the poem all together in a slow and thoughtful
manner, class.

(a student is reading the poem for the

“The Lake Isle of Innisfree” class)

I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,

And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made; I think, the poem is all about being old,
Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.

And I will have some peace there, for peace comes dropping
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket I feel sadness, teacher.
There midnight`s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet`s wings. For sadness, the following
words/phrases/images are: gray, slowly,
false, sorrows, and hid; full of sleep,
I will arise and go now, for always night and day slowly read, shadows deep, a little sadly,
and Love fled. (Possible answer)
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray, For happiness, the following
words/phrases/images are: dream, soft
I hear it in the deep heart`s core.
look, moments, true, glowing bars, stars.
What pictures are drawn for you in “The Lake Isle of
Innisfree”? What mood do such pictures suggest?

(Possible answer)
Yeat`s attitude to old age isn`t negative,
Which poem of A.E Housman`s suggests as the same subject?
but it also involves sadness/melancholy
for what once was and has been lost.

Does Yeats long only for an actual place?

What do you think he really longs for? Read the line that
indicates this.

D. Application

Right now, it seems like you are ready for another activity.
With the same group, I want you to brainstorm and relate
your real-life experiences from the following questions in the
Values: Life Connection, on your book on Page 208. And
(reading the poem)
after answering the task, you will select a representative to
present your work in front of the class. I will give you 15
minutes to accomplish the task. You may go now to your
respective group and your time to answer starts now.
Values: Life Connection

1.) Reminiscence of things past can give one happiness.

Memories of happy childhood, remembrance of the
excitement of teenage life---these are effective means
of relieving one`s worries. How can the memory of
past experiences help lighten the load of old age? At
this point of your life, what experiences in the past
might make you forget the problems of student life?
2.) The problems that accompany the growth of
materialism are great. In one`s efforts to rise above the
monotony of material life, one seeks refuge in the
peace of nature. What benefits can be derived from a
communion with nature? Where do you prefer to live-
in the busy streets of Metro Manila or on a hill where
you can view the beauty and grandeur of nature?
Why? The pictures that drawn for me in the
3.) Compare and cotrast the second poem to the song poem “The Lake Isle of Innesfree” is
“Bahay Kubo”. Point out the similarities and peacefulness. The mood suggests peace
differences. because in every line, the author
V. Evaluation expresses every things that comes from
the lake isle of innisfree.
For your next individual activity, I want you to write a 150
words Reflection about the poem “When You are Old” by
William Butler Yeats. I will give you 15 minutes to
The poem, “Loveliest of Trees.”
accomplished the task.

Yes, teacher!
Are you done, class?
The line “And I will have some peace
Finished or unfinished, pass your paper forward. Without
there, for peace comes dropping slow.”

On your book, Page 233. Work on Exercise 1 and prepare
to recite either of the poem (When you are old/The Lake Isle
of Innesfree) in class.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized material did I
use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:

Nerwejohn Umpoc

Instructor/Resource Teacher:

April M. Tacmo

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