Deadly Pursuit For Patreon Unedited

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Deadly Pursuit

You have defeated a competing party of adventurers.

Now their friends, brothers, sisters, twins and
reincarnation are back. This time they are not looking to
reach the boss before you do, they are here to reach you.
This adventure is played as a normal game of Four
Against Darkness but you must replace the Final Boss
with a pursuing party of adventurers and replace the
special event with the one provided here. This adventure
can be used on any tile type and with any variant
missions, as long as the adventure features an encounter
with a Final Boss. Use your common sense when
adapting other adventures – the main concept is just
that there is an adventuring party in the same area, and
they are after your party.

Following deadly competition

This zine is intended as a sequel to the zine Deadly
Competition. Having played Deadly Competition is not
required. The pursuing party can be after your party for
a lot of reasons. In Deadly Competition, the other party
of adventurers was referred to as your Competitor. Here
they will be referred to as your Pursuer.

A party of Final Bosses

The competing party is composed of 4 Bosses. You will
fight the 4 Bosses together.
When you meet the Final Boss of the adventure, roll
once on each table: combatant, support, spellcaster and
special ally. Those 4 Bosses are your final boss
encounter. Defeating them grants 2 XP rolls. Have fun
individualizing them and giving them names and
imagining how they look.

These bosses are all inspired by playable classes from

various 4AD books. No additional books are required to
play this adventure.Due to the asymmetrical nature of
the Four Against Darkness rules, where everything is
described from the point of view of the solo player, these
Bosses are not an exact conversion of their classes but
feature similar mechanics reproducing that class as
closely as possible.
Spells affecting several monsters: Spells or abilities
that can affect multiple monsters like Fireball or Sleep
attack a single Boss. However, iif the roll is twice the L of
the targeted boss, the caster makes another spellcasting
roll on another Boss. With luck, several bosses could be
affected, to a maximum of once per Boss.

The tier you characters play in is referenced a few times.
The tier is based on the characters’ Level. Use the
following chart to know what tier you are in.

Level Tier Name

1-5 1 Base

6-10 2 Expert

11-15 3 Heroic

16-20 4 Legendary
Stealth Save

If you wish, you can have your party make a single

stealth Save versus the monster’s level to avoid an
encounter. This must be done before rolling for
reactions. If there are several monsters of different
levels together, use the highest level. This can be
used at any vermin, minion, weird monster or boss
encounter unless the encounter specifies otherwise.
Rogues add their level (+L) to the Save, elves add
+1 and halflings add +1/2L. Other classes that save
like these classes also have the same modifiers.
Special abilities, skills or spells work as usual and
may also add some modifiers. Heavy armor and
shield apply a -1 to the roll. Use the worst modifier
of the party (and worst Tier die, if applicable) and
roll once for the whole party. If you carry a torch, a
lantern or any other source of light (unless it’s a
light source that can be turned off at will, e.g. a
magic item that can be turned off), your Stealth
Save will fail automatically.

For example, if the party includes a L4 rogue and a

L9 warrior with heavy armor and shield, your party
rolls 1d6-2: 1d6 because the rogue is under Expert
level (unlike the warrior) and -2 because of the
warrior’s gear. Had the rogue been alone, he or she
would have rolled 1d6+4 whereas the warrior, if
alone, would have rolled 1d8-2 (1d8 because of the
Tier die, -2 because of the gear).

If the party fails, roll for the monster's reactions.

The monster acts first even if the characters use
ranged weapons. If successful, the party can either
turn back or move to another adjacent room. They
can also ambush the monsters and then the party
acts first even in cases where the monsters have
ranged weapons.
Tile Content Table:
Do not use the standard Table in Four Against Darkness
for the content of a tile. Instead use the following Table.

2d6 roll Deadly pursuit tile content

2-3 Weird Monster

4-5 Minions

6 Vermin

7 EMPTY (searchable)

8 Special feature

9 Special event

10 Trap

11-12 Boss Monster

1d6 Fighting Boss

1 Cambion HCL+4, 4+tier life, 2 attacks, 1 treasure. Damage

dealt by the cambion can only be healed between

2 Swashbuckler HCL+6, 3+tier life, 2 attack, 1 treasure. After

HCL turn, the swashbuckler loses 2 L.

3 Death leaper HCL+6, 4+tier life, 1 treasure. Every turn the

death leaper loses 1 life up to 1 life. At 1 life, the death
leaper loses 2L.

4 Mooseman HCL+4, 9+tier life, 1 attack, 1 treasure. On its

first turn, the moosefolk has +2L.

5 Monk HCL+4, 5+tier life, 2 attack, 1 treasure. Defense rolls

from the monk's attack are rolled at -1.

6 Beastmaster HCL+4, 5+tier life, 1 attack, 1 treasure. The

beastmaster is accompanied by 2 bearwolves.
Bearwolf HCL+2, 3+tier Life.
Cambion: Cambions (or half-fiends) are the unnatural
offspring of hellspawn and mortals, usually
demonologists. Playable class in Four Against the
Netherworld supplement.

Swashbuckler: fighting with panache using a sword

and a dagger. Playable class in Dark Waters adventure.

Death leaper: affected with horrible disease, they can

sacrifice life to enhance their attacks. Playable class in
Digressions of the Devouring Dead supplement.

Moosemen: Moosefolk are peaceful but ferocious if

threatened. Moosemen can charge at foes. Playable class
from More Mountainous Mayhem supplement.

Monk: devoted to physical and spiritual strength.

Playable class in Crucible of Classic Critters

Beastmaster: trainer of beast, he fights alongside

them. Playable class in Crucible of Classic Critters
1d6 Support Boss

1 Harlequin HCL+2, 3 attacks, 4+tier Life.

2 Gnelf HCL+3, 4+tier Life. Every turn the gnelf creates an

illusion. The party’s first successful Attack roll is canceled
on the next turn.

3 Assassin HCL+4, 4+tier. On 1st and odd turns (1st, 3rd,

5th, etc) the assassin's attack deals 2 damages. On even
turns (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc) the assassin cannot be attacked.

4 Forest Drakeling HCL+3,4+tier life, 1 treasure. At the

beginning of the combat, the forest drakeling breathes
poison. All characters add 1/2L to the Save vs. HCL+3 or
lose 1 Life. Instead of attacking, roll a die.
1-2 Make 1 attack
3-4 If any Boss is wounded, the forest drakeling heals the
Boss that has lost the most Life by 1d3 Life. If no Bosses are
wounded, the drakeling groveler performs 1 attack
5-6 cast a sleep spell on a random non-sleeping character.
The targeted character adds 1/2L to the roll against HCL+3
or falls asleep. Sleeping character can be awakened by
another character spending 1 turn to do it.

5 Champion HCL+4, 7+tier life, 1 attack, 1 treasure. Every

turn the champion loses 1 life up to 1 life. Every turn the
champion lose a life, all other bosses gain 2 L

6 Oracle HCL+2 3+tier life, 1 treasure. As long as the Oracle

is alive, roll 2 dice and pick the lower value for all Attack
and Defense rolls.
Harlequin: Minstrel that juggle and attack with 3
weapons. Playable class from Concise Collection of
Classes supplement.

Gnelf: Gnome and elf hybrid. Adept in the forest and

using illusions. Playable class from the Delvers and
Wanderers supplement.

Assassin: Master of stealth and surprise attacks.

Playable class from the Concise Collection of Classes

Forest drakeling: Minor dragon from the forest. It can

breathe poison clouds, possess limited magical abilities
to support or heal. Playable class from the Flooded
Forest setting Zine.

Champion: a warrior who's, at great personal risk, uses

a fighting style meant to be impressive and inspiring.
Playable class from the Underdogs, Lycanthropes and
Exalted class supplement.

Oracle: Rare individuals, gifted with the natural ability

to predict the future. Playable class from Entreaty of
Eldritch Enchanters supplement.
1d6 Spellcasting Boss

1 Lutin HCL+2, 3+tier life, 1 treasure. As long as the lutin is alive, all
bosses act twice on every turn.

2 Drakeling Highborn HCL+4, 4+tier life, 2 treasures. At the beginning of

the combat, the drakeling Groveler breathes fire. All characters add 1/2L
to the Save vs. HCL+4 or lose 1 Life. On the following turn, in addition to
attacking the drakeling highborn enchant the gear or a random boss
(including the drakeling highborn himself). That random boss gain 1 L.
A single boss can only gain up to 2 L.

3 Conservationist HCL+3, 2+tier life, 1 treasure. Every turn roll a die:

1-3 creates an illusion. The first successful attack on each Boss is
canceled on the next turn.
4-6 cast a sleep spell on a random non-sleeping character. The targeted
character adds 1/2L to the roll against HCL+3 or falls asleep. Sleeping
characters can be awakened by another character spending their turn to
do it.

4 Chaos Warden HCL+3, 3+tier life, 1 treasure.

Summons a murder of crows hampering Attack and Defense rolls, apply
-1 to those rolls as long as the chaos warden lives. The chaos warden is
accompanied by 1 undead animal.
Undead animal: HCL+2, 3 life, no treasure. If the chaos warden dies, the
undead animal is destroyed.

5 Shadow HLC+2, 4+tier life. Every turn the shadow creates a tier+1d3
decoy. Attacks must be targeted at decoys before attacking a boss.
Attacks against a decoy always succeed to destroy the decoy.
Non-destroyed decoys carry over on the next turn.

6 Battlemage HCL+3, 4+tier life, 1 treasure. Every turn roll 1d6.

1-3 the Battlemage casts a Fireball spell. All characters add 1/2L to the
Save against HCL+3 magic or lose 1 Life.
4-6 the battlemage attacks twice.
Lutin: small and agile fairy. Cast support spells.
Playable class in Concise Collection of Classes class

Drakeling highborn: Minor dragon, cast spells to

enhance the equipment of his ally and himself. Playable
class from the Wrath of Gozmod’huir campaign.

Conservationist: Support spellcasters close to the

natural world. Playable class from The Courtship of the
Flower Demons supplement.

Chaos warden: Spellcaster that leeches his power from

the natural world. Leaving destruction in his path.
Playable class from Dwelvers and Wanderers

Shadow: Trained spy that uses charm and illusions to

achieve his goals. Playable class from the Deadly
Competition Zine.

Battlemage: Wizard that blends martial and magical

combat. Playable class from the Entreaty of Eldritch
Enchanters supplement.
1d6 Special ally Boss

1 Greater griffin HCL+5, 5+tier life, 2 attacks, 1 treasure.

2 Sentient golem HCL+6, 6+tier life, 1 attack, 1 treasure.

Sentient Golem's life cannot be healed.

3 Undine HCL+2, 3+tier life, 1 attack, 1 treasure. Attack rolls

against undine are made at -3. At the beginning of the
combat, the undine summon a gigantic wave. All characters
save HCL+3 or lose 1d3 life up to 1 life (the characters
cannot die from this attack). All characters add 1/2L to the

4 Frost maiden HCL+3, 3+tier life, 1 treasure. Instead of

attacking, the frost maiden throws an icicle at a random
hero. The character makes a defense roll or loses 2 life. If
attacked with fire (e.g. fireball) the attack deals 1 more

5 Magmen HCL+4, 4+tier life, 1 attack, 1 treasure. At the

beginning of the fight, the magmen attack first unless the
character has a ranged weapon. Metallic armor protects
against magmen's attacks.

6 Sylph HCL+3, 3+tier life, 1 attack,1 treasure. Sylph attacks

do not inflict damage but instead make the character fall
and lose the next turn to get up on a failed defense roll.
Greater griffin: Magical beast that fights alongside the
other character or transports them. Playable class in
Entreaty of Eldritch Enchanters supplement.

Sentient golem: Synthetic creature given life by powerful

eldritch sorcery. Playable class in Digressions of the
Devouring Dead supplement.

Undine: Eldritch construct, water elemental. Playable

class in Entreaty of Eldritch Enchanters supplement.

Frost maiden: Eldritch construct, frost elemental.

Playable class in Entreaty of Eldritch Enchanters

Magmen: Eldritch construct, fire elemental. Playable

class in Entreaty of Eldritch Enchanters supplement.

Sylph: Eldritch construct, air elemental.Playable class in

Entreaty of Eldritch Enchanters supplement.
1d6 Special event

1 Your Pursuers have laid traps on the rooms you have

already explored. In any room you have explored before,
roll a die. On a 1 and 2, roll for a random trap. (In addition
to the risk of wandering monsters).

2 You hear the noise of someone hammering incessantly. All

the 1d6 next doors you encounter will be nailed down.
Count as a locked door that cannot be lock picked. The
difficulty to break down those doors is HCL+1d6.

3 Your Pursuers are erasing the traces of monsters and clues.

The next 1d6 empty rooms cannot be searched.

4 Your Pursuers are reinforcing the traps. Add 2 to the L of

the 1d6 next traps encountered.

5 Your Pursuers are evading your party, hoping the

dungeon's denizens will wear you out. For the purpose of
encountering the Final Boss, count as if you have beaten 1
less Major Foe.

6 Your Pursuers have prepared the place and alerted the

denizens of the dungeon. All doors, except the one you
came in, are boarded and nailed (treat like a locked door
that cannot be lock picked). You hear monsters
approaching. You cannot escape the coming fight.
Roll a die:
1-3 Fight a random weird monster and a random vermin.
4-6 Fight a random boss monster (cannot be the final boss)
and a random minion encounter.
These new secrets cost 3 Clues to reveal. Revealing a
Secret gives you 1 XP roll. The first Secret, We Are Not
Alone, should be used only in this adventure. The other
Secrets may be used in other random dungeons.

We are not alone

Discover one of the Final Bosses immediately. You fight
him/her alone. When you encounter the group of Final
Bosses, you will encounter one less of them.

Secret passage: Find a concealed passage that leads

outside the dungeon. The party can exit the dungeon
and re-enter through the secret passage.

This is important: The party has understood an

important fact about the dungeon. It can be an internal
feud between the denizens or anything that could shine a
new light to the adventure. Next monster's reaction that
is not Fight to the death is changed into a quest.

Evade the final boss: For the purpose of

encountering the Final Boss, count as if you have
beaten 1 less Major Foe. You can reveal this Secret
several times, delaying your encounter with the
Final Boss.

Found a map: you have found a map of the

dungeon. Crudely drawn with some notations.
Draw the rest of the dungeon map. Each tile has 1 in
6 chance to have its content noted on the map.

The Chaos Zealot

This strange priest wanders the lands. The chaos zealot

is not formally part of any religious group. They are
hated by all temples, except those affiliated with chaos.


Add 1/2L to attack rolls.

Blood channeling: Every time the Chaos Zealot draws

blood (dealing at least 1 damage with a slashing
weapon), a character in the party is healed 1 life.
(undead, artificial, clockwork, elemental, slimes, fungi
and vegetable foes have no blood. Vampires are
considered creatures with blood only if they have fed
during the current combat, e.g., vampire creatures that
heal or increase their Level when damaging the
characters are assumed to have blood in their bodies).

Blood ritual: to perform the blood ritual, he needs a

captured monster that can bleed. The captured monster
must be a major foe (weird monster or boss monster).
The captive monster needs to be restrained (by a rope or
other manners of restraining). The ritual takes 10
minutes (make 1 roll of wandering monster). At the end
of the ritual, the monster dies and all party members
must make a save HCL+2 or gain 1 madness. All
characters add 1/2+tier to the roll. All characters gain
the effect of the equivalent of a blessing spell and heals
their madness score +L life.

Heathen: A cleric, a paladin or any other holy classes

won't join a party with a Chaos Zealot. Barbarians,
moosefolk, conservationists or any nature oriented class
would not participate in the blood ritual but will
reluctantly accept healing from blood channeling.

Hunted: Many holy organizations are very hostile to the

Chaos Zealot.
Add 1/2L to detect and disarm traps.

Tainted: Only chaos affiliated temples will accept to

perform a resurrection ritual for a dead Chaos Zealot.

Armor allowed: none

Weapon allowed: light slashing weapon, light slashing
ranged weapon (shortbow, throwing axe, throwing knife,
javelin etc).
Save: like a cleric
Gain expert skills like a wizard
Life: 3+L
Starting gear: 1 dagger, robe, 1 empty vial.
Starting wealth: 1d6gp

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