Aramco Classification 201333

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SAES-Q-010 2 September 2014:

4.3.6 (Addition) Minimum 28 days compressive strength shall be 34.5 MPA (5,000 psi).

SAES-Q-011 8 September 2014:

(Addition) Grout shall be applied only when surrounding temperatures are between 15C and 32C
unless otherwise specified in the manufacturer's data sheets. (Appendix L.4.1 of API STD 610, 95

(Addition) Expansion joints shall be incorporated into large epoxy grout pours to reduce the possibility
of cracking, especially when machinery-togrout temperature differentials of 30°C are encountered.
Expansion joints should be placed at approximately 1.2 m to 1.8 m intervals in the grout foundation.

(Addition) Grout shall be applied only when surrounding temperatures are

between 15C and 32C unless otherwise specified in the manufacturer's

data sheets. (Appendix L.4.1 of API STD 610, 95 revision).

SAES-Q-012 3 July 2012

Criteria for Design and Construction
of Precast and Prestressed Concrete Structures

For standard weight concrete, the minimum 28 day design compressive strength
shall be 34.5 MPa (5000 psi). The minimum cement content for precast concrete
shall be per Section 5.1 below. Release strength for prestressed unit shall be 24.1
MPa (3500 psi) minimum.

For lightweight concrete, the minimum 28 day design compressive strength shall
be 34.5 MPa (5000 psi) and air-dry density of not less than 14.14 Kn/m3
(90 lbs/ft3) nor more than 18.07 Kn/m3 (115 lbs/ft3).
Welded wire fabric shall conform to SASO SSA-224, (cold drawn) wire with a
minimum yield strength of 240 MPa (34.8 ksi).

SAES-Q-001 7 January 2016

Criteria for Design and Construction of Concrete Structures

Areas subject to spills, wash water, fire water and sidewalk shall be
paved with a minimum thickness of 100 mm of reinforced concrete with
minimum reinforcements of 150 x 150 MW9 x MW9 welded wire fabric.

Paving slabs subject to vehicular traffic shall be a minimum thickness of

150 mm of reinforced concrete.

Concrete paving slope to the catch basins or trenches shall not be less than
1:65 (1.5%). The maximum drop to catch basins from high point of paving
shall be 200 mm.

Where foundations protrude through the paving, 12 mm diameter

reinforcing bars, 800 mm long, shall be placed diagonally in the paving at
all interior corners.
Concrete shall be either structural or nonstructural, as follows:

a) Structural Concrete: All reinforced concrete including concrete with

minimum reinforcement for temperature and shrinkage control.
The minimum 28-day design compressive strength (ASTM C39) shall be in
accordance with Table 2. Water retaining structures, shall have a minimum
28-day design compressive strength of 35 MPa (5000 psi).

b) Non-Structural Concrete: Unreinforced concrete of no significant structural

value such as lean concrete for sub-slabs. The minimum 28 day design
compressive strength (ASTM C39) shall be 14 MPa (2000 psi).

Minimum concrete cover in sulfur pits shall not be less than 75 mm.

Vertical installations shall be anchored to the substrate with “T”-

type stainless steel anchors at a maximum distance of 300 mm
centerlines in addition to steel mesh to mechanically secure the
Potassium Silicate to concrete substrate.
Water curing shall be continuous until the compressive strength has reached 70% of the specified
strength, but not less than 7 days.

7.25.4 The saturated burlaps shall be covered with a plasticized sheet vapor barrier, minimum 0.15 mm
(6 mils) in thickness and shall be kept in contact with the concrete surface at all times.

Any structure designated as a hydraulic structure in the contract documents shall comply with the

1) Hydraulic structures shall be cured by a wet-cure procedure only (e.g., use of ponding, sprinkling, or a
moisture-retaining fabric).

2) Moist wood forms in contact with concrete shall not be considered as curing for hydraulic structures.

3) Curing shall occur for a minimum of 14 days. 4) Wall forms shall be loosened and water continually
sprinkled between the wall and forms.
7.26.2 A 50 mm sub-slab (lean concrete) shall be placed beneath concrete foundations

‫حفر الخوازيق‬

Installation of Piles and Conductors for Offshore Structures

Placing Grout Plug

Placing a grout plug in a driven pile shall follow the stepwise procedure
given below:
(1) Run the grout line to the top of the soil plug.
(2) Connect the grout lines and pump a quantity of grout adequate to
fill all grout lines and to provide the required length of grout plug
in the pile plus 0.3 m3 and lift grout line.
(3) Wait four hours, then measure top elevation of the grout plug. If
not adequate, repeat Steps 1 and 2.
SAES-Q-005 20 November 2013
Concrete Foundations

Foundation Stability:
The minimum overturning “stability ratio” for service load combinations
including wind loads shall be 1.5. For foundation design of buildings
and open frame structures, where the dead load factor is 0.6 from
ASCE/SEI 7 Section 2, the minimum overturning “stability ratio” shall
be 1.0.

The minimum factor of safety against sliding for service loads other than
earthquake shall be 1.5. For foundation design of buildings and open
frame structures, where the dead load factor is 0.6, the minimum factor
of safety against sliding shall be 1.0. The coefficient of friction used in
computing the safety factor against sliding for cast-in-place foundations
shall be 0.40, unless specified otherwise in a detailed soil investigation.
Passive earth pressure from backfill shall not be considered in computing
these safety factors.

The minimum factor of safety against buoyancy shall be 1.2 if using

actual un-factored service loads.

The design concrete compressive strength of concrete shall be

27.6 MPa (4000 psi) at 28 days for foundations constructed on the
project site.

Onshore Structures Standards Committee

Minimum tie size in piers shall be 12 mm.

Maximum tie spacing in piers shall be the smallest of 8-bar diameters,

24-tie diameters or 1/3 the least dimension of the pier.

Slabs with the thickness of 500 mm or more shall be provided with

shrinkage and temperature reinforcement in accordance with ACI 318.

When foundation thickness is greater than 1200 mm (48 in) thick, the
designer should consult ACI 207.2R and other ACI mass concrete
requirements for concrete mixes and installation.

When foundation thickness is greater than 1200 mm (48 in) thick, the
designer should consult ACI 207.2R and other ACI mass concrete
requirements for concrete mixes and installation.

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