Baso 201
Baso 201
Baso 201
Social Control And Change
¼lkekftd fu;U=.k vkSj ifjorZu½
Bachelor of Art (B.A.-12/16)
Second Year, Examination, 2017
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Note : This paper is of eighty (80) marks containing three
(03) Sections A, B and C. Learners are required to
attempt the questions contained in these Sections
according to the detailed instructions given therein.
uksV % ;g iz’u i= vLlh ¼80½ vadksa dk gS tks rhu ¼03½ [k.Mksa
^d*] ^[k* rFkk ^x* esa foHkkftr gSA f’k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks bu
[k.Mksa esa fn, x, foLr`r funsZ’kksa ds vuqlkj gh iz’uksa ds
mŸkj nsus gSaA
Section–A / [k.M&d
(Long Answer Type Questions) / ¼nh?kZ mŸkjh; iz’u½
Note : Section ‗A‘ contains four (04) long answer type
questions of nineteen (19) marks each. Learners are
required to answer two (02) questions only.
uksV % [k.M ^d* esa pkj ¼04½ nh?kZ mŸkjh; iz’u fn;s x;s gSaA
izR;sd iz’u ds fy, mUuhl ¼19½ vad fu/kkZfjr gSaA
f’k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks buesa ls dsoy nks ¼02½ iz’uksa ds mŸkj nsus
1. Define Social Change and discuss the characteristics of
Social Change.
B-35 P. T. O.
[2] BASO–201
uksV % [k.M ^[k* esa vkB ¼08½ y?kq mŸkjh; iz’u fn;s x;s gaSA
izR;sd iz’u ds fy, vkB ¼08½ vad fu/kkZfjr gSaA
f’k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks buesa ls dsoy pkj ¼04½ iz’uksa ds mŸkj nsus
1. Cyclical pattern of Social Change.
lkekftd ifjorZu dk pØh; izfrekuA
[3] BASO–201
B-35 P. T. O.
[4] BASO–201
uksV % [k.M ^x* esa nl ¼10½ oLrqfu”B iz’u fn;s x;s gSaA izR;sd
iz’u ds fy, ,d ¼01½ vad fu/kkZfjr gSA bl [k.M ds
lHkh iz’u vfuok;Z gSaA
Indicate whether the following statements are True or False :
bafxr dhft, fd fuEufyf[kr dFku lR; gSa ;k vlR; %
1. ―Technological Determinism‖ is the theory of Karl
Marx. (True/False)
ßizkS|ksfxdh; fu/kkZj.koknÞ dk fl)kUr dkyZ ekDlZ dk gSA
2. Herbert Spencer is the founder of Neo-evolutionism.
gjcVZ LisUlj uo&mn~fodklokn dk izorZd gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½
3. Social change is a universal process. (True/False)
lkekftd ifjorZu ,d lkoZHkkSfed izfØ;k gSA ¼lR;@vlR;½
4. The scope of development is wider than progress.
fodkl dk {ks= izxfr dh vis{kk vf/kd O;kid gksrk gSA
5. P. Sorokin is the author of ―Contemporary Sociological
Theories‖. (True/False)
ßdUVsEisjh lksf’k;ksykWftdy F;ksjhtÞ iqLrd ds ys[kd
ih- lksjksfdu gSaA ¼lR;@vlR;½
[5] BASO–201
BASO–201 600
B-35 P. T. O.