ODR TUT 3 Answers
ODR TUT 3 Answers
ODR TUT 3 Answers
Question 1
Jack wants to incorporate a private company and asks you to draft the memorandum
of incorporation for the prospective company. State the two essential statutory
requirements that the memorandum of incorporation must comply with for the
company to constitute a private company. (2)
Question 2
The memorandum of incorporation of Hatfield Estates Homeowners Association
NPC provides that a member is only allowed to keep one dog on each property
owned by that member. There is a need to change the memorandum of incorporation
to read that a member is allowed to keep one dog and one cat on each property
owned by that member.
2.1 Who may propose the amendment to the memorandum of incorporation in terms
of the Companies Act 71 of 2008? (2)
The Board (or 10% of the holders of voting shares) can propose a resolution to
amend the MOI.
Some students referred to shareholders instead of members. Although the
correct term in this context is members, a mark for shareholders may be
Question 3
John wants to incorporate World Travel (RF) (Pty) Ltd and asks you to draft the
memorandum of incorporation for the prospective company. Explain when a
company will be regarded as a 'RF' company. (2)
s 15(2)(b)
• MOI contains restrictive condition + additional requirements apply for
the amendment of such condition (1)
s 15(2)(c)
• MOI contains a prohibition against the amendment of any particular
provision of the MOI. (1)
Question 4
To supplement the company’s income the directors of the company decided to
expand the company’s business to include game farming. Advise the board on the
statutory requirements and procedure that must be followed to include game farming
as a purpose of the company in the company’s existing MOI. NB: At first the
company’s business as per its MOI did not include game farming. (3)
Question 5
Anri, Chris, Noma and Tshepiso are the directors of Supreme Beef Butchery (Pty)
Ltd (‘the company’). In terms of the company’s memorandum of incorporation, Chris
may conclude a contract on behalf of the company to a maximum value of R50 000,
but for any contract that exceeds the value of R50 000 Chris needs to obtain the
approval of the shareholders by ordinary resolution.
Chris purchased a freezer for the company from James for R100 000. The company
failed to pay James the R100 000 owed for the freezer. When James demanded
payment from the company, the company’s legal representatives argued that Chris
did not have the authority to conclude the contract on behalf of the company as he
did not obtain the necessary approval from the company’s shareholders. Advise
James whether there are any legal grounds on which the company can be held liable
in terms of the contract. (3)
Turquand common law rule: Simply put, the common law Tarquand rule means that an
outsider contracting with a company in good faith is entitled to assume that the internal
requirements and procedures have been complied with. This means that the company will
be bound by the contract even if the internal requirements and procedures were not
complied with. The rule in a way protects an outsider that contracts in good faith.
Question 6
Sibanda Inc, an auditing firm, entered into an agreement with CopyKatz CC to print
all the annual financial statements prepared and audited by the firm. Since the
conclusion of the contract, one of Sibanda Inc’s directors, Mr Mabunda, has
resigned, leaving Mr Malatji and Ms Modiba as the only remaining directors of
Sibanda Inc. Sibanda Inc has now defaulted on the account rendered by CopyKatz
CC. Advise whom CopyKatz CC can hold liable for Sibanda Inc’s outstanding
account. Also state the nature of the liability. (5)
• S19 (3) (1): If a company is a personal liability company the directors and past
directors are jointly and severally liable, together with the company, for any debts
and liabilities of the company as are or were contracted during their respective
periods of office.
• Company (1)
• Mr Malatji and Ms Modiba (1)
• Mr Mabunda (1)
• Jointly and severally liable (1) for contractual debts contracted during
the directors’ period of office (1)