Biomedical Signal Processing and Control: Asghar Zarei, Hossein Beheshti, Babak Mohammadzadeh Asl
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control: Asghar Zarei, Hossein Beheshti, Babak Mohammadzadeh Asl
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control: Asghar Zarei, Hossein Beheshti, Babak Mohammadzadeh Asl
Keywords: Sleep apnea causes frequent cessation of breathing during sleep. Feature extraction approaches play a key role in
Sleep apnea the performance of apnea detection algorithms that use single-lead electrocardiogram signals. Handcrafted
ECG signal features have high computational complexity due to their large dimensions and are usually not robust. To cope
Deep learning
with the mentioned problems, in the current paper, an automatic feature extraction method is developed by
combining the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) recurrent network.
Also, the fully connected layers are utilized to distinguish apnea events from the normal segments. Then, the
apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) is applied to discriminate apnea subjects from healthy ones. Finally, in order to
assess the usefulness of the proposed method, some experiments are conducted on the publicly accessible Apnea-
ECG and UCDDB datasets. The results based on the sensitivity (94.41%), specificity (98.94%), and accuracy
(97.21%), indicate that our proposed method provides significant improvements compared to the other sleep
apnea detection methods. Our model also achieves an accuracy of 93.70%, sensitivity of 90.69%, and specificity
of 95.82% for UCDDB dataset. It can be inferred that using the deep-learning based algorithm for detecting apnea
patients would help physicians in making a decision more accurately.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (B.M. Asl).
Received 6 July 2021; Received in revised form 25 August 2021; Accepted 30 August 2021
Available online 8 September 2021
1746-8094/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Zarei et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 71 (2022) 103125
example, Atri and Mohebbi extracted useful information from the HRV automatically, and recognize objects in its output by the neural network.
and ECG derived respiratory (EDR) signals using the higher-order Although attempts have been made previously on the detection of the
spectrum based technique. Then, they classified the feature vectors OSA via CNN and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks [33], the
using the least-square support vector machine (LS-SVM) classifier [20]. algorithm presented here is different from the existing techniques.
Tripathy et al. utilized the intrinsic band functions algorithm to Erdenebayar et al. assessed the effectiveness of the one dimensional (1D)
decompose both the HRV and EDR signals into different subbands. Then, CNN, two dimensional (2D) CNN, and LSTM networks individually [33].
they calculated different features and fed them into the kernel extreme The authors in [33] excluded half of the existing dataset (the withheld
learning machine classifier [21]. Nishad et al. used the centered cor set). In the current work, both of the released and withheld sets have
rentropies and tunable-Q wavelet transform (TQWT) based filter-bank been used. This study has combined the 2D-CNN and LSTM networks to
to classify one-minute ECG segments [22]. Sharma et al. extracted extract more informative features from single-lead ECG signals at the
non-linear features from different sub-bands of ECG signal, using the same time. There are two main reasons for using this architecture:
biorthogonal antisymmetric wavelet filter bank, and classified them into
healthy and OSA groups using the LS-SVM [23]. Li et al. introduced a • Extracting deep features and improving the classification accuracy; If
novel OSA detection index using the sliding trend fuzzy approximate diverse layers are used, they can extract more deep features. Also, the
entropy (SlTr-fApEn), empirical mode decomposition (EMD) method, CNN-LSTM is a common architecture [37] for time-series
and the HRV signal [24]. Zarei and Asl presented a novel algorithm applications.
based on the discrete wavelet transform and non-linear features to • Decreasing the computational complexity; High computational
detect apnea events using ECG signals [25]. In another study, they complexity is encountered when only the LSTM layers are used.
introduced a new automatic OSA detection technique to classify one-
minute ECG segments. They extracted non-linear features such as The rest of the current study is continued as follows. All the materials
fuzzy entropy from HRV and EDR signals [2]. Gonzalez et al. calculated and methods are explained in Section 2. The results are given in Section
different features, namely Cepstrum coefficients and detrended fluctu 3. Finally, discussion and conclusion are presented in Sections 4 and 5,
ation analysis from the HRV signal, and fed them into different classi respectively.
fiers for diagnosing sleep apnea [26]. The authors in [27] implemented a
new apnea recognition framework based on the autoregressive 2. Materials and methods
modeling, spectral autocorrelation function, and ECG signals. They
employed the random forest model to classify extracted features. Faal 2.1. Proposed framework
et al. introduced a new apnea detection method using ECG signals and
statistical modeling. They applied different classifiers on the features In the present study, we developed an automatic OSA classification
calculated from the time domain [28]. Fatimah et al. extracted different approach based on deep neural networks and ECG signals. The main idea
handcrafted features in the frequency domain and investigated the of this study is developing a fully automatic (or an end-to-end) deep
capability of the Fourier decomposition approach in OSA detection [29]. learning-based OSA detection method. In the current study, all the
Mostafa et al. [30] performed two different techniques to choose the best feature extraction and classification processes have been done using
subset of features. In their study, the selected features were tested with different types of deep learning layers. Also, in order to eliminate the
different classification methods. need of additional tuning step, tuning the optimal value of different
Also, some other studies have been focused on deep learning-based parameters of classifiers, deep learning is used instead of conventional
techniques. For example, Li et al. worked on the recognition of the classifiers. In the pre-processing step, the noisy segments are detected
OSA segments using the hidden Markov model (HMM), deep neural and eliminated by the weight calculation algorithm. Then, the most
network, and ECG signals. They employed the sparse auto-encoder to prominent features are automatically extracted using an end-to-end
extract features and then classified them using the SVM and artificial deep learning structure. The schematic design of the proposed tech
neural networks (ANN) [31]. Choi et al. developed an automatic apnea nique in this study is demonstrated in Fig. 1. As it is represented in this
detection approach using convolutional neural networks (CNN) and PSG figure, in our proposed method, the CNN and LSTM networks are used to
signals [32]. The authors in [33] investigated the effectiveness of automatically calculate the spatial and temporal features, respectively.
different deep learning structures in apnea detection application. They Also, the fully connected layers are applied to identify apnea events. At
employed the CNN and RNN based structures to automatically recognize the end of this stage, the AHI index is employed to diagnose apnea
apnea events using ECG signals. Dey et al. introduced a supervised apnea patients.
detection approach using the CNN structure and ECG signal [34]. Novak
et al. used the HRV signal and LSTM network to diagnose apnea patients 2.2. Datasets
[35]. Pathinarupothi et al. presented a new apnea detection framework
by employing the LSTM-RNN structure on instantaneous heart rates 2.2.1. Apnea-ECG dataset
[36]. It seems that two main problems remain unsolved in many studies The Apnea-ECG dataset contains divided into the released and the
related to this field of study. Firstly, the performance of previous OSA withheld sets. Each of the released and withheld sets contains 35 re
recognition methods strongly depends on the feature calculation ap cordings. Expert physicians have labeled each of the one-minute ECG
proaches. Furthermore, the performance of the traditional handicraft segments as the normal or apnea ones. The length of the recordings
feature extraction methods depends on the experience of specialists and varies between 401 min to nearly 578 min. The age of the subjects (57
their prior knowledge of physiological signals. Secondly, notwith men, 13 women) ranged from 27 to 63 years and weights from 53 to 135
standing the researchers applied different classification models, they kg. The total number of released-set segments is 17045 one-minute
have not focused on improving the performance of the classifiers [31]. segments. Also, the withheld-set consists of 6550 apnea, and 10718
Therefore, developing algorithms with less dependency on feature en normal segments. In the present study, the subjects with AHI < 5 were
gineering is necessary to expand the application range of computer- considered as healthy subjects otherwise, they were defined as OSA
aided techniques. subjects. Furthermore demographic information and physiological pa
To deal with these problems, an automatic feature extraction and rameters of subjects are summarized in Table 1. More details can be
classification technique is developed using deep neural networks. One of found in [38].
the goals of deep learning algorithms is to achieve feature learning in an
unsupervised manner. Deep learning is a fully trainable system that can
start with the raw data, extract the most informative features
A. Zarei et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 71 (2022) 103125
Fig. 1. Flowchart of proposed sleep apnea detection algorithm based on CNN and LSTM networks.
Table 1
Demographic information and physiological parameters of poupulation. BMI: body mass index, AI: Apnea index, HI: hypopneas index, AHI: apnea-hypopnea index,
TRT: total recording time, AT: Apnea time, Non-AT: Non-Apnea time.
Parameters Released Set Withheld Set
Normal (mean ± std) Apnea (mean ± std) Normal (mean ± std) Apnea (mean ± std)
Age (years) 35.5 ± 6.32 52.17 ± 6.09 32.37 ± 6.09 49.08 ± 9.46
( )
BMI kg/m2 21.41 ± 2.20 31.41 ± 5.34 21.10 ± 1.22 31.22 ± 5.27
Height (cm) 177.5 ± 6.17 176.17 ± 3.23 172.27 ± 9.61 176.33 ± 4.18
Weight (kg) 67.58 ± 8.78 97.43 ± 16.46 62.73 ± 7.16 97.13 ± 16.63
AI (events/h) 0.68 ± 0.2 32.26 ± 20.89 0.06 ± 0.12 32.78 ± 24.85
HI (events/h) 0.03 ± 0.08 11.27 ± 12.90 0.0 ± 0.0 7.23 ± 6.50
AHI (events/h) 0.10 ± 0.21 43.53 ± 21.87 0.06 ± 0.12 40.01 ± 25.42
TRT (min) 472.5 ± 29.38 498.04 ± 30.23 461.73 ± 25.83 509.33 ± 20.68
AT (min) 3.42 ± 5.66 281.43 ± 136.22 2.27 ± 3.50 271.96 ± 144.61
Non-AT (min) 469.08 ± 30.64 216.61 ± 124.67 459.45 ± 25.71 237.38 ± 141.07
2.2.2. St. Vincent’s University Hospital/ University College Dublin dataset segments (1717 segments of Apnea-ECG dataset) were eliminated from
(UCDDB) the experimental analysis. Further details can be found in [25].
In the current work, this dataset has also been used to validate the
performance of the proposed OSA detection method. There are 25 full
overnight polysomnograms with simultaneous three-channel Holter 2.4. Convolutional neural network
ECG in this dataset and it was recorded from adult subjects with sus
pected sleep-disordered breathing. The weights and ages of the subjects Convolutional neural networks (CNN) are one of the most common
vary between 59.8–128.6 kg and 28–68 years, respectively. Also, the and highly efficient techniques that are widely used in various signal and
AHI values are in the range of 1.7–90.9. Frequency sampling of all the image processing applications. In recent years, this method has attracted
ECG recordings is 128 Hz. For more details the readers are referred to much attention in analyzing physiological events, such as sleep stage
[39]. scoring [40], sleep apnea detection [33], or seizure detection [41]. CNN
networks consist of neurons with weights and configurable biases. Each
neuron receives a part of the ECG segment as an input and then calcu
2.3. Pre-processing lates the multiplication of the weights in the input segment values. The
output of this process is converted to class labels using a non-linear
At first, the Chebyshev bandpass filter with the cutoff frequencies of activation function. Also, the network provides a differentiable score
0.5 Hz and 48 Hz is designed to suppress the baseline wandering and function, with inputs on one side and scores on the other side.
power line interference noises. The ECG signals are then divided into In general, CNN networks consist of three parts: convolutional,
one-minute (for Apnea-ECG dataset) and 30-s (for UCDDB dataset) pooling, and fully connected parts. The convolutional part consists of
segments. Afterward, the noisy segments are eliminated using an auto filters called kernels and convolve with the ECG segments. This process
matic weight calculation algorithm. This algorithm measures the simi produces the feature vector. Afterward, the max-pooling operation is
larity of the autocorrelation functions (ACF) of the segments with the employed to the feature vector. In this step, the values of each group of
time lags of 60 s. At the output of this process, a similarity matrix is neighbors are combined with a summarization function. The summari
obtained, which is a symmetric matrix. At the next stage, the weights zation function performs like a low-pass operator, and common choices
vector will be obtained by summing each of the columns of the similarity for it are either maximal or average. The max-pooling layer reduces the
matrix. The threshold value of 0.8 is used to recognize and eliminate the computation burden and prevents overfitting by selecting the largest
noisy segments. This threshold value is selected by try and error after value of each feature. The fully connected part often is used as the last
conducting several experiments. In the this stage, less than 5% of the part of the CNN networks and classify the output of the max-pooling
A. Zarei et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 71 (2022) 103125
layer (the feature vectors). series because it uses the gating mechanism [43].
2.5. Recurrent neural network 2.7. The proposed model for OSA recognition
A Recurrent neural network (RNN) commonly measures the corre In the literature, most of the researchers introduced handcraft
lation between the values of signals during the time. In many practical feature extraction solution. In these methods, features are extracted
situations, such as signal processing, there is a meaningful dependency manually and their performance is highly dependent on the experience
between different sequences. The RNN networks have a memory unit of specialists. To cope with the mentioned problem, an automatic end-
that can process sequences of the input signal [42]. The RNNs-based to-end deep learning structure was utilized. Moreover, the proposed
structures can extract temporal features and measure temporal automatic structure can extract the most informative features and in
dependencies. crease the classification accuracy. As indicated in Fig. 1, our proposed
model consists of two main parts. The first part is the feature extraction
2.6. Long Short Term Memory contains four 2D CNN and three LSTM layers. These layers are utilized to
calculate the most prominent features of the ECG signals. In the second
Theoretically, RNNs show excellent performance in maintaining the part, the classification phase, the fully connected layer is applied to the
correlation of input signals whereas in practical application, they feature vector to discriminate apnea segments from normal ones. Also,
encounter a lot of restrictions to measure these time dependencies. To to keep away from the overfitting problem, the dropout layers were
cope with these challenges, the Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) applied. This method is a regularization approach for deep networks.
structure is proposed which is an extended version of RNNs [42]. The According to this solution, at each epoch, some of the input units
LSTM structures capture signal variations using long and short-term randomly were set to zero during the training time [44]. Mathemati
memory. An example of a common LSTM cell is depicted in Fig. 2. As cally, the output of the LSTM cell can be calculated as follows:
demonstrated in this figure, each cell composed of three gates; an input ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
sigmoid [(
gate, an output gate, and a forget gate. Each of the mentioned gates can ⎜ f ⎟ ⎜ sigmoid ⎟ xt
) ]
be defined as follows:
⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟
⎝ o ⎠ ⎝ sigmoid ⎠ ht− 1 .W (6)
Forget gate: tanh
( )
f t = σ g Wf xt + Uf ht− 1 + bf (1)
where W demonstrates the weight matrix which its dimension is 2k × 4k
Input gate: and k is the dimension of the input signal. Also, the dropout variation is
formulated as follows:
it = σ g (Wi xt + Ui ht− 1 + bi ) (2) ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
sigmoid [(
Cell state update: ⎜ f ⎟ ⎜ sigmoid ⎟ xt × zx
) ]
⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟
⎝ o ⎠ ⎝ sigmoid ⎠ ht− 1 × zh .W (7)
Ct = f t ⊙ Ct− 1 + it ⊙ σ c (Wc xt + Uc ht− 1 + bc ) (3)
Output gate:
where zx and zh are the random filter masks which drop some weights in
Ot = σ g (Wo xt + Uo ht− 1 + bo ) (4)
each iteration. In order to tune hyperparameters, the grid search method
Output: has been utilized to achieve an optimal structure with the highest ac
curacy and lowest computational complexity. To this end, the number of
ht = Ot ⊙ σ h (Ct ) (5)
LSTM and CNN layers was changed from 1 to 6 layers. Different values
including 32, 64, 128, and 256 were used for the number of cells and
where both of the σh and σ c are hyperbolic tangent functions. It is
filters in LSTM and CNN layers, respectively. Also, other parameters
noteworthy that weight matrices, W and U, are optimized during
such as learning rate, activation functions, and the kernel size were
training. In this expression, the output and state of the previous LSTM
determined empirically. Finally, some of the optimal parameters of our
cell are defined using the Ct− 1 , and ht− 1 , respectively. The bias vector
proposed structure are summarized in Table 2.
and input vector are denoted with b and xt , respectively. Also, σg is the
sigmoid function. Finally, the operator ⊙ denotes the Hadamard prod
uct. In an LSTM cell, weights can be updated using the Ct− 1 and it . The 2.8. Experimental setting
LSTM cell can capture the long interval dependency of the input time
As mentioned before, in this study, an automatic OSA detection
technique was presented using CNN and LSTM networks. In the training
phase, the effect of parameters of our proposed deep structure were
investigated using the released-set (Fig. 3). In order to extract spatial
features, a 2D CNN model was employed. Therefore, one-dimensional
Table 2
The learning parameters of the proposed deep learning structure.
Task Layers Leaning Parameters
A. Zarei et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 71 (2022) 103125
Fig. 3. Dataset division for per segment and per-recording classification tasks.
ECG segments were converted to two-dimensional segments. Afterward, Tensorflow framework on GeForce GTX 1080Ti graphic card with 12 GB
temporal features were calculated using the LSTM networks. To remove memory.
any simple dependencies between the neurons, i.e., to cope with the Different criteria such as precision, specificity, F1-Score, sensitivity,
overfitting problem, the dropout function with the probability of 0.2 was and accuracy were used for performance evaluation of our proposed
applied after some layers. This method randomly sets 20 percent of input technique.
units to zero during the training time. The optimal parameters of feature
extraction and classifier layers were presented in Table 2. As detailed in 3. Results
Table 2, the Adam optimizer and binary cross-entropy loss function were
applied to optimize the values of various parameters [45]. The perfor In the this work, a novel end-to-end learning structure has proposed
mance of the proposed model (accuracy and loss) along 200 epochs was to diagnose OSA. The model performance was evaluated through
depicted in Fig. 4. In this figure, the number of epochs was changed from different aspects including classifier parameter tuning, per segment
1 to 200 epochs. As demonstrated in Fig. 4 (C), although the accuracy classification using different criteria, and subject-by-subject (per-
increases (or the loss value decreases in Fig. 4 (D)) with increasing the recording) OSA classification accuracy.
number of epochs in the training time, in the test phase the accuracy
(Fig. 4 (A)) and loss function (Fig. 4 (B)) converge to a constant value
after 50 epochs. Finally, the details of the CNN–LSTM based model are 3.1. Tuning classifier parameters
presented in Table 3. Our model was implemented based on the
In the present section, the effect of setting various classifier
Fig. 4. Performance of the proposed network along 200 epochs. (A) and (B) are the accuracy and loss values of the test phase, respectively. Also, (C) and (D) are the
accuracy and loss values of the training phase, respectively.
A. Zarei et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 71 (2022) 103125
The withheld-set was utilized to assess the effectiveness of the According to this criterion, the subjects with AHI more than five
introduced model. In this step, the ECG segments fed into the combi were classified as apneic patients. Also, the cases who have the AHI
nation of CNN and LSTM networks to automatically extract features. value less than 5 were considered as healthy subjects. The performance
Then, the extracted features were fed into fully connected layers to of the presented technique was assessed using the withheld-set which
classify one minute ECG segments. The result of the optimized CNN- contains 35 recordings. A summary of the per-recording OSA detection
LSTM structure for per segment classification were reported in performances of various researches along with the proposed method was
Table 5. In accordance with this table, our developed CNN-LSTM listed in Table 10. In accordance with this table, our proposed technique
structure provides the F1-score of 0.96, PPV of 94.42%, accuracy of outperforms most of the other studies by classifying all subjects correctly
97.21%, sensitivity of 94.41%, and specificity of 98.94%. It is obvious (an accuracy of 100%). Also, the mean absolute error (MAE) metric was
that the presented technique can improve classification performance applied to better evaluate the pre-recording classification performance.
using the combination of CNN and LSTM networks (See Table 6). This metric measures the gap between the estimated AHI and real AHI
For automatic classification of one-minute ECG segments, various and can be calculated as follows:
deep learning structures including CNN, LSTM and CNN-LSTM were
1 ∑N ⃒ ⃒
examined to find the best model. Table 11 summarizes the results of the MAE = ⃒Estimatedi − Reali ⃒
N i=1
designed methods.
Different deep learning structures including CNN, LSTM, and CNN-
where N is the number of recordings. Our proposed deep learning-based
LSTM were examined to find the best model for the automatic classifi
method provides the MAE of 2.93 for per-recording OSA detection.
cation of one-minute ECG segments. The results of the designed tech
niques are summarized in Table 11. According to Table 11, in the test
4. Discussion
set, the highest sensitivity (95.35%) is obtained using the CNN model.
The results indicated that the designed LSTM model has the worst per
In the present paper, a novel unsupervised feature extraction
formance among the other models. The CNN-LSTM model outperforms
framework has been developed to recognize OSA patients using CNN
the other designed models by providing an accuracy of 97.21%, sensi
and LSTM networks. In the proposed method, the spatial and temporal
tivity of 94.41%, and specificity of 98.94%. This is because the CNN and
features were automatically extracted using the 2D-CNN and LSTM,
LSTM networks extract the spatial and temporal features at the same
respectively. Moreover, a fully connected layer was adopted to classify
time. In per segment classification, the highest accuracy value of
apnea events and normal segments. As a result, a fully automatic OSA
detection algorithm was presented.
Table 4
The learning parameters of different layers of classifier.
4.1. Learning representation and temporal dependency
Hidden layer 1 32 unit 64 unit 32 unit 64 unit As shown in Table 7, most of the presented OSA detection methods
Hidden layer 2 – – 32 unit 64 unit are developed based on the handcrafted features. The results showed
Accuracy 96.41 % 97.21 % 96.16 % 96.73 %
that feature extraction techniques play a key role in the performance of
A. Zarei et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 71 (2022) 103125
Table 5
The result of the optimized CNN-LSTM structure for per segment classification.
Approach Criteria
CNN-LSTM 6104 10341 361 110 94.41 98.94 97.21 0.96 94.42
Table 6 Table 7
Performance evaluation of the deep learning approaches on minute-by-minute Comparison of segment-by-segment based classification results between our
classification. method and previous works on the Physionet Apnea-ECG database.
Approach Criteria Reference Method Sens Spec Acc Signal
(%) (%) (%)
Sens (%) Spec (%) Acc (%)
[13] HRV analysis in the 76.7 88.4 86.2 Lead-II
CNN 95.35 96.03 95.77
frequency domain ECG
LSTM 89.70 95.58 93.33
[1] RQA Statistics and SVM 86.37 83.47 85.26 Lead-II
CNN-LSTM 94.41 98.94 97.21
[25] Entropy-based features, 91.74 93.75 92.98 Lead-II
wavelet transform and ECG
apnea detection methods. The performance of traditional hand-crafted SVM
feature extraction methods is heavily dependent on the experts’ [17] PCA of QRS complex and 84.71 84.69 84.74 Lead-II
knowledge from different physiological signals and exclusive subjects’ HRV features ECG
characteristics. Further, some studies that used automatic feature [46] HRV, Hermite basis 79.5 89.6 84.7 Lead-II
functions, SVM and LS- ECG
extraction methods, have just considered time domain correlation in SVM
signals and they have not conducted spatial dependencies in ECG sig [11] QRS detection, HRV, 82.6 88.4 86.2 Lead-II
nals. In the current study, a new deep learning-based technique was and EDR-based features ECG
employed to capture the spatial and temporal dependencies using 2D- + HMM
[26] Filterbank, Cepstrum, 81.45 86.82 84.76 Lead-II
CNN and LSTM networks, respectively. The reported results in Ta
bles 7 and 10 imply that the proposed model provided outperformance [47] TQWT and RUSBoost 87.58 91.49 88.88 Lead-II
in comparison with other methods. ECG
[31] DNN + HMM 88.9 88.4 83.8 Lead-II
4.2. Comparison and summary [21] HRV, EDR, FDM, and 78.02 74.64 76.37 Lead-II
In the present section, we compared the performance of our intro [22] TQWT, centered 90.95 93.91 92.78 Lead-II
correntropys, and ECG
duced technique with approaches that were conducted on the Physionet
random forest
Apnea-ECG dataset. The comparison of per segment classification per [23] BAWFB, Entropy-based 90.87 88.88 90.11 Lead-II
formance results are summarized in Table 7. As indicated in this table, features, LS-SVM ECG
our developed approach using Deep Learning can provide an accuracy of [2] HRV, EDR, Non-linear 91.52 94.36 93.26 Lead-II
97.21%, sensitivity of 94.41%, and specificity of 98.94%. The results features, GentleBoost ECG
showed that our developed OSA detection technique has a better per
[48] NIG parameters + 81.99 90.72 87.33 Lead-II
formance compared to previous algorithms. The main drawback found TQWT + AdaBoost ECG
in most of the previous studies is that their performance strongly de [49] Statistical Features and 85.20 82.79 83.77 Lead-II
pends on feature extraction methods. Feature calculation and feature ELM ECG
engineering are the most important and time-consuming parts of the [50] statistical and spectral 84.14 86.83 85.97 Lead-II
features + bootstrap ECG
machine learning algorithms.Feature engineering based techniques try aggregating
to improve performance by mapping high-dimensional training data to [51] Statistical Features and – – 83.77 Lead-II
low-dimensional feature space. Whereas, in deep learning algorithms, ELM ECG
feature learning is done in an unsupervised and automatic manner. To [52] Statistical Features and – – 83.77 Lead-II
accomplish these objectives, in this study, the 2D-CNN and LSTM net
[53] Statistical and Spectral – – 85.37 Lead-II
works were applied to automatically extract the spatial and temporal Features + RUSBoost ECG
features, respectively. Then, a fully connected layer was applied to [54] 10-s ECG segment + 96.1 96.2 96.1 Lead-II
identify apnea events. CNN ECG
In Table 10, we compared per-recording classification performance [55] Fused images + CNN 92.3 92.6 92.4 Lead-II
of our developed technique with the OSA detection algorithms using the [56] RR interval + Multiscale 89.8 89.1 89.4 Lead-II
same dataset. As reported in Table 10, in per-recording classification Deep Neural Network ECG
phase, our deep learning-based algorithm detected all subjects correctly [57] ECG signal + 1D Deep 81.1 90.0 87.9 Lead-II
and provided good results (an accuracy of 100% and specificity of CNN model ECG
[58] RR interval + FSSAE + 86.2 84.4 85.1 Lead-II
100%). Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the
Softmax-HMM ECG
presented OSA recognition algorithm outperforms most recent studies. [59] ECG signal, EMD, CWT, 94.30 94.51 94.30 Lead-II
Moreover, in Table 11, the performance of our developed deep structure and SCNN ECG
was compared with previous deep learning-based studies. According to Proposed 2D-CNN + LSTM 94.41 98.94 97.21 Lead-II
this table, the proposed deep learning method showed better classifi Method networks ECG
cation performance compared to other techniques.
Also, some other studies such as [6,17,31] have obtained remarkable
outcomes. Although high classification results have been obtained in performances in the practical conditions in which physiological signals
[6], they have excluded 20 recordings with low-quality signals during have noisy nature. Some other studies, such as [17], have reached 100%
per-recording classification. Their method may provide low accuracy, but their method is not completely automatic. They have used
A. Zarei et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 71 (2022) 103125
Table 8 Table 10
The results of 10 performances on the test data (data of 35 recordings). Comparison of subject-by-subject based classification results between our
Run Sens (%) Spec (%) Acc (%)
method and previous works on the Physionet Apnea-ECG database.
Reference Method Acc Sens Spec Signals
1 th 97.32% 97.59% 97.11%
(%) (%) (%)
2 th 96.57% 96.12% 96.91%
[56] RR interval + Multiscale 100 100 100 Lead-II
3th 95.51% 96.97% 94.42%
Deep Neural Network ECG
4th 95.95% 97.32% 94.93% [61] RR interval + LeNet-5 97.1 100 91.7 Lead-II
5th 94.11% 90.76% 96.61% ECG
[57] ECG signal + 1D Deep 97.1 95.7 100 Lead-II
6th 92.80% 83.92% 97.39%
CNN model ECG
7 th 93.08% 90.91% 95.44% [58] RR interval + FSSAE + 97.1 95.7 100 Lead-II
8th 95.70% 95.47% 95.87% Softmax-HMM ECG
[59] ECG signal, EMD, CWT, 100 100 100 Lead-II
9th 97.33% 97.80% 96.99%
10th 96.88% 97.86% 97.90% [17] PCA of QRS complex and 100 100 100 Lead-II
HRV features ECG
Mean 95.53% 94.47% 96.36% [9] Handcrafted features + 95.7 100 87 Lead-II
Std 1.6673% 4.3376% 1.0794% machine learning ECG
[46] HRV, Hermite basis 97.14 95.8 100 Lead-II
functions, SVM and LS- ECG
Power function for sample size of 10 [11] QRS detection, HRV, and 97.1 95.8 100 Lead-II
1 EDR-based features + ECG
0.9 [31] DNN + HMM 100 100 100 Lead-II
Statistical power of the proposed method
[25] Entropy-based features, 95.71 95.83 95.66 Lead-II
0.7 wavelet transform and ECG
This ECG signal þ CNN-LSTM 100 100 100 Lead-II
work ECG
0.3 Table 11
Performance comparison with previous deep learning-based studies.
Study Acc (%) Sens (%) Spec (%) Subject Method
0.1 [36] 98 – – 35 LSTM
[62] 97.8 – – 35 LSTM
92.5 93 93.5 94 94.5 95 95.5 96 96.5 97 97.5 [34] 98.9 97.8 99.2 35 CNN
True mean (for accuracy metric) [32] 96.6 81.1 98.5 179 CNN
[33] 99 99 99 86 GRU
[63] 97.14 95.8 100 35 LSTM
Fig. 5. Statistical power of the proposed method based on accuracy and sample
[35] 82.1 85.5 80.1 33 LSTM
size of 10.
[61] 97.1 100 91.7 – LeNet-5
[56] 100 100 100 70 MDNN
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