26 - in Situ Soil and Rock Tests
26 - in Situ Soil and Rock Tests
26 - in Situ Soil and Rock Tests
As the cone test was being developed for relatively soft soils, particularly in
Holland, similar procedures were being developed in the U.S. for testing harder
soils. A sampler was devised that is driven into the soil instead of being pushed in.
The sampler and driving effort were standardized to become the Standard
Penetration Test or SPT, which still is the most widely used soil test in the U.S.
An advantage over the cone is that it measures penetration resistance and
simultaneously extracts a soil sample for identification and classification,
although the sample is too disturbed for meaningful strength tests. A
disadvantage is that the sampler must be removed from the boring after each
test, a boring instrument inserted, and the boring advanced by drilling to the next
test depth. A test is conducted by counting the number of hammer blows required
to drive the sampler prescribed distances.
Because both CPT and SPT test results are influenced by combined influences
from shearing, remolding, and compression of soil, other tests have been devised
to try and isolate and measure these separate parameters. For example, modulus
tests might be directly used to predict settlement, and shear tests to predict bearing
capacity and slope stability.
More efficient drilling methods are required for drilling deep wells including
oil wells. Rotary drilling employs a continuous flow of water or a thin mud that
is circulated down the drill stem and carries cuttings back up between the
stem and the perimeter of the hole. There the fluid is directed to a ‘‘mud pit’’
where cuttings settle out and the mud is siphoned off and pumped back down
the hole.
The main component of drilling mud besides water is bentonite, or relatively pure
smectite, because the mix is thixotropic. Then if there is an interruption in drilling,
the mud holds cuttings in suspension instead of letting them settle to the bottom
of the boring and lock up the bit.
Rock drilling usually is performed with a Hughes ‘‘tricone bit,’’ which has three
rollers with teeth that impact the rock. In soft rocks and soils a ‘‘fishtail’’ or
similar hardened, steel bit is adequate to advance the boring. Rock cores are
obtained with a hollow diamond-laced coring bit.
The first step in exploration drilling is to plan and stake out boring
locations and do an elevation survey that will enable cross-sections
to be drawn. Every geotechnical report will have a disclaimer pointing
out that identifications of soils between borings are based on interpola-
tion and can be expected to vary from the interpretations—a matter of
considerable importance where variations are expected, for example in karst
Example 26.1
Calculate area ratios for an STP sampler, and for a nominal 3 in. (75 mm) diameter 16
Gauge Shelby tube having a wall thickness of 0.065 in. (1.65 mm).
STP: Area ratio ¼ ð22 1:52 Þ=ð1:5Þ2 ¼ 0:78
Shelby tube: ð32 2:872 Þ=2:872 ¼ 0:093
Each of the two sampling operations, SPT and Shelby tube, has advantages that
depend on the kind of soil, SPT being most useful for evaluating cohesionless
soils, and Shelby tube and laboratory testing most useful for cohesive soils.
Because of the unknown character of soil ahead of a boring, the two procedures
often are performed alternately, typically at 5 ft (1.5 m) depth intervals. A hole is
bored to the first testing depth, either STP or Shelby tube sampling performed, the
hole is drilled out to the next test depth, the alternate method used, and so on
through the depth of the boring. Boring depths are selected on the basis of the
application—deep enough to allow a realistic analysis for consolidation
settlement, foundation bearing capacity, and slope stability, deeper than the
longest anticipated piles or piers, or a sufficient distance into rock to ensure that
the rock is in place and not part of an old rockfall.
Shelby tube samples of sand are compressed during sampling and are not suitable
for laboratory tests, which has led to a continuing dependence on in-situ testing.
Even the relatively tranquil Shelby tube sampling of clay soils does not generate a
truly undisturbed sample because in-situ soil stress is not preserved. The confining
stresses existing in the field can be reinstated in a laboratory triaxial test in the
‘‘Lambe stress path method,’’ but only if the lateral stress that exists in the field is
STP and Shelby tube sampling can be conducted in a boring made with or without
drilling mud. Another option to hold a boring open while avoiding the extra setup
and mud disposal is to use a ‘‘hollow-stemmed auger.’’ The auger has a central
plug that remains in place during drilling; then at the desired sampling or testing
depth the plug is removed and the sampler introduced down the center of the
Most soil drilling is performed with a helical screw-type ‘‘flight auger.’’ Drillers
whose main objective is to ‘‘make hole’’ (and money) will prefer to rotate the
auger rapidly so that pieces of soil are cut loose at the tip and pushed along up
the auger to emerge at the ground surface. In this case the only way to identify the
depth from which the soil was removed is to stop advancing the auger and wait for
cuttings from the bottom to come up.
Much more satisfactory for geotechnical exploration drilling is to rotate the bit
slowly while advancing the auger so that it literally screws itself into the ground
like a wood screw. The auger then is pulled vertically to shear off the soil and hold
it in place between flights of the auger. The soil then is exposed by cutting away
the surface with a knife, examined, and boundaries determined and depths
measured on the auger. This information is critical for a geotechnical evaluation.
For example, a settlement analysis requires knowing the thickness of the
consolidating clay layers and whether they are sandwiched between sand layers.
When using this procedure the driller must gauge each auger advance so that it
does not exceed the capability of the drilling machine to pull it out.
A ‘‘doughnut hammer’’ is a hollow cylindrical weight that fits over the drill rod
and hits on an expanded section of the rod. The hammer is lifted by looping a
rope two turns around a smooth pulley called a ‘‘cathead’’ that is continually
turning. When the end of the rope is pulled it grabs onto the cathead so that
friction raises the hammer. Then at the moment when the required height is
reached, the rope is forcibly released and the hammer drops. This constitutes one
blow. The drill stem is marked with chalk at 6 in. (152 mm) intervals, so the
number of blows can be determined for each interval. A typical rate is 40 to 60
blows per minute.
The ‘‘safety hammer’’ fits over the exposed end of a drill stem (Fig. 26.2)
and is the current standard. Measurements indicate that whereas with a
rope release the doughnut hammer has an efficiency of about 45 percent,
the safety hammer has an efficiency of about 60 percent. Results obtained
with a doughnut hammer are corrected to N60 on the basis of the ratio of
Example 26.2
The blow count for 3 driving invervals with a doughnut hammer are 10, 14, and 16. What
is N60?
Answer: Adding the last two blow counts gives N45 ¼ 30 blows per ft (0.3 m). The energy
correction gives (45/60) 30 ¼ 22 blows/ft (0.3 m).
Figure 26.1
Penetration Test
sampler or ‘‘split
spoon’’ is driven
vertically by
dropping a large
Figure 26.2
Hammers used to
drive a Standard
Penetration Test
sampler. (Left)
doughnut hammer,
(middle) safety
hammer, (right)
rotating cathead
and rope for lifting
and manual
release. Modern
‘‘trip hammers’’
have an automatic
Figure 26.3
Liao-Whitman (L-W) overburden correction to SPT blow count data. The earlier Gibbs-Holtz
correction is shown for comparison and should not be used. The equivalent depth is the sum of the
depth above the groundwater table plus one-half of the depth below the groundwater table, based
on ¼ 125 lb/ft3 (19.6 kN/m3). For a different soil unit weight, multiply depth by the appropriate ratio.
In Fig. 26.3 the equivalent depth is based on a soil unit weight of 125 lb/ft3
(19.6 kN/m3). The effective thickness is defined as thickness above a
groundwater table plus one-half of the thickness below a groundwater table.
The Gibbs-Holtz (G-H) corrections are shown for comparison.
Example 26.3
The N data in Example 26.2 were obtained at a depth of 30 ft (9.1 m) and a
groundwater table exists at a depth of 8 ft (2.4 m). What is the blow count corrected for
overburden pressure?
Answer: The hammer correction remains valid and gave N ¼ 22. The effective depth is
8 þ (30 8)/2 ¼ 19 ft [or (2.4 þ (9.1 2.4)/2 ¼ 5.8 m] From Fig. 26.3, CN ¼ 1 and the blow
count remains at 22.
sections suggests that friction both on the inside and on the outside of the sampler
is at least equally important. Studies by Schmertmann (1979) indicate that friction
contributes from 45 to 85 percent of the resistance, the percentage being highest in
cohesive soils.
Other investigators have found that the N blow count relates more closely to side
friction measured with the cone than to cone end resistance. The SPT mainly
measures soil-to-steel friction and therefore is affected by lateral confining
stress and surface roughness of the sampler. The measured ‘‘friction’’ is higher for
cohesive than for granular soils, indicating a considerable influence from
adhesion of clay to the sampler. Side friction can be evaluated by subtracting
the second from the third increment, or a more precise measurement can be
obtained by simply twisting the sampler with a torque wrench (Kelley and
Lutenegger, 2004).
Figure 26.4
Approximate friction angles of sand from SPT data, adapted from data of de Mello (1971).
N values should be corrected to N60 but should not be corrected for overburden pressure.
The equivalent depth incorporates a groundwater correction as in Fig. 26.3.
The friction angle and unit weight may be used to calculate the bearing capacity
and settlement of shallow foundations on sand according to the principles
discussed in Chapter 23.
Example 26.4
An SPT performed at 10 ft (3 m) depth in sand above the groundwater table gives N ¼ 3,
3, 4. Estimate the bearing capacity of a column footing 2 2 ft (0.6 m) at a depth of
1 ft (0.3 m).
Answer: N ¼ 3 þ 4 ¼ 7. From Fig. 26.6, ¼ 358. From Fig. 26.4 for a square
footing the bearing capacity factors N and Nq are 29 and 57, respectively. Then from
eq. (22.7),
With a factor of safety of 3, qa ¼ 3500 lb/ft2 (170 MPa). Multiplying by the base area gives
This is the bearing capacity against shear failure and does not ensure that there will not be
excessive settlement.
Example 26.5
Predict settlement of the footing in the preceding example.
Answer: In Fig. 16.17 for a square base, settlement is
S ¼ 0:25Bp=qc
where B is the base width, p is the foundation pressure, and qc is the cone bearing
The allowable bearing pressure therefore must be reduced if settlement is to be less than
1 in. (25 mm).
Most of the data in Fig. 26.5 cluster around the line qp ¼ 4N, where qp is the point
bearing pressure in tons/ft2 (100 kPa). This relationship is exactly the same as that
which relates cone bearing pressure qc to N value, and is consistent with the
concept that the cone is a model pile.
From these and similar observations Meyerhof suggests the following formulas
for end-bearing and for side friction on piles driven in sand:
qp ¼ 0:4N 4N ð26:3Þ
fs ¼ Nav =50 < 1ton=ft2 ð100kPaÞ ð26:4Þ
where qp and fs are end-bearing and side friction stresses in tons/ft (100’s of kPa),
D is depth to the bottom and B is the bottom width, and Nav is the average blow
count for the length of the pile. An H-pile is assumed to have areas between the
flanges filled with soil. Taper can increase side friction by as much as 1.5.
Example 26.6
SPT data for a sand give an average blow count of 18 blows/ft (0.3 m). Estimate bering
capacity for a 20 ft (6.7 m) pile 1 ft (0.3 m) in diameter.
Figure 26.5
Data for
capacity of piles
versus SPT blow
count, summarized
by Meyerhoff
(1976) from many
For a preliminary estimate of end bearing in clay, Meyerhoff suggests eq. (26.3)
with a maximum value of 3N instead of 4N, and for side friction eq. (26.4).
Figure 26.6
representations of
cone apparatus:
(a) mechanical
cone, (b) detail of
(c) electrical cone.
Tip and friction
sleeve dimensions
are standardized.
Cones have been standardized to have a 608 apical angle, which simulates the cone
of soil with a friction angle of 308 that is pushed ahead of a flat foundation during
a bearing capacity failure. The diameter is standardized at 35.7 mm (1.4 in.) in
order that the cone base area is 1000 mm2 (1.54 in.2).
Figure 26.7
Cone penetration
data for a layered
soil. A friction ratio
less than
2 percent indicates
sand. (Data
courtesy of
Consultants, Inc.)
Figure 26.8
Friction angle of
sand related to
cone bearing
value. The
equivalent depth is
depth above the
table plus one-half
of the depth below
the groundwater
table. (From data
of Robertson and
Figure 26.9
Relation of cone
bearing value to
depth and to lateral
stress ratio, K.
(From Durgunoglu
and Mitchell, 1975,
reprinted with
permission of the
American Society
of Civil Engineers.)
Example 26.7
In Fig. 26.7, a sand layer identified from samples has a cone bearing from 1.5 to 3 MPa and
a friction ratio of 2.5 to 5. How would this soil be identified from cone data?
Answer: Silty sand or sandy silt.
Figure 26.10
Soil identifications
from cone data.
(Modified from
Robertson and
The friction cone measures an average response over the length of the sleeve,
which is 133 mm (5.2 in.). It also should be noted that the center of the friction
sleeve is about 100 mm (4 in.) above the cone tip with the electric cone, or 245 mm
(9 in.) with the mechanical cone, so measurements are not simultaneous for a
particular depth.
Cone tests are especially useful for quality control of compacted fill, being
complementary to near-surface density tests made during construction. An
illustration of how cone data were used to diagnose excessive settlement is shown
in Fig. 26.11.
The cone can be regarded as a model pile and used to predict pile bearing
capacity, particularly that part of the bearing capacity that is attributable to skin
friction. However, accuracy is influenced by scaling effects and inconsistent pore
water pressures, and is of the order of 50 percent (Schmertmann, 1975).
Figure 26.11
Cone bearing
values showing
layering in a 13 ft
(4 m) section of
compacted fill. The
regular variation is
described by
Allender as the
‘‘Oreo cookie
effect,’’ but some
of these cookies
had too much
filling. Under the fill
is alluvium and
glacial till.
(Courtesy of
Allender and
Butzke Engineers.)
where cu is the undrained cohesion, qc the cone bearing value, v the total
overburden pressure, and NK is a cone factor that varies from about 10 to 20,
averaging about 15. NK often is evaluated from local correlations with vane shear
measurements of cohesion (discussed below).
Pore pressure affects both the cone bearing and friction values, and bearing values
may be corrected to be on an effective stress basis (Robertson et al., 1986).
Empirical soil classification schemes also have been devised that incorporate pore
pressure data.
Use of the piezocone and correction for excess pore pressure also improves the
relationship between pile skin friction and cone data (Takesue et al., 1998).
However, this use requires careful de-airing of the system, and the porous stone is
susceptible to plugging.
The vane shear test was developed in Sweden in the 1940s and uses a vertical rod
with flat plates attached radially in the shape of an X (Fig. 26.12). The instrument
is pushed into the ground or into the bottom of a boring and twisted, and the
torque that is required to cause shearing around the cylindrical surface defined by
the blades is measured. The soil shear strength is calculated from the torque
measurement and the size and shape of blades of the vane.
A unique feature of the vane shear test is that after a peak strength value has been
attained, rotation can be continued to obtain a measure of the residual shear
Figure 26.12
Vane shear: (a)
and (c) standard
blade shapes;
(b) force being
directed to the
perimeter and
tending to mobilize
soil internal friction;
(d) an
shape used to
shearing on
strength and therefore of the sensitivity. In the laboratory this is possible only in a
direct shear test by a time-consuming cyclical reversal of the shear box.
26.4.2 Dimensions
The standardized height-to-diameter ratio is 2.0 (ASTM Designation D-2573).
Because, as shown in Fig. 26.12(a), part of the shearing surface is vertical and part is
horizontal, ends may be cut at 458 to prevent shearing along horizontal bedding
planes (Fig. 26.12(c)). Other specialized shapes such as Fig. 26.12(d) have been used
to vary the ratio of vertical and horizontal shearing resistance.
Farrant in Australia showed that one should be able to evaluate the friction angle
by varying the number of blades, but the method was found to be imprecise.
Comparisons with field situations indicate two additional discrepancies that have
contributed to a declining use of vane shear (Schmertmann, 1975). First, failure is
progressive, starting at the leading edge of each vane and then extending until
failure involves the entire circumference. Therefore by the time shearing is
complete, part of the soil has lost strength due to remolding, with the amount of
strength lost depending in part on compressibility of the soil.
The formula for reducing torque to shear strength for a vane of rectangular
section and a height/diameter ratio of 2 is
¼ ð26:6Þ
where is the shearing resistance in lb/in.2 (N/m2 or Pascals), T is the torque in
inch-pounds (newton-meters), and r is the vane radius in inches (meters). The
equation is dimensionally homogeneous.
As shown in Fig. 26.13, two opposing, sharply grooved plates of the shear head
are pushed into soil along the sides of a borehole with a controlled constant
pressure, and after a time for consolidation the device is pulled upward and the
maximum pulling force measured. The normal and shearing stresses are calculated
from the respective forces and the plate areas:
n ¼ ð26:7Þ
f ¼ ð26:8Þ
where n is the normal stress, N the normal force on each shear plate, A is the area
of one plate, f is the shearing stress at failure, and F is the pulling force acting on
two shear plates.
Figure 26.13
Schematic diagram
of the borehole
shear tester (BST).
The shear head is
expanded with a
constant normal
stress, time is
allowed for
consolidation, and
the shear head is
pulled upward.
(Courtesy of
Instruments, Inc.)
Pore pressures again increase as shearing stress is applied due to the increase in
major principal stress, so shearing rate is slow, 0.002 in. (0.05 mm)/sec, and is
further slowed down manually as the shearing stress approaches a maximum value.
Pore water pressures can be monitored during the test, or their effect can be more
conveniently determined by alternating shorter and longer consolidation times
to see if they influence the shear envelope (J. Schmertmann, personal
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In Situ Soil and Rock Tests
Figure 26.14
Maximum pore
water pressures
phases of a
Borehole Shear
test in marine clay
(from data of
Lutenegger and
Tierney, 1986).
This test procedure is called a ‘‘stage test,’’ and results in high degree of reproduc-
ibility and linearity because essentially the same depth of soil is repeatedly tested.
A representative data plot is shown in Fig. 26.16. The bilinear failure envelope is
similar to those obtained with a laboratory direct shear test (Fig. 18.8), and it will
be seen that the normally consolidated leg of the shear envelope extrapolates
Figure 26.15
Borehole Shear
tester shear head
being lowered into
a hollow-stemmed
auger for testing at
the bottom of a
boring. (Photo
courtesy of
R. Failmezger, In
Situ Testing, L.C.,
and Dr. David
White, Iowa State
Figure 26.16
Borehole shear test data. This test was continued beyond the preconsolidation pressure to establish
a bilinear failure envelope. (Courtesy of Dr. Evert Lawton, University of Utah.)
Figure 26.17
Rock Borehole
Shear test
comparative data.
RBST strengths
are slightly lower
because of
chipping of the
rock by the shear
plate teeth. The
test can be
performed in rock
that is too
fractured to core.
(Data courtesy of
the Oyo
through the origin. Because of its speed and resolution compared with routine
triaxial testing, the test sometimes is adapted for laboratory use.
The test went full circle when the rock tester shear plate was adapted to the soil
tester for testing intermediate rocks such as shale or soft limestone, where it often
can be used as a stage test instead of a single-point test (Handy et al., 1976).
Figure 26.18
Advances in
devices, or
26.6.2 Theory
Lamé’s theory for expansion of a hole in an elastic medium indicates that radial
compressive stress should decrease with the square of radial distance. Tangential
stress is tensile, and increases (algebraically) with radial distance, shown at the left
in Fig. 26.19.
In an ideal plastic material, when the radial pressure reaches the proportional
limit, the material in theory will continue to expand so long as the pressure is
maintained. This is the basis for the concept of a pressuremeter limit pressure.
Soils, however, have internal friction that increases as a result of compression,
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In Situ Soil and Rock Tests
Figure 26.19
Ideal elastic zone
stresses are
shown on the left,
and changes that
occur when a limit
pressure is
exceeded are
shown on the
right. Tension
cracks reduce
tangential stress
to zero. The rate
of change in radial
stress in the
plastic zone
depends on the
angle of internal
so the limit pressure is arbitrarily defined as the pressure at which the hole volume
is doubled.
The relation of a plastic zone where the limit pressure has been exceeded and a
surrounding elastic zone is shown at the right in Fig. 26.19. Radial tension
cracking can occur in the elastic zone if tangential tension exceeds the lateral
in-situ soil stress. The existence of these stress zones was confirmed by lateral
stress measurements near Rammed Aggregate Piers shown in Fig. 24.7.
26.6.3 Instrumentation
In the Menard pressuremeter, gas pressure is applied to water in a standpipe and
the water level monitored to indicate changes in the expansion cell volume.
Simultaneously a second standpipe shows inflation of the two guard cells at close
to and slightly below the main cell pressures.
A ‘‘push-in pressuremeter’’ is similar to the self-boring devices except that the hole
is cut with a Shelby tube-like cutter and soil remains in the center core of the
device until a test is completed and the pressuremeter is removed from the boring.
Another type of pressuremeter is an expansion cell that is arranged to follow a
cone to supplement the cone data with lateral expansion data, but in this case soil
disturbance becomes a major factor.
A hole is bored and the Menard device lowered to the desired test depth, or the
self-boring or push-in devices are taken to the desired depth. Pressure is raised in
increments with each pressure held constant for 1 minute. The volume change is
measured and pressure-volume expansion curves developed as shown in
Fig. 26.20.
The initial upward curve obtained with the Menard device is sensitive to hole
disturbance and does not occur with the self-boring pressuremeter. This part of
the curve is attributed to repair of disturbed soil with the perimeter of the boring.
French geotechnical engineers who make extensive use of pressuremeter tests
recommend testing in hand-augered borings made with drilling mud that main-
tains a positive pressure on the sides of the hole. The use of a circulating mud
Figure 26.20
Self-boring and
means that the auger is not withdrawn to empty it, and depths of 60 to 90 ft (20 to
30 m) are possible.
26.6.6 Modulus
The linear portions of pressure-volume curves generally are well defined,
particularly for a reloading cycle, so it is reasonable that they should be useful
for predicting settlement of foundations. Difficulties are that the drainage state is
not known, compression is horizontal instead of vertical, and is radial instead of
26.7.1 Overview
The soil Dilatometer, shown in Fig. 26.21, was developed in the late 1970s by
Dr. Silvano Marchetti at the University of Turin in Italy. The device is spade-
shaped, 14 mm (0.55 in.) thick, and on one face has a 60 mm (2.4 in.) diaphragm
that is expanded by gas pressure for a distance of 1 mm (0.039 in.). The
Dilatometer is pushed in to the next test depth, pressure readings are obtained
with the diaphragm relaxed and expanded, and the instrument pushed to the next
test depth where the operation is repeated.
The diaphragm is expanded with gas pressure, and the closed and open positions
of the diaphragm are indicated by an electrical contact and buzzer. Because the
diaphragm has an innate stiffness, reference pressure readings are made after the
diaphragm is ‘‘exercised’’ to obtain a uniform response. Subsequent readings are
corrected by reference to these values.
The device is pushed downward for a distance of 100–200 mm (4–8 in.) and a
reading taken, which is the ‘‘A’’ reading. The diaphragm then is expanded 1 mm,
and the expansion pressure is the ‘‘B’’ reading. After correction the two readings
are referred to as p0 and p1. A ‘‘C’’ reading may be taken when the diaphragm is
closed as an indication of static pore water pressure.
Figure 26.21
The Marchetti soil
Dilatometer. Two
pressure readings
are obtained,
one with the
diaphragm flat
and one with it
expanded 1 mm
into the soil.
26.7.2 Evaluating K0
Marchetti defines two dimensionless parameters plus one that has the dimensions
of a modulus. The first parameter is in the nature of a lateral stress ratio:
p0 u0
KD ¼ ð26:11Þ
where KD is the Dilatometer modulus, u0 is the static pore water pressure that is
calculated from the depth below the groundwater table, and v0 is the vertical
effective stress that is calculated from the test depth and groundwater level. If the
p0 reading were an undistorted lateral in-situ stress, KD would equal K0. However,
insertion of the device increases the lateral stress, so a correction is necessary. On
the basis of correlations in clays for a range of K0 ¼ 0.4 to 2.8, Marchetti suggested
the following empirical relationship:
K0 ¼ ðKD =1:5Þ0:47 0:6 ð26:12Þ
Because the response to lateral displacement of different soils is not uniform, this
expression has been modified by different investigators as shown in Fig. 26.22,
and according to the various correlations the ratio of K0 to KD value varies from
about 1/20 to 3. A correlation for sands by Baldi et al. (1986) gave a standard
error of estimate of 0.119. This means that if K0 ¼ 0.5, about two-thirds of the test
values will be in a range 0.38 to 0.62. Dilatometer K0 values appear reasonable as
they are based on averaged soil responses, and they are useful if this level of
reliability for K0 can be tolerated. As discussed in the next section, the
Figure 26.22
Some empirical
between K0 and
the Dilatometer KD
(From Baldi et al.,
1986, reprinted
with permission of
the American
Society of Civil
where the constant was derived on the basis of elastic theory for stress near a
circular hole (Marchetti, 1980). A vertical compression modulus M is defined
from elastic theory as
M ¼ E=ð1 2 Þ ð26:15Þ
where E is the elastic modulus and is Poisson’s ratio. As the limits on for an
elastic material are 0 and 0.5, the corresponding limits on M/E are 1.0 to 1.33.
However, when the analogous equation is written using the Dilatometer modulus
and evaluated experimentally, the range is much larger (Fig. 26.23). Let
M ¼ RM ED ð26:16Þ
where RM was found to vary with KD, which appears to be influenced by the limit
pressure, and to a much lesser degree on the material index. Except for very soft
soils the Dilatometer modulus underestimates the elastic modulus, perhaps related
to disturbance from insertion of the instrument. Additional corrections that
further increase M with depth for normally consolidated soils are suggested by
Schmertmann (1986). Settlement is
H ¼ ð26:17Þ
where H is the change in thickness of a layer having a thickness H and vertical
compression modulus M, as a result of a change in vertical stress v.
Figure 26.23
RM values to
modulus ED to a
modulus M.
(Plotted from
presented in
Manual by
Marchetti and
Example 26.8
A layer of silty clay 2.5 m (8.2 ft) thick will sustain an added load of 2 bars (2 ton/ft2,
191 kPa). Adjusted A and B readings give p0 ¼ 1.01 bar and p1 ¼ 1.43 bar on a total stress
basis. The average pore water pressure is 0.14 bar, and effective overburden pressure at the
middle of the layer is 0.46 bar. Predict compression of this layer.
Answer: On an effective stress basis, p00 ¼ 0.87 bar and p10 ¼ 1.29 bar. p ¼ 0.42 bar.
KD ¼ p00 =v0 ¼ 0:87=0:46 ¼ 1:90:
ID ¼ p=p00 ¼ 0:42=0:87 ¼ 0:48
ED ¼ 34:7p ¼ 34:7ð0:42Þ ¼ 14:6 bar
A load cell also can be buried in soil or attached to a solid surface to measure
changes in pressure in response to some type of loading. This approach has been
widely used in retaining wall and underground conduit research, but caution still
must be used in interpreting the data because of a difference in modulus between the
load cell and the soil, such that pressures may tend to concentrate on the load cell.
The ‘‘K0 Stepped Blade’’ introduces different levels of disturbance and extra-
polates measurements to obtain a hypothetical pressure on a zero-thickness blade.
A similar approach is used in chemical analysis and X-ray diffraction—to add a
measured amount of a chemical or mineral and make two measurements.
A test is conducted by boring to the test depth, then removing the drilling
instrument. The first, thinnest step of the blade is pushed into the bottom of the
boring and the pressure is read. Then the second step is pushed in, and the
Figure 26.24
Lateral pressures
are measured
sequentially at the
same depths with
the K0 Stepped
Blade and
extrapolated to
obtain a
pressure on a
blade. (Courtesy
of Handy
Instruments, Inc.)
pressure is read on both the second and first steps, in that order. Then the third
step is pushed in and the pressure read on cells 3, 2, and 1, and so on, until all
steps have been pushed and read. An additional blank section of the blade is
pushed to obtain an additional set of readings. The result is 4 pressure readings at
the shallowest depth, 4 at the next, 3 at the next, 2 at the next, and 1 at the deepest
depth, giving 14 pressure readings in all. This operation normally requires about
15 minutes. The instrument then is removed and the hole advanced to the next test
depth, where the operation is repeated.
The device measures total stress, so it is important that the level of the
groundwater table be determined in order to reduce the data to effective stresses.
26.8.3 Interpretation
The logarithm of pressure was found to relate to blade thickness, which is
analogous to a consolidation e-log P plot. This implies that for a test to be valid
the soil must be consolidating. The sequence of reading is intended to allow
approximately the same drainage time for each step. If consolidation is prevented
by poor drainage, all steps should measure a limit pressure.
26.8.4 Results
Some representative test results are shown in Fig. 26.25. An important step in
interpretation is to discard data that do not show an increase in pressure with
increasing step thickness. The two most common causes are (1) in stiff soils the
first step often creates an elastic response because the soil structure is not broken
down, which gives a high reading that is a measure of in-situ stress plus a
Figure 26.25
K0 Stepped Blade
test data at three
subdepths showing
extrapolation to
obtain lateral
in-situ stress. The
question mark
indicates elastic
response prior to
the soil structure
breaking down.
modulus; (2) in soft soils the thicker steps can cause a lateral bearing capacity
failure that is analogous to the limit pressure in the pressuremeter test. Data that
do not meet the requirement that pressures must increase with increasing
thickness therefore are omitted from the interpretation.
Figure 26.26
Blade averages
(open circles) and
90 percent
confidence limits
from 44 tests
bracket six
with a self-boring
data are courtesy
of Dr. Michael
O’Neil, University
of Houston. (From
Handy et al.,
Figure 26.27
ratios of various
push-in soil
devices, and (top)
soil responses
identified from
Stepped Blade
precision of 5 percent, with pressures that were consistent with Rankine theory
(Handy and White, 2006).
26.9.1 Overview
Statistics can be applied to any data, but statistical methods are particularly
appropriate for soils because of their large variability, and for in-situ tests because
of the abundance of data that can be generated in a relatively short time. These
two characteristics are complementary, because a large variability requires many
evaluations to establish a reliable average that may be used for design. For
example, if the strength of a soil deposit varies between 20 and 40, it is very
unlikely that a single measurement will give an answer that is representative of
the true average. If two tests are performed and averaged, the estimate will
be improved, and if 10 tests are performed and averaged, the estimate will be
improved even further. A statistical analysis provides a means for establishing
reliability of an average (or mean), based on variability and the number of
The engineer often must make a choice between performing a few highly
sophisticated tests or performing more tests that are less accurate and less costly.
Which approach is best, or can they be combined, a survey test to establish an
average and more detailed tests on a sample that is representative of the average?
The standard deviation calculated from test results actually represents the sum of
two standard deviations, one representing the soil variability and the other a test
variability. This relationship is as follows:
s2 ¼ s2s þ s2t ð26:18Þ
where s is the standard deviation that is measured, ss is that of the soil, and st that
of the test.
The relationship in Fig. 26.28 also indicates that a way to reduce variability is to
target the soil variability by subdividing the soil on the basis of distinguishing
Figure 26.28
Statistical variability s is the square root of the sum of squares of test variability s t and soil variability
ss. For most efficient evaluations s should be minimized, so the test should fit the soil variability.
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In Situ Soil and Rock Tests
characteristics. For example, if sand layers are interbedded with clay layers,
it would be foolish to determine critical engineering properties based on a single
composite sample, as there should be at least two samples.
Example 26.9
The following Standard Penetration Test blow counts were obtained in 10 tests:
Calculate the standard deviation (without using a program) and, assuming that this is an
accurate representation of the true population spread, estimate the N value exceeded by
95% of the deposit. (Use 90% area boundaries since these will define 5% ‘‘tails’’ at both
ends of the distribution.)
Figure 26.29
A statistical
normal distribution
relating the
number of tests
(vertical axis) to
deviations from a
mean value
(horizontal axis).
The s values in
this case are
deviations (s in
the text).
or 4.1 to 17.9. This means that if the distribution is symmetrical, 5% will be less than 4.1
and 95% will exceed 4.1.
Example 26.10
Calculate the 95% confidence limits on the mean in the previous example.
Answer: The 95% confidence limits are X 0.75(s) ¼ 11.0 0.75(4.2) ¼ 11.0 3.2, or
between 7.8 and 14.2.
If the average value of 11.0 is used for design without a factor of safety, the
likelihood that the true average is lower than that value is 50 percent, so if
the design procedures are accurate the failure rate would be 50 percent, which
is unacceptable. If the lower value of 7.8 is used for design, the failure rate
is reduced to 2.5 percent, which represents one ‘‘tail’’ of the distribution
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In Situ Soil and Rock Tests
and normally would be unacceptable even though the nominal ‘‘factor of safety’’
is 11 7.8 ¼ 1.4.
The statistical ‘‘t-test’’ therefore can allow one to evaluate the reliability of a
factor of safety. The lower the standard deviation represented in Fig. 26.28, the
better the reliability.
Example 26.11
How many tests will be required for an allowable error of 20% of the mean of the
preceding example? (This allowable error would be covered by increasing the factor of
safety by 20%.)
Answer: The estimate of E ¼ 0.20(11.0) ¼ 2.2. Then n ¼ (3 4.2/2.2)2 ¼ 33 tests.
A bar graph shows the number of data points falling within prescribed data
intervals, and in theory will approach a statistical normal distribution if there is
sufficient data. Figure 26.30 shows a bar graph for 123 standard penetration tests
conducted in glacial till at a hospital site. To plot such a graph an arbitrary
interval is assigned on the horizontal axis, and each test value is added to the bar
having the corresponding interval. In Fig. 26.30 three tests have N values from 10
to 14, seven from 15 to 19, and so forth.
Figure 26.30
Penetration Test
blow counts in a
glacial deposit
consisting of
brown (oxidized)
till over gray
(unoxidized) till.
(The heights of
the bars only
reflect the number
of tests and not
the strength.)
Even though the soil is glacial till, the distribution in this case is obviously bimodal
because it has two modes, or population peaks. The modes correlate with the field
description, one soil being gray and unoxidized and the other brown and oxidized.
At one time the depth of oxidation was attributed to weathering time, but this
graph indicates a more fundamental reason, that the gray till is harder and more
dense so it restricted entry of oxygen-charged water. The gray till probably is
‘‘subglacial,’’ meaning that it was compressed under the weight of the glacial ice,
whereas the brown till probably was deposited during the final retreat of the ice
front. This information obviously can be helpful for interpreting data from other
similar sites.
The two populations therefore are treated separately to calculate means and
standard deviations, which show that not only is the brown till layer much weaker
than the underlying gray till (N ¼ 27 compared to 73), it also is more variable
(s ¼ 12 compared to 5). This indicates a greater likelihood that the brown
variation may contain weaker zones that were not detected in the testing. The
building therefore was founded on deep foundations that extend into the
unoxidized gray till.
Variance is the square of the standard deviation. An ‘‘analysis of variance’’
(ANOVA) is used to compare means of three or more samples.
Standard Error
The standard error sometimes is included as a notation after the mean to relate
the reliability of the mean to the number of observations. Standard error is
smaller than the standard deviation, and is defined as
" #
se ¼ s 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð26:21Þ
Coefficient of Variation
How can one compare apples with oranges? Statistics at least allow a comparison
of the variability of two populations. This is useful to compare variability of
different test methods. The coefficient of variation is
Cv ¼ ð26:22Þ
where s is the standard deviation and X is the mean. The coefficient of variation
often is expressed as a percent. In order to determine the coefficient of variation
for a particular test method, the test should be repeated many times in a
uniform soil.
Example 26.12
Calculate the coefficient of variation in the above example.
Answer: Cv ¼ 4.2/11.0 ¼ 0.38 or 38%. This includes contributions from both soil and test
Linear regression investigates the data and fits a linear relationship that minimizes
the sums of squares of deviations in the Y direction. The result has two
coefficients, a and b, for a linear equation having the form
Y ¼ aX þ b ð26:23Þ
Most computer or calculator programs also will give a value for R , which is the
correlation coefficient. If all data are on line, R ¼ 1 or – 1, and there is no deviation
of data from the line. A negative value only means that X increases as Y decreases.
Squaring R takes away the sign. R2 also is affected by the number of data points,
n, which therefore should be stated.
No Independent Variable
In engineering both X and Y data may have random variability, in which case a
simple regression of one on the other is not correct and will give the wrong a and b
coefficients. If both random errors are unavoidable and approximately equal,
two regressions, Y on X and X on Y, will give two lines that intersect at
the mean values of both variables, and an average can be sketched in. Both
relationships will have the same R2 and the lines will bracket the correct
relationship. If R2 ¼ 0, the two regression lines will be at right angles and there is
not a relationship.
There are many other statistical methods that can be useful in engineering,
for example to determine confidence limits for a linear regression, and
engineers are encouraged to take a course in statistics, if only to gain a better
appreciation of the inevitable variability of data and the presence of experimental
Example 26.13
The following data were obtained from calibration of a test instrument:
Dynamometer: 0 3.4 6.5 9.5 13 16.4 19.5 22.6 25.6 29
Gauge pressure: 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Determine the regression coefficients and correlation coefficient with the dynamometer as
the independent variable.
Answer: a ¼ 0.5230, b ¼ 6.222, R2 ¼ 0.9998, n ¼ 10.
Beta Distribution
The Gaussian distribution reaches into prohibited territory, for example by
indicating a positive probability for a negative factor of safety, which is physically
impossible. This has led to increasing use of a beta distribution, which is more
versatile because end points can be defined. Usually a beta distribution is selected
that is closest to a normal distribution but is subject to an experimental validation.
A beta distribution has two shape functions, and , that are equal if the distri-
bution is symmetrical. Some examples of beta distributions are shown in Fig. 26.31.
R. Failmezger (personal communication) applied a beta distribution to show a
linear relationship between standard deviation and a required factor of safety.
Normalizing Data
In statistics to ‘‘normalize’’ literally means to make data more normal, that is, to
more closely fit a normal distribution such as shown in Figs. 26.29 and 26.30.
Plotting particle sizes to a logarithmic instead of a linear scale is an example of
this kind of normalization, and is justified because sedimentation rate depends on
the square of the particle diameter and not on the diameter, and most engineering
soils are sediments. Any use of a logarithmic scale to obtain a linear relationship,
as in interpretation of consolidation tests or Stepped Blade data, is in fact
Figure 26.31
Examples of
statistical beta
Advantages of
beta are that it is
adjustable and
can avoid any
implication of
negative values.
Another kind of transform is if data variability increases with size—the larger the
size, the larger the variability. The coefficient of variation is an example of this
kind of normalization, and allows comparisons between entirely different objects
or occurrences.
In computer science, data are normalized to fit within a prescribed range that is
easier to compute. ‘‘Floating point’’ arithmetic uses numbers expressed with an
exponential notation, such as 12 105 instead of 0.00012.
One guideline is the probability of occurrence of an outlier, for example that the
probability should not be less than 1/2n. For example, if the number of
observations is 10, an outlier point may be rejected and labeled with a question
mark if its probability of occurrence is less than 1/20 or 0.05. This and other
probabilities are presented in ASTM Designation E-178.
A simple calculation is required to test an outlier; its departure from the estimated
mean value is divided by the standard deviation:
D¼ ð26:24Þ
The criteria for rejection are shown in Fig. 26.32.
Example 26.14
The following SPT blow counts are obtained from tests in a uniform clay. Estimate
the mean and standard deviation, examine for outliers, and if necessary recalculate the
Answer: The mean and standard deviation are 21.0 14.2, n ¼ 5. The questionable data
entry is 46, which is on the high side and will raise the mean value. From eq. (26.24),
D ¼ j21:0 46j 14:42 ¼ 1:73
From Fig. 26.32, with n ¼ 5 there is less than a 5% probability that this is from the same
population as the rest of the values. It therefore is reasonable that this data point should
be rejected. The recalculated mean and standard deviation are 15 2.8 instead of
21.0 14.2, giving a lower and therefore a safer and more reliable estimate that can be used
for design.
Figure 26.32
Criteria for
rejection of data
(adapted from
ASTM Designation
Figure 26.33
The borehole
shear test is one
of the few in-situ
tests that can be
performed without
a drilling machine,
and is the only
field test that
measures soil
cohesion and
friction angle on
an effective stress
basis. The shear
head is being
expanded into the
soil with air
pressure and will
be pulled upward
to cause shearing.
the number of measurements. Thus a soil may be evaluated for friction or for
cohesion but not for both, which leads to overdesign. This is permissible for small
structures but can become very expensive for large ones, so a trend continues to
develop in-situ tests that are directed towards specific objectives such as internal
friction and cohesion and lateral in-situ stress.
26.1. Prepare a table showing advantages and disadvantages of the cone
penetration test compared with the Standard Penetration Test. Include
level of skill of the technicians.
26.2. How does geotechnical exploration drilling differ from drilling for water?
For oil?
26.3. Assume that a soil loses one-half of its strength by remolding. A standard
cone push rod is 36 mm (1.4 in.) o.d. and 16 mm (0.63 in.) i.d. Calculate
the amount of extension of 10 m (30.5 ft) of rod as a soil goes from a
peak strength of 2 MPa (20 tons/ft2) to its residual strength. The modulus of
elasticity of steel is 200(10)6 kPa (30 106 lb/in.2). Explain the significance.
26.4. What is the vane shear strength of sand? Explain.
26.5. As a geotechnical engineer you are asked to observe exploration drilling
and testing at a job site where they are performing a Standard Penetration
Test. What do you look for in terms of the test, samples, and
characterization of soil between the test depths?
26.6. The following SPT data were obtained at a depth of 5 ft in soil above the
groundwater table with a doughnut hammer: 15, 23, 26. What is N in
blows per foot (0.3 m) What is N60 with a depth correction?
26.7. The soil in the preceding problem is a sand. Which value of N is used to
estimate the friction angle? What is the estimated friction angle?
26.8. Use the answer from the preceding problem to estimate the bearing
capacity of the footing in Example 26.4.
26.9. Predict settlement for the footing in Problem 26.8.
26.10. From averaged cone data in Figs. 26.7 and 26.10, estimate the grain
size of the Cary till and of the sand. Which identifications are more
26.11. The apical angle of the cone test simulates what soil friction angle?
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In Situ Soil and Rock Tests
26.12. Estimate total settlement from compression of the weaker layers of fill in
Fig. 26.11 under a broad load of 1 ton/ft2, assuming that the layers behave
as a sand.
26.13. The stiff layer immediately underneath the fill in Fig. 26.11 is a clay
paleosol. Estimate its cohesion and bearing capacity. How does NT
compare with the bearing capacity Nc for a circular foundation? How do
you explain the differences, if any?
26.14. The maximum torque measured with a standard rectangular vane is
35 ft-lb (47.5 N-m). What is the shear strength?
26.15. The test in Fig. 26.16 was conducted at a depth of 16 ft (4.88 m). The soil
unit weight is 105 lb/ft3 (16.5 kg/m3). The groundwater table is at 4 ft
(1.2 m) depth. What is the OCR?
26.16. A Borehole Shear test develops the following data in unsaturated loess:
Normal stress, lb/in.2 (kPa): 5.5 (38.5) 12 (84) 17.7 (124) 24 (168)
Shear failure ’’ ’’ 4 (28) 4.6 (32) 11.6 (81) 14.7 (1.3)
(a) Plot a Mohr-Coulomb graph and failure envelope, and explain if any
data are omitted. Estimate cohesion and angle of internal friction. (b)
Perform a linear regression for linear portions of the graph and determine
the correlation coefficient, cohesion, and friction angle.
26.17. The following Stepped Blade measurements were obtained at two
Step thickness (mm): 3 4.5 6 7.5
Pressure lb/in. (kPa): 32 (224) 24 (168) 26.5 (186) 29 (200)
45 (315) 29 (186) 34 (238) 30 (210)
(a) Plot the data with pressure on a log scale (or plot log pressure),
examine the data for acceptability, and extrapolate to obtain lateral in-situ
stresses. (b) Perform linear regressions on the thickness-log pressure data
with thickness as the independent variable, calculate the correlation
coefficient, lateral in-situ stress, and slope of the lines.
26.18. K0 Stepped Blade measurements in a basal stratum of loess give K0 ¼ 1.0.
Explain. What are the engineering implications for the overlying loess soil?
26.19. Give two explanations why lateral stress measurements in a residual soil
consistently give K041. Will K0 be constant with depth? Explain. (Hint:
What is K0 at the ground surface?)
26.20. In Example 26.8 a clay layer 1 m (3.3 ft) thick gives a Dilatometer
A reading ¼ 1.14 þ 0.22 bar and B ¼ 2.39 – 0.43 bar. The pore water
pressure is 0.475 bar, and the effective overburden pressure is 0.70 bar.
Calculate settlement from compression of this layer.
26.21. In Fig. 26.30 there are several data points that occur in the wrong popu-
lation. Perform a statistical test to determine if they should be omitted.
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In Situ Soil and Rock Tests
26.22. In the glacial till in Fig. 26.30, what laboratory test might give an estimate
of the thickness of the glacier? What in-situ test?
26.23. In Example 26.9 the standard deviation is 4.2. (a) What is the coefficient
of variation? (b) Estimate the limits on the mean that will encompass 50%
of the data (known as the ‘‘probable error’’). (c) What is the standard
26.24. In Example 26.9 predict how many tests will be required for an acceptable
error of 10%.
26.25. In Fig. 26.30, which curve most nearly simulates a symmetrical normal
distribution? How could one confirm that this is the best curve?
26.26. SPTs are performed in a glacial till that contains gravel particles.
(a) Calculate the mean and standard deviation for N ¼ 17, 16, 25, 20, 18,
37, 45, 26, 18, 22 blows/ft (0.3 m). (b) Plot a bar graph of the data. Would
you be justified in deleting any value(s)? If so, suggest a possible explanation
and recalculate part (a). (c) The tests start at a depth of 5 ft (1.5 m) and are
performed at 5 ft (1.5 m) depth intervals. Apply a depth correction as
necessary. (d) Calculate 95% confidence intervals on the mean.
26.27. What tests are most appropriate to determine soil variability across and
under a site? What tests are most appropriate to establish design parameters
such as compressibility and effective stress internal friction and cohesion?
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