DLP-Lesson 2
DLP-Lesson 2
DLP-Lesson 2
Okay very good! I guess you listened very well last time.
And this time our topic will have a connection to our topic
last meeting.
Presenting the lesson Okay Class, who among you had an experienced of joining
GSP and BSP ? (Students raises their hands)
Yes! Very Good, what then is your best experienced you
ever had during the camp? (Students answer may vary)
Now class, you are supposed to had a bonfire during Ma’am, pieces of dry wood or
camping. branches of tree!
What are the things to be considered when we want to
have a bonfire? What are things to be needed?
Ma’am, fuel!
Ma’am, lighter!
Yes! That’s right, all of your answers are materials needed
when having a bonfire in camping site.
The given scenario can be explained by science- the
process of burning, the fuel, and the ignition when the head
of the matchstick strikes the rough portion of a box.
Our lesson today is all about Science Processes and
Yes! Ma’am
Yes! That’s correct
Although it explains how things works, it is not an
absolute fact. We know today through these theories may
change in the near future right?
Yes, this is what happen to phlogiston theory when it was
disproved because phlogiston theory was discovered not to
exist. It was Antoine Laurent Lavoisier who explained
that the combustion process requires oxygen gas. Ma’am, it was called scientific
His contributions earned him the title “Father of method!
Open-mindedness- accepting
the opinion and ideas of other
people generously and
Perseverance- being determined
to succeed despite the
disappointments, difficulties
and failures one may face along
the way
Resourceful- overcoming any
difficulties, solving problems,
or creating new thing using
available resources.
Responsibility- giving one’s
best effort to accomplish or
perform the task even beyond
what is expected.
Risk-taking- performing task or
trying new ideas despite the
possible rick, criticism, and
Very good!
Developing mastery/leads MATCH ME!!
to formative assessment Direction: Match column A to column B
__1. Antoine Laurent Lavoisier A. a substance released into the air during combustion.
B. Father of Chemistry
__ 2. Phlogiston C. a person who is an expert in any field of science and
__ 3. Georg Ernst Stahl conducts scientific investigations.
D. proposed the Phlogiston theory
__ 4. Scientists being truthful in all aspects and not deceiving other people with
the results of one’s investigations.
__ 5. Intellectual Honesty E. Being truthful in all aspects and not deceiving other
people with the results of one’s investigations.
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
Checked by:
Science Coordinator
Noted by: