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DLP-Lesson 2

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School: INC. Level: 7TH GRADE

Teacher: Sheyla T. Barreto Area: SCIENCE
AUGUST 02, 2023
Teaching Date and 1st
10:30AM-11:30AM Quarter:
Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of scientific ways of acquiring knowledge and
solving problems.
Performance Standards Perform in groups in guided investigations involving community-based problems using
locally available materials.
Learning Competency Describe the components of a scientific investigation;
Specific Objectives At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
identify and classify science processes and attitudes;
explain the steps of the scientific method; and
relate the scientific method to daily life.
Learning Code S7MT-Ia-1
II. CONTENT Doing Scientific Investigations
III. LEARNING 1. OHSP Integrated Science I. Quarter 1. Module 1.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages OHSP Integrated Science I. Quarter 1. Module 1.
2. Learner’s Material Pages
Science Grade 7 Quarter 1 – Lesson 1 Doing Scientific Investigation pp. 2-8
B. Other Resources https://youtu.be/0bpbUQ4S2ms
Laptop, Powerpoint Presentation, Videos, Speaker
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Preparatory activities A. GREETINGS Good morning, ma’am! We are
Good morning, Class! How are you today? good today, Ma’am!
Alright, that’s great! I hope everyone are feeling good

That’s great! God is good we are all healthy today.

B. PRAYER (Student leads the prayer)

Okay if that so, let us first seek the guidance of our
Almighty God.
Before settling down, kindly arrange your chairs and pick (Students says present)
up those pieces of paper and plastic under your chairs.
Please say present when your name will be called.
Before we proceed to our formal discussion, I just want
you to know our classroom rules especially during
discussion. And these are the ff;
Listen to your teaching while talking in Infront
Respect everyone in the class
Raise your hand if you have a question or you want to Yes Ma’am!
Participate ALL the time.
Class, Is that clear
Review previous lesson Class, last meeting we talk about the introduction of
science. Ma’am, the word “science”
may flash different pictures on
Anyone who can recall about our topic last time? your mind, such us viewing
Yes, Noreen? things at the atomic level using
microscopes, advancements in
medicines, kinds of energy used
Very good! How about the others? in our daily life and exploration
in outer space.
Ma’am science comes from the
Latin word scientia, which
means “knowledge”. Later on,
it became “body of
Yes,Mr. Al ? what have you learned about last meeting? knowledge”.

Science is also a broad body of

knowledge and it is classified
into three branches.

Ma’am, like microwaves,

hairdryers, phones, computers,
tablets, toasters, dishwashers,
refrigerators, washing
How about technology? machines, digital clocks,
Who among you want to give an example of technologies thermostats, and so many
that helps us in our daily living? others.

Ma’am, Physical Science

Earth Science and
Life Science

And we also learned that there are three branches of

science, what are they?

Okay very good! I guess you listened very well last time.
And this time our topic will have a connection to our topic
last meeting.
Presenting the lesson Okay Class, who among you had an experienced of joining
GSP and BSP ? (Students raises their hands)
Yes! Very Good, what then is your best experienced you
ever had during the camp? (Students answer may vary)

Now class, you are supposed to had a bonfire during Ma’am, pieces of dry wood or
camping. branches of tree!
What are the things to be considered when we want to
have a bonfire? What are things to be needed?
Ma’am, fuel!
Ma’am, lighter!
Yes! That’s right, all of your answers are materials needed
when having a bonfire in camping site.
The given scenario can be explained by science- the
process of burning, the fuel, and the ignition when the head
of the matchstick strikes the rough portion of a box.
Our lesson today is all about Science Processes and

In 1703, a German Professor named Georg Ernst Stahl

proposed the Phlogiston theory. According to this, all
combustible materials contain phlogiston- a substance Ma’am, a theory is a set of
released into the air during combustion. explanations and organized
After combustion, the residue or ash left was called calx. principles to explains certain
Class, if we say theory? What comes to your mind?

Yes! Ma’am
Yes! That’s correct
Although it explains how things works, it is not an
absolute fact. We know today through these theories may
change in the near future right?
Yes, this is what happen to phlogiston theory when it was
disproved because phlogiston theory was discovered not to
exist. It was Antoine Laurent Lavoisier who explained
that the combustion process requires oxygen gas. Ma’am, it was called scientific
His contributions earned him the title “Father of method!

What do you call the things that can be observed and

verified repeatedly?

Ma’am, I think the most special

Correct! skill that a scientist had is being
Now I have a question to you, if ever you are given a a curios person, it’s because in
chance to become a scientist in just one day. What are the that way he/she is eager to learn
most important skills a scientist has? and why? and explore thinks in a way
he/she wanted to do.

Alright! You have a point! Actually, curiosity skills is also

included to some of the science processes and attitude that
we are going to discussion today.
Discussing the new As we observed things around us, we develop different
concepts and practicing new kind of skills necessary to discern and not to accept every Ma’am, a person who is an
skills #1 piece of information blindly. expert in any field of science
and conducts scientific
As Albert Einstein said once quoted “The most important investigations are called
thing in this world is not to stop questioning”. SCIENTIST.

Decision-making based on logical reasoning and thorough

judgement is an important inquiry or science process skills.
What are the science process skills?

Speaking of science process skills, who are the people are

expert in this field?

Very good! It is a scientist.

Discussing the new Let us also talk about Scientific Attitudes.

concepts and practicing new
skills #2 If we say Scientific Attitudes, what are the things to be Ma’am, being a scientist, you
considered? should possess have a positive
attitude toward things, and you
should also be a risk-taker at all
Absolutely that’s right! times.

They also have scientific attitudes, or values and habits of

the mind in science. Accuracy-gathering data that
Do you have any idea of what are the scientific attitudes? conform to the correct value.
Curiosity – being eager to learn
and explore new things
Creativity- being able to
generate new ideas or new
ways to solve a problem
Critical thinking- analyzing
facts and making sound
Humility – being humble,
admitting one’s shortcomings
and accepting help from other
people when needed
Initiative- doing things
independently without being
asked to do so
Innovativeness- being able to
implement something new or
create something that has been
made before
Intellectual honesty- being
truthful in all aspects and not
deceiving other people with the
results of one’s investigations.
Objectivity- dealing with facts
without being biased or
affected by one’s own personal
feelings and motives.

Open-mindedness- accepting
the opinion and ideas of other
people generously and
Perseverance- being determined
to succeed despite the
disappointments, difficulties
and failures one may face along
the way
Resourceful- overcoming any
difficulties, solving problems,
or creating new thing using
available resources.
Responsibility- giving one’s
best effort to accomplish or
perform the task even beyond
what is expected.
Risk-taking- performing task or
trying new ideas despite the
possible rick, criticism, and
Very good!
Developing mastery/leads MATCH ME!!
to formative assessment Direction: Match column A to column B
__1. Antoine Laurent Lavoisier A. a substance released into the air during combustion.
B. Father of Chemistry
__ 2. Phlogiston C. a person who is an expert in any field of science and
__ 3. Georg Ernst Stahl conducts scientific investigations.
D. proposed the Phlogiston theory
__ 4. Scientists being truthful in all aspects and not deceiving other people with
the results of one’s investigations.
__ 5. Intellectual Honesty E. Being truthful in all aspects and not deceiving other
people with the results of one’s investigations.

Finding practical Checking point

applications of concepts and Name at least 2 scientific attitudes that you may have and (Answer may vary)
skills in daily living explain how you demonstrate these in your daily living.

Generalization What is science process? Ma’am, being a scientist, you

should possess have a positive
attitude toward things, and you
should also be a risk-taker at all
Accuracy-gathering data that
What is a theory? conform to the correct value
Curiosity – being eager to learn
and explore new things.
Creativity- being able to
generate new ideas or new
ways to solve a problem
Critical thinking- analyzing
What are the scientific attitudes? facts and making sound
Humility – being humble,
admitting one’s shortcomings
and accepting helpf from other
people when needed
Initiative- doing things
independently without being
asked to do so
Innovativeness- being able to
implement something new or
create something that has been
made before
Intellectual honesty- being
truthful in all aspects and not
deceiving other people with the
results of one’s investigations.

Objectivity- dealing with facts

without being biased or
affected by one’s own personal
feelings and motives.
Open-mindedness- accepting
the opinion and ideas of other
people generously and
Perseverance- being determined
to succeed despite the
disappointments, difficulties
and failures one may face along
the way.
Resourceful- overcoming any
difficulties, solving problems,
or creating new thing using
available resources.
Responsibility- giving one’s
best effort to accomplish or
perform the task even beyond
what is expected.
Risk-taking- performing task or
trying new ideas despite the
possible rick, criticism, and

What do you call the person who is an expert in any field

of science and conducts scientific investigations?
Evaluating Learning ANO SAY MO SA SELFIE KO!
Activity 1 Analyzing the Pictures
Directions: Observe carefully the following images. From
the box below select
the appropriate scientific attitude that each picture
depicts. Write your
answer in a separate sheet of paper.
Directions: Observe carefully the following images. From
the box below select
the appropriate scientific attitude that each picture
depicts. Write your
answer in a separate sheet of paper.
Observe carefully the following images. From the box
below select
the appropriate scientific attitude that each picture
depicts. Write your
answer in a separate sheet of paper.
Direction: Observe carefully the following images. From
the box below select the appropriate scientific attitude that
each picture depicts.
Activity 2. Showing Scientific Attitude
Direction: Present an example/situation in your life where
you have shown/exhibited the following attitudes. Check
the given examples to reference.


Activity 3: ESSAY
How will you nurture scientific attitudes to be part of your
everyday life?


K. Additional Advanced reading about Scientific Method

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who acquire additional

activities for remediation who scored
below 80%

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of

learners who have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who continue to require

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did this work?

Prepared by:
Subject Teacher

Checked by:
Science Coordinator

Noted by:

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