Gazette Notificatio Royalty Post Well Head
Gazette Notificatio Royalty Post Well Head
Gazette Notificatio Royalty Post Well Head
[:he <Ga~ette of gIndia ~
mrrII-~3-'a'ti-~ (i)
PART II-Section 3-Sub-section (i)
~"ff !oIctlt~lct
fu'tt1uT :.~ $f (IQI1<1J.11(f2TIfcrcf;m)31f~, ~
1948 (1948 q;r 53) CfiT 31f~~m.:m. 219 C~) ~
2611ftf, 1981 afu:m.q;r.f~. 814 d) ~ 16~, 2004 <t"«f ~ ~ ~t I
New Delhi, the 20th of August, 2007
G.S.R. 559 (E).-In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (4) of Section 6A of the Oilfields (Regulation
and Development) Act, 1948 (53 of 1948), the Central Government hereby makes the following further amendment<; in the
Schedule to the said Act, namely :-
2. In the Oilfields (Regulation and Development) Act, 1948, in the Schedule, in serial number 3 ,-
(i) for Note 1, the following note shall be substituted, namely:
''Note 1: (1) The well head price of crude oil and casing head condensate for nominated blocks of Oil and Natural
Gas Corporation Limited or Oil India Limited shall be determined by deducting rupees one thousand two hundred and fifty
one only per metric tonne and rupees nine hundred forty seven only per metric tonne for onshore and offshore respectively,
. from the sale price of crude oil or casing head condensate.
(2) The amounts specified in clause (1) shall be the post-well head cost which shall be valid for a period of three
years with effect from 1st April, 2007 or such period till the revised rates are notified.
(3) Oil Industry Development Cess and Education Cess thereon shaIJ not form part of post well head cost.
(4) Royalty will be cakulated on cum-royalty basis as under: f,
Royalty amount = Well head price x royalty rate
(100 + royalty rate)."
(ii) after Note 2, the following Note shall be inserted, namely :-
"Note 3 : The post well head cost for the purpose of calculating well head price of crude oil or casing head
condensate for cases other than nominated 'blocks of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited or Oil India Limited and for
natural gas in all cases other than Administered PriceMechanism gas of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited or Oil India
Limited shalI be determined as under:
(1) Per unit rate of post well head cost, that is, per metric tonne or barrel for crude oil or casing head condensate and
per Million Metric British Thermal Unit for natural gas shall be determined based on actual post well head
expenditure reported in previous year's audited accounts
(2) In case of production from a new field under the Production Sharing Contract, the post we]] head cost for the
fIrst year may be provisionally estimated by the lessee and duly certified by the Directorate General of Hydro-
carbons and final adjustments shall be made'within one hundrecLtwenty days from the end of the first year,
. basedon the auditedaccountsof thefirstyear. .
(3) Oil Industry Development Cess and Education Cess, Depreciation expense, Income Tax, surcharge thereon and
profit petroleum shall not be allowedas expenditure under post we]]head cost. .
~,-{4)Fu11records shaU be maintained and got audited by iesses or procedures to assess the actual post well head
cost incurred in previous year.
(5) Royalty shall be computed on ex-royalty basis".
[F. No. 22013/l/03-0NG-ill]
AX JAIN, 1t. Secy.
, Note: The Schedule to the OilfieJds (Regulation and Development) Act, 1948 (53 of 1948) has been amended vide
notification numbers S.O. 219(£). dated the 26t!J.March, 1981 and GSR 8l4(E), dated the 16th December, 2004.
Printed -by the Manager. Gov!. of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri. New Delhi-] 10064
and Publish~d by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-I ]0054.