Dell Technologies Education Course Catalog
Dell Technologies Education Course Catalog
Dell Technologies Education Course Catalog
Education Services
Course Catalog
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
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• Traditional Classroom – In-person classroom training delivered by an instructor, with students in the same facility/room.
• Virtual Classroom – Live online instruction delivered by an instructor using Adobe Connect, Skype, video conference or other remote connection
• Private Classroom – Contact an Education Account Manager for details.
• On Demand Class – Self-paced online modules on demand, accessible anytime, anyplace.
• On Demand Lab – Self-paced hands-on learning, includes access to the lab environment and materials to support the learning objectives.
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 2
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
Unity 32
CI VxBlock 4
VxBlock 4 HCI VxRail 33
VCF on VxRail 33
CI/HCI Flex & Solutions 4 VxRail 33
CloudLink 4
PowerFlex 4 Multi Domain 33
PowerFlex appliance 4 Telecom BMO 33
PowerFlex rack 4
Networking 34
Client 5 Campus 34
Client Systems 5 Data Center 34
New Hire Client 5 Networking 34
SmartFabric 34
Data Protection 6
Avamar 6 Redemption 34
Cloud Disaster Recovery 7 Voucher 34
Cloud Snapshot Manager 8
Cyber Recovery 8
Security and Systems Management 34
OpenManage 34
Data Domain 8
Data Protection Advisor (DPA) 9 Server 35
Data Protection Central 11 Modular 35
Data Protection Search (DPS) 11 PowerEdge 35
Data Protection TA 11
Integrated Data Protection Appliance (IDPA) 12
Third Party 35
NetWorker 12 000 Third Party Untagged 35
RecoverPoint 16 CompTIA 36
PowerMax 25 CloudIQ 62
Unisphere 27 DataIQ 62
XtremIO 27 PowerScale 63
SRM 64
Entry and Midrange Storage 28
Apex 28
CI/HCI Block Rail 67
Cloud Tiering Appliance 29 VxRail 67
Connectrix 29
PowerPath 29
PowerStore 29
PowerVault 30
SC Series 30
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 3
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
CI VxBlock VCE-1LN-
Virtual Class 40 Hours
VxBlock Administration VCE-1LN-
This course covers administration and management aspects of the Classroom 40 Hours
VxBlock System. It includes an overview of the architecture as well
as introduces common administrative tasks that are performed
using the various system element managers and Dell EMC VxBlock
Central. This training is designed to enable participants to VxBlock Converged Management Software Implementation
successfully complete hands-on activities for common VxBlock This course presents the installation and implementation of VxBlock
System administrative tasks. Converged Management Software (CMS). It covers CMS
architecture overview, deployment requisites, and deployment
VCE-1CN- procedures. Interactive simulations are used in the course to
Classroom 40 Hours
EMCVBAM provide a step-by-step walkthrough of the deployment procedures.
CI/HCI Flex & Solutions This course provides a complete view of installing, upgrading,
expanding a PowerFlex and Ready Node system. Installation
CloudLink methods for Linux and ESXi environments are introduced and you
CloudLink Administration will perform hands-on installation and upgrade of a PowerFlex
cluster. It also includes working with the MDM, SDS, SDC, volumes,
This course describes the common tasks performed when adjusting cache, and administrating the system. A deeper
administering a CloudLink environment. It details how to manage understanding of the architecture and components will be
users, roles, keys, agents, encrypted volumes, machines, and introduced. Labs, simulations, and video demonstrations are also
policies. The course also discusses disaster recovery as well as provided for a complete learning experience
tools for monitoring and troubleshooting.
Virtual Class 32 Hours ES102CPX01905
On Demand Class 02 Hours MR-1WN-CL60AM
Classroom ES102CPX01905
CloudLink Implementation
This course describes the common tasks performed for PowerFlex appliance
implementing CloudLink with various design options align to
PowerFlex appliance and PowerFlex Manager 3.7
requirements in a VMware and DellEMC VxFlex environments. It
details how to deploy a single CloudLink Center and then go on to Administration
learn about deploying a cluster. The course also discusses how to This course provides an overview of the PowerFlex appliance
install agents and perform a basic configuration to enable solution and details how PowerFlex Manger is used as a centralized
encryption. Finally, it covers the integration of VxFlex Manager with configuration and management tool. Covered topics include a
CloudLink. deeper dive into the appliance architecture as well as common tasks
used to administer storage, compute, and network resources. Lab
On Demand Class 02 Hours MR-1WN-CL65PI demonstrations and simulations are included to reinforce the
learning experience.
04 Hours 30
PowerFlex On Demand Class ES102CPX01935
PowerFlex 3.6 Administration
This course provides an overview of PowerFlex 3.6 and managing a
PowerFlex System. It includes working with the MDM, SDS, SDC, PowerFlex Manager 3.7 Installation and Implementation
volumes, adjusting cache, and administrating the system. A deeper
understanding of the architecture and components will be This course introduces the PowerFlex Manager 3.7 installation and
implementation process. The process covers the pre-installation
introduced, demonstrations and lab simulations complete the
learning experience. checklist, the install process, the initial software configuration, the
getting started implementation process, finalizing the
On Demand Class 05 Hours ES102CPX01822 implementation, and upgrading the software and components.
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Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
PowerFlex rack Administration This course outlines the process for conducting a PowerFlex rack
RCM upgrade.
This course focuses on PowerFlex rack administration and
management tasks. It presents tools and processes for monitoring,
On Demand Class 02 Hours ES502CPX01942
configuring, and maintaining the PowerFlex rack system.
On Demand Class
Dell Client Systems Support and Troubleshooting
This course provides you with basic troubleshooting steps to resolve
Dell Client Systems Deployment and Implementation issues when deploying client systems. Topics include
troubleshooting hardware, network connectivity, setup, data
Become more efficient in deploying Dell client systems. This course migration, and data wiping. Recommended along with the Dell
is designed to walk you through pre-deployment procedures, Client Systems Deployment and Implementation course, this
physical device setup, recording asset information, running training helps prepare you for the Implementing Dell Client Systems
deployment setup scripts and retired asset management. You will authorization exam.
learn procedures such as verifying equipment against the work
order and checking the conditions of the equipment. This course DESNOLT-706-
along with the Dell Client Support and Troubleshooting course will On Demand Class
help you prepare for the Implementing Dell Client System s exam.
On Demand Class
3530 Dell Client Systems Support and Troubleshooting
This course provides you with basic troubleshooting steps to resolve
issues when deploying client systems. Topics include
Dell Client Systems Deployment and Implementation troubleshooting hardware, network connectivity, setup, data
migration, and data wiping. Recommended along with the Dell
Become more efficient in deploying Dell client systems. This course Client Systems Deployment and Implementation course, this
is designed to walk you through pre-deployment procedures, training helps prepare you for the Implementing Dell Client Systems
physical device setup, recording asset information, running authorization exam.
deployment setup scripts and retired asset management. You will
learn procedures such as verifying equipment against the work DESNOLT-812-
order and checking the conditions of the equipment. This course On Demand Class
along with the Dell Client Support and Troubleshooting course will
help you prepare for the Implementing Dell Client System s exam.
On Demand Class
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 5
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
01 Hours 30
Avamar Administration On Demand Class ES103DPS01510
This course explains and demonstrates configuration and use of
Avamar. Students learn how to configure Avamar for operation; how
to create and manage user accounts; how to configure and initiate
backup and restore of data; and how to monitor Avamar operation. Avamar Integration with Microsoft SQL Server
This lab demonstrates the integration of Avamar with Microsoft SQL
Classroom 32 Hours MR-1CP-AVAM635 Server. Students learn operational best practices with a focus on
configuring and performing backup and recovery of logs and
Avamar Implementation 01 Hours 30
On Demand Lab ES103DPS01511
This lab demonstrates the deployment of Avamar. Students learn Minutes
how to deploy Avamar Virtual Edition; how to upgrade all models of
Avamar to the latest release; and how to configure and prepare
Avamar for administration.
Avamar Integration with Oracle
On Demand Lab 24 Hours ES102DPS01702 This lab demonstrates the integration of Avamar with Oracle.
Students learn operational best practices with a focus on configuring
and performing backup and recovery of logs and databases
Avamar Implementation and Administration On Demand Lab 01 Hours ES103DPS01517
This course explains and demonstrates the deployment,
configuration, and use of Avamar. Students learn how to deploy
Avamar Virtual Edition; how to upgrade all models of Avamar to the
latest release; how to configure Avamar for operation; how to create Avamar Integration with Oracle
and manage user accounts; how to configure and initiate backup This course explains and demonstrates the integration of Avamar
and restore of data; and how to monitor Avamar operation. This with Oracle. Students learn operational best practices with a focus
course includes labs to reinforce these skills through exercises on configuring and performing backup and recovery of logs and
databases. A separate on-demand lab aligns with this course to
Classroom 40 Hours MR-7CP-AVAM633 reinforce these skills through exercises.
01 Hours 30
On Demand Class ES103DPS01516
Avamar Integration
This course explains and demonstrates the integration of Avamar
with different applications, databases, and virtual machine hosts.
Students learn operational best practices with a focus on configuring Avamar Integration with SharePoint
and performing backup and recovery of file systems, applications This course explains and demonstrates the integration of Avamar
and databases. This course includes labs to reinforce these skills with SharePoint. Students learn operational best practices with a
through exercises. focus on configuring and performing backup and recovery of
SharePoint. A separate on-demand lab aligns with this course to
Classroom 40 Hours MR-1CP-AVAIPM reinforce these skills through exercises.
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 6
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
Dell Avamar Integration with Microsoft Exchange Dell Cloud Disaster Recovery Administration
This lab demonstrates the integration of Avamar with Microsoft This course provides an understanding of the use and management
Exchange. Students learn operational best practices with a focus on of Dell Cloud Disaster Recovery (Cloud DR) administration. The
configuring and performing backup and recovery of Microsoft purpose of this course is to describe Cloud DR administrative
Exchange. operations in supported environments.
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Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 8
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
This course provides the knowledge and skills needed for installing The PowerProtect DD System Administration course provides the
PowerProtect DD appliances. The course provides learning knowledge and skills needed for configuring and maintaining
experiences covering hardware installation, cabling and PowerProtect DD systems. The course provides online
connections, and initial configuration of system software for network presentation, videos and demos, reviews, knowledge checks, and
connectivity, administrative access, and verification of pointers to further study. A separate on-demand lab aligns with this
interoperability with connected devices. course to reinforce these skills through exercises.
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 9
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
Dell Data Protection Advisor (DPA) Implementation and On Demand Class 05 Hours ES102DPS01484
This class explains and demonstrates the purpose, deployment,
configuration, and use of Data Protection Advisor. Students learn Dell Data Protection Advisor Administration for the Sys Admin
key terms and concepts, the use cases Data Protection Advisor - Lab
addresses, and the key features and functionalities of Data
Protection Advisor. Students learn how to deploy the Data This lab demonstrates how to configure Dell Data Protection
Protection Advisor components and how to configure Data Advisor. Students learn how to create and manage user accounts;
Protection Advisor for operation. Students learn how to create and how to configure backup components for reporting purpose;
manage user accounts, how to configure backup components for exporting and importing the datastore backup; and how to create
reportin g purposes and remote data collection configuration, and analysis policy in Dell Data Protection Advisor.Access to this On-
how to connect data sources to Data Protection Advisor. Students Demand Lab will be granted for 72 hours to complete this 2 hour
learn how to generate reports, interpret reports, and how to perform lab.
basic customization of dashboards and reports.
On Demand Lab 02 Hours ES102DPS01485
Classroom 24 Hours MR-1CN-EBAIM
Dell Data Protection Advisor Administration - Custom Reports Dell Data Protection Advisor Implementation - Lab
This course explains and demonstrates how to create custom This lab demonstrates the deployment of Data Protection Advisor.
reports using Data Protection Advisor. Students learn how to access Students learn how to deploy the Data Protection Advisor
and use Data Protection Advisor data sources and external data components; how to upgrade Data Protection Advisor to the latest
sources, how to apply Data Protection Advisor operators, and use release; and how to configure Data Protection Advisor for operation.
Smart Groups. Optionally, the Dell Data Protection Advisor Access to this On-Demand Lab will be granted for 72 hours to
Administration – Custom Reports lab is an on-demand lab course complete this 4hours lab.
that aligns with the content presented here to reinforce these skills
On Demand Lab 02 Hours ES102DPS01704
through practice in a lab environment.
02 Hours 30
On Demand Class ES103DPS01215
Minutes Data Protection Advisor ILT Training - Package
This package includes the on-demand version of Data Protection
Advisor Concepts as well as the live online versions of the Data
Dell Data Protection Advisor Administration - Custom Reports Protection Advisor Implementation and Administration and the Data
- Lab Protection Advisor Administration – Custom Reports course. It is
recommended that students consume the training in this same order
This lab demonstrates how to create custom reports using Data
Protection Advisor (DPA). Students learn how to access and use This package includes the following courses:
DPA data sources and external data sources; how to apply DPA
reporting operators and smart groups; and how to use advanced • Dell Data Protection Advisor (DPA) Implementation and
analysis and rules.Access to this On-Demand Lab will be granted Administration(Classroom, 24 Hours)
for 24 hours to complete this 4hours lab. • Dell Data Protection Advisor (DPA) Implementation and
Administration(Virtual Class, 24 Hours|Classroom)
On Demand Lab 04 Hours ES103DPS01703 • Dell Data Protection Advisor (DPA) Administration -
Custom Reports(Virtual Class, 16 Hours|Classroom)
• Dell Data Protection Advisor Concepts(On Demand Class,
01 Hours 30 Minutes)
Dell Data Protection Advisor Administration for the Backup • Dell Data Protection Advisor (DPA) Administration -
Operator Custom Reports(Classroom, 16 Hours)
This lab demonstrates how to use Data Protection Advisor (DPA).
Students learn how to generate reports; how to interpret reports; Data Protection Advisor On-Demand Training - Package
and how to perform basic customization of dashboards and reports
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 10
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
This package includes the on-demand versions of Data Protection This course explains and demonstrates the purpose and use of
Advisor Concepts, Data Protection Advisor Administration for the (Data Protection) Search. Students learn how to perform different
Sys Admin and lab, Data Protection Advisor Implementation and types of searches and filter results; how to index backups; how to
lab, and the Data Protection Advisor Administration - Custom monitor and troubleshoot search operations and performance; and
Reports course and lab. Further, it is recommended that students how to configure Search replication for Disaster Recovery. A
consume the courses in this same order separate on-demand lab aligns with this course to reinforce these
This package includes the following courses: skills through exercises.
• Dell Data Protection Advisor Concepts(On Demand Class, On Demand Class 02 Hours ES131DPS00450
01 Hours 30 Minutes)
• Dell Data Protection Advisor Implementation(On Demand
Class, 03 Hours)
Search Administration
• Dell Data Protection Advisor Implementation - Lab(On
Demand Lab, 02 Hours) This lab demonstrates the purpose and use of (Data Protection)
• Dell Data Protection Advisor Administration for the Sys Search. Students learn how to perform different types of searches
Admin(On Demand Class, 05 Hours) and filter results; how to index backups; how to monitor and
• Dell Data Protection Advisor Administration for the Sys troubleshoot search operations and performance; and how to
Admin - Lab(On Demand Lab, 02 Hours) configure Search replication for Disaster Recovery.
• Dell Data Protection Advisor Administration - Custom
Reports - Lab(On Demand Lab, 04 Hours) On Demand Lab 02 Hours ES102DPS01480
• Dell Data Protection Advisor Administration - Custom
Reports(On Demand Class, 02 Hours 30 Minutes)
Search Implementation
Data Protection Central
This course explains and demonstrates the deployment of (Data
Data Protection Central (DPC) Administration Protection) Search. Students learn how to deploy the Search
This course explains and demonstrates the purpose and use of application OVA; how to upgrade Search to the latest release; and
Data Protection Central (DPC). Students learn how DPC Single how to configure Search for operation. A separate on-demand lab
Sign-On (SSO) simplifies access to Avamar, NetWorker, Data aligns with this course to reinforce these skills through exercises.
Domain, Data Protection Advisor, and Search through a single
interface; how use DPC to schedule, run, search, and restore On Demand Class 45 Minutes ES132DPS00326
backups; and how to use and customize the DPC dashboards to
monitor and report on backup operations and performance. A
separate on-demand lab aligns with this course to reinforce these
Search Implementation
skills thr ough exercises.
This lab demonstrates the deployment of (Data Protection) Search.
03 Hours 30 Students learn how to deploy the Search application OVA; how to
On Demand Class ES131DPS00608 upgrade Search to the latest release; and how to configure Search
for operation.
Data Protection Central (DPC) Implementation Dell Cloud Data Protection Solutions Design
This course explains and demonstrates the deployment of Data This course describes the best practices, considerations, and
Protection Central (DPC). Students learn how to deploy the DPC limitations pertinent to Dell Cloud Data Protection products, when
application OVA; how to upgrade DPC to the latest release; and designing solutions for customer environment
how to configure and manage DPC Single Sign-On (SSO),
passwords, and internal and external user authentication. A On Demand Class 04 Hours ESDPSD03583
separate on-demand lab aligns with this course to reinforce these
skills through exercises.
This lab demonstrates the deployment of Data Protection Central On Demand Class 45 Minutes ESDPSD03687
(DPC). Students learn how to deploy the DPC application OVA; how
to upgrade DPC to the latest release; and how to configure and
manage DPC Single Sign-On (SSO), passwords, and internal and
external user authentication. Dell Data Protection Solution Design Concepts
This course provides an understanding for designing solutions using
On Demand Lab 02 Hours ES102DPS01479 Dell Data Protection products. The course describes how to assess
a target environment as well as provides discussion on best
practices and considerations regarding sizing, capacity, and tuning
Data Protection Search (DPS) for Dell Data Protection products.
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 11
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
Dell PowerProtect DP Series Appliance Concepts Dell NetWorker Administration - Cloud Enablement
This course explains the purpose and use of PowerProtect DP This course focuses on the integration of NetWorker with the
series appliances. Students learn key terms and concepts, use supported cloud environments. Operational best practices are
cases, and key features and functionalities. The models in the DP included with a focus on configuring and performing backup and
series family, the architecture, user interfaces, and references to the recovery in a cloud environment. An on-demand lab course, Dell
documentation are covered. NetWorker Administration -- Cloud Enablement Lab, provides a lab
environment for this course.
On Demand Class 01 Hours 02 Hours 30
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 12
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 13
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
This package contains all the training necessary to help you prepare
On Demand Lab 08 Hours ES103DPS01709 for the NetWorker Specialist certificationThis package does not
include a Proven Professional exam voucher, in order to add please
search for “Dell Technologies Proven Professional VUE Exam
NetWorker Integration with Oracle Voucher” or Course ID “MR-1EV-VUEEMCPROV”
This course explains and demonstrates the integration of NetWorker This package includes the following courses:
with Oracle. Students learn operational best practices with a focus
• Dell NetWorker Implementation and
on configuring and performing backup and recovery of logs and
Administration(Classroom, 40 Hours|Virtual Class)
databases. A separate on-demand lab aligns with this course to
• Dell NetWorker Implementation and Administration(Virtual
reinforce these skills through exercises.
Class, 40 Hours|Classroom, 40 Hours)
03 Hours 30 • Dell NetWorker Administration - Cloud Enablement(On
On Demand Class ES103DPS01492 Demand Class, 02 Hours 30 Minutes)
DCS-IE NetWorker Implementation Engineer [Classroom] - Dell PowerProtect Data Manager Implementation Lab
Package This lab demonstrates the PowerProtect Data Manager deployment
procedures. Students learn operational best practices with a focus
on deploying the PowerProtect Data Manager .OVA file and
performing the initial configurations.Access to this On-Demand Lab
will be granted for 24 hours to complete this 30 minutes lab.
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 14
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
Dell PowerProtect Data Manager Microsoft SQL Integration Dell PowerProtect Data Manager VM Integration
This course explains the PowerProtect Data Manager with Microsoft This course covers the integration of virtual machines with
SQL integration features. The course describes the configuration for PowerProtect Data Manager. This course explains the steps
the Microsoft SQL database backup. It highlights the steps to back required to add an instance of vCenter, add VM Direct engine and
up and restore Microsoft SQL databases. The Microsoft Application Transparent Snapshot Data Mover, create protection policies for the
Agent for SQL Server Management Studio Plug-in is used. virtual machines and to restore virtual machines with the
PowerProtect Data Manager
On Demand Class 03 Hours ES131DPS00986
On Demand Class 02 Hours ES131DPS00984
01 Hours 30
On Demand Class ES131DPS00985
Dell vProtect Implementation and Administration
This course provides the knowledge and skills needed for deploying
and managing the vProtect product. This course covers the
Dell PowerProtect Data Manager Oracle Integration Lab environment planning and steps required for vProtect installation
This lab demonstrates the integration of Oracle databases with Dell and post installation including initial configuration. This course also
PowerProtect Data Manager. Students learn operational practices covers the integration of vProtect with PowerProtect DD and
with a focus on configuring and performing backups and recovery of supported virtual machine and cloud platforms. This course covers
the Oracle databases with PowerProtect Data Manager.Access to the steps required to perform backup, recovery, snapshot
this On-Demand Lab will be granted for 24 hours to complete this 60 management, policies and schedules to backup virtual m achines,
minute lab. and vProtect upgrades. This course also covers the steps to enable
debug mode in vProtect nodes and servers, and the steps to collect
On Demand Lab 01 Hours ES141DPS00997 vProtect activity logs using web UI or directly from the operating
On Demand Class 01 Hours ES141DPS00997
05 Hours 30
On Demand Class ES402DPS01913
01 Hours 30
On Demand Class ESDPSD02845
Dell PowerProtect Data Manager Upgrade
This course explains the Dell PowerProtect Data Manager upgrade
operations. The course describes PowerProtect Data Manager
upgrade requirements and highlights the steps required to update PowerProtect Data Manager Microsoft Exchange Integration
older versions of PowerProtect Data Manager to latest versions.
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 15
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
This course explains the Dell EMC PowerProtect Data Manager with This On-Demand lab explores lab scenarios based on the On-
Microsoft Exchange mailbox database integration features. It Demand course, RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines Administration.
describes the configuration of Microsoft Exchange mailbox database This lab guides the student thru the process of protecting Virtual
backup with PowerProtect Data Manager. The steps to back up and Machines using consistency groups and performing VMs recovery
restore Microsoft Exchange mailbox database using the operations. This lab also uses the RecoverPoint for VMs Plug-in to
PowerProtect Data Manager and the Microsoft Exchange monitor a RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines system.Access to this
Management Shell are covered. On-Demand Lab will be granted for 24 hours to complete this three
hours lab.
On Demand Class 02 Hours ESDPSD02844
On Demand Lab 03 Hours ES143DPS00237
Dell RecoverPoint Concepts RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines Concepts
This course introduces the Dell RecoverPoint solution. It presents This course provides an overview of RecoverPoint for Virtual
an overview of the architecture, features, and functionality of Machines. It addresses the fundamental concepts, operations, use
RecoverPoint Systems. The learner will be exposed to the unique cases, product architecture and definition of components.
use cases and the different management options available.
On Demand Class 01 Hours ES131DPS00314
On Demand Class 01 Hours MR-1WP-RPFD
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 16
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
This course is designed to prepare personnel to manage This package includes the following courses:
RecoverPoint. This course includes coverage of Classic
RecoverPoint and RecoverPoint with VNX (formerly known as • Dell RecoverPoint Concepts(On Demand Class, 01 Hours)
RecoverPoint/SE). This course covers product concepts and theory • RecoverPoint Management - Video ILT(On Demand Class,
as well as available Operations within RecoverPoint including 24 Hours)
configuring protection, failover and recovery as well as how to
manage and maintain a RecoverPoint environment using the tools RecoverPoint Systems Administrator ILT Training - Package
available. There are hands-on labs covering: Configuration of
This package is aligned to and supports the E20-575 Specialist -
Consistency Gr oups and replication and maintenance tasks such
System Administrator, RecoverPoint certification. This package
as failover and recovery. The course also addresses
focus on developing the knowledge and skills to demonstrate
troubleshooting of general deployment and implementation
management, configuration and administration of RecoverPoint
issues.This course does not cover RecoverPoint for Virtual
systems. This package includes the RecoverPoint Fundamentals on
Machines. Administration and management of RecoverPoint for
demand course and the student can choose between live in-person
Virtual Machines is covered in RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines
or live online instruction for RecoverPoint Management course.
Administration (On Demand Class, ESDPSD02371) and
RecoverPoint for VMs Management - On Demand Lab (On Demand This package includes the following courses:
Lab, ES143DPS00237)
• RecoverPoint Administration for Physical Storage
MR-9TP-NSRPOM- Arrays(Classroom, 24 Hours)
On Demand Class 24 Hours • RecoverPoint Administration for Physical Storage
Arrays(Virtual Class, 24 Hours)
• Dell RecoverPoint Concepts(On Demand Class, 01 Hours)
• Dell Technologies Proven Professional VUE Exam
RecoverPoint with VNX Cluster Installation Voucher(Exam Voucher|On Demand Class)
This course will cover installation of RecoverPoint with VNX
clusters. The use of Solve Desktop and other required SourceOne
documentation will be discussed. Use cases for the various types of SourceOne Archiving Family Concepts
RecoverPoint Appliances, physical and virtual, along with the
capabilities of each are investigated. This course will explain the This course provides an overview of the products in the EMC
procedure for installing and configuring a RecoverPoint with VNX SourceOne family. Students will learn about the benefits, concepts
Cluster using the Deployment Manager tool. It will cover the options and terminology, and components of EMC SourceOne.
and methods of connecting clusters together in th e supported
topologies. 01 Hours 30
On Demand Class MR-1WP-SOFUN
On Demand Class 02 Hours
SourceOne Discovery Manager Management
This course provides an overview of EMC SourceOne Discovery
RecoverPoint with VNX Implementation - Video ILT Manager, including using Discovery Manager to produce a
This course is designed to prepare personnel to perform responsive set of information applicable to a basic discovery
RecoverPoint with VNX cluster implementations (formerly known as request. Prior knowledge of EMC SourceOne Email Management
RecoverPoint/SE).This course covers product concepts and theory administration is a prerequisite.
as well as installation options. The course goes into depth on the
RecoverPoint with VNX (formerly SE)implementation. The course On Demand Class 01 Hours MR-1WN-SODMM
then goes on to cover available Operations within RecoverPoint
including configuring protection, failover and recovery as well as
how to manage and maintain a RecoverPoint environment using the
SourceOne Email Management Administration for Exchange -
tools available.
Video ILT
MR-1TP- This course covers EMC SourceOne Email Management
On Demand Class 24 Hours
RPWVNXIMP-1510 configuration, administration, monitoring and reporting for Microsoft
Exchange environments. It also provides an overview of
troubleshooting and maintenance of the Email Management
product. Demonstrations of course labs are provided for configuring
RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines On-Demand Training - and administering EMC SourceOne Email Management, Search,
Package Offline Access and reporting on a Windows and Microsoft Exchange
This package of courses will prepare students to install, configure environment.
and manage a RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines environment. This
package includes both on-demand courses as well as on-demand MR-1TN-SOEMEX-
On Demand Class 40 Hours
labs to allow students to develop hands-on experience with 1509
RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines.
This package includes the following courses:
SourceOne Email Supervisor Management
• RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines Implementation(On
Demand Class, 01 Hours) The SouceOne Email Supervisor Management course provides an
• RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines Implementation(On overview of EMC SourceOne Email Supervisor, including using
Demand Lab, 03 Hours) Email Supervisor to configure a basic business policy and review
• RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines Concepts(On Demand group for flagging and sampling messages, and to review selected
Class, 01 Hours) messages.
• RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines Administration(On
On Demand Class 02 Hours MR-1WN-SOESPV
Demand Lab, 03 Hours|Virtual Class)
• RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines Administration(On
Demand Class, 02 Hours 30 Minutes)
SourceOne Video ValuePak - Package
RecoverPoint Systems Administrator - Package This package provides students with training to prepare them for
This package is aligned to and supports the E20-575 Specialist - understanding and managing SourceOne environments.
System Administrator, RecoverPoint certification. This package This package includes the following courses:
focus on developing the knowledge and skills to demonstrate
management, configuration and administration of RecoverPoint • SourceOne Archiving Family Concepts(On Demand Class,
systems. This package includes the On Demand courses 01 Hours 30 Minutes)
RecoverPoint Fundamentals and RecoverPoint Management - • SourceOne Email Management Administration for
Video ILT. Exchange - Video ILT(On Demand Class, 40 Hours)
Digital Transformation Advanced Methods in Data Science and Big Data Analytics
Big Data
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Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
This course builds on skills developed in the Data Science and Big This half day course is intending to give attendees an overview of
Data Analytics course. The main focus areas cover Hadoop the key concepts and terminology used when discussing Data
(including Pig, Hive, and HBase), Natural Language Processing, Science and Big Data. No previous knowledge is assumed. The
Social Network Analysis, Simulation, Random Forests, Multinomial course content is manufacturer agnostic and aims to help prepare
Logistic Regression, and Data Visualization. Taking an open or attendees to ask the correct questions when assessing products or
technology-neutral approach, this course utilizes several open- devising projects.Topics covered: Characteristics of Big Datao What
source tools to address big data challenges. makes data Big Business Drivers for Analyticso Why should we be
doing it Common Data Structureso Structured throu gh to
MR-1CP- Unstructured Data Science Vs Business Intelligenceo What's the
Classroom 40 Hours
ETAAMUSD difference Data Warehouses Vs Analytics Sandboxeso Why Pile it
High doesnt work Data Sourceso IoT to Crowd Sourcing Data
Visualisation and Cleaningo Using Human Wetware! Data Scientist
Traitso Who should you be hiring and where to look for them Data
Advanced Methods in Data Science and Big Data Analytics - Analytics Lifecycleo 6 steps to Big Data happiness Common
Online ILT Classes of Data Science Taskso Clustering, classification, text a
This course builds on skills developed in the Data Science and Big
Data Analytics course. The main focus areas cover Hadoop MR-1CN-
Classroom 04 Hours
(including Pig, Hive, and HBase), Natural Language Processing, INTDATSCIBIGDAT
Social Network Analysis, Simulation, Random Forests, Multinomial
Logistic Regression, and Data Visualization. Taking an 'Open' or
technology-neutral approach, this course utilizes several open-
source tools to address big data challenges.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
This course covers broad range of emerging AI techniques and
MR-1LP- supporting technologies such as: ML, neural networks, deep
Virtual Class 40 Hours
ETAAMUSD reinforcement learning, and AI Infrastructure. The course provides a
detailed description about the technical and operational aspect of AI
and ML and helps the learners to understand the concepts of AI,
ML, neural network, reinforcement learning, NLP and artificial
Advanced Methods in Data Science and Big Data Analytics - ecosystem. The course also provides a detailed description about
VILT the need of AI ready infrastructure, AI and ML f rameworks, and
This course builds on skills developed in the Data Science and Big also know about the implemented machine learning models, and
Data Analytics course. The main focus areas cover Hadoop use cases across the industry. The offering is an engaging mix of
(including Pig, Hive, and HBase), Natural Language Processing, key technologies, hands-on labs, case examples, and business
Social Network Analysis, Simulation, Random Forests, Multinomial insights.
Logistic Regression, and Data Visualization. Taking an “Open” or
technology-neutral approach, this course utilizes several open- Classroom 24 Hours ESOCMS02326
source tools to address big data challenges.
Virtual Class 24 Hours ESOCMS02326
On Demand Class 40 Hours
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - On Demand
Advanced Methods in Data Science and Big Data Analytics This course covers broad range of emerging AI techniques and
On-Demand Lab supporting technologies such as: ML, neural networks, deep
This on-demand lab provides access to the lab environment reinforcement learning, and AI Infrastructure. The course provides a
provided in the Advanced Methods in Data Science and Big Data detailed description about the technical and operational aspect of AI
Analytics courses. The guided lab exercises provides hands-on and ML and helps the learners to understand the concepts of AI,
experience with Hadoop, Hive, Pig, HBase, and Spark. For the text ML, neural network, reinforcement learning, NLP and artificial
analysis exercises, the Python Natural Language Tool Kit (NLTK) is ecosystem. The course also provides a detailed description about
utilized. Python and Gephi are utilized for the Social Network the need of AI ready infrastructure, AI and ML f rameworks, and
Analysis exercises. The R programming language is used to also know about the implemented machine learning models, and
perform the simulation and Random Forest analyses. use cases across the industry. The offering is an engaging mix of
key technologies, hands-on labs, case examples, and business
On Demand Lab 216 Hours ES742OCMADSNA insights.
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Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
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Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
This course provides practical foundation level training that enables Deep Reinforcement Learning Strategies, Algorithms, and
immediate and effective participation in big data and other analytics Techniques - On-Demand Course
projects. It includes an introduction to big data and the Data
This course describes the concept of deep reinforcement learning,
Analytics Lifecycle to address business challenges that leverage big
reinforcement learning, neural networks and natural language
data. The course provides grounding in basic and advanced analytic
processing. The course details about the usage of bellman
methods and an introduction to big data analytics technology and
equations, Mont Carlo, and Q learning algorithms. The course also
tools, including MapReduce and Hadoop. Labs offer opportunities
provides a detail description about the types and process of training
for students to understand how t hese methods and tools may be
a neural network and approaches of NLP and outlines their
applied to real world business challenges by a practicing data
application areas.This course includes a separate on-demand lab
scientist. The course takes an Open , or technology-neutral
demonstrating concepts of reinforcement learning, neura l network,
approach, and includes a final lab which addresses a big data
and NLP process using Python and evaluates and predicts different
analytics challenge by applying the concepts taught in the course in
dataset models.
the context of the Data Analytics Lifecycle. The course prepares the
student for the Dell EMC Proven Professional Data Scientist
05 Hours 45
Associate certification exam. On Demand Class ESOCMD02258
Virtual Class 40 Hours ES722OCMDSBDA
On Demand Lab 08 Hours ES742OCMDATAW Implementing AI and ML in the Enterprise - On-Demand Lab
The lab provides information about python programming and
explains syntax and libraries used.
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 20
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
Due to the proliferation of smart devices and the growing need for
02 Hours 30 real-timeanalysis, the legacy batch processing approaches are
On Demand Lab ESOCMD02263
Minutes insufficient to supportmodern applications such as credit card fraud
detection, cybersecurityprotection, and automobile navigation. This
course introduces such usecases and the approaches to process
Introducing Data Science and Big Data Analytics for Business streaming data generated by theInternet of Things (IoT). To process
Transformation and analyze IoT data, this coursecovers several Apache tools:
Storm, Kafka, Spark Streaming, and F link.Additionally, Pravega, a
Businesses are increasingly looking to take advantage of Big Data new storage paradigm, is covered as well asemerging IoT projects,
to be competitive. To do this, organizations need data-savvy Project Nautilus and EdgeX Foundry. The on-demandcourse
business leaders who can identify opportunities to solve business includes recorded lab exercise demonstrations of theApache tools
problems using advanced analytics. This course provides business
leaders with a baseline understanding of Data Science and Big On Demand Class 08 Hours ES732OCMPSIOT
Data. Specifically, it addresses: illustrative examples of Data
Science and Big Data Analytics in three industry verticals, deriving
business value from Big Data, characteristics o f Big Data, and key
elements to consider for driving the change toward Big Data Processing Streaming and IoT Data - On-Demand Lab
projects. This on-demand lab provides access to the lab environment
provided in theProcessing Streaming and IoT Data course which
01 Hours 15 MR-1TN- covers approaches toprocess streaming data generated by the
On Demand Class
Minutes NDSFBLIN Internet of Things (IoT). Theguided lab exercises provide hands-on
experience with the followingApache tools: Storm, Kafka, Spark
Streaming, and Flink. These toolsenable the processing and
Introduction to Data Engineering analysis of streaming data sets.This on-demand lab supplements
the training that prepares the learner for akey portion of t he Dell
For over 10 years, there has been an intense focus by companies to Technologies Proven Professional data engineeringspecialist-level
extractbusiness value from their data. Out of this activity, a role certification exam (DES-7DE1). Review the examdescription
called the datascientist emerged. However, it quickly became document to understand all the related data engineering trainingand
obvious that a majority of adata scientist’s time was spent on data consumption options
preparation or moving analyticalmodels into production
environments. Thus, the data engineer hasemerged as a highly On Demand Lab 08 Hours ES742OCMPSIOT
desirable and indispensable member of an analyticsproject team.
The course covers the data analytics life cy cle, the role of thedata
engineering, and the skill set of a successful data engineer.This
course prepares the learner for a key portion of the Dell Understanding the Concepts of AI and ML
TechnologiesProven Professional data engineering specialist-level This course describes the concept of AI and ML. The course
certification exam(DES-7DE1). Review the exam description provides a detailed description about the scope and need of AI and
document to understand all therelated data engineering training and helps to understand the impact of AI in enabling human progress
consumption options. and transforming business. The course explains the concepts of
artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning.
On Demand Class 20 Minutes ES731OCMIDENG
On Demand Class 15 Minutes ESOCMD02346
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Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
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Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
Open Curriculum
Cybersecurity On-Demand Training Package - Package
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Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
Enterprise Storage This course covers the product version requirements and
prerequisite configurations needed for a working solution while
AppSync using AppSync to protect VMware environments. This course also
AppSync Concepts provides a demonstration of the steps required to configure
AppSync Service Plans, mount and unmount datastore copies and
The course provides an overview of AppSync, its features, address the considerations and options when restoring either
capabilities, and key use cases. An overview of common datastores and/or virtual machines.
management tasks, supported applications, and support storage
environments are also covered. An overview of common MR-1WN-
management tasks, supported applications, and support storage On Demand Class 02 Hours
environments are also covered.
02 Hours 30
On Demand Class ESSTGD03131
Minutes AppSync Administration and Integration - Package
This ValuePack provides a set of AppSync courses that introduce
learners to the automation of data protection tasks. This package is
AppSync Installation, Upgrade and Implementation a complete set of overviews, installation and configuration steps that
minimize deployment efforts.
This courses covers AppSync installation, upgrade and
implementation procedures. This package includes the following courses:
On Demand Class 03 Hours
APPSYNCORCL Disk Library for mainframe (DLm) Management
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 24
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
This course covers Disk Library for mainframe DLm (Gen5) PowerMax and VMAX All Flash Multi-Site SRDF Solutions
replication considerations for a z/OS environment. The student will
This course covers PowerMax and VMAX All Flash multi-site SRDF
learn about the DLm back-end storage replication options that are
solutions comprising Concurrent SRDF, Cascaded SRDF, and
available, the use cases for each, and be presented with
SRDF/Star in Open Systems environments. Underlying SRDF
requirements and considerations to take into account for each.
technologies used to implement SRDF/Star are discussed in detail.
SRDF/Star in both concurrent and cascaded modes is covered.
On Demand Class 02 Hours ES132STG00312
SRDF/Star operations under normal and fault conditions including
the procedures for moving a production workload to another site are
Disk Library for mainframe(DLm) z/OS Administration
On Demand Class 06 Hours ESSTGD02754
This course covers Disk Library for mainframe DLm (Gen5)
management and configuration from the z/OS perspective. The
student will learn about the DLm z/OS software that is available,
view sample JCL decks, and be presented with requirements and PowerMax and VMAX All Flash Non-Disruptive Migration
considerations to take into account for using DLm in the z/OS (NDM)
This course presents Non-Disruptive Migration (NDM)
01 Hours 30 administration and management using Unisphere and Solutions
On Demand Class ES132STG00310 Enabler. The course includes an overview of Metro-based and
Pass-through modes and Non-Disruptive Migrations using
Unisphere for PowerMax 9.2 and Solutions Enabler 9.2
DLm2500 System Manager User Interface Concepts On Demand Class 03 Hours ES132STG00364
This course covers the new System Manager (SM) UI which is used
with DLm2500. Each section of the SM main menu is looked at in
detail. This course is intended for personnel who install and Manage PowerMax and VMAX All Flash Performance
DLm products, and those who perform maintenance functions on
This workshop introduces the methodology for analyzing the
the DLm2500
performance of PowerMax and VMAX All Flash storage arrays.
On Demand Class 45 Minutes ES101STG02010 Metrics that are relevant for analysis of each of the components in
the arrays are presented. Participants will learn to identify
bottlenecks for performance and provide recommendations to
remedy the problem. Hands-on lab exercises using performance
DLm8500 System Manager User Interface Concepts archives reinforce the concepts and methodology presented in the
This course covers the new System Manager (SM) UI which is used
with DLm8500. Each section of the SM main menu is looked at in
Classroom 24 Hours ESSTGS02756
detail. This course is intended for personnel who install and manage
DLm products and those who perform maintenance functions on the
Virtual Class 24 Hours ESSTGS02756
DLm8500 .
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 25
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
This Specialist level course provides participants with an in-depth This course provides an introduction to PowerMax arrays. It
understanding of configuration tasks on PowerMax and VMAX includes an overview of the architecture, configuration options,
family arrays. It also provides the knowledge required to deploy and software options and use cases.
manage PowerMax and VMAX family array-based local and remote
replication solutions for business continuity needs. Key features and On Demand Class 01 Hours ES131STG00363
functions of the arrays are covered in detail. Topics include storage
provisioning concepts, virtual provisioning, device creation and port
management, and service level-base d storage allocation to hosts.
Operational details and implementation considerations for Dell EMC Solutions Enabler Implementation
TimeFinder SnapVX and Symmetrix Remote Data Facility (SRDF) This course provides an overview of the installation of Solutions
are covered. Participants will use Unisphere for PowerMax/VMAX Enabler on Windows and UNIX platforms. It covers the usage of
and Solutions Enabler (SYMCLI) to manage configuration changes commonly used options and environment variables that govern the
on the arrays. behavior of Solutions Enabler. It discusses gatekeeper management
and the functions of various Solutions Enabler daemons. License
Classroom ES132STG00371 management is also covered.
PowerMax and VMAX Family Configuration and Business DCE - PowerMax and VMAX All Flash Solutions [Classroom] -
Continuity Administration Package
This Specialist level course provides participants with an in-depth This learning path focusses on the knowledge and skills required to
understanding of configuration tasks on PowerMax and VMAX All analyze and understand the performance of PowerMax and VMAX
Flash arrays. It also provides the knowledge required to deploy and All Flash arrays, articulate PowerMax and VMAX All Flash Security
manage PowerMax and VMAX All Flash array-based local and Concepts, use SRDF for three-site remote replication and Metro
remote replication solutions for business continuity needs. Key solutions and perform non-disruptive migrations to PowerMax and
features and functions of the arrays are covered in detail. Topics VMAX All Flash Arrays.
include storage provisioning concepts, virtual provisioning, device This package includes the following courses:
creation and port management, and service leve l-based storage
allocation to hosts. • PowerMax and VMAX All Flash Non-Disruptive Migration
(NDM)(On Demand Class, 03 Hours)
Virtual Class 40 Hours ES122STG00644 • PowerMax and VMAX All Flash SRDF Metro Solutions(On
Demand Class, 01 Hours)
Classroom 40 Hours ES122STG00644 • PowerMax and VMAX All Flash Performance(Classroom,
24 Hours|Virtual Class, 24 Hours)
• PowerMax and VMAX All Flash Multi-Site SRDF
Solutions(On Demand Class, 06 Hours)
PowerMax and VMAX Family Configuration and Business
• PowerMax and VMAX All Flash Security Concepts(On
Continuity Administration Demand Class, 03 Hours)
This Specialist level course provides participants with an in-depth
understanding of configuration tasks on PowerMax and VMAX PowerMax Storage Administrator ValuePak - Package
family arrays. It also provides the knowledge required to deploy and
manage PowerMax and VMAX family array-based local and remote This package does not include a Proven Professional exam
replication solutions for business continuity needs. Key features and voucher, in order to add please search for “Dell Technologies
functions of the arrays are covered in detail. Topics include storage Proven Professional VUE Exam Voucher” or Course ID “MR-1EV-
provisioning concepts, virtual provisioning, device creation and port VUEEMCPROV”
management, and service level-base d storage allocation to hosts. This package includes the following courses:
Operational details and implementation considerations for Dell EMC
TimeFinder SnapVX and Symmetrix Remote Data Facility (SRDF) • PowerMax and VMAX All Flash Non-Disruptive Migration
are covered. Participants will use Unisphere for PowerMax/VMAX (NDM)(On Demand Class, 03 Hours)
and Solutions Enabler (SYMCLI) to manage configuration changes • PowerMax Concepts and Features(On Demand Class, 01
on the arrays. Hands-on lab exercises using Symmetrix Command Hours)
Line Interface (SYMCLI) and Unisphere for PowerMax will be • PowerMax and VMAX Family Local Replication
performed on Open Systems hosts attached to PowerMax and Concepts(On Demand Class, 01 Hours 30 Minutes)
VMAX3 arrays. • PowerMax and VMAX Family Remote Replication
Concepts(On Demand Class, 02 Hours)
Classroom 40 Hours ES112STG00370 • Solutions Enabler Implementation(On Demand Class, 02
Virtual Class ES112STG00370 • Unisphere for PowerMax Implementation and
Administration(On Demand Class, 02 Hours)
• PowerMax and VMAX Family Configuration and Business
Continuity Administration(Virtual Class, 40
PowerMax and VMAX Family Local Replication Concepts Hours|Classroom, 40 Hours)
This course provides an introduction to local replication offerings for • PowerMax and VMAX Family Configuration and Business
PowerMax, VMAX All Flash, and VMAX3 arrays. It includes an Continuity Administration(Virtual Class|Classroom, 40
overview of the TimeFinder SnapVX architecture, features, and Hours)
functionality. This course also provides a basic understanding of • PowerMaxOS 10 Differences for Customers(On Demand
TimeFinder disaster recovery concepts and terminology. Class, 30 Minutes)
• PowerMaxOS 10 Concepts and Features(On Demand
01 Hours 30 Class, 30 Minutes)
On Demand Class ES132STG00367 • Solutions Enabler 10.0 Implementation Differences(On
Demand Class, 30 Minutes)
• PowerMaxOS 10 Local and Remote Replication Concepts
Differences(On Demand Class, 15 Minutes)
PowerMax and VMAX Family Remote Replication Concepts • Unisphere for PowerMax 10 Implementation and
This course covers an introduction to Remote Replication. It Administration Differences(On Demand Class, 30 Minutes)
includes an overview of the PowerMax and VMAX Family Remote • PowerMaxOS 10 Configuration Administration and
Replication architecture, features, and functionality. This course also Business Continuity Administration Differences(On
provides a basic understanding of Symmetrix Remote Data Facility Demand Class, 01 Hours)
(SRDF) modes of operations, disaster recovery concepts and
terminology. PowerMax Storage Administrator Video ValuePak - Package
This package does not include a Proven Professional exam
On Demand Class 02 Hours ES132STG00368
voucher, in order to add please search for “Dell Technologies
Proven Professional VUE Exam Voucher” or Course ID “MR-1EV-
PowerMax Concepts and Features
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 26
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
This package includes the following courses: This course provides the learner with an in-depth understanding of
how to manage, monitor and maintain a functional VPLEX system.
• PowerMax and VMAX All Flash Non-Disruptive Migration Operational aspects of VPLEX (Local and Metro) using Unisphere
(NDM)(On Demand Class, 03 Hours) for VPLEX and the VPLEX CLI are covered. Provisioning virtualized
• PowerMax Concepts and Features(On Demand Class, 01 storage from VPLEX to hosts and performing mobility and mirroring
Hours) operations on live virtual volumes is emphasized. Integration of
• PowerMax and VMAX Family Local Replication VPLEX into existing data centers with live production data and
Concepts(On Demand Class, 01 Hours 30 Minutes) interoperability considerations are included
• PowerMax and VMAX Family Remote Replication
Concepts(On Demand Class, 02 Hours) On Demand Class 11 Hours ESDPSD02667
• Solutions Enabler Implementation(On Demand Class, 02
• Unisphere for PowerMax Implementation and
Administration(On Demand Class, 02 Hours) VPLEX Concepts and Features
• PowerMax and VMAX Family Configuration and Business This course provides an introduction to the VPLEX family of
Continuity Administration(Classroom|On Demand Class, 40 products. It includes an overview of VPLEX, its use cases,
Hours) architecture, features, and management options.
• PowerMaxOS 10 Differences for Customers(On Demand
Class, 30 Minutes) MR-1WP-
• PowerMaxOS 10 Concepts and Features(On Demand On Demand Class 01 Hours
Class, 30 Minutes)
• Solutions Enabler 10.0 Implementation Differences(On
Demand Class, 30 Minutes)
• PowerMaxOS 10 Local and Remote Replication Concepts VPLEX Performance
Differences(On Demand Class, 15 Minutes) This course focuses on the measurement of performance in VPLEX
• Unisphere for PowerMax 10 Implementation and environments. It provides instruction on VPLEX monitoring
Administration Differences(On Demand Class, 30 Minutes) operations, definition of potential performance issues, and
• PowerMaxOS 10 Configuration Administration and bottlenecking. It also offers instruction on performance optimization
Business Continuity Administration Differences(On techniques, tools, and procedures. There are recorded lab videos
Demand Class, 01 Hours) for further understanding of VPLEX Performance measurement
01 Hours 30 MR-1WN-
Unisphere for PowerMax Implementation and Administration On Demand Class
Unisphere for PowerMax is a simple, intuitive, browser-based user
interface for configuration, management and performance
monitoring of the PowerMax and VMAX family of arrays. This
course will cover Unisphere for PowerMax functionality, VPLEX Troubleshooting - Video ILT
architecture, installation and configuration. This course focuses on issue discovery and resolution in VPLEX
environments. The course includes coverage of VPLEX operations,
On Demand Class 02 Hours ES132STG00366 definition of potential faults, common miss-configurations, and
connectivity requirements. Instruction on troubleshooting
techniques, tools and procedures will be used to support lab
activities. Scripted exercises and scenario labs will be provided with
VPLEX remote lab access to apply the techniques learned during the
VPLEX 6.2 Differences - On Demand Course course. This course covers version 5.2
This On-Demand course describes and explains the new features
available with VPLEX GeoSynchrony 6.2. MR-1TN-
On Demand Class 24 Hours
On Demand Class 30 Minutes ES102STG01639
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 27
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
This course goes beyond simple administration and provides an in- This course introduces the methods and the best practices during
depth understanding of how to leverage and optimize XtremIO integration of an XtremIO and X2 storage arrays with a VDI
features and capabilities in specific application areas. The course environment. A brief overview of the XtremIO X2 cluster and its
begins with providing coverage of operational aspects of the management is followed by an overview of the VDI environment.
XtremIO environment, and then leads to XtremIO features and The workload profile and storage challenges associated with VDI
performance optimization. Lastly, it focuses on considerations and environments are also presented and analyzed.
practices for system integration with specific application use cases
and data protection solutions such as RecoverPoint and VPLEX. 01 Hours 30 MR-1WN-
On Demand Class
On Demand Class 24 Hours
XtremIO Fundamentals
This course provides an introduction to the EMC XtremIO product. It
Optimizing Storage Services for Applications with XtremIO includes an overview of XtremIO architecture, features, functionality
and X2 and management options.
This course goes beyond simple administration, providing an in-
depth understanding of how to leverage and optimize XtremIO X2 01 Hours 30 MR-1WP-
On Demand Class
features and capabilities in specific application areas. The course Minutes XIOFUND
begins by providing hands-on coverage of operational aspects of
the XtremIO X2 environment and then leads into features and
performance optimization. Lastly, this course focuses on
considerations and best practices for system integration with
XtremIO X2 Administration
specific application use cases and industry leading data protec tion This course provides an overview of and demonstration of some of
solutions such as Native Replication, RecoverPoint, VPLEX, and the XtremIO X2 management and monitoring options.
On Demand Class 01 Hours ES132STG00576
Classroom 24 Hours
XtremIO X2 Architecture
This course provides an introduction to the XtremIO X2 hardware,
Optimizing Storage Services for Applications with XtremIO architecture, use cases, and new features of XIOS 6.2.
and X2 - Online ILT
This in-class, Instructor-Led course goes beyond simple On Demand Class 01 Hours ES132STG00572
administration and provides in-depth understanding of how to
leverage and optimize XtremIO and XtremIO X2 features and
capabilities in specific application areas. The course begins with
XtremIO X2 Concepts
providing hands-on coverage of operational aspects of the XtremIO
and X2 environments, and then leads to new XtremIO X2 features This course provides an overview of XtremIO X2 hardware,
and performance optimization. Lastly, it focuses on considerations architecture, use cases, and new features of XIOS 6.2
and best practices for system integration with specific applic ation
use cases and the industry s leading data protection solutions such On Demand Class 01 Hours ES132STG00573
as RecoverPoint, VPLEX, and AppSync.
Virtual Class 24 Hours XtremIO X2 Features
This course focuses on the key features of thin storage array, data
protection, and scale-up.
Optimizing Storage Services for Applications with XtremIO On Demand Class 01 Hours ES132STG00574
and X2 VILT
This recorded Instructor-Led course goes beyond simple
administration and provides in-depth understanding of how to XtremIO X2 Fundamentals
leverage and optimize XtremIO X2 features and capabilities in
specific application areas. The course begins with providing hands- This course provides an introduction to the EMC XtremIO X2
on coverage of operational aspects of the XtremIO X2 environment, product. It includes an overview of XtremIO X2 architecture,
and then leads to new XtremIO X2 features and performance features, functionality and management options.
optimization. Lastly, it focuses on considerations and best practices
for system integration with specific application use cases an d the MR-1WP-
On Demand Class 02 Hours
industry's leading data protection solutions such as RecoverPoint, XIO2FUND
VPLEX, and AppSync.
On Demand Class 24 Hours XtremIO X2 Fundamentals - Japanese
N/A no active classes available
XtremIO and X2 Integration with Oracle Best Practices On Demand Class 02 Hours
This course introduces the methods and the best practices during
integration of an XtremIO and X2 storage arrays with an Oracle
environment. A brief overview of the XtremIO X2 cluster and its
XtremIO X2 Integration
management is followed by an overview of the Oracle environment.
The workload profile and storage challenges associated with Oracle This course provides an overview of the XtremIO X2 integration with
environments are also presented and analyzed. Dell EMC eco-system products.
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 28
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
01 Hours 15 MR-1WN-
APEX Data Storage Services: Block - Storage Container On Demand Class
The APEX Data Storage Services Element Manager allows you to
adjust the configuration of your data storage service. This course
will step through tasks you can do to configure storage services. PowerPath Troubleshooting
Storage and VMware VASA integration configuration tasks are This course provides the learner with a deeper understanding of
detailed. Capacity management and access topics in this course how to approach troubleshooting for issues related to PowerPath
cover creating and provisioning storage containers for vVol environments. Examples are provided to help identify when issues
datastores to ESXi hosts in VMware environments. are not related to PowerPath, such as host issues, SAN
configuration issues and storage array issues. Common PowerPath
On Demand Class 50 Minutes ESSTGD00575 issues are discussed such as installation issues, boot issues,
connectivity issues, and configuration issues. Examples are given of
common issues and solutions in Unix, Windows and VMware
environments. Learners are also shown how to find existing
APEX Data Storage Services: Block - Volume and Volume documented solutions to common PowerPath issues.
Group Configuration and Operation
The APEX Data Storage Services Element Manager allows you to On Demand Class 03 Hours MR-1WN-PPTS
adjust the configuration of your data storage service. This course
will step through tasks you can do to configure your block storage
services. Capacity and access management topics in this course
cover creating and provisioning volumes and volume groups for PowerPath/VE Implementation and Configuration
Windows, Linux, and VMware ESXi hosts. This course focuses on the details for implementing and managing
PowerPath/VE in a Virtual environment using PowerPath/VE. It
01 Hours 15 details the steps to install PowerPath/VE as well as commands used
On Demand Class ESSTGD00397
Minutes to display and manipulate the PowerPath configuration.This course
currently supports PowerPath/VE version 6.0.
01 Hours 30
Cloud Tiering Appliance On Demand Class MR-1WN-NSPPVE
Cloud Tiering Appliance Fundamentals
This course provides an introduction and basic understanding of the
EMC Cloud Tiering Appliance (CTA) for a policy-based file archival PowerStore
or migration solution. It provides a general overview of CTA
terminology, features, functions, and architecture. PowerStore 3.0 - Instructor Hours
This course provides a 1.5 hour slot for learners to ask questions of
On Demand Class 01 Hours MR-1WN-CLTIAPF instructors on current technology and deeper discussion on the
training material, learning paths and labs aligned to the following on
demand courses: ESSTGD04768 - PowerStore 3.0 Concepts and
Features, ESSTGD04638 - PowerStore 3.0 T Implementation,
Connectrix ESSTGD04639 - PowerStore 3.0 X Implementation, ESSTGD04640
Connectrix B-Series Architecture and Management Overview - PowerStore 3.0 System Administration, ESSTGD04641 -
PowerStore 3.0 Administration: File Provisioning, ESSTGD04642 -
This course provides an introduction of Connectrix B-Series
Powe rStore 3.0 Administration: VMware Provisioning,
products. It includes an overview of hardware components, software
ESSTGD04643 - PowerStore 3.0 Administration: Replication,
configurations, most common features and management options.
ESSTGD04756 - PowerStore 3.0 Migration: Import External
This course also includes an overview of B-Series FCoE hardware,
Storage, ESSTGD04321- PowerStore 3.0 Technical Differences –
including FCoE features and deployment considerations.
Customers. Sessions will be scheduled and aligned with class
On Demand Class 02 Hours MR-1WP-NSBROC deliveries, based on strategic and learner/stakeholder.
01 Hours 30
Virtual Class ESSTGD00501IH
PowerPath Configuration and Administration
PowerStore Administration: Troubleshooting
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Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
The course provides instruction for system troubleshooting, This customer-focused instruction is limited to PowerStore single-
including data collection, managing alerts and events, identifying node cluster system activation, including configuring switches for
system components, and downloading support information from a PowerStore T and PowerStore X models, running the Initial
PowerStore system. Troubleshooting tools covered include Configuration Wizard for PowerStore T and PowerStore X models,
PowerStore Manager GUI, PowerStore CLI (PTCLI), and Service and applying a PowerStore license. Instructions for multi-node
Console CLI. cluster deployments are not within the scope of this course. This
course is a supplementary resource to enable customers who
01 Hours 30 choose to install their PowerStore systems. This does not qualify for
On Demand Class ESSTGD03552
Minutes the Implementation Engineer (IE) training.
PowerStore Concepts, Features and Migration Tech Exchange - Flexible Scalability and Automation with
This course provides an overview of PowerStore array concepts and PowerStore
explains product features. This course also explains how to migrate This session discusses the PowerStore’s flexibility and how to
from an external storage array to a PowerStore array. scale-up, scale-out and scale-down architecture. Explore complex
examples of how to create a new volume using GUI, CI and Ansible
On Demand Class 04 Hours ES101STG01736 and learn to leverage ServiceNow CMDB in the provisioning
PowerStore Implementation and Administration On Demand Class
This 3-day course provides instruction for the installation and
cabling of PowerStore 2.0 systems. It includes PowerStore system
initialization and deployment instructions along with practice
opportunities to achieve a function production storage state. Day-to- Dell EMC SC Series Concepts
day PowerStore administrative tasks for block, file, and VMware This 90 minutes self paced e-learning training provide an
storage resources and services are also provided. The course introduction to the hardware, features and basic administration used
includes PowerStore system hardware and software upgrades, and on the Dell EMC Storage SC Series.
basic troubleshooting.
01 Hours 30 DESNOLT-828-
On Demand Class
On Demand Class 24 Hours ESSTGD00501 Minutes 6619
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 30
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
On Demand Class 40 Hours
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 31
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
On Demand Class 40 Hours
Dell EMC Unity Installation and Service
This course is intended for professionals responsible for the
installing and servicing a Dell EMC Unity XT storage system. The
Dell EMC SC Series Implementation and Administrationv course covers the knowledge necessary to install, initialize, identify,
This 40 hours instructor led course includes a combination of and replace CRU’s on a Dell EMC Unity XT storage system.
administration, management, and advanced administration
coursework. The course concentrates on utilizing Storage Manager 02 Hours 20
On Demand Class ES132STG00109
to educate Administrators on how to perform key administrative Minutes
tasks for Storage Center and effectively manage all tools associated
with Storage Center operations like volume to server mapping,
multipathing, failover, snapshots, replications and troubleshooting. Dell EMC Unity NAS Server Advanced Network Features - On
This training also provides the knowledge to successf ully install Dell
EMC SC Series storage arrays and includes best practices
information for the Dell EMC SC Series hardware deployment This specialist-level e-learning course covers advanced network
including Fibre Channel zoning, iSCSI and host attachment.The Dell features supported by Dell EMC Unity NAS Servers. Topics include
EMC SC Series Implementation and Administration course is part of the high availability capabilities enabled by the LACP and FSN
the recommended training path of the Dell Technologies Proven support. Additionally, the course explores the file server support for
Professional SC Series Specialist Implementation Engineer. multi-tenant environments, and client-server network traffic control
with advanced static routing and IP packet reflect.
Virtual Class 40 Hours DESILT-825-3843
02 Hours 10
On Demand Class ES183STG00661
Dell EMC Unity Concepts and Features
Dell EMC Unity XT 5.2 Technical Differences
The course provides introductory technical knowledge of the Dell
This course presents updates for the Dell EMC Unity OE 5.2
EMC Unity platform, the available models, its features and
release. This course contains new concepts, features, video
content, and simulations.
03 Hours 30
On Demand Class ES131STG00107 On Demand Class 02 Hours ESSTGD03832
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 32
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
HCI VxRail This course introduces the VxRail 7.0.XXX API. It discusses VxRail
API benefits, functionality, documentation, and the structure of the
VCF on VxRail API requests. The course also includes interactive simulations
VCF 4.2 on VxRail Administration demonstrating the use of theVxRail API to gather system
information and to generate log bundles.(This course is being
This course enables an administrator to manage a VMware Cloud offered as On Demand Only)
Foundation (VCF) on VxRail solution. It covers reviewing the
management interfaces, managing users, roles, and passwords, On Demand Class 02 Hours ES102CPX02009
managing certificates and licenses, managing the workload
domains, deploying NSX-T Edge cluster, performing lifecycle
management, configuring multi-instance management, and
exploring troubleshooting and support options. Hands on labs and VxRail Administration
simulated interactions are included in the course to provide a walk-
This course presents the skills necessary to administer and manage
through of the key steps involved in the administration of a VCF on
a VxRail cluster. Key topics include management interfaces,
VxRail solution.
managing cluster configurations, resource provisioning and
expansion, monitoring, managing availability, and basic
Classroom 16 Hours ESCPXS02410
troubleshooting. Hands-on labs, video demonstrations, and
interactive simulations are included in the course to provide a step-
Virtual Class 16 Hours ESCPXS02410
by step walkthrough of the key procedures to manage the cluster.
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 33
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
Data Center
Dell EMC PowerSwitch Data Center Implementation and PowerSwitch SmartFabric OS10 Private Virtual LAN
Administration Concepts
The Dell EMC PowerSwitch Data Center Implementation and This module will explain what PVLAN is and the difference between
Administration course is part of the certification training path leading PVLAN and VLAN. Also covered will be the architecture and
to Dell EMC Certified Specialist, Networking. This course is On components of PVLAN along with the uses and limitations.
Demand with hands-on activities.
On Demand Class 30 Minutes ESNETD02623
On Demand Class 40 Hours ESNETD02182
Redemption MR-1EV-
Exam Voucher
Dell Technologies Proven Professional VUE Exam Voucher MR-1EV-
Exam vouchers may ONLY be used as payment for any Dell On Demand Class
Technologies Proven Professional exam delivered by Pearson VUE,
the sole testing provider of Dell Technologies Proven Professional
exams. For a complete list of exams this voucher can be used for go
to: After purchase, your vouchers
will be emailed to you within 3 business days. Important: Vouchers
are active for 365 days after the date of the order and must be used
during this time period. These vouchers may n ot be resold or
redeemed for cash, credit, or refunded.
Security and Systems Management The OpenManage Enterprise course is a baseline course that
provides a learner with a good understanding of the functions and
OpenManage features of OpenManage Enterprise. On demand eLearning and
OpenManage Enterprise CloudIQ Features Implementation video demonstrations cover the following topics for students:
Administration Installation/Configuration, navigating/using the web interface,
describe and use the Discovery and Inventory process, manage
The CloudIQ plugin for OpenManage Enterprise enables the devices, and perform tasks using OpenManage Enterprise.
monitoring and managing of OpenManage Enterprise devices by the Students learn about profiles and configuration templates. The
CloudIQ web service. This course focuses on the functions and course cov ers the integration of OME adaptors with SupportAssist
features of the CloudIQ plugin for OpenManage Enterprise. Enterprise and Secure Connect Gateway. Checklists have been
incorporated to provide students with a “what to look for” when
On Demand Class 30 Minutes ESSSMD03613 issues arise.
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 34
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
Dell EMC PowerEdge Installation Administration and
Third Party Amazon AWS
000 Third Party Untagged Advanced Architecting on AWS
DP-100 Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution In this three day course, you will be building on concepts introduced
in Architecting on AWS, Advanced Architecting on AWS is intended
on Azure
for individuals who are experienced with designing scalable and
Learn how to operate machine learning solutions at cloud scale elastic applications on the AWS platform. In this course, you will
using Azure Machine Learning. This course teaches you to leverage cover how to build complex solutions that incorporate data services,
your existing knowledge of Python and machine learning to manage governance, and security on AWS. You will get an introduction to
data ingestion and preparation, model training and deployment, and specialized AWS services, including AWS Direct Connect and AWS
machine learning solution monitoring in Microsoft Azure. Storage Gateway to support hybrid arc hitecture. You will also cover
designing best practices for building scalable, elastic, secure, and
Virtual Class 24 Hours ESTPYS03278 highly available applications on AWS.
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 35
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 36
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
Classroom DESILT-822-4971
Classroom DESILT-822-4969
Microsoft Windows Client
Virtual Class DESILT-822-4969 Microsoft Windows 10 and Office 365 Subscription
This online training program is a comprehensive, low-cost, easy
access solution that helps users effectively adopt Microsoft products
Microsoft Azure and realize the greatest return on their technology investments.
AZ-104T00 Microsoft Azure Administrator
On Demand Class ESTPYD03351
This course teaches IT Professionals how to manage their Azure
subscriptions, secure identities, administer the infrastructure,
configure virtual networking, connect Azure and on-premises sites,
manage network traffic, implement storage solutions, create and Microsoft Windows Server
scale virtual machines, implement web apps and containers, back WS-011T00 Windows Server 2019 Administration
up and share data, and monitor your solution
This course is designed for professionals who will be responsible for
Virtual Class 32 Hours ESTPYD03269 managing identity, networking, storage and compute by using
Windows Server 2019, and who need to understand the scenarios,
requirements, and options that are available and applicable to
Windows Server 2019. The course teaches IT professionals the
AZ-204T00 Developing Solutions For Microsoft Azure fundamental administration skills required to deploy and support
Windows Server 2019 in most organizations.
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 37
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
ServiceNow Product Training The Dell Technologies Unified Workspace 2020 is co-skilled badge
program is aimed at providing IT technical professionals an
Scripting in ServiceNow Fundamentals
opportunity to demonstrate proficiency on Dell Technologies Unified
Attend Scripting in ServiceNow Fundamentals to learn how to use Workspace, including technical knowledge of VMware Workspace
the ServiceNow JavaScript API. Take advantage of the extensibility ONE, Dell Factory Provisioning of VMware Workspace ONE, Dell
of ServiceNow by adding new functionality or modifying the baseline Client Command Suite, Dell Power Manager, Intel vPro out-of-band
behavior of an instance. This class begins with client-side scripting management, warranty management, intelligent support with
and transitions to server-side scripting. Attendees write, test and SupportAssist Insights and TechDirect, and the integration poi nts of
debug scripts using real-world, relevant lab exercises. these capabilities. It also enables badge earners to demonstrate
proficiency in Unified Workspace approach to security, including
Virtual Class 24 Hours ESTPYS03323 technical details on features such as SafeBIOS (off-host BIOS
verification), SafeID (hardware-based trusted device security), and
SafeData (AI-enabled TrustedData technology), as well as threat
management powered by telemetry, utilizing Artificial Intelligence
ServiceNow Fundamentals
and Machine Learning for efficient and effective responses to cyber
A combination of lecture content and labs in the ServiceNow incidents.The program will add to skill sets acquired from the
Fundamentals course will summarize fundamental platform features VMware Certified
by: Describing the ServiceNow user interface, Providing a summary
of the database schema, Demonstrating uses for commonly 06 Hours 30 DESNOLT-833-
accessed applications, andIntroducing advanced functionality, such On Demand Class
Minutes 6131
as scripting and application development
On Demand Class Dell Technologies Unified Workspace 2020
The Dell Technologies Unified Workspace 2020 is co-skilled badge
program is aimed at providing IT technical professionals an
opportunity to demonstrate proficiency on Dell Technologies Unified
Dell Technologies Unified Workspace 2020 Workspace, including technical knowledge of VMware Workspace
The Dell Technologies Unified Workspace 2020 is co-skilled badge ONE, Dell Factory Provisioning of VMware Workspace ONE, Dell
program is aimed at providing IT technical professionals an Client Command Suite, Dell Power Manager, Intel vPro out-of-band
opportunity to demonstrate proficiency on Dell Technologies Unified management, warranty management, intelligent support with
Workspace, including technical knowledge of VMware Workspace SupportAssist Insights and TechDirect, and the integration poi nts of
ONE, Dell Factory Provisioning of VMware Workspace ONE, Dell these capabilities. It also enables badge earners to demonstrate
Client Command Suite, Dell Power Manager, Intel vPro out-of-band proficiency in Unified Workspace approach to security, including
management, warranty management, intelligent support with technical details on features such as SafeBIOS (off-host BIOS
SupportAssist Insights and TechDirect, and the integration poi nts of verification), SafeID (hardware-based trusted device security), and
these capabilities. It also enables badge earners to demonstrate SafeData (AI-enabled TrustedData technology), as well as threat
proficiency in Unified Workspace approach to security, including management powered by telemetry, utilizing Artificial Intelligence
technical details on features such as SafeBIOS (off-host BIOS and Machine Learning for efficient and effective responses to cyber
verification), SafeID (hardware-based trusted device security), and incidents.The program will add to skill sets acquired from the
SafeData (AI-enabled TrustedData technology), as well as threat VMware Certified
management powered by telemetry, utilizing Artificial Intelligence
and Machine Learning for efficient and effective responses to cyber 06 Hours 30 DESNOLT-806-
On Demand Class
incidents.The program will add to skill sets acquired from the Minutes 13804
VMware Certified
06 Hours 30 DESNOLT-833-
On Demand Class Troubleshooting VMware vRealize Operations [V8.x]
Minutes 6132
This two-day course gives VMware vRealize® Operations™
administrators the skills to perform basic troubleshootingtasks. The
course also gives administrators the skills to ensure that their
Dell Technologies Unified Workspace 2020 vRealize Operations instance meets its use-caseobjectives of
continuous performance optimization, app-aware intelligent
remediation, and integrated compliance.The hands-on training
provides an overview of the tools and processes available to ensure
a vRealize Operationsdeployment is running in a healthy st ate.
Classroom 16 Hours
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 38
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
Virtual Class 08 Hours Classroom 08 Hours
VMware Carbon Black App Control Advanced Administrator VMware Carbon Black EDR Administrator - Virtual Class
This one-day course teaches you how to configure and scope the This one-day course teaches you how to use the VMware Carbon
rules within VMware Carbon Black® App ControlTMproduct to Black® EDR™ product and leverage the capabilities toconfigure
maintain the system according to your organization’s security and maintain the system according to your organization’s security
posture and organizational policies. Additionally,this course covers posture and policies. This course provides anin-depth, technical
troubleshooting both the server and the agent for Carbon Black App understanding of the Carbon Black EDR product through
Control and how to identify issuesthat impact normal operations. comprehensive coursework and hands-onscenario-based labs
This course provides an in-depth, technical understanding of the
Carbon Black App Controlproduct through compreh ensive Virtual Class 08 Hours
coursework and hands-on scenario-based labs.
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 39
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
VMware Carbon Black EDR Advanced Administrator In this five-day course, you focus on deploying, configuring,
integrating, designing, and managing VMware CloudDirector™ 10.x
This one-day course teaches you how to use the advanced features
network objects with VMware NSX-TTM Data Center. This course
of the VMware Carbon Black® EDR™ product. Thisusage includes
also focuses on designing, integrating,configuring, and managing
gaining access to the Linux server for management and
VMware Cloud Director™ 10.x with VMware NSX® Advanced Load
troubleshooting in addition to configuringintegrations and using the
Balancer™.This course also focuses on the VMware Cloud Director
API. This course provides an in-depth, technical understanding of
Migration tool, using which the system administrator can performthe
the Carbon Black EDRproduct through comprehensive coursework
actual migration by migrating the workload and networ ks of the
and hands-on scenario-based labs. This class focuses exclusively
organization VDC supported by VMware NSX® DataCenter for
onadvanced technical topics related to the technical ba ck-end
vSphere® to the organization VDC supported by NSX-T Data
configuration and maintenance
Center in the same organization.This course also showcases how to
MR-1CN- monitor VMware Cloud Director networking objects using
Classroom 08 Hours VMwarevRealize® Operations™ and VMware vRealize®
Operations Tenant App.
Classroom 40 Hours
VMware Carbon Black EDR Advanced Administrator - Virtual VMCDANNSXT
This one-day course teaches you how to use the advanced features
of the VMware Carbon Black® EDR™ product. Thisusage includes VMware Cloud Director: Advanced Networking with NSX-T
gaining access to the Linux server for management and Data Center [V10.2] - Virtual Class
troubleshooting in addition to configuringintegrations and using the
In this five-day course, you focus on deploying, configuring,
API. This course provides an in-depth, technical understanding of
integrating, designing, and managing VMware CloudDirector™ 10.x
the Carbon Black EDRproduct through comprehensive coursework
network objects with VMware NSX-TTM Data Center. This course
and hands-on scenario-based labs. This class focuses exclusively
also focuses on designing, integrating,configuring, and managing
onadvanced technical topics related to the technical ba ck-end
VMware Cloud Director™ 10.x with VMware NSX® Advanced Load
configuration and maintenance
Balancer™.This course also focuses on the VMware Cloud Director
MR-1LN- Migration tool, using which the system administrator can performthe
Virtual Class 08 Hours actual migration by migrating the workload and ne tworks of the
organization VDC supported by VMware NSX® DataCenter for
vSphere® to the organization VDC supported by NSX-T Data
Center in the same organization.This course also showcases how to
VMware Carbon Black EDR Advanced Analyst monitor VMware Cloud Director networking objects using
VMwarevRealize® Operations™ and VMware vRealize®
This one-day course teaches you how to use the VMware Carbon
Operations Tenant App.
Black® EDR™ product during incident response. Usingthe SANS
PICERL framework, you will configure the server and perform an
investigation on a possible incident. This courseprovides guidance Virtual Class 40 Hours
on using Carbon Black EDR capabilities throughout an incident with
an in-depth, hands-on, scenariobased lab
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 40
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 41
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 42
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
This five-day accelerated, hands-on training course is a blend of VMware Horizon 8: Infrastructure Administrator and Troubleshooting
VMware Horizon® 8: Skills for Virtual DesktopManagement, is a five-day combination course of VMware Horizon8: Infrastructure
VMware Horizon 8: Infrastructure Administration, and VMware App Administration & VMware Horizon 8: Infrastructure Troubleshooting.
Volumes™, and VMware DynamicEnvironment Manager™. Eight This 5-day training gives you theskills to install and configure a
days of content are taught in five-days of extending learning.This virtual desktop infrastructure platform. This course builds your skills
training collection gives you the hands-on skills to deliver virtual in installing andconfiguring VMware Horizon® through a
desktops and applications through a single virtualdesktop combination of lecture and hands-on labs. You learn how to install
infrastructure platform. You build on your skills in config uring and and configureVMware Horizon® Connection Server™, VMware
managing VMware Horizon 8 through acombination of lecture and Unified Access Gateway™, how to configure a load balancer for use
hands-on labs. You learn how to configure and deploy pools of withHorizon, and how to establish Cloud Pod Architecture.Also, this
virtual machines and how toprovide a customized desktop course provides you with the advanced knowledge, skills, and
environment to end-users.You learn how to install and configure a abilities to troubleshoot VMware Horizon 8infrastructure. This
virtual desktop infrastructure platform. You learn how to install and workshop teaches the required skill and competence for
configureVMware Horizon® Connection Server™ and VMware troubleshooting Horizon Connection Server,Unified Access
Unified Access Gateway™. You also learn how to configure a Gateway, protocols, connections, and certificates.This course
loadbalancer for use with Horizon and how to establish Cloud Pod provides a challenge lab design ed to present participants with
Architecture.Additionally, you learn how to u infrastructure issues that may a
Virtual Class 24 Hours
VMware Horizon 8: Infrastructure Administration and
Troubleshooting - Virtual Class
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 43
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
This five-day course builds your skills in resolving common issues This two-day course builds your skills in resolving common issues
that occur in a VMware Horizon® environment. You engage in a that occur in a VMware Horizon® environment. Youengage in a
series of lab exercises to bring existing environment issues to series of lab exercises to bring existing environment issues to
resolution. The exercises mirror real-world troubleshooting use resolution. The exercises mirror real-worldtroubleshooting use
cases. These exercises equip learners with the knowledge and cases. These exercises equip learners with the knowledge and
practical skills to manage typical challenges faced by virtual desktop practical skills to manage typicalchallenges faced by virtual desktop
administrators and operators and provides you with the advanced administrators and operators.
knowledge, skills, and abilities to troubleshoot VMware Horizon® 8
infrastructure related issues. This workshop teaches the required MR-1CN-
Classroom 16 Hours
skill and competence for troubleshooting VMware Horizon® VMHVDT8
Connection Server™, VMware Unified Access Gateway™,
protocols, connections, and certificates.
VMware Horizon 8: Virtual Desktop Troubleshooting VMware Integrated Openstack: Install, Configure, Manage
[V7] - Virtual
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 44
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
This five-day course provides you with the skills to build a private This five-day, fast-paced course provides comprehensive training on
cloud using VMware® Integrated OpenStack on a provenVMware how to install, configure, and manage a VMware NSXAdvanced
SDDC. Through a combination of lecture and hands-on labs, this Load Balancer (Avi Networks) solution. This course covers key NSX
course builds your skills in installing, configuring,and managing Advanced Load Balancer (Avi Networks)features and functionality
VMware Integrated OpenStack. You learn how to offer IaaS and offered in the NSX Advanced Load Balancer 18.2 release. The
PaaS with advanced networking andsecurity features to end users features covered include theoverall infrastructure, virtual services
using VMware Integrated OpenStack. and application components, global server load balancing, various
cloud connectors.Also covered are applicatio n troubleshooting and
MR-1LN- solution monitoring. You will be presented with various types
Virtual Class 40 Hours
VMVIOICM7 oftechnical problems, which you will identify, analyze, and solve
through a systematic process. Access to a software-defineddata
center environment is provided through hands-on labs to reinforce
the skills and concepts presented in the course.
VMware Kubernetes Fundamentals and Cluster Operations
This four-day course is the first step in learning about Containers MR-1CN-
Classroom 40 Hours
and Kubernetes Fundamentals and Cluster Operations.Through a VMNSXABICMTFT
series of lectures and lab exercises, the fundamental concepts of
containers and Kubernetes are presentedand put to practice by
containerizing and deploying a two-tier application into Kubernetes.
VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer: ICM plus
Classroom 32 Hours MR-1CN-VMKFCO Troubleshooting and Operations Fast Track - Virtual Class
This five-day, fast-paced course provides comprehensive training on
how to install, configure, and manage a VMware NSXAdvanced
Load Balancer (Avi Networks) solution. This course covers key NSX
VMware Kubernetes Fundamentals and Cluster Operations - Advanced Load Balancer (Avi Networks)features and functionality
Virtual Class offered in the NSX Advanced Load Balancer 18.2 release. The
This four-day course is the first step in learning about Containers features covered include theoverall infrastructure, virtual services
and Kubernetes Fundamentals and Cluster Operations.Through a and application components, global server load balancing, various
series of lectures and lab exercises, the fundamental concepts of cloud connectors.Also covered are applicatio n troubleshooting and
containers and Kubernetes are presentedand put to practice by solution monitoring. You will be presented with various types
containerizing and deploying a two-tier application into Kubernetes. oftechnical problems, which you will identify, analyze, and solve
through a systematic process. Access to a software-defineddata
Virtual Class 32 Hours MR-1LN-VMKFCO center environment is provided through hands-on labs to reinforce
the skills and concepts presented in the course.
VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer: Global Server Load Virtual Class 40 Hours
Balancing Design and Deploy
This 3-day course prepares you to lead VMware NSX Advanced
Load Balancer (Avi Networks) Global Server LoadBalancing design
VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer: Infrastructure and
and deployment projects by providing an understanding of general
design processes, frameworks andconfigurations. You look at the Application Automation
design and deployment considerations for Global Server Load This three-day, fast-paced course provides comprehensive training
Balancing as part of anoverall software-defined data center design. on how to automate infrastructure and applicationcomponents of
This course covers key NSX Advanced Load Balancer (Avi VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer (Avi Networks) solution.
Networks) GlobalServer Load Balancing features and functional ities This course covers key application deliveryfeatures of NSX
offered in the NSX Advanced Load Balancer 18.2 release. Access Advanced Load Balancer (Avi Networks) features and functionality
to asoftware-defined data center environment is provided through offered in VMware NSX Advanced LoadBalancer 18.2 release and
hands-on labs to reinforce the skills and conceptspresented in the focuses on how to plan and implement automation of infrastructure
course. and application componentsleveraging REST API, SDK or aut
omation solutions such as Ansible, Terraform or similar. Access to a
MR-1CN- software-defined datacenter environment is provided through
Classroom 24 Hours
VMNSXALBDD hands-on labs to reinforce the skills and concepts presented in the
VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer: Global Server Load Classroom 24 Hours
Balancing Design and Deploy - Virtual Class
This 3-day course prepares you to lead VMware NSX Advanced
Load Balancer (Avi Networks) Global Server LoadBalancing design
VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer: Infrastructure and
and deployment projects by providing an understanding of general
design processes, frameworks andconfigurations. You look at the Application Automation - Virtual Class
design and deployment considerations for Global Server Load This three-day, fast-paced course provides comprehensive training
Balancing as part of anoverall software-defined data center design. on how to automate infrastructure and applicationcomponents of
This course covers key NSX Advanced Load Balancer (Avi VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer (Avi Networks) solution.
Networks) GlobalServer Load Balancing features and functional ities This course covers key application deliveryfeatures of NSX
offered in the NSX Advanced Load Balancer 18.2 release. Access Advanced Load Balancer (Avi Networks) features and functionality
to asoftware-defined data center environment is provided through offered in VMware NSX Advanced LoadBalancer 18.2 release and
hands-on labs to reinforce the skills and conceptspresented in the focuses on how to plan and implement automation of infrastructure
course. and application componentsleveraging REST API, SDK or aut
omation solutions such as Ansible, Terraform or similar. Access to a
MR-1LN- software-defined datacenter environment is provided through
Virtual Class 24 Hours
VMNSXALBDD hands-on labs to reinforce the skills and concepts presented in the
VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer: ICM plus Virtual Class 24 Hours
Troubleshooting and Operations Fast Track
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 45
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
Classroom 24 Hours
VMNSXALBWAFS VMware NSX-T Data Center: Design [V3.0] - Virtual
This five-day course provides comprehensive training on
considerations and practices to design a VMware NSX-T™
VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer: Web Application DataCenter environment as part of a software-defined data center
Firewall Security - Virtual Class strategy. This course prepares the student with the skills tolead the
design of NSX-T Data Center offered in the NSX-T Data Center 3.0
This three-day course provides comprehensive training on how to
release, including design principles,processes, and frameworks.
configure, maintain and troubleshoot the WebApplication Firewall
The student gains a deeper understanding of NSX-T Data Center
component of the VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer (Avi
architecture and how it canbe leveraged to create solutions to
Networks) solution as well as provide anunderstanding of additional
address the customer’s business needs
security related functionality. This course covers key NSX Advanced
Load Balancer (AviNetworks) Web Application Firewall features and
functionality offered in the NSX Advanced Load Balancer 18.2 Virtual Class 40 Hours
release,including the overall infrastructure, vi rtual services and
application components as well as application troubleshooting
andsolution monitoring. Access to a software-defined data center
environment is provided through hands-on labs to reinforcethe skills VMware NSX-T Data Center: Install, Configure, Manage
and concepts presented in the course. [V2.4]
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 46
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
This five-day, fast-paced course provides comprehensive training on VMware NSX-T Data Center: Migration from NSX Data
how to install, configure, and manage a VMware NSX-T Data Center for vSphere
Center environment. This course covers key NSX-T Data Center
This thee-day, hands-on training course provides you with the skills,
features and functionality offered in the NSX-T Data Center 2.4
techniques, and tools required to successfully migrate your current
release, including the overall infrastructure, logical segments, logical
VMware NSX® Data Center for vSphere® environment to VMware
routers, networking and security services, micro-segmentation and
NSX-T™ Data Center.In this course, you learn to choose between
firewalls, and so on. Access to a software-defined data center
different migration approaches and to perform the type of migration
environment is provided through hands-on labs to reinforce the skills
thatbest suits your current environment. In addition, you are
and concepts presented in the course.
presented with common migration problems and resolutions
Classroom 40 Hours MR-1CN-
VMWNSXTICMV2.4 Classroom 24 Hours
Virtual Class
VMware NSX-T Data Center: Migration from NSX Data
Center for vSphere - Virtual Class
VMware NSX-T Data Center: Install, Configure, Manage This thee-day, hands-on training course provides you with the skills,
[V3.0] techniques, and tools required to successfully migrate your current
VMware NSX® Data Center for vSphere® environment to VMware
This five-day, fast-paced course provides comprehensive training on
NSX-T™ Data Center.In this course, you learn to choose between
how to install, configure, and manage a VMwareNSX-T™ Data
different migration approaches and to perform the type of migration
Center environment. This course covers key NSX-T Data Center
thatbest suits your current environment. In addition, you are
features and functionality offered in theNSX-T Data Center 3.0
presented with common migration problems and resolutions
release, including the overall infrastructure, logical switching, logical
routing, networking andsecurity services, micro-segmentation and
firewalls, and more.Access to a software-defined data center Virtual Class 24 Hours
environment is provided through hands-on labs to reinforce the skills
andconcepts presented in the course
Classroom 40 Hours
VMNSXTICM32 VMware NSX-T Data Center: Troubleshooting and Operations
[V2.4] - Classroom
Virtual Class This five-day, hands-on training course provides you with the
advanced knowledge, skills, and tools to achieve competency in
operating and troubleshooting the VMware NSX-TTM Data Center
environment. In this course, you are introduced to workflows of
VMware NSX-T Data Center: Install, Configure, Manage various networking and security constructs along with several
[V3.2] - Virtual Class operational and troubleshooting tools that help managing and
troubleshooting your NSX-T Data Center. In addition, you are
This five-day, fast-paced course provides comprehensive training on presented with various types of technical problems, which you will
how to install, configure, and manage a VMwareNSX-TTM Data identify, analyze, and solve through a systematic process.
Center environment. This course covers key NSX-T Data Center
features and functionality offered in theNSX-T Data Center 3.2 MR-1CN-
release, including the overall infrastructure, logical switching, logical Classroom 40 Hours
routing, networking andsecurity services, firewalls and advanced
threat prevention, and more.
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 47
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
This five-day, hands-on training course provides you with the This five-day, comprehensive, fast-paced training course presents
advanced knowledge, skills, and tools to achieve competency in VMware NSX as a part of the software-defined data center. You will
operating and troubleshooting the VMware NSX-TTM Data Center learn how to use logical switching in VMware NSX to virtualize your
environment. In this course, you are introduced to workflows of switching environment. The course also details logical routing to
various networking and security constructs along with several enable you to dynamically route between different virtual
operational and troubleshooting tools that help managing and environments. You will also learn how to use gateway services,
troubleshooting your NSX-T Data Center. In addition, you are firewall configurations, and security services to help secure and
presented with various types of technical problems, which you will optimize your VMware NSX environment.Access to a software-
identify, analyze, and solve through a systematic process. defined data center environment is provided through hands-on labs
to reinforce the skills and concepts presented in the course.
Virtual Class 40 Hours
Classroom 40 Hours
Classroom 24 Hours VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud: Deploy and Manage
During this one-day course, you gain an understanding of the
architecture and features of VMware SDWAN by VeloCloudTM. This
course provides extensive hands-on labs in which you enable core
VMware NSX-T Data Center: What’s New [V3.2] - Virtual SD-WANfeatures, such as ensuring application performance using
Class business policies, traffic redirections, andnetwork service insertion.
In this three-day, hands-on training course, you explore the new
features and enhancements in VMware NSX-T™ DataCenter 3.2. MR-1CN-
Classroom 08 Hours
You will be introduced to all new security features in NSX-T Data VMSDWANDM
Center 3.2, including the NSX ApplicationPlatform, NSX Malware
Prevention, NSX Intrusion Detection and Prevention, URL Filtering,
VMware NSX® Intelligence™,and VMware NSX® Network
VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud: Deploy and Manage - Virtual
Detection and Response™.This course also discusses the
architectural and operational changes introduced in 3.2 and
discusses t he enhancements toOSPF, VMware NSX® Advanced During this one-day course, you gain an understanding of the
Load Balancer™, and NSX Federation. architecture and features of VMware SDWAN by VeloCloudTM. This
course provides extensive hands-on labs in which you enable core
MR-1LN- SD-WANfeatures, such as ensuring application performance using
Virtual Class 24 Hours
VMNSXTWN32 business policies, traffic redirections, andnetwork service insertion.
Virtual Class 08 Hours
VMware NSX: Install Configure Manage [V6.4]
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 48
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
Virtual Class 24 Hours
VMNSXVCDD3 VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition: Install,
Configure, Manage [V1.10] - Virtual Class
This four-day, hands-on training course provides you with the
VMware Site Recovery Manager: Install Configure Manage knowledge, skills, and tools to install, configure, andmanage
[V8.2] - Online ILT VMware Tanzu™ Kubernetes Grid™ Integrated Edition (formerly
This two-day, hands-on training course gives experienced VMware known as VMware Enterprise PKS). In this course,you are
vSphere administrators the knowledge to install, configure, and introduced to the workflows of Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated
manage VMware Site Recovery Manager 8.2. This course also Edition to manage Kubernetes clusters usingBOSH, and the
shows you how to write and test disaster recovery plans that use integration of Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition with other
Site Recovery Manager. VMware products.In addition, you are presented with various type s
of technical problems, which you will identify, analyze, and solve
MR-1LN- througha systematic process.
Virtual Class 16 Hours
Virtual Class 32 Hours
Virtual Class 24 Hours
VMware Spring Security - Virtual Class
This 2-day course offers hands-on experience with the major
features of Spring Security, which includes
VMware Tanzu Mission Control: Management and Operations
configuration,authentication, authorization, password handling,
testing, protecting against security threats, and the OAuth2 support 2020
tosecure applications. On completion, participants will have a During this one-day course, you focus on using VMware TanzuTM
foundation for securing enterprise and microservicesapplications. Mission ControlTM to provision and manage Kubernetesclusters.
The course covers how to manage on-premise and cloud-based
Virtual Class 16 Hours MR-1LN-VMSS Kubernetes clusters and how to apply access,image registry, and
network policies to clusters.
VMware Spring: Core Training - Virtual Class Classroom 08 Hours
This 4-day course offers hands-on experience with the major
features of Spring and Spring Boot, which includesconfiguration,
data access, REST, AOP, auto-configuration, actuator, security, and
Spring testing framework to buildenterprise and microservices VMware Tanzu Mission Control: Management and Operations
applications. On completion, participants will have a foundation for 2020 - Virtual Class
creating enterprise andcloud-ready applications.This course
prepares students for the Spring Professional certification exam.
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 49
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
During this one-day course, you focus on using VMware TanzuTM VMware vCloud Director: Tenant Operations [V10.x]
Mission ControlTM to provision and manage Kubernetesclusters.
In this five-day course, you focus on configuring and managing
The course covers how to manage on-premise and cloud-based
VMware vCloud Director® for Service Providers 10.x Tenant
Kubernetes clusters and how to apply access,image registry, and
Operations. You learn about self-service provisioning, the creation
network policies to clusters.
of virtual datacenter networks, vApp and its networks, catalog
services that include predefined virtual machines (VMs), and on-
Virtual Class 08 Hours demand VMware NSX® networks. This course covers integrating
VMware vCloud Director® with VMware vRealize® Orchestrator™
and the use of VMware vCloud® Availability. You learn how to man
age multisite, cross-VDC networking for vCloud Director. You also
VMware Tanzu Mission Control: Management and Operations learn how to use Central Point of Management (CPOM) to define a
2022 software-defined datacenter (SDDC) for tenant users of vCloud
Director. This course also discusses how to monitor various vCloud
During this two-day course, you focus on using VMware Tanzu® Director objects using VMware vRealize® Operations Manager™.
Mission ControlTM to provision and manage Kubernetesclusters.
The course covers how to apply access, image registry, network, MR-1CN-
security, quota, and custom policies toKubernetes environments. Classroom 40 Hours
For cluster provisioning and management, the course focuses on
deploying, upgrading,backing up and monitoring Kubernetes
clusters on VMware vSphere® with Tanzu. Given the abstractions of
VMwareTanzu Mission Control, the learnings should be trans VMware vCloud Director: Tenant Operations [V10.x] - Virtual
ferrable to public cloud. Class
In this five-day course, you focus on configuring and managing
Classroom 16 Hours VMware vCloud Director® for Service Providers 10.x Tenant
Operations. You learn about self-service provisioning, the creation
of virtual datacenter networks, vApp and its networks, catalog
services that include predefined virtual machines (VMs), and on-
VMware Tanzu Mission Control: Management and Operations demand VMware NSX® networks. This course covers integrating
2022 - Virtual Class VMware vCloud Director® with VMware vRealize® Orchestrator™
and the use of VMware vCloud® Availability. You learn how to man
During this two-day course, you focus on using VMware Tanzu® age multisite, cross-VDC networking for vCloud Director. You also
Mission ControlTM to provision and manage Kubernetesclusters. learn how to use Central Point of Management (CPOM) to define a
The course covers how to apply access, image registry, network, software-defined datacenter (SDDC) for tenant users of vCloud
security, quota, and custom policies toKubernetes environments. Director. This course also discusses how to monitor various vCloud
For cluster provisioning and management, the course focuses on Director objects using VMware vRealize® Operations Manager™.
deploying, upgrading,backing up and monitoring Kubernetes
clusters on VMware vSphere® with Tanzu. Given the abstractions of MR-1LN-
VMwareTanzu Mission Control, the learnings should be trans Virtual Class 40 Hours
ferrable to public cloud.
Virtual Class 16 Hours
VMTMCMO2022 VMware vCloud NFV with vCloud Director [V9.7]
This five-day, hands-on training course discusses Network
Functions Virtualization (NFV), a network architecture conceptthat
VMware vCloud Director: Install, Configure, Manage [V9.7] specifies how virtualization technologies can be used to virtualize
network service functions. This course coversinterfacing VMware
In this five-day course, you focus on installing, configuring, and vCloud Director® with other systems using various APIs and the
managing VMware vCloud Director forService Providers 9.x. You integration and use of VMware vCloud®Availability for vCloud
learn about self-service provisioning, the creation of organizations, Director®. You will understand how to manage multisite, cross-VDC
virtual datacenters (VDCs), catalog services that include predefined (Virtual Data Center) networkingfor vCloud Direct or. You will also
virtual machines, and on-demand VMware NSX networks.This understand how to configure Central Point of Management (CPOM)
course also covers interfacing VMware vCloud Director with other to define a softwaredefined datacenter (SDDC) for tenant and
systems using various APIs andthe integration and use of VMware provider users of vCloud Director. This course also discusses how
vCloud Availability for vCloud Director . Y ou will also understand to monitorvarious vCloud Director objects using VMware vRealize®
howto manage multisite, cross-VDC networking for vCloud Director OperationsTM, Tenant vApp, and VMware vRealize® Log
and configuring Central Point ofManagement (CPOM) to define a InsightTM.
Software-defined Datacenter (SDDC) for tenant and provider users
ofvCloud Director. This course also discusses how to monitor MR-1CN-
various vCloud Director objects using VMwarevRealize Classroom 40 Hours
OperationsTM, Tenant vApp, and VMware vRealize Log InsightTM
Classroom 40 Hours
VMVICM97 VMware vCloud NFV with vCloud Director [V9.7] - Virtual
This five-day, hands-on training course discusses Network
VMware vCloud Director: Install, Configure, Manage [V9.7] - Functions Virtualization (NFV), a network architecture conceptthat
Online ILT specifies how virtualization technologies can be used to virtualize
network service functions. This course coversinterfacing VMware
In this five-day course, you focus on installing, configuring, and vCloud Director® with other systems using various APIs and the
managing VMware vCloud Director for Service Providers 9.x. You integration and use of VMware vCloud®Availability for vCloud
learn about self-service provisioning, the creation of organizations, Director®. You will understand how to manage multisite, cross-VDC
virtual datacenters (VDCs), catalog services that include predefined (Virtual Data Center) networkingfor vCloud Direct or. You will also
virtual machines, and on-demand VMware NSX networks.This understand how to configure Central Point of Management (CPOM)
course also covers interfacing VMware vCloud Director with other to define a softwaredefined datacenter (SDDC) for tenant and
systems using various APIs andthe integration and use of VMware provider users of vCloud Director. This course also discusses how
vCloud Availability for vCloud Director . Y ou will also understand to monitorvarious vCloud Director objects using VMware vRealize®
howto manage multisite, cross-VDC networking for vCloud Director OperationsTM, Tenant vApp, and VMware vRealize® Log
and configuring Central Point ofManagement (CPOM) to define a InsightTM.
Software-defined Datacenter (SDDC) for tenant and provider users
ofvCloud Director. This course also discusses how to monitor MR-1LN-
various vCloud Director objects using VMwarevRealize Virtual Class 40 Hours
OperationsTM, Tenant vApp, and VMware vRealize Log InsightTM
Virtual Class
VMVICM97 VMware vRealize Automation SaltStack Config: Deploy &
Manage [V8.4]
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Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
Virtual Class 40 Hours
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 51
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
Classroom VMware vRealize Network Insight: Install, Configure, Manage
[V6.0] - Virtual Class
Elearning (DO NOT MR-1CN- This two-day, hands-on course gives you the skills to deploy and
40 Hours
USE) VMVRAOE81 use VMware vRealize® Network Insight™ to ensure anoptimized,
highly available, and secure infrastructure for your applications. You
will learn the features, components,architecture, and benefits of
vRealize Network Insight and how to use it to simplify daily
VMware vRealize Automation: Orchestration and Extensibility operation and troubleshootingtasks.
V8.1 - Virtual
During this five-day course, you focus on using VMware vRealize® MR-1LN-
Virtual Class 16 Hours
Orchestrator™ to extend the functionality of VMware vRealize® VMVRNIICM6
Automation™. You learn how to provide XaaS (Anything as a
Service) and implement Machine Lifecycle Extensibility using the
VMware vRealize® Automation™ Event Broker. You also learn how
to create vRealize Orchestrator workflows. Features covered in the
VMware vRealize Network Insight: Install, Configure, Manage
course include basic scripting implementation along with logic [V6.1]
processing to implement a variety of functions to use in y our This two-day, hands-on course gives you the skills to deploy and
environment. This course teaches implementing debugging, loops, use VMware vRealize® Network Insight™ to ensure anoptimized,
conditions, and user interactions in vRealize Orchestrator.The highly available, and secure infrastructure for your applications. You
course introduces the new vRealize Orchestrator HTML 5 interface, will learn the features, components,architecture, and benefits of
along with API calls and REST functions, to give the groundwork to vRealize Network Insight and how to use it to simplify daily
implement a variety of plugins and scripts. This course is designed operation and troubleshootingtasks.
to give you the tools to craft custom solutions in the product.
Classroom 16 Hours
Virtual Class 40 Hours
Virtual Class 16 Hours Virtual Class 16 Hours
VMware vRealize Network Insight: Install, Configure, Manage VMware vRealize Operations: Advanced Use Cases [v8.x]
This two-day, hands-on course gives you the skills to deploy and MR-1LN-
Virtual Class 16 Hours
use VMware vRealize® Network Insight™ to ensure anoptimized, VMVROAUC8
highly available, and secure infrastructure for your applications. You
will learn the features, components,architecture, and benefits of
vRealize Network Insight and how to use it to simplify daily
operation and troubleshootingtasks. VMware vRealize Operations: Day 2 Operations with Cloud
Classroom 16 Hours
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 52
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
This four-day course is for users of the both VMware vRealize® This five-day course is for users of both cloud and on-premises
Operations™ on-prem and cloud versions. The courseincludes how versions of the VMware vRealize® Operations™ product.It provides
to use advanced capabilities like customizing alerts, views, reports, you with the knowledge and skills to deploy a vRealize Operations
and dashboards, and it explains thearchitecture in vRealize cluster that meets the monitoringrequirements of your
Operations.This course explains certificates, capacity concepts, and environment.This course includes advanced capabilities like
workload optimization with real-world use cases. This coursecovers customizing alerts, views, reports, and dashboards and explains
troubleshooting using dashboards and how to manage compliance thearchitecture in vRealize Operations. This course explains
and configurations. This course also cover sseveral management certificates, capacity and cost concepts, and workloadoptimiz ation
packs and introduces VMware vRealize® Operations Cloud™.In with real-world use cases. This course covers troubleshooting using
general, this course explains how to use and configure most of the workbench, alerts, and Predefineddashboards and how to manage
new features and enhancements in version 8.1 and8.2. compliance and configurations. This course also covers several
management packs, andit introduces VMware vRealize®
MR-1CN- Operations Cloud™.In general, this course explains how to use and
Classroom 32 Hours
VMVROD2OC82 configure most of the new features and enhancements in version
8.1 and8.2.
VMware vRealize Operations: Day 2 Operations with Cloud Virtual Class 40 Hours
[V8.2] - Virtual Class
This four-day course is for users of the both VMware vRealize®
Operations™ on-prem and cloud versions. The courseincludes how
to use advanced capabilities like customizing alerts, views, reports,
VMware vRealize Operations: Install, Configure, Manage [V8]
and dashboards, and it explains thearchitecture in vRealize This five-day course includes instruction on advanced capabilities,
Operations.This course explains certificates, capacity concepts, and including customization and management, and explainsthe
workload optimization with real-world use cases. This coursecovers architecture of VMware vRealize® and different ways of deploying
troubleshooting using dashboards and how to manage compliance vRealize operations. This course explains certificates,capacity
and configurations. This course also c oversseveral management concepts, and workload optimization with real-world use cases. This
packs and introduces VMware vRealize® Operations Cloud™.In course covers troubleshooting usingdashboards and how-to
general, this course explains how to use and configure most of the managing configurations. This course also covers management
new features and enhancements in version 8.1 and8.2. packs such as those for or in theSDDC Management Health so
lution, VMware vRealize® Service DiscoveryTM Management Pack,
MR-1LN- and VMware vRealize®Orchestrator™.In general, this course
Virtual Class 32 Hours
VMVROD2OC82 explains how to use and configure most of the new features and
enhancements in version 8.0.
VMware vRealize Operations: Install, Configure, Manage [V7] Classroom 40 Hours
- Online ILT
This five-day course, designed for experienced VMware vSphere
users, teaches you how to use VMware vRealize Operations as a VMware vRealize Operations: Install, Configure, Manage [V8]
forensic and predictive tool. Based on VMware ESXi 6.7, VMware
vCenter Server 6.7, and vRealize Operations 7.0, this course
- Virtual Classroom
includes instruction on advanced capabilities, including This five-day course includes instruction on advanced capabilities,
customization and management. including customization and management, and explainsthe
architecture of VMware vRealize® and different ways of deploying
MR-1LN- vRealize operations. This course explains certificates,capacity
Virtual Class 40 Hours
VMVROICM7 concepts, and workload optimization with real-world use cases. This
course covers troubleshooting usingdashboards and how-to
managing configurations. This course also covers management
packs such as those for or in theSDDC Management Health so
VMware vRealize Operations: Install, Configure, Manage lution, VMware vRealize® Service DiscoveryTM Management Pack,
[V8.2] and VMware vRealize®Orchestrator™.In general, this course
This five-day course is for users of both cloud and on-premises explains how to use and configure most of the new features and
versions of the VMware vRealize® Operations™ product.It provides enhancements in version 8.0.
you with the knowledge and skills to deploy a vRealize Operations
cluster that meets the monitoringrequirements of your MR-1LN-
Virtual Class 40 Hours
environment.This course includes advanced capabilities like VMVROICM8
customizing alerts, views, reports, and dashboards and explains
thearchitecture in vRealize Operations. This course explains
certificates, capacity and cost concepts, and workloadoptimiz ation VMware vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager: Install Configure
with real-world use cases. This course covers troubleshooting using
workbench, alerts, and Predefineddashboards and how to manage
Manage [V8.0] - Virtual Class
compliance and configurations. This course also covers several This two-day course features hands-on training that focuses on
management packs, andit introduces VMware vRealize® installing, configuring, and managing VMware vRealize®Suite
Operations Cloud™.In general, this course explains how to use and Lifecycle Manager™, which includes products such as VMware
configure most of the new features and enhancements in version vRealize® Operations™, VMware vRealize® LogInsight™, and
8.1 and8.2. VMware vRealize® Automation™. This course prepares you to
administer a vRealize infrastructure for anorganization.
Classroom 40 Hours MR-1LN-
VMVRODOC82 Virtual Class 16 Hours
Virtual Class 24 Hours
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 53
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
Classroom 50 Hours Classroom 16 Hours
VMware vSAN: Fast Track [V7] - Virtual Class VMware vSAN: Production Operations [V6.7] - Online ILT
During this five-day, intensive course, you gain the knowledge, In this two-day course, you focus on building skills in configuring
skills, and tools to plan and deploy a VMware vSAN™cluster. You and performing common Day 2 administrator and end-user tasks
learn about managing and operating vSAN. This course focuses on with VMware vSAN 6.7. You gain practical experience with vSAN
building the required skills for commonDay-2 vSAN administrator production operations through the completion of instructor-led
tasks such as vSAN node management, cluster maintenance, activities and hands-on lab exercises.
security operations, andadvanced vSAN cluster operations.You also
focus on learning the tools and skills necessary to troubleshoot MR-1LN-
Virtual Class 16 Hours
vSAN 7 implementations and gain practicalexper ience with vSAN VMVSPO6.7
troubleshooting concepts through the completion of instructor-led
activities and hands-on labexercises.This course is a combination of
the following courses: VMware vSAN: Plan and Deploy, VMware VMware vSAN: Troubleshooting [V7]
vSAN: Management andOperations, and VMware vSAN:
Troubleshooting. In this two-day course, you focus on learning the tools and skills
necessary to troubleshoot VMware vSAN™ 7implementations. You
MR-1LN- gain practical experience with vSAN troubleshooting concepts
Virtual Class 50 Hours through the completion of instructorled activities and hands-on lab
Classroom 16 Hours
VMware vSAN: Management and Operations [V7] VMVSANT7
In this three-day course, you learn about managing and operating
VMware vSAN™ 7. This course focuses on building therequired
skills for common Day-2 vSAN administrator tasks such as, vSAN VMware vSAN: Troubleshooting [V7] - Virtual Class
node management, cluster maintenance, securityoperations and
advanced vSAN cluster operations. You also gain practical In this two-day course, you focus on learning the tools and skills
experience through the completion of instructorled activities and necessary to troubleshoot VMware vSAN™ 7implementations. You
hands-on lab exercises. gain practical experience with vSAN troubleshooting concepts
through the completion of instructor led activities and hands-on lab
MR-1CN- exercises.
Classroom 24 Hours
Virtual Class 16 Hours
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 54
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
This five-day, intensive hands-on training workshop provides you This five-day course provides hands-on training to equip students
with advanced knowledge, skills, and abilities to achieve with a range of skills, from performing routine VMwarevSphere® 7
competence in troubleshooting the VMware vSphere 6.7 administrative tasks to complex vSphere operations and
environment. This workshop is aimed at experienced system configurations. Through lab-based activities, studentsare immersed
administrators and introduces methods and skills that use in real-life situations faced by VMBeans, a fictitious company. These
management command-line interfaces (CLIs) and VMware vSphere situations expose students to real-lifescenarios faced by companies
ClientTM. This workshop focuses on investigating and resolving that are building and scaling their virtual
problems, analyzing log files to help you recognize log file entries infrastructure.Approximately 90% of the class is application- focused
that identify root causes, and configuring specific key vSphere and taught through labs. The course aligns fully with the
features. VMwareCertified Advanced Professional – Data Center
Virtualization Deploy exam objectives.
Virtual Class 40 Hours
Virtual Class 40 Hours
Classroom 50 Hours
VMware vSphere: Advanced Administration Workshop [V7] -
Virtual Class
VMware vSphere: Fast Track [V7] - Virtual Class
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 55
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V7] VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale plus Troubleshooting
Fast Track [V7] - Virtual Classroom
This five-day course features intensive hands-on training that
focuses on installing, configuring, and managing VMwarevSphere® This five-day, accelerated, hands-on training course is a blend of
7, which includes VMware ESXi™ 7 and VMware vCenter Server® the VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale and VMware vSphere:
7. This course prepares you to administer avSphere infrastructure Troubleshooting courses. This Fast Track course includes topics
for an organization of any size.This course is the foundation for from each of these advanced courses to equip experienced VMware
most of the other VMware technologies in the software-defined data administrators with the knowledge and skills to effectively optimize
center. and troubleshoot vSphere at an expert level.
Classroom 40 Hours Virtual Class 40 Hours
Virtual Class
VMVSICM7 VMware vSphere: Practitioner Workshop [V6.7] - Online ILT
In this three-day workshop, students perform various tasks that a
system administrator performs on a regular basis. These tasks
VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V7] - Virtual include updating and upgrading an existing basic VMware vSphere
Class environment and troubleshooting common problems. Students apply
the concepts learned during the VMware vSphere: Install,
This five-day course features intensive hands-on training that
Configure, Manage [V6.7] course while they increase their skill and
focuses on installing, configuring, and managing VMwarevSphere®
7, which includes VMware ESXi™ 7 and VMware vCenter Server®
7. This course prepares you to administer avSphere infrastructure
for an organization of any size.This course is the foundation for Virtual Class 24 Hours
most of the other VMware technologies in the software-defined data
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 56
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
In this three-day, hands-on training course, you explore the new In this five-day course, you learn how to apply the fundamental
features and enhancements in VMware vCenter Server® 7and techniques for launching and maintaining an intelligence-driven,
VMware ESXi™ 7. Real-world use-case deployment scenarios, multi-platform endpoint management solution with VMware
hands-on lab exercises, and lectures teach you the skillsthat you Workspace ONE® UEM. Through a combination of hands-on labs,
need to effectively implement and configure VMware vSphere® simulations, and interactive lectures, you will configure and manage
7.This course is recommended for customers who want to deploy the endpoint lifecycle. After the course, you will have the
vSphere 7 in their existing vSphere environment. foundational knowledge for effectively implementing Workspace
ONE UEM.Also, you learn how to apply the fundamental techniques
MR-1LN- for integrating VMware Workspace ONE® Access™ with
Virtual Class 24 Hours
VMVSWN7 Workspace ONE UEM to securely distribute business-critical
applications from any device and to configure access management
controls. Through a combination of hands-on labs, simulations, and
interactive lectures, you configure Workspace ONE Access,
VMware Workspace ONE: Advanced Integration [V21.x] enterprise, and productivity integrations.You will leave with a
In this five-day course, you build on the foundations learned in foundational understanding of how Workspace ONE uses various
VMWare Workspace ONE: Deploy & Manage [21.x] toaccelerate the authentication methods and protocols to determine user access
advancement of your deployment and management systems with permissions and enable single sign-on. Overall, the course l
VMware Workspace ONE® UEM andVMware Workspace ONE®
Access™.Through a series of hands-on labs, simulations, and MR-1LN-
Virtual Class 40 Hours
interactive lectures, you effectively evaluate your VMWS1DM21X
organization’scurrent practices and discover opportunities to target
improvements in identity, authentication, and access
management.Additionally, you learn the strategies and techniques
necessary to construct an integrated management strategy, VMware Workspace ONE: Deploy and Manage plus UEM
utilizinga comprehensive set of VMware Workspace ONE® Troubleshooting Fast Track [V21.x]
services, including Hub Services, the Unified Catalog, Intelligence, In this extended five-day course, you learn how to apply the
andthe API fundamental techniques for launching and maintaining
anintelligence-driven, multi-platform endpoint management solution
MR-1CN- with Workspace ONE UEM. Through a combination ofhands-on
Classroom 40 Hours
VMWS1AI21 labs, simulations, and interactive lectures, you will configure and
manage the endpoint lifecycle. You will havethe foundational
knowledge for effectively implementing Workspace ONE UEM.Also,
you learn how to apply the fundamental techniques for integrating
VMware Workspace ONE: Advanced Integration [V21.x] - VMware Workspace ONE® Access™ withWorkspace ONE UEM to
Virtual Class distribute business-critical applications from any device securely
In this five-day course, you build on the foundations learned in and configure accessmanagement controls. Through a combination
VMWare Workspace ONE: Deploy & Manage [21.x] toaccelerate the of hands-on labs, simulations, and interactive lectures, you
advancement of your deployment and management systems with configureWorkspace ONE Access, enterprise, and productivity
VMware Workspace ONE® UEM andVMware Workspace ONE® integrations. You will leave with a foundational understanding ofhow
Access™.Through a series of hands-on labs, simulations, and Workspace ONE uses various authentication methods and protocols
interactive lectures, you effectively evaluate your to determine user access permissions andenable single si gn-on.
organization’scurrent practices and discover opportunities to target You learn the foundational principles of identit
improvements in identity, authentication, and access
management.Additionally, you learn the strategies and techniques MR-1CN-
Classroom 50 Hours
necessary to construct an integrated management strategy, VMWS1DMUEMT21
utilizinga comprehensive set of VMware Workspace ONE®
services, including Hub Services, the Unified Catalog, Intelligence,
andthe API
VMware Workspace ONE: Deploy and Manage plus UEM
MR-1LN- Troubleshooting Fast Track [V21.x] - Virtual Class
Virtual Class 40 Hours
VMWS1AI21 In this extended five-day course, you learn how to apply the
fundamental techniques for launching and maintaining
anintelligence-driven, multi-platform endpoint management solution
with Workspace ONE UEM. Through a combination ofhands-on
VMware Workspace ONE: Deploy and Manage [V21.x] labs, simulations, and interactive lectures, you will configure and
In this five-day course, you learn how to apply the fundamental manage the endpoint lifecycle. You will havethe foundational
techniques for launching and maintaining an intelligence-driven, knowledge for effectively implementing Workspace ONE UEM.Also,
multi-platform endpoint management solution with VMware you learn how to apply the fundamental techniques for integrating
Workspace ONE® UEM. Through a combination of hands-on labs, VMware Workspace ONE® Access™ withWorkspace ONE UEM to
simulations, and interactive lectures, you will configure and manage distribute business-critical applications from any device securely
the endpoint lifecycle. After the course, you will have the and configure accessmanagement controls. Through a combination
foundational knowledge for effectively implementing Workspace of hands-on labs, simulations, and interactive lectures, you
ONE UEM.Also, you learn how to apply the fundamental techniques configureWorkspace ONE Access, enterprise, and productivity
for integrating VMware Workspace ONE® Access™ with integrations. You will leave with a foundational understanding ofhow
Workspace ONE UEM to securely distribute business-critical Workspace ONE uses various authentication methods and protocols
applications from any device and to configure access management to determine user access permissions andenable single si gn-on.
controls. Through a combination of hands-on labs, simulations, and You learn the foundational principles of identit
interactive lectures, you configure Workspace ONE Access,
enterprise, and productivity integrations.You will leave with a MR-1LN-
Virtual Class 50 Hours
foundational understanding of how Workspace ONE uses various VMWS1DMUEMT21
authentication methods and protocols to determine user access
permissions and enable single sign-on. Overall, the course l
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Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 58
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In this two-day course, you learn to investigate, analyze, and This five-day, hands-on training course provides you with the
determine issues that might occur with all the different components advanced knowledge, skills, and tools to achievecompetency in
of VMware Workspace ONE® UEM. Understanding how to operating and troubleshooting the VMware Telco Cloud
effectively troubleshoot product issues enables administrators to Infrastructure environment. In this course, you areintroduced to
understand how product services communicate and function—in VMware Cloud Director™ as a virtualized infrastructure manager.
turn optimizing service and software health management. You will examine ETSI NFV requirements,deployment options, and
Troubleshooting is the backbone of service maintenance and procedures. You will also deploy virtualized network functions and
management. understand their detailedconfiguration settings. You will le arn how
to support organizations as well as set up networking and security
MR-1CN- using handson lab exercises.In addition, you are presented with
Classroom 16 Hours
VMWS1UEMTS21 various types of technical problems in VMware Cloud Director,
which you will identify,analyze, and solve through a systematic
troubleshooting process.
VMware Workspace ONE: UEM Troubleshooting [21.x] - MR-1CN-
Virtual Class Classroom 40 Hours
In this two-day course, you learn to investigate, analyze, and
determine issues that might occur with all the different components
of VMware Workspace ONE® UEM. Understanding how to
effectively troubleshoot product issues enables administrators to
VMware Telco Cloud Infrastructure: Install, Configure,
understand how product services communicate and function—in Manage [V2.0] - Virtual Class
turn optimizing service and software health management. This five-day, hands-on training course provides you with the
Troubleshooting is the backbone of service maintenance and advanced knowledge, skills, and tools to achievecompetency in
management. operating and troubleshooting the VMware Telco Cloud
Infrastructure environment. In this course, you areintroduced to
MR-1LN- VMware Cloud Director™ as a virtualized infrastructure manager.
Virtual Class 16 Hours
VMWS1UEMTS21 You will examine ETSI NFV requirements,deployment options, and
procedures. You will also deploy virtualized network functions and
understand their detailedconfiguration settings. You will le arn how
to support organizations as well as set up networking and security
VMware Telco Cloud using handson lab exercises.In addition, you are presented with
VMware Telco Cloud Automation: Install, Configure, Manage various types of technical problems in VMware Cloud Director,
[V1.8] which you will identify,analyze, and solve through a systematic
troubleshooting process.
This five-day, hands-on training course provides you with the
advanced knowledge, skills, and tools to achievecompetency in MR-1LN-
operating and troubleshooting the VMware Telco Cloud Virtual Class 40 Hours
AutomationTM environment. In this course, you areintroduced to
VMware Telco Cloud Automation infrastructure settings, deployment
options, and procedures. You exploreContainers as a Service and
understand the workflow details of Partner Integration processes. VMware Telco Cloud Platform: Install, Configure, Manage
You are introduced tozero-touch provisioning and its importa nce in [V2.0]
VMware Telco Cloud Automation. You onboard and instantiate
networkfunctions and network services using hands-on lab This three-day, hands-on training course provides you with the
exercises.In addition, you are presented with life cycle management advanced knowledge, skills, and tools to achievecompetency in
workflows as well as various types of technical problems inVMware operating and troubleshooting the VMware Telco Cloud Platform™
Telco Cloud Automation, which you will identify, analyze, and solve environment. In this course, you areintroduced to the VMware Telco
through a systematic process. Cloud Platform infrastructure, deployment options, and procedures.
You also deployKubernetes clusters and understand the detailed
MR-1CN- configuration settings of management and workload clusters.
Classroom 40 Hours Youonboard and instantiate network functions and ne twork services
using hands-on lab exercises.In addition, you are presented with
various types of technical problems in VMware Telco Cloud
Platform, which you willidentify, analyze, and solve through a
VMware Telco Cloud Automation: Install, Configure, Manage systematic troubleshooting process.
[V1.8] - Virtual Class
This five-day, hands-on training course provides you with the Classroom 24 Hours
advanced knowledge, skills, and tools to achievecompetency in
operating and troubleshooting the VMware Telco Cloud
AutomationTM environment. In this course, you areintroduced to
VMware Telco Cloud Automation infrastructure settings, deployment VMware Telco Cloud Platform: Install, Configure, Manage
options, and procedures. You exploreContainers as a Service and [V2.0] - Virtual Class
understand the workflow details of Partner Integration processes.
You are introduced tozero-touch provisioning and its imp ortance in This three-day, hands-on training course provides you with the
VMware Telco Cloud Automation. You onboard and instantiate advanced knowledge, skills, and tools to achievecompetency in
networkfunctions and network services using hands-on lab operating and troubleshooting the VMware Telco Cloud Platform™
exercises.In addition, you are presented with life cycle management environment. In this course, you areintroduced to the VMware Telco
workflows as well as various types of technical problems inVMware Cloud Platform infrastructure, deployment options, and procedures.
Telco Cloud Automation, which you will identify, analyze, and solve You also deployKubernetes clusters and understand the detailed
through a systematic process. configuration settings of management and workload clusters.
Youonboard and instantiate network functions an d network services
MR-1LN- using hands-on lab exercises.In addition, you are presented with
Virtual Class 40 Hours various types of technical problems in VMware Telco Cloud
Platform, which you willidentify, analyze, and solve through a
systematic troubleshooting process.
Third Party Vendor The Cisco SD-WAN Operation and Deployment (ENSDW) v1.0
course provides an overview of the Cisco SD-WAN solution and SD-
Cisco Product Training WAN components. Students will learn how to create, manage, and
Cisco SD-WAN Operation and Deployment - Online ILT operate a secure extensible network using Cisco SD-WAN products.
The course covers how to configure, operate, and monitor overlay
routing in a secure extensible network. Students will also learn
about policies and quality of service (QoS) in the SD-WAN overlay
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Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
Virtual Class 40 Hours
Configuring Cisco MDS 9000 Series Switches - Virtual
The Configuring Cisco MDS 9000 Series Switches (DCMDS) v3.1
course shows you how to implement, manage, and troubleshoot
Cisco® MDS 9000 Series Switches, to build highly available, Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions
scalable storage networks. Through expert instruction and extensive The Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions(CCNA) v1.0
hands-on practice, you will learn how to deploy and use capabilities course gives you a broad range of fundamental knowledge for all IT
such as Virtual Storage Area Networks (VSANs), Role-Based careers. Through a combination of lecture and hands-on labs, you
Access Control (RBAC), N-Port Virtualization (NPV) fabric security, will learn how to install, operate, configure, and verify basic IPv4
zoning, automation with NX-API, Slow Drain Analysis, SAN and IPv6 networks. The course covers configuring network
analytics, Fibre Channel over TCP/IP (FCIP) tunnels, and more. You components such as switches, routers, and wireless LAN
will learn how to configure and implement platform features and controllers; managing network devices; and identifying basic
learn troubleshooting techniques pertaining to Fibre Channel (FC) security threats. The course also gives you a foundation in netw ork
domains, firmware upgrades, zones, and zone mergers. This course programmability, automation, and software-defined networking.This
prepares you for Cisco CCNP Data Center and Cisco Certified course helps you prepare to take the200-301CiscoCertified Network
Specialist - Data Center SAN Implementation certifications Associate (CCNA) exam. By passing this one exam, you earn
(DCSAN). CCNA certification.
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Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks - Virtual Virtual Class 40 Hours MR-1LN-DCITV6.2
The Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (ENWLSI)
v1.0 course gives you the knowledge and skills needed tosecure Understanding Cisco Collaboration Foundations - Virtual
wireless network infrastructure and troubleshoot any related issues. Classroom
You’ll learn how to implement and secure awireless network The Understanding Cisco Collaboration Foundations (CLFNDU) 1.0
infrastructure and use Cisco Identity Service Engine (ISE), Cisco course gives you the skills and knowledge neededto administer and
Prime Infrastructure (PI), and CiscoConnect Mobile Experience to support a simple, single-site Cisco Unified Communications
monitor and troubleshoot network issues.The course provides Manager (CM) solution with Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
hands-on labs to reinforce concepts including deployi ng Cisco gateway. The course covers initial parameters, management of
Prime Infrastructure Release 3.5, CiscoCatalyst 9800 Wireless devices including phones and video endpoints, management of
Controller Release IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10, Cisco Digital Network users, and management of media resources, as well as Cisco
Architecture (DNA) Center Release1.2.8, Cisco CMX Release 10.5, Unified Communications solutionsmaintenance and troubleshooting
Cisco MSE Release 8.0 features and Cisco Identity Services Engine tools . In addition, you will learn the basics of SIP dial plans
(ISE) Release 2.4.This course also helps you prepare to take the including connectivity toPublic Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (300-430 services, and how to use class-of-service capabilities.This course
ENWLSI) exam,which is part of the new CCNP Enterprise provides the fundamental knowledge needed to take CCNP®
certification and the Cisco Certified Specialist - Ent erprise Collaboration certification courses. It also servesas entry-level
WirelessImplementation certification. training for newcomers to Cisco on-premise collaboration
Virtual Class 40 Hours
ENWLSIV.0 Virtual Class 40 Hours MR-1LN-CLFNDU
Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks - Virtual Understanding Cisco Data Center Foundations - Virtual
The Understanding Cisco Data Center Foundations (DCFNDU) v1.0
course helps you prepare for entry-level data center roles. In this
course, you will learn the foundational knowledge and skills you
need to configure Cisco® data center technologies including:
networking, virtualization, storage area networking, and unified
computing. You will get an introduction to Cisco Application Centric
Infrastructure (Cisco ACI™), automation, and cloud computing. You
will get hands-on experience with configuri ng features on Cisco
Nexus® Operating System (Cisco NX-OS) and Cisco Unified
Computing System™ (Cisco UCS®).
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 61
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
On Demand Class 01 Hours
APEX Data Storage Services: File – Client Access
The APEX Data Storage Services Element Manager allows you to
adjust configuration of your data storage. This course will step
through tasks you can do to configure your file storage services. ECS 3.3 Features and Differences
This course covers an overview of the enhancements, features and
On Demand Class 02 Hours ESSTGD02944 new functionality of ECS 3.3.
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The ECS Application Developer workshop is designed to help This course will prepare students to implement a Dell EMC
application developers learn the concepts and best practices when PowerScale cluster, configure software features of the OneFS
developing next-generation applications that leverage object storage operating system and administer a cluster on a day to day basis.
(e.g. S3) instead of traditional storage (e.g. SAN or NAS). The Students will learn about PowerScale's data protection methods, the
course includes a review of Frequently Asked Questions and guided ability to tier data from one node pool to another based on
hands-on labs and sample code. configured rules and synchronize data to other clusters or to cloud
resources. This course is in alignment with the Specialist,
On Demand Class 02 Hours MR-1TN-ECSADW PowerScale Implementation Engineer Proven Professional cer
tification.Note this is an update to the previously known Isilon
Administration and Management course.This package does not
include a Proven Professional exam voucher, in order to add please
ECS Concepts and Features search for “Dell Technologies Proven Professional VUE Exam
This course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to Voucher” or Course ID “MR-1EV-VUEEMCPROV”
ECS. From this training, students will gain a high-level
understanding of how ECS works, product architecture, Classroom 40 Hours MR-1CP-ISIAM
configurations that are typically deployed, and product features that
enable management of the ECS environment. Virtual Class MR-1CP-ISIAM
Classroom MR-1LP-ISIAM
ECS Networking Implementation
This eLearning course covers ECS networking concepts and
configuration and provides specific details on all the latest ECS
network hardware, network separation and topologies. The course PowerScale Administration - On-Demand
also includes various network configurations and best practices. The PowerScale Administration course prepares students to
perform Dell EMC PowerScale cluster and OneFS 9.0
On Demand Class 02 Hours ESSTGD02586 implementation, configuration, and administration. Topics include
and overview of hardware, the configuration and verification of basic
and advanced networking, authentication, identity management and
authorization, client and data access, data layout, and OneFS
Isilon CloudPools and ECS Integrated Solution modules such as SmartPools, SnapshotIQ, SyncIQ, SmartDedup,
The Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS) and Isilon CloudPools integration and others. This training consists of 8 modules. The total time requi
eLearning course is intended to supplement and augment the red to complete this course and the accompanying lab exercises is
knowledge provided in the ECS Management and Monitoring course approximately 5 days.This course is an update to the Isilon
and the Isilon Administration and Management course. This course Administration and Management course
is intended to provide further details on the integrated solution using
ECS as a Cloud storage target with Isilon. This course includes use MR-1TP-ISIAM-
On Demand Class 40 Hours
cases, provides information about the configuration of ECS and 0608
Isilon, and includes configuration demonstra tions
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Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
On Demand Class 01 Hours PowerScale Performance - Small File Storage Efficiency
PowerScale Performance is a series of courses that step through
configurable elements of the PowerScale operating system focused
on changes in performance. Each course will focus on a specific
PowerScale Concepts scenario, their configurable elements and the expected performance
This course provides the groundwork to understand the Dell EMC attributes, then an associated on-demand lab will allow you to get
PowerScale scale-out NAS solution from a holistic perspective. The hands on with performance tuning tasks.
latest architecture in terms of hardware configurations and software
features are discussed in context with some of the use cases for the On Demand Class 01 Hours ESSTGD02919
product.This is a direct update to the course previously known as
Isilon Fundamentals 2019.
On Demand Class 23 Minutes
Tech Exchange - PowerScale Simplify and Consolidate
This session discusses how PowerScale can simplify and
PowerScale Implementation consolidate workflows to increase flexibility, adding value to large-
The Dell EMC PowerScale Implementation course is a video based, scale unstructured data assets. Our expert explains the benefits of
online presentation, designed to introduce customer engineers and using one operating system and provides use cases and examples
implementation specialists to the steps to perform the initial of techniques to consolidate and control separation as needed.
configuration. This course is presented using a range of mediums,
from animations to video demonstrations. Topics include creating a On Demand Class 30 Minutes ESMDXD03851
new cluster, joining a node to an existing cluster, completing the
initial configuration, and completing other configuration options.This
is an update to the course previ ously known as Isilon Initial
Configuration 2017. SRM
SRM 4.x Administration User Interface
01 Hours 30
On Demand Class MR-7WP-ISIIC17 This course introduces the administration user interface features
andfunctionalities. This course describes the operations performed
in thediscovery wizard, user and authentication settings, and
PowerScale Performance - IO Optimization
On Demand Class 30 Minutes ES132STG01116
PowerScale Performance is a series of courses that step through
configurable elements of the PowerScale operating system focused
on changes in performance. Each course will focus on a specific
scenario, their configurable elements and the expected performance SRM 4.x Application SolutionPack
attributes, then an associated on-demand lab will allow you to get This course introduces SRM SolutionPack, its types, and
hands on with performance tuning tasks. functionalities. Itdescribes the process of installing and validating an
ApplicationSolutionPack using SRM frontend.
On Demand Class 01 Hours ESSTGD02648
On Demand Class 30 Minutes ES132STG01117
PowerScale Performance - NDMP Tuning SRM 4.x Complex Expansion - On-Demand Course
PowerScale Performance is a series of courses that step through This course introduces techniques used to take data from multiple
configurable elements of the PowerScale operating system focused sources to generate reports using the complex expansion feature.
on changes in performance. Each course will focus on a specific This course covers four of the commonly used complex expansion
scenario, their configurable elements and the expected performance types, which are simple-split, split, regex, and sql.
attributes, then an associated on-demand lab will allow you to get
hands on with performance tuning tasks. MR-1WP-
On Demand Class 01 Hours
On Demand Class 01 Hours ESSTGD02921
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Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
SRM 4.x Concepts: Alert Reports - On-Demand Course This course explains the alerting components, process, and alert
consolidation. It also describes frontend components, pre-
This course covers an introduction to alert report in SRM. It also
configured alert definition, alert definition panel, and its components.
covers the operations that are performed in the alert report.
This course also covers internal alert operations, storage-related
On Demand Class 15 Minutes ES131STG00216 prerequisites, enabling and disabling alert definition.
SRM 4.x Concepts: Graph Reports - On-Demand Course SRM 4.x Features: User Management and Authentication
This course introduces the SRM Users, Profiles and Roles. It also
This course covers an introduction to graph report in SRM. It also
describes master filter and role management. User Authentication
covers the operations that are performed in the graph report.
and Authorization concepts are also covered in this course. Along
On Demand Class 15 Minutes ES131STG00214 with that LDAP securing connectivity setup is also discussed.
On Demand Class 15 Minutes ES131STG00218 SRM 4.x for Storage Administrators - On-Demand Course
This course will assist storage administrators to monitor and report
on a storage environment using SRM. Various SRM use cases are
SRM 4.x Concepts: Report Types - On-Demand Course presented. Demos will cover the creation of localized dashboard
views and reports which can be used to analyze common storage
This course identifies various types of reports available in the portal management issues related to performance, capacity planning,
and describes the options available in various report types. storage chargeback, configuration compliance, service level usage,
and alerting.
On Demand Class 15 Minutes ES131STG00212
On Demand Class 24 Hours
SRM 4.x Data Enrichment - On-Demand Course
This course provides the learner with an advanced understanding of
SRM administration features concentrating on Data Enrichment. SRM 4.x for Storage Administrators - Virtual Classroom
This course will assist storage administrators to monitor and report
On Demand Class 45 Minutes on a storage environment using SRM. Various SRM use cases are
presented. Hands-on labs will cover the creation of localized
dashboard views and reports which can be used to analyze
common storage management issues related to performance,
SRM 4.x Extracting Data - On-Demand Course capacity planning, storage chargeback, configuration compliance,
service level usage, and alerting.
This course introduces techniques to extract data from the SRM
product. The techniques include report scheduling and web MR-1LP-
services. Web services include a presentation of SOAP XML and Virtual Class 16 Hours
On Demand Class 01 Hours
SRM4EXTDAT SRM 4.x Implementation
This course provides an overview of the SRM Installation process.
Itdescribes deployment operations, the post installation steps and
SRM 4.x Features: Alert Configuration validation.It also provides an overview on SRM Expansion. This
includes SRMExpansion workflow, scaling out Backend and
Collector, installation ofAdditional Backend Host, Collector Host,
and Additional Frontend Host.
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On Demand Class 24 Hours Virtual Class
1704 SRM4REP
SRM 4.x Implementation and Management - Virtual SRM 4.x Reporting - On-Demand Course
Classroom This course provides the learner with a base understanding of SRM
This course covers initial installation, configuration, and validation of reporting editing features. Many concepts of SRM reporting are
a SRM deployment using both the vApp and Binary methods. covered: data organization, manipulation, and selection for report
Lecture and labs will support performing frontend and backend generation. The base concepts acquired will allow users to edit and
administration, platform expansion, SolutionPack deployment, customize reports, as well as to create base reports, such as tables,
alerting, and related troubleshooting procedures. Hands-on labs graphs, and advanced report types. Demos will assist the learner to
assist the learner to integrate and practice the skills introduced in integrate and practice the lecture material. This course assumes
class, and provide real-life experiences with selected SolutionPacks you are already familiar with the report user interface and tools at
and common administrative tasks. the level of a user or report consumer.
Virtual Class 24 Hours
SRM 4.x Maintenance Concepts
This course introduces the maintenance tasks performed by the
storage administrators. It also discusses about various logs and the
operations carried out by vApp Utilities Manger.
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Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
CI/HCI Block Rail This Learning path present the entirety of the curricula required to
complete the learning activities from VxRail orientation through VCF
VxRail on VxRail administration.
DCS-SA VxRail System Administrator [Classroom] - Package This package includes the following courses:
This Learning path present the entirety of the curricula required to
complete the learning activities in order to attain the DCS-6332 • VxRail Administration(Virtual Class, 24 Hours|Classroom,
Specialist - Systems Administrator, VxRail certification. 24 Hours)
• VCF 3.9.0 on VxRail Concepts - On Demand Course(On
This package includes the following courses: Demand Class, 01 Hours)
• VxRail 7.0.XXX Concepts(On Demand Class, 01 Hours 30
• VxRail Administration(Virtual Class, 24 Hours|Classroom, Minutes)
24 Hours) • VxRail 7.0.XXX Feature - REST API(On Demand Class, 02
• Cloud Infrastructure and Services v3 - On-demand Hours)
Course(On Demand Class, 32 Hours) • VCF 4.2 on VxRail Administration(Classroom, 16
• VxRail 7.0.XXX Concepts(On Demand Class, 01 Hours 30 Hours|Virtual Class, 16 Hours)
• VxRail 7.0.XXX Feature - REST API(On Demand Class, 02
• Cloud infrastructure and Services v4(On Demand Class,
32 Hours)
To learn more about these offerings, contact your Education Services Account Manager | COURSE CATALOG | 67
Dell Technologies Education Services Course Catalog
Dell Technologies, Inc., One Dell Way, Round Rock, TX 78682 USA. For Sales Inquiries call 1-800-433-2392. Copyright © 2023 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights
Reserved. Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be the property of their respective owners. Published in the USA. 2021.
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