Elements Demo

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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Oral Communication

School San Matias National High Grade 11

School Level
Teacher- Ms. Robeline M. Mercado Learning English/ Oral Communication
Applicant Area
Date June 10, 2024 Applican SHS-C6-BALUCUCNHS-2024-003
t Code

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the nature, elements, and
functions/purposes of oral communication in context.

Performance Standard: The learner designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled
oral communication activities based on context.

Learning Competency: Explains the functions, nature and process of communication

LC Code: EN11/12OC-Ia-2
At the end of the discussion, the students are expected to:
1. explain the various elements of a communication process;
2. analyze the given communicative situations;
3. practice logical thinking in answering the quiz; and
4. show creativity in capturing random picture in their daily lives and identifying
the elements of communication involved in the photo.
I. Subject Matter:
Lesson Title: Elements of Communication
Sipacio, P. J. F., & Balgos, A. R. G. (2023). Oral Communication in Context For Senior
Highschool (2nd ed.). C & E Publishing, Inc.
Materials Needed:
 Power point presentation
 Television/projector
 Visual Aids
II. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Let’s Review!
Activity 1: Communication is…
Which nature of communication could this be describing.
1. Communication is DYNAMIC because it is not always
fixed. PROCESS
2. Each system has its own patterns of communication,
language and vocabulary use, and rules.SYSTEMIC
3. A sender and a receiver. COMMUNICATORS
4. It is impossible for one to take away what was said.
5. Evaluating the content and purpose of the message and the
credibility of the speaker. PROACTIVE
6. Any symbol can be used to represent a concept.
7. Meaning differs depending on how people involved in

b. Motivation: Watch and Observe

Let the students watch the clip and then ask them how important
communication is in their lives. The video does not have any conversations
but there is a background music.
B. Lesson Proper
a. Discussion: Elements of Communication

 The students will identify and discuss the 8 elements of

communication that they know. The teacher will discuss additional
information about each element and clarify any possible confusions.
 The students will identify the elements of communication based on the
given pictures.
 The students will answer the Google Form for the quiz while they are
attending online classes.
b. Generalization
The students will answer the following reflection questions through oral
1. What is the importance of learning about the different elements of
2. How does knowing the different elements of communication help us in
c. Application
Activity 2: Pick a picture!
The teacher will prepare different pictures with scenarios inside the box and the
students have to pick, identify and explain what elements of communication is
Identify each element of communication present in each scenario.
1. Wendy cannot fully focus on her online class because of the sound of
construction beside their house. noise, listener, channel, communicative
2. Mr. Dela Paz addresses the students of the university about the upcoming
Intramurals. speaker, listener, message, communicative situation
3. The theater actress’ voice is heard loud and clear inside the auditorium.
speaker, communicative situation
4. Hailey gasps as the protagonist on the TV died after confessing his crimes.
listener, response, message, channel, speaker
5. Loud cheers were heard inside the classroom after Mrs. Sta. Ana
absentmindedly dismisses the class after she received the news about her
son’s accident via text. speaker, listener, channel, message, response,
feedback, noise, communicative situation

Picture Perfect
The students will capture a random picture in their daily lives and identify at least
five (5) elements of communication found in the photo. They will explain it in front
of the class.


The speakers The speakers The speakers The speakers can

COMPREHENSION accurately discusses somehow accurately adequately discusses barely discuss their
their topic discusses their topic their topic topic
The speakers seem
The speakers are The speakers are
pretty prepared but
completely prepared somewhat, but it is The speakers are
PREPAREDNESS might have needed a
and have obviously clear that the not prepared
couple of more
rehearsed rehearsal was lacking
Shows full Show a good Shows a good Does not seem to
CONTENT understanding of the understanding of the understanding of understand the topic
topic topic parts of the topic very well
Stands straight,
looks relaxed, and
Stands straight and
confident. Sometimes stands Slouches and/or
establishes eye
POSTURE AND Establishes eye straight and does not look at the
contact with everyone
EYE CONTACT contact with establishes eye people during the
in the room during the
everyone in the contact. presentation.
room during the
Very little use of
Facial expressions Facial expressions Facial expressions
facial expressions
and body language and body language and body language
or body language.
generate a strong sometimes generate are used to try to
ENTHUSIASM Did not generate
interest and a strong interest and generate enthusiasm,
much interest in
enthusiasm about enthusiasm about the but seem somewhat
topic being
the topic in others. topic in others. fake.
The presentation
The presentation The presentation and The presentation and
GRAMMAR AND and output contains
and output contains output contains 1 – 3 output contains 4-6
MECHANICS more than 7
no grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors.
grammar errors.
Student's part of the Student's part of the Student's part of the
Student's part of the
presentation is within presentation is within presentation is too
presentation is
1 minute +/- of the 2 minutes +/- of the long or too short.
within the allotted
allotted time limit. allotted time limit. Whole group
USE OF TIME time limit. Whole
Whole group Whole group presentation is 5 or
group presentation
presentation is within presentation is within more minutes above
is within 1 minute +/-
2 minutes +/- of 3-4 minutes +/- of or below the allotted
of allotted time.
allotted time. allotted time. time.

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