How To Make Money As A Content Creator in 2024 (The Build Teach Earn Method)
How To Make Money As A Content Creator in 2024 (The Build Teach Earn Method)
How To Make Money As A Content Creator in 2024 (The Build Teach Earn Method)
To bring into existence.
That’s what humans do.
They create. They solve problems. They build solutions. That is your edge.
To be human is to expand, transcend, and create.
To be robot is to forget that you have this gift and allow your mind to mold to the whims
of others with schooling and employment.
At its root, content creation is just being a human, not a robot as outdated jobs would
have you believe.
Everyone is a content creator. Some just choose to do it with intention, and get paid to do
so, in a place called the internet where physical boundaries don’t limit your reach and
Content creation is how you make your writing and speaking more valuable, because you
must first become valuable enough as an individual to contribute to (and profit from) the
global digital community like our ancestors did their local physical community.
Before we begin:
The Koe Black Friday sale is on.
Up to 50% off my courses and products.
I organized everything on its own page for you.
If you’ve been waiting to grab something from me, now’s your time.
Take advantage of me conforming to a useless holiday before Monday at midnight.
1) Relatable Topics
Being a content creator is still new.
People are still applying old and outdated business and marketing tactics in hopes that
their audience will grow large.
Niching down the topics you talk about “But Dan, the riches are in the niches!!! It’s a
I get it, but people misinterpret what that means.
And, what if I decide I want to build a massive audience and create a niche?
If they made the same amount of money, I would rather have a 3 million follower
audience than a 10,000 follower audience.
The former gives you an obscene amount of unseen leverage, flexibility, and options.
The latter is probably 3 clients away from feeling like their survival is at stake.
So, write broad in your content and narrow down to your expertise across your content
Your top-of-funnel social media accounts should include topics that people are actively
searching for a studying like productivity, psychology, mindset, freelancing, skill
acquisition, business, marketing, etc.
People actually want to follow and learn about those things.
Don’t get all crazy with “automated response mechanisms for e-commerce stores.”
Educate people from your social media to newsletter to podcast and let your product page
be the final piece to prove your authority and niche down as far as you want to go.
This strategy will require you to have a series of products ranging from beginner to
If you only have plans to sell a super specific high-ticket service, this isn’t for you.
2) Impactful Ideas
Your posts, sentences, paragraphs, or anything you write will not hit if you do not pick a
If you stand in the middle, people may like you, but you won’t impact them.
Impact = writing words so powerful that they live in their head rent-free. It occupies their
attention even when their attention is off of your content. They tell their friends and co-
workers about your ideas because they want to strengthen the shared extreme beliefs they
have to feel validated.
You write with impact when you wholeheartedly pick a side and express your beliefs.
What are the best beliefs to express?
The ones that the average person would think are “extreme” or “crazy.”
We don’t want people who are dedicated to being average following us.
Your beliefs form the foundation and perception of your brand.
Talk about them often and use them as a way to provide perspective, experience, and
examples in most of your content.
Do you think freelancing is the best beginner way to make money?
Do you think vegans are dumb and people should eat more animal-based foods?
Do you think people should wake up at 3am and get straight into work?
Your goal is to be 90% liked 10% disliked.
If you don’t maintain that polarity with your audience (like you would in a thriving
relationship) you give people no reason to care about you.
You need the push-pull.
This isn’t writing advice, this is spiritual advice.
Make your writing raw, punchy, and digestible.
Remove and replace words that make you sound less confident.
Write with impact, but be open to changing your mind when somebody presents you with
a better perspective in the replies.
Have firm beliefs held loosely.
3) Novel Perspectives
Most people regurgitate the same ideas.
They never provide a new way of looking at things.
Novel perspectives are the main way to provide a “good” dopamine hit that aids in
learning, understanding, and action.
Most creators dish out cheap dopamine-like candy in hopes that they will build a loyal
You create novel perspectives through hunting in the unknown.
You hunt in the unknown through personal experience (pursuing your own goals and
self-reflection) and researching information in the depths of books, podcasts, articles, and
social media accounts.
People don’t want just another idea, they want a unique point of view.
Like the intro of this letter.
I had to stop and think about the idea I wanted to convey and pair personal experience
with philosophical ideas that shaped my worldview.
Take your topics, beliefs, and novel perspectives you acquire over time to craft writing
that holds attention without annoying tactics.
4) Writing Structure
You can have the greatest ideas in the world, but you have to pay attention to where you
are posting them.
When people read a book, they are okay with blocks of text.
When people are on social media, they need to be guided throughout your writing (or else
they will scroll past to the next person that catches their attention).
Use line breaks.
Go and look at any of my posts and notice how I add line breaks between sentences to
increase readability.
Study high-performing structures.
Look at popular X posts, IG posts, YouTube titles, and article headlines.