07 Luthy & Smets - Towards A History of Scientific Imagery
07 Luthy & Smets - Towards A History of Scientific Imagery
07 Luthy & Smets - Towards A History of Scientific Imagery
is essay examines the problems encountered in contemporary attempts to establish
a typology of medieval and early modern scientific images, and to associate apparent
types with certain standard meanings. Five particular issues are addressed here: (i) the
unclear boundary between words and images; (ii) the problem of morphologically
similar images possessing incompatible meanings; (iii) the converse problem of com-
parable objects or processes being expressed by extremely dissimilar visual means; (iv)
the impossibility of matching modern with historical iconographical terminologies;
and (v) the fact that the meaning of a given image can only be grasped in the context
of the epistemological, metaphysical and social assumptions within which it is embed-
ded. e essay ends by concluding that no scientific image can ever be understood
apart from its philosophical preconditions, and that these preconditions are often
explained during disputes between the protagonists of different iconographical types.
scientific imagery, epistemic images, word and image, taxonomy of images, iconogra-
phy, chymistry, Marsilio Ficino, Giordano Bruno, René Descartes
Contemporary science is pictorial and often even picturesque. Hardly
any laboratory press release comes without colorful graphics, no lec-
ture seems to be able to do without gaudy slides, no journal article
without glossy pictures. e multiple reasons behind this prolifer-
ation of images need not concern the historian of medieval and
early modern science. But if Martin Kemp is correct in claiming
that “the modes of representation in twentieth-century science are
very much the heirs of the Renaissance revolution” that led to “the
rise of illustration as a major tool of science,” then it falls to the
historian to elucidate both this alleged revolution and to retrace its
wider implications, also for our own times.1
In fact, much has in the past fifteen years been written about
the visual aspects of science past and present. Historians of art have
begun to study non-artistic visual manifestations, including so-called
‘epistemic images’ appearing in the context of theory formation.2
Historians of science, in turn, have paid increasing attention to the
visual manifestations of scientific theory and practice across the cen-
turies, although they have shown a tendency “to treat scientific pic-
tures only as after-images of verbal ideas.”3 Philosophers of science,
finally, are busy analyzing the function of models and diagrammatic
representations in the logic of scientific discovery and explanation
as well as in the dissemination of knowledge.4
Martin Kemp, “Seeing and Picturing. Visual Representation in Twentieth-Centu-
ry Science,” in Science in the Twentieth Century, eds. John Krige and Dominique Pestre
(Amsterdam, 1997), 361-90, at 363.
In this paper, we use the term ‘epistemic image’ to refer to any image that was made
with the intention of expressing, demonstrating or illustrating a theory. e more fre-
quent term, ‘scientific image’, which we also invoke because of its greater accessibility,
has however an awkwardly anachronistic ring to it when applied to centuries in which
scientia meant something quite different than ‘science’ does today.
e quote is from David Topper, “Towards an Epistemology of Scientific Illustra-
tion,” in Picturing Knowledge. Historical and Philosophical Problems Concerning the Use
of Art in Science, ed. Brian S. Baigrie (Toronto, 1996), 215-49, at 215.
Davis Baird, ing Knowledge. A Philosophy of Scientific Instruments (Berkeley,
2004) views as instruments both two- and three-dimensional ‘models’ (see notably his
400 C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439
John Murdoch, Album of Science. Vol. 1: Antiquity and Middle Ages (New York,
1984). Under the general editorship of I. Bernard Cohen, three more volumes were
published in this series.
Noëlle Batt, “L’expérience diagrammatique: Un nouveau régime de pensée,” in Pen-
ser par le diagramme: De Gilles Deleuze à Gilles Châtelet, ed. Batt (Saint-Denis, 2004),
5-28, suggests that the verb γραφεîν hails from the Indo-European root ‘grbh-mn’,
in which ‘grbh’ means ‘to scratch’ and ‘mn’ ‘image, letter, text’. According to this et-
ymological reconstruction, the manual gesture and its outcome would early on have
merged into a single verbal unity. is etymology does not differ very significantly
from that given by James Elkins in e Domain of Images (Ithaca, NY, 1999), 82.
e image-text division of hieroglyphics is further complicated by the fact that hi-
eroglyphic texts can choose between phonetic and ideogrammatic scripture. On this
402 C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439
issue, and for a criticism of the image-text distinction, see W.J.T. Mitchell, Iconology:
Image, Text, Ideology (Chicago, 1986), esp. 24-30.
Elkins’ concept of notation differs from Goodman’s. For the former, a notation is
“an image employing organizational principles other than the formats associated with
pictures or writing systems,” whereas for the latter, notational systems are syntactically
and semantically unambiguous systems that in turn “ensure a one-to-one correspon-
dence between the notation … and real-world denotata” (Domain of Images, 257 and
69, respectively).
Elkins proposes instead a classification into seven categories that triangulate, as it
were, between Goodman’s three categories. For his suggested progression from ‘pure
writing’ through ‘allographs’, ‘subgraphemics’, and ‘hypographics’ to potentially ‘pure
pictures’, and the notion of potentially ‘pure notations’, see his Domain of Images,
82-91 and part II.
On the relation between world-view, visual view of the world, and Weltbild, see Die
Welt als Bild. Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zur Visualität von Weltbildern, eds. Christoph
Markschies and Johannes Zachhuber (Berlin, 2008).
C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439 403
3 4
Figures 1-4: e gradual evolution of a tabulated text into a landscape.
Fig. 1: To facilitate comprehension, an intelligent fourteenth-century scribe has tab-
ulated Cassiodorus’ description of the nine valid modi of the first formula of categor-
ical syllogisms (MS Bibliothèque nationale, Paris, fonds latin, 8500, fol. 34v.
Reproduced with kind permission of the BNF). Fig. 2: A fifteenth-century student
sets out the then available works on mathematics and physics in a dichotomizing form,
which begins, on the left, with the division of mathematics into ‘discrete’ and ‘con-
tinuous’ quantities. Conceptual relations are indicated by lines (MS Öffentliche Bib-
liothek der Universität Basel, F.II.8, fol. 45r. Reproduced with kind permission of the
404 C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439
Cf. Murdoch, Album, 49.
UB Basel). Fig. 3: When maps and dichotomies grow upwards, rather than from left
to right, they become trees, as in this fifteenth-century “tree of prophets” (arbor prophet-
arum; MS Bibliothèque nationale, Paris, fonds latin, 3473, fol. 80v. Reproduced with
kind permission of the BNF). Fig. 4: e tree has become a pictorial component in a
miniature landscape in this fourteenth-century initial ‘C’, in which a teacher of logic
teaches two students the very fundamentals of this art that are shown in the dichoto-
mizing tree in whose shadow he sits (MS British Library, Burney 275, fol. 166r. Repro-
duced with kind permission of the British Library). (On the four images, see Murdoch,
Album, 37, 42, 49 and 51.)
C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439 405
Figures 5 and 6: Two ‘trees of evolution’? Fig. 5: Charles Darwin’s 1837 sketch of spe-
ciation in Notebook B (Cambridge University Library, Dar. Ms 121, fol. 36; repro-
duced by kind permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library). Fig. 6:
Ernst Haeckel’s Stammbaum der Organismen, from his Generelle Morphologie der Orga-
nismen (Berlin, 1866).
406 C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439
study on Visual inking.12 But let us compare these ink lines with
Ernst Haeckel’s tree of organic life (fig. 6). It seems to us evident
that Darwin and Haeckel would have understood each other’s images
correctly, because figures 5 and 6 are both expressions of the same
tradition of representing divisions of conceptual or biological spe-
cies in terms of branching lines. And yet, are the two ‘images’ equiv-
alent? Are they both ‘trees’? Assume that we allow this name also
for figure 5, then, does it matter that it spreads out in various direc-
tions, whereas Haeckel’s tree (fig. 6) only grows upward? We should
like to argue that it does matter; and that it makes a marked log-
ical difference whether a dichotomy is unidirectional or not; whether
its unfolding suggests goal-directedness (as in figs. 3 and 6) or ran-
domness (as in fig. 5); and finally, whether the branching-out fol-
lows logical distinctions or bifurcations in time, or both. In sum,
then, a tree isn’t a tree. Our morphological names often don’t seem
to capture the precise logic of a given image.13
e meaning of the different exemplars of what might appear to
constitute the same morphological type is thus dependent on the
logic of the conceptual relations that they are each meant to visu-
alize. We have just seen how easily a mapped-out list of names can
turn into a biblical tree possessing soteriological overtones, and how
an intuitive drawing of the logic of speciation can turn into an his-
torical taxonomy.
But there even are more radical examples of the diversity of mean-
ings of morphologically similar images. e extremely simple case
of six circles of equal diameter grouped around a seventh is, in this
respect, very striking.14 Structurally speaking, figures 7, 8, 9, and
10 differ but little. And yet, they were intended to explain extremely
different theories, entities and spatial dimensions. Figure 7 hails
from a 1495 edition of omas Bradwardine’s Geometria speculativa,
Rudolf Arnheim, Visual inking (Berkeley, 1969).
On the relation of Darwin’s drawings to other types of ‘trees’, see Horst Brede-
kamp, Darwins Korallen. Die frühen Evolutionsdiagramme und die Tradition der Natur-
geschichte (Berlin, 2006), notably ch. 1.
is example has been analyzed in greater detail in Christoph Lüthy, “e Inven-
tion of Atomist Iconography,” in e Power of Images in Early Modern Science, eds.
Wolfgang Lefèvre, Jürgen Renn and Urs Schoepflin (Basel, 2003), 117-39.
C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439 407
Figures 7-10: How many theories can six circles placed around a seventh circle possi-
bly visualize? Fig. 7 demonstrates the perfection of the number ‘6’ and of the circle
(omas Bradwardine, Geometria speculativa [Paris, 1495], f. 8r). Fig. 8 explains the
numerological logic of the six days of creation (Pietro Bongo, Mysticæ numerorum sig-
nificationis liber [Bergamo, 1585]). Fig. 9 shows us 7 worlds touching (Giordano
Bruno, De l’infinito, universo et mondi [London, 1584], 145). Fig. 10 documents how
atoms aggregate to form larger globules (Giordano Bruno, De triplici minimo et men-
sura [Frankfurt, 1591], 50).
where it appears as the symbol of both the number ‘6’ and of “the
perfection of the circle” (because the six center points of the periph-
eral circles coincide with the extremities of the three diameters going
through the center of the central circle, and because the six sides
formed by the new figure can be inscribed into a new circle). ough
crafted like figure 7 in numerological praise of the number ‘6’, fig-
ure 8 wishes instead to express the logic of the six days of creation
and the seventh of rest: the six days are grouped around the cen-
tral divinity, whose restfulness, quies, is suggested by the inscribed
‘Q’. e other letters are also abbreviations: ‘E’ stands for Elemen-
tale, ‘M’ for Minerale, ‘V’ for Vegetabile, and so forth. is image,
like the previous one, receives its meaning and coherence thus exclu-
sively from the accompanying text, which in this case is Pietro Bon-
go’s Mysticæ numerorum significationis liber. Figure 9, by contrast,
doesn’t purport to reveal any numerological mystery, but intends to
visualize cosmological configurations. Personally engraved by Gior-
dano Bruno, this woodcut is meant to illustrate the way in which
worlds (mundi) touch each other. According to Bruno’s teaching,
each one of the infinite worlds has a sun at its center (which he
rendered visible with an aggrandized compass needle point). Figure
10 is also by Bruno, but this time, what he engraved were not
worlds, but atoms. Importantly, the morphological similarity between
his two woodcuts was not only intended, but was, in Bruno’s eyes,
408 C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439
Figure 11: e same seven circles modelling “dendritic growth” of silver atoms on a
close-packed surface (J.V. Barth & H. Brune, “Atomare Prozesse,” 256).
pregnant with meaning. In fact, the stars placed in the four cor-
ners of figure 10 are a mnemonic device to remind the viewer of
the similarity of the cosmological and the atomic configurations.
Bruno, after all, subscribed to Cusanus’ doctrine of the coincidence
of the opposites (according to which contraries, including minimal
and maximal geometrical forms, coincide) and also appreciated Dem-
ocritus’ atomistic interpretation of the infinite worlds. is is pre-
cisely why he felt that he could depict minimal material atoms by
means of essentially the same image as maximally large worlds, and
why the seven circles represented, in his eyes, an ‘archetype’.
Figure 11, by contrast, is taken from a recent article in a phys-
ics journal. As its authors explain, the seven black disks represent
a “heptamer of 7 silver atoms,” which are “growing in the direc-
tion preferred by snowflakes” on top of a “hexagonally close-packed
surface.”15 Iconographically speaking, the heptamer is the direct his-
torical descendant of figure 10 and thereby adds confirmation to
Martin Kemp’s claim that contemporary conventions in scientific
iconography often have a Renaissance background.16 Nevertheless,
these visually similar atoms refer to entities that belong to incom-
mensurable theories of matter: the (composite and hence divisible)
Johannes V. Barth and Harald Brune, “Atomare Prozesse an Oberflächen,” Physik
in unserer Zeit, 29 (1998), 251-60, at 256.
e iconographical continuity in representing clusters of atoms—from Bruno
through Johannes Kepler’s crystallographic Strena to contemporary imagery produced
by scanning tunneling microscopy—is documented in Christoph Lüthy, De draad van
Ariadne: een pleidooi voor de wetenschapsgeschiedenis (Nijmegen, 2007).
C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439 409
Aby Warburg would have been fascinated by this particularly powerful example of
pictorial ‘Nachleben’—which is obviously quite counterintuitive, given that it seems
to transcend the various theoretical revolutions occurring in the domain of matter the-
ory between Bruno and today’s physical theories. On Warburg, see Georges Didi-Hu-
berman, L’image survivante: Histoire de l’art et temps des fantômes selon Aby Warburg
(Paris, 2002), notably 103.
See, for example, Jacques Bertin, Sémiologie graphique: Les diagrammes, les réseaux,
les cartes (Paris, 1973), 50: “quand toutes les correspondances dans le plan peuvent être
établies entre toutes les divisions d’une ordonnée et toutes les divisions d’une autre or-
donnée, alors la construction est un diagramme.” John J. Roche, “e Semantics of
Graphics in Mathematical Natural Philosophy,” in Non-verbal Communication in Sci-
ence Prior to 1900, ed. Renato G. Mazzolini (Florence, 1993), 197-233, at 212: “e
invention of coordinate geometry by René Descartes made possible and stimulated
the representation of the quantitative laws of physics by diagrams, today commonly
called graphs.” e mutual relation between the terms ‘diagram’, ‘graph’ and ‘schema’
remains problematic, as becomes evident in Batt, “L’expérience diagrammatique,” and
in François Dagognet, Écriture et iconographie (Paris, 1973).
410 C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439
Figures 12a and b: e transformation of a diagram (12a) into a graph (12b). When
the diagonal becomes the curve in a graph, the bottom left angle becomes the origin
and the left vertical and bottom horizontal sides of the former rectangle become direc-
tional axes, which can be indefinitely extended in the direction of the arrows.
Michael Mahoney, “Diagrams and Dynamics: Mathematical Perspectives on Edg-
erton’s esis,” in Science and the Arts in the Renaissance, eds. J.W. Shirley and F.D.
Hoeniger (London, 1985), 198-220, at 209.
On the term ‘chymistry’, see William R. Newman and Lawrence M. Principe, “Al-
chemy vs. Chemistry: e Etymological Origins of a Historiographic Mistake,” Early
Science and Medicine 3 (1998), 32-65.
412 C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439
is illumination is reproduced and analyzed at length in Barbara Obrist, Les dé-
buts de l’imagerie alchimique (XIV e-XV e siècles) (Paris, 1982), 152 ff.
e process of sexual metaphorization and its usefulness for chymistry is studied in
Allison B. Kavey, “Mercury Falling: Gender Malleability and Sexual Fluidity in Early
Modern Popular Alchemy,” in Chymists and Chymistry: Studies in the History of Alche-
my and Early Modern Chemistry, ed. Lawrence M. Principe (Sagamore Beach, 2007),
However, the attribution of ‘symbols’ to specific substances was subject to great
variations throughout the history of chymistry. See Obrist, Les débuts, 253; Maurice P.
Crosland, Historical Studies in the Language of Chemistry (London, 1962).
C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439 413
Fig. 17: Mercury immobilized (Giovanni Battista Nazari, Della transmutatione metal-
lica [Brescia, 1572], 11). Fig. 18: Mercury dissolving gold (Nicolaas Hartsoeker, Con-
jectures physiques [Paris, 1706], 130). Fig. 19: e symbol of mercury (Nicaise
Lefebvre, Traité de la Chymie [Paris, 1660], 153). Fig. 20: ‘Combinatorics’ with alchem-
ical symbols (David de Planis Campy, Bouquet composé des plus belles fleurs chimiques
[Paris, 1629], 991).
Reproduced and commented in Barbara Obrist, “Visualization in Medieval Alche-
my,” Hyle 9 (2003), 131-70.
C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439 415
elements of the snake and the spiky crown might either refer to
Egyptian mythology or to the first decan of the Lion.25 While fig-
ures 13 and 14 seem to share a common ‘style’ of metaphorization
and allegorization of the same three metals, they represent their
object differently and according to the canons of different tradi-
tions and methods. Figure 13 is Christian by inspiration and attempts
to describe the physical properties of mercury. Figure 14, by con-
trast, looks to Egyptian and astrological sources. Moreover, apart
maybe from the ax that ‘Mercury’ bears on his left shoulder, this
personification does not seem to indicate any physical property of
the metal, unless one interprets the color and the crown as such
indications, in analogy to the snakes and the dragon of figure 13.
From a relational or operational viewpoint, however, Mercury decap-
itating Sun and Moon may be a reference to its putrefaction or cal-
cination in the amalgamation of the three metals; yet there is no
visible element announcing its further transformation. As is mani-
fest, the two images also represent gold and silver quite differently.
While figure 13 explains chemical change in a biological mode, rep-
resenting silver and gold as the fruit of trees that are nourished by
mercurial rivers, figure 14 personifies the two metals, allowing their
identification only because of their specific coloring. e duplica-
tions at work in these images are also quite noteworthy: in both
cases, the precious metals are indicated by their colors and by sun
and moon symbols (a moon-face is recognizable in figure 14).
We have just now spoken, however provisionally, of a common
style of ‘metaphorization’ and ‘allegorization’. For the iconographer,
the question arises as to whether these two terms can be clearly
defined and applied as classificatory terms to epistemic images. On
the one hand, our dictionaries would suggest that a metaphor is a
figure, and thus a single element, whereas an allegory connotes a
longer process, a story, poem or picture in which several elements
are at play.26 On the other hand, such a categorical distinction raises
Obrist, Les débuts, 236 ff.
is distinction between process and element is already drawn in early modern dic-
tionaries, as in the first edition of the Dictionnaire de l’Académie française (Paris, 1694),
s.v.: “Discours par lequel …” (allégorie); “Figure de discours …” (métaphore).
416 C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439
Petrus Bonus, Margarita pretiosa novella correctissima, in eatrum chemicum (Stras-
burg, 1659-1661), 6 vols., 4:507-713, at 516: “Et est sciendum, quod ars ista qua-
si sola inter omnes mundi, in sui doctrina utitur nominibus propriis, et extraneis, et
inusitatis, et allegoriis, et ænigmatibus, et metaphoris, et æquivocationibus, et trans-
sumptionibus, et involucris, et prosopopoeis, et hyperbolis, et ironiis.” Quoted from
Obrist, Les débuts, 48.
is engraving is reproduced and commented in Helena M.E. de Jong, Michael
Maier’s Atalanta fugiens: Sources of an Alchemical Book of Emblems (York Beach, 2002),
e concept of ‘emblem’ originated in Andrea Alciati’s Emblemata of 1531. e
expression ‘emblema vermiculatum’, meaning ‘mosaic work’, is indicated as the ori-
gin of the concept of ‘emblem’ by one of Alciati’s numerous editors: “Quare et ipse Al-
ciatus, sua hæc epigrammata appellatione convientissima inscribi voluit Emblemata.
Sunt eum Emblemata vermiculata opera extessellis insititiis apta et composita, inter-
prete Budæo, quod et ipsa vocabuli Greci origo ostendit.” (Andrea Alciati, Emblema-
ta, eds. Macé Bonhomme and Guillaume Rouillé [Lyon, 1551], 4; see also Mario Praz,
Studies in Seventeenth-Century Imagery [Rome, 1964], 23).
De Jong, Maier’s Atalanta fugiens, 166.
C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439 417
e subsequent emblem XXI of Maier’s Atalanta fugiens depicts mercury also as a
naked woman, but this time in company of a naked man, who expresses sulfur, the
principal chemical counterpart (cf. De Jong, Maier’s Atalanta fugiens, 169).
is raises the question of the image in relation to its frame. See on this Johannes
Grave, “On the Aesthetics of Scientific Objects. ree Case Studies,” in Wandering
Seminar on Scientific Objects, eds. Sophia Vackimes and Konstanze Weltersbach (Max
Planck Institute for the History of Science, preprint 339, 2007), 35-48.
418 C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439
e circle horizontally cut into two equal parts and surmounted by a cross is giv-
en as a denotation of cinnabar in Nicaise Lefebvre, Traité de la chimie (Paris, 1660),
“l’explication des caracteres chymiques,” 152-53. is ‘sign’ minus the line that cuts
the circle horizontally is also presented as cinnabar in Nicolas Lemery, Cours de chy-
mie (Paris, 1757), s.p. [789].
Different types of heterogeneity and duplication are found in the earlier astrolog-
ical representations of metals; cf. Françoise Cannella, “Alchemical Iconography at the
Dawn of the Modern Age: e Splendor Solis of Salomon Trismosin,” in e Power of
Images, eds. Lefèvre et al., 107-16; and Guy de Tervarent, De la méthode iconologique
(Bruxelles, 1961).
In the first, playful verses of the poem, the god Mercury is described as being se-
rious with the chymists, but playful with the alchemists: “Es komt Mercurius, der
schnell geflüglet Gott / Er brauchet einen Ernst / und lässet seinen Spott; Den er zu
treiben sonst mit Alchymisten pflegt / hier aber sich bey ihm / ein andrer Ernst er-
regt.” e textual description of mercury is, by contrast, of empirical sobriety: “Das
Queck-Silber Erß wird gewürket in seinen eigenen Bergsteinen / von seiner Natur der
Sals-Erden / und behendiger flüchtigen Erden / einer feuchten schwierichten wässeri-
gen Olität / die vermenget wird mit der allersubtilesten rothschwefelichten gekochten
Erden / mit der allerschwächesten gemachsamen Verbindung / als eine ohnzeitige an-
genehme Frucht aller besonder Metallen.” Cf. J.J. Becher, Parnassi illustrati pars tertia,
Mineralogia, das ist: Deß erläuterten medicinalischen Parnassi dritter eil, nemlich das
Berg-Buch (Ulm, 1663), 40 f.
C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439 419
podium, and notably the lack of hands and feet) refer to chemical
processes, which are discussed in the accompanying text. In fact,
the entire image can be understood as fixed mercury. Curiously
enough, figure 17 displays fewer pictorial elements than those indi-
cated in the text (which mentions, for example, a village in the
background and an infinity of canes), and is thus the exact coun-
terpart to figure 15 (where the image is pictorially richer than the
Figure 18 constitutes a clear break with all the images of mercury
we have so far considered. All human-like figures have disappeared
in favor of a circle surrounded by two pentagons. But this image,
too, attempts to describe some properties of mercury, although it
does so in a radically different, geometrical manner. Nicolaas Hart-
soeker, who wished to walk in the footsteps of Descartes’ reduction
of all physical qualities to micro-particles, was convinced that we
could induce the invisible corpuscular structure of matter from the
empirically recorded properties. Wishing to explain how mercury
could dissolve gold, he sought to locate this property in the ‘inti-
mate structure’ or geometrical make-up of the mercury particle.
Being of spherical shape (and, pace Descartes, also heavy), such a
particle can force its way into the pores of gold molecules and sep-
arate these into ‘parcels’ (which Hartsoeker sometimes calls ‘atoms’).
What figure 18 purportedly shows is the soft amalgam that results
from the intermixture of such gold ‘parcels’ with mercury parti-
is translation of the textual ‘infinity’ of canes into a pictorial handful demon-
strates one of the inherent peculiarities of the image-text relation: it shows one of the
inherent limitations of imaging, which must rely on the imaginable and can therefore
not do visual justice to certain concepts. (See on this issue Elkins, e Domain of
Images, 40-1.) at this has implications regarding the difference between conceptual-
ization and imagination became clear, for instance, in the controversy between Leibniz
and Stahl (cf. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, “G.G. Leibnitii animadversiones circa as-
sertiones aliquas eoriæ Medicæ veræ Clar. Stahlii. Cum ejusdem Leibnitii ad Stahl-
ianas observationes Responsionibus,” in Leibniz, Opera omnia, ed. Ludovicus Dutens,
6 vols. [Geneva, 1768], 2-ii:131-61, at 151: “Contendit Responsio actualem cujusli-
bet partis subdivisionem esse supra omnem conceptibilitatem; quia scilicet conceptum
cum imaginatione confundit.”)
Nicolaas Hartsoeker, Conjectures physiques (Paris, 1706), 130 f.
420 C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439
With figure 19, we have arrived in the domain of what are alter-
natively called ‘symbols’, ‘signs’ or ‘characters’. A circle topped by
a semi-circle, with a cross underneath: what had originated as a
sign referring to the planet Mercury had long become also a sym-
bol of the homonymous metal.38 But what is the relation between
‘sign’, ‘symbol’, and ‘image’?39 e question is unanswerable, for it
leads us once more into that swampy frontier area between letters,
words, and images that we have entered from a different direction
earlier on in this article. What is clear is that figure 19 is more
than a simple abbreviation such as the modern ‘Hg’, which stands
for ‘hydrargyrum’, because it can once again become an iconograph-
ical element of a more complicated, combinatorial figure. is is
precisely what happened in figure 16, in which the signs for sub-
limed and precipitated mercury are developed out of the sign for
pure mercury.40 And it is also what happens in figure 20, in which
a symbol of the philosophical stone (monas hieroglyphica) is com-
posed of the signs for gold (the character’s head), silver (its hat, as
it were), and mercury. But lo and behold: the abstract symbols have
been crafted into a human-like figure, so that, much to our bewil-
derment, we find ourselves somehow back in the figurative section
of our little iconography of mercury.
On the relation between planetary signs and metals, see for instance Diderot and
D’Alembert, Encyclopédie, s.v. “Talisman.”
e mutual relation between ‘sign’ and ‘symbol’ constitutes a battlefield on its own.
e respective entries in D’Alembert and Diderot’s Encyclopédie, for example, strong-
ly overlap. By contrast, Barbara Obrist, La cosmologie médiévale. Textes et images. Vol.
I. Les fondements antiques (Florence, 2004), 301 ff., clearly distinguishes between the
two terms in her discussion of an image from Isidore of Seville in which the seasons
are linked (symbolon = link) by the four qualities and elements.
Cf. Marco Beretta’s account of the combinatorial hopes of new chemical symbol-
ism in the last decades of eighteenth century, in “e Role of Symbolism from Alche-
my to Chemistry,” in Non-Verbal Communication, ed. Mazzolini, 279-319.
C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439 421
Nelson Goodman, Languages of Art. An Approach to a General eory of Symbols
(Oxford, 1968); Elkins, Domain of Images; Gottfried Boehm, ed., Was ist ein Bild?
(Munich, 1994); id., Wie Bilder Sinn erzeugen (Berlin, 2008).
Jacques Bertin, Sémiologie graphique, 50: “Forme visuelle significative perçue dans
un instant de perception (dans un seul coup d’œil). C’est l’unité temporelle de per-
ception significative.”
On this, see Marion G. Müller, “What is Visual Communication? Past and Fu-
ture of an Emerging Field of Communication Research,” Journal of the Swiss Associa-
tion of Communication and Media Research 7 (2007), 7-34. Müller distinguishes not
only between the mental and material in words such as ‘imago’ and ‘pictura’, but also
between the dominant meaning of the English term ‘image’ and the dual meaning of
the German ‘Bild’. She recognizes a relation between the divergent meaning of these
terms and the divergent focus of Anglo-Saxon and German research on visuality. e
problem of idiomatic diversity in nomenclature can already be recognized in the ear-
ly modern period. Note the German translation of the Latin title in: Icones mortis sex-
aginta imaginibus, totidemque inscriptionibus insignitæ, versibus quoque latinis et novis
422 C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439
germanicis illustratæ. Vorbildungen deß Todtes in sechtzig Figuren durch alle Stände und
Geschlechte derselbigen nichtige Sterblichkeit fürzuweisen… (Nuremberg, 1648).
Murdoch, Album, x.
Willem D. Hackmann, “Natural Philosophy Textbook Illustrations 1600-1800,”
in Non-verbal Communication, ed. Mazzolini, 169-96, at 170-72.
Obrist, Les débuts, passim; and eadem, La cosmologie médiévale, passim.
C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439 423
Giordano Bruno, De imaginum, signorum et idearum compositione, ad omnia inven-
tionum, dispositionum et memoriæ genera libri III (Frankfurt, 1591), 97.
See the beautiful facsimile reprints of Bruno’s woodcuts in Mino Gabriele, Giorda-
no Bruno: Corpus iconographicum. Le incisioni nelle opere a stampa (Milan, 2001).
424 C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439
On the proliferation of models of perception and intellection in the early modern
period, see notably Leen Spruit, ‘Species intelligibilis’. From Perception to Knowledge, 2
vols. (Leiden, 1994, 1995).
Fabrizio di Acquapendente, De visione, voce, auditu (Venice, 1600): “[lux] non ali-
ud quam rerum imaginem assumit, quam sive formam, sive simulachrum, sive idol-
um, sive speciem aut spectrum appelles, nihil interest, si modo id solum, quod rem
repræsentat, intelligas.” Quoted from Isabelle Pantin, “Simulachrum, species, forma,
imago: What Was Transported by Light into the Camera Obscura? Divergent Concep-
tions of Realism Revealed by Lexical Ambiguities at the Beginning of the Seventeenth
Century,” Early Science and Medicine 13 (2008), 245-69, at 259n45.
C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439 425
Murdoch, Album, x.
For the Lynceus-argument and its implications for the visualization of matter, see
Christoph Lüthy, “Atomism, Lynceus, and the Fate of Seventeenth-Century Micros-
copy,” Early Science and Medicine 1 (1997), 1-27; on the evolution of squares of op-
posites and maps of quaternities, see Murdoch, Album, chs. 6 and 7; and Obrist, La
cosmologie médiévale, passim.
426 C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439
despite the fact that he has accustomed his mind to imagining, was scarcely able
to conceive of [the effect of vortex motion] without the balls. So others will find
it much more difficult. For these things depend on mathematics and mechanics,
and can be demonstrated better in a visual demonstration than they can in a ver-
bal demonstration.53
Descartes’ Conversation with Burman, transl. with introduction by John Cotting-
ham (Oxford, 1976), 67.
René Descartes, Principia philosophiæ (Amsterdam, 1644), part IV, marginal title
of §203.
C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439 427
Figures 21-24: Cartesian images and their self-justification. Fig. 21: Sunrays G heat-
ing up a body (composed of the hatched particles) by affecting the air globules within
it and bringing AB to shake (Principia philosophiæ [Amsterdam, 1644], 204). Fig. 22:
Optical fibres being affected by a star, the nerve end of fibre no. 1 being affected most
strongly, those of no. 2 less strongly, etc., thereby translating a pressure pattern into
visual patterns (La dioptrique, in Discours de la méthode [Leiden, 1637], 68). Fig. 23:
Comparing memorization to the imprinting of a pattern on a linen cloth; the more
often you imprint the pattern, the clearer it will be recognizable on the cloth (De
l’homme [Paris, 1664], 75). Fig. 24: Looking at ‘looking’ without seeing ‘seeing’ (La
dioptrique, Discours 5, 36).
428 C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439
Descartes to Mersenne, 9 January 1638, in Œuvres de Descartes, eds. Charles Adam
and Paul Tannery, 12 vols. (Paris, 1897-1957), 2:483.
See on the issue of Descartes’ images Klaus Zittel, “Abbilden und Überzeugen bei
Descartes,” in Cognition and the Book: Typologies of Formal Organisation of Knowledge
in the Printed Book of the Early Modern Period, eds. Karl A.E. Enenkel and Wolfgang
Neuber (Leiden, 2005), 535-601; Christoph Lüthy, “Where Logical Necessity Be-
comes Visual Persuasion: Descartes’s Clear and Distinct Illustrations,” in Transmitting
Knowledge. Words, Images, and Instruments in Early Modern Europe, eds. Sachiko Kusu-
kawa and Ian Maclean (Oxford, 2006), 97-133.
Ficino, in turn, could rely on medieval traditions of magical practices; see Nicolas
Weill-Parot, Les “images astrologiques” au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance: Spéculations in-
tellectuelles et pratiques magiques (XII e-XV e siècle) (Paris, 2002); Richard A. Kieckhefer,
Magic in the Middle Ages (Cambridge, 2000); and Michael Camille, “Visual Art in
Two Manuscripts of the Ars Notoria,” in Conjuring Spirits. Texts and Traditions of Me-
dieval Ritual Magic, ed. Claire Fanger (Stroud, 1998), 110-39.
C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439 429
Figure 25: A magically efficacious ‘image’ of Saturn following Ficino (from Giordano
Bruno, De umbris idearum [Paris, 1582]).
these gifts—a notion that Ficino took from the Hermetic Picatrix.58
ese engraved ‘images’—which notably in the guise of amulets can
provoke strong curative or deleterious reactions—may carry either
geometrical shapes like a circle or a cross, or else allegorical images
of planets (like that of Saturn as “an old man sitting on a rather
high throne or on a dragon, his head covered with a dark linen
cloth, raising his hands above his head, holding in his hand a sickle
or some fish, and clothed in a dusky robe,” cf. fig. 25).59 eir effi-
cacy is due to the fact that the “figures and numbers” observable
in the skies “have the greatest affinity with the Ideas in Mind, the
Queen of the World”—an affinity that allows for a reverberation
like that observed between two lutes, of which one resonates as the
other plays.60
Obviously, this concept of ‘image’ is incompatible with both Aris-
totle’s or Descartes’. Ficino himself is quite aware of abandoning
the prevalent theory concerning images, and he cites with feigned
approval omas Aquinas’ injunction against the belief in their
efficacy.61 is injunction was based on solid Aristotelian reasoning:
“Natural matter is not in any way disposed towards [a new form]
Marsilio Ficino, ree Books on Life. A Critical Edition and Translation with Intro-
duction and Notes by Carol V. Kaske and John R. Clark (Binghamton, NY, 1989),
323ff. (quote from Ficino, De vita cœlitus comparanda, ch. 16).
Ibid., 335 (quote from Ficino, De vita, ch. 18).
Ibid., 328-29 (quote from Ficino, De vita, ch. 17).
Ibid., 341-2 (quote from Ficino, De vita, ch. 18).
430 C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439
by figures. [...] So the bodies on which these figures are put have
the same readiness to receive the celestial influence as any other
bodies of the same species.”62 is argument is worth reflecting on
in our present context, because it states that the notion of an effi-
cacious figura makes no sense in a philosophy that attributes effi-
cacy to forma, and in which forma has nothing to do whatsoever
with figura, because it designates a thing’s essential nature, not its
shape! omas Aquinas’ opposition of forma to figura is important
because of that gradual and drawn-out transformation, so exqui-
sitely documented by Norma Emerton, of the concept of forma into
that of figura in the seventeenth century—a transformation that was
to culminate precisely in Descartes’ corpuscular images of which we
have just spoken.63
By using one term only, namely imago, to denote things as dif-
ferent as the constellations of stars, the natural conformation of
stones as well as the geometrical and emblematic shapes and fig-
ures that we might engrave on them, Ficino deliberately or other-
wise rendered the connection between these various phenomena
both close and obscure. With his meticulous list of terms, Gior-
dano Bruno, who stood very much in the Ficinian tradition, attempted
to bring clarity into the relations that “images, signs and ideas” held
among themselves and vis-à-vis the world of objects. If we return
to Bruno once more at the end of this section, it is because he was
more aware than anyone at the time that one’s iconographic taxon-
omy depended on one’s metaphysics and epistemology. With meth-
odological acumen, he opened his On the Composition of Images,
Signs and Ideas (1591) with a characterization of his philosophical
system on which the relational functions of his various types of
images depended. His text begins with a Neoplatonic distinction
between the three worlds. ere is, first of all, the divine world
(mundus metaphysicus) of ideas (ideæ). It is responsible for the ori-
gin of the mundus physicus, the created, natural world, which con-
tains the traces (vestigia) of the divine ideas. e third world
omas Aquinas, Summa contra Gentiles, 105, in Opera omnia, Leonine edition
(Rome, 1882-1971), 331a.12-17; cited in Ficino, ree Books, ed. Kaske and Clark, 445.
Norma Emerton, e Scientific Reinterpretation of Form (Ithaca, NY, 1984).
C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439 431
Bruno, De imaginum, signorum et idearum compositione, 1-2: “Ideæ sunt causa re-
rum ante res, idearum vestigia sunt ipsæ res seu quæ in rebus, idearum umbræ sunt ab
ipsis rebus seu post res …” Because of its oftentimes anachronistic translations, we are
not relying here on Charles Doria’s translation in Bruno, On the Composition of Imag-
es, Signs and Ideas (New York, 1991).
Bruno, De imaginum compositione, 3: “veluti speculum quoddam vivens, in quo est
imago rerum naturalium et umbra divinarum.”
432 C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439
Ibid., 5-6.
Ibid., 6: “Sicut et artificium simile dicitur quodammodo artifici, non tamen ad
eius imaginem vel in eius imagine dicitur, nisi vel in proximo genere vel in eadem sit
C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439 433
One of the co-authors of this article, Smets, is currently working on a doctoral dis-
sertation devoted to the evolution of images expressing chemical matter theories from
the Renaissance to the eighteenth century. In this project, the clash between rivaling
modes of visualization is a recurrent theme.
is quote from Marsilio Ficino’s Apologia quædam is taken from Kaske and Clark’s
translation in Ficino, ree Books, 395.
434 C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439
Robert S. Westman: “Nature, Art, and Psyche: Jung, Pauli, and the Kepler-Fludd
Polemic,” in Occult and Scientific Mentalities in the Renaissance, ed. Brian Vickers
(Cambridge, 1984), 177-229, at 181, original emphases.
See, for example, Johannes Kepler’s statement: “Tuis picturis mea comparavi dia-
grammata; fassus librum meum non æque atque tuum ornatum esse, nec futurum ad
gustum lectoris cuiuslibet: excusavi hunc defectum a professione, cum ego mathe-
maticam agam.” (“Apologia,” Gesammelte Werke, vol. 6, ed. Max Caspar [Munich,
1940], 396).
On the Fludd-Kepler controversy and its implications for iconography, see besides
Westman, “Nature, Art, and Psyche,” also Frances A. Yates, Giordano Bruno and the
Hermetic Tradition (Chicago, 1964), ch. 22, and Judith V. Field, “Kepler’s Rejection of
Numerology,” in Vickers, Occult and Scientific Mentalities, 273-96.
C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439 435
quarrels with some pictures ... but for this he hath not great rea-
son; for [the author of the animal images] tels him that this and
divers other pictures are rather Hieroglyphical and Emblematic then
truly historicall.”74 Or take, as a further example, Andreas Libavius’
displeasure, in 1615, with various schemata, picturæ, tabulæ and icones
found in Heinrich Khunrath’s lavishly illustrated Amphitheatrum
sapientiæ eternæ. Libavius took particular exception to one specific
but recurrent iconographical element, namely the Latin word “Omnia”
descending from the heavens. Like all “Panspermic doctors,” so
Libavius charged, Khunrath with this image willfully suggested a
conflation of Anaxagoras’ “all is in all” (ἐν παντί πάντα) with the
identical “Omnia in omnibus” of 1 Corinthians 12,6. In Libavius’
eyes, no biblical source could legitimately be used for the pagan
notion that the seeds of all things are in everything—a notion that
for him carried obvious magical and talismanic implications.75
A final example: an entire book could be written about the very
diverse reactions to Descartes’ innovative corpuscular images. We
encounter one type of critic that only expressed bewilderment at
the logic informing one particular image. is was the case of Henry
More, who politely enquired why the particulæ striatæ responsible
for magnetism managed to maintain their nice screw structure and
Alexander Ross, Arcana Microcosmi (London, 1652), 156. e quote is from Kevin
Killeen, “‘e Doctor Quarrels with some Pictures’: Exegesis and Animals in omas
Browne’s Pseudodoxia Epidemica,” Early Science and Medicine 12 (2007), 1-27, at 6.
Andreas Libavius, De philosophia vivente seu vitali Paracelsi iuxta Petrum Severinum
Danum ex repetitione I. Hartmanni chymiatri Marburgensis (Frankfurt, 1615), Examen,
101: “Henricus Kunrath amphitheatro suo præfixit schema, cuius apex triangularis
triplicatum nomen Dei tetragrammaton habet Magica forma scriptum intra nubem
ex qua manus porrecta coronam capiti Kunrathi imponit, cum inscriptione: OMNIA.
In pictura graduum septem portæ amphitheatri profani, item iubentur procul abesse,
subscribiturque: omnia in omnibus. In tabula sequente quæ est globus cum decalogo
nominibus Dei, & Icone Christi repetitur triangulus Tetragrammati cum subscrip-
tione OMNIA.” I owe this quote to Peter J. Forshaw; cf., by Forshaw, “Paradoxes, Ab-
surdities, and Madness: Conflict over Alchemy, Magic and Medicine in the Works
of Andreas Libavius and Heinrich Khunrath, Early Science and Medicine 13 (2008),
436 C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439
Henry More to Descartes, 5 March 1649, Œuvres de Descartes, eds. Adam and Tan-
nery, V: 346-47.
Nathaniel Highmore, e History of Generation, Examining the Several Opinions of
Divers Authors, (London, 1651), 117.
John Keill, An Introduction to Natural Philosophy: or, Philosophical Lectures Read in
the University of Oxford, Anno Dom. 1700 (London, 1726), iii.
C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439 437
Generations of scientists have quarreled over the exact definition of
such key concepts as ‘force’, ‘vacuum’, ‘organism’, ‘attraction’, or
‘entropy’. Without an exact definition, no exact science seemed pos-
sible. e contrast with the domain of epistemic imagery could not
be any more extreme: there, utter chaos reigns. e iconographical
and semiotic categories available to us are underdeveloped and ill
defined. e term ‘diagram’, for example, is applied to everything
ranging from a construction plan of an airplane to a statistical dis-
tribution curve. e word ‘model’ fares no better, being used for a
miniature train as much as for a hypothetical description of quan-
tum mechanical interactions.
With respect to historical modes of visualization, the termino-
logical situation is probably even worse. Admittedly, there are fewer
types of epistemic images to be reckoned with. After all, the com-
plicating factor of machine-generated images is absent from the
medieval and early modern landscape, if we disregard the exceptions
just mentioned. By recompense, the epistemological and metaphysical
premises within which a given image functioned, the practices that
generated it, and the meanings and allusions that it could carry, are
difficult to fathom and, to make things worse, appear to be of lit-
tle interest to most scholars. e bizarre asymmetry with which
See on this the collection of essays in Kepler, Optical Imagery, and the Camera Ob-
scura, ed. Alan E. Shapiro (= Early Science and Medicine 13.3/2008).
438 C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439
Cf. Murdoch, Album, 113: “variations in diagrams are often every bit as important
as variations in the text. ey, too, are part of the transmission [of a given work] and
as such must be considered fully in the editing of such works, a desideratum that has,
until recently, been too often ignored.”
On the vacuum pump becoming the emblem of the new science, see Hackmann,
“Natural Philosophy Textbook Illustrations,” 178.
C. Lüthy, A. Smets / Early Science and Medicine 14 (2009) 398-439 439
See Gernot and Hartmut Böhme, Feuer, Wasser, Erde, Luft. Eine Kulturgeschichte
der Elemente (Munich, 1996); David Kaiser, Drawing eories Apart: e Dispersion of
Feynman Diagrams in Postwar Physics (Chicago, 2005).