Manufacturing Systems: Skills & Competencies For The Future: Procedia CIRP December 2013
Manufacturing Systems: Skills & Competencies For The Future: Procedia CIRP December 2013
Manufacturing Systems: Skills & Competencies For The Future: Procedia CIRP December 2013
161 3,565
3 authors:
Dimitris Mourtzis
University of Patras Lab. For Manufacturing Systems and Automation (LMS)
All content following this page was uploaded by Dimitris Mourtzis on 20 May 2014.
Recent studies have presented clear evidence of the relationship between human capital qualifications and competitiveness. At the
same time, there have been frequent reports on the shortage of skilled manufacturing personnel. This paper introduces some
approaches to building skills and competences in manufacturing. The importance of human capital skills for industr
competitiveness is first discussed, providing an overview of the current situation in different world regions. Modern approaches to
manufacturing education are shortly reviewed. The need for young people to be enlightened about the exciting character of
manufacturing, with real life problems being addressed under business conditions, via scientific approaches and cutting edge
-learning knowledge delivery
mechanism of bringing the real factory into the classroom. The activities of the KNOW-FACT project aiming to deliver a pilot
implementation of the Teaching Factory paradigm as a 2-
© 2013 TheAuthors.
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peer-review underunder responsibility
responsibility of Professor
of Professor Pedro
Pedro Filipe do Filipe
Carmodo Carmo Cunha
gap among the EU-25, the United States and Japan. The
EU does lack in new ideas, however, is not so good at
transforming them into new products and processes. L ar
Le a ni
knowledge skills
Thus, modern concepts of training, novel industrial - think - - do -
learning and knowledge transfer schemes can contribute Proc
to improving the innovation performance of European
On top of that, manufacturing is a subject that cannot - feel -
be handled efficiently, only inside a classroom. The
development of educational curricula has not kept pace
with the growing complexity of industry, technology and
economy. Research outcomes of educational institutions
Fig. 1. The building blocks of the learning process
are typically presented to the scientific community
without having been directly accessible to industry.
3. Manufacturing skills: Importance and status
Within this context, industry may not either comprehend
or adapt to the technological advances in a direct way.
The society is always appreciative of skills. Several
Thus, the promotion of a novel approach to
studies have revealed the relationship between
manufacturing education that would integrate education,
educational quality and economic growth, highlighting
research and innovation, emerges as a key challenge [2].
the fact that human capital is a key to growth.
Indicatively, each year of schooling has been reported to
2. Skills and competences in the learning process
boost long-run growth by 0.58 percentage points [7],
while performance on international student achievement
Skills and competences are major building blocks of
tests has been reported to have a powerful impact on
the learning process (Fig 1).
growth (Fig 2).
Skill ability to apply knowledge and use the
know-how for the completion of well-defined tasks.
Generally speaking, it identifies that an individual is able
to do something within a specific context [4]. Skills
may be cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive
and creative thinking) or practical (involving manual
dexterity and the use of methods, materials, and tools).
In the context of a learning process, skills generally
observation and replication of actions
task reproduction from instruction or memory
reliable execution independent of help
adaptation / integration of expertise to meet
automated, unconscious management of activity
Competence to (according to
certain formal or informal criteria) handle certain
situations successfully or complete a job. This capacity Fig. 2. Impact of test scores on economic growth
may be defined in terms of cognitive factors (e.g.
different types of knowledge), intellectual and Skills contribute to the economic growth through two
perceptual motor skills (e.g. dexterity), affective factors broad channels (Fig 3) [8]. When utilized effectively,
(e.g. attitudes, values, motivation etc.), personality traits skills can both raise employment levels and drive
(e.g. self- f confidence) and social skills (e.g. improvements on productivity. The impact of skills on
communicative and cooperative skills) [6]. employment, primarily through improvements on an
individuals employability, enables them to find jobs and
George Chryssolouris et al. / Procedia CIRP 7 (2013) 17 – 24 19
to progress more easily in the labour market. In terms of forecast studies show a considerable shift in labour
improving productivity; at the broad level, skills enable demand, towards skilled workers, by implying that
workers to carry out more complex tasks, work more future jobs will become even more knowledge- and
effectively, and produce higher value products. Adept skills-intensive [12].
workers generally are also better at adapting to changing
conditions and requirements.
Skills Output per Worker
Sustainable growth
rate of GDP per head
Competition Employment
Number of People Working
Number of Hours Worked
literature [26, 27, 28, 29]. An extensive survey and either technology application problems or
critical review of relevant applications in academic technologically novel ideas. Industrial companies would
environments has been recently presented [30]. provide knowledge having stemmed from their industrial
Teaching Factory facilities have been reported to be experiences and practices, while the academia
operating also in an industrial context, in order to contribution would be their scientific excellence. The
provide hands-on manufacturing experience, which research output developed within the industrial projects
helps trainees apply problem solving techniques taught could be concurrently fed back to industry and
within their own organisations [31]. Some foresight academia.
works on the perspectives of the Teaching Factory The innovation activities would employ knowledge
paradigm have also been presented [32]. transfer schemes to keep industry, at the technological
Most of the reported applications of the Teaching forefront, by supporting the continuous comprehension
Factory paradigm simulate the key features of an of the technical essence and the business potential of
industrial environment in an academic setting, using new knowledge and technology having derived from
model production equipment. A drawback of these research projects. These activities would also support
approaches is the fact that the dedicated production their smooth adaptation to and integration into the
equipment, which is installed in the academic settings,
can soon become obsolete. into innovation for the extended products of the
4.2 A new approach to the Teaching Factory paradigm The education activities would employ teaching /
training schemes to communicate to students, new
Research, education and innovation are three knowledge, business-like working methods, real life
fundamental and strongly interdependent drivers of the industrial practice and an entrepreneurial spirit.
knowledge-based society. All three are referred to as
grating the competence of future engineers would be a significant
cornerstones of the knowledge triangle (Fig 8) into a educational activity. That would be achieved by
single framework, in support of the manufacturing enabling young engineers to:
education, has given rise to an extended concept for the practice theory
Teaching Factory [22, 33] (Fig 9). observe problem solving techniques/methods
learn to work in teams
research come in touch with real industrial problems/cases
KNOWLEDGE education Factory
Industry Academia
industrial projects
Asynchronous Synchronous
1-to-1 session 1-to-many sessions
-to- Operator
Push vs.
Pull systems
Live video
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