Data Structure MRQTotal
Data Structure MRQTotal
Data Structure MRQTotal
Ch-1 Introduction
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Ch-2 Array
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Ch-3 Stack
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Ch-4 Queue
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Ch-6 Tree
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Ch-7 Graph
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Define the following terms
Directed graph (b) Multigraph (c) Complete graph.
2. Explain BFS vs DFS.
3. Explain Kruskal’s algorithm with suitable example.
4. Explain Prim’s algorithm with suitable example.
How are graphs represented inside a computer’s memory? Which method do you
prefer and why?
6. What is a graph? Explain various representations of graphs.
7. Discuss BFS algorithm with example.
8. Define topological sort?
Ch-8 Hashing
Sr. No. Questions
Initially the following keys 10,16,11,1,3,4,23 and 15 are inserted into an
1. empty hash table of length 10. Using open addressing with hash function
h(k)=k mod 10 and a linear probing. What is the resultant hash table?
What is collision? What are the methods to resolve collision? Explain
any one method to resolve collision with example.
3. List out different hash methods and explain any three.
4. Explain collision resolution techniques with example.
5. List out applications of Hashing.
Build a chained hash table of 10 memory locations. Insert the keys 131, 3, 4, 21, 61,
24, 7, 97, 8, 9 in hash table using chaining. Use h(k) = k mod m. (m=10)
Consider the hash table of size 10. Using quadratic probing, insert the keys 72, 27, 36,
24, 63, 81, and 101 into hash table. Take c1=1 and c2=3.
8. Explain hashing. What are qualities of a good hash function. Explain two hash functions.
Ch-9 File Structures
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