1 s2.0 S2352710224010416 Main
1 s2.0 S2352710224010416 Main
1 s2.0 S2352710224010416 Main
Keywords: Carbonation curing can improve material properties and reduce the concrete industry’s carbon
Carbonation curing emissions. This study used powder prepared from waste coral to replace ordinary Portland cement
Coral powder (0, 10, and 20 %). After initial curing for 24 h, the mortar was cured by sealing and carbonation.
Dilution effect The dilution effect of coral powder substantially reduces the mechanical properties under sealing
Sustainability curing. Under carbonation curing, the coral powder helps develop carbonation and CO2 diffusion,
reducing strength loss and increasing resistivity. XRD and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
analysis results showed that carbonation transforms hydration products and clinker phases into
different types of CaCO3, such as calcite and aragonite. The novelty of this study is that it proposes
a method that organically combines carbonation curing and marine waste reuse. Provide a sus
tainable solution to the problem of material shortage in marine engineering construction.
Moreover, the carbon footprint can be considerably reduced by replacing cement materials,
improving carbonation curing efficiency, and promoting CO2 uptake.
1. Introduction
Carbonation curing of concrete is currently a vital carbon sequestration technology in the construction field [1–4]. This technology
refers to curing cement-based materials by exposing them to an environment rich in CO2 and a specific relative humidity (50–70 %).
The carbonation reaction mainly includes two processes: diffusion and reaction of CO2 [5]. When the internal relative humidity of the
cement-based material is higher than 70 %, most of the capillaries are in a saturated state; the diffusion rate of CO2 is slow, and it
controls the carbonation reaction. When the relative humidity is lower than 50 %, the water content of most capillaries is insufficient;
the CO2 reaction speed is slow, and the chemical reaction of CO2 controls the carbonation reaction. Generally, when the relative
humidity is in the range of 50%–70 %, the speed of CO2 diffusion and CO2 reaction is relatively fast; macroscopically, the carbonation
reaction is the fastest.
In addition to the influence of relative humidity mentioned above, the effect and rate of carbonation curing are strongly affected by
various factors, including CO2 concentration, curing time, curing temperature, and concrete mix ratio. The study by Shi et al. showed
that appropriate CO2 concentration and curing time can significantly improve the strength of concrete [6]. High temperature and high
* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (G.-Z. Zhang), [email protected] (X.-Y. Wang).
Received 26 February 2024; Received in revised form 19 April 2024; Accepted 27 April 2024
Available online 29 April 2024
2352-7102/© 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y.-S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 90 (2024) 109473
pressure environments may accelerate the carbonation reaction rate [7]. As a more environmentally friendly concrete curing method,
carbonation curing stores CO2 in the building material for a long time. With in-depth research on its impact mechanism and process,
carbonation curing will provide more efficient and reliable construction solutions for concrete projects. The carbonation reaction can
be summarized as gaseous CO2 dissolution and ionization to produce carbonate ions; hydration products dissolve in capillary water to
produce calcium ions, followed by dissolution of unhydrated clinker. Carbonate ions and calcium ions react to produce CaCO3.
Equations (1)–(5) detail the carbonation reaction of hydrated products and unhydrated clinker [8]. As a more environmentally friendly
concrete curing method, carbonation curing stores CO2 in the building material for a long time. With in-depth research on its impact
mechanism and process, carbonation curing will provide more efficient and reliable construction solutions for concrete projects.
In recent years, researchers have become increasingly interested in other calcareous material. Calcareous materials mainly refer to
compounds with high calcium content and have the potential to be used as cement replacement materials. Limestone is a common
carbonate sedimentary rock that has been used in cement-based materials for many years. The addition of finely ground limestone to
cement has been recognized by many standards, such as ASTM C150 [9], European Standard EN 197–1 [10], and the Canadian
Standards Association (CSA) [11]. Ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS) is a by-product of the blast-furnace pig iron
manufacturing process; fly ash is a solid waste from coal-fired power plants. They are also commonly used calcium materials in cement.
Because of its pozzolanic activity, GGBFS can react with calcium hydroxide to form a cementitious material that improves the strength
and durability of concrete [12]. According to the different calcium content, Fly ash can be divided into high calcium fly ash (CaO
exceeds 15–20 %, class C) and low calcium fly ash (CaO less than 10 %, class F) [13]. Fly ash is slightly less reactive but can improve the
slump of concrete [14]. In addition, some wastes with high calcium content can also be used to replace cement after processing, such as
coral, eggshells, and shells [15–17]. As early as the 20th century, coral aggregate concrete was applied in the United States [18].
Recent studies have shown that using coral powder (CP) to replace cement partially reduces the total manufacturing cost and carbon
emissions. Shi et al. studied the effect of CP on the hydration of Portland cement and noted that it has similar hydration properties and
effects as limestone [19].
With the development of marine engineering, an increasing demand for building materials in projects such as reclamation, island
building, and dock construction [20]. Since the island lacks concrete raw materials, it needs to be transported inland; this adds a lot of
labor and time costs, as well as carbon emissions from transportation [21]. Using local materials can solve the shortage of raw ma
terials; the large amount of coral waste generated during marine engineering has become a potential reuse resource. The chemical
composition of coral is mainly aragonite and calcite, with a CaCO3 content of 98 % [22]. Coral waste and limestone have similar
chemical compositions. However, limestone mainly comes from inland mining. Limestone is difficult to use widely in marine con
struction projects, considering the transportation cost. Therefore, using CP as an alternative material to cement in marine engineering
has become a more viable option. This strategy helps solve the problem of shortage of raw materials in marine engineering and reduces
pollution of the marine environment [23,24].
However, it should be pointed out that adding CP as a low-reactivity filler will reduce cementitious materials and produce a dilution
effect [25]. It has been reported that addition levels exceeding 5 % reduce the mechanical properties of mortar [19]. In addition,
adding a large amount of CP increases the porosity of concrete or mortar, which is not conducive to durability development [26,27].
These limitations make the widespread application of CPs in island construction challenging. Methods for improving the properties of
OPC-CP cement-based materials are needed to maximize the potential of coral waste. As confirmed by previous studies [8,28],
carbonation curing is an effective method for improving density and strength of a material. However, to the best of the authors’
knowledge, systematic studies on the carbonation curing behavior and microscopic and property development of OPC-CP mixtures are
lacking. Related research is needed to determine the actual effect of this approach.
In summary, based on the limitations of the application of CP in marine engineering and the shortcomings of current research, this
study proposes a method for using carbonation curing technology to improve the performance of OPC-CP mortar. The investigation
compared the performance of mortar prepared by two curing methods, sealing and carbonation, with different CP substitution levels
(0, 10, and 20 %). Isothermal calorimetry was used to monitor slurry hydration. The carbonation degrees were measured, and the CO2
uptake was calculated to assess sustainability. Thermogravimetric (TG), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier transform infrared (FT-
IR) spectroscopy analyses were used to characterize the mineralogy. The microstructural morphology was observed by scanning
electron microscopy (SEM). The macroscopic properties, such as strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV), and resistivity, were sys
tematically tested. The method proposed in this study can enhance the mechanical properties and durability of OPC-CP mortar. In
addition, this study provides a more attractive strategy for applying CPs in the marine engineering. Moreover, the environmental
benefits of building materials are doubled by replacing cement, improving carbonation efficiency, and promoting multiple mecha
nisms of CO2 uptake.
Y.-S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 90 (2024) 109473
2. Experimental study
2.1. Raw materials
The raw waste coral used in this study was obtained from Jeju Island, South Korea, and ground into coral powder by a ball mill in
the laboratory. The waste coral was ultrasonically cleaned for 48 h before grinding to remove residual sludge on the surface. Crush the
waste coral into particles, put it into a ball mill, and grind it at 500 rpm for 15 min. The resulting powder was then passed through a 45-
μm sieve to obtain CP that could be used for experiments. The production process of the CP, XRD, and microscopic morphology are
shown in Fig. 1.
Untreated waste coral has a porous structure on a macroscopic scale. After grinding and sieving, the D50 particle size of CP reaches
micron level size (6.54 μm, Fig. 2). The micromorphology of CP after magnification of 20,000 times is shown in the SEM in Fig. 1 (c):
grinding eliminates the porous structure of coral; finely ground coral powder has no porous and can be used as replacement materials
for OPC. In addition, XRD analysis results show that the composition of CP is CaCO3, mainly composed of aragonite mixed with a small
amount of calcite. It is reported that although it is also CaCO3, limestone is primarily composed of calcite, which is the main difference
between CP and limestone.
The Type I cement (OPC) used in this study was purchased from Sung Shin Cement Company in South Korea. The particle size
distribution of the raw material detected using a particle size tester is shown in Fig. 2. The chemical compositions of the CP and OPC
samples determined using an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer are shown in Table 1. Table 2 shows the aggregate properties of standard
Fig. 1. Production process (a), XRD (b), magnifies 20000 (c), and 5000 times microscopic morphology (c) of the coral powder.
Y.-S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 90 (2024) 109473
Table 1
Chemical composition of the cement and coral powder.
Table 2
Aggregate properties of the Standard sand.
Properties Values
Table 3
Mix proportions of the cement blends.
Y.-S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 90 (2024) 109473
carbonation curing. The specific curing process, sample type, and test methods are shown in Fig. 3.
The curing conditions selected in this study are 10 % CO2 concentration and 20 ◦ C; according to Seo et al. [29], this curing
condition is beneficial to the carbonation of cement-based materials. The samples were placed in a carbonation curing box equipped
with a temperature and CO2 concentration adjustment device to maintain a constant CO2 concentration of 10 % and 20 ± 1 ◦ C.
Carbonation curing releases considerable moisture, which can affect the penetration process and reactions. Therefore, super absorbent
polymers are placed at the bottom of the carbonation box to absorb the water generated during the carbonation curing process. In
addition, a saturated sodium bromide solution was prepared to maintain the relative humidity in the carbonation curing box at 60 ±
2.5 %; a humidity sensor was installed in the curing box to monitor changes in relative humidity.
It should be pointed out that there are many methods of carbonation curing. Previous studies investigated the curing method using
99.9 % CO2 in 1 atm for 2, 4, and 96 h and at 4 atm for 24 h [30,31]. Although the methods used in these studies have short curing
times, the experimental operation is relatively complicated [32,33]. First, the sample needs to be pretreated before carbonation curing.
Second, if the curing time is too short, the carbonation effect will not be noticeable; if the curing time is too long, drying shrinkage may
easily occur. Finally, post-treatment is required after carbonation curing, usually water replenishment. However, until now, there has
been no clear regulation or consensus on post-processing. The 28 d 10 % CO2 concentration curing method may be uneconomical;
however, this method has the following advantages: 1. It facilitates the demoulding of concrete products; 2. It omits the pre-curing
treatment before carbonation curing and the subsequent water replenishment process; 3. Only a 10 % concentration of CO2 is
required, which can save the cost of CO2 high-pressure liquefaction and purification. It can even be cured directly with industrial flue
gas, which is conducive to promotion in actual projects. After comprehensively comparing the advantages and disadvantages of
different curing methods, the 28 d 10 % CO2 concentration curing method was adopted in this study [29].
Y.-S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 90 (2024) 109473
10 ◦ C/min. Mineralogical analysis of the powder was performed using an X-ray diffractometer. The intensity of the diffraction peaks of
the crystals contained in the material was determined by scanning in the range of 5–45◦ 2θ at a scan rate of 0.05◦ 2θ/s. An FT-IR
spectrometer was used to scan the bands corresponding to functional groups in the powder at 500-1900 cm− 1. Each sample was
scanned 64 times.
where hydration heat represents the hydration heat flow or cumulative heat measured during the experiment. PCP represents the
substitution level of CP. The normalized results can provide a clearer understanding of the impact of the CP substitution level on
cement hydration.
As the normalization results show (Fig. 5), CP replacement accelerates and enhances the heat flow at the main and shoulder peaks.
Y.-S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 90 (2024) 109473
Moreover, an increase in cumulative heat can be observed. The 168 h normalized cumulative heats of CP0, CP10, and CP20 are 315.34,
331.01, and 347.86 J/g cement, respectively. These observations reveal that CP can function as a nucleation site for CSH [37]. This
ability is mainly attributed to the smaller particle size of CP, which provides an additional specific surface area for the precipitation of
hydration products [38].
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Fig. 7. TG and DTG curves of the (a) sealed and (b) carbonated samples.
Y.-S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 90 (2024) 109473
its decomposition peak is more obvious than that of sealing curing. The decomposition peak shifts to a higher temperature range
because the CaCO3 produced after vigorous carbonation curing has good crystallinity [43]. A wider decomposition range indicates that
different forms of CaCO3, such as amorphous CaCO3, aragonite, and calcite, may be present [44].
According to the methods proposed in previous studies [45], the TG results can be used to calculate the bound water (BW) and
CaCO3 content (wt. %) in the sample, as shown in Equations (8) and (9).
w50 − w500
Bound water = , (8)
where w50, w500, and w800 represent the weight of the sample heated to 50, 500, and 800 ◦ C, respectively. The factor of 100
44 represents
the molar mass ratio of CaCO3 to CO2.
In addition, the CO2 that can be stored per g of cement in the carbonated sample is the CO2 uptake. This property can be calculated
from the stoichiometry of CaCO3 produced by the reaction, as shown in Equation (10) [46].
(CCĈ − SCĈ ) 44
CO2 uptake = × , (10)
(1 − PCP ) × mass 100
where CCĈ and SCĈ represent the CaCO3 content in the samples under carbonation and sealing curing, respectively. PCP represents the
substitution level of CP. The mass represents the weight of the initial sample. The factor of 100 represents the molar mass ratio of CO2 to
The BW content in the sealed and carbonated samples was calculated by Equation (8), and the CO2 uptake was calculated according
to Equation (10); the results are summarized in Table 4. The BW content in the sealed sample decreased slightly as CP increased,
consistent with the phenomenon reflected by the decreases in hydration heat flow and cumulative heat. Owing to the low reactivity of
CP, adding 10 and 20 % CP to the cementitious material increased the effective w/c from 0.5 to 0.56 and 0.63, respectively. Moreover,
the corresponding hydration products decreased as the clinker dosage decreased, decreasing the BW content. The BW content was
substantially lower under carbonation curing than under sealing curing. As shown in Equations (1)–(3), this result can be explained by
the carbonation reaction consuming the hydration products.
As CP increases, CO2 uptake increases from 27.32 % to 33.76 % and 36.97 %. The following three points can explain the more
significant CO2 uptake effect: (1) A higher effective w/c increases the spacing between clinker particles, thereby increasing the pores
and diffusion coefficient [26], which benefits the internal diffusion of CO2. (2) A higher porosity means more space is available for the
precipitation of carbonation products. (3) The main component of CP is CaCO3, which can reduce the interfacial energy of carbonation
product precipitation and play a nucleation role [39]. This behavior induces more carbonate precipitation, which is beneficial for CO2
where S relative represents the relative strength and SCPX and SCP0 represent the strengths of the samples with different CP contents and
without CP, respectively.
Under sealing curing conditions, the compressive strength decreased with increasing substitution level of CP. This decrease in
strength is attributed to the following two points: (1) The main component of CP is CaCO3, which has low reactivity [47]. Therefore,
the dilution effect of adding CP increases the effective w/c. The strength of concrete is often inversely related to the w/c since more
water means higher porosity [19]. (2) Since the addition of CP reduces the amount of clinker, the amount of hydration products per
unit volume decreases accordingly. The decrease in BW content calculated by TG was sufficient to confirm this inference. Although the
Table 4
Effective w/b, BW (wt. %), and CO2 uptake (wt. %).
Y.-S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 90 (2024) 109473
CP accelerates and improves hydration (based on the normalized hydration heat result). However, at dosages of 10 and 20 %, the
increase in strength resulting from the filler effect cannot offset the negative impact of the dilution effect on strength.
As shown in Fig. 8 (a, b), carbonation curing is very effective at improving the strength of concrete. In addition, the normalized
results show that the carbonated sample has a higher normalized strength than the sealed sample (Fig. 8 (c, d)). At 28 d, the relative
strengths of CP10 and CP20 under sealing and carbonation curing were 75.3 % and 56.2 % and 84.2 % and 67.1 %, respectively.
Compared with those of sealing curing, the 28-d relative strengths of CP10 and CP20 increased by 8.9 % and 10.9 %, respectively,
Y.-S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 90 (2024) 109473
under carbonation curing. In other words, carbonation curing can partially compensate for the negative impact of dilution on strength.
According to the carbonation degree test, CP reduces the difficulty of CO2 diffusion through the dilution effect. Moreover, by
reducing the interfacial energy of carbonation product precipitation, more CaCO3 precipitation occurs [39,48]. The molar volume of
carbonation products is larger than that of hydration products, where the transformation of CH to CaCO3 will result in a volume
increase of approximately 11.8 % [49]. These carbonation products may precipitate on the surface of the calcium-rich phase or in the
micropores of the matrix, increasing the compressive strength. These observations illustrate that carbonation curing improves the
mechanical properties of OPC-CP mixtures and effectively improves their safety.
3.4.2. FT-IR
Fig. 10 shows the FT-IR analysis results obtained after curing for 28 days under two curing methods, and the distributions of the
different absorption bands are summarized in Table 5. The bands appearing at 1474, 857, and 712 cm− 1 may correspond to CO2− 3 in
aragonite [50,51]. The bands appearing at 1416 cm− 1 and 872 cm− 1 correspond to CO2− 3 in calcite [50,52]. The generation of these
bands under sealing curing conditions is related to the presence of CP and the small amount of calcite contained in the cement. The
band related to CO2−
3 becomes stronger under carbonation curing. The bands related to aragonite appear in samples without CP, which
is supported by the XRD results. These results indicate that carbonation results in the formation of CaCO3 polymorphs, including calcite
and aragonite.
Fig. 10. FT-IR spectra of the sealing and carbonation curing samples.
Y.-S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 90 (2024) 109473
Table 5
FT-IR absorption wavenumbers for possible assignments and sources.
Interestingly, the band related to Si–O bonds under sealing curing is located near 946 cm− 1 [54]. Under carbonation curing, the
peak shifts to a higher wavenumber (1051 cm− 1), which can be assigned to the Q3 or Q4 site, a typical feature of highly polymerized
silica gel [56]. After 28 days of carbonation curing, a higher degree of carbonation leads to increased polymerization of silicate chains
and decalcification of CSH into amorphous silica gel [2,48]. The absorption peak at 1641 cm− 1 corresponds to the O–H bending vi
bration in water. Decalcification and condensation of CSH gels result in the release of water, echoing the weakening of the band related
to H–O bonds at 1641 cm− 1 [55].
where E increase represents the increase ratio in resistivity. ECPX and ECP0 represent the resistivity of samples with different CP contents
Fig. 11. Evolution of resistivity under sealing and carbonation curing conditions.
Y.-S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 90 (2024) 109473
3.6. UPV
Fig. 12 shows the UPV development under the two curing methods. The UPV gradually increases as the curing age increases
because the products of hydration and carbonation reactions can fill the pores. After increasing the substitution level of CP, the UPV of
the mortar gradually decreased, consistent with the strength results. This result is due to the decrease in cementitious material and the
dilution effect of CP, which increases porosity.
Since the strength and UPV are affected by the internal pore size and water content, this study also performed a regression analysis
on the relationship between these two parameters under different curing methods. The results are shown in Fig. 13. A strong linear
relationship existed between strength and UPV development under sealing curing, with an R2 of 0.91. Under carbonation curing, the
linear relationship between the two parameters is slightly weaker, the data points are more discrete, and R2 is 0.80. During the
carbonation curing process, the samples were placed in an environment with a humidity of 60 %. The difference in humidity between
the inside and outside of the mortar will cause the free water inside the mortar to be lost outward. However, different carbonation
degrees and pore density also impact the rate of water loss. Therefore, the inconsistency in water content has a nonnegligible impact on
ultrasonic transmission, resulting in a weak linear correlation between strength and UPV under carbonation curing.
3.7. SEM
Fig. 14 shows the micromorphology of the samples after sealing and carbonation curing for 28 days. Fig. 13(a–c) shows that the
sealing cured cement slurries contain CH and ettringite, which have typical hexagonal flake and needle-column structures, respec
tively. A carboaluminate phase can also be observed in the CP20–S sample (Fig. 14 (c)). It is generated by the reaction between the
carbonate ions provided by the partial dissolution of CP and the aluminum phase.
As shown in Fig. 14(d–f), the hydration products in the carbonated matrix are difficult to observe, consistent with the TG and XRD
results. Instead, an amorphous material and CaCO3 crystals with irregular shapes are produced. The precipitated CaCO3 is mainly
prism-shaped calcite and columnar microcrystalline aragonite [58]. This result is consistent with our analysis of CaCO3 precipitation
types through XRD and FT-IR. The microstructural summary showed that a good carbonation reaction of the cement matrix occurred
after 28 days of carbonation curing. Carbonation curing changes not only the composition of the material but also the microstructure,
and the material’s properties change accordingly [2,8]. Therefore, the mechanical properties and durability of the OPC-CP mortar
were improved, as discussed in Sections 3.3 and 3.5.
4. Discussion
In this study, mixtures with CP substitution levels of 0, 10 %, and 20 % were cured by sealing and carbonation. This section
discusses the mechanisms of macro- and microscale changes caused by different curing methods. The appeal of methods that involve
combining waste coral powder with carbonation curing is summarized.
Under sealing curing, CP replaces 10 % and 20 % of the cement to produce a dilution effect, which causes a reduction in the clinker
content and an increase in the effective w/c. The pores in hardened concrete correspond to the water-filled portion of the fresh slurry,
and the pore size distribution is greatly affected by the w/c. Since CP has almost no hydration activity, it cannot generate a large
amount of hydration products to fill the pores. Therefore, an increase in the effective w/c increases the pore size of the concrete. These
factors lead to material performance degradation. However, CP as CaCO3 can increase Mc and Hc in the hydration product to refine the
pores. Owing to the smaller CP particle size, there is a filler effect and a nucleation effect (for CSH), which may improve the
macroscopic properties. However, actual test results show that the dilution effect of CP dominates, decreasing the strength and re
sistivity of the prepared mortar. This decrease in resistivity is also attributed to the increase in the effective w/c, which increases the
water content and benefits current conduction. The dilution effect of CP under sealing curing conditions decreases the performance of
concrete, which is the biggest problem restricting its widespread application in engineering [19,25].
The performance evolution mechanism under carbonation curing differs from that under sealing curing. First, after initial in-molds
curing, CP increases the porosity of the mixture through a dilution effect. Notably, under subsequent carbonation curing, an increase in
the pore size can reduce the diffusion resistance of CO2. Second, as CaCO3, CP can nucleate carbonation products [48]. The carbonation
products precipitate on the surface of the calcium-rich phase or in the internal micropores, which can give the matrix a denser
microstructure. Therefore, carbonation curing can partially compensate for the negative effects caused by the dilution effect and
improve the mechanical properties of the OPC-CP mixture. The resistivity and CP substitution level negatively correlate under sealing
curing conditions. They positively correlate under carbonation curing, and the resistivity is substantially improved. The dense pore
structure and low internal water content due to carbonation curing can limit the transport of ions from the concrete surface to the
interior. This approach has potential importance for improving the long-term durability of materials and reducing corrosion occur
rence [59].
Y.-S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 90 (2024) 109473
Fig. 12. UPV of the mortar under sealing and carbonation curing conditions.
Fig. 13. Linear regression of compressive strength and UPV under sealing and carbonation curing conditions.
The findings of this study also revealed the importance of combining CP substitution with carbonation curing methods to improve
sustainability. (1) Clinker substitution is the most direct way to reduce the carbon footprint of concrete. The use of coral powder can
achieve this purpose and serve as a local raw material for island construction. (2) As shown in the evolution of the carbonation degree,
CP accelerates the diffusion of CO2 into the matrix, allowing the mortar to reach complete carbonation sooner. At a substitution level of
20 %, 84.4 % of the carbonation degree was reached after seven days of carbonation curing, which was 29.6 % greater than that of the
control sample. Applying this acceleration effect in practical applications can substantially shorten the carbonation curing cycle of
concrete products, allowing them to be quickly put into engineering use [59]. It also saves associated energy consumption and costs.
(3) CP can provide nucleation sites for carbonation products [48], improving the carbon sequestration efficiency. The TG results
showed that 10 and 20 % CP increased CO2 uptake by approximately 6.44 and 9.65 %, respectively. These findings demonstrate that
the combined application of carbonation curing, and CP is consistent with current concrete industry goals for improving sustainability.
However, the results are obtained according to the small samples. Owing to the size effect of carbonation curing, the carbonation
reaction can easily enter the central area of small-sized specimens; for large-scale samples, carbonation may only occur on the surface,
making it difficult to penetrate deep into the interior. Considering the large size of the concrete products produced in the project,
further verification should be carried out in practical applications.
In addition, The substitutions of CP in this study are 0, 10, and 20 %, which contrasts with the limestone powder concrete
commonly used in the engineering world. In limestone powder concrete, the maximum substitution of limestone powder is usually 20
%, so the maximum substitution of CP in this study is also 20 %. In order to distinguish it from 20 %, this study also uses the 0 % and 10
% CP. This study shows that the carbonation curing efficiency of mortar increases with the dilution effect. The study by Wang et al.
showed that the dilution effect is positively correlated with the substitution level of low-reactivity fillers [60]. For the 15 % substi
tution, the performance is likely to be between 10 % and 20 %. For the 5 % substitution, previous researchers said that due to the
combined effect of dilution and nucleation effect under sealing curing conditions, 5 % CP concrete has a similar performance to plain
concrete [19]. Therefore, the impact of adding 5 % CP on the properties of concrete under carbonation curing conditions still needs
Y.-S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 90 (2024) 109473
Fig. 14. Microstructure after 28 d of sealing (a, b, c) and carbonation curing (d, e, f).
experimental study. In summary, as the first step of the research, this study selected two substitution levels of 10 % and 20 % CP; in the
future, the performance of 5 % and 15 % CP concrete after carbonation curing needs to be further studied.
5. Conclusion
This study compared the effects of sealing and carbonation curing methods on cement mixtures with different CP substitution levels
(0, 10, and 20 %). The hydration kinetics, carbonation degree, strength, resistivity, and UPV development of the materials were
studied. The changes in the phase and microstructure were also analyzed. The conclusions drawn are as follows.
(1) The hydration activity of CP is extremely low. Adding it to cement causes a dilution effect, increases the effective water–cement
ratio, and reduces the 168-h cumulative heat of hydration. The normalized heat of hydration reveals that CP has a nucleating
impact, which promotes the hydration of clinker and causes the hydration peak to shift forward.
(2) Owing to the dilution effect caused by the addition of CP, the early pores increase, and the diffusion coefficient of CO2 increases;
CP can promote the precipitation of carbonation products and improve the carbonation curing efficiency of mortar. The
calculation results showed that CP with substitution amounts of 10 and 20 % increased the CO2 uptake by approximately 6.44
and 9.65 %, respectively.
(3) Phase analysis revealed that carbonation curing consumes unhydrated clinker and hydration products such as CSH, CH, and AFt
phases. It increased the CaCO3 content. FT-IR revealed that the generation of amorphous silica gel.
(4) The CaCO3 produced during carbonation curing has different crystal forms, which can be identified mainly as calcite and
aragonite through XRD and FT-IR. The SEM image shows that the matrix is well carbonized, and different crystalline phases of
CaCO3 are widely present in the matrix.
(5) Under sealing curing, CP substantially reduces the mechanical properties and resistivity. The densification effect of carbonation
curing on the matrix partially offsets the dilution effect of CP. Therefore, under carbonation curing, the reduction ratio of the
compressive strength is even lower. Furthermore, water evaporation and increased carbonation products weaken the corre
lation between strength and UPV and increase surface resistivity.
Y.-S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 90 (2024) 109473
Data availability
This research was supported by Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities Science (No. 2572022DX10). This
research was supported by a National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korean Government (MSIT) (No. RS-
2023-00208720). Yi-Sheng Wang thanks the China Scholarship Council (CSC) for financial support (No. 202308260012).
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