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14 D F-Block MCQ

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Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)

Chapter : d & f-block Element
1. Which set of elements among the following are called non-transitional elements
1) Cu, Ag and Au 2) Fe, Co and Ni
3) Zn, Cd and Hg 4) Re, Os and Ir
2. Iron catalyst is used in
1) Contact process 2) Ostwald's process
3) Birkland-Eyde process 4) Haber's process
3. Configuration Element
1) 5s1 4d5 A) Cu
2) 6s1 5d10 B) Pd
3) 4s1 3d10 C) Mo
4) 5So 4d10 D) Cr
E) Au
The correct match is
1) 1-C, 2-A, 3-A, 4-B 2) 1-C, 2-E, 3-B, 4-A
3) 1-C, 2-E, 3-A, 4-B 4) 1-E, 2-C, 3-A, 4-B
4. The highly stable pair of ions are
1) Fe2+ and Fe3+ 2) Fe2+ and Mn3+
3) Fe3+ and Mn2+ 4) Fe3+ and Fe4+
5. A transition metal ion has configuration [Ar]3d4 in its tripositive oxidation state. Its atomic number
1) 25 2) 26
3) 32 4) 19
6. The pair of ions which do not have same number of unpaired electrons is
1) Mn2+ and Fe3+ 2) Ti2+ and Ni2+
3) Cu2+ and Ti3+ 4) Fe2+ and Ni2+
7. To which of the following series the transition elements from Z = 39 to Z = 48 belong?
1) 3d series 2) 4d series
3) 5d series 4) 6d series

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 1

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
8. The electron present in penultimate orbit of coinage metal atom are :–
1) 8 2) 18
3) 2 4) 32
9. Fe+3 is more stable than Fe+2, the reason is are :
(a) 1st and 2nd I.P. difference is less than 11.0 eV
(b) Core of Fe+3 is more stable
(c) 2nd and 3rd IP difference is less than 11.0 eV
(d) IP of Fe+3 is high
1) Only a 2) Only b
3) a b and d 4) b and c
10. Among the following outermost configurations of transition metals, which shows the highest oxidation
1) 3d3 4s2 2) 3d5 4s1
3) 3d5 4s2 4) 3d64s2
11. The elements from cerium (At.No. 58) to lutetium (At.No. 71) in which 4f energy levels are filled
up are called :
1) lanthanides 2) rare earths
3) lanthanones 4) all the above
12. Which of the following shows maximum +8 oxidation state?
1) Re 2) Os
3) W 4) Ir
13. Liquid metal among d-block elements is
1) Hg 2) Zn
3) Nb 4) Cd
14. Outer electronic configuration of the element Palladium is
1) 4d5 5s1 2) 4d9 5s2
3) 4d10 5s1 4) 4d10 5s0
15. In 3d series which element has highest M.P and B.P
1) V 2) Zn
3) Cu 4) Cr
16. Which of the following orbitals are filled progressively in the transition elements
1) s 2) p
3) d 4) f
17. The catalyst used in the manufacture of HNO3 by Ostwald's process is
1) Pt 2) Ni
3) Fe 4) Mo
18. Which one of the element may be expected to show highest second ionization enthalpy
1) V 2) Cr
3) Mn 4) Fe

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 2

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
19. Element with pseudooctet configuration in its outermost shell
1) Copper 2) Palladium
3) Gold 4) Platinum
20. In a period from left to right boiling points
1) Increases gradually
2) Decreases gradually
3) Increases reaches to a maximum & decreases
4) Decreases reaches to a minimum & increases
21. Enthalpy of atomisation is lowest in
1) Sc 2) Mn
3) Ni 4) Zn
22. Transition elements have higher enthalpy of atomisation than alkali metals due to
1) High electropositive nature of transition elements
2) Larger side of transition elements
3) Stronger metallic bond in transition elements
4) Participation of ns and (n – 1)d electrons in bond formation in alkali metals
23. The properties of Zr and Hf are similar because :
1) both belong to d-block
2) both belong to same group of the periodic table
3) both have similar radii
4) both have same number of electrons
24. In the first transition series the melting point of Zn is low, because
1) Metallic bonds are strong due to d10 configuration
2) Metallic bonds are weak due to d5 configuration
3) Metallic bonds are weak due to d7 configuration
4) d-orbitals have no unpaired electrons
25. Coinage metals show the properties of
1) Typical elements 2) Normal elements
3) Transitional elements 4) Inert elements
26. With increase in atomic number the ionic radii of actinides
1) contract slightly 2) increase gradually
3) show no change 4) change irregularly
27. The general electronic confuguration of lanthanide is :
1) [Xe] 4f14 5d0–1 6s2 2) [Xe] 4f0–14 5d1–2 6s1
3) [Xe] 4f0–14 5d0–1 6s1–2 4) None of these
28. Cerium can show the oxidation state of +4 because
1) it resemble alkali metals
2) it has very low value of I.E.
3) of its tendency to attain noble gas configuration of xenon
4) of its tendency to attain 4f7 configuration

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 3

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
29. Manganese exhibits oxidation states from
1) + II to + VII 2) + I to + VI
3) + I to + V 4) + III to + V
30. Gold can exhibit the oxidation states
1) + I and + II 2) + II and + III
3) + I and + III 4) + II and + IV
31. The electronic configuration of a transition element is [Ar]4s23d3. The possible oxidation states are
1) +1, +2 and +3 2) +2 and +3
3) +2, +3, +4 and +5 4) +2 and +5
32. Which of the following ion has three unpaired d-electrons
1) Ti2+ 2) V3+
3) Cr3+ 4) Mn2+
33. The most stable oxidation state of Mn is.
1) Mn+4 (d3) 2) Mn+6 (d1 )
3) Mn+2 (d5) 4) Mn+3 (d4 )
34. Which of the following transition elements exhibit +8 oxidation state
1) Cu and Zn
2) Ru and Os
3) W and Pb
4) Ag and Au
35. The most stable oxidation state of Iron is
1) + II 2) + III
3) + I 4) + VI
36. The maximum oxidation state in 3d series elements is shown by
1) Cu 2) V
3) Mn 4) Fe
37. The transition element that has stable configuration in +1 oxidation state is
1) Cu 2) Zn
3) Sc 4) Mn
38. Divalent Manganese is more stable due to
1) 3d4 configuration
2) 3d2 configuration
3) 3d5 configuration
4) 3d3 configuration
39. The element which has half-filled d-orbitals in its '+1' oxidation state is
1) Mn 2) Cr
3) Zn 4) Fe
40. Scandium in +3 oxidation state acquires the configuration of which inert gas ?
1) Neon 2) Argon
3) Krypton 4) Xenon

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 4

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
41. d- block elements form colours ions because these elements
1) Cannot absorb the radiation in the visible region
2) Involve d-d transitions which fall in the visible region
3) Allows d-s transition
4) Absorb other colours except those required for d-d transition
42. The following ion exhibits colour in aqueous solution ?
1) Sc3+ 2) Cu+
3) Ni2+ 4) Zn2+
43. The calculated magnetic moment of Cu2+ ion is
1) 1.73 B.M. 2) zero
3) 2.6 B.M. 4) 3.4 B.M.
44. Which one of the following is diamagnetic?
1) Co2+ 2) Cu2+
3) Mn2+ 4) Sc3+
45. The atomic number of an element is 26. The magnetic moment exhibited by its ion in its +2 oxidation
state is
1) 5.92 BM 2) 2.84 BM
3) 3.87 BM 4) 4.9 BM
46. The pair of ions which do not have diamagnetic nature
1) Cu1+ and Zn2+ 2) Sc3+ and Ti4+
3) Ca2+ and Zn2+ 4) V2+ and Fe2+
47. The magnetic moment of an ion is 24 B.M. Then that ion may be
1) Mn2+ 2) Fe2+
3) Fe3+ 4) Cu2+
48. Paramagnetism is the property of
1) completely filled electronic subshells 2) unpaired electrons
3) non-tranistion elements 4) vacant orbitals
49. Percentage of silver in the alloy of German silver
1) 1.5 2) 2.5
3) 10 4) zero
50. Gun metal is an alloy of ….
1) Cu and Fe 2) Cu, Sn & Zn
3) Ni, Fe and Cr 4) Al and Mg
51. The type of bond expected to form atoms of two elements in interstitial compounds is
1) Covalent 2) Ionic
3) Metallic 4) None
52. The non-metal that usually occupies tetrahedral voids in the formation of interstetial compounds
1) Hydrogen 2) Boron
3) Carbon 4) Sulphur

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 5

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
53. Which of the following is not the property of interstitial compound
1) They have high M.P, higher than those of pure metals
2) They are very hard, some borides approach diamond in hardness.
3) They retain metallic conductivity
4) Their chemical reactivity is very high
54. Incorrect statement reagarding to interstial hydrides
1) They show metallic conduction
2) They are harder than pure metal
3) They have high mp than pure metal
4) They are denser than pure metal
55. Which of the following atoms does not form interstitial compounds with transition elements ?
1) C 2) P
3) H 4) N
56. Which of the following oxide of chromium is amphoteric in nature
1) CrO 2) Cr2O3
3) CrO3 4) CrO5
57. Highest tendency for M+3  M+2 is in
1) Mn 2) Cr
3) Fe 4) All have same
58. Match the following
A) Mn2O7 1) Covalent green oil
B) CrO3 2) Basic
C) V2O5 3) amphoteric
D) CrO 4) anhydride of cromic acid
5) acidic
1) A-1, B-4, C-3, D-2 2) A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1
3) A-4, B-5, C-1, D-3 4) A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1
59. When MnO2 is fused with KOH in air, it gives
1) KMnO 2) Mn O
4 3 4
3) K MnO 4) Mn(OH)
2 4 2
60. Potassium permanganate acts as an oxidant in neutral, alkaline as well as acidic media. The final
products obtained from it in the three conditions are resectively

1) MnO24  ,Mn3 and Mn 2 2) MnO 2 ,MnO 2 and Mn 2 

3) MnO2 ,MnO2 and Mn 3 4) MnO,MnO2 and Mn 2

61. In the preparation of KMnO4, pyrolusite (MnO2) is first converted to potassium magnate (K2MnO4).
In this conversion, the oxidation state of manganese changes from
1) +1 to +3 2) +2 to +4
3) +3 to +5 4) +4 to +6

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 6

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
62. Number of electrons transferred in each case when KMnO4 acts as an oxidising agent and converts in
to MnO2, Mn2+, Mn(OH)3 and MnO42– are respectively
1) 3, 5, 4 and 1 2) 4, 3, 1 and 5
3) 1, 3, 4 and 5 4) 5, 4, 3 and 1
63. KMnO4 is powerful oxidant where it converts into

1) MnO42 2) MnO2
3) Mn+2 4) Any of the above
64. When KMnO4 is added to oxalic acid, the decolourisation is slow in the begining but becomes
instantaneous after sometime because
1) Mn2+ acts as autocatalyst
2) CO2 is formed as the product
3) reaction is exothermic
4) MnO4–catalyses the reaction
65. The equivalent mass of K2Cr2O7 when it acts as oxidising agent in acidic medium, is equal to
1) M/3 2) M/2
3) M/6 4) M/5
66. The most characteristic oxidation state of lanthanides is :
1) +2 2) +3
3) +4 4) none of these
67. KMnO4 acts as an oxidising agent in
1) Acidic medium only
2) Neutral and acidic medium
3) Neutral and alkaline medium
4) Neutral, acidic and alkaline medium
68. The reaction MnO4–+ e–MnO42– takes place in
1) a basic medium
2) acidic medium
3) neutral medium
4) both acidic & basic medium
69. When MnO2 is fused with KOH in the presence of air, a coloured compound is formed, the product
and its colour is
1) K2MnO4, dark green 2) KMnO4, purple
3) MnO2O3, brown 4) MnO2, Yellow
70. The product of oxidation of I– with MnO4–in alkaline medium is
1) IO3– 2) I2
3) IO– 4) IO4–
71. Number of moles of K2Cr2O7 reduced by one mole of Sn2+ ions is
1) 1/3 2) 3
3) 1/6 4) 6

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 7

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
72. The blue colour produced on adding H2O2 to acidified K2Cr2O7 is due to the formation of ?
1) CrO5 2) Cr2O3
3) CrO4 2– 4) CrO3

73. The equilibrium Cr2 O72   2CrO2-


1) exists in acidic medium

2) exists in basic medium
3) exists in neutral medium
4) it does not exist
74. For the reaction CrO4–2 + ?  –2
 Cr2O4 , the missing ion is
1) OH– 2) H+
3) H2O 4) O2–
75. The manganate and permanganate ions are tetrahedral, due to
1) the -bonding involves overlap of d-orbitals of oxygen and with d-orbitals of manganese
2) the -bonding involves overlap of p-orbitals of oxygen with d-orbitals of manganese
3) there is no -bonding
4) the -bonding involves overlap of p-orbitals of oxygen with p-orbitals of manganese
76. Gadolinium belongs to 4f series. Its atomic number is 64. Which of the following is the correct electornic
configuration of gadolinium?
1) [Xe]4f9 5s1 2) [Xe]4gf7 5d1 6s2
3) [Xe] 4f6 5d2 6s2 4) [Xe]4f8 6d2
77. Magnetic moment 2.84 B.M. is given by
(At. Nos. Ni = 28, Ti = 22, Cr = 24, Co = 27)
1) Cr2+ 2) Co2+
3) Ni2+ 4) Ti3+
78. Sc (Z = 21) is a transition element but Zn (Z = 30) is not because
1) both Sc3+ and Zn2+ ions are colourless and form white compounds
2) In case of Sc, 3d orbitals are partially filled but in Zn these are filled
3) last electron in assumed to be added to 4s level in case of Zn
4) both Sc and Zn do not exhibit variable oxidation states

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 8

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)

Chapter : d & f -block Element (Answer key)

1. 3 10. 3 19. 2 28. 3 37. 1 46. 4 55. 2 64. 1 73. 2
2. 4 11. 4 20. 3 29. 1 38. 3 47. 2 56. 2 65. 3 74. 2
3. 3 12. 2 21. 4 30. 3 39. 2 48. 2 57. 1 66. 2 75. 2
4. 3 13. 1 22. 3 31. 3 40. 2 49. 4 58. 1 67. 4 76. 2
5. 1 14. 4 23. 3 32. 3 41. 2 50. 2 59. 3 68. 1 77. 3
6. 4 15. 1 24. 4 33. 3 42. 3 51. 4 60. 2 69. 1 78. 2
7. 2 16. 3 25. 3 34. 2 43. 1 52. 1 61. 4 70. 1
8. 4 17. 1 26. 1 35. 2 44. 4 53. 4 62. 1 71. 1
9. 4 18. 2 27. 4 36. 3 45. 4 54. 4 63. 2 72. 1

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 9

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