14 D F-Block MCQ
14 D F-Block MCQ
14 D F-Block MCQ
1) MnO42 2) MnO2
3) Mn+2 4) Any of the above
64. When KMnO4 is added to oxalic acid, the decolourisation is slow in the begining but becomes
instantaneous after sometime because
1) Mn2+ acts as autocatalyst
2) CO2 is formed as the product
3) reaction is exothermic
4) MnO4–catalyses the reaction
65. The equivalent mass of K2Cr2O7 when it acts as oxidising agent in acidic medium, is equal to
1) M/3 2) M/2
3) M/6 4) M/5
66. The most characteristic oxidation state of lanthanides is :
1) +2 2) +3
3) +4 4) none of these
67. KMnO4 acts as an oxidising agent in
1) Acidic medium only
2) Neutral and acidic medium
3) Neutral and alkaline medium
4) Neutral, acidic and alkaline medium
68. The reaction MnO4–+ e–MnO42– takes place in
1) a basic medium
2) acidic medium
3) neutral medium
4) both acidic & basic medium
69. When MnO2 is fused with KOH in the presence of air, a coloured compound is formed, the product
and its colour is
1) K2MnO4, dark green 2) KMnO4, purple
3) MnO2O3, brown 4) MnO2, Yellow
70. The product of oxidation of I– with MnO4–in alkaline medium is
1) IO3– 2) I2
3) IO– 4) IO4–
71. Number of moles of K2Cr2O7 reduced by one mole of Sn2+ ions is
1) 1/3 2) 3
3) 1/6 4) 6