DR Fixit Pidiproof LW

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Fixit Pidiproof LW+

I n te g r a l L i q u id W a terpr o o fi n g C o mp o u n d
f o r C o n crete & P l a ster

Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ is specially formulated integral liquid waterproofing compound composed of surface active
plasticising agents, polymers & additives. It is used as an additive for cement concrete, mortar & plasters.
It makes concrete cohesive and prevents segregation.

101 Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+

Standard Compliance / Specification
Meets the requirements of IS : 2645-2003

Areas of Application
Waterproofing of concrete and sand-cement mortars used in

Roof slabs and screeds,


Water tanks & water retaining structures,


External plastering,

Bathrooms and balconies,


Sumps and drains


Features & Benefits

Corrosion resistant - Makes concrete more cohesive, hence protects steel better against corrosion

Compatibility – Being a liquid, easily dispersible & compatible with concrete/mortar mixes.

Permeability – It reduces the permeability of water into concrete.


Strength – The setting time and compressive strength of the concrete remains within the specification limits.

Shrinkage – Reduces shrinkage crack development in plaster & concrete.


Workability – Improves workability of freshly mixed cement concrete.


Durability – Increases durability by improving waterproofing of concrete.


Method of Application
Charge cement & aggregates to concrete mixer as per the mix design, mix in dry state for 1–2 minutes.

Start addition of 75–80% mixing water & mix for 2-3 minutes.

Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ is added as per the recommended dosage into the remaining mixing / gauging water,

then add to concrete mixer & mix for another 2 minutes.

Place the concrete or apply plaster, as needed.

Cure the applied mortar or concrete as per good construction practices.


Precautions & Limitations

Do not add Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ directly to dry cement & aggregate mix.

Maintain water-cement ratio as low as possible.


Do not increase the dosage of Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ than the recommendation.


Technical Information


Appearance Free flowing liquid

101 Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+

Colour Wine red

Sp. gr. @ 250C 1.05 - 1.070
Non volatile content 13.5 - 14.5%
pH value 9- 13
Setting time, minutes IS : 2645 : 2003 Passes
Chloride content IS : 2645 : 2003 Max. 2.00%
Water permeability IS : 2645 : 2003 Passes
Compressive strength N /mm 2
IS : 2645 : 2003 As per the standard

200 ml per 50 kg bag of cement

200 ml, 1, 5, 10, 20 & 100 litre

Shelf Life & Storage

}}Best before 2 years from the date manufacture when in sealed pack and stored under proper condition.
}}Store in a cool & dry place.

Health & Safety Precautions

}} Use rubber hand gloves & safety goggles, while using Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+.
}}In case of contact with skin, wash with plenty of water.
}}Keep out of reach of children

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