DR Fixit Pidiproof LW
DR Fixit Pidiproof LW
DR Fixit Pidiproof LW
I n te g r a l L i q u id W a terpr o o fi n g C o mp o u n d
f o r C o n crete & P l a ster
Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ is specially formulated integral liquid waterproofing compound composed of surface active
plasticising agents, polymers & additives. It is used as an additive for cement concrete, mortar & plasters.
It makes concrete cohesive and prevents segregation.
Areas of Application
Waterproofing of concrete and sand-cement mortars used in
External plastering,
Compatibility – Being a liquid, easily dispersible & compatible with concrete/mortar mixes.
Strength – The setting time and compressive strength of the concrete remains within the specification limits.
Method of Application
Charge cement & aggregates to concrete mixer as per the mix design, mix in dry state for 1–2 minutes.
Start addition of 75–80% mixing water & mix for 2-3 minutes.
Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ is added as per the recommended dosage into the remaining mixing / gauging water,
Do not increase the dosage of Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ than the recommendation.
Technical Information
200 ml per 50 kg bag of cement
200 ml, 1, 5, 10, 20 & 100 litre
Pidilite Industries Limited DISCLAIMER The product information & application details given by the company
Construction Chemicals Division & its agents has been provided in good faith & meant to serve only as a general
Ramkrishna Mandir Road, Post Box No. 17411 guideline during usage. Users are advised to carry out tests & take trials to ensure on
the suitability of products meeting their requirement prior to full scale usage of our
Andheri (E) Mumbai 400059 INDIA
products. Since the correct identification of the problems, quality of other materials
Tel +91-22-2835 7000 • Fax +91-22-2835 7008
used and the on-site workmanship are factors beyond our control, there are no
www.doctor-fixit.com • drfixitadvice@pilmail.com expressed or implied guarantee / warranty as to the results obtained. The company
Dr. Fixit Advice Centre (Toll Free No.) 1800-209-5504 does not assume any liability or consequential damage for unsatisfactory results,
arising from the use of our products.