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Jill Valentine Workout Routine

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The Jill Valentine Workout


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Jill’s defining characteristics are most definitely

tenacity, resiliency, and self-sufficiency. She’s strong
enough to be able to handle herself in the event of a
bio-weapons event, and she’s got the chutzpah to keep
herself going the whole time. Though not
superhumanly strong (with the exception of when she
was under the mind control and performance boosting
drug, P30), she’s still strong enough to hold her own
against any other person in hand to hand combat,
which is quite impressive given her smaller stature.

For Jill, we’re going to look at an endurance-heavy,

bodyweight-style workout, inspired partially by her
Delta Force training origins. We want to get strong,
but remain slim and maneuverable. We also want the
ability to just go, for a long, long time, so we’re going to
dip a bit more into long-form cardio and high rep
counts than we typically do. For diet, as usual, we want
to follow the guidelines laid out in Macros and You,
along with some of the food recommendations from
The Fighter Diet.

Note: This workout is split into four tiers in order to

easily plug into the RPG Fitness workout system.

Required Equipment:
Pull up bar

Strength Workouts
Level 1 (beginner):

3×3-5 Kneeling push ups

3×3-5 Chair-assisted pull ups
3×3-5 Bodyweight squats
3×3-5 Crunches
3×5-10 Second planks

Level 2 (intermediate):

5×3-10 Push ups

5×3-10 Pull ups
5×3-10 Pike push ups
5×3-10 Bodyweight squats
5×7-15 Crunches
5×10-20 Second planks

Level 3 (advanced):

5×10-15 Push ups

5×10-15 Pull ups
5×10-15 Pike push ups
5×10-15 Bodyweight squats
5×20-25 Crunches
5×5-10 Leg lifts
5×25-30 Second planks

Level 4 (S.T.A.R.S Agent):

5×20-25 Push ups

5×15-20 Pull ups
5×5-10 Handstand push ups
5×5-10 Pistol squats
5×20-25 Russian twists
5×5-10 Dragon flags
5×25-30 Second planks

Strength Workout Notes:

So, the great thing about this workout is that you can
do it basically anywhere (with the exception of the pull
ups). Very minimal equipment. This workout is going to
build a lot of muscular endurance, and a good amount
of strength (though nothing like what Chris Redfield
would hit in terms of power…but that’s okay, Jill can
run circles around him all day long). We do a lot of core
work to enhance bodily control when climbing, fighting
hand to hand, and bracing ourselves for firearms. Not
too much leg work, just enough to keep us strong,
mostly because there’s going to be a lot of leg work in
the cardio workouts.

Cardio Workouts
Level 1 (beginner):

30 minute walk/run (walk at a brisk pace, gradually

work in more running until you’re running the whole

Level 2 (intermediate):

30 minute run
5×21 foot sprints (rest for 30 seconds between each

Level 3 (advanced):

45 minute run
7×21 foot sprints (rest for 30 seconds between each

Level 4 (S.T.A.R.S Agent):

60 minute run
10×21 foot sprints (rest for 30 seconds between each

Cardio Notes:

Simple, straightforward. We’re going to be running a

lot. If you’ve got really bad joints or something else
inhibiting you from running, an equivalent time riding a
bike at a good clip, or half the time swimming, can be
substituted in. The sprints are measured for what’s
known in police training as the minimum safe
distance against an armed attacker. We’re going to
assume Jill wants to be able to close the distance if she
finds herself without a firearm, before bio-weapons or
umbrella agents can utilize ranged weaponry against

Day 1: Strength
Day 2: Cardio
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Strength
Day 5: Cardio
Day 6: Strength
Day 7: Rest

Schedule Notes:

Feel free to swap in an extra rest day when you’re first

starting out. We work strength a bit more than our
cardio because we want to give our joints more time to
recover between runs (running can be kind of tough on
your body at first).

That’s it for today! I hope you enjoyed our time with

Jill Valentine! Tune in tomorrow for our video of the
week. Also, the newsletter goes out tomorrow night,
so make sure you’ve joined up so you can keep abreast
of all that’s going on with the blog. Live boldly, change
the world, be awesome.

Dan “DaRatmastah” Wallace

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Alex says:
So there is a Jill Valentine and a Christ
Redfield now. Are you going to go through
out more Resident Evil Characters? Like
Leon S. Kennedy, Adam Wong(great
acrobatic moves), Jake Muller(Flashy
Fighting Moves) or Albert Wesker (Super
Human powers). I have not much say on
Leon because besides looks and character
development he is rather balanced physical
and skill wise like good but not outstanding
or something that other characters
have(except may be being smooth with the
ladies). Anyway that was just a though,
Leon is my favourite character.

JULY 18, 2014 AT 4:06 PM REPLY

DaRatmastah says:

JULY 19, 2014 AT 10:33 AM REPLY

Charlie says:
I’ve noticed you don’t seem to have
anything about cooling down and
stretching post workout on any (that I have
seen) of your characters. I think it would be
a good addition since my old athletic
trainer used to drill into us “you are 10%
stronger and faster when stretched out
and 100% less likely to get injured”

JULY 19, 2014 AT 7:08 PM REPLY

DaRatmastah says:
Ah! Good point. I actually have done
up two videos for this purpose on
the youtube channel here: How to
Warm Up and How to Cool Down.
I’ve honestly just been forgetting to
post them with the workouts lately,
thanks for the reminder!

I will have to disagree with your

trainer, however, on one point.
There’s a LOT of evidence that
stretching (namely static stretching,
though dynamic stretching, too)
actually DECREASES your strength
and speed, if done before a
workout, and doesn’t actually do
anything to prevent injury. The
general rule of thumb now is
muscular and joint warmups before
hand (with some dynamic
stretching, depending on the
activity) to prevent injury, followed
by static stretching and cooldown
motions AFTER the workout to
preserve flexibility/range of motion,
and decrease DOMS (delayed onset
muscle soreness).

JULY 19, 2014 AT 11:42 PM REPLY

Julia says:

JULY 20, 2014 AT 6:26 AM REPLY

Charlie says:
I think we’re arguing the
same subject? My statement
was based on post workout
stretching and cool down.
After training session
stretching is what helps you
get faster and stronger and
prevents injury. Dynamic and
static stretching both
encourage full range of
motion which

From my some of my
understanding YOU MAY BE
CORRECT pre-workout
static stretching can be
detrimental to your workout
(the deadlift really proves
this) and it is very hard on
your joints, tendons,
ligaments or muscles when
you stretch cold. Static
stretching relaxes the
muscles and may effect their
explosive contraction. That
may cause injury if you look
at explosive moves like plyo-
box jumps where the
muscles must contract
explosively in order to take
off and land properly.

Another thought too is that

Mike Boyle (often voted the
best strength and
conditioning coach in
America) advocates tri-sets
with stretching included for
his elite athletes.

O also this is a sweet

discussion we’re having

JULY 20, 2014 AT 12:17 PM REPLY

DaRatmastah says:
haha, yeah, it sounds
like we’re coming at
this from the same
angle. I was just
speaking out against
static stretching
BEFORE a workout,
vs. during/after.

JULY 21, 2014 AT 10:07 AM


Alex says:
I am starting this workout today. Starting
at level 1.

AUGUST 1, 2014 AT 6:56 PM REPLY

Julia says:
Let’s do thiiiis!

AUGUST 1, 2014 AT 7:00 PM REPLY

DaRatmastah says:

AUGUST 2, 2014 AT 2:27 AM REPLY

DaRatmastah says:
Awesome! Make sure to track your

AUGUST 2, 2014 AT 3:31 PM REPLY

Alex says:
in the 21 foot sprints, do you sprint back
and forward and rest or sprint to the other
side and rest?

AUGUST 8, 2014 AT 2:42 PM REPLY

DaRatmastah says:
Just sprint 21 feet and rest.

AUGUST 8, 2014 AT 4:12 PM REPLY

Alex says:
Okay, thanks for answering.

AUGUST 9, 2014 AT 6:30 PM REPLY

Wolf Meister says:

Can someone explain the foot sprints?
What does the 21 mean? Time or distance?

JULY 12, 2015 AT 12:27 AM REPLY

CJ says:
It’s sprinting for 21 feet.

JULY 14, 2015 AT 6:13 PM REPLY

Wolf Meister says:

Thank you

JULY 19, 2015 AT 1:02 AM REPLY

6. Pingback: Character Spotlight: Jill Valentine | Be a

Game Character

Anslem says:
Can I add dips to the work out?

AUGUST 16, 2016 AT 5:31 PM REPLY

DaRatmastah says:
Sure! Dips are great!

AUGUST 17, 2016 AT 12:34 AM REPLY

Brian says:
Is this a stationary workout? Or can it be
done in a circuit style?

OCTOBER 28, 2021 AT 12:14 AM REPLY

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