Q4 Empowerment Technologies - Module 4
Q4 Empowerment Technologies - Module 4
Q4 Empowerment Technologies - Module 4
Quarter 4 – Module 4:
ICT Project for Social Change –
Promoting for Audience Impact
Empowerment Technologies
Quarter 4 – Module 4: ICT Project for Social Change (Promoting for Audience Impact)
First Edition, 2020
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Quarter 4 – Module 4:
ICT Project for Social Change –
Promoting for Audience Impact
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to
use this module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress
while allowing them to manage their own learning at home.
Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as
they do the tasks included in the module.
Let Us Learn
In this module, you will be immersed to various platforms and resources to
effectively develop substantive ICT projects.
You will be able to come up with an ICT project using various platforms
following a certain process. You may also apply the principles in creating
infographics as effective platform to convey advocacy and developmental
communication. With this module, may you devise a creative and reflective
perspective of crafting ICT projects considering content, value, and user-
Let Us Try
A. Read each statement carefully; choose the letter of the best answer. Write
your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What stage of the ICT project process involves the production of images,
infographics, etc.?
a. maintenance c. development
b. release and promotion d. planning
3. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of ICT as platform for
a. It is a force that brings action and mobilizes change in a society.
b. It is the fastest way to spread information anywhere in the world.
c. It is a tool to access private information of personalities.
d. It is a tool in human development.
8. It is an uploading tool web interface that allows you to manage all your
a. device manager c. project server
b. file manager d. Office
9. Which of the following are effective means of getting more traffic and
a. Creating a good writing and design, and promoting advocacy
through shares, emails, and get more subscribers.
b. Limiting customer access for easy monitoring.
c. Distributing pamphlets in nearby communities.
d. Constantly conducting live broadcast of the advocacy.
10. It is a traction tool that allows you to gather feedback and advice.
a. LinkedIn c. Reddit
b. Google AdWords d. Facebook Ads
____ 12. The use of multimedia is the only effective means of promoting
your advocacy for social change.
____ 13. Using images and blogs, and collaborating and updating are
powerful tools in promoting your advocacy in an ICT project.
ICT Project for Social
1 Change
Over time, societal changes arise and often have thoughtful and long-
term effects to the society. Change is inevitable, but the direction to which
social change is heading to can be influenced with the society’s collective
power to influence change.
Let Us Study
A campaign or an advocacy assists in promoting and organizing an
ICT project properly. Below is the process overview to follow in
creating an ICT project (RBSI Empowerment Technologies, 2017).
Release and
Planning Development Maintenance
3. Release and Promotion – involves the actual creation of the website for
public view and promoting it. Promotion typically starts before the actual
1. Be creative. You can use the combination of text, shapes, and images
to present your message in a creative way
2. Be unique. Your message must be something people can relate to, but
must be presented in a unique way to attract the viewer’s section
3. Be simple. A simple, yet elegant design will attract more attention than
cluttered elements that may bore the audience
4. Use graphics and visuals. You can illustrate your point with pictures,
typography, and color
possible. Include and locate the links and “share” buttons in a place
where they can be easily accessed
C. File manager is an uploading tool web interface that allows you to
manage all your files
Let Us Practice
Activity 1: Creating a Campaign
(Social issue
for campaign)
Criteria 1 2 3 4
Organization The infographic The infographic The Creative, eye-
is disorganized, is workable but infographic catching
loses focus, or sometimes the has infographic
may be hard to information appropriate with the right
follow. does not flow. amount of amount of
information. information.
Info is easy to
Information The infographic The infographic The The
communicates communicates infographic infographic is
opinions and opinions and communicates innovative
information information opinions and which clearly
with limited with some information and effectively
effectiveness. effectiveness and is communicates
and is quite somewhat opinions and
confusing. effective. information.
Convention/ There is a The use of There is an There is an
Choice of limited to no infographic evident use of evident use of
Elements use of elements is infographic infographic
infographic somehow element, but elements to
elements that evident that the message is convey
hinders the affect the clarity somehow message.
clarity of the of message unclear.
message conveyed.
Message The message is The message The message is The message is
unclearly conveyed lacks conveyed, but powerfully
conveyed. clarity. lacks depth. conveyed that
appeals to be
Let Us Practice More
Activity 2: A Page for a Cause
Create a Facebook Page for a Cause campaigning for social change (refer to
the issue that you have chosen in the previous activity). Invite and share to
people about your page. Monitor the statistics on the right side of your cover
photo in the page. Record your data on a separate sheet of paper.
Let Us Remember
Here are the salient points to recollect in crafting an ICT project for social
Let Us Assess
Directions: Identify whether the following statements are true or false. On
your paper, write T if the statement is true; write F, if otherwise.
____ 4. WordPress allows you to see the statistics of your blog in its My
Sites feature
____ 6. With the use of infographics, you can quickly communicate the
idea you are conveying in your campaign.
____ 11. You can view your statistics in your created Facebook page.
____ 13. Getting more shares, more email subscriber, and higher search
rankings means a good promotion.
____ 14. Uniqueness of your page or website is an edge to invite viewers
or audience.
____ 15. The ultimate purpose of campaigning via page or website should
be to positively impact social change.
Let Us Enhance
Activity 3: Creating a Timeline
Let Us Reflect
ICT in this era is an influential tool that affects change in the society at
large. Its impact is dependent to how it is magnified in conveying and
establishing advocacies. Computer and multimedia savvies play a critical role
as catalyst for change. As a tool to gear up towards progress, it is important
to discover and explore potential tools and elements that bring about social
change that many aspire to have. As a student who is on this track, what
other advocacies would you make to impact significant change in the society?
Let Us Assess Let Us Let Us Let Us Try
Practice More Practice
1. C 1. C
2. D Activity 3: 2. D
3. C Answers may Activity 1: 3. C
4. D Answers may 4. D
5. B vary. 5. B
6. A Let Us 6. A
7. D Remember 7. D
Activity 2: 8. D
8. D
Answers may
9. A Answers may 9. A
10. C vary. 10. C
11. T 11. T
12. F 12. F
13. T 13. T
14. T 14. T
15. F 15. F
Answer Key
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Elpidio Quirino Ave., Poblacion District, Davao City, 8000 Davao del Sur