E Commerce
E Commerce
E Commerce
Web Browser Definition: A software application used to access information on the World
Wide Web is called a Web Browser. When a user requests some information, the web
browser fetches the data from a web server and then displays the webpage on the user’s
2. Define URL.
A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a unique identifier used to locate a resource on the
Internet. It is also referred to as a web address. URLs consist of multiple parts -- including
a protocol and domain name -- that tell a web browser how and where to retrieve a
End users use URLs by typing them directly into the address bar of a browser or by
clicking a hyperlink found on a webpage, bookmark list, in an email or from another
Private key encryption is often used to encrypt data stored or transmitted between two
parties. For example, when you log in to a website using a username and password, the
password is often encrypted using a private key before it is transmitted to the web
4. Define encryption?
A firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network
traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a defined set of
security rules.
Firewalls can be used for controlling and blocking access to certain websites and online
services to prevent unauthorized use. For example, an organization can use a firewall to
block access to objectionable websites to ensure employees comply with company
policies when browsing the internet.
7. What is E-Cash?
The term "eCash" is something of an umbrella term. Electronic cash represents a way
of paying for something without using physical currency. Basically, users would
convert the money in their bank account to eCash. You can then use these funds to
make electronic payments or execute a peer-to-peer transaction when sharing money
between friends
Ecash was conceived by David Chaum as an anonymous cryptographic electronic
money or electronic cash system in 1982. It was realized through his
corporation Digicash and used as micropayment system at one US bank from 1995 to
Authentication is a term that refers to the process of proving that some fact or some
document is genuine. In computer science, this term is typically associated with proving
a user’s identity. Usually, a user proves their identity by providing their credentials, that
is, an agreed piece of information shared between the user and the system.
Authentication with Username and Password
Username and password combination is the most popular authentication mechanism,
and it is also known as password authentication.
A well-known example is accessing a user account on a website or a service provider
such as Facebook or Gmail. Before you can access your account, you must prove you own
the correct login credentials. Services typically present a screen that asks for a username
along with a password. Then, they compare the data inserted by the user with the values
previously stored in an internal repository.
12. What Is Digital Signature, Write down the steps in digital signature verification?
A signature is known to signify an agreement. If you sign something, it means you are
giving your consent to it. When talking about the use of a signature in a bank while
signing checkbooks, it again shows our consent. But these signatures can also turn into
havoc when duplicated. This can be a little scary as such duplicate signatures have the
capability of robbing you of your hard-earned money. But one way you can prevent this
scam of duplicate signatures is by using Digital Signature.
To verify the
digital signature, the recipient performs the following steps as shown in Figure 7.6.
Step 1 : Decrypt the digital signature with the sender’s public key (keYpublic,sender)
* Step 2: Find the message digest of the file, i.e., Hms[F].
* Step 3: Compare the two message digests as found in steps 1 and 2. If the content
to get the message digest, i.e., DR~[Adi gitalsignature I keypublic,senderl.
of the file has not been changed, HMD~[Fsh]o uld be equal to
DR~[Adi gitalsignature I keypublic,sender].
o The connection speed in WAP is slow, and there is limited availability also.
o In some areas, the ability to connect to the Internet is very sparse, and in some
other areas, Internet access is entirely unavailable.
o It is less secured.
o WAP provides a small User interface (UI).
Applications of Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)
The following are some most used applications of Wireless Application Protocol or WAP:
o WAP facilitates you to access the Internet from your mobile devices.
o You can play games on mobile devices over wireless devices.
o It facilitates you to access E-mails over the mobile Internet.
o Mobile hand-sets can be used to access timesheets and fill expenses claims.
o Online mobile banking is very popular nowadays.
o It can also be used in multiple Internet-based services such as geographical
location, Weather forecasting, Flight information, Movie & cinema information,
Traffic updates etc. All are possible due to WAP technology.
XML Features
Excellent for handling data with a complex structure or atypical data.
Data described using markup language.
Text data description.
Human- and computer-friendly format.
Handles data in a tree structure having one-and only one-root element.
Excellent for long-term data storage and data reusability.
The publisher needs to open a special account known as a lockbox with its bank with this
special account, the publisher’s bank can accept e-checks for the publisher. This is
particularly useful for large organizations that need to handle a large number of checks.
Having received an e-check by the publisher’s bank, all other steps follow those of a
deposit-and-clear scenario.
A lockbox is a bank-operated mailing address to which a company directs its customers
to send their payments. The bank opens the incoming mail, deposits all received funds in
the company's bank account, and scans the payments and any remittance information.
Another benefit of E-learning lies in its flexibility of timing. You can enrol yourself in a
course and then you are free to access it any time you can as long as you finish the entire
course within a stipulated time range. Some courses are in fact free from any time limit.
You can take those up at your own pace. Thus, E-learning can be ‘on-demand’ as well.
You can demand where you want to study and at what time you want it.
17. How will you create a table in HTML? Write down the different tags and
attributes to create a table.
A table is a representation of data arranged in rows and columns. Really, it's more like a
spreadsheet. In HTML, with the help of tables, you can arrange data like images, text,
links and so on into rows and columns of cells.
The use of tables in the web has become more popular recently because of the amazing
HTML table tags that make it easier to create and design them.
To create a table in HTML you will need to use tags. The most important one is
the <table> tag which is the main container of the table. It shows where the table will
begin and where it ends.
As we all know HTML is a language of the web. It’s used to design the web pages or we
can say structure the page layouts of a website. HTML stands for HYPERTEXT MARKUP
LANGUAGE, as its full form suggests it’s not any programming language, a markup
language. So, while the execution of HTML code we can’t face any such error. In real
HTML code wasn’t compiled or interpreted because HTML code was rendered by the
browser. which is similar to the compilation of a program. HTML content is parched
through the browser to display the content of HTML.
Html used predefined tags and attributes to tell the browser how to display content,
means in which format, style, font size, and images to display. Html is a case insensitive
language. Case insensitive means there is no difference in upper case and lower case (
capital and small letters) both treated as the same, for r example ‘D’ and ‘d’ both are
the same here.
There are generally two types of tags in HTML:
1. Paired Tags: These tags come in pairs. That is they have both opening(< >) and
closing(</ >) tags.
2. Empty Tags: These tags do not require to be closed.
The Types
The following are the different types of e-commerce platforms:
1. Business-to-Business
Business (B2B)
2. Business-to-Consumer
Consumer (B2C)
3. Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)
4. Consumer-to-Business (C2B)
5. Business-to-Administration (B2A)
6. Consumer-to-Administration (C2A)
Business-to-Business (B2B)
A B2B model of business involves the conduct of trade between two or more
businesses/companies. The channels of such trade generally include conventional
wholesalers and producers who are dealing with retailers.
Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
Business-to-Consumer model of business deals with the retail aspects of e-commerce,
i.e. the sale of goods and/or services to the end consumer through digital means. The
facility, which has taken the business world by storm, enables the consumer to have a
detailed look at their proposed procurements before placing an order. After the
placement of such orders, the company/agent receiving the order will then deliver the
same to the consumer in a convenient time-span. Some of the businesses operating in
this channel include well-known players like Amazon, Flipkart, etc.
This mode of purchase has proved to be beneficial to the consumers when compared to
the traditional method, as they are endowed with access to helpful contents which may
guide their purchases appropriately.
Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)
This business model is leveraged by a consumer for selling used goods and/or services to
other consumers through the digital medium. The transactions here are pursued
through a platform provided by a third party, the likes of which include OLX, Quickr, etc.
Consumer-to-Business (C2B)
A C2B model is the exact reversal of a B2C model. While the latter is serviced to the
consumer by a business, the C2B model provides the end consumers with an
opportunity to sell their products/services to companies. The method is popular in
crowdsourcing based projects, the nature of which typically includes logo designing, sale
of royalty-free photographs/media/design elements, and so on and so forth.
Note – the term ‘crowdsourcing’ was coined in the year 2005 as a sourcing model that
facilities individuals/organizations to obtain goods/services from internet users.
Business-to-Administration (B2A)
This model enables online dealings between companies and public administration, i.e.
the Government by enabling the exchange of information through central websites. It
provides businesses with a platform to bid on government opportunities such as
auctions, tenders, application submission, etc. The scope of this model is now enhanced,
thanks to the investments made towards e-government.
Consumer-to-Administration (C2A)
The C2A platform is meant for consumers, who may use it for requesting information or
posting feedbacks concerning public sectors directly to the government
authorities/administration. Its areas of applicability include:
The dissemination of information.
Distance learning.
Remittance of statutory payments.
Filing of tax returns.
Seeking appointments, information about illnesses, payment of health services,
Hybrid encryption is an approach to encoding and decoding data that blends the speed
and convenience of a public asymmetric encryption scheme with the effectiveness of a
private symmetric encryption scheme.
In this approach to cryptography, the sender generates a private key, encrypts the key
by using a public key algorithm and then encrypts the entire message (including the
already-encrypted private key) with the original symmetric key. The encoded cipher can
only be decoded if the recipient knows the private key the sender originally generated.
If Bob wants to send an encypted message to Alice in a hybrid cryptosystem, for
example, he might do the following:
Request Alice’s public key.
Generate a new symmetric (private) key and use it to encrypt a message.
Use Alice’s public key to encrypt the new symmetric (private) key and the message.
Send the entire cipher to Alice.
Alice will then be able to use her own private key to decrypt the sender’s private key and
decode the rest of the message.
Security researchers are looking at ways hybrid encryption can be used as an alternative
in quantum computing to more traditional encryption schemes. Until standards have
been put in place, however, a hybrid approach can be accompanied by an increased risk
of implementation flaws that can negate the encryption scheme’s usefulness.
A relational database is a type of database that focuses on the relation between stored
data elements. It allows users to establish links between different sets of data within the
database and use these links to manage and reference related data.
Many relational databases use SQL (Structured Query Language) to perform queries and
maintain data.
Relational database systems use a model that organizes data into tables of rows (also
called records or tuples) and columns (also called attributes or fields). Generally,
columns represent categories of data, while rows represent individual instances.
Let's use a digital storefront as an example. Our database might have a table containing
customer information, with columns representing customer names or addresses, while
each row contains data for one individual customer.
These tables can be linked or related using keys. Each row in a table is identified using a
unique key, called a primary key. This primary key can be added to another table,
becoming a foreign key. The primary/foreign key relationship forms the basis of the way
relational databases work.
Returning to our example, if we have a table representing product orders, one of the
columns might contain customer information. Here, we can import a primary key that
links to a row with the information for a specific customer.
This way, we can reference the data or duplicate data from the customer information
table. It also means that these two tables are now related.
22. Discuss all the basic SQL statements with their syntax and example.
When you want to do some operations on the data in the database, then you must have
to write the query in the predefined syntax of SQL.
The syntax of the structured query language is a unique set of rules and guidelines,
which is not case-sensitive. Its Syntax is defined and maintained by the ISO and ANSI
Following are some most important points about the SQL syntax which are to
o You can write the keywords of SQL in both uppercase and lowercase, but writing
the SQL keywords in uppercase improves the readability of the SQL query.
o SQL statements or syntax are dependent on text lines. We can place a single SQL
statement on one or multiple text lines.
o You can perform most of the action in a database with SQL statements.
o SQL syntax depends on relational algebra and tuple relational calculus.
SQL Statement
SQL statements tell the database what operation you want to perform on the structured
data and what information you would like to access from the database.
The statements of SQL are very simple and easy to use and understand. They are like
plain English but with a particular syntax.
Simple Example of SQL statement:
Each SQL statement begins with any of the SQL keywords and ends with the semicolon
(;). The semicolon is used in the SQL for separating the multiple Sql statements which
are going to execute in the same call. In this SQL tutorial, we will use the semicolon (;) at
the end of each SQL query or statement.
1. Select Statement
2. Update Statement
3. Delete Statement
4. Create Table Statement
5. Alter Table Statement
6. Drop Table Statement
7. Create Database Statement
8. Drop Database Statement
9. Insert Into Statement
10. Truncate Table Statement
11. Describe Statement
12. Distinct Clause
13. Commit Statement
14. Rollback Statement
15. Create Index Statement
16. Drop Index Statement
17. Use Statement
Let's discuss each statement in short one by one with syntax and one example:
1. SELECT Statement
This SQL statement reads the data from the SQL database and shows it as the output to
the database user.
Syntax of SELECT Statement:
This example shows the Emp_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Salary, and City of those
employees from the Employee_details table whose Salary is 100000. The output shows
all the specified details according to the ascending alphabetical order of Last_Name.
3. UPDATE Statement
This SQL statement changes or modifies the stored data in the SQL database.
Syntax of UPDATE Statement:
UPDATE table_name
SET column_name1 = new_value_1, column_name2 = new_value_2, ...., column_na
meN = new_value_N
UPDATE Employee_details
SET Salary = 100000
WHERE Emp_ID = 10;
This example changes the Salary of those employees of the Employee_details table
whose Emp_ID is 10 in the table.
3. DELETE Statement
This SQL statement deletes the stored data from the SQL database.
This SQL statement creates the new table in the SQL database.
Syntax of CREATE TABLE Statement:
This example creates the table Employee_details with five columns or fields in the SQL
database. The fields in the table are Emp_Id, First_Name, Last_Name, Salary, and City.
The Emp_Id column in the table acts as a primary key, which means that the Emp_Id
column cannot contain duplicate values and null values.
This SQL statement adds, deletes, and modifies the columns of the table in the SQL
Syntax of ALTER TABLE Statement:
1. ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name datatype[(size)];
The above SQL alter statement adds the column with its datatype in the existing
database table.
The above 'SQL alter statement' renames the old column name to the new column name
of the existing database table.
This example adds the new field whose name is Designation with size 18 in
the Employee_details table of the SQL database.
This SQL statement deletes or removes the table and the structure, views, permissions,
and triggers associated with that table.
Syntax of DROP TABLE Statement:
The above syntax of the drop statement deletes specified tables completely if they exist
in the database.
Example of DROP TABLE Statement:
This SQL statement creates the new database in the database management system.
Syntax of CREATE DATABASE Statement:
This SQL statement deletes the existing database with all the data tables and views from
the database management system.
Syntax of DROP DATABASE Statement:
The above example deletes the company database from the system.
This SQL statement inserts the data or records in the existing table of the SQL database.
This statement can easily insert single and multiple records in a single query statement.
Syntax of insert a single record:
This example inserts 101 in the first column, Akhil in the second column, Sharma in the
third column, 40000 in the fourth column, and Bangalore in the last column of the
table Employee_details.
Syntax of inserting a multiple records in a single query:
INSERT INTO table_name
( column_name1, column_name2, .…, column_nameN)
VALUES (value_1, value_2, ..…, value_N), (value_1, value_2, ..…, value_N),….;
This example inserts the records of three employees in the Employee_details table in
the single query statement.
This SQL statement deletes all the stored records from the table of the SQL database.
Syntax of TRUNCATE TABLE Statement:
This example deletes the record of all employees from the Employee_details table of the
This SQL statement tells something about the specified table or view in the query.
Syntax of DESCRIBE Statement:
This example explains the structure and other details about the Employee_details table.
This SQL statement shows the distinct values from the specified columns of the database
table. This statement is used with the SELECT keyword.
This example shows the distinct values of the City and Salary column from
the Employee_details table.
This SQL statement saves the changes permanently, which are done in the transaction of
the SQL database.
Syntax of COMMIT Statement:
This example deletes the records of those employees whose City is Mumbai and then
undo the changes in the database.
This SQL statement creates the new index in the SQL database table.
Syntax of CREATE INDEX Statement:
This SQL statement deletes the existing index of the SQL database table.
Syntax of DROP INDEX Statement:
This example deletes the index idx_First_Name from the SQL database.
This SQL statement selects the existing SQL database. Before performing the operations
on the database table, you have to select the database from the multiple existing
Syntax of USE Statement:
USE database_name;
USE Company;
This example uses the company database.
Over the last few years, the World Wide Web has become a significant source of
information and simultaneously a popular platform for business. Web mining can define
as the method of utilizing data mining techniques and algorithms to extract useful
information directly from the web, such as Web documents and services, hyperlinks,
Web content, and server logs. The World Wide Web contains a large amount of data
that provides a rich source to data mining. The objective of Web mining is to look for
patterns in Web data by collecting and examining data in order to gain insights.
Web mining can widely be seen as the application of adapted data mining techniques to
the web, whereas data mining is defined as the application of the algorithm to discover
patterns on mostly structured data embedded into a knowledge discovery process. Web
mining has a distinctive property to provide a set of various data types. The web has
multiple aspects that yield different approaches for the mining process, such as web
pages consist of text, web pages are linked via hyperlinks, and user activity can be
monitored via web server logs. These three features lead to the differentiation between
the three areas are web content mining, web structure mining, web usage mining.
There are three types of data mining:
XML as a markup language characterizes a set of rules for encoding scripts (documents)
in an arrangement that is both comprehensible and machine-decipherable. Thus, a
developer would love to ask know, what precisely is a markup language? Markup is data
added to a script that upgrades its significance in so many ways, it distinguishes,
however, the components and how they identify with one another. Particularly, a
markup language is a bunch of emblems that can be put in the content of a script to
differentiate and name the pieces of that script.
Consider the following example of XML markup when put together in a bit of text:
1 <message>
2 <text>Hello, world!</text>
3 </message>
This piece incorporates the markup emblem, or the labels, for example,
<message>…</message> also, <text>… </text>. The labels (tags) <message> and
</message> mark the beginning and the end of the XML code section. The labels (tags)
<text> and </text> encompass the content Hello, world!.
The process of the invention of XML started around the 1990s with the sole aim of
integrating the definition of new text elements. XML Working Group (Initially known as
the SGML Editorial Review Board) created XML in the year 1996. The group was led by
Jon Bosak of Sun Microsystems with the dynamic cooperation of an XML Special Interest
Group (recently known as the SGML Working Group) likewise sorted out by the W3C.
Don Connolly who filled in as the Working Group’s contact was among the team as a
contact with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3W).
Extensible markup language (XML) is a script (document) formatting language consumed
by a few websites. The extensibility of XML makes it imperative, however, extremely
useful language. More precisely, XML is a disentangled type of standard generalized
markup language (SGML) expected to target scripts that are circulated on the Internet.
Similar to SGML, XML utilizes document type definitions (DTDs) for characterization of
documents and also the implications of tags utilized in them. XML gives a larger number
of sorts of hypertext joins than HTML, for example, bidirectional connections and
connections comparative with a script subsection. Furthermore, the ability of XML to
adopt conventions allows it fully interpret and decipher text elements. For example,
script elements are set by start and end tags, <BEGIN>… </BEGIN>.
The plan objectives for XML are:
XML will be direct-usable over the Web.
XML will uphold a broad assortment of uses.
XML will be viable with SGML.
It will be anything but difficult to compose programs which measure XML scripts
The quantity of alternative highlights in XML is meant to be indisputably the
base, preferably zero.
The XML documents ought to be human-intelligible and sensibly clear.
The XML configuration ought to be arranged rapidly.
XML document shall be any means be straightforward and simple to create.
By far, XML is immensely significant. Dr. Charles Goldfarb who was individually engaged
during its innovation said, “the sacred goal of computing, tackling the issue of general
data trade between unique frameworks.” It is likewise a helpful organization for virtually
all things ranging from circumscribing files to data and scripts of practically any sort. XML
is a user-friendly language and automatically produced that you would not need to be
very much familiar with everything commands/specifications so as to execute programs
or technically benefit from it. What makes a difference is to comprehend the main logic
behind XML and what it does, and consequently, you can perceive how to manoeuvre it
in your own activities.
History of XML
Here are some significant XML historical milestones:
SGML was also the source of XML.
In February 1998, XML version 1.0 was released.
IETF Proposed Standard: XML Media Types, January 2001
The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is an acronym for Extensible Markup
GML was invented in 1970 by Charles Goldfarb, Ed Mosher, and Ray Lorie.
Sun Microsystems pioneered the invention of XML in 1996.
Features of XML
It represents an extensible markup language.
It was invented to be naturally engaging.
There are no predefined XML tags. You must define your personalized tags.
XML was created to transport data, not to display that data.
The mark-up code of XML is simple for a human to understand.
The structured format, on the other hand, is simple to read and write from
XML, like HTML, is an extensible markup language.
XML is extensible, while HTML is not.
Both XML and HTML are markup languages.
XML was invented to backlog and convey data, while HTML is meant for
publishing and visualizing data.
HTML tags are more defined than XML tags.
Advantages of XML/ Disadvantages of XML
Here are some key advantages of utilizing XML:
Documents can now be moved between systems and applications. We can
swiftly communicate data between platforms with the help of XML.
XML decouples data from HTML.
The platform switching procedure is speeded up with the help of XML.
User-defined tags / Customised tags can be created.
Here are some disadvantages of utilizing XML:
The use of a processing application is necessary for XML
The XML syntax is quite similar to other ‘text-based’ data transfer protocols,
which might be perplexing at times.
There is no intrinsic data type support.
The XML syntax is superfluous.
XML Tree
Elements trees are used to create XML documents.
An XML tree begins with a root element and branches to child elements.
All elements can have child elements (sub-elements):
To describe the relationships between elements, the terms parent, child, and sibling are
Parents have kids. Parents exist for children. Siblings are children who are on the same
grade level (brothers and sisters).
Text content (Harry Potter) and attributes (category=”cooking”) are allowed for all
XML Syntax
The syntax rules of XML are exceptionally basic and cogent. The standards are anything
but straightforward to learn and simple to utilize. Under this part, we are going to simply
explore the basic syntax rule for writing an uncomplicated XML document.
The question is: are you ready? Consider the following example of making a complete
XML document
<?xml version = "1.0"?>
<name>Anil Kumar</name>
<phone>(91) 987-3679</phone>
Electronic banking has many names like e banking, virtual banking, online banking, or
internet banking. It is simply the use of electronic and telecommunications network for
delivering various banking products and services. Through e-banking, a customer can
access his account and conduct many transactions using his computer or mobile phone.
Mobile/Internet Banking
Regardless of whether you use your bank’s webpage or mobile application to make a
transfer, you are using internet banking.
Internet banking enables users to make seamless transfers, access personal details,
make easy bill payments and so much more just with a stable internet connection!
If you do all these things on your bank application on your phone, it is called mobile
Do you have to withdraw or deposit cash urgently? Automatic Teller Machines (ATM)
allow you to do so seamlessly in just seconds. ATMs were the first form of digital
banking that was introduced.
Enter your card/account details, enter the amount to be withdrawn, enter your ATM PIN
and there you go!
Credit/Debit Card:
You’re at a mall, buying clothes, and it’s time to pay. You swipe your card and ping! The
transaction is successful!
Before debit cards, this transaction would have involved exchanging cash, calculating
balance, and counting coins – tedious, and long.
The introduction of debit cards has allowed for transactions to be completed in mere
Credit Cards allow users to borrow funds up to a pre-approved amount and in addition
to this, you can avail of a range of offers.
ECS is a provision that allows a customer’s credit card bill to simultaneously be deducted
from that customer’s savings account. This allows the customer to avoid late payments.
Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) protocol, secure credit card payment was usually
carried out over an SSL connection. While SSL can ensure the secure transmission of
credit card information over the internet, it is not a complete credit card payment
method. For example, it cannot support on-line credit
card authorization. SET is specially developed to provide secure credit card payment
over the internet. It is now widely supported by major credit card companies including
Visa and Mastercard.
In general, SET aims at satisfying the following security requirements in the context of
credit card payment:
Confidentiality - Sensitive messages are encrypted so that they are kept
Integrity - Nearly all messages are digitally signed to ensure content integrity.
Authentication - Authentication is performed through a public key infrastructure.
In general, the SET protocol addresses interactions among these network components.
More specifically, the SET protocol addresses communications between a cardholder and a
merchant and between a merchant and a payment gateway. Communications between an
acquirer and an issuer are handled by reusing the financial network in the current credit
card system.
E-mail is becoming increasingly widely used as a means of distributing advertising messages
to people on the internet. Here, the marketing strategies, to be reasonably successful,
require appropriate market segmentation and the development or purchase of suitable e-
mail lists, E-mail advertising is increasingly being tied to the use of promotions and
gimmicks. The advantages of e-mail advertising are that it is
cheap to implement, can include the facility for feedback and return messages, and will
allow one to progressively tailor the e-mail advertisements based on this. The downsides of
this include the fact that internet users frequently read only messages from people they
know and treat the rest as junk mail. In addition, the sending of unsolicited mail
indiscriminately leads to spamming. Currently, legislation is progressively being put into
place to provide better control of this. Some advertisers put in an interaction allowing one
to deregister from receiving any mail containing advertising in the e-mail message itself,
probably to convey the fact that they are making an effort to avoid a charge of spamming.
However, progressively the effectiveness of e-mail in the future may be affected by the
number of messages received by an internet user, and as this is growing very rapidly, it is
likely to reduce its effectiveness
if indiscriminately used.
Banners represent another widely used technique for advertising. A banner is a small display
on the web consisting of text, graphics, and animations, which either appear randomly
when you surf the internet (random banners) or when a particular keyword is typed in
during a search using a search engine (keyword banners) These banners are normally linked
to the web site of the advertiser, where further information can be obtained. If the user
clicks on the banner, he is transferred to that web site. This leads to the concept of click
through rates (the proportion of times that the banners are clicked when viewed), which is
sometimes used as a (somewhat limited) measure of effectiveness. There is conflicting
evidence on the effectiveness of banners.
37.What do you mean by ASP? Draw the well labelled diagram of ASP
To develop interactive web applications, Microsoft introduced a server-side programming
tool called Active Server Page (ASP), ASP is a "scripting" technique that runs on web servers
rather than web clients. This contrasts with VBScript and JavaScript, which run on web
clients. It basically generates dynamic HTML documents for the web client. Execution of the
ASP code by the server returns the corresponding HTML document to the client. The server-
side code written in ASP can be embedded in the HTML document, which allows one to
insert it into web pages even though it is executed on the server.
38.How will you compile and execute servelets? Explain in short.
To compile and execute servlets, you will need a Java development kit (JDK) installed on
your computer. You can use a Java IDE like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA to write and compile your
servlet code.
To compile a servlet, you will need to create a Java class that extends HttpServlet and
override the doGet() or doPost() method. Once you have written your servlet code, you can
compile it using the javac command in the command line or within your IDE.
To execute a servlet, you will need to deploy it to a servlet container like Apache Tomcat.
You can package your servlet code into a .war file and deploy it to the servlet container.
Once deployed, you can access your servlet by navigating to its URL in a web browser.
1. Flexibility: Students can access course materials and lectures at their own pace and
on their own schedule.
2. Accessibility: E-education allows students to learn from anywhere, breaking down
geographical barriers.
3. Cost-effectiveness: Online courses can often be more affordable than traditional in-
person classes.
4. Personalization: E-education platforms can provide personalized learning
experiences tailored to individual student needs.
1. Business to Consumer (B2C): This is the most common type of e-commerce, where
businesses sell products or services directly to consumers. Examples include online
retailers like Amazon, Walmart, and eBay. B2C e-commerce typically involves a one-
way transaction where the consumer pays for the product or service.
43. Write down the advantages of three-tier model over the traditional
single-tier or two-tier model for web applications.
The three-tier model for web applications offers several advantages over the traditional
single-tier or two-tier models. Some of the key advantages include:
1. Scalability: The three-tier model allows for better scalability as each tier can be
scaled independently. This means that if one tier experiences high traffic or load, it
can be scaled up without affecting the other tiers.
2. Maintainability: With the three-tier model, each tier is separated and can be
maintained independently. This makes it easier to update or make changes to one
tier without impacting the entire application.
3. Security: By separating the presentation, logic, and data layers, the three-tier model
provides better security for web applications. This separation helps to prevent
unauthorized access to sensitive data and reduces the risk of security breaches.
The INSERT statement is used to add new rows of data into a table in a database.
The syntax for an INSERT statement is as follows:
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3, ...) VALUES (value1, value2,
value3, ...);
Example: INSERT INTO customers (first_name, last_name, email) VALUES ('John',
'Doe', '[email protected]');
UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ... WHERE condition;
45. Explain any two techniques to support session tracking for web-
based applications.
Session tracking is a crucial aspect of web-based applications as it allows the server to
maintain stateful information about a user's interactions with the application. There are
several techniques to support session tracking for web-based applications:
1. Cookies: Cookies are small pieces of data stored on the client's browser that can
be used to track sessions. The server can set a unique session ID in a cookie,
which is then sent back with each request to identify the user's session.
2. URL rewriting: In this technique, the server appends a unique session ID to the
URL of each page request. This session ID can then be used to track the user's
3. Hidden form fields: Another technique is to include a hidden form field in each
page that contains the session ID. This session ID is then sent back to the server
with each form submission.
4. Session variables: Server-side session variables can also be used to store session
information. The server generates a unique session ID for each user and stores
relevant session data in memory or a database.
In order to accomplish these goals, the WAP Forum has developed the
WAP specification for mobile devices.
At the time of writing, the latest version of the WAP specification is 1.2.
It is largely based on the existing internet technologies such as HTTP,
HTML, and JavaScript. An overview of the WAP specifications is as
In terms of programming, the WAP model is largely based on the existing
web programming techniques, to facilitate integration with the existing
web system. To format data on the user interface effectively, a simple
markup language called Wireless Markup Language (WML) is developed
based on. To enhance
the functionality of WML (e.g., for generating a dynamic page), a
scripting language called WMLScript is developed. In principle, it
provides functions similar to those of JavaScript. Finally, a microbrowser
specification is provided to support WML andVVMLScript, and a Wireless
Telephony Applications (WTA) framework is defined forintegrating the
microbrowser and telephone functions.
E-Retailing, or electronic retailing, refers to the process of selling goods and services
online through websites or other digital platforms. There are several benefits of E-
Retailing, some of which include:
5. Increased Visibility: With the rise of social media and digital marketing, E-
Retailing can help businesses increase their online visibility and attract more
On the other hand, E-Retailing, also known as electronic retailing or online retailing,
refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. E-retailing has
become increasingly popular in recent years due to the convenience and accessibility it
offers to customers. E-retailing involves online stores, digital marketing, online payment
systems, and order fulfillment.
E-retailing allows customers to shop from the comfort of their own homes, at any time
of day or night. It also allows businesses to reach a global audience and target specific
customer demographics more effectively.
1. The rapid pace of technological advancement has led to an increase in digital literacy
and the need for new skills in order to navigate the digital landscape effectively.
2. Digital phenomenon has also raised concerns about privacy, security, and the ethical
use of technology, as well as the impact of digital media on mental health and well-
3. The digital phenomenon has also created new opportunities for creativity,
collaboration, and innovation, as well as new ways of connecting with others and
sharing information.
A servlet is a server-side Java program running inside a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Through
the servlet engine, it can interact with the server and also the HTTP. Like other CGI
applications, a servlet is invoked by a client from the client browser (e.g. via an HTML form).
It may also be invoked by other servlets or Java programs. As mentioned earlier, unlike
traditional CGI applications, which need to set up multiple processes for handling multiple
requests, a servlet can handle multiple requests under different threads. Therefore, servlets
provide a solution that is more saleable. Furthermore, servlets can interact closely with the
server to do things that may be performed easily with the traditional CGI programming
To run servlets, there are basically two alternatives. The first one is to use a servlet enabled
web server, i.e., a web server that can support the servlet APIs directly. The second solution
is to use a “plug-in servlet engine in a non servlet-enabled web server.
58. Write a short note on JDBC API.
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) API is a Java API that allows Java programs to interact
with databases. It provides a set of classes and interfaces for connecting to databases,
executing SQL queries, and retrieving results.
2. Statement execution: JDBC allows you to create and execute SQL statements such as
3. Result set handling: JDBC provides classes for retrieving and processing the results
returned by SQL queries.
Overall, JDBC API is essential for Java developers who need to work with databases in their
One commonly used authentication header service is the HTTP Authentication header,
which allows a web server to request authentication information from a client and verify it
before allowing access to a protected resource.
Here are some links that provide more information on mobile electronic business web:
1. Mobile E-Commerce: Trends, Statistics, and Best Practices - This article provides an
overview of the current trends and statistics in mobile e-commerce, as well as best
practices for businesses to optimize their mobile commerce strategy.
2. Mobile Commerce Guide - This guide offers insights into the latest technologies and
strategies for building successful mobile commerce websites and applications.
3. Mobile Commerce: The Ultimate Guide - This comprehensive guide covers
everything you need to know about mobile commerce, including its benefits,
challenges, and best practices.