Hsslive March 2023 QN SY 526 (Biology)

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Reg. No. : ......................................

Name : ...........................................

Part – III Time : 2 Hours

BIOLOGY Cool-off time : 15 Minutes
(Botany & Zoology) Preparatory Time : 10 Minutes
Maximum : 60 Scores
General Instructions to Candidates :
 There is a ‘Cool-off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time. Further there
is a ‘10 minutes’ ‘Preparatory Time’ at the end of the Botany Examination and before
the commencement of Zoology Examination.
 Use the ‘Cool-off time’ to get familiar with questions and to plan your answers.
 Read questions carefully before answering.
 Read the instructions carefully.
 Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
 Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.
 Give equations wherever necessary.
 Electronic devices except non-programmable calculators are not allowed in the
Examination Hall.
 
    15  ‘  ’ .
     
‘10  ’   .  
  ,   
 .
 ‘  ’    
 .
      .
    .
  , , ,   
   .
    .
     
    .

SY-526 1


(Maximum : 30 Scores) Time : 1 Hour

I. Answer any 3 questions from 1 – 5. Each carries 1 score. (3  1 = 3)

Choose the correct answer :

1. The residual persistent nucellus is called _________.

(Pericarp, Tapetum, Scutellum, Perisperm)

2. Fill in the blank :

The process of breaking down of detritus into smaller particles is called ________.

3. Name the technique used to separate the fragments of DNA.

4. Fill in the blanks :

Interaction between sea anemone and clown fish is an example for _______ interaction.

5. Name the ‘cry’ gene that control corn borer insects.

II. Answer any 9 questions from 6 – 16. Each carries 2 scores. (9  2 = 18)

6. Differentiate between grazing food chain and detritus food chain.

7. List out any two devices in plants, which help to discourage self-pollination and to
encourage cross pollination.

SY-526 2


(Maximum : 30 Scores) Time : 1 Hour

I. 1  5    3  .

1  . (3  1 = 3)

   :

1.    ______  .

(, , , )

2.   .

     ______ 

3. DNA      .

4.   .

      ______ 
5.     ‘cry’  

II. 6  16    9  .

2  . (9  2 = 18)
6.      

7.     

     .

SY-526 3 P.T.O.
8. How can we make bacterial cell competent for transformation with recombinant

9. Observe the given figure of ovule and label the parts (a), (b), (c) and (d).

10. (a) Which is the thermostable enzyme used in PCR ?

(b) Name the bacterium from which the enzyme isolated.

11. Define productivity. What are the factors affecting primary productivity ?

12. Explain the mechanism of insect resistance in Bt cotton.

13. Different types of population interaction has been observed in population. Write the
type of interaction observed among the following species :

Species A Species B Type of Interaction

Orchid ophrys Bees ____________


Ticks Dogs ____________


Barnacles Whale ____________


Fungus Photosynthetic Algae ____________


SY-526 4
8.  ...    

9.     (a), (b), (c), (d)  .

10. (a) PCR      ?

(b)      .

11.  .    

  ?

12. Bt.    .

13.    . 

     

 A  B 

   ____________
  ____________
  ____________
  ____________

SY-526 5 P.T.O.
14. The figure given below shows pyramid of energy.

Pyramid of energy is always upright, can never be inverted. Give reason.

15. What are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) ? Mention any one merit of GM

16. The following graph shows two types of population growth curves.

(a) Name the growth curves (a) & (b)

(b) What does ‘K’ stand for ?

SY-526 6
14.       .

   .  .

15.       ?   

    .

16.       .

(a)   (a) (b)   .

(b) ‘K’  .

SY-526 7 P.T.O.
III. Answer any 3 questions from 17 to 20. Each carries 3 scores. (3  3 = 9)

17. Explain how Eli Lilly company produced genetically engineered insulin.

18. Wind pollinated flowers have many peculiarities. Write down any three such


19. Given below is a schematic representation which shows the factors influencing

population density :

(i) Label (a) and (b)

(ii) Which are the factors that contribute to an increase in population density ?

(iii) Define Natality.

20. EcoRI is isolated from Escheritia coli RY 13. Explain the naming procedure of EcoRI.

SY-526 8
III. 17  20    3  .

3  . (3  3 = 9)

17.        

 . .

18.        . 

   .

19.      

  .

(i) (a),(b)  .

(ii)      ?

(iii)   .

20. EcoRI  Escheritia coli RY 13   .

EcoRI       .

SY-526 9 P.T.O.


(Maximum : 30 Scores) Time : 1 Hour

I. Answer any three questions from 1 to 5. Each carries 1 score. (3  1 = 3)

1. Select the odd one. Justify your selection.

(Rete testis, Vasa efferentia, Fallopian tube, Vas deferens)

2. Write the Central dogma in Molecular biology.

3. Which microbe is called baker’s yeast ?

(A) Propionibacterium sharmanii

(B) Lacto bacillus

(C) Saccharomyces cerevisiae

(D) Aspergillus niger

4. Pick out the correct pair of disease and its pathogen :

(A) Filaria – Rhino virus

(B) Typhoid – Streptococcus

(C) Malaria – Plasmodium

(D) Ascariasis – Entamoeba

SY-526 10
(Maximum : 30 Scores) Time : 1 Hour

I. 1  5    3  .

1  . (3  1 = 3)

1.  .  .

( ,  ,  ,  )

2.    .

3.       ?

(A)   .

(B)  

(C)  

(D)  

4.     

  .

(A)  –  

(B)  – 

(C)  – 

(D)  – 

SY-526 11 P.T.O.
5. Identify two ex-situ conservation approaches of organisms from the following list :

(Zoological Park, Biosphere Reserve, National Park, Botanical Garden)

II. Answer any 9 questions from 6 to 16. Each carries 2 scores. (9  2 = 18)

6. Placenta also act as an endocrine tissue and produce several hormones.

(A) Name any two placental hormones.

(B) Write two functions of Placenta. (other than endocrine function)

7. The graph given below shows the ovarian events and ovarian hormone levels during

menstrual cycle.

(i) Name hormones A and B.

(ii) Write the ovarian events during luteal phase.

SY-526 12
5.        
  .
,  , , .

II. 6  16    9  .

2  . (9  2 = 18)

6.     , 

 .

(A)     .

(B)    .

(  )

7.     , 

   .

(i) A, B   .

(ii)     

SY-526 13 P.T.O.
8. What are IUDs ? Name one copper releasing and one hormone releasing IUDs.

9. Match the following :

Genetic Disorders Genetic Reasons

Klinefelter’s syndrome 21st Trisomy

Down’s syndrome Lack of one ‘X’ chromosome in females (XO)

Turner’s syndrome Due to autosomal recessive trait

Phenylketonuria Presence of an extra X chromosome in males (XXY)

10. Schematic representation of a transcription unit is given :

(i) Fill up the missing parts A and B.

(ii) Write the role of template strand in transcription.

SY-526 14
8. IUDs  ?   

 IUD    .

9.   :

   

   21  

  ,  ‘X’ 

 (XO)

     


    X 

 (XXY)

10.    .

(i)  A, B   .

(ii)     ?

SY-526 15 P.T.O.
11. (A) Define Analogous organs.

(B) Identify analogous organs from the given examples :

(i) Eyes of octopus and mammals

(ii) Vertebrate hearts

(iii) Wings of butterfly and bird

(iv) Forelimbs of Cheetah and Human

12. Using the given terms in brackets, complete the following evolutionary stages of man :

(Homo sapiens, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Australopithecines)






Neanderthal man


SY-526 16
11. (A)     ?

(B)      

 .

(i)   

(ii)  

(iii)   

(iv) ,   

12.    ,  ,

   .

(,  ,  ,



 




 


SY-526 17 P.T.O.
13. Differentiate between Active immunity and Passive immunity.


Write some important measures that would be useful for the prevention and control of
alcohol and drug abuse among adolescents.

(Write relevant four points)

15. Two bioactive molecules are given :

(i) Cyclosporin-A

(ii) Streptokinase

(A) Name the microbe which produces these bioactive molecules.

(B) Write its use.

16. A figure showing the global biodiversity of invertebrates and vertebrates are given :

(A) Identify the most diverse groups of vertebrates and invertebrates.

(B) What are the three important levels of biodiversity ?

SY-526 18
13.        
  .


,   

    
(   )

15.     .

(i) -

(ii) 

(A)        .

(B)   .

16. ,   

  .

(A)     ,  

 .

(B)     .

SY-526 19 P.T.O.
III. Answer any three questions from 17 to 20. Each carries 3 scores. (3  3 = 9)

17. (A) What are STIs ?

(B) Give two examples.

(C) Write any two preventive measures of STIs.

18. Cross between Red flower (RR) and white flower (rr) bearing plants of Snapdragon

produced all plants with pink flowers in F1 generation.

(A) Name the genetic phenomenon of this cross.

(B) Illustrate F2 generation of this cross using Punnet square.

19. The given illustration shows ‘Evil Quartet’ of biodiversity loss :

(i) Fill up ‘A’ and ‘B’.

(ii) Explain Co-extinction and Alien species invasion with suitable examples.

SY-526 20
III. 17  20    3  .

3  . (3  3 = 9)

17. (A) STIs  ?

(B)   .

(C) STI      .

18.   (RR),    

     F1  .

(A)     .

(B)    F2   

 .

19.     

 

(i) ‘A’, ‘B’  .

(ii)  ,     

  .

SY-526 21 P.T.O.
20. Explain the transformation experiments performed by Frederick Griffith with bacteria

Streptococcus Pneumoniae.


SY-526 22
20.        

      



SY-526 23 P.T.O.
SY-526 24

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