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Model Question Paper-1/2 with effect from 2021(CBCS Scheme)


Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination

TIME: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Note: 01. 02. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each

*Bloom’s COs
Module -1 Taxonomy Marks
Q.01 a What is computer graphics? Explain the applications of computer L1 1 8
b Explain the Architecture of a raster-graphics system with a display L2 1 6
c Explain DDA line drawing algorithm with procedure. L1 1 6
Q.02 a Define the terms i) Resolution ii) Aspect ratio iii) Pixel. L1 1 5
iv)Bitmap v) Frame buffer
b Explain the operations for displaying a picture using GLUT. L2 1 7
c Explain Bresenham’s Line drawing algorithm. Digitize the line by L3 1 8
using Bresenham’s Line drawing algorithm with end points (20,10)
and (30,18) having slope 0.8
Q. 03 a Explain the basic 2D geometric transformations in detail with L2 2 9
snippet of code for each.
b Write a note on inverse transformations. Derive matrices for each. L1 2 6
c Show that i) two successive rotations are additive and ii) two L3 2 5
successive scaling are multiplicative.
Q.04 a Explain two-dimensional pivot point scaling with neat sequences L3 2 8
of an object. Explain with matrix representations and equations
b What are homogeneous coordinates? Explain 3D transformations L2 2 6
with homogeneous coordinate approach and derive matrices for
c Explain i) Reflection and ii) Shear L1 2 6
Q. 05 a Define computer animation. Explain the stages to design animation L1 3 6
b Explain OpenGL interactive input device functions. L2 3 6
i) GLUT Keyboard functions
ii) GLUT Mouse functions.
c Discuss Interactive picture construction techniques. L2 3 8
Q. 06 a Explain the logical classification of input devices L1 3 6
b How are menus and submenus are created in open-gl? Illustrate L2 3 8
with an example.
c Write a complete opengl program to demonstrate animation effects on L3 3 6
simple object.

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Q. 07 a Define image processing, List, and explain types of images. L1 4 6
b Given a gray scale image of size 5 inches by 6 inches scanned at L3 4 8
the rate of 300 dpi answer the following
i) How many bits are required to represent the image?
ii) How much time is required to transmit the image if the
modem is 28 kbps?
iii) Repeat the aforementioned if it were a binary image
c Consider an image point [2, 2]. Perform the following operations and L3 4 6
show the results of these transforms.
a) Translate the image right by 3 units.
b) Perform scaling operation in both x-axis and y axis by 3 units.
c) Rotate the image in x axis by 450
Q. 08 a Discuss the practical applications of Classification of Image L2 4 6
processing Operations.
i) Arithmetic operations
ii) Logical operations
iii) Geometrical operations
b Define Euclidian distances D4, D8. Let V= {0, 1}. Compute the De, L3 4 6
D4, and D8 distances between two pixels p and q. Let the pixel
coordinates of p and q be (3,0) and (2,3) respectively for the image
given below.
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
c Explain the fundamental steps in image processing. L1 4 8
Q. 09 a Explain in detail stages of Edge detection process with block L1 5 8
b Explain the steps in automatic image analysis and interpretation. L2 5 6
c Explain canny edge detection algorithm. L3 5 6
Q. 10 a What is image segmentation? Classify the image segmentation L2 5 8
b Explain first order edge detection operators L3 5 6
i) Roberts operator
ii) Prewitt operator
iii) Sobel operator
c Explain Edge detection with an example. List the types of edges. L1 5 6
*Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: Indicate as L1, L2, L3, L4, etc. It is also desirable to indicate the COs and POs to be
attained by every bit of questions.

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Model Question Paper-1 with effect from 2021(CBCS Scheme)

Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination

Computer Graphics and Fundamentals of Image Processing
TIME: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each MODULE.

Module -1 Taxonomy COs Marks
Define Computer Graphics. Explain the basic operation of video
Q.01 a L1 CO1 (06 Marks)
monitors based on standard CRT design.
b Briefly explain the characteristics of raster scan displays method. L1 CO1 (06 Marks)
c Explain a) Colour CRT Monitors. b) Flat-Panel Displays. L1 CO1 (08 Marks)
Q.02 a Explain line drawing algorithms, shows line path between endpoint
L2 CO1 (06 Marks)
b Define the following terms with respect to
L1 CO1 (08 Marks)
i) Bitmap ii) Pixmap iii) Aspect Ratio iv) Frame Buffer.
c Provide the steps of Bresenham line drawing algorithm and apply
L1 CO1 (06 Marks)
the algorithm on endpoints as (20, 10) and (30, 18).
Q.03 a Explain translation, rotation, scaling in 2D homogeneous coordinate
L1 CO2 (08 Marks)
system with matrix representation.
b With a neat diagram explain 3D Translation and also show the
L2 CO2 (06 Marks)
transformation matrix in Homogenous Coordinate System.
c Briefly explain shear method of two-dimensional transformations. L2 CO2 (06 Marks)
Q.04 a Briefly explain reflection method of two-dimensional
L2 CO2 (06 Marks)
b Explain general two dimensional pivot point rotation and derive the
L1 CO2 (08 Marks)
composite matrix.
c Provide a simple Example for OpenGL 3D Transformations. L1 CO2 (06 Marks)
Q.05 a Explain the following Picture construction techniques
a. Basic Positioning Methods. L1 CO3 (08 Marks)
b. Dragging.
b Explain the various Mouse and Keyboard functions available in
L1 CO3 (06 Marks)
c Explain the various components and types of Computer Animation
L2 CO3 (06 Marks)
Q.06 a Explain in details about logical classification of input devices. L2 CO3 (06 Marks)
b Write a note on open GL animation procedure. L2 CO3 (06 Marks)
c Explain how character animation is achieved using
a. Articulated Figure Animations.
L1 CO3 (08 Marks)
b. Motion Capture.

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Q.07 a Define image processing? With a neat diagram explain the nature
L1 CO4 (08 Marks)
of image processing environment.
b Briefly explain the function of digital image representation. L2 CO4 (06 Marks)
c List and explain the colour classification of images. L2 CO4 (06 Marks)
Q.08 a Briefly explain the image processing and other closely related
L2 CO4 (06 Marks)
b Explain a) Image Topology b) Connectivity. L1 CO4 (08 Marks)
c Explain translation, scaling, and reflection operation in image
L1 CO4 (06 Marks)
Q.09 a What is segmentation? Explain different characteristics of segmentation. L1 CO5 (08 Marks)
b List and explain the types of segmentation algorithms based on
L1 CO5 (06 Marks)
user interaction.
c Explain about different types of edge detectors. L1 CO5 (06 Marks)
Q.10 a Explain canny edge detection algorithm in detail. L2 CO5 (05 Marks)
b Explain contextual and Non-contextual algorithms. L1 CO5 (07 Marks)
c Explain about point detection and line detection. L1 CO5 (08 Marks)
*Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: Indicate as L1, L2, L3, L4, etc. It is also desirable to indicate the COs and POs to be
attained by every bit of questions.

Page 02 of 02
Model Question Paper-2 with effect from 2021(CBCS Scheme)

Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination

Computer Graphics and Fundamentals of Image Processing
TIME: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each MODULE.

Module -1 Taxonomy COs Marks
Define Computer Graphics. Explain the basic operation of video
Q.01 a L1 CO1 (06 Marks)
monitors based on standard CRT design.
b With a neat diagram explain the electrostatic deflection of the electron
L1 CO1 (07 Marks)
beam in a CRT.
c Explain a) Line attributes. b) Curve attributes in open GL. L1 CO1 (07 Marks)
Q.02 a Define the following terms with respect to
L1 CO1 (08 Marks)
i) Bitmap ii) Pixmap iii) Aspect Ratio iv) Frame Buffer.
b List and explain any six applications of computer graphics. L2 CO1 (05 Marks)
c Write Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm. Using bresenham’s
line drawing algorithm calculate the pixel positions for the screen L1 CO1 (07 Marks)
coordinates (1, 1) and (6, 7).
Q.03 a Explain general two dimensional pivot point rotation and derive the
L1 CO2 (08 Marks)
composite matrix.
b With a neat diagram explain 3D Translation and also show the
L2 CO2 (07 Marks)
transformation matrix in Homogenous Coordinate System.
c Briefly explain two-dimensional composite transformations. L1 CO2 (05 Marks)
Q.04 a Briefly explain reflection method of two-dimensional
L2 CO2 (06 Marks)
b Explain the basic principle of open GL geometric transformations. L1 CO2 (06 Marks)
c Explain the following open GL geometric transformation functions
a. glMatrixMode(). L1 CO2 (08 Marks)
b. glPopMatrix.
Q.05 a Explain the various stages in the design of an animation sequence. L1 CO3 (08 Marks)
b Explain the various Mouse and Keyboard functions available in
L1 CO3 (06 Marks)
c Explain the various components and types of Computer Animation
L2 CO3 (06 Marks)
Q.06 a Explain in details about logical classification of input devices. L2 CO3 (06 Marks)
b Explain the various OpenGL animation procedures.
a. glutInitDisplayMode() L1 CO3 (07 Marks)
b. glutSwapBuffers()
c Explain how character animation is achieved using
a. Articulated Figure Animations. L1 CO3 (07 Marks)
b. Motion Capture.

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Q.07 a Define image processing? With a neat diagram explain the nature
L1 CO4 (08 Marks)
of image processing environment.
b Briefly explain the image processing and other closely related
L1 CO4 (06 Marks)
c Briefly explain the functions of different data types of images. L2 CO4 (06 Marks)
Q.08 a Explain a) Image Topology b) Connectivity. L1 CO4 (06 Marks)
b Briefly explain the image coordinate system of Cartesian
L1 CO4 (08 Marks)
coordinate system & MATLAB environments.
c Explain translation, scaling, and reflection operation in image
L1 CO4 (06 Marks)
Q.09 a Define image segmentation? Explain the region of interest (ROI)
L1 CO5 (07 Marks)
on image segmentation.
b List and explain the different logical operations of IP. L1 CO5 (07 Marks)
c Explain about different types of edge detectors. L1 CO5 (06 Marks)
Q.10 a Explain translation and scaling operations in image processing. L1 CO5 (06 Marks)
b Explain canny edge detection algorithm in detail. L1 CO5 (07 Marks)
c Explain contextual and Non-contextual algorithms. L1 CO5 (07 Marks)
*Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: Indicate as L1, L2, L3, L4, etc. It is also desirable to indicate the COs and POs to be
attained by every bit of questions.

Page 02 of 02

Model Question Paper-1/2 with effect from 2021(CBCS Scheme)


Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination

TIME: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each MODULE.

Bloom’s COs
Module -1 Taxonomy Marks
Q.01 a What is Computer Graphics? Explain the application of Computer L2 CO1 06
b Explain with neat diagram operation of cathode-Ray Tubes and shadow- L2 CO1 08
mask CRT.
c Compare and contrast Raster and Random-scan displays with suitable L2 CO1 06
Q.02 a Describe the basic structure of an OpenGL graphics program with the L2 CO1 06
necessary OpenGL functions.
b Explain Bresenham’s Line drawing algorithm, with an example. L2 CO1 06
c Using Bresenham’s scan line algorithm digitize the line segment L2 CO1 08
(20, 10) and (30, 18).
Q. 03 a What is the need of a Homogeneous Coordinate System? Explain L2 CO2 08
Translation, Rotation and Scaling in 2D Homogeneous Coordinate
System with matrix representation.
b Explain different OpenGL routines used for manipulating display L2 CO2 06
c Explain OpenGL raster transformations and OpenGL geometric L2 CO2 06
transformation functions.
Q.04 a Explain any two of the 3D geometric transformation. L2 CO2 06
b Explain shear and reflection transformation technique. L2 CO2 06
c What is concatenation of transformation? Explain the following L2 CO2 08
considering 2D:
i) Rotation about a fixed point
ii) Scaling about a fixed point.
Q. 05 a Explain in detail the logical classification of input devices. L2 CO3 06
b Describe in detail the interactive picture construction techniques. L2 CO3 08
c Explain different OpenGL interactive Input-Device functions. L2 CO3 06
Q. 06 a Explain OpenGL menu functions in detail. L2 CO3 06
b Write a note on OpenGL Animation Procedures. L2 CO3 06
c Explain character animation in detail. L2 CO3 08
Q. 07 a Define Image Processing. With a neat diagram explain image processing L2 CO4 06

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b List and explain various image processing applications L2 CO4 06
c With a neat diagram give the classification of Images. Explain in detail L2 CO4 08
classification of images based on nature, attributes and colour.
Q. 08 a Define Image topology. Briefly explain the topological properties. L2 CO4 06
i) Connectivity ii) Relations iii) Distance Measures.
b Briefly explain arithmetic operations on images. L2 CO4 06
c Explain various Geometric operations on images. L2 CO4 08
Q. 09 a Explain the classification of image segmentation algorithms. L2 CO5 06
b Explain the basic types of discontinuities in a digital image. L2 CO5 08
c Briefly explain the various stages in edge detection. L2 CO5 06
Q. 10 a Explain the following First Edge Detection operators i) Roberts operator L2 CO5 06
ii) Prewitt operator and iii) Sobel operator.
b What are template matching masks? Explain any 3 template matching L2 CO5 06
c Explain canny edge detection algorithm in detail. L2 CO5 08

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