Ethical Business Framework
Ethical Business Framework
Ethical Business Framework
According to the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics , ethics is based on standards of
right and wrong that dictate what humans should do, usually in terms of “rights,
Ethics is not the same as religion, feelings, following the law or societal expectations.
To makes sure you don’t end up in the same boat at Volkswagen and Uber, your
organization needs to adopt guidelines that promote ethical decision making and make
One of the best-known ethical frameworks is also one of the simplest. The framework,
developed by Ken Blanchard and Norman Vincent Peale, consists of three questions,
as described below. The questions first appeared in their 1988 book, “The Power of
Ethical Management.”
2. Markkula Center Framework
The Markkula Center identifies five approaches, or dimensions, that can be applied
when dealing with an ethical issue. These sources can be used to evaluate decisions
1. Utilitarianism says the most ethical action is the one that provides the greatest
amount of good for the largest number of people — or, in more dire
circumstances, the least amount of harm. This idea will be familiar to science
fiction fans: At a critical moment in Star Trek II, Spock says “The needs of the
protects human dignity and moral rights. People “have a right to be treated as
2. Fairness or justice approach says that all humans should be treated equally. If
it’s not feasible to treat everyone equally, then there must be a standard of
3. Common good approach says that actions should promote to public life. This
approach is used to advocate for laws and public services that appeal to the
welfare of all.
With this approach, decision makers should ask things like “What kind of person
Once you have a firm understanding of these five sources, there is a clear set of
3. Evaluate all the alternative actions. With the utilitarian approach, look at which
alternative will do the most good and the least harm. With the rights approach,
think about which alternative preserves the rights of all stakeholders. With the
justice approach, look at which option treats people most fairly. With the
common good approach, consider the alternatives that serve the entire
community. With the virtue approach, think about your own personal beliefs.
4. Make your decision. If it still makes you uneasy, reconsider all the sources and
Ask yourself, “What have I learned from this experience?” This reflection will help you
many of the existing models of ethical decision making at the time. He devised a new
model that improved on previous efforts by introducing a variable called moral intensity
Jones writes that two people, faced with the same ethical decision, might rightly come
to different decisions because of these components. In effect, not all decisions are the
same — a company introducing a dangerous new project has greater moral intensity
than a decision to leave someone’s name off a group project. Both are unethical
1. Recognize issue
2. Make judgment
4. Engage in behavior
All the dimensions of moral intensity must be considered at every step in the process,
structures and idea socialization. Decision makers must also be able to recognize their
While the Issue-Contingent Model is old and somewhat complex, it’s a useful
Ethical frameworks are perspectives useful for reasoning what course of action may
provide the most moral outcome. In many cases, a person may not use a reasoning
process but rather do what they simply feel is best at the time. Others may reflexively use
a principle they learned from their family, peers, religious teachings or own experiences.
The study of ethics has provided many principles that can aid in ethical decision making.
Some of the most common are captured in the following 5 ethical frameworks:
Virtue ethics: What is moral is what makes us the best person we could be.
Deontology: What is moral is what follows from absolute moral duties.
Utilitarianism: What is morally right is what generates the best outcome for the
largest number of people.
Rights-based Ethics : What is moral is that which is in accord with everyone's
Care-based Ethics : What is moral is that which promotes healthy relationships
and the well-being of individuals and their interdependence.