2012 Icpc Dress Rehearsal
2012 Icpc Dress Rehearsal
2012 Icpc Dress Rehearsal
Problem ID: chopin
Frederic Chopin was a Polish music composer who lived from 1810-1839. One of his most famous
works was his set of preludes. These 24 pieces span the 24 musical keys (there are musically distinct 12
scale notes, and each may use major or minor tonality). The 12 distinct scale notes are:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A A] = B[ B C C] = D[ D D] = E[ E F F ] = G[ G G] = A[
Five of the notes have two alternate names, as is indicated above with the equals sign (e.g. C] = D[
means that note has two names, C] and D[). Thus, there are 17 possible names for the scale notes,
but only 12 musically distinct notes. When using one of these as the keynote for a musical key, we can
further distinguish between the major and minor tonalities. This gives 34 possible keys, of which 24 are
musically distinct.
In naming his preludes, Chopin used all the keys except for the following 10 (which were named instead
by their alternate names):
Write a program that, given the name of a key, will give an alternate name (if it has an alternate) or report
that the key name is unique.
Each test case is described by one line of input having the format “note tonality”, where note is
one of the 17 names for the scale notes given above, and tonality is either major or minor. All
note names will be upper-case, and the two accidentals (] and [) will be written as # and b, respectively.
For each case, display the case number followed by the alternate key name, if it exists, or print UNIQUE
if the key name is unique. Follow the format of the sample output.
where as1 as2 . . . indicates string concatenation. The modified puzzle that Emil sent added the following
restriction: for all i 6= j, si 6= sj .
You don’t have enough time to solve Emil’s original puzzle. Can you solve the modified version?
Each test case starts with a line containing an integer 1 ≤ k ≤ 11, followed by k lines. Each of the k
lines contains two space-separated lowercase alphabetic strings which represent a pair. Each individual
string will be at most 100 characters long.
For each case, display the case number followed by the sequence found (if it is possible to form one)
or “IMPOSSIBLE” (if it is not possible to solve the problem). If it is possible but there are multiple
sequences, you should prefer the shortest one (in terms of the length of the output). If there are multiple
shortest sequences, choose the one that is lexicographically first. Follow the format of the sample output.
ACM-ICPC World Finals Dress Rehearsal 2012 Practice Problem B: Limited Correspondence 3
Sample Input Output for Sample Input
5 Case 1: dearalanhowareyou
are yo Case 2: ienjoycorresponding
you u Case 3: abcd
how nhoware Case 4: IMPOSSIBLE
alan arala
dear de
i ie
ing ding
resp orres
ond pon
oyc y
hello hi
enj njo
or c
efgh efgh
d cd
abc ab
a ab
b bb
c cc
ACM-ICPC World Finals Dress Rehearsal 2012 Practice Problem B: Limited Correspondence 4
Practice Problem C
Problem ID: heliocentric
Nicolaus Copernicus, born in Toruń in the Kingdom of Poland in 1473, was the first to develop a view of
the universe which placed the Sun, rather than the Earth, at the center of the orbiting planets. Copernicus
viewed each planet as revolving in a circular orbit with the Sun as the common center of each circle. This
new model, which was later improved by many other astronomers, made it much simpler to understand
and predict the motions of the planets. Pictured below is his rendering of the planetary orbits.
Consider two of the planets in Copernicus’ orbital system: Earth and Mars. Assume the Earth orbits the
Sun in exactly 365 Earth days, and Mars orbits the Sun in exactly 687 Earth days. Thus the Earth’s orbit
starts at day 0 and continues to day 364, and then starts over at day 0. Mars orbits similarly, but on a 687
day time scale. We would like to find out how long it will take until both planets are on day 0 of their
orbits simultanously. Write a program that can determine this.
Each test case is described by a single line containing two integers 0 ≤ e < 365 and 0 ≤ m < 687.
These indicate which days Earth and Mars are at their respective orbits.
For each case, display the case number followed by the smallest number of days until the two planets
will both be on day 0 of their orbits. Follow the format of the sample output.
The Mandelbrot set is typically drawn on the complex plane, a 2-dimensional plane representing all
complex numbers. The horizontal axis represents the real portion of the number, and the vertical axis
represents the imaginary portion. A complex number c = x + yi (at position (x, y) on the complex
plane) is not in the Mandelbrot set if the following sequence diverges:
zn+1 ← zn2 + c
beginning with z0 = 0. That is, limn→∞ |zn | = ∞. If the sequence does not diverge, then c is in the set.
Recall the following facts about imaginary numbers and their arithmetic:
√ p
i = −1, i2 = −1, (x + yi)2 = x2 − y 2 + 2xyi, |x + yi| = x2 + y 2
where x and y are real numbers, and | · | is known as the modulus of a complex number (in the complex
plane, the modulus of x + yi is equal to the straight-line distance from the origin to the the point (x, y)).
Write a program which determines if the sequence zn diverges for a given value c within a fixed number
of iterations. That is, is c in the Mandelbrot set or not? To detect divergence, just check to see if |zn | > 2
for any zn that we compute – if this happens, the sequence is guaranteed to diverge.
Each test case is described by a single line containing three numbers: two real numbers −3 ≤ x ≤ 3
and −3 ≤ y ≤ 3, and an integer 0 ≤ r ≤ 10,000. The value of c for this case is x + yi, and r is the
maximum number of iterations to compute.
For each case, display the case number followed by whether the given c is in the Mandelbrot set, using
IN or OUT.
The operators that we will support are all binary: addition (+), subtraction (-), and multiplication (*).
Polish notation has the advantage of being easy to parse for a computer. Write a program that reads an
expression in Polish notation, simplifies the expression as much as possible, and prints it out in Polish
notation. The simplification procedure is just replacing subexpressions that contain no variables with
their values wherever possible.
Each test case is described by a single line containing an expression. The expression is a sequence of
space-separated tokens (integers, operators, and single-character lowercase variables). Each expression
will be correctly formatted in Polish notation, with at most 2048 symbols (operators and operators
combined). Integer constants will be in the range [−10, 10].
For each case, display the case number followed by the simplified expression in Polish notation, in the
same format as the input. Do not modify the expression other than the simplification step described
earlier. All intermediate computations will fit within a signed 32-bit integer. Follow the format of the
sample output.
ACM-ICPC World Finals Dress Rehearsal 2012 Practice Problem E: Polish Notation 9
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Practice Problem F
Prime Spiral
Problem ID: spiral
Boredom can be good for creativity. Polish mathematician Stanislaw Ulam (1909-1984) discovered the
eponymous Ulam spiral while listening to a “long and very boring paper”. He started by writing down
the positive integers in a spiral on a grid, one number per grid cell. Then he eliminated the composite
numbers (i.e. non-primes). An interesting property he discovered was that the remaining prime numbers
seem to form along many diagonals of the grid:
102 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 90 61 59
103 66 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 56 89 103 37 31 89
104 67 38 17 16 15 14 13 30 55 88 67 17 13
105 68 39 18 5 4 3 12 29 54 87 5 3 29
106 69 40 19 6 1 2 11 28 53 86 19 2 11 53
107 70 41 20 7 8 9 10 27 52 85 107 41 7
108 71 42 21 22 23 24 25 26 51 84 71 23
109 72 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 83 109 43 47 83
110 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 73 79
111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 ... 113 ...
Note that both of these are infinitely large grids, but due to physical constraints only a finite subset of
the grid will fit in this space.
Let’s consider traveling around the second grid above (the Ulam spiral), where you are free to travel to
any cell containing a composite number, but traveling to any cell containing a prime number is disal-
lowed. You can travel up, down, left, or right, but not diagonally. Write a program to find the length
of the shortest path between pairs composite numbers, if it is possible. Note, for example, that it is
impossible to travel from the cells numbered 12 and 72 to any other composite cell. The length of a path
is the number of steps on the path.
Each test case is described by a line of input containing two integers 1 ≤ x, y ≤ 10,000 which indicate
two cells in the grid. Note that while there are limits on the input values, the intervening path between x
and y is not limited in any way.
For each case, display the case number followed by the length of the shortest path between the cells x
and y, or “impossible” if no such path is possible.
ACM-ICPC World Finals Dress Rehearsal 2012 Practice Problem F: Prime Spiral 11
Sample Input Output for Sample Input
1 4 Case 1: 1
9 32 Case 2: 7
10 12 Case 3: impossible
ACM-ICPC World Finals Dress Rehearsal 2012 Practice Problem F: Prime Spiral 12
Practice Problem G
Sierpiński circumference
Problem ID: triangle
Polish mathematician Wacław Sierpiński (1882-1969) described the 2D geometric figure known as the
Sierpiński triangle as part of his work on set theory in 1915. The triangle, which is really an infinite
collection of points, can be constructed by the following algorithm:
2. Shrink the current shape to half its dimensions (both height and width), and make two more copies
of it (giving three copies total).
3. Arrange the three copies so that each touches the two others at their corners. Set the current shape
to be the union of these three.
iteration 0 1 2 3 4
As the iterations go to infinity, this process creates an infinite number of connected points. However,
consider the case of a finite number of iterations. If the initial triangle has a circumference of 3, what is
the sum of the circumferences of all (black) triangles at a given iteration? Write a program to find out
not the exact circumference, but the number of decimal digits required to represent its integer portion.
That is, find the number of decimal digits required to represent the largest integer that is at most as large
as the circumference.
Each test case is a line containing a non-negative integer 0 ≤ n ≤ 10,000 indicating the number of
For each case, display the case number followed by the number of decimal digits required to represent
the integer portion of the circumference for the given number of iterations. Follow the format of the
sample output.
ACM-ICPC World Finals Dress Rehearsal 2012 Practice Problem G: Sierpiński circumference 13
Sample Input Output for Sample Input
0 Case 1: 1
1 Case 2: 1
5 Case 3: 2
10 Case 4: 3
100 Case 5: 19
ACM-ICPC World Finals Dress Rehearsal 2012 Practice Problem G: Sierpiński circumference 14
Practice Problem H
Towers of Powers 2: Power Harder
Problem ID: towers
Remark: We were originally planning to give you this in the real contest, but since we have too many
awesome problems for you for tomorrow and this one is just way too easy, we decided to move it to the
dress rehearsal as a sneak preview.
In this problem we will be exploring the concept of sorting numbers. Most of you have likely written a
sorting algorithm before, but just in case, here is a tutorial: You reorder the numbers to put the smaller
ones in front and larger ones in the back.
Having dealt with the theory, we come to practice. You will be given some integers. Please output the
same integers in sorted order. Where is the trick, you ask? Well, you might have to deal with equality
cases. If two numbers are equal, the one that was the first in the input should also be the first on the
output. Other than that, there are no tricks, no complications. Just sort the numbers from lowest to
highest. Simple!
Oh, one more thing. When we say some integers, we mean they might be somewhat large integers. To
make life easier for you, we will express them in a simple “tower of powers” form. Each integer will be
in the format an
a12 ,
where 1 ≤ a1 , a2 , . . . , an ≤ 100, and 1 ≤ n ≤ 100. Note that evaluation is from top to bottom, thus
a 3 (aa3 )
a12 = a1 2 .
The first line of each test case contains the number M of integers in this test case, 1 ≤ M ≤ 100. Each
of the next M lines describes one of the M integers. The integer is written as described above, using
the carat (^) to represent power, with no whitespace. There will be between 1 and 100 numbers in the
representation of each integer, and each of these numbers will be an integer between 1 and 100.
For each test case, display the case number followed by the sorted list of integers, one per line, in the
original form.
ACM-ICPC World Finals Dress Rehearsal 2012 Practice Problem H: Towers of Powers 2: Power 15
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Practice Problem I
Matrix Inverse
Problem ID: matrix
Given a square n × n matrix A, the definition of its inverse B = A−1 is the matrix that fulfills the
AB = I
where B and I are n × n matrices, and I is the identity matrix with ones along the diagonal, and zeros
everywhere else:
1 0 ... 0
0 1 . . . 0
I = . . .
.. .. . . ..
0 0 ... 1
For this problem, you should implement a matrix inverse solver for 2 × 2 matrices.
Each test case is described by two lines of input. Each line has two 32-bit signed integers, and the
integers given in order a, b, c, d represent the values of the matrix to invert:
a b
c d
For each case, display the case number followed by two lines containing the inverse of the given matrix.
Each test case is guaranteed to have an inverse (i.e. no matrix is singular), and that inverse is integer-
valued. Follow the format of the sample output.
ACM-ICPC World Finals Dress Rehearsal 2012 Practice Problem I: Matrix Inverse 17
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Practice Problem J
Reversing Roads
Problem ID: roads
You work for the city of One-Direction-Ville. The city mandates that every road in its limits be one
direction only. You are evaluating proposals for a new subdivision and its road network. One problem
you’ve observed in some early proposals is that it is impossible to get to certain locations from others
along the proposed roads. In order to speed up evaluation of subsequent proposals, you want to write a
program to determine if it is possible to get to any location from any other location; you call this a valid
proposal. And if a proposal is not valid, then your program should find out if there is an easy way to fix
it by reversing the direction of one of the roads.
Each test case begins with a line containing two integers, 1 ≤ m ≤ 50 and 0 ≤ n ≤ m(m − 1)/2. m
indicates the number of locations in the proposal, and n indicates the number of roads connecting these
locations. Following this are n lines. Each line contains two space-separated integers a and b, where
0 ≤ a, b < m and a 6= b. This indicates that there is a road from location a to location b. If there is a
road from a to b, then there will be no road from b to a. Also, there will never be more than one road
between two locations.
For each case, display the case number followed by an indication of whether the proposal is valid or not.
If the proposal is valid, output valid. If it is not valid, but by reversing the direction of one roads it
can become valid, print the two locations which describe the existing road that should be reversed. If
more than one road reversal can create a valid proposal, print the first one that appears in the input. If
the proposal is not valid and impossible to become valid by reversing one road, print invalid. Follow
the format of the sample output.
ACM-ICPC World Finals Dress Rehearsal 2012 Practice Problem J: Reversing Roads 19
Sample Input Output for Sample Input
3 3 Case 1: valid
0 1 Case 2: 0 2
1 2 Case 3: invalid
2 0 Case 4: 0 3
3 3
0 1
1 2
0 2
3 2
1 2
0 2
4 4
0 1
1 2
2 3
0 3
ACM-ICPC World Finals Dress Rehearsal 2012 Practice Problem J: Reversing Roads 20
Practice Problem K
Counting Stars
Problem ID: stars
The field of astronomy has been significantly advanced through the use of computer technology. Algo-
rithms can automatically survey digital images of the night sky, looking for new patterns.
For this problem, you should write such an analysis program which counts the number of stars visible
in an bitmap image. An image consists of pixels, and each pixel is either black or white (represented
by the characters # and -, respectively). All black pixels are considered to be part of the sky, and each
white pixel is considered to be part of a star. White pixels that are adjacent vertically or horizontally are
part of the same star.
Each test case begins with a line containing a pair of integers 1 ≤ m, n ≤ 100. This is followed by m
lines, each of which contains exactly n pixels.
For each case, display the case number followed by the number of stars that are visible in the corre-
sponding image. Follow the format of the sample output.
ACM-ICPC World Finals Dress Rehearsal 2012 Practice Problem K: Counting Stars 21
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Practice Problem L
Problem ID: statistics
Research often involves dealing with large quantities of data, and those data are often too massive to
examine manually. Statistical descriptions of data can help humans understand their basic properties.
Consider a sample of n numbers X = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ). Of many statistics that can be computed on X,
some of the most important are the following:
Write a program that will analyze samples of data and report these values for each sample.
Each test case is described by one line of input, which begins with an integer 1 ≤ n ≤ 30 and is followed
by n integers which make up the sample to be analyzed. Each value in the sample will be in the range
-1,000,000 to 1,000,000.
For each case, display the case number followed by the min, max, and range of the sample (in that
order). Follow the format of the sample output.