Wargames Illustrated 294
Wargames Illustrated 294
Wargames Illustrated 294
Skirmishing in
the shadow of
the pyramids
ISSN 0957-6444
plus: firefight: new W WII skir miSh rules AND MUCH MORE!
This month marks the release of the Flames of War supplement, Blood, Guts, and Glory.
It covers the intense tank fighting from the Lorraine to Bastogne in late 1944. It’s all
about tanks, tank destroyers, and armoured infantry from the hard-charging American
4th Armored Division to the exquisitely equipped German Panzer Brigades. If you’re a
treadhead like I am, you simply can’t pass up this book!
The strengths of American engineering and industry have been brought to bear, with
CLASH OF STEEL ................ 10 exceptional new Sherman models. Massive ‘Jumbo’ assault tanks can resist anything the
Germans can throw at them, new ‘Easy Eight’ Shermans glide into battle blazing away
with their 76mm guns, and even the old reliable 75mm tanks have been up-engined to
give them an edge over enemy tanks. There is a Sherman for anything you need! As the
commander on the field, you will be able create the perfect Kraut-smashing combination
and lead your force to victory!
Meanwhile, the Germans have brought together all of their best weapons into their new
Panzer Brigades. Large numbers of Panthers, Panzer IV/70s, Triple 2cm half-tracks,
assault rifles, Panzerfausts, and more make up these fighting units. The sheer amount of
firepower that these units can bring to bear is staggering!
The scene has been set and the players have arrived with their new tanks and equipment.
The fate of Lorraine is in your hands!
the rosetta stone ...... 20 Outside of our Lorraine theme content we have articles about two new rule systems:
Normandy Firefight. and War and Conquest, and the first instalment of a major new
painting and modeling series by Matt Parkes
Mike Haught
Battlefront Writer
This month’s cover illustration (seen again below) by Vincent Wai, is from the box art of
the new Flames Of War M4A3EZ Jumbo Tanks set.
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Osprey Publishing
Author: Nic Fields
Soon after the Caudine Forks fiasco in
321 BC, the tactical formation adopted
by the Roman Army underwent a
radical change. Introduced as part of
the Servian reforms, the legion had
Author: Ronald Pawly originally operated as a Greek-style
Dressed in distinctive green uniforms phalanx. Now, however, the Romans
and classically inspired copper helmets, adopted the manipular system, whereby
the Dragoons of the Imperial Guard the legion was split into distinct
were raised in 1806 by the same criteria battle lines, each consisting of tactical
as other Guard units – by selection subunits, the maniples. Even though
Author: Joseph McCullough of picked, literate veterans from Line still a citizen militia, recruited from
How well do you know the who, regiments who had six to ten years of property owners supplying their own
where, what, when and how of the service, and citations for bravery in at war gear, it was the manipular legion
Civil War? Can you name the captain least two campaigns. The following that faced Pyrrhus and his elephants,
of the USS Monitor during the battle of year they were named Dragons de the Gauls and their long swords,
Hampton Roads or match-up famous l’Impératrice in a unique compliment Hannibal and his tactical genius and the
generals with their horses? Test your to the Empress Josephine. As a Macedonians and their pikes to name
knowledge in this unique guide to the ceremonial regiment it enjoyed many but a few of its formidable opponents.
famous, infamous and quirky facts of privileges, but it also saw combat on This book looks at the recruitment,
the American Civil War. Complete with a number of occasions, including the training, weapons, equipment and
over 1,000 questions ranging from easy battles of Essling and Wagram (1809), experiences of the legionary at the
to nearly impossible and including true the Russian campaign (1812, when it epoch of the middle Republic, which
or false, multiple choice, short answer suffered severe losses), at Bautzen, opens with the last great war with the
and match-ups, this is a fun-filled gift Wachau and Leipzig (1813), in the 1814 Samnites and closes with the Republic
book that will both delight and frustrate Campaign of France, and at Ligny and at the height of its imperial glory after
any Civil War fan. Waterloo (1815). the victory in North Africa.
If you have any news regarding releases, conventions, or other goings on, please send it through (along with some photos or a logo) to news@wargamesillustrated .net
The facility is situated in the middle of “Central Park”, a 2.4 million square 5 LEGIONARY SHOW 2011
foot mixed-use major retail and entertainment entity with 160 retailers and 50 legionaryshow.co.uk
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will also be concessions offering food and a full variety of beverages within the
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Reagan (Washington) National and Richmond International -- are located within www.spiritgames.co.uk
about an hour’s drive. There are three hotels on site plus others in the area, which Burton-on-Trent, UK
HMGS has made arrangements with (www.HISTORICON.org/ and click on the 12-13 DADI.COM
Convention Lodging link for full info). www.dadiepiombo.com
Besides historic Old Town Fredericksburg and battlefield, there are other American Republic of San Marino
Civil War battlefields within an easy drive (Chancellorsville, Spotsylvania, 19-20 TRIPLES
Wilderness). This new location offers a modern facility coupled with a chance to www.sheffieldwargames.co.uk
view some of America’s battlefields, to make your convention that much more Sheffield, UK
enjoyable. So start planning now for HISTORICON 2012 - “Historical Miniature
Gaming’s Biggest Summer Vacation!” 19-21 CANGAMES
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Olympia, WA, USA
25-27 GAMES EXPO 2011
Birmingham, UK
Franklin, TN, USA
York, UK
Newark, UK
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Blood, Guts, & Glory, Tank battles in the Lorraine, September 1944 - January 1945, is a 120 page book that includes:
• The history of the bloody tank fighting for the Lorraine. • History the 106. Panzerbrigade Feldhernrnhalle, and the 111.
• History of the US 4th and 7th Armored Divisions, and the 644th Panzerbrigade.
and 704th Tank Destroyer Battalions. • The option to field an FHH Panzerkompanie, an FHH
• The option to field a US Tank Company, Armored Rifle Panzersturmkompanie, an FHH Panzergrenadierkompanie, a
Company, and a Tank Destroyer Company. Panzerkompanie, and a Panzergrenadierkompanie.
• Famous American warriors Lt. General George S Patton and • Introducing Tank Aces, the new escalation campaign where
Lt. Col. Creighton Abrams take the fight in to Germany! you will fight for victory with the tank heroes of Arracourt.
While we were writing Blood, with Detroit’s latest in Sherman each of whom have passions for
Guts, and Glory, we knew that the designs. In Flames Of War, these two particular armies in Blood, Guts,
forces in the book were going to be forces will introduce new challenges and Glory. We’ve asked them to
quite different. Panzer Brigades, and offer exciting new equipment. write up their favourite list as if
armed to the teeth with powerful To introduce these forces, we they were preparing to take it to a
Panzers, and the veteran 4th thought we’d pick the brains of four tournament. Let’s see what the boys
Armored Division equipped exceptional Flames Of War players, have drummed up!
Tony’s Tank Compan
105 points
(with 1x M4A3 (late)
derbolt VI 210 points
Lt. Col Abrams’ Thun
505 points
Tank Platoon
an (late) and
(with 2x M4A3 Sherm
2x M4A3E8 Easy Eig
475 points
Tank Platoon
How Do I Get This Army? an (late), 1x M4A3 (10
(with 1x M4A3 Sherm
Platoon: Product Code: Released: and 2x M4A3E8 Easy
n 110 points
Armored Mortar Platoon: 1x US731, 3x US202 Now! Armored Mortar Platoo
Light Tank Platoon: 3x US005 Now! ctions)
(with three Mortar Se
Cavalry Recon Platoon: 2x US301, 2x US411 Now! n 180 points
Cavalry Recon Platoo
Tank Platoons: 1x UBX26, 1x UBX28 This Month con Patrols)
(with two Cavalry Re
Abrams’ Thunderbolt VI: 1x UBX32 Next Month 155 points
Light Tank Platoon
Light Tanks)
(with 3x M5A1 Stuart
Who is Tony Vodanovich? 1740 points
Tony is one of Battlefront’s long serving playtesters. An exceptional player, ‘Dirty
Vod’ currently ranks among the best of New Zealand’s Flames Of War players.
I still remember the very first order I ever These guys really fire on all cylinders and gun teams in the latest edition, Version
placed for Flames Of War: the original are always a reliable tournament list. 3, of the rules. The Headquarters Platoon
rulebook, a box of US Armored Rifles, and two full-strength Armored Rifle
I am really excited about what Blood,
and a box of M4A1 Shermans. That Platoons clock in at 615 points, so that’s
Guts, and Glory has to offer, and leapt
was back in the day when LMGs were the start of the force!
at the chance to write my thoughts on
infantry teams and Bazookas had no
building a tournament list using the 1020 Points Remaining
additional tank assault. Try as I might, I
Armored Rifle Company. The first
just could not get the Armored Rifles to Next, I know for sure that I want a full
question any player has to ask about
work for me. The large, unwieldy platoon Armored Mortar Platoon with all three
their “Blitzdoughs” is whether to go with
was cumbersome and the half-tracks tubes to help screen the enemy with
veteran or trained troops. The trained
were a liability. smoke or knock out enemy gun teams.
variant allows you to field more on the
Then one day it clicked: these guys are table, but Armored Rifles already have I’ll also take a veteran Cavalry Recon
like miniature armies all on their own! tons of teams in their well-balanced Platoon with a single patrol to give my
They’ve got mobility, numbers, and platoons. For my company, I opted to go troops some reconnaissance. These guys
firepower. Combine that with being for the veteran 4th Armored Division. benefit from numerous modifications
primarily rifle teams, keeping their point in Version 3. This makes them an
I have put together a force using 1635
costs low. inexpensive and useful support option.
points - a new favourite number around
Furthermore, since those olden days, here. Let’s get started with the list! Now let’s round out our support with
Armored Rifles have only got better with some armour!
1635 Points Remaining
the release of the second edition of the rules 820 Points Remaining
where bazookas received Tank Assault 4, We must start with the compulsory
making them excellent at killing tanks in options. I am making my Armored Rifle I can’t resist these new Shermans! I want
assault combat. Late war briefings have Platoons full strength and sticking with a veteran platoon of four tanks with
taken the Armored Rifles to a new level, the bazookas, even though the 37mm two upgraded to M4A3 (late) and two
giving them veteran status and making anti-tank guns have become a much more upgraded to M4A3E8 ‘Easy Eights’. It’s
them even more efficient at their job. tempting option with the revised rules for a pricey unit at 505 points, but they are
I have been looking at the FHH factor if you don’t have to make many enough to offer protection from aircraft.
Panzerkompanie from Blood, Guts, Morale Checks! Occasionally, if it’s not too risky, they
and Glory for a while as it was being will be good for shooting up infantry or
With the last of my points I bought a unit
developed here at Battlefront. I really chasing off enemy recce.
of the cool Sd Kfz 251/21 (Triple 1.5cm)
liked the history and flavour of the army,
so I was happy to put together a company Flak half-tracks to bring my platoon In-game tactics are to keep at long range
of Reluctant Trained Panthers! count up to four units. As the FHH list if possible. I try to think a turn ahead and
does not have the German Kampfgruppe stay outside of 12''/30cm of other tanks
Building the Company special rule and I always try to have an to protect the Panther’s vulnerable side
I have concentrated on the main strength even number of units in an army. That armour as much as possible.
of the list as I see it: tough, hard-hitting way in missions where I only start with
In setting up the army I tend to keep the
Panther tanks. It’s all about the potential half of my force, I don’t have to hold too
Panther platoons a bit towards the middle
of the 22 Anti-tank 14 shots the Panthers many units off table.
of the table so that they could move and
can fire! Using the Company shoot up enemy attacks down either side
To take maximum advantage of this, of the table.
It will take a lot of care to run the force
I’ve taken my HQ and all three Panther as it is quite unforgiving if you lose a lot When the army is attacking it will have
platoons available, for a total of 11 of platoons. If anything goes wrong it to advance carefully trying to minimise
tanks. All of this comes to only 1415 can be fatal for the unit involved. But this ambushes. I tend to stay together when
points! Panthers are hard-hitting and can be handled with careful positioning, advancing so that if the enemy does
have enough armour to be safe from a and making sure that the platoons support rush my flank, the return fire from my tanks
lot of tanks and anti-tank guns. The fact each other. the next turn will destroy them outright.
they are rated as Trained means they will
be easier to hit, but this will be off-set With 11 Panthers the overall strategy Once in close range of the defenders.
by the fact that they will shrug-off most is to shoot the opposition to bits. The I’ll spend a few turns shooting while
hits. If your opponent can’t kill them, small Flak unit will be hidden as much stationary to soften them up as much as
their low morale (Reluctant) is less of a as possible from enemy tanks, but close possible. Being Reluctant, the Panthers
I’ve always loved panzergrenadiers, but Furthermore, the force’s low rating Sd Kfz 251/21 (Triple 1.5cm) half-tracks
I struggled to get them to work under means you also gain access to cheap (190pts). That brings me up to 440 points.
the old Version 2 rules. However, when units. Three Panther tanks for just 385
Adding Support Weapons
reading through the new Version 3 rules, points is ludicrously good!
I saw that all of the major issues I had I really like the Heavy Platoon (120pts)
instantly disappear! The first change is Although the force doesn’t have access
because it helps make your list more
the ability to retrieve transport teams to normal artillery, you get an interesting flexible and gives you an artillery
from the rear. Being able to bring up choice in the mortar platoon, which template to help pin potential assault
transports when and where you need has four heavy mortars and two Stuka targets. The mortars are good at this,
them the most is amazing. The second zu Fuss half tracks armed with 28cm and the 7.5cm cannon half-tracks are
improvement is the changes to the rockets. These fire separately from the excellent at knocking out threats to my
German Mounted Assault special rule mortars and give you more templates that troops, like heavy machine-guns and
where all of the passengers in a half-track will smash open the enemy’s lines. anti-tank guns.
can roll dice in the Assault Step, not
Building My Force In all of my lists I like to have two or
just one like in Version 2. So with those
changes in mind. I was excited to try out In my area we play many late war games more template support weapons for
the new FHH Panzersturmkompanie in at 1750 points. When you factor in how pinning the enemy. So, my next unit I
Blood, Guts, and Glory! cheap these troops are, my force gets want to add is the FHH Mortar Platoon
massive! Like most players I start my with two of the devastating Sd Kfz
Building this list is all about wanting 251/1D Stuka zu Fuss rocket launchers
to play a unique cool force with lots list building with the core platoons of
(165pts). The 28cm rockets have
of guns. You get interesting platoons the list, the ones that I definitely cannot
excellent firepower which will be handy
like mobile anti-aircraft with up to six live without. The core of this force is an
to dig out the opposition!
armored AA halftracks, Panther tanks, FHH Panzersturmkompanie HQ (60pts),
and perhaps best of all, infantry equipped an FHH Panzersturm Platoon (190pts), With those extra support weapons, I’m
with Panzerfausts and assault rifles! and an FHH FlaK Platoon with six currently sitting at 725 points for my force.
Andrew’s FHH Panzer
panie HQ 60 points
FHH Panzersturmkom
toon 190 points
FHH Panzersturm Pla
toon 190 points
FHH Panzersturm Pla
170 points
How Do I Get This Army? FHH FlaK Platoon
Platoon: Product Code: Released: 21 (Triple 1.5cm))
(with 6x Sd Kfz 251/
FHH Panzersturmkompanie HQ 1x GBX17 Now! 85 points
FHH FlaK Platoon
FHH Panzersturm Platoons 2x GE737, 8x GE241 Now!
21 (Triple 1.5cm))
FHH Panther Platoons 1x GE062, 1x GBX66 Next Month (with 3x Sd Kfz 251/
120 points
FHH FlaK Platoons 9x GE262 Next Month FHH Heavy Platoon
FHH Heavy Platoon 1x GBX17, 2x GE253, 2x GE251 Now! 165 points
FHH Mortar Platoon
FHH Mortar Platoon 1x GE711, 2x GE253 Now! 1D Stuka)
(with 2x Sd Kfz 251/
385 points
FHH Panther Platoon
Who is Andrew Haught?
(with 3x Panther G)
Andrew has done some excellent work for Battlefront, including the Raiding and 385 points
Tank Aces systems. He has the knack for fielding supposedly ‘difficult’ forces and FHH Panther Platoon
turning them into something to be feared on the tournament scene! (with 3x Panther G)
1750 points
Getting These Armies
Use the codes listed for each army feature to order from your local retail shop or on our website: www.FlamesOfWar.com
These codes will cover all the blisters and boxes needed to field Tony’s, Steve’s. Mike’s, or Andrew’s armies.
NSA4002 The Lord of the Jungle and his friends £5.40 NSA4001 Hunters and Explorers £5.40
Wars of Louis XIV 1665-1680
North Star figures are 28mm sized, made of metal and supplied unpainted. North Star
figures are not suitable for children under the age of 14.
als will be
Regiment De
e day!!
available on th
The Rosetta Stone! The name itself is exotic and instantly brings to mind To aid him in that administration
images of Egypt - the pyramids, the pharaohs, and palm trees on the Nile, Napoleon had brought with him a unique
silhouetted by a setting, reddish sun. Most school children can tell you collection of some of the most learned
the stone’s inscriptions provided the modern world with the ability to minds of France from many different
finally translate the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt, but how many know the fields of discipline. There were scientists
history of the actual finding of the stone? Gamers will be pleased to know and engineers, mathematicians and
artists, doctors and poets - all gathered to
that the discovery of the stone is set in the time of Napoleon’s occupation
study the curiosities of both ancient and
of Egypt, and its subsequent transfer from the French to the British is the
contemporary Egypt. Known collectively
stuff of drama and intrigue - just the sort of thing to inspire a wargame. as savants, these gentlemen will come to
play a major part in our story.
HISTORY After landing his army near Alexandria,
Napoleon proceeded to act as if he meant First employed in mundane tasks
As all good wargamers know, Napoleon
business. In the space of a month he had assisting the army, such as serving as
crossed the Mediterranean and invaded quartermasters or secretaries to staff
Egypt in 1798. For the task at hand, he taken not only Alexandria but Cairo as
well, and beaten the ruling Mameluke officers, the savants soon found their legs
brought with him a large force of 40,000 and used their own initiative to discover
men and literally hundreds of transport army at the famous Battle of the
the paths to those things they held
vessels to supply them. With a nod to the Pyramids in the process. These successes
important. Soon examples were being
wealth of Egypt as well as its strategic did not mean the French hold on Egypt
taken of the differing flora and fauna of
placement on the map, Napoleon and the was secure, as British Lord Nelson’s the region, while artists sketched, and
French had come to stay. By occupying destruction of Napoleon’s supporting writers wrote of the wonders they seen.
Egypt, they at once threatened British fleet at Aboukir Bay proved eloquently, Some ranged far, up the Nile or over to
India and its resources, while opening the but they did allow for the administration the Holy Lands, while others stayed near
same door of opportunity for themselves. of the land to begin. and actually helped the new colony with
Napoleonic Wars
technical studies on issues like improving
crop production or reducing disease.
When the savants first came to Cairo,
they were housed in very impressive
surroundings, the palace complex of the
past Mameluke overlords. The buildings
of the palace were the stuff of the Arabian
myths with courtyards and gardens,
and high walls that hid them. Here
the educational elite of France created
an academic association, the Institut
d’Egypt. Some French army officers were
invited to join as well, strengthening the
ties between these two groups.
As can easily be imagined, the study of
the Egypt of Antiquity was of paramount
importance to the savants. Truthfully, it
was important to Napoleon, the ruling
French Directory of the time, and the What’s All the
French people at home as well. While
all of the Middle East was something of fuss about?
an enigma to the population of Europe, The Rosetta Stone is the first stone
Egypt was the most titillating. Here tablet to be found that included
was the land of the Pharaohs and the the same message inscribed in two
pyramids, with all its mysteries of the or more languages. Knowledge of
past. It would be a major coup for France Ancient Greek by the scholars of the
and its educational elite to bring back the time allowed them to translate the
answers and solutions to questions long Demotic script and then the Egyptian
unsolved. To that end it is most ironic heiroglyphs, a task that had been
that one of the greatest historical relics thought Herculean at the time.
of the ages was found not by one of the
savants, but by a lowly junior officer of If knowledge is considered power,
the French expeditionary force. consider the power that this object
held for the savants and antiquaries
By July of 1799, the fortunes of war had in Eygypt in 1800, and the lengths
changed for Napoleon, beginning with to which governments would go to
the defeat of the French fleet at Aboukir secure it for themselves.
Bay. Now it was the French who waited
for an invasion force that would probably
be composed of the British and their
new allies, the Ottoman Turks, of whose
crumbling empire Egypt was nominally a
part. All along the coast near Alexandria
the industrious French prepared their
defenses, repairing fortifications as
needed, or tearing down and rebuilding
those places fallen through long neglect.
capitulation until after the fall of Cairo. intrigue of his own, the British general
It was during the writing of the treaty sought help from three traveling British
Two British officers bravely (from
that the real intrigue for possession of the subjects who had the credentials to assist,
the rear) direct their Egyptian allies
stone tablet began. and sent them into Alexandria.
in an attack on a French camp.
By now, all of the principals in this The three gentlemen were antiquaries
international affair were well aware of themselves and one of them, William
the stone now known as the Rosetta Hamilton, was the attaché to the English
Tablet (Rosetta after the European name Lord Elgin. The other two, noted
for the the coastal town of Al-Rashid). mineralogist Edward Clarke and his
Possession of the prestigious stone had student assistant, John Cripps, were on a
taken on serious political and academic years long marathon tour of Europe and
ramifications for the three governments Asia, and had been drawn to Egypt once
involved. Even the possessive Menou the British and Turks invaded. Together
wanted it, thinking it would make an they entered Alexandria, fortunately
impressive centerpiece in the foyer of made contact with some of the savants,
his family home in France. Jockeying for and even more incredibly, managed to
ownership of the Rosetta Stone and the gain their aid in recovering the Stone,
other antiquities collected by the savants and oh, one more item of importance of
became the main item of contention as which Clarke and Cripps had knowledge
the treaty was written, and attempts were - the tomb of Alexander himself.
made to enforce it.
It took several days to accomplish this
As time passed, a frustrated General mission. Joined now by an officer from
Hutchinson of the British forces was the 3rd Foot Guards, Colonel Tomkyns
forced to accept that General Menou Turner, the four went into Alexandria,
intended to spirit away as much of the Hamilton and Turner to see General
collectable booty gathered by the savants Menou, and Cripps and Clarke to seek
as he possibly could. Engaging in a bit of out an informant. Hamilton and Turner
Contemporary Satire
A hand-coloured aquatint engraving by George Cruikshank for
William Combe’s The Life of Napoleon. Published by Thomas Tegg in 1815.
The British and French face off as Pasha Kapudan and his men look on.
WARGAMING THE wonderful examples of exotic Middle to come by, but you know that finding the
Eastern buildings to go along with the stuff is half the fun of doing this.
CAPTURE OF THE docks, walls and picket lines. It would In short, this could be a very pretty,
ROSETTA STONE be nice to have a couple of buildings that atmospheric game. You could play it
opened up, so the figures could go inside as a simple skirmish affair, with clear
I envision the “Rosetta” gaming field as
past veil curtained walls, down torchlit objectives, or as a matrix game, where
a large section of the city of Alexandria, hallways and into the catacombs….you players offer solutions to problems, then
with one short flank being the docks and get the idea. You’ll have to scour the debate the soundness of their arguments.
waters of the harbor, and the other being figure manufacturers for suitable troops, I personally prefer a mix of the two for
the walls and pickets of the besieging looking for French, Turks, Egyptians, and this kind of game requiring few figures
British. It’s time to game in the style of British in that time frame. Europeans in but offering a very interesting playing
Peter Gilder and fill the city with civilian garb for that period will be hard area, the streets of Alexandria.
Above: Bonaparte before the Sphinx - painted by Jean Leon Jerome in 1867.
“Soult’s only reserve was a battalion of 800 conscripts, who had only arrived the day before and whom he had kept
in rear, fearing to engage them. Now, knowing they had good officers and seeing their ardour, he ordered them to charge
with the bayonet without firing a shot... they advanced in silence, throwing back the enemy and taking their guns....”
R.W. Phipps: The Armies of the First French Republic.
In many ways the Americans in 1944 faced the same challenges that the Germans
faced in 1940. Both were out-numbered and out-gunned, but using cunning and
manoeuvre, they brought their strengths to bear on the enemy’s weaknesses to
even the odds. The fight for Lorraine resulted in the US Army’s largest tank
battles of the war - a record not toppled until the first Gulf War in 1991!
From Montgomery’s 21st Army Group in Panzer Brigades, equipped with the best
Holland to Dever’s 6th Army Group in tanks and weapons available. Then they
southern France, the Allies were storming launched a counterattack to cut off Patton’s
east toward the German frontier. In Third Army and destroy it. No sooner had
the middle of the Allied line, Patton’s the Panzer Brigades got moving, than the
unstoppable Third Army was smashing its Americans had renewed their offensive.
way into the French region of Lorraine.
In September 1944, the US Third Army
However, its relentless advance came to
threw itself against the Germans. American
a sudden halt at the Meuse for lack of
armoured spearheads crossed the Moselle
fuel, forcing the Americans to stop and
River near Nancy and broke through to the
build up supplies.
open fields beyond. It was here that the
The Germans were not idle, building hard-charging US 4th Armored Division
up their defences and moving up clashed with the Panzer Brigades in the best
several of Germany’s brand new stretch of tank-fighting terrain between the
318 Regt
Morboche Chambrey
n 113 Pz Bde
21 Pz Div
Battle eu
r th
Colombey-les-Belles eR
0 Miles 5 10 15 20
0 Kilometres 10 20 30 CCR
M4A3 (LATE) & M4A3 (76MM) TANKS
Gentle hills are Slow Going, Rough Terrain that
does not require a Bogging Check. Phil’s tanks
are half-hidden by the hill, taking up ‘hull-down’
positions to make them harder to hit.
C ✗
Wheeled Vehicles move half again
as fast on roads as they do
Woods are Difficult Going, 2IC COMMAND
requiring a Bogging Check
to move in. They Provide
concealment to teams at WITH 2IC COMMAND TANK M4A3 (LATE) & M4A3E8 TANKS
least Half inside. Teams
completely inside Woods PLATOON M4A3 (LATE) & M4A3 (76MM) TANKS
can only shoot and be shot
at by teams within 6”/15cm. FHH FLAK PLATOON RECON PLATOON
I’d been watching Mike develop the new US companies for I deployed with this in mind, not leaving anything behind
Blood, Guts, & Glory from the sidelines with much interest to guard my objective, aiming for the objective in the
and I was keen to take Phil on with a US Tank Company. Village. Tank Platoon 1 would advance by the direct route,
while Tank Platoon 2 and the Recon Platoon would swing
My plan was to rely on the speed of the M4A3 and
around from my right. Once I looked at the objective
M4A4E8 Easy Eight Sherman tanks with their 14''/35cm
placement, I could see the Recon Platoon may become
Cross-country movement to get amongst the poorly-trained
handy as they worked their way around the flank. I gave
Germans. My superior Veteran training rating should
my 2iC a Jumbo to switch between the Tank Platoons as
allow me to rush through the initial volleys of Panther and
needed, offering them a little protection from the enemy’s
Panzer IV/70 gun fire to get behind their flanks.
powerful guns.
SM Stormtroopers move.
Panzer IV/70 tank-
hunters move into range.
They shoot and bounce
a shot off the Jumbo
assault tank.
Commander’s Panther
scores a hit and uses the
Gun Tanks rule to hit
an Easy Eight, but only
bails it out.
Phil’s plan continues its downward spiral when the leading
The leading Easy Eight puts its stabilisers to good use,
two Panthers both get stuck crossing the ford, despite scoring two hits. Unfortunately the one shot that might
having wide tracks that make them twice as likely to cross! have hit the thin armour on the side of the hull hits the
The German shooting picks up though, with the American turret front instead, but it still manages to bail out the tank
company commander being one of the first to fall. Another and kill another.
turn of shooting like that and they won’t need their flanking
Looking for easier pickings, the Thunderbolts attempt to
move at all.
bomb the tanks and half-tracks crowded together at the
Demonstrating the sheer speed of the M4A3 tanks using the ford. Because the target is in the open, they won’t need to
Detroit’s Finest special rule that lets them move 14''/35cm roll to range in, avoiding their problem from last turn. Their
a turn, Wayne’s tanks continue their advance, reaching the plan fails when they are driven off by massed anti-aircraft
German-held village, much to Phil’s discomfort. fire from the triple 15mm guns of the half-tracks.
a Panther tank’s front armour while still in Normandy. They started Panzer IV/70 tank-hunters
carrying a smoke round ‘up the spout’, ready to fire, to blind German
advance through the
tanks while they flanked them or brought up bigger guns.
smoke and destroy a
Wayne used the same tactic, firing smoke with his 75mm-armed tanks 75mm-armed Sherman.
to blind selected tanks while the bigger guns engaged the rest.
Panther uses the Gun
Tanks rule to pick
out and destroy the
commander’s Easy Eight.
Jumbo is at long range,
so Panthers hit the Easy
Eights at short range,
destroying one and
bailing out the other.
Phil’s luck improves when the crew of the bailed-out
Wayne’s luck isn’t much better. After weathering a hail
Panther tank remount, despite needing a 5 or 6 because of shots to reach the objective, the Easy Eight misses a
they are rated as Reluctant, but that is about the extent of point-blank shot at the German commander, even with
it for the whole turn. The net result of all of his shooting its Smooth Ride special rule. Only the 75mm-armed tank
is one tank bailed out and a shot bouncing off the Jumbo. manages to score a hit, but can’t finish the job, leaving
the commander shaken, but intact.
The flanking move crawls on, crossing the river, leaving
one tank stuck in the mud. Once again though, they can’t Figuring that his aircraft have to get through some
make a Stormtroopers roll, leaving Phil muttering time, Wayne throws them against the flanking move
about Trained tank crews as his bold dash turns again, only to have them meet another hail of fire and
into a leisurely stroll. be driven off.
the ford.
Panzer IV/70 tank-hunters
close the range and bail
out a 75mm Sherman.
Panthers move out of
smoke and score a hit, but
fail to avoid the Jumbo
with the Gun Tank rule.
Jumbo bounces shot with
its thick armour.
With his flanking move way behind schedule and a serious As it turns out, there are a lot of surviving American tanks,
lack of carnage on the left flank Phil is forced to reorganise as the Panthers miss everything and only the Panzer IV/70
his defence. The Möbelwagen anti-aircraft tanks move tank hunters score hits, but still fail to knock anything out.
across to contest the objective, plastering the dismounted
recon platoon and, surprisingly, bailing out a Sherman. Wayne takes advantage of this to destroy the anti-aircraft
Knowing that the anti-aircraft guns won’t last long against platoon and the Panther platoon (along with the command
real tanks, Phil reluctantly orders the Panthers to move into tank) in an orgy of short-range fire straight into their vul-
the village as well, making flank shots from any surviving nerable side armour. As the smoke clears, it becomes pretty
Americans almost a certainty next turn. clear that the objective is well and truly in American hands.
With the American recon platoon on the objective and no
The Panzer IV/70 tank hunters opened the score by
Germans close enough to contest it, there was only one destroying the last 75mm-armed tank in the Easy Eight
thing for Phil to do…kill them all! With the American platoon and the 2iC’s Jumbo with a side shot. The Panthers
commander long dead and both Sherman platoons in a only managed a single 76mm though, so even if the lone
bad way, there was a good possibility of Phil knocking Easy Eight had run away, the other Sherman platoon
out enough tanks to break the American company’s would still be there to hold things together. It was a valiant
morale and win the game. attempt, but not enough. The Americans have won.
and shoot, hoping to break
the American morale.
The Panzer IV/70 platoon
kill the Jumbo in the
side and the remaining
Easy Eight.
The Panthers only kill a
76mm-armed Sherman.
Wayne passes the morale
check for Sherman
Platoon 1, so it remains on
table with its last remaining
75mm Sherman.
At the beginning of Wayne’s
Turn 5 the objective was held.
Tank Platoon 1, with just one
M4A3 Sherman tank still
fighting, was too far away
from the objective. However,
the Recon Platoon, who had
managed to sneak through
the wood and into a damaged
house, held the objective. It
was a US victory!
Panzer IV J tanks
To find your local stockist, or order any of
our ranges on-line, please visit us at
They ploughed through the snow with the sound of muffled thunder. Heavily armed men of war mounted on massive
warhorses poured forward, their white surcoats and caparisons blending into the clouds of powder being kicked up.
The sun glared off the snow, armour, and weapons, dazzling the enemy and adding to the almost supernatural effect
of the onrushing force. Only the black crosses on their shields and caparisons identified the charging host as the
Teutonic Knights, the most feared heavy cavalry force in medieval eastern Europe.
The Knights were led by a Grand Master elected
from the Generalkapitel assembly of all members.
His council consisted of deputies, all with their
own command roles in the military machine.
With expansion came more diffused responsibilities.
The Knights were organized into three chapters
each led by a Landmeister who eventually supplanted
the Grand Master regionally. At the local level,
the Komtur commanded the rank and file. The
warrior-monks that made up the mounted soldiery
lived humbly in dormitories and shared messes,
with most of their days being spent in prayer and
preparation for war.
The 14th Century witnessed a fresh wave of assaults by the Teutonic
Order, this time into Lithuania and Russia. The warfare in this region
was particularly merciless, with widespread devastation and massive
depopulation. The Knights steadily increased their holdings, however,
consolidating as they went along, often by building magnificent castles
such as the one at Marienburg that would become their home base. Ironically,
it was peaceful conversion through dynastic marriage between Lithuania
and Poland that fostered Christianity’s success in the region and created a
powerful barrier to the Teutonic Knights. That also took away much of the
raison d’etre for continued warfare, but by then (around 1410) the limits of
Teutonic control had been reached and the long decline was about to begin.
Map from CAM 122, Tanneburg 1410, © Osprey Publishing Ltd. www.ospreypublishing.com
Picture yourself facing a charging
mass of Teutonic knights holding
couched lances. The lance was
made of ash and measured up
to 14 feet long, but its steel tip
would be your immediate concern.
Even if the knight missed with the
lance, however, he had a battery of
fearsome weapons to hand. Almost
all knights carried double-edged
swords, measuring up to four feet
long, and useful for hacking through
even well-protected limbs. The
short wooden-hafted battle-axe
carried by some knights sported
a foot-wide, crescent-shaped steel
blade. Other gruesome weapons
did not have blades. The mace had
a foot-long shaft with a metal head,
and was an ideal weapon for caving
in enemy helmets. There have also
been suggestions that the Knights
used foot-long flails with spiked balls
attached to the head by short chains.
The Knight rode into battle well
armoured. Immediately noticeable
was his massive square or cylindrical
steel helm that sometimes sported
horns for maximum psychological
effect. The helm had only a slit
for seeing and breathing, and that
added to its weight, rendering the The 14th Century ended well enough for the Teutonic Knights with victory over pirates
knight vulnerable to exhaustion in Gotland in 1398. Just twelve years later, however, the flower of Teutonic knighthood
and lighter armed opponents – if lay scattered across the field of Tannenberg. The Knights had tried once again to beat
they could get through the weapons. the Polish-Lithuanian alliance and were crushed in an enormous defeat. Then, in 1454,
The rest of the knight’s armour a massive uprising started the Thirteen Years War that ended with the Knights ceding
was predominantly chainmail made western Prussia to the Poles. In 1525, eastern Prussia converted to Lutheranism and
up of thousands of metal rings expelled the Catholic Knights. By then, the age of the classic heavy medieval knight -
joined together to form a protective represented so well by the magnificent Teutonic Knights - was all but over, brought low
mesh. Armourers made chainmail by gunpowder and improved infantry tactics and organization. The Knights maintained
gauntlets and socks to go with the control of great swathes of territory in northern Europe, but their time as Christianity’s
main shirt that covered the knight stormtroopers in the region had passed.
down to his knees. This flexible
arrangement made the knight more
If all else failed, the knight could
always rely on his trained warhorse,
measuring up to 24 hands. As well
as a magnificent battering ram, the
horse was also trained as a weapon
that would bite and kick when
under attack.
Still fancy your chances?
thus negating their primary tactic of shock force. However, the Lithuanians
precipitated events by attacking first with light armed archers and spearmen.
Unfortunately for them, they lost cohesion in doing so, and that gave the
Knights their window of opportunity to launch a massive counterattack. The
Lithuanians lacked the heavy cavalry needed to block the Knights and their
army collapsed under the onslaught. Thousands of Lithuanian dead blocked
the river, leading one source to describe the Knights crossing with ‘dry feet’.
© Osprey Publishing Ltd. www.ospreypublishing.com
Coming soon:
Pike &
I have been a professional figure painter and model maker for 15 years
now, and have worked for a variety of different miniature companies. In
my spare time, I paint vignettes and dioramas for competitions and have
been quite successful over the years as my skills and experience has grown.
I’ve been working for Battlefront Miniatures and Wargames Illustrated as a
figure painter for over five years now. Instead of sitting at the back of the room, the boss has pushed me to
the front of the class and has given me a nice Harris Tweed jacket with elbow patches on and a monthly slot
to show you some tricks, tips, and techniques which will help you become a better figure painter.
Whether you have a dedicated room or
the kitchen table in the evenings, to paint
successfully, you need to be comfortable.
Painting units or an army require many
hours of sitting in the same position, so
make sure your chair and table are the
right height for you. I have been known
to put wooden blocks underneath my
table to get my sitting position.
As you can see, my workspace is situated
next to a window for daylight and
ventilation. I keep my area tidy with lots
of storage for everything to be put away. LIGHTING and a really good colour balance. I use a
I am slightly OCD about this, but there is daylight strip lamp, which stays cool and
nothing worse than having a great idea, Your light is probably the most important
illuminates my whole desk and not just
going to your workspace and having thing on your desk. It is the first thing
a single spot. I know they are expensive,
to clean up before you can even start. you switch on before you start work. I
but it is money well spent. I do use a
Everything is close to hand and labelled recommend that you do not use a normal
normal poise-lamp with a household bulb
up, so I’m not hunting around for that yellow tungsten bulb, but a blue daylight
in, because it gets quite warm and is great
certain type of glue. one. This gives you a consistent lighting
for gently drying models.
Painting &
These are probbly the most important tool on your desk.
You’ll need a knife that has interchangeable blades. When
I’m cleaning up units of metal miniatures, I can go through
ten blades a day. My workhorse is the Swann Morton
scalpel with an extra wide handle (5a) - which, after eight
hours work, does not hurt my hands - and 10a blades.
Another knife I find very useful is an X-acto style
knife, because you can put any shaped blade or
jewellers’ saw in it.
With more and more companies releasing plastic box sets now, a good quality pair of
side cutters is a must. What you are looking for is the outside of the blades to be flush
with each other for a clean cut, this saves on a lot of extra sanding. Just a quick word
of warning about side cutters, only use them on white metal or plastic. Anything harder
will certainly damage the blades. If you need to snip any steel wire for example, use
regular pliers.
This can mean anything that can push filler or green/ grey
stuff around. I use a variety of sculpting tools depending
on the job, from the humble cocktail stick, Gale Force 9
sculpting set to a high quality dentist’s Tiranti Wax 5 tool.
One of the most common uses for these tools is filling gaps
with putty on multi-part kits. I will be covering putty and
fillers in more depth, in a later article on conversions.
I cannot stress enough about buying Palette
high quality brushes for the bulk of your
painting, preferably Kolinsky sable. Over the years, I have used all different
My favourite brushes are Windsor and types of palettes and I keep coming
Newton series 7 in sizes 00, 0 and a 1, back to a piece of cardboard wrapped
which I keep in good condition. Don’t in regular brown tape (they grow
let paint get on the metal ferrule, as this over the years!)
blocks up the core of the bristles, causing Firstly; it is very cheap and secondly,
the brush to become stiff and harder to Vallejo Paints have this characteristic
use. Top Tip: a new brush will take at where it does not like fresh paint being
least one good painting session to wear in put on top of old paint - this causes the
to a nice point. old paint to re-hydrate and break apart,
For mixing paint, applying PVA, leaving bits in your mix. Brown tape
drybrushing, and basing I use cheap is an ideal solution to stop this from
(or very old) brushes, as they are not happening.
going to last long anyway.
There are two main types of tape that I use a lot
of; double-sided and masking tape. Double-
sided tape is so useful, that I would be stuck
without it. I use it everywhere, from sticking
down figures on a base for handling while
painting, for spraying primer and to making a
mock-up building out of foam board.
Tamiya masking tape is the best one I have
found. It comes in different thicknesses, which
are very accurate, incredibly straight cut and
have a low tack quality which does not lift
paint, also indispensable for airbrushing.
GLUES If you do not have any “rapid cure” Care must be taken as when the two
to hand, bicarbonate of soda (A2), chemicals are mixed; they get quite
(AND RAPID CURES) sprinkled over the join makes it hot and can warp thin plastic and
A. Superglue is the most useful glue incredibly strong and speeds up ruin models (I speak from personal
on your desk. With its great tensile drying time. It might need a quick experience on this one).
strength and ability to stick most pass with some wet and dry
C. Another glue, which is always
things together, it can be even more sandpaper afterwards, due to the
close to hand, is PVA. It is sometimes
effective when used with ”rapid cure” chemical reaction.
called white glue or wood glue, the
accelerator (A1), which bonds the two
B. For an even stronger join, I use a latter being the strongest bond. It is
surfaces together instantly, so there is
5 minute crystal clear two-part epoxy very versatile, as it can be thinned with
no more holding two bits together for
glue. This offers great mechanical water, becomes transparent when dry,
ages waiting for it to cure.
resistance and, because it dries clear, it has high adherence qualities (even on
is good for shallow water and puddles, metal) and leaves no residue. I use this
but not for filling gaps as it does not mainly for bases and gluing transparent
A2 sand down very well. parts together.
D. With the growing amount of plastic
D miniatures I have to paint, liquid
poly cement is really useful glue. It
has a strong bond and quite quick
drying time, which allows a little
final adjustment, unlike superglue.
Always try and buy a bottle
with a brush in the cap for easy
• two-part epoxy putty • two-part epoxy putty • very fast drying if • can be applied • initial fast drying
• very sticky when • sets rock hard used with “rapid cure” straight from the tube • applied straight
mixed, even to metal • can be sanded/sawn/ • good for small areas • good for large, from tube
• very smooth finish filed/baked/carved • can be sanded/ thin coats • good for small areas
• 40 min curing time • good for large areas polished/drilled • good for levelling e.g. sinkholes
• good at holding • does not shrink • different viscosity surfaces • saves doing multiple
defined edges when drying and drying times • can be sanded superglue layers for
• can carve when dry available from very • can be thinned with filling
• clean to use thin glue to gel liquid poly cement
• flexible, even • fast drying time
when dry • very sticky
• low shrinkage
• must wash hands • 3-5 hrs curing time • difficult to remove • short working time • fully cured after
after working • needs mixing with • cannot be used on • work in a well 1-3 days
• difficult to sand water to become sticky clear plastic, as it will ventilated room • if applied too thickly,
• will tear with drilling • messy fog surface can crack
• can be brittle • difficult to sand
• must wash hands unless covered in a thin
after working layer of superglue
Come to the Battlefront
stand and learn to play
PURPLE Sevastopol
Mighty German
Panthers fight it
out against steely
allied tanks
WI294 [email protected] 1 10/2/12 15:38:02
WI294 Salute.indd 1 10/2/12 15:35:54
1830 1860
By Anthony Leslie Dawson
The French Army had a long tradition of allowing soldiers THE AUTHOR
not only of different nationalities to serve in its ranks, but of
Anthony Dawson is a post-graduate
different races too - the Mamelukes of the Imperial Guard research student at the University of
during the First Empire being the most famous example. Leeds studying the French army and
its perception by the British during
The Armée d’Afrique (Army of Africa) and ‘natives’. French volunteers were the Crimean War. In 2007 he jointly
was the direct result of the French organised into the regiments of Zouaves, published Napoleonic Artillery (Crowood
invasion of Algeria in 1830 under non-Frenchmen joined the legion Press) with Paul Dawson and Stephen
Marshal Clauzel. Much confusion has Étrangère (Foreign Legion) and ‘natives’ Summerfield and he has recently had
arisen over the origins of the name were drafted into the Tirailleurs Algérien published French Infantry of the Crimean
Armée d’Afrique – it was the army (Algerian Sharpshooters). They were War by Partizan Press. He currently
raised for service in Africa rather than not allowed to serve in Metropolitan working on a follow-up volume studying
as it is usually considered, an army of France, but could serve alongside the the French cavalry in the Crimean
Africans. Rather like the Armée du regular Line troops in any other theatre War. He is a regular contributor to the
Nord was the northern French army, of war, such as the Crimean and the Smoothbore Ordnance Journal. He is
for service in the north of France, not Italian campaigns. The most famous of a keen re-enactor and is the founder of
an army of northerners! The infantry these three formations during the Second a group depicting the Voltigeurs of the
regiments raised for service in Algeria Empire (1852-1870) were the Zouaves. Imperial Guard during the Crimean War.
came from three sources: voluntary
enlistment of Frenchmen (usually
soldiers who had served their seven- The origins of the Zouaves can be traced
year conscription who wanted to further Below: Zouaves in action at the Battle of
to the Zouaoua, a fiercely independent
Solferino, 1859. Illustration by Peter Dennis
their careers); non-French citizens Kabyli tribe living in the rocky hills from CAM 207 Solferino 1859.
Jurjura range of mountains. They had Information on the early uniform of the Zouaves is very obscure, with only a
only ever given a “nominal submission few mentions of “oriental” style uniform made in inspection returns. A return of
to the Turks” (who had run Algeria until October 1830 for the 1st Battalion of Zouaves mentions 401 calottes (Zouave
they were defeated by the French) and caps), 347 green turbans, 402 vestes, 402 gilets, 402 pairs of trousers in white
were renowned for the martial prowess. cotton, 371 sashes and 403 pairs of shoes. An inspection return of December
1832 mentions the wearing of a red Zouave cap with a red calico turban for
A Spanish writer in 1574 said of the 1st Battalion and green for the second. A report of 1838 confirms the
the Zouaoua: wearing of a red turban.
“The Zouaghi form a formidable There exists a brief description of the uniform dated 1831:
militia in the service of the Sublime
Porte. Nothing can resist their “… a veste and sleeveless waistcoat in blue wool cloth; moorish pantaloons in red
impetuosity. When you see them in cloth, a sash in blue linen, a greatcoat in brown cloth, a red turban and callotte,
battle, they resemble an army of angry leather gaiters, moorish style cartridge pouch and haversack.”
lions. Therefore, the Ottomans are
The first detailed regulations for the Zouave uniform and for the Tirailleurs
always at the forefront when it comes
was laid down in 1841, to be replaced by those of 23 May 1854. The sleeveless
to an assault, because, for the Emperor
waistcoat was initially the same as that issued to the Line infantry - single breasted
of the Turks, the Zouaghi are an elite
and fastening with a row of nine small buttons.
corps. Nothing can be compared to their
agility and their martial prowess. In ZOUAVE UNIFORM 1853
addition, they bear with resignation the
The uniform consisted of several unique pieces of clothing:
hardships of war and the long walks and
inexhaustible cheerfulness is one of Calotte or Chéchia: Tasselled Zouave Cap.
their characteristics.” Turban: Turban.
Sedria: Sleeveless waistcoat.
The French led an expeditionary force in
Veste: Short, waist-length jacket.
Algeria against the Turks under Marshal
Serouel: Voluminous trousers.
Louis Auguste Victor de Ghaisne de
Ceinture: Sash.
Bourmont (1776 to 1846). They landed
on 14 June 1830 at Sidi Ferruch and HEAD DRESS
fought two fierce battles on 19 and 24
A madder-red (granace) fez - called a chéchia - with a dark blue
June; Algiers capitulated on 5 July. It was
silk tassel.
de Bourmont who first had the idea of
raising native auxiliary battalions. In full dress - a dark green turban was worn.
Colonel Alfred d’Aubignosc, the VESTE
Commissioner General of Police in
Algiers, or at least one of his staff, made The waist length veste was dark blue with red
the first contact between the Zouaoua lace and piping. A tombeau on the front denoted
and the French expeditionary force regiment; For the 1st Regiment of Zouaves, the
during July 1830. Aubignosc took with coloured patch was red, white for the second and
him a young 20-year old translator, yellow for the third.
Jospeh Vantini Yusuf, who would be a SÉDRIA
future General of France. They had met
in Tunis through the French Consul, de The sedria was dark blue for Zouaves
Lesseps, during a preparatory trip to the decorated with red wool lace 10mm wide.
Algerian expedition. CEINTURE
Yusuf presented to Aubignosc one The woollen ceinture was sky blue.
Hadj Abrachmane Henni, who was the
spokesperson of the “Zouave Nation”, SEROUEL
and on 12 August 1830 Aubignosc The baggy “Zouave pantaloons” were
and Bourmont wrote an initial letter, made from garance wool, decorated
addressed to the Zouaoua as a basis for with dark blue cordwork.
a “note for the basis of a treaty with the
Zouave Nation” and, two days later, CLOAKS
a “memorandum” on the conditions The hooded cloaks were iron grey,
under which Henni offered an auxiliary piped garanace. They fastened
corps of two thousand Zouaves. On 15 with four tabs on the front which
August 1830, the first 500 Zouaves were were also piped garance.
assembled at Algiers. The fact that 500
Zouaves had been recruited in a matter of GAITERS
three days suggests that the Zouaoua had Zouaves wore knee length
already made the decision to take arms white canvas gaiters,
with the French against the Turks fastening with ten small
in Algeria. bone buttons. Over the top
they (Continued on page 69).
The Government of King Charles X fell occupation of Algeria, on which the new Expeditionary Force in Algeria. These
during the “July Revolution” of 27 to 29 government had not yet come to any officers were young, energetic and highly
July 1830. The revolution was inspired conclusion. Another Napoleonic veteran, ambitious and included names such as
by Charles X over-reaching his powers Marshal Nicolas Soult, replaced Gerard Saint Arnaud, Canrobert, Bosquet, and
and attempting to rule as an absolute as Minister for War in November 1830. Bourbaki, which would become famous
rather than a constitutional monarch in in the Second Empire. The 1st Battalion
In order to be able to reduce the numbers
an abortive coup d’etat of 25 July. Two was commanded by Chef de Bataillon
of French soldiers in North Africa, and
of the major factors in the success of Pierre Maumet, who had previously
to be able to cope with various problems been a staff officer, and the second by
revolution were the mutiny of the Royal
that would arise in the new colony, Chef de Bataillon Francois Duvivier, an
Guard and the defection of the Paris Clauzel had no alternative but to resume
Garrison on 27 July. A Regency was officer of engineers who would rise to
the draft begun by Aubignosc and Yusuf, the rank of General. Duvivier had with
initially established on 29 July until the and an Order dated 1 October 1830
crown was offered to Louis-Philippe, him Lieutenant Christophe Leon Louis
created a battalion of Zouaves of Lamoricière (1806 to 1865) who would
who became the first “Citizen King of the six companies.
French” on 9 August. Marshall Bourmont become a General at only 34 and go on to
did not receive the news of the revolution Clauzel had yet another problem to command of the Papal Army, establishing
until 11 August 1830. contend with: his initial contacts and the famous Papal Zouaves.
intermediaries with the Zouaoua were not Two battalions had been organised by
Bourmont refused to swear allegiance to available to him and the relationship with
the new King, Louis-Philippe, and was the end of the year, but recruiting was
them had to be re-established. Aubignosc very slow amongst the natives, so it
therefore sure of his replacement as the had been exiled because he had refused was decided by Duvivier to appeal to
head of the Expeditionary Force. On 23 to swear allegiance to the new king European volunteers to fill the ranks.
August, Marshal Bourmont wrote to the and Yusuf was jailed, because his This decision was not only militarily
Minister of War, General Gerard: correspondence with various figures of but also politically prudent. France
“There in the mountains east of Algiers the court in Tunis had cast doubts on his had been flooded by “... radicals from
a considerable tribe gives soldiers to relationship and dealings with the Turks abroad” following the July Revolution,
African governments who want to pay and also the propriety of the relationship and the enlistment of French and
them. The men composing it are called between him and Aubignosc. European volunteers in the Zouaves,
Zouaves. Two thousand of them offered It was envisaged that this new unit of and later the Foreign Legion, was a way
me their services; five hundred have auxiliaries would act as intermediaries, of siphoning off those who might have
already met in Algiers. I felt obliged or go-betweens, between the French and presented a threat to the rather cautious,
to suspend their organization until the North Africans in the region. uncharismatic Louis-Philippe, enabling
arrival of my successor.” them to put their revolutionary zeal
By the order of 1 October 1830, a to good practice in the military. The
General Bertrand Clauzel (1772 to provisional battalion of eight companies, Zouaves and the Legion would receive
1842) arrived on 2 September 1830 each 100 strong, was to be formed support from politician and future
with very specific instructions regarding from natives, French soldiers and President of the 3rd Republic, Adolphe
the repatriation of a large part of the European volunteers. The Officers and Thiers (1797 to 1877), support which
expeditionary force and very vague NCOs were drawn from volunteers of would cost him his job as Prime Minister
instructions about the future of the all ranks and services of the French in August 1836.
In January 1831 Clauzel was replaced by Officers wore two tunics, one for
General Berthezène as commander of the full dress, one for undress or
expedition. The first “Volunteers of the campaign-wear. The full dress
Charter,” young men who wished to serve tunic had rank shown by
France in the army, landed at Algiers at epaulettes; on the undress
the start of 1831; they were of somewhat one via elaborate cuff knots
mediocre military value, but full of zeal in gold lace 3mm wide. The
and enthusiasm. As a result Berthezène rears of the cuffs were open
formed a separate battalion for these as a vent 250mm long, laced
volunteers, which was disbanded on 4 gold, fastening with eleven
May 1831 following the establishment of small buttons in 1847 and
the Foreign Legion. hooks and eyes in 1853.
Le Livret d’Or des Tirailleurs Indigène.
V L J F Belhomme,
Histoire de l’Infanterie en France vol. 5.
P Braud,
Le Général Cler.
Lieutenant Burkard,
Épopée des Zouaves. 4eme Zouaves et
Zouaves de la Garde, tome 1.
General J J G Cler,
Souvenirs d’un Officier du 2eme des Zouaves.
A L Dawson,
French Infantry of the Crimean War.
Lieutenant A E A E Masquelez
Journal d’un Officier des Zouaves.
F Maynard,
Souvenirs d’un Zouave devant Sebastopol.
Lieutenant J Spitz,
Histoire du 2eme Régiment de Zouaves.
The Company Officers and NCOs were The Imperial Guard Zouaves wore a waistbelt
to be recruited from the three Regiments fastening with a brass plate bearing a flaming
of Zouaves, serving in the Crimea, grenade; their cartridge boxes bore a brass
the battalions of Chasseurs à Pied, the crowned eagle.From 1855 to 1857 they were
African Light Infantry and the Tirailleurs armed with the Carabine a Tige, and from
Indigène. Corporals and Privates were to 1857 the Minie Rifle (1853 pattern) and
be exclusively chosen from the Zouaves sabre-bayonet as used by the Chasseurs
on service in the Crimea. The regimental a Pied. The rifle had a black sling. From
organisation was as follows: 1855 to 1857 all ranks in the Guard Zouaves
carried a bayonet (brown leather scabbard) and
Etat Major the brass-hilted 1831 pattern sabre.
1 Colonel OFFICERS
1 Lieutenant Colonel
1 Major Officers wore a two patterns of tunic, both dark blue and
2 Chefs de Bataillon single breasted. The Full Dress tunic was dark blue with
2 Adjutant-Majors scarlet pointed cuffs and with gold embroidred grenades on
1 Treasurer and Assistant the collar. Rank was shown via epaulettes and an aiguilette
1 Clothing Officer was worn on the right shoulder.
1 Eagle-Bearer The undress tunic was blue with scarlet cuffs, but
1 Surgeon Major lacked the collar grenades, and rank was shown
1 Assistant Surgeon via elabroate cuff knots. In full dress a dark
Petit Etat Major blue shako was worn with a brass plate
bearing a crowned eagle and gold lace
2 Adjutants V chevrons on each side. A scarlet
1 Sergent-Chef, Chef de Fanfare ball - shaped pompon was worn
2 Corporal Buglers by subaltern officers, and senior
20 Bugler-Musicians officers wore a feather plume. In
1 Corporal Sapeur undress an entirely dark blue kepi
8 Sapeurs with gold lace was worn. In 1857
a new shako was adopted which
was red and lost the eagle plate
1 Captain in favour of a conjoined grenade
1 Lieutenant and crescent moon.. In undress
1 Sous-Lieutenant trousers were red with a double
1 Sergent-Chef dark blue stripe, and in full
4 Sergeants dress a double gold stripe.
1 Fourier
8 Corporals
2 Buglers
80 Zouaves.
CD207 M8 Armoured Car £6.00 CD AS7 U.S. Rifle Squad in Greatcoats £2.50
CD208 M20 Utility Vehicle £6.00 CD AS8 U.S. Support Weapons in Greatcoats £2.50
CD210 M10 Tank Destroyer £6.00 CD AS9 U.S. Assault Weapons in Greatcoats £2.50
CD210A M36 Tank Destroyer £6.00 CD AS10 Tank Commanders £2.50
CD AS11 Anti-Tank Gun Crews £2.50
CD AS12 Field Artillery Crews £2.50
CD210A CD AS13 Seated Troops for Lorries & Halftracks.
Suitable for WWII or Vietnam £4.50
CD239 CD AS14 S.P. Gun Crew £2.50
CD AS15 Jeep Crews £2.50
CD AS16 Stretcher Bearers & Casualties £2.50 BM134 RE 8 1916 £5.00
CD240 M32 ARV £8.50 CD AS17 Junior Officers & NCO’s £2.50 BM135 DH 4 1917 £5.00
CD AS18 Officers Radio Ops & Runners BM137 Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter 1916 £5.00
& Observer £2.50 BM140 HP 0/100 Handley page “O”
Series Bomber £15.00
CD218A M5A1 Light Tank £6.00 Gun Packs BM140A HP 0/400 Handley Page “O”
CD218B M5A1 (late) Light Tank £6.00 CD A1 M2 Halftrack with 57mm A/T gun £10.00 Series Bomber £15.00
CD219 M8 HMC (75mm S.P. Howitzer) £6.00 CD351 CD A2 Dodge 3/4 ton Truck with 57mm BM141 Short Bomber (Early Version 1916) £12.50
A/T gun £10.00 BM141A Short 184 Seaplane (1915) £12.50
CD A3 Dodge 1 1/2 Ton Truck with BM142 Felixstowe F2a £15.00
CD219 CD241 Sherman Dozer on M4A1 £8.50 3'' A/T gun £10.00
CD241A Sherman Dozer on M4A3 & Applique £7.50 German Aircraft
BM202 Pfalz DIII Scout 1917 £5.00
BM205 Albatross DII 1916 £5.00
CD241A BM206 Albatross DIII 1917 £5.00
BM209 Fokker DVII 1917 £5.00
BM212 Siemens Schuckert DIII 1918 £5.00
BM213 Siemens Schuckert DIV 1918 £5.00
BM214 Fokker Dr Triplane 1917 £5.00
BM215 Fokker EV/D VIII 1918 £5.00
BM217 Fokker EIII Eindecker 1915 £5.00
BM219 Aviatik DI 1917 £5.00
CD220A M4A3 Sherman with Applique Armour £6.00 BM228 Roland CII 1917 £5.00
CD220C M4A3 (76) W £6.00 BM230 Hannover CL IIIa 1917 £5.00
CD220D HVSS M4A3 Sherman £6.00 BM231 Halberstadt CLII 1917 £5.00
CD220E M4A3E8 “Easy Eight” £6.00 CD242 M4 81mm Mortar SP & Crew £7.25 BM239 Rumpler CIV 1917 £5.00
CD242A M21 81mm Mortar SP & Crew £7.25 BM240 Zeppelin Staaken R.VI £25.00
CD249 Sherman “Crab” Mine Flail £9.00
Come and find us
BM241 Gotha G IV 1916 £9.00
at our stall at BM242 AEG G IV Bomber £7.00
w w w. s k y t r e x . c o m
WI294 Skytrex.indd 1 10/2/12 15:22:29
Hussars £18 (BH 80)
Plastic British Napoleonic WR 20 40 Plastic 15th Century
‘Mercenary’ Infantry £18
The box contains 40 plastic Infantry (including command), flags, unit bases and a
painting guide.
The Infantry come with heads with the 1812 kiwer as well as the re-styled 1807 kiwer with cords which dates
them to 1809.The latter were still worn during the 1812 campaign and after alongside the 1812 kiwers, albeit
most likely in there own units. The kiwers have their full dress cords too which was typical of Russians in the
field. There are also enough forage caps for all as this too was quite common practice for Russian infantry on
campaign. The figures are all in summer one-piece overalls which were adopted in 1807.
The set, includes the grenadier platoon (1811 regulation for Infantry regiments). For the platoon we’ve
included both the 1812 grenadier kiwer and the 1809 kiwer with large ‘busch’ plume which was officially
replaced by the thinner plume in 1811. However it’s open to debate if they still lingered into 1812.
The box contains 12 plastic Mounted Men-at-Arms,
flags, unit bases and a painting guide.
These are intended for use in most European armies as
well as those of the Wars of the Roses. There are 4 different
bodies/armour types (Italian, German, English/Flemish
and Italian with coat) with bridle arms attached. There is
a variety of weapons including couched and upright lance,
sword, mace, axe, hammer. The fingers are attached to each
weapon and supplied separate from the arms. Also, there
are 36 new heads (12 different) that are interchangeable
with the previous plastic medieval figures. The horses have
interchangeable body halves and heads plus separate horse
You can contact us at [email protected]. Our website has a secure online ordering service. Although we read all questians,
we can’t guarantee a reply to each one as figure making is time consuming! For updates see our website:www.perry-miniatures.com.
All orders and cheques by post: Perry Miniatures, PO BOX 6512, Nottingham NG7 1UJ. Cheques made payable to Perry Miniatures.
All major credit/debit cards accepted. Please add postage & packing: UK 12%, Europe 15%, Rest of World 18%.
Also available from Dave Thomas at shows around the country. Models not shown at actual size. Fax +44 (0)1159 503242
This article is a battle report and extended or prone affects the distance he can move,
‘example of play’ from Normandy and how hard he is to hit, as well giving
Firefight, a set of detailed, fast-play rules a bonus to how well he can shoot (prone
of World War II infantry combat that pits characters have a more stable firing By Warwick Kinrade
small units of between three and five men position than standing ones). So, yes, it is
per side against each other. Although a game in which getting low and staying
named Normandy Firefight, rules are low will help (except when it comes
included for the infantry weapons of to moving). As the last action of each machine guns (and even one of these is
all the major combatant nations, so character’s turn he can change his stance, a very dangerous proposition). This is
it could just as easily be played with going from standing to kneeling or prone, a true skirmish game of details, with
Russian soldiers on the Eastern Front, or or vice-versa. each turn approximating just two
Japanese soldiers against US Marines in seconds of action.
Another important feature of the rules is
the jungles. Whilst the game rules and
pinning. At these close ranges, with the The basics covered, the rulebook also
imagery concentrates on Normandy, the
enemy just ahead and bullets zinging in includes five small missions, with
basics are applicable to anywhere.
all directions, often staying down is a various deployments and special rules,
The rules cover the standards of necessity. This is pinning. The game does like random mortar shells landing. The
Movement and Shooting, with firing by not include any morale system per-se, appendices of the game include rules for
single shot, semi-automatic and fully your character(s) will not run away, but converting the game to different scales.
automatic weapons, as well as tossing they may spend quite a bit of time pinned (It is playable at 20mm or 25/28mm but
grenades and, should it occur, hand-to- down by enemy fire. In these rules just is written with 54mm models in mind.)
hand combat. shooting at an enemy is enough to cause They also cover a few other rules, like
a pinning test, so it’s worth firing even if creating your own characters, advanced
The following battle report demonstrates the chance of hitting is low, just to keep hit location rules and suggestions on
all of these, giving details of how the the enemy’s heads down. including a single tank! It is not as drastic
rules work, and each action is followed as it sounds.
by a note on a character’s Stance. Stance As an infantry fire fight, the game does
is an important feature of the game, not deal with any weapons larger than Well, that’s enough of the background, on
whether a character is standing, kneeling pistols, submachine guns, rifles and light with the action...
Lt. Mitchell
Pvt. Gaynor
Corp. Biddulph
Pvt. Dubrowski
Gfr. Bachmeier
Fdw. Köhler
Gfr. Kalb
Gaynor: Readying his M1, he sprints to the Tiger’s front corner. Köhler: Readying MP40, shuffles 1'' towards the farm
Kneeling. wagon. Standing.
Mitchell: Readying his Thompson, he sprints 11'' around the Kalb: Readying his Kar 98K, he shuffles 1'' to his right
right side of the Tiger. Standing. where he can just see a bit of the running Mitchell, so he
Bachmeier: Readying his Kar98K, he takes his first aim at the opens fire. Mitchell is a standing target (base 100%), -20 for
end of the hedgerow below him. Kneeling. range, -22 Mitchell’s movement, -5 for own movement, +5
for kneeling = 58%. He rolls a 21 and hits. Mitchell is partially
Biddulph: Readying his M1, he sprints 12'' down the lane. concealed by the visual cover of the hedge, and so rolls for
his cover save - the bullet misses. Fzzt! – it whizzes by, so
Dubrowski: Readying his M1, he jogs 6'' down the lane, letting Mitchell is marked as needing a pinning test for coming
Biddulph take the lead. Standing. under fire.
Join the thousands of gamers who will meet at the Fredericksburg Exposition Center
Convention Plaza in Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA on July 19-22 for HISTORICON 2012.
For more information and the latest convention updates, visit WWW.HISTORICON.ORG
ROB BROOM by Dan Faulconbridge
War & Conquest (WAC) has finally hit the shelves and wargamers are ranges further this year. I also enjoy
now arranging their battle lines, preparing for fierce combat in the pre- organising events and putting on games.
Renaissance world. A few issues back we presented a War & Conquest We had done several Great War gaming
teaser battle report, but now that the game is in print we felt it would be a days, and taken a game to a number
good idea to catch up with author Rob Broom. of shows around the country. Not long
after setting up Scarab Miniatures, I was
Dan Faulconbridge: Can you tell us a bit that connection I became the Warhammer made redundant from Games Workshop.
about your background in the hobby and Historical Manager. I worked there for Scarab then acquired the Projekt X
what Scarab Miniatures is all about? eight years and we released a number of range from North Star and looked at a
publications with which many of your few ideas to expand the business. I was
Rob Broom: Thanks for the opportunity readers will be familiar. Having become keen to continue with publishing as
for the interview. For a number of years, very interested in the Great War, my that was the area where I had the most
in conjunction with a couple of other wife and I set up Scarab Miniatures so experience. A number of wargamers
people, I organised the Warhammer we could produce ranges for some of the kept asking me to produce a set of
Players Society, and through the events lesser-known nations that fought in the Ancients rules so we decided to put
we ran, I met several Games Workshop war - such as Austro-Hungary, Italy, as some of our other projects on hold, and
people, including Rick Priestley and well as the late-war French and a few commenced producing a set. Coinciding
Jervis Johnson. They then released special character sets. These have proved with that we also released a range of
Warhammer Ancient Battles, and through popular and we will be expanding those Greeks and Spartans.
DF: The Ancients and Medieval rules two lowest values, comparing the total to commence the game, you may use a
market is already pretty well catered for. to their Morale value (an average Morale ‘Strategy Intervention Point’ and change
Can you tell us what WAC offers that is value is 7). This then reflects the effects your battle objective to one of your
different and more appealing than what of attrition on the unit. when the unit own choosing.
is already on offer? Feel free to elaborate drops below half, only 2D6 are rolled.
It is also worth mentioning skirmish
on the mechanics of the game. Commanders are, therefore, important
formations. In WAC they are unable to
within the game, providing morale
RB: We made the decision to produce contact formed units of troops and must
bonuses and in some cases, improving a
a set of rules based on several strict evade. However, they can make glancing
unit’s fighting ability.
guidelines - that we could come up attacks; moving in, attacking and then
with a strong name that could create a Both sides have access to ‘Strategy moving away. This enables them to
brand, and that we could produce a set Intervention Dice’. These reflect the contribute toward the erosion of a unit,
of rules that are enjoyable, easy to pick charisma and communications of the but with a risk. If you don’t like
up and learn, but that would not become army and its commander. They enable the risk, let them stand off and shoot.
predictable. I also wanted to ensure that players to add extra dice to Morale-based
Chariots operate in a similar manner, to
battle lines would remain in combat for tests (but still selecting the two lowest) or
represent them swooping in, warriors
several turns, to get the feel for an ancient roll extra dice towards the Strategy Roll,
leaping down, striking the enemy and
battle - with its push and shove - that again, only picking one value. However,
dashing away. Again, as some chariots
would give players an opportunity to as we found during play-testing and
operated as more of a missile platform,
perform flanking moves. games since, it is still easy to roll three 6s
they can stand off and shoot, waiting for
and fail the test!
The name was easy; we settled on when the enemy is more vulnerable, the
War & Conquest quite early, enjoying The ‘Strategy Intervention Dice’ can right moment to pounce. The whole idea
the “mighty” feel of the name. Game also be used for other features within the is to create a game that has some dynamic
mechanics, however, were a bit more game. For example, at one stage during and very dramatic moments. Once you
work. By their very nature they can be set up, you randomly determine (usually have played a couple of games, War &
subjective. To avoid predictability, at in secret) your battle objective. Your Conquest becomes a fast-paced game,
the start of each game turn both players opponent will do the same, meaning you with enough unpredictability to keep
make a ‘Strategy Roll’, the winner may probably will have different objectives your attention.
chose to go first or second, but retains for victory. However, once you are ready
‘Strategic Advantage’ throughout the turn
which, depending on how play unfolds,
can be quite beneficial. Both players take
a round of play, during which one player
moves, shoots, fights and resolves morale
with their warriors, then the other does
the same. Once complete, there is a joint
rally phase to try and hold those warriors
not bold enough to stand and fight.
WAC is not for the faint-hearted, troops
that rout are in a sticky situation and are
easily removed from play for a range
of circumstances, but we added a twist
to help warriors stand in battle. While a
unit of ranked warriors remains over half Above: being able to pick the two lowest dice (out of three) can often mean
strength, you may roll 3D6 and select the the difference between stubborn resistance and catastrophic defeat!
DF: What’s next for WAC? We also plan a series of publications want to continue getting together and
that will focus on particular periods playing games.
RB: Our intention is to put plenty of free
and events. They will include historical
army organisation lists online. This will Our first War & Conquest day will be on
information, plenty of gaming ideas and 25 March and our website will have all
be an ongoing process, starting with the
most popular armies so that most people material to refight specific encounters the details.
can get gaming straight away. We will from the chosen period. There will also
use the Scarab Miniatures forum and be army organisation lists and any special scarabminatures.com
Yahoo group to provide support and rules that might be needed. There is no
answer questions. It is an area I expect need for history to be dull and boring, so
the community and players will really these books will look to really dig into
want to get involved with, providing that so we can really bring the action to
ideas and feedback. life on the tabletop!
There will be more battle objectives and Finally, we will be organising a series of
narrative battles, so players can fight gaming days for War & Conquest and
out specific scenarios and historical continuing with our Great War days.
encounters. I am sure there will be plenty This is an area that has proved popular
of other magazine articles too. in the past, and so I hope players will
war ofWars
and contradictory. The sources
disputes from the American and
British sides. An instance of such
disagreement is Shadrach Byfield’s
(41st Foot) account of the assault:
The american
“From thence we marched to
Burlington Heights barracks, and
after a few days, to Fort George,
the Americans having left it. Our
flank companies, with the 100th
regiment, were ordered to attack
Fort Niagara. The 100th regiment
was at Queens Town. We marched
to that place and joined them, and
from thence crossed the river St.
Lawrence and landed about four or
five miles above Niagara. Generals
Drummond and Ryal were with
us. Arrangements being made, we
moved off for the fort; the 100th
regiment was in front. On the way
we surprised a guard at Youngs
Illustration by Bryan Fosten from MAA 226, The American War 1812-1814, © Osprey Publishing Ltd. www.ospreypublishing.com
Town; we took them prisoners and
obtained the countersign, but a man
made a signal, by discharging a
rocket, we supposed to alarm the
fort; it had no effect, and the man
was killed.
We advanced quietly, and a party
under the command of a sergeant
went in front. When he came near
the outer sentry, at the entrance
Above: American militiamen spill out of an upstate-New York inn, only to be captured. to the fort, he was
challenged. He gave the
countersign, seized
FORT NIAGARA News of the outbreak of the War of 1812
the sentinel and
arrived at Fort Niagara on 26 June, much
Located near Youngstown, New York, threatened him with
to the surprise of the one company of
at the mouth of the Niagara River on the immediate death if he
soldiers that made up the garrison. They
shores of Lake Ontario, Fort Niagara made any noise. He
had very little ammunition and the fort
had already been around for some time then proceeded to
was in a state of disrepair. The men got
in 1813. The first attempt at maintaining the gate and was
to work reconstructing the defences,
a fort on the site was in 1678 under challenged by
aided by militia troops who poured in
the French, but it only lasted a decade the sentry
to help. By August 1812, 1,300 troops
before being abandoned. The French inside. He
occupied the fort, but they were soon out
tried again in 1726 and built a strong gave the
fighting in the field. Many of them were
three-storey stone blockhouse, known countersign
back, however, in October, convalescing
since the 19th Century as the ‘French and gained
from wounds suffered at the Battle of
Castle’, and surrounded it with a standard admittance,
Queenston Heights. They were lodged in
wooden stockade. During the French but the sentry
every nook and cranny to protect them
and Indian Wars, from 1754 to 1763, cried out, ‘The
from the now regular but ineffectual
the defences were greatly improved and British turn out
British bombardments. In May 1813,
expanded with Vauban-style outworks. the guard!’ Our
General Dearborn’s troops returning from
Their effectiveness was proved in 1759, force was fully
the American victory at York lodged at
when a French garrison of 500 held out prepared, and
Fort Niagara and were instrumental in
against an Anglo-American/Indian force in a very short
capturing Fort George across the river.
of some 3,000 between 6 and 26 July, time we had
Six months of relative calm followed
only surrendering when a relief force was possession of
before the war came calling once again.
defeated and there was no hope of outside the fort, with
help. The British held the fort through the On 10 December 1813, reports flooded very little
American Revolution but were into Forts Niagara and George that a loss.”
forced to move out under the Treaty large British/Indian column was on its
of Paris in 1783. way. The Americans, under Brigadier-
General George McClure, opted to PREPARATIONS as infantry. The whole contingent came to
protect Fort Niagara and abandon Fort 562 men. Captain Leonard’s force based
The first problem for the British plan was
George. It was while conducting that in and around Fort Niagara numbered
finding adequate transport to get them
operation that McClure ordered the town around 450, mostly militia and many
across the river to the Fort Niagara side.
of Newark to be set on fire, but incredibly of them recovering from wounds and
As the Americans had destroyed all but
he left Fort George intact! The British sickness. Still, the Americans had thick
two boats in the area, Canadian militia
duly arrived and took back Fort George. walls and stone buildings to protect them,
would have to travel 70km to Burlington
But they were incensed by the fate of which, on paper at least, levelled out any
and bring back enough bateaux (shallow
Newark and swore revenge “by fire and numerical British advantage.
transport craft) to Niagara without
sword”. In that frame of mind, the British alerting the Americans. To that end, the THE ASSAULT ON FORT NIAGARA
immediately began to plot the downfall troops moved out at night, using the snow
At 10 p.m. on 18 December 1813, the
of Fort Niagara. Importantly, however, to mask their movements. They made it
Canadian militia rowed the British
throughout its history the fort had never and soon enough there were sufficient
soldiers across the Niagara River. It was
been taken by storm, so the British would craft hidden in Longhurst Ravine, three
a bitterly cold night and the Americans
have to revert to cunning rather than miles north of Fort Niagara.
may not have expected an attack in such
try and just force the place. Fortunately With the means to cross the river conditions. The British carried their
for them, the American commander on set, Lieutenant-Colonel John Murray muskets unloaded and their bayonets
the scene was the incompetent Captain organized his assault force; the Grenadier fixed as they huddled in the boats. When
Nathaniel Leonard who made no Company, 1st Royal Scots; the 100th the boats hit the far bank, the soldiers
provisions to bolster the fort’s defences in Foot made up the main body of troops; disembarked and efficiently silenced the
the face of this new threat or prepare for the flank companies from the 41st Foot; sentries on the river bank. That done,
the impending British attack. and 12 Royal Artillery gunners equipped the British advanced swiftly inland. In
Napoleonic Wars
attack – although one account stated that of Fanny Doyle highlights the role
recently captured gate. The British lost
a warning rocket was released but to no some women played on the northern
six killed and five wounded in return.
evident effect. Moreover, the drawbridge frontier and introduces a potentially
to the fort was open as the garrison AFTERMATH fascinating character for your
expected their men to return from their skirmish game.
The capture of Fort Niagara was a major
night out in the inns, and the garrison coup for the British and they were able Fanny Doyle was with her
commander was not even in the fort to hold it until the end of the war and artilleryman husband in Fort
but at home a few miles away! It was use it as a centre of operations for the Niagara during the artillery
a relatively easy task, therefore, for the region. Strategically, capturing Fort exchanges between Niagara and
British forlorn hope to hide by the gate of Niagara helped Britain retain control over Fort George across the river. His
the fort until the guard was set to change her Canadian territories. Indeed, despite job was to heat the shot in a furnace
and then rush in. It was when they arrived the obvious blunders of Plattsburgh and contained in a lower room of the
inside the fort that the trouble began. New Orleans, Britain ended a ‘defensive’ mess house and pass the shot up
British sources state that once through the war with more American territory under for firing. Sadly for him, a British
gate, the attacking force broke into three her control than there was Canadian shot killed him. Fanny, now a
groups and made ready to seize the rest territory under American control. Added widow, took over her late husband’s
of the fort. But some of the men clearly to that, the British naval blockade almost task and maintained the supply of
thought the fight was over and began crippled the USA economically whilst heated ammunition throughout the
cheering. The by-now alarmed Americans her own trade increased. The War of American bombardment. She thus
ran to man the more defensible buildings 1812 was thus a limited British victory, became a heroine to Fort Niagara’s
in the complex and started firing, but and taken in the light of Canada’s future soldiers who were all eager to meet
despite that many of them were still contribution to the British Empire, her. They were sorely disappointed,
caught asleep in their tents. The British especially during the World Wars of the however, when she did not turn out
attack groups set about their tasks, 20th Century, its significance should not as expected, one attendant cruelly
overcoming resistance as they went. The be underestimated. describing the unfortunate widow as
more Meg Merillies than Joan
of Arc!
Once inside the fort, the British met a surpris-
ingly poorly organized defence and were able to
round up the American defenders with minimal
Napoleonic Wars
fort niagra
Niagra river
f A
• The number of figures used is down to represented by standard Napoleonic A Barracks
the individual players, but they should figures, the only unusual feature in this b ‘French Castle’ - a substantial
retain a ratio of about five British troops scenario being the Royal Artillery acting 2-storey stone blockhouse,
to four American. as infantry. In reality everyone would the original fort.
• The game may start on the American have been wearing a greatcoat, so there c Bakehouse
sentries spotting the alarm rocket – same is no need to be too fussy. Americans d Commandant’s Quarters
rules used as for spotting attackers. in 28mm are covered adequately by e Ordnance Store
Old Glory, Wargames Foundry, and
Matchlock Miniatures. Minifigs cover g Quartermaster’s Storehouse
There are a growing number of most types in 15mm and for the more
h South Redoubt
manufacturers who cater for the War adventurous there is a newish 54mm
i North Redoubt
of 1812. Most British can of course be range by All The Kings Men.
SOURCES Stuart Asquith, Scenarios for the Rene Chartrand, The Forts of
War of 1812, Partizan Press, 2010 New France, Osprey, 2010
oldfortniagara.org - A great source
that shows the defences at Fort Niagara Stuart Asquith, The War of 1812, J. Mackay Hitsman, The Incredible
including a 3D virtual tour and plans Partizan Press, 2008 War of 1812, University of Toronto
for the fort at different times in its Press, 1965
Shadrach Byfield, A narrative of a light
development. These include details company soldier’s service in the Forty- Jon Latimer, Niagara 1814 – the Final
such as the removal of the wooden first regiment of foot (1807-1814), NY: Invasion, Osprey, 2009
roof of ‘French Castle’ during the W. Abbatt, 1910
War of 1812, which explains why it is Peter Augustus Porter, A Brief History
described as both a three- and two- Carl Benn, The War of 1812, of Old Fort Niagara, University of
storey building in this article. Osprey, 2002 Michigan, 1896
Napoleonic Wars
any further costal defences and to open
the straits to western shipping.
During the action the fleet had lost 12
killed and 60 wounded; most of those
were taken during the shore action on 6
September. It was during this action that
a total of three Victoria Crosses were
earned, one by Midshipman Duncan
Gordon Boyes of the Euryalus;
“who carried a colour with the leading
company, kept it with headlong gallantry
in advance of all, in face of the thickest
fire, his colour-sergeants having fallen,
THE ATTACKS ON The marines also went on to capture a one mortally and the other dangerously
THE CHOSHU GUNS AND nearby stockade barracks. The joint force wounded, and was only detained from
SHIMONOSEKI BARRACKS was then recalled and successfully re- proceeding further yet by the orders of
embarked on the fleet, although Captain his superior officer. The colour he carried
The infantry force went ashore under
Alexander had been seriously wounded in was six times pierced by musket balls.”
orders to capture the batteries north of
the attack.
Toyoura. The attack was a great success The other VCs went to Thomas Pride,
with the party meeting only limited The following day shore parties were given captain of the afterguard, who until he
opposition: the batteries were rendered orders to start to embark the captured guns fell disabled had supported Boyes; and
unusable; the guns spiked; gun carriages from eight batteries. During the afternoon William Seeley, an American seaman who
and platforms burnt; and the magazines the Advanced Squadron moved north, west daringly ascertained the position of the
destroyed. With everything seemingly of Moji Saki point to prepare for further enemy, and afterwards, though wounded,
accomplished, the force was ordered attacks on other Choshu emplacements.
continued in the front of the advance.
to embark before nightfall. The French The Squadron opened fire on the morning
and Dutch companies had just embarked of 8 September and quickly silenced the The operations in the Shimonoseki Strait
on-board their vessels, when the Naval guns. Parties were then sent ashore with were a complete success for the western
Brigade stationed at a battery near the orders to destroy the emplacements and powers, the allies losing only 72 killed
Shimonoseki samurai barracks was embark the captured guns. The operation and two ships damaged. Needless to say,
attacked by Choshu Samurai. to embark the guns took several days, but defeat had a more sobering effect on the
by 10 September it was completed with a Japanese, but they would quickly learn
Colonel Suther’s battalion of marines
total haul of 62 guns. from their mistakes.
were sent in to drive the enemy back,
which was achieved with ineffective Below: The war in Japan: The Naval Brigade and Marines storming the stockade at Shimonoseki.
resistance on the part of the Japanese. Illustration from The Illustrated London News 1864.
Napoleonic Wars
attached plain white neck cloth. This was buttons on them.
Having extensively looked for figures for this
the same hat that was being worn by the
Hat: To be black or white, according to period, there seems to be no manufacturer
East India Company and the British forces
climate. The hat to be 4'' high in the crown, 3'' that produces British wearing the white cap
in India at the time, when they were not
wearing the pith helmet. wide in the rim, and seven inches across the and neck cloth. The figures for the Royal
crown, and made of Sennet [Straw], covered Marines that were in India during the Indian
Under the Amendments to Naval Regulations with brown Holland painted black, with a hat Mutiny are modelled wearing a pith helmet.
in 1857 the uniforms were as follows: ribbon bearing the ship’s name; and in warm Likewise the figures for the Naval Brigade
SEAMEN climates the same hat uncovered. A chin-stay are modelled with the seamen wearing their
to be attached to the hat. Sennet hats and not the bonnets as depicted
Blue Cloth Jacket: To be made of Navy in the Illustrated London News drawing. I did
Blue Cloth, double breasted, with stand ROYAL MARINE LIGHT INFANTRY
find one manufacturer that produced some
and fall collar, sleeves sufficiently large Tunic, Scarlet Cloak.-Eight buttons up front East India Company/British Battalion in
to go easily over a Duck and Serge Frock, at equal distances, skirts closed behind, 28mm wearing the white cap, but they were
to reach to the hip, with an opening at the with back slashes edged with white, each also wearing the loose white trousers that
Cuffs on the seam, with two small black having three large uniform buttons. Collar were used in India.
buttons, one inside breast pocket on the and cuffs of blue cloth, collar rounded in
left side. However, several manufacturers do figures
front, and having a row, of 5/8'' gold-wire
of the Boxer Rebellion at the turn of the 20th
Blue Cloth Trowsers: To be made of Navy lace at top under white edging. Colonels to
Century. Therefore I have used the Royal
Blue Cloth, of the ordinary Naval Pattern, wear for collar badges, embroidered crowns
Marine figures wearing a forage cap and for
fitting tight at the waistband, with two and stars; Lieutenant-Colonels crowns;
the Naval Brigade I have used French sailors
pockets and a broad flap, and black uniform Majors, stars; Captains crowns and stars;
(who had the same square rig uniform as
buttons, identical to those on the jacket. Lieutenants, crowns.
shown in the drawing). These figures just
Duck Trowsers: To be made of white Trowsers, Undress, Winter. - Blue cloth with needed some remodelling with the hatband
Duck cloth, in a similar manner to the scarlet welt, ¼'' wide, down each seam. tails being removed from the caps.
Above: The photo above shows figures from the author’s 15mm collection in action during the attack on the Chosha barracks. On the previous page
are three photos showing scenes from the ‘Attack on the Chosha Guns’ scenario.
A 1/3000 (-ish) fleet for next to nothing
Painting &
Balsa hull
you want them scattered to the four
winds by any random sneeze you need to Linotile base
mount them on something solid. Linotile
does the job perfectly well. Cut as many
approximately 15 x 10 mm rectangles
as you think you need. Paint the base to
replicate water. Then make some more
to save doing it again in future when you Finished base and hull with
decide you want an even bigger fleet! Set mast slots and bowsprit
them aside. Three shallow (see stage 4)
notches across hull
2. Make the hulls. Use thin balsa sheet
and cut out rectangles around 13mm x
4mm (or slightly bigger for First Rates). SAILS ASSEMBLY
Make one of the ends pointed to show
the bows. Using a very fine-tooth saw
cut a shallow notch across the mid-point
of the hull (this marks the position of
the mainmast). Cut another half way
to the front (for the foremast) and one
more half way to the rear (for the mizzen
mast). Glue the hulls to the bases. Paint
them now. At this scale you need only
to give an impression that will work at a
distance, so all you need to do is paint the
hulls black and the decks light tan.
3. Make the sails. Use white corrugated
cardboard or, if you can’t find any in
white, paint it with a white acrylic, front Sails front
and back.
Cut the cardboard into strips with three
rows of corrugations each. Then cut
across the rows to give sections approx
5mm in width. You now have rectangular
pieces of cardboard 5mm wide by three
Sails rear
“corrugations” (approx 10mm) high.
Using sharp scissors taper the two
corrugated edges to give a “keystone”
shape. This will be your Mainmast and
sails. Cut the pieces slightly narrower for
the Foremast and do the same thing for
the Mizzenmast but cut off the top row
of corrugation. Using a fine black pen,
draw the mast and the yards on the rear
(flat) side. A simple “cross of Lorraine”
is perfectly effective. Using a good
quality impact adhesive glue a Foremast,
Mainmast and Mizzenmast into the slots Finished Model
for each ship, you should be able to
By Jim Grahame
Space Hulk Verdun
Some periods and battles are viewed as ungameable, possibly because the emplacements, trenches and defensive
battles are too big, too small or because the war is viewed as simply too positions anchored by about twenty forts,
difficult. This is a problem with a lot of the battles of the Great War in including Vaux and Douamont.
general, and with trench warfare in particular. I have never found specific After months of attacks the Germans
wargames rules that work well for small actions in confined spaces, the had reached Fort Vaux and bitter fighting
ranges are too short and the weapons too deadly for most sets of rules. raged through the corridors for weeks
The rules are also usually also written for more general games and the until it fell on 7 June. Both sides used
trench warfare part is often an add on. flamethrowers, grenades, machine guns
and anything else that came to hand
Playing the original Space Hulk one Verdun was a fortress town on the border as they fought back and forth through
evening (old school I know) it came of France and Germany, traditionally the cramped corridors and galleries.
to me that the rules that we were using gateway from one country to the other. The basic premise of Space Hulk is that
covered almost exactly the situation that The battle for it started in February 1916 a force of super-human Space Marines
I thought was ungameable. From there it and continued to mid-December with is exploring a spaceship infested with
was a short step to thinking about Verdun combined casualties in the region of one hostile aliens; passages are set out as
and the battles that raged through the million men. By the time of the German the patrol progresses and the aliens
passages and galleries of the forts there. attack, the defences were a series of appear as the patrol moves. The rules
Tabletop musings
This article continues our ‘Tabletop Musings’ series, in which gamers take a side-
ways look at anything and everything relating to our hobby. We welcome more
‘musings’ from any readers out there who have something constructive, debatable
and/or interesting to contribute to the series.
Please write to [email protected]
work better than most historical sets of and will set out their defenders as they number of things which can be used for
rules for combat in cramped situations see fit. The French do not have radios, other periods. For example, Overwatch
as they are written specifically for this telephones, telepathy or any other means has been peeled off by my gaming group,
particular set of circumstances. of communication, so units must remain converted to Überwacht, and grafted onto
Transporting this to Fort Vaux in Verdun stationary, move after a set number of WW2 rules with great effect.
in 1916 we have a German patrol heading turns or after a specific event that the unit
We should always be willing to look at
down a dark corridor with unknown is aware of occurs.
rules and take something, anything, from
numbers of French troops appearing The French can build barricades to block them to use in different periods. Don’t
from unknown directions. Solving the or partially block corridors, these would decry the spiky things, there may just
problem of weaponry and armour is be sandbags and be fairly blast proof and be something you can steal, . . . er . . . ,
straightforward: as long as the balance completely inflammable. borrow for another period.
between firepower and protection is
maintained then it doesn’t matter what From there the game progresses and, like
the factors are. Both the French and the its originator, can be over quite quickly
Germans are human, modern sensibilities and with quite heavy casualties.
prevent the depiction of either as the Trench warfare can be equally well
inhuman monsters the more lurid fought using Space Hulk as the
contemporary works describe. amount of fire above ground meant
You decide which side you want to play; that operating above the trenches
as the Germans were generally on the either in attack or counter-attack
offensive we’ll take them as an example. was likely to be life threatening.
They are deployed with a corridor The defender has a plan of the
stretching away in front of them as far as trenches, the attacker a rough
they can see, which really isn’t very far. sketch based on aerial
There is no electric light and carrying a photographs and these will be
torch or lamp will very quickly attract set out as the attacker advances
unwanted attention. through them.
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E “I have always tried to do my best for my
soldiers, and, where I failed, it was not for
lack of good will, but for lack of knowledge
and intelligence. I ask them to forgive me”.
- Tsar Nicholas I of Russia, on his death-bed
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