Corrosion: Impressed Current Systems
Corrosion: Impressed Current Systems
Corrosion: Impressed Current Systems
Corrosion is disintegration of an engineered material into its constituent atoms due to
chemical reaction with its surrounding. When iron or steel is corroded in seawater, ions of
iron leave metal surface as ferrous ions make hull anodic.
Corrosion involves to a flow of electricity from metal to sea. Current must return to metal
to complete circuit.
Cathodic protection is a technique used to control corrosion of a metal surface by making it
Cathode of an electrochemical cell. Simplest method to apply cathodic protection is by
connecting metal to be protected with another more easily corroded metal to act as Anode
of electrochemical cell.
When a metal is in contact with an electrolyte, small corrosion cells are set up and electric
current flows between high and low potential points.
Metal from which current leaves is Anode gives itself up and corrode and metal to which
current enters, Cathode is protected.
So, principle of cathodic protection is to provide a reverse current flow or to have all points
on metal receiving current, so that whole surface becomes Cathode and is protected.
Areas where cathodic protection is applied:
1. Ship's hull.
2. Ship's salt water system including:
• Tubes and plates of heat exchangers.
• Water boxes and covers of heat exchangers.
• Piping in ferrous system.
3. Ballast and cargo tanks.
Cathodic protection should be regarded as an additional protection to protection by
painting and by no means a substitute.
Two types of cathodic protection:
1. Impressed current systems.
2. Sacrificial anodes.
Impressed Current Systems
Introduction Specially designed impressed current systems for ships were developed
originally to protect underwater external hull of large tankers and bulk carriers which
could not satisfied adequately by sacrificial anode systems. Systems are so successful that
they are now commonly used on smaller vessels such as passenger ships and fast container
Typical Features
• Longer intervals between dry dockings reducing operating costs.
• Minimum time and cost for maintenance.
• Fully automatic operating giving optimum hull protection.
• Better long-term hull protection than sacrificial anode system.
• Minimum frictional resistance on hull.
• Constant hull potential monitoring for continuous protection.
• Smaller and lighter than any other anode.
Impressed current systems are used on larger ships or luxury crafts, since it is more
expensive to install.
Electrical current from a power unit to a number of hull anodes, which are insulated from
hull and are classed as non-consumable (actually have a life of about 15 years).
Electrons from direct current power source travel into hull at same ratio that anions are
being formed at Cathode, thus preventing loss of electrons from hull. Therefore iron ions
are not formed and hull doesn‟t anodic ‟ally degrade. A reference electrode is used to
measure cell potential difference, gives a signal to controller that regulates direct current
power source which supplies electrons to hull at required rate. Circuit is completed by
current passed through Anodes which are consumed at very slow rate (approximate life of
10 years). With lead silver anode (2% Ag) negatively charged hydroxyl ions are attracted to
Anode causing surface to form a skin of lead peroxide, after which reaction reduces.
Following diagram shows principle of impressed current system.
Control equipment operates from reference electrodes port and starboard, whose signal to
amplifier of control equipment can operate separately, or in parallel.
In operation, current varies with ship‟s hull condition, speed, water salinity and
temperature, automatically adjusting for different potentials occurring reference electrode.
Sacrificial Anodes
Loss (or sacrifice) of anode material give rise to alternative name of sacrificial anode.
Sacrificial anodes consist of streamlined blocks of zinc magnesium, or alloy of aluminum
attached at strategic position around hull, especially necessary in vicinity of propeller.
Presence of sacrificial anode causes previously anodic hull to become a Cathode thus being
protected. Anode will of course need to be regularly inspected and periodically replaced.
This is usual protection system for smaller vessels, particularly around after end, where
concentrated cell occurs.
Anode material is cast around a steel strip to allow welding of Anode to hull.
Alternatively, Anode is attached to studs welded to hull.
Requirements for UMS Ships
Fire Precaution
Arrangements should be provided on UMS ships to detect and give alarm in case of fire:
a) In boiler air supply casing and uptake.
b) In scavenge space of propulsion machinery.
In engines of power 2250 KW and above or cylinders having bore more than 300mm
should be provided with oil mist detector for crankcase or bearing temperature monitor or
either of two.
Ship Security Officer is designated by Ship Owner as person onboard each ship responsible
1. Undertaking regular security inspections of ship to ensure that appropriate Ship
Security Measures are maintained.
2. Maintaining and supervising implementation of Ship Security Plans.
3. Coordinating Ship Security Aspects.
4. Reporting to Company Security Officer any deficiencies and non-conformities
5. Enhancing security awareness and vigilance on board.
6. Ensuring that adequate training has been provided to shipboard personnel.
Under Port State Control, inspection of ship in port would be taken by Port State Control
Officer. Detention of ship is last course of action that a Port State Control Officer would
take upon finding deficiencies aboard vessel.
Courses of action a Port State Control Officer may impose on a ship with deficiencies:
1. Deficiencies must be rectified before ship can depart port.
2. Under specific conditions, deficiencies can be rectified when ship arrives at next
3. Deficiencies can be rectified within 14 days for minor infractions.
4. Detention of ship.
Oil Record Book
A book or log involving oil or oily mixtures record.
Oil record book has two parts:
Part I is about Machinery Space Operations
Part 1 of Oil record book is required to record machinery spaces operations for every ship
of over 400 GRT, other than oil tankers, and every oil tanker of over 150 GRT.
Part II is about Cargo/ Ballast Operations
Retained onboard for three years from date of last entry made.
Concerning Regulation
International Ship and Port Facility Security Code is a comprehensive set of measures to
enhance Security of Ships and Port Facilities, developed in response to perceived threats to
Ships and Port Facilities in wake of 9/11 attacks in United States. ISPS Code is
implemented through chapter XI-2 Special measures to enhance Maritime Security in
International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea. Code has two parts, one Mandatory and
one Recommendatory. Purpose of ISPS Code is to provide a standardized, consistent
framework for evaluating risk.
(Normal/Low Threat Situation)
(Heightened/Medium Threat Situation)
(Exceptional/High Threat Situation)
ISM International Lead Auditor course as per IMO Regulations A788 (19) Requirements.
International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch for Seafarers, 1978, as
amended, sets qualification standards for Masters, Officers and Watch Personnel on Seagoing
Merchant Ships. STCW was adopted in 1978 by conference at International Maritime Organization
in London, and entered into force in 1984. Convention was significantly amended in 1995.
and updating of knowledge for engineer officers; mandatory minimum requirements for
ratings forming part of an engine room watch.
Notes that mandatory provisions relating to radio watch keeping are set forth in the ITU
Radio Regulations and safety radio watch keeping and maintenance provisions are
included in the same regulations and in SOLAS. The Chapter in STCW includes mandatory
minimum requirements for certification of radio officers; provisions designed to ensure the
continued proficiency and updating of knowledge of radio officers; and minimum
requirements for certification of radiotelephone operators.
1995 AMMENDMENTS: Major Revision ensuring compliance with Convention Port State
1995 AMMENDMENTS: Chapter II, III & IV (Master and Deck Department, Engine
Department & Radio Department)
MARPOL Convention was originally made ready for ratification in 1973, but had to be
amended by a protocol that was approved in 1978 before it step by step could be ratified
from 1983 and onwards.
Annex I, which comprises regulations to prevent discharges of Oil or Oily Residues. Annex
came into force on 2nd October of 1983.
Annex IV, which comprises regulations to prevent discharges of Sewage. Annex came into
force on 27th of September of 2003.
Annex V, which comprises regulations to prevent discharges of Garbage. Annex came into
force on 31st December of 1988.
Annex VI, which comprises regulations to prevent discharges of Air Pollutants. Annex
came into force on 19th of May of 2005.
Annex III to the MARPOL 73/78 Convention comprises regulations aiming at the
prevention of pollution of harmful substances transported in packaged form, like
packages, freight containers, portable tanks or tanks for rail or road transport.
The Annex also comprises general requirements to issue detailed regulations regarding
packing, labeling, documentation, stowage, limits on size, etc to satisfy demands on safety
and to reduce the risks of pollution by noxious substances. To facilitate for the accession
the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG) has also been amended to
include marine pollutants.
Special Areas
The coming into being of the conception Special Areas in the MARPOL Convention was a
great step forward in comparison with earlier international convention in the area of
shipping. Special Areas according to the MARPOL 73/78 Convention are areas that, due to
their special ecological conditions, are considered to be so vulnerable to pollution that
especially far reaching and mandatory regulations are needed to limit discharges of
All ships operating beyond smooth and partially smooth water must carry an EPIRB if
more than two nautical miles from land.
EPIRB stands for Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon. An EPIRB is meant to help
rescuer, locate you in an emergency situation, and these radios have saved many lives
since their creation in 1970s. Boaters are main users of EPIRB.
EPIRB, transmit digital radio beacons on international distress signal frequency 406 MHz.
Designed to work with satellites, EPIRB are detectable by COSPAS-SARSAT satellites,
which orbit poles, and by GEOSAR system which consists of GOES WEATHER
system, send rescue authorities an instant alert, but without location information unless
EPIRB is equipped with an integral GPS receiver. EPIRB detected by COSPAS-SARSAT
satellites provide rescue authorities location of distress, but distress alert and location can
sometimes be delayed as much as an hour or two.
This includes:
Safety of Person, Ship and Environment
System for Safe Management, Operation of Ship and Pollution Prevention
System to eliminate Human Errors through various Checklists in a Documental
ISM Certificates Issued
DOC Document of Compliance
Issued to Company
Validity for 5 years
Verified Annually
Name of Course
ISM International Lead Auditor Course as per IMO Regulations A788 (19) Requirements
Requirements of ISM
1. General
2. Safety Management and Pollution Prevention Policy
3. Company Responsibility and Authority
4. Designated Person
5. Master Responsibilities
6. Resources and Personnel
7. Development for Plans for Shipboard Personnel
8. Emergency Preparedness
1. Log Book
2. Oil Record Book
3. Medical Log
4. Garbage Log
5. Company Circulars
6. Company Manuals and Forms
7. Minutes of Meetings and Action Taken
8. Record of Verifications
9. Record of Chart Corrections
10. Record of Passage Planning
11. Record of Master‟s Reviews of System
12. Record of Internal Audits and Follow up
13. Record of Planned Maintenance
SOLAS Stands for Safety of Life at Sea
Chemical Tankers:
1. Certificate of Fitness for carriage of Toxic Liquid Substances in Bulk
2. Document of Compliance
3. Safety Management Certificate
4. Ship Registry
5. Continuous Hull Survey Certificate
6. Continuous Machinery Spaces Certificate
7. International Load line Certificate
8. International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
9. Safe Manning Certificate
10. Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate
11. Garbage Disposing Certificate
12. International Ship and Port Facility Security Certificate
13. Civil Liability Certificate
14. International Tonnage Certificate
15. Certificate for Masters, Officers and Crews
Regulation 37 of MARPOL Annex I states for every ship of over 400 GRT, other than Oil
Tanker, and every Oil Tanker of over 150 GRT must carry onboard a Shipboard Oil
Pollution Emergency Plan approved by Flag Administration or Classification Society in
fact on behalf of Flag Admin.
1. Absorbent Rolls
2. Absorbent Pads
3. Absorbent Granules
4. Absorbent Materials
5. Mops
6. Scoops
7. Brooms
8. Shovels
9. Empty Receptacles (200 Liters Capacity)
10. Portable Air Driven Pump
11. Oil Booms
12. Oil Spill Dispersant
14. Adoption: 5th April of 1966
15. Entry into Force: 21th July of 1968
17. Waterline, National Load line or Plimsoll line was invented by Sameul Plimsoll, to
be positioned amidships, indicating legal limit to which a ship may be loaded for
specific water types and temperatures.
19. Load line Mark consists of following markings:
20. Whereas;
21. Tf Tropical Fresh Water
22. F Fresh Water
23. T Tropical Seawater
24. S Summer Temperature Seawater
25. W Winter Temperature Seawater
26. WNA Winter North Atlantic
29. LOADLINE Certificate Issued
30. Load Line Certificate is issued when a ship is built. Exact location of Load Line is
calculated and/or verified by Classification Society and that Society issued
Relevant Certificates.
Procedures and Safeties to enter Cargo Pump Room in Oil
1. Operation has been Pre-planned and Written Photocopies has been Provided to
Person Taking Part
2. Effective Communications with Shore-Staff established and Some Alternative
Established in case of Failure
3. Amount of Oil to be Received can be Safely Accommodated
4. Bunker System Valves not in use are Closed and Blanked
5. Check Air Vent
6. Over Flow Tank empty
7. All Deck Scuppers are Effectively Sealed
8. Drip Trays are in position below Connection
9. Hose Connected and Effectively Sealed
10. SOPEP Locker readily available
11. Valves to the Tank Designated to First Coming of Bunker are Open
12. Fuel Oil Plan Displayed near Bunker Station
13. Fuel Tank Sounding Re-Checked to confirm Fuel Quantity
14. Fuel Oil Temperature Checked and Noticed
15. All Fire Precautions Observed
16. Telephone is Installed at Bunker Station and Tested the Communication
17. Check Barge Paper work for Grade and Density
18. Confirm which Grade of Oil to be Pumped First and Pumping Rate
19. All Appropriate Filling valves opened
20. Open Manifold Valve
21. Other side Manifold Closed and Blanked
Crude Oil and Products of Crude Oil will give off vapors which are potentially dangerous
depending upon volatility of liquid.
Three Class:
1. Class A: Produce over rich mixture
2. Class B: Moderate volatility (within flammable range)
3. Class C: Little vapors produce unless heated to above flash point
Explosimeter is first charged with charged with fresh air from atmosphere using Rubber
Aspirator Bulb (A). On-Off switch (S2) is closed together with Check Switch (S1) and
Compensatory Filament (C) and Detector Filament (D) allowed reaching steady state
working temperature. Rheostat (F) can be adjusted so that Galvanometer (G) reads zero.
Voltage is adjustable from Battery (B) by Rheostat (E). Switch (S2) is now opened.
Instrument is now charged with suspected space gas and while operating Bulb (B),
Switch (S2) is again closed. If a flammable or explosive gas is present, it will cause Detector
Filament (D) to increase in temperature. This disturbs Bridge balance and a current flow.
Galvanometer (G) can be calibrated so that scale is marked to indicate percentage of lower
limit of explosive concentration of gas.
1. Use Blanket first
2. Shut Air Supply
3. Close Port Hole, if opened
4. Put Blanket on Fire to suffocate Fire
5. Remove any Combustible Material if placed near Fire
6. Move outside Cabin and close Door
7. Bring Fire Extinguisher
6. Cofferdams
7. Bunker Tanks
8. Freshwater Tanks
9. Pipe Tunnels
10. Duct Keels
And any other spaces which are normally kept closed
14. Emissions from Forced Draught Oil Fired Boiler Furnace or on Oil Engine must not
be longer 10 minutes dark smoke in aggregate in any period of two hours and not
more than 4 minutes with continuous dark smoke except when soot blowing a
Water Tube Boiler.
15. SECA (Sulphur Emission Control Area)
16. LSFO (Low Sulphur Fuel Oil) less than 5 %
17. HSFO (High Sulphur Fuel Oil) more than 5%
Q: Vertical distance G & M of a vessel is used as a measure of:
Stability at all angles of inclination
Initial stability
Stability at angles less than limit of positive stability
Stability at angles less than down floating angle
When Center of buoyancy and Meta Center will be in line?
Only when ship is in straight position
At all time
In upright position, Weight of Ship acts vertically downwards through Center of
Gravity “G”
Up thrust acts upward through Center of Buoyancy “B”
Since Weight of Ship is equal to Up thrust
Ship is in Equilibrium Meta Center “M “, Center of Gravity ”G”, and Center of
Buoyancy “B” acts through same vertical line
Q: As per 1974 SOLAS convention, 1978 protocol and 1981 & 1983 SOLAS amendments,
present regulations unless expressly provided otherwise don’t apply to:
1. Ships of war & troop ships True
2. Cargo ships of less than 500 GRT True
3. Tankers of more than 1,50,000 DWT False
4. Ships not propelled by mechanical means True
5. Fishing vessels True
6. Pleasure yachts engaged on trade False
State False True or False?
Wire gauze is used to reduce temperature from 1500 0C to 250 0C
Made of Mild Steel Wire
Coating on gauze of grease or Lubricating Oil, greatly increases their effectiveness
Fitted on Ship at:
o Crank Case Relief Valve of Generators and Main Engine
o All Tanks Vent Pipes on Deck
o Starting Air Line Flame Trap
SOPEP Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods
GEF Global Emergency Forum
UNDP United Nation Development Plan
COW Crude Oil Washing
CBT Clean Ballast Tank
Lifeboat is held in against a cradle by ropes called gripes and cradle is secured by
pins. With gripes and securing pins (sometime known as harbor pins) are removed
and released, winch handbrake can be released to enabled cradle to slide down and
over ship‟s side. A “Tricing-in Pennant (wire)” bring lifeboat close to ship‟s side to
enable it to be boarded.
Bowsing lines which fasten to each end of lifeboat are then used to hold it in to ship
„side, Tricing-in Pennants” then being released. A painter is then led from forward
end of lifeboat and attached somewhere forward of ship. Lifeboat plugs are then
secured. Once crews are onboard life boat, bowsing lines are released and lifeboat is
lowered to water. Engine is started, Falls released and then painter.
Two brakes on a lifeboat are a Centrifugal Brake and a weighted brake known as a
“Dead-Man‟s Brake” i.e. once you let go braking lever, brake will come into action
stopping fall of lifeboat.
Responsibilities of Designated Person Ashore
Designated Person Ashore as required by ISM Code, provide a link between shore
based organization of company and shipboard safety organization, having access to
highest levels of management.
He is
Responsible for monitoring safety and pollution aspects of operation of each
ship and checking that adequate resources and shore based support are applied
as and when required:
Responsible for line management foe administering and co-coordinating all
routine environmental matters such as incident reports, action reports,
updating Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plans, supply of oil spill cleanup
equipment to vessels as required:
A permit to work normally consist of; a description of work to be done, who by,
period of validity, location, then most forms have checklists, i.e. for enclosed
spaces, hot work or isolation of machinery, or if form does not mentioned work
to performed there will be a column labeled Other. It may also have additional
Form is then signed by person performing task, and also by a responsible officer
and form is then signed by both on completion of work.
Near Miss
Explain the following maintenance jobs is very effect on performance during overhauling of air compressor
(a) Big end bearing & main bearing
(b) Suction valve & delivery valve
(c) Piston & cylinder
(d) Intercooler
1/2001, 4/2002
(a) It is should be checked properly when compressor overhauling. Worn down bearing can cause the
compression noisy, vibration, overheating and excessive bumping clearance.
The effect of excessive bumping clearance gives a large clearance volume which will be full of air at
high pressure when the piston reaches the end of its stroke, and in double-acting compressors it also reduces
the clearance at the lower part of stroke.
On the out-ward stroke of the piston the air within the clearance volume expands until the pressure
within the cylinder is low enough to allow the suction valves to open. With a large clearance volume the outward
travel of the piston will be greater before the pressure is low enough within the cylinder to allow the suction
valves to open.
In consequence a large part of the suction stroke is made ineffective and the amount of air taken into
the cylinder during each suction stroke is reduced. This lowers the volumetric efficiency.
(b) It always should be good working order condition, according to running hour. The air compressor valve
are dismantled, cleaned, and refacing thoroughly check spring plate, etc., and reassemble and test leakage.
It a suction valve does not reseat promptly at the end of the suction stroke due to a weak spring or to
carbon deposit, part of the air drawn into the cylinder will be returned through the defective suction valve during
the first part of the delivery stroke.
It a delivery valve is slow in reseating, for the same reasons, part of the delivered compressed air will
return to the cylinder during the first part of the suction stroke.
So this is reduced the compressor performance.
(c) It should be checked when overhauling the compressor. Remove piston, clean piston ring groove,
piston ring, take the gap clearance of piston ring a sealing rings and scraper ring should be good working order
If the piston rings are leakage, the compressed air leak into crankcase and reduces the compressor
efficiency and contaminates the L.O.
If the scraper ring is not in good working condition, the lubricating oil can deposit to valves and it
causes the valves to carbonized and sluggish action. L.O is mixing with compressed air disturb the air starting
system. It can cause to air line explosion and also increase L.O consumptions, deposits at intercooler and
reduce cooler efficiency so piston and cylinder should be good working condition.
(d) The function of intercooler is to reduce the air temperature and volume reduce at constant pressure as
low as possible and volume reduced at constant pressure and also to drain oil and water vapour. This lowers
the work done in compressing the air and prevents a lot of the mechanical problems which could arise if the air
temperature were uncontrolled.
By keeping the air temperatures low, less difficulty is experienced with the lubrication of the pistons
and cylinders and the suction and delivery valves remain in a cleaner condition without becoming fouled with
carbonized oil.
So that intercooler should be cleaned air side and water side for to get perfect cooling efficiency.
Air compressor maintenance (4) each
(a) big end and main bearing (b) suction and delivery valve (c) piston and liner (d) inter-cooler
1/2001, 4/2002
(a) Bearing
Air compressor main bearing and top end bearing and crank pin bearing clearance must be
check regularly for safe operation.
Excess clearance of bearings may increase clearance volume, mainly reduced volumetric
efficiency, and fall of compressor performance. Excess clearance of bearing may cause over loading,
striking, and insufficient L.O pressure tends to bearing failure.
So the finest clearance must be adjusted on top end, bottom end and main bearing.
During over haul check the crank pin and holding down surface Check the bearing
surface if it is wear or crack should be replaced. Check the bearing nut for tightness and locking
arrangement and proper lubrication of bearing.
(b) Suction and delivery valve
Air compressor valve needed regular overhaul if they are defective reducing the volumetric
efficiency and also reduce air delivery, increase air temperature and increase running time.
Valves can leak due to wear and fatigue, insufficient or over lubrication, present of foreign particles,
oil decomposition and excessive lift.
At regular interval valve seat, valve plate needed to be properly ground due to their constant pounding effect.
Check the valve seat, valve plate; buffer plate, damper plate for pitting, over heating and carbon deposit.
Check the spring weak or defective one to be renewed. Absolute cleanliness of filter and
minimum absolute lubrication can longer life of suction and delivery valve.
(c) Piston and liner
Air compressor Piston rings and cylinder liner to be regular over haul. The defective
piston ring and wear cylinder liner can not get effective seal it can reduce the volumetric efficiency, reduce
air delivery and increase running time.
Piston rings and cylinder liner can wear due to lack of lubrication or L.O contain condensation
of water can cause poor lubrication and dirt contain suction air.
At regular interval piston ring to be renewed and check the cylinder liner for wear and take
calibration if necessary renewed.
The effect of operating with fouled inter coolers will be to raise the air temperature. This will cause
lubrication difficulties, the compressor efficiency will rapidly fall off and there may be the rise of an explosion
caused by overheated parts in the air system.
Air side can be reduce cooler efficiency due to deposition of oil, on the cooling surface due
to over lubrication and suction air contain dirt. It can be thoroughly cleaned by chemical.
Waterside can be reducing cooler efficiency due to clog of particle and dirt inside cooling water. It can
be thoroughly cleaned. And then cooler to be tested by hydraulic pressure to twice the working pressure.
Sketch and describe simple air condition system use on board ship (10)
The cooling function of an air conditioning system is primarily concerned with reducing both the
temperature and humidity of hot, humid air firstly. Passing air over a cooler takes out both heat and moisture.
Comfort zone is between 40% to 70% relative humidity at 20 to 29C dry bulb temperature.
The sketch shown can provide both heating and cooling with control of humidity. Only ventilation can
be achieved it heating or cooling is not required.
To be convenient, required setting temperature is about is 22C, about 25% of outside air is drawn in
so as to balance system circulation .Extra moisture is added to the air by humidifier to reduce drying effect.
There should be not less than 40% relative humidity for comfortable state.
Cooling in the simple unit shown is by a Freon direct expansion plant. The mixture of fresh and
recirculated air is delivered via the evaporator, where it is cooled, to the spaces served by the fan. Local
temperature is adjusted by volume control at the delivery point.
Extraction fans discharge air from spaces such as the galley and toilets to the outside. This reduces air
pressure in these areas so that tainted air will not flow from then to other spaces but any flow will be in the other
Other systems Heating of the air may be by steam (as above), hot water circulation or electric heating elements
and controlled by room thermostat.
. Cooling by chilled water or brine may be used instead of direct expansion. A humidistat can be
installed for automatic humidity measurement and control.
Control of room temperature
The comfortable temperature range being considered about 22C and relative humidity (RH) of about
50%. All zone temperature control can be manipulated by the use of compressor suction pressure, via the
solenoid valves as step controlling and capacity unloading of compressor units as required.
If last step controlling has been done by capacity unloader & to save work load on compressor, by
means of thermostat is place at some accommodation space and it actuates master solenoid valve.
The particular zone temperature can be controlled by flat valve. Local cabin temperature can be
adjusted by manually control the volume of air admitted.
Air reducing system
7/2003, 4/2004
use of Working air, M/E, G/E control and safety system, Purifier control, Back flush filters, E / R
overhead pneumatic crane, etc...
High pressure air enters under the valve. The spring, acting on the spindle, open the valve and
air pass to the reduced pressure side. The compression of the spring controls the opening of the valve.
If the opening increases, the higher pressure obtained on the other side, acts to close down the
valve to normal lift, and therefore the correct reduced pressure will be maintained.
A relief valve is fitted on the low pressure side to prevent excessive pressure on the
reduced air line.
(b) Oil, water and dust in the system
The air can be contaminant with water, oil and, dust, due to improper oil separator and does not drain
Water is formed in the air bottle from condensation. This moisture comes into the control system, it can lead to
sluggish or jamming and corrosion occur to the system valves.
Oil is formed in the air bottle from air compressor lubrication or oily E/R atmosphere. This oil mist come into
the system, it can sluggish or blockage of air line and system valves
Dust is come from bad efficiency of air compressor suction filter. It can cause abrasive and wear or
jammed of system control valve.
So, oil, water and dust required to be free from control air system.
(a) Sketch and describe air starting Valve (8)
(b) Describe most parts defects (4)
(c) How to deal with these defects (4)
The sketch shown is air starting valve fitted at each cylinder head for starting the engine. Valve body
is made of mild steel, spindle is made of high tensile steel and valve face is hardened by satellite coating.
The spring could be of high tensile steel.
Main compressed air from automatic valve enters the space between valve and valve guide piston
and this compressed air acts the valve lid and the surface under the guide piston. Both pressure acted are
same so that the valve is held in closed position by means of spring action.
When distributor allows the high pressure pilot air to the space above the control piston, this will
overcome the spring force and move the valve downwards, so admitting the starting air into the cylinder.
When engine rotate, distributor valve will shut the pilot air and vent out by air starting cam arrangement.
So, the pressure above the piston reduces and valve will close again by spring force. For lubrication, a lubricator is
provided at the top part of the spindle.
Most of prone defect
Proper lubrication of the valve is essential not to malfunction during manoeuvring period to prevent dry
running of the valve.(avoid over lubrication)
Leakage must be periodically test just before manoeuvring and running.
If leak is found the valve spindle should be moved a few turn so as to grind the valve seat. If the valve is still leaking
replace at first opportunity.
The vale must be overhauled periodically about 8000 R.H or depend on its condition.
At the time of overhaul time, Check spring free length, Bending, twisting and cracking.
Check piston ring, ground the valve properly and check opening and closing by compressed air.
While manoeuvring, all air manifold adjacent to starting air valve to be touched and sensed
temperature. A leaking valve will be indicated by local overheating of the pipe adjacent to it.
While M/E stop,
1) Distributor inlet valve to be closed, to shut off pilot air supply to cylinder starting valve.
2) Turning gear discharged
3) Indicator cock opened
4) Starting air handle to put start position
If one of the particular valves is leaking, the respective indicator cock will be relieved air accordingly.
(a) Sketch air starting system for large 2/S engine (6)
(b) Describe above emphasizing essential feature and safety devices incorporated (6)
(c) Explain why starting air required to be free from oil and water (4)
(d) Explain why is slow turning arrangement is installed and carried out. (5)
(b) The sketch shown is basic air starting system for large two-stroke diesel engine. When the main stop
valve is opened compressed air about 30 bar enter into the master valve and automatic valve through pipe B
& C. In stop position, air passes through master valve to top of automatic valve.
When the starting handle is moved to start position, by the lever arrangement, the master control valve is
stopping the air from pipe A and vent the air from the top part of the automatic valve and allow to enter starting air
pass through automatic valve to cylinder air starting valve in each cylinder and distributor valve.
By the cam of starting air Distributor, allows the pilot air to open the corresponding cylinder air starting
valve and engine revolves. Once the engine rotate corresponding distributor valve each in turn, supply the pilot
air to open the corresponding starting air valve in accordance with the firing order and engine attain speed.
There are two distributor cams one for ahead and one for astern running.
The capacity of the air vessels must have 12 times starting for reversible engine and 6 times for non-
reversible engine, without replenishing.
Safety device provided in the starting air line
L Adequate drains must be fitted to the air starting system to keep it free from accumulation of oil or water.
L Busting cap and flame trap are fitted at the main starting air line before each cylinder.
L A relief valve is fitted at the manifold to release the over pressure.
L Turning gear interlock, L.0 low-pressure interlock, telegraph interlock cam, cam position wrong way interlock are
L All interlocks are arranged series before distributor valve or after master control valve to ensure engine cannot be
started should one of interlock is operating.
Starting air required to free from water and oil
Starting air can be contaminant with water and oil, due to improper oil separator and not drain regularly.
Water is formed in the air bottle from condensation. This moisture come into the starting system, it can lead
to sluggish or jamming and corrosion occur to the system valves
Oil is formed in the air bottle from air compressor lubrication or oily E/R atmosphere. This oil mist come
into the system, it can deposit over internal surface of pipes.
If the cylinder starting air valve is leak or jammed, hot gases enter into the pipes and ignite the oil
deposits. When starting air is supply, it can lead to fire and explosion. Therefore, oil and water required to be free
from starting air.
Slow turning
Slow turning arrangement is provided on long stroke main engine with U M S operation to
ensure the running gear can rotate freely.
It can by pass the main starting valve (automatic valve). Air is supplied just enough turning engine slowly.
It can be done before starting M/E and after a short stop during maneuvering.
When slowing turning is done, the crankshaft rotates about 5 rpm where by the release of the fuel
It can be carried out before slow turning
1) Engine ready to start
2) Turning gear disengaged
3) Oil pressure and air spring pressure for the exhaust valve set at correct value.
4) Indicator cocks closed. (Sulzer) (open when Man B&W )
5) Reversing lever at stop
6) Starting air shut off valve in ‚Auto‛ position
7) Speed setting lever at ‚0‛ position
8) Slow turning request button ‚on‛
A 2/E should be organize his engine room personal for safe working practice to prevent,
01. The first thing to do instruct engine room personnel to wear safety helmet, safety shoes
whenever entering the engine room, especially during overhauling time. And protective gloves
when overhauling and maintenance work are done.
02. Working clothes must be worn properly with no loose flaps, straps or ragged pockets.
03. To wear eye protecting goggles, welding gloves or welding shield while welding work is
carrying out. Earth cable must be firmly fixed.
04. Using tools with defective handle (such as hammer) should be avoided.
05. Heavy lifting devices such as, overhead crane, chain block with lifting accessories (wire slings,
eyebolts and shackles should be free from any defect) must be tested regularly to the safe
working load.
06. Working area must be clean from L.O to avoid slipping.
07. When handling chemicals, safety goggles and rubber gloves should be worn.
08. Gas bottle should be stored in cool place and handled with care. They should be fixed firmly to
the wall or special stands. The rubber hose must be checked regularly.
09. All parts, which can be moved in rough sea, should be secured properly.
10. All heavy tools and equipment should not be placed in high.
11. Safety belt must be used at working on deck cranes or high places such as air horns, oil tanks,
mast light.
12. Proper usage of various portable fire extinguishers should be instructed to the engine room
13. They should exercise handling of emergency fire pump, emergency generator and emergency
air compressor and how to operate them in an emergency situation.
All engine room personal must have enough knowledge of ISM. A second engineer should
explain to all crew about ISM and make sure that all crew to sign acknowledge of ISM.
For safe working practice on deck of a large motor vessel, the engine room personal should
be organized and instructed as followed.
To prevent outbreak of fire the following g steps must be carried out under second
engineer‟s supervision.
01) In machinery space must be free from oil spillage and must be kept clean at all time.
02) All combustible materials remove from the vulnerable (unprotected) position and should not be
kept in heated area.
03) To prevent oil escaping unseen the pipes carrying hot oil under pressure should be above the
floor plates, lighting above and below the floor pates should be bright and comprehensive.
04) Cleaned drip trays should be paced under the fuel oil burner and filters.
05) All joints, glands, in fuel oil system and at pump should be dept tight and leakage prevented.
06) Special care must be taken when fuel transfer operation is carried out, preventing overflow.
07) Oil should not be accumulated on tank tops or in bilges.
08) Machinery space bilges should be periodically pumped out and cleaned. Tank top should be
hosed down and kept clean.
01) Safety devices and trips on the electrical and fuel oils systems, fire detection systems, fire
fighting equipment, and emergency fire pump must be tested regularly and kept in good order.
02) Fire drills have to be exercised regularly.
In engine room
E/R must be free from oil spillage and kept clean at all time.
All engine room bilge should be pumped out through O.W.S if possible.
Whenever transferring the fuel oil, level and sounding must be checked frequently and fill up to 85%
of tank capacity. High level alarm should be fitted at overflow tank.
In bunkering
04) Communication system must be provided at bunker point, supplied barge or shore and bunker
control station.
05) Sounding level must be recorded frequently and maximum allowance must be 85 % of the
tank capacity.
06) Pumping rate and pressure must be under safety limit.
01) Take trim and list of the ship and keep upright as far as possible.
02) Take all tanks soundings and calculate actual capacity on board before bunker.
03) Take specification, samples, temperature and sounding of oil on barge.
04) Record time of commencement and time of completion.
05) Take final sounding of total bunker receiving, use water finding paste if required. Use volume
correction factor as per A.P.I gravity with the exact oil temperature at the time of bunkering.
06) Take barge, sounding if any dispute between ship and barge.
07) Bunker quantity surveyor is very important roll in this operation.
MT/ hr = m record at flow meter x specific gravity of flow meter
SG(flow meter) =S.G(at 15C) (Bunker analysis report from, lab) – 0.00064 (Temp flow meter 15
MT / hr is changed into MT / day multiplied by 24 hr and get daily fuel oil consumption.
S.F.O.C Calculation
As a second engineer how would you provide and instruct to your crew for SAFETY FIRST
Explain preventive measure taken for unnecessary oil spillage inside E/R or overboard. (6)
In port is the opportunity to carry out the routine maintenance and inspection of the working
parts of the machinery, which have been running at sea. To make the upmost use of the time
available, it is essential to plan the sequences of works to be done before the ship reaches the port.
Everything should be done to ensure it could be carrying out preparation of tools, sorting out of
replacement parts, etc.
The regular inspection of working parts by the classification survey (continuous machinery
survey [CMS]) should be kept in mind and arrange to be done in conjunction with the maintenance
works. The period between overhauls must be determined by the particular service in which a ship
operates and efficiency of the parts. The defective parts should not keep in service, although which
recommended periods of service has not been completed.
Inspect the crankcase at every port, all leaky glands should be made in good order, loose
fasteners should be tightened hard. At the end of long voyage and before start of long voyage, the
batch purification of crankcase oils to be done. The lubrication oil sump is to be cleaned before filling
with the purified oils.
The scavenging air trunk and exhaust trunk are opened and cleaned at interval of 4 ~ 6
weeks. Fuel valves should be taken out and cleaned and then checked the opening pressure at
every 4~ 6 months. If needed replace the atomizer. The fuel pump, cam setting and clearance for
timing should be checked.
It is required to overhaul the piston at interval of less than 6 months. When piston
overhauling time check cylinder liner lubricating points, carry out liner calibration, Overhaul piston
rod stuffing box. Clean scavenging air inlet ports and exhaust ports, and checked & adjusted
clearances of running gears in the crankcase. Also overhaul the cylinder relief valve. The engine
holding down bolts should be examined by hammer test. Examine the dead sounding bolts for
fracture and renew defective bolts.
All coolers should be opened on both sides and thoroughly cleaned at least every 4 ~ 6
The crankshaft journals should be opened up at least every year and after any bad
contamination of crankcase lubricating oils. At this time wear down and deflection should be taken
and correct any serious misalignment. It is essential that the clearances of all crankshaft bearings
should be maintained within allowable limits recommended by maker.
At two yearly intervals the main engine thrust bearing should be opened up for examination
and adjust the clearances of bearing and pads. Camshaft chain drive, mechanical lubricator, starting
air system, etc., must have regular attention.
Careful records must be made for all works and renewal of parts; especially piston overhaul,
liner calibration, crankshaft deflection and clearances of bearings must be recorded.
Intervals (Hours)
Drain and wash out the sump x
Proper use and storage of spares and stores are the main factors reducing the ship‟s
maintenance cost and increase the reliability of machinery. So all spares and stores should be
stored in correct place. Inventory books to be made enabling easily finding out them in a short time.
For spares, it is usually required at least four inventory books one for main engine, one for
generator engine, one for pump , air compressor, purifiers, etc., and other one for electrical spares.
There should be seven columns for each item - serial number, particular of part, location,
received quantity, consumed quantity, balanced quantity and remark, to obtain up to date record, the
inventory books are required to be sponsored by engineers individually main engine by second
engineer, generator engine by third engineer, other auxiliary by forth engineer and electrical spare
by electrician.
They all are required for checking regularly and entering the balance amount correctly in
their inventory books. Inform the second engineer if the spares are to be used or to be ordered.
Also stores are recorded in different inventory book, such as dead stock stores, expandable
stores and consumable stores. They are required to record in seven columns as spare.
The stores and spares should be stored properly and separately in the lockers, shelves or
drawers. The required store or spare can be found out at a glance by finding name of the main parts
and their location, their concerned shelves or drawers by a cared on the inner side of the door of the
locker. Then by mean of separate cards in separate shelves or drawers, the detail parts are located.
Large spares, such as cylinder liner, piston assembly cylinder head, etc., should be placed
on the engine room wall on the uppermost platform securely. They can be found out easily and
quickly. Such parts of the auxiliary engines should be placed on the wall beside the auxiliary
engines, or in workshop store room.
Particular of part Location Remark
Cylinder head
1 Locker No.(1) - 4 20
Sealing rubber „O‟ ring‟s
As 2/E, how would you prepare main bearing to be sent a shore and what technical
instruction are required?
(01) After running out of old metal, the surface should be mechanical thoroughly (or) sharp iron grit
blasted to remove old tin, grease and dirt.
(02) The bearing casing is dipped in alkali baths and follow by neutralization with dilute hydrochloric
acid and water washing in order to remove grease completely.
(03) Both halves to be pickled (heated up) and special making coating to be applied on the
surfaces which are not going to be tinned.
(04) Then the heated shells are immersed in the molten pure tin bath for 15 minutes per 25 mm of
thickness to attain with necessary temperature and to develop good bending strength.
(05) Steel (or) cast iron may be tinned twice with a lower temperature than first one about 360C
(06) Then both halves are damped between jig and preheated to about 270 C before the casing of
white metal.
(07) White metal may be cast statically or centrifugally on the backing at the temperature about
400C and lead-based one about 375C
(08) The pouring temperature is very most important to avoid drawbacks, such as blow holes and
(09) Then the component is cooled rapidly to achieve good microstructure
(10) Ultrasonic test (to check soundness of the bond is now a standard practice upon the
completion of re-metalling procedure.
(11) The metal composition for tin-based white metal being 85% tin, 10% antimony, 5% copper,
lead -based white metal being 80% lead, 15% antimony, 5% tin.
Remetalling a Bearing (UHA)
The first important part of the operation is to clean the bearing shells thoroughly; otherwise
the white metal will not adhere properly. The old bearing metals should be removed from the shells
and inner faces of the shells to be ground to get rough prior to cleaning. To clean the shells, paraffin
may be used, providing all trace of it is removed afterwards by a blow lamp flame.
The surface finished off with a perfectly clean wire brush, or bearing may be cleaned in a
caustic soda both composed of about 2 kg of caustic soda at each bucket of water. After cleaning
the bearing shells must be heated prior to tinning.
If a gas blows lamp is used the flame may be directed on to the surface to be tined, but if a
gas blow lamp is used or the shells are heated in a fire, the flame must be applied to the back of the
shells. The shells should be heated uniformly to a temperature that will make flux flow. The shell will
require to be thinly coated with a good quality solder.
Tinning is done prior to remetalling due to white metal does not bond directly to the steel
shell. Chloride of zinc or sal-ammoniac should be used a flux. After tinning all surplus flux must be
About twice the amount of metal required for the bearing should be placed in a clean ladle
and melted gradually on a slow fire. The temperature of the metal when ready for pouring is about
290C. Whilst melting, the metal should be stirred continuously in order to prevent the metal at the
bottom of the ladle from being overheated.
When the surface of the metal in the ladle is skimmed, it should show perfectly bright. If a
dark coloured cause the bearing very brittle and will break up quickly into small pieces when put into
While the metal is being melted, the bearing shells should be heated from the back until the
tinning just begins to run. It is important that the shells be heated to correct temperature, otherwise if
the temperature is too low, the metal will be chilled and will not adhere properly, or if too high the
tinning will be oxidised and this part of the operation will require to be done over again.
If a mandrel is used, this too should be heated to about the same temperature as the shells;
otherwise the bearing metal will be chilled. Whilst pouring, maintain the shells temperature, taking
care not to overheat.
The metal in bearing shells should be kept fluid for a few minutes and should finally cool
from the bottom upwards. After the metal solidifies the metal surface must be blow with a hammer to
get a good metal bonding, preventing small blow holes. Then the bearing metal to be machined to
get required size bore and cut oil channels and oil grooves on the surface as original.
The nature of second engineer duties comprises routine maintenance, carrying out survey
programs and repair on main & auxiliaries‟ machinery. The regular inspection of the working parts by
the classification survey should be kept in mind and arrange to be done in conjunction with the
maintenance works. To apart from breakdown, routine overhaul and survey preparing jobs must be
planned by 2/E under chief engineer‟s supervision.
In general, all the jobs must be carried out base upon man-hour calculation and schedule of
ship. (Considering the volume of work, dismantling, cleaning, measuring, reassembling and warming
up time should be taken into account.)
1) Planning of the routine overhauls must be considered according to the running hours of the
2) Propose schedule of the ship should be taken into account to get efficient planning. Overhaul
and survey preparation works should not disturb the ship‟s sailing schedules. So it is
necessary to arrange to complete the work within the ships staying in port.
3) The overhauling, preparation of survey and repair works considered in two categories:
a. First, the works which can be done by ship‟s staff and
b. Second, the works which requires shore assistance. But even if the works are
entrusted to shore firms, ship‟s engineers are still responsible to give necessary
assistance, supplying tools spares, etc,.
4) For the works, which have to be done by ship‟s staffs, the second engineer should share the
works to his assistance and crew. They should be grouped each having one engineer and one
assisting crew.
5) If the work is big enough, it should be divided and each group is assigned to each part of
works, e.g. taking out a main engine piston for survey or necessary repair, one group must be
on top platform for removing exhaust valve, cylinder head and other accessories and for taken
out the piston assembly, one group must be on bottom platform for removing the piston from
the crosshead, and one group must be on the middle platform to open up the scavenge air
space and guide the piston rod through stuffing box while it is lifting.
6) Before dismantling the main propulsion engine parts immobilization must be taken from the
port authorities.
Sat: Routine
An electrician must be familiar and must have enough theoretical knowledge of all electrical
equipments, switch board, motors, alternators and emergency arrangement onboard. He is to
perform as a day worker and to carry out overtime if necessary. He is to keep daily checks on all
lightings, and standing by at E/R control station during manoeuvring and heavy cargo works.
He is responsible for keeping all electrical stores, spares and tools in good order. An
inventory must be made for above stores and spares. Every morning he must inspect all the running
motors, alternators, switch board and deck machineries if operating. He is to inspect with his human
senses together with the indicating devices fitted such as ampere meter, volt meter, earth detectors
Before carrying out daily jobs, he must acknowledge second engineer about his
maintenance activities, so that 2/E can arrange E/R crew to assist in case heavy jobs are to be
Normally, all electrical installations are overhauled on period basics, Maintenance of deck
machineries are to be done at sea, to keep all in efficient condition during cargo works. Alternators
are to be checked while at rest, required cleaning and overhauling to be done to keep alternators
reliable at any moment.
Weekly periodic inspections, overhauling and repairs done on all electrical equipments are
to be properly recorded with its hours on services. Any stores and spares consumed will also be
recorded at the electrical inventory book.
E/R is to be well lighted, so that any failure and defects should not be overlooked.
Monthly consumptions of all electrical stores and spares to be reported to C/E, so that
wherever a minimum require level has reached, C/E can indent in the head office.
Insulation results of all electrical motors and alternators are recorded quantity. But due to
changing climate condition and E/R humidity, electrical equipments are liable to sweat. It is a good
practice to checked insulation results of all electrical motors and alternators before putting into
service. Morden ships are equipped with earth detection and low insulation alarm systems at the
switch board.
In conclusion, an electrician with the assistance of 2/E is responsible to carried out all the
maintenance activities of electrical equipments to keep the vessel efficient and worthy.
In port is the time when opportunity to carry out the routine maintenance and inspection of
the working parts of the machinery, which have been running at sea. These works should not disturb
the ship‟s sailing schedule.
Before dismantling the main engine parts immobilization must be taken from the port
authorities. Then the engine room staff required to be grouped, each group having an engineer and
assisting crew, for efficient working.
For a unit overhauling, one group must be on top platform for removing exhaust valve,
cylinder head and other accessories and for taken out the piston assembly out of the cylinder by
means of engine room crane, one group must be on bottom platform for removing the piston rod
from the crosshead, and one group must be on the middle platform to open up the scavenge air
space and guide the piston rod through stuffing box while it is drawing out. The following sequence
of works to be done for a unit overhaul.
1) All the necessary tools should be gathered and put ready for use. After stopping the main lube
oil circulating pump jacket cooling water inlet and outlet vales on the concerned unit to be shut
and cooling water in the unit to be drained. Piston cooling and fuel valves cooling are to be
stopped and the piston to put to its TDC by turning gear.
2) The exhaust pipe between the exhaust valve and the turbocharger and the exhaust valve are
to be removed. Then fuel valves, fuel pipes, fuel valve cooling pipes and staring air pipes to be
removed from the cylinder head.
3) The cylinder head nuts are to be removed and then the head is to be removed from the liner
by using extractor bolts and the engine room crane and to be placed it on the special stand or
on the top platform on the wooden blocks.
4) The piston rod nut is to be removed, usually by using the hydraulic device. The piston lifting
attachment is to be bolted to the piston crown after clearing thoroughly the bolt holes by using
taps. Then the piston with the rod to be taken out by means of engine room crane after turning
the crank of the concerned unit toward BDC, after pressing down the cylinder liner with a
maker‟s supplied tool to prevent the liner moving up with the piston.
5) Care should be taken to prevent the piston rod thrust on the stuffing box and the liner while the
piston is taken out. The piston assembly is to be placed on top platform.
6) If the stuffing box required being overhauled also it should be taken out from the diaphragm
plate together with the piston or separately by using a special tool.
7) Clean all carbon deposits on the piston crown, rings and grooves. The liner with its exhaust
and air inlet ports, and scavenge space should be cleaned thoroughly. Observations should be
taken on piston rings from broken, overheat or sticking in grooves. Also the condition of the
liner and piston crown from burning and wearing. Cylinder lubrication to be tested while the
piston is taken out, and clear all oil points and adjust amount of oil.
8) Measurements to be taken on the following places to submit to the surveyor, after cleaning
works completed. Then display the parts for survey.
8a. Cylinder liner bore (max. wear 0.75 to 1 % of original)
8b. Piston crown wear (to be used maker‟s supplied wear down gauge and max. wear
allowance shown on it)
8c. Piston ring gap clearances (max. allowance is 3 times the original)
8d. Piston ring vertical clearances (0.2 to 0.25 mm)
8e. Radial thickness of piston rings (generally one thirtieth of the cylinder bore diameter)
8f. Stuffing box sealing and scraper rings gap clearances (6 mm at each gap)
01) In G/E is due to overhaul and surveys, we should carry out at opportune time and by order of
C/E supervision.
02) By overhauling for survey purpose
a. Type of engine
b. Maker‟s instruction
c. Clearance allowance to be noted in advance.
03) Necessary tools and spares check prepare for use
04) Engine room staff required to be grouped distributed for dismantling different components.
05) Other remaining G/E kept in good order.
06) 2/E must know and note maximum allowable clearance and wear down
07) Stop G/E that is required for survey and allow to cool down, shut off S.W v/v, fuel v/v, lube oil,
air starting line and circulating fresh eater system.
08) Drain out cooling water
09) Open crankcase doors, take crank shaft deflection
10) Before removing bolts, piston and previous punched marks to be noted (make new markings
on bolts and nuts if necessary)
11) Dismantle cylinder head connection
a. Remove cylinder cover holding down nut
b. Remove cylinder cover and check crack (or) present condition when removing
12) Liner press down with holding down device not to rising up its seal when lifting.
13) Note previous marking of connecting rod, bearing bolt and holding down nuts of main bearing.
a. Turns required unit piston to T.D.C
14) Remove connecting rod bearing bolt and bearing locks
15) If required by surveyor, 3 Nos of main bearing and 3 Nos of fuel pumps alternately, such as
16) Cylinder head mountings such as air staring v/v, fuel v/v, exhaust v/v, inlet v/v and relief v/v
removed and cleaned valve seat ground, carbon deposits on working parts remove and
17) Take out piston rings from grooves and clean
a. Badly worn piston rings remove
b. Take clearance, if require fuel pump remove
18) Flowing measurement should be taken and submitted to C/E
19) Liner maximum 1% of original diameter
20) Ring gap maximum 3 time of new gap
21) Ring to groove maximum compression ring 0.15 ~ 0.25 mm
1. Oil scraper ring 0.08 ~ 0.15 mm
22) Valve guide bush clearance maximum 0.35 mm
23) Connecting rod bearing and bearing keep ovality measured about 6 places
a. Make a measurement record chart neatly and keep ready to submit to surveyor.
24) All working parts – display symmetrically surveyor without delay.
Due to the fouling of exhaust gas boiler has increased, with a corresponding increase in
occurrence of soot fires I exhaust gas boiler
Increased in F.O prices have led to the development of highly efficient diesel engine and
consequently, to reduce exhaust gas temperature in order to utilize the exhaust gas heat content,
more efficient factor in design of boiler are introduced such as narrowly spaced finned tubes. These
change together with deteriorating fuel oil quality, considerably increased the tendency to fouling
and thereby the need for soot blowing at regular interval.
1) Origin of fire
The soot, carbon, and oily deposits being spreaded a long a position where the surface
temperature is high enough to start a fire
Sometime the deposit may become thicker and thicker having the effect of lowering the temperature
of spontaneous fire. In some case the fire can start even at normal atmospheric temperature
The economizer is situated in the path of combustion gases and under certain conditions,
fire can brake out. These fires are of two types, soot fire and hydrogen fire, which often proceed by
a soot fire. Soot fire happens when accumulation soot, rich in carbon and oily deposits being
spread along tubes surfaces, where temperature is high enough to start fire. The deposits may
become thicker and thicker and lowering the ignition temperature as a presence of oil can reduce
ignition temperature considerably fire can start at normal atmospheric temperature.
Fuel (soots) + heat (Exh: gas temp) + excess air Economizer fire
Causes (Accumulation of soot, rich in carbon and oily deposits result form.)
Soot blow regularly carried out 2.-3 times per day to get sufficient heat Transfer surface to
prevent soot fire
Maintain M/E to get complete combustion (always)
Cooling must be check not to burn exhaust valve
Clean boiler tube regularly
Boiler water circulating pump should be run sufficient time before engine start to prevent
economizer coil failure due to thermal stress. Also should be run after stopping engine until
Exhaust manifold temperature reach 150C to reduce risk of oil wetted soot at the economizer
Mixing of different fuel in storage tank must be avoided
Indication of economizer Fire are Sudden unexpected increase in uptake gas temperature, Flame
visible in the smoke indicator, Overheating of external casing of uptake, Sparks emitted from funnel.
As soon as the fire is detected inform the bridge and slow down the main engine.
Soot blow many times if and only if soot deposits are burning and the temperature are
not too high.
A few times starting and stopping of M/E should be done to blow out collected soots
at the uptake.
Soot blower
Tube stack pyrometer and alarm
Relief valve
By-pass pipe
Routine maintenance
Survey programs
Repairs on main and auxiliary engine and all machinery
To apart from breakdown, routine overhaul and survey preparing jobs must be planned by
2/E under chief engineer‟s supervision.
Sat: Routine
Test run of L/B engine, emergency fire pump
Testing of engine room skylight door & tunnel water tight door
Testing of fire alarm and CO2 alarm (All engineers and bridge to be informed before
every test)
M/E and G/E safety test to be done every 3 month or time opportunity. This safety test
include over speed trip cooling water hi-temperature alarm and lube oil low pressure cut
Store and spare receiving and keeping
Unit overhaul
E/R and deck machinery routine maintenance
M/E and Auxiliary engine performance (monthly)
Fire fighting
Every day work order receiving form C/E
Various jobs such as purifier, FWG, OWS
Manoeuvring and very cargo operation
Main engine, auxiliary engine, auxiliary machinery including deck machine are required
routine maintenance according to their running hours and condition of machinery. Before dong this
work, take immobilization order from port authorities through C/E and master if vessel is in port and
the work to do is disturbed the movement of the vessel (for example M/E work, boiler work etc)
Overhauling, preparation of survey and repair works considered into tow categories. First,
the work which can be done by ship staff and second, the work which required shore assistance. But
even if the works are entrusted to shore firms, ships‟s engineers are still responsible to give
necessary assistance ie. supplying tools spare etc.
For work which must be done by ship staff, 2/E should assign work to his assistance
engineers ad crews. They should be grouped, each having one engineer and assistance crew. In
general, the jobs must be carried out basing up on man-hour calculation and necessary not to
disturb ship sailing schedule.
ME Unit 12000
GE Unit 8000
Purifier O‟haul II
E/O work
2/E must understand duties of an electrician and must be drawn program for electrical
maintenance jobs
As an E/E must be carried out daily check on all lighting, emergency light and batteries
[If E/O onboard ship, to give work order to E/O every morning]
To check all alternators at every time and give servicing when prime mover overhaul or is
To check and test all alarms every week. All engineer and bridge to be informed before very test
To be stayed at main switch board as stand by in every manoeuvring periods and very cargo
(d) On dock
1) Information about The dry docking (estimated time and duration) to be taken from C/E
2) Preliminary repair list must be collected and arranged by instruction of C/E.
3) Repair work to be divided into two categories; one for dockyard and other for the ship‟s staff.
The repair list must contain the followings
a. Nos. of sea suction chests and grids and their size
b. Nos. of sea suction valve and their sizes.
c. Nos. of ship side discharge valve and their size.
d. Nos. of scupper valve and their sizes.
e. Nos. of piping to be repaired including their length, inside/out side diameter, bends,
no. of flange and their P.C.D [including detail drawing]
f. No. of engine room valves to be renewed or repaired and their specifications.
g. Main engine overhauling preparation (1) Spare (2) tools (3) measurement (4)
instruction manuals.
h. Auxiliary engine, boiler, pump & other machinery preparation for overhauling.
4) Exact location of items to be repaired or overhaul must be marked with tag label according to
repair code.
5) Tools and spares, stores should be checked and prepared for use.
6) Store and spare requisition which will be repaired to use during docking periods must be
7) All tools must be marked with paints to prevent mixing with shipyard‟s one.
8) Distribute work assignments among engine room staff in group by group.
9) Maker‟s instruction on manuals and all drawing must be kept ready for prompt work.
1) Ballasting and transferring carried out in corporation with chief officer to achieve required trim
and draught.
2) Engine room bilge well and tank top to be cleaned thoroughly.
3) All tank sounding to be taken and account.
4) All portable fire extinguishers to be ready at required place.
5) Fire fighting fixed installation to be kept ready at required by shipyard‟s rule.
6) Emergency generator, emergency fire pump, emergency air bottle, emergency air compressor
must be kept in good condition.
7) Shore cooling sea water supply for refrigeration and air condition plant must be ready to receive.
8) Shore electrical supply (at entry of dock) Phase, Hz, V, AC or DC.
9) Main engine crank shaft deflection to be taken and recorded.
1) Boiler should be shut down and release all steam pressure by using easing gear.
2) An instruction to give all engine room personnel that smoking is prohibited in engine room at
ship is still in dock.
3) Main air bottle, emergency air bottle pressed up to full and close tightly.
4) Ready to stop ship generator as soon as vessel enter dry dock and to be kept an electrical
officer stand by on shore connection box when shore power is taken.
5) Settling and service tank top up, after topping up sounding of all tanks must be taken and
6) Remind all engine room personnel their duty and ready for emergency use.
(4) On dock
1) Repair work to be divided into two categories, one for ship staff and other for dry dock.
2) Tool and spare must be checked and prepared for use.
3) Take daily record of work done by ship staff and dry dock workers.
4) Negotiate with in charge of dock yard about work sequence and show him location of item to be
5) At the end of every day, feed back condition of work to C/E.
6) Examine all work done by dry dock and engine crew. If unsatisfactory condition was found,
inform to C/E and dock yard in charge.
7) All engine room personal should be instructed to use store and spare thoroughly and without
As a 2/E works on a large bulk carrier ship operated with UMS system. How would
you arrange your staff to carry out the following jobs while the ship staying for 2
days in port?
(a) Deck crane down (b) to be taken bunker HFO and DO (c) to receive store and
spare (d) Unit overhaul for survey
As a 2/E, all necessary work to be done in port are planned under chief engineer‟s
supervision. Before arriving ports all information about bunker, stores and spare and unit survey to
be received.
I will group and assign all my staff basing up on man hour calculates and not to be disturb
the ship sailing schedule. Preparation for unit overhaul and bunkering must be carried out. For unit
overhaul collect require special tools, necessary spanners, testing tool and checking of working gear
for the sake of safety.
Ask 4/E to plan a head bunkering sequence. Check bunker valves are in good working
condition or not. And top up settling and service tanks full and makes overflow tank empty soon after
F.W.E (Sounding taken and calculate)
After getting information of immobilization of ship from port authority, unit work can be
started. At the same time, one of the deck cranes is brake down, it is first priority work.
I and E/E went to deck crane, checked break down condition whether electrical or
mechanical portion. Say the fault was minor electrical failure and ask E/E to repair for prevention of
cargo delay. Assigned one of junior staff to assist E/E.
For 1 day O‟haul work and deck crane break down repairing are carried out. Assign to
make almost use of time available. Say our main engine is 2 stroke, cross head type, I will assign
3/E and one assistance at bottom platform to dismantle piston rod from X‟head. I and one
assistance are at top platform to dismantle piping, exhaust valve, cylinder head and to lift up piston.
4E and one assistance at middle platform to open up ad guide piston rod through stuffing box while
drawing out.
After dismantling clean all parts thoroughly and measurement to betaken and prepared for
survey inspection. After surveyor‟s inspection, boxed up M/E and renewed packing, „O‟ rings and
necessary parts. Test and check for safe condition of long voyage.
Another days, bunkering, stores and spare receiving are assigned and group to make
almost use of time available. C/E accepts bunker specifications. Make agreement of pumping rate I
an at bunker point, check bunker flange, hose connection to prevent and should not allow hazard of
3/E is at tank control station and bearing in mind bunkering sequence and take capacity. 4/E
and J/E are at sounding stations. All necessary cleaning particles such as sawdust rug and portable
fire fighting equipment and notice board are made ready and keep near the bunker point. Test
communication system also.
Store and spare receiving is assigned to each respective engineers Ask to check according
to ordering form . E/E for electrical store and spare, 3/E for boiler and G/E, 4/E for purifier, pump and
other auxiliary M/C store and spare etc. All are filled inventory books. We can finish those works
within 2 days port stay without disturbing ship sailing schedule and cargo handling.
As a 2/E, How would you control oil pollution prevention in E/R staff How do you
operate O.W.S and describe oil discharge regulation.
As a 2/E, I would control oil pollution prevention by the following instruction to E/R staff.
1) It is required to any discharge of oily bilge on board under C/E‟s approval through me.
2) I would explain the engineers and all crews about oil discharge regulations, operation of
O.W.S, waste oil incinerator and bilge pump.
3) I would train the engine room staff about bilge pipe line, bilge oil line, bilge transfer line, F.O &
L.O line etc.., all known and the proper handle of the valves operations
4) In port, overboard discharge valve of O.W.S to be locked.
5) Regular testing of 15 ppm O.D.M and automatic stopping device carried out.
6) Take sounding of overflow tank, B.O.T, B.W.T and sludge tank regularly.
7) Keep the oil record book in engine control room to entry daily sludge amount, incinerated
amount, bilge water pump out amount through O.W.S including time (duration), location of
ship, etc…
Oily bilges are prohibited from discharge into the sea except the following conditions.
Machinery space/ Ballast tanks Discharge Within special area, No discharge except vessel
enroute with oil filtering equipment with automatic stopping device. oil particles less than 15 ppm
and not mixed with cargo residues. (Special areas are Baltic Sea, black and Caribbean seas,
Antarctic sea, Mediterranean sea, Persian gulf, gulf area and red sea)
Outside special area no discharge except vessel enroutes it has in operation oil discharge
monitoring system, O.W.S, oil particle less than 15 ppm and not mixed with cargo residues.
Cargo slops (residue) no discharge except vessel enroute, it is outside special area, more than 50
Nm from land, instantaneous rate less than 30 litres per NM . Total 1/30,000 of cargo, operating
O.W.S, slop tank, O.D.M
The working parts of a diesel engine require to be opened up periodically for examination,
Cleaning, and readjustment of working parts subjected to accumulation of deposit and wear.
Opening up periods depends upon the matter in which the engine is operated and how the
fuel and lubricating oil are used .Reduction of 5% from full rated power considerably extends the
amount of opening up required. If design of certain parts and material being used are not taken into
account, the opening up required mainly depends on the skill of the operating engineers.
Arriving in port
After the signal “Finished with engine” has been received certain formalities require to be
carrying out. When informed that the engine will not be required fro some time.
Open indicator cocks and only starting air kick is carried out. After main air starting air valve
is closed, open drain such as starting air line, scavenging air trunk, stuffing box drain cocks, etc,.
Engage the turning gear and turn the engine a few revolutions while operating the cylinder
lubricators. Thus oil will be carried up to the dry parts of the cylinder liners and avoid rusting during
the stay in port.
After the heat from combustion has been carried off, stop the jacket cooling water pump and
lubricating oil pump. In cold climates it is advisable that the cylinders and pistons warm by heating
the cooling water to about 38 C and then circulating the cooling water. It facilitates the separation of
the impurities and prevents greasy matter from depositing on the cooler tubes.
In port where the temperature is likely to fall to freezing point and below, and means are not
provided to keep the temperature above that point, drain the cooling water from the cylinder jackets,
pistons and the entire pipe system. This will prevent fracture of casting and bursting of pipes.
As a 2/E, How will you prepare your machinery for departure to sea?
What are the procedures to be followed up, after full away is rung?
Why is warming up of main engine necessary before sailing? State the temperature of the system.
Before departure the port, all machineries must be kept in good working order and keep ready to
Upon receipt of departure notice, the following is to be carried out, 24 hours ahead of the
01) Maintain a sufficient level of fuel in the diesel/heavy oil service tanks. Transfer oil to fill up
settling tanks (H.O and D.O) prior to arrival in port. No oil transfer to be carried out in port, as
far as possible.
02) Drain off water from Fuel tanks, while maintaining the tank temperatures.
03) Ensure filters in L.O and F.O pipelines are clean
04) Check operation of safety equipment including emergency generator and safety devices on
the starting air system must be in good order.
05) The starting air valves also should be tested for leakage.
06) Check temperature of jacket cooling water and adjust preheating, well in advance, in order to
have the engine sufficiently warmed up. The cooling water temperature is to be about 60C.
The pipe system and cylinder jackets should be examined for leaks.
07) In cold climates, when necessary heated to main engine system oil.
08) Take soundings of al oil tanks and engine room cofferdams.
09) Start the exhaust gas boiler water circulating pump well in advance.
10) Within 12 hours before departure, check the operation of the steering gear, including the
emergency steering.
11) Fill up both Air bottles to full pressure and drain off the condensate from the bottles
12) Records of the above must be maintained in the log book.
Two Hours before vessel’s departure
On receipt of Notice
01) Start the second Generator check for normal operation and parallel onto the bus bars
02) Start the following Main engine auxiliaries
a. M/E jacket cooling water pump
b. M/E Piston cooling water pump
c. M/E LO pump
d. M/E FO booster pump
e. Any other pumps associated with running of the Main engine.
f. Ensure that the stand-by pumps are working, and all relevant valves are open while
switching on various pumps mentioned above, ensure that the operations are
smooth and trouble free and that pressures are normal.
03) Stop preheating, carried out for J.C.W & P.C.W, prior to the start of Min engine.
Thermal stress will occurs due to high temperature difference between cylinder liner and cylinder
So, Main engine must be kept warming above 50C by G/E jacket cooling water or heater of
When Cylinder liner temperature is fall below 40C (moisture due point), moisture in the
cylinder condense to form water and mix with carbon (or) sulphur from residual fuel to form sulphuric
acid. The cylinder liner will attack low temperature corrosion (or) sulphur acid corrosion.
Conduct Pre-bunkering meeting with Deck Officers (C/E, C/O, and all E/R members) about
quantity, grade and distributions plan of Bunker to be taken so as to arrange stability of ship, plug
the Deck scuppers and signal flag or red light to be put on.
Just before bunkering, Pre-bunker check lists both for Deck and Engineer departments must
be entered and all necessary actions to be taken. C/E must prepare all necessary papers prior to
bunkering as per oil transfer and bunkering procedures in accord with USCG regulation.
Fire prevention
1) The bunker oil flash point should not less than 65C under all circumstances as a rule
2) Ensure no oil leakages
3) No naked light or smoking in the vicinity of the operation
4) Take portable fire extinguishers at the bunker point
Pollution prevention
Before Bunkering
01) Explain all E/R members about total bunker quantity, distribution plan, sequence of filling tanks
02) All engine room members must be well trained oil spill drill
03) Ensure all scuppers on deck are plugged prior to transfer.
04) Clear overflow tanks and drain tanks
05) Top up all settling tanks and service tanks
06) Clean filters and sight glasses and pressure gauge in good order on bunker line
07) Ensure bunker system valve in good order, and the correct valves have been opened
08) Make Remote level indicators, sounding tapes and pressure gauges in good order
09) Take Saw dust, Oil spill Dispersant and rags in handy, portable oil transferring pump and
spilled oil container of ONE BARREL capacity must be kept ready at bunker point.
10) Agree the pumping rate or pressure with pump man or barge master, remembering that a burst
hose can cause pollution, Discuss slow down operation and emergency stop procedure.
During Bunkering
01) In the beginning, the rate is to be very slow. Make a through round on the deck and check
unused manifold / bunker line for leaks and then raise the pumping rate.
02) Check the security of the hose coupling. One person who is responsible required to stand
watch at bunker station to watch break or spill at the hose connection. ( remembering that a
burst hose can cause pollution.)
03) Sounding level must be recorded frequently and maximum allowance must be 85 % of the tank
04) It is essential to slow down when 80% of total quantity has been delivered and stops when
about 85% (maximum) of total quantity.
05) While changing one tank ensure the other tank's valves are opened. FIRST
06) During operation, minor spillage and drops of dirty oil should be picked up in collectors and
transferred to spill tanks.
07) If during operation, leaks occur from a hose or any other connections, the operation must be
stopped at once
08) Spills should be avoided when connecting or disconnecting the hoses.
09) Whenever the ship is bunkering, regular inspection must be carried out of the bunker
connections and of the ship‟s side discharges and of the surface of the water in the vicinity.
After Bunkering
01) Let all valves open for some duration to give expelling of air (Do not blow air into tanks > 85%
02) Secure all valves/ullage opening etc
03) Clean all traces of oil in the vicinity of Bunker operations
Under following conditions oil transfer to be stopped
Lighting / thunder storm
Fire in vicinity (jetty / shore / ship)
Conduct Pre-bunkering meeting with Deck Officers (C/E, C/O, and all
E/R members) about quantity, grade and distributions plan of Bunker to be
taken so as to arrange stability of ship, plug the Deck scuppers and
signal flag or red light to be put on.
Just before bunkering, Pre-bunker check lists both for Deck and
Engineer departments must be entered and all necessary actions to be
taken. C/E must prepare all necessary papers prior to bunkering as per oil
transfer and bunkering procedures in accord with USCG regulation.
Fire prevention
5) The bunker oil flash point should not less than 65 C under all
circumstances as a rule
6) Ensure no oil leakages
7) No naked light or smoking in the vicinity of the operation
8) Take portable fire extinguishers at the bunker point
Pollution prevention
Before Bunkering
11) Explain all E/R members about total bunker quantity, distribution
plan, sequence of filling tanks
12) All engine room members must be well trained oil spill drill
13) Ensure all scuppers on deck are plugged prior to transfer.
14) Clear overflow tanks and drain tanks
15) Top up all settling tanks and service tanks
16) Clean filters and sight glasses and pressure gauge in good order on
bunker line
17) Ensure bunker system valve in good order, and the correct valves have
been opened
18) Make Remote level indicators, sounding tapes and pressure gauges in
good order
19) Take Saw dust, Oil spill Dispersant and rags in handy, portable oil
transferring pump and spilled oil container of ONE BARREL capacity must
be kept ready at bunker point.
20) Agree the pumping rate or pressure with pump man or barge master,
remembering that a burst hose can cause pollution, Discuss slow down
operation and emergency stop procedure.
During Bunkering
10) In the beginning, the rate is to be very slow. Make a through round on
the deck and check unused manifold / bunker line for leaks and then
raise the pumping rate.
11) Check the security of the hose coupling. One person who is responsible
required to stand watch at bunker station to watch break or spill at
the hose connection. ( remembering that a burst hose can cause
12) Sounding level must be recorded frequently and maximum allowance must
be 85 % of the tank capacity.
13) It is essential to slow down when 80% of total quantity has been
delivered and stops when about 85% (maximum) of total quantity.
14) While changing one tank ensure the other tank's valves are opened.
15) During operation, minor spillage and drops of dirty oil should be
picked up in collectors and transferred to spill tanks.
16) If during operation, leaks occur from a hose or any other connections,
the operation must be stopped at once
17) Spills should be avoided when connecting or disconnecting the hoses.
18) Whenever the ship is bunkering, regular inspection must be carried out
of the bunker connections and of the ship’s side discharges and of the
surface of the water in the vicinity.
After Bunkering
04) Let all valves open for some duration to give expelling of air (Do not
blow air into tanks > 85% full)
05) Secure all valves/ullage opening etc
06) Clean all traces of oil in the vicinity of Bunker operations
Under following conditions oil transfer to be stopped
Lighting / thunder storm
Fire in vicinity (jetty / shore / ship)
Sampling Procedure
Draw samples from a connection that comes directly out of the main
oil supply line to the engine. Always sample for the same point. Sample
only when the oil is up to its operating temperature with the engine
Depending upon the draw off point, sufficient amount of oil should
be drained out of the line prior to drawing the sample. The sample should
be filled into a chemically cleaned container after it is rinsed with
sample oil and immediately closed. The container should be attached with a
label as follows:
Sampling form places where the oil may be stagnant or have little or no
flow, such as:
Auxiliary smaller pipelines
Purifier suction or discharge lines.
Drain cocks of filters, coolers etc.
Sampling while engine is stopped
As a 2/E, How would you control oil pollution prevention in E/R staff How do you
operate O.W.S and describe oil discharge regulation.
MARPOL 73/78
a) Chemical cargoes
b) Petroleum cargoes
c) Animal and vegetable oils and fats cargoes
d) Fuel oils and their waste
e) Lube oils and their waste
f) Chemicals for maintenance work
g) Garbage
h) Sewage
i) Contaminated or infected ballast water
Protection of environmental pollution is including control of operational
discharge and accidentally discharge.
Any discharge into the sea of oil are Prohibited and oily mixture from ship
are prohibited except the following conditions are satisfied.
"Special areas" These areas include the Mediterranean Sea, Baltic Sea, Red
Sea, Black Sea, (Gulfs) Gulf of Aden, Persian Gulf and North Sea, Antarctic Area,
Wider Caribbean Area and other sea area. The numbers of discharge rules also
appliance on many inland waterways.
All engine room crews must be trained for independently operation of oily
separator, waste oil incinerator and about bilge pipe line, sludge pipe line,
bilge transfer line, F.O & L.O pipe line etc.., all well known and the proper
handle of the valves operations.
Every E/R personnel's must be ordered not to throw oily rags and used oil
into the bilge and sea.
Oil leakage's from any machinery parts should be checked all the time and
rectified completely. Engine room tank tops keep clean and painted with white
color for immediate inspection for oil leakage, which can mix with bilge water and
cause pollution.
In port, overboard discharge valve of O.W.S to be locked.
Take sounding of overflow tank, B.O.T, B.W.T and sludge tank regularly.
Keep the oil record book in engine control room to entry daily sludge
amount, incinerated amount, bilge water pump out amount through O.W.S including
time (duration), ship position, the date and it must be signed by the master and
C/E etc…
Whenever transferring the fuel oil, level and sounding must be checked
frequently and fill up to 85% of tank capacity. High level alarm should be fitted
at overflow tank.
E/R must be free from oil spillage and kept clean at all time.
13) The oil content monitor draw sample form discharge line, it oil content
exceeds the required 15 ppm, automatic valve divert the discharge back to the
bilge tank and alarm will also be activated.
14) After operation is finish, flush separator by S.W and open drain close system
Sketch shown is a big end bearing of a sulzer R.L type. It is fasten to the bottom end of the
connecting rod by the waisted bolts and nuts. It is in halves which are forged steel.
Running surface of both upper and lower halves are lined with white metal.
Normally the nuts are tightening by the hydraulic device. The oil clearance between pin and bearing can
be adjusted by varying the shims between top and bottom halves. The compression pressure can be adjusted by
varying the single shim between foot of the connecting rod and the big end bearing.
One-mm difference in shim thickness can alter the compression pressure 0.5bar. Oil thickness for a
550mm pin diameter is (0.5 to 0.7) mm
Essential feature of thin shell bearing
Thin shell bearing are usual combination of Tri-metal (a) steel shell (b) copperlead alloy (70%+30%), with barrier
layer nickel dam and (c) thin layer of soft metal such as lead tin or lead indium as an over layer.
It has excess peripheral length (nip clearance) to create a uniform radial contact pressure on the bore of housing to
get interference fit. It has a locating tag for correct axial location of shell and oil groove round the center of its axial length for
lubrication, and oil groove round the center of its axial length for lubrication.
It has high bearing load carrying capacity and better resistance against fatigue failure.
Remetalling, scraping, rebedding, and shin adjustment is no longer required
Easy handling and replacement time required is greatly reduced
More economy in manufacturing and easy storage as spare and transport
Better casting, inspection control replacement
Ultrasonic bond tests are more reliable on the uniform wall
Inspection and overhaul
Inspection of a thin shell bearing of wear condition is to seek the extent of the exposed nickel dam area of wear
down of inter layer. In order to distinguish whether nickel dam is exposed, take a small chip of 0.3mm length by pocket knife.
If no chip comes off the nickel dam is exposed already.
Thin shell bearing are replaced when the galvanic layer (over layer) worn down more than 30% or the running
hour of the bearing more than 40000 hours.
During overhauling thin shell bearing is very careful fitting in the housing and tightening of bearing bolts should
be followed maker's instruction and use correct torque. Other wise elastic deformation under load can lead to fatigue
cracking of the white metal over unsupported areas.
After every overhaul time follows are to be conducted
Visual inspection of any wiping or squeezing
Check of axial play and
Check local temperature compared with neighboring non-removed ones.
The bottom half would then be lowered, the lead wires removed and gauged. Assuming they indicate
the correct clearance, the bearing would be finally assembled, the nuts carefully locked and the hanging bar
removed. The final oil clearance of the bearing will be about 0.5 mm.
(a) Enumerate the boiler mounting fitted to a low pressure boiler (4)
(b) State the purpose of each fitting. (8)
(c) State how satisfactory operation of the boiler at all time is ensured (4)
4/2001, 4/2004
Air vent cock
It is fitted to release air when filling water or initially rising steam and to prevent vacuum condition when
completely emptying the boiler. It is fitted at the highest point of the boiler.
Feed check valve (Two number)
These are fitted to give final control over the entry of feed water into the boiler. They are non-return
valves. One is main valve and the other is auxiliary.
Safety valve
They are fitted to protect the boiler over pressure. They open automatically at the preset blow off
pressure. They are fitted on the single chest.
Salinometer cock
It is fitted to take sample water from the boiler which is chemically tested and to determine the condition of
boiler water.
Scum valve
It is fitted to remove oil or scum and impurities from the water surface of the boiler.
Blow down valve
It is fitted to reduce the density and to remove the scale and other impurities from the bottom of the boiler. It is
fitted to make completely empty the boiler.
Pressure gauge
It is fitted to show the boiler steam pressure. There are two red lines on the dial. Lower line is normal working pressure
and upper line is maximum permissible pressure.
Main steam stop vale
It is fitted to supply the steam for general use. It is fitted at the highest point of the boiler. It is non-return valve or screw
lift screw down valve.
Man hole door
They are fitted for human access into the boiler for inspection and repair.
The sketch shown is an improved high lift safety valve. The valve lid is wingless. It improves steam
flow remove risk of seizure and valve is closer fit on fhb spindle. The special valve and seat shape can deflect
the steam toward lip. It increases valve lift, open and shut smartly.
Ported guide plate is fitted in the top of the valve chest to guide the spindle. These ports allow the
waste steam to the under side of piston. It increases the valve lift, keeps the floating cylinder in place while
piston moves, and reduces risk of seizure of floating cylinder.
A water drain pipe is fitted-at the lowest part of the valve chest. It has no valve or cock. It should bb
checked regularly to avoid overloading and water hammer.
When steam is blowing off valve lift is 1/12 of valve diameter. The valve seat, spindle, compression
screw and bushes are non-corrodible metal. Valve chest is cast steel.
(a) What are the purpose of boiler water test and treatment? (4)
(b) Explain the important four numbers of boiler water test in procedure state by using chemical (8)
(c) Enumerate the possible sources of contamination of boiler feed water (4)
Silver Nitrate dropx50 = PPM chloride. Satisfactory maximum 300PPM. Adjustment blow down. .
The possible sources of contamination
The major contamination of boiler water is oil, sea water and other impurities.
Oil contamination.
This due to leakage of heating coils in the tank or heater. This can cause foaming,
priming, insulating heating surfaces and acid attacking.
Sea water contamination
This is due to feed water which contains chloride and condenser (drain cooler) tube leakage.
This can cause scaling, slugging, corrosion and acid attacking.
Other impurities
Boiler feed water contains many mineral salts in the form of dissolved solid, undissolved solid and
dissolved gases. It also contains many scale foaming salts.
Rectified leakage. Scan and bottom blow down frequently. Filter at observation tank. Test boiler water
and dose treatment chemical.
(a) Enumerate various tests made on the boiler water and their purpose (10)
(b) Explain what kind of failures and problems that can rise if no test and treatments done on the boiler
10/2001, 1/2002, 10/2003, 7/2004, 10/2004
The main purpose of routine water testing is to ensure that the residuals of treatment chemicals are
maintained at all time.
To detect the presence of contaminants in the water that may be injurious to boiler. The common boiler
water tests and their purpose are as follow.
Phosphate test
It is checked to ensure that there is a sufficient quantity of phosphate to react with all incoming
hardness and reserve to protect in case of contamination.
The phosphate is adjusted by dosage of phosphate boiler water treatment. Too much phosphate
causes high amount of TDS and if lower cause corrosion, low alkalinity and scale forming. (20-40 PPM)
Conductivity test
This test is measured how much current will conduct boiler water to prevent electrolytic corrosion.
It is proportional to the level of dissolved solids in a given water.
If total dissolved solid excess, can lead to foaming and carry over, high boiler water density. (700 mhos)
Chloride test
It is used as a measure of contamination of chloride salt in the system and alerts the operator to
seawater leakage.
Chloride remains unreacted with boiler water treatment. It can increases TDS, high conductivity and
promotes to corrosion (300 PPM)
Condensate pH test
It is tested periodically for reference purpose. It can never be very high alkalinity like a boiler water it
self. By using this test, whether slightly or very acidic in condensate water is known. (10.5 ~ 11.5 pH value)
Hydrazine test
It provides an indication of the active reserve of oxygen scavenger within the system. This
reserve is necessary in order to react with any oxygen, which may enter the system, thus minimizing
oxygen corrosion (0.03 -0.10 PPM)
Problem and failure
Boiler water is combined by many mineral salts and gases in the form of dissolved solid, suspended
solid and dissolved gases.
If no treatment and test is done following problem and failure may occur.
1. Scale formation
It can reduction to boiler efficiency. Reduction in tensile strength. Overheating of material resulting
distortion and eventual failure. Reduction in safety factor. Increase in fuel consumption.
2. Corrosion
Internal corrosion occurs at water side and external corrosion occur at fire side.
Dissolved oxygen make iron metal into Fe 2O3 and CO 2 become H2CO3 and attack the metal, It will
waste the metal away thus reducing overall strength and leading to eventual failure.
3. Carry Over foaming and priming
Thermal shock occurs and can damage valve and other equipment. The physical impact of water
droplets can seriously damage components.
Long term effect of carry over, results in deposition of contaminants can cause valve spindles seizure,
damage to seats and corrosion.
4 Oil contamination
It promotes foaming and priming. It causes insulating layer or heating surface. It converts to acid and
directly attacks boiler metal.
5. Sea water contamination
Corrosion and acid attack. Scale and sludge formation. Jump in chloride level. Drop in alkalinity
(a) Explain boiler water blow down and opened up procedure
(b) Repair and inspection
(c) Examination
1/2001, 1/2002
Open up procedure
Stop firing and cool down. Shut all steam valves tightly.
Blow down until empty. Open ship side cock first, and then open blown down valve. When
loud noise stops and blows down pipe becomes cold, the boiler is empty. Shut blow down valve and then
shut ship side valve
Lift easing gear. Open air vent cock, salinorneter cock and drain cock. This is to enter the air
and ensure no vacuum and atmospheric pressure inside before opening the manhole.
Slacken dog holding nut of top manhole door and breaks the joint. This precaution should
be taken in the event of pressure or vacuum inside.
Remove the nuts and dog and take out the door. Give warning personal to keep clear of the top
door before removing bottom door. This precaution should be taken in the event of scald any one stand
over there.
When opening the bottom manhole door, use crow bar and stand back because there may be hot
water inside.
Mud holes and all other doors open up for cleaning both smoke side and waterside. Allow
the boiler to be ventilating before entry.
Boiler internal inspection
After normal open up procedure, allow the boiler to ventilate and don't allow naked light.
Internal inspection is done before cleaning for general condition and any special deposited area.
Plugged blow down hole to prevent chocking. Cover manhole door landing surface to
prevent damage.
Final internal inspection is, done after thoroughly cleaning. Check level gauge connections for
blockage. Check internal pipes securing and fitting.
Hammer tests furnace, fire and stay tubes. Check fire brick, casing, baffles and welding seams.
Check tubes for leak, crack, distortion and bulging, check fireside cleaning form soot. Clean and check
manhole doors joint-landing surfaces used new joint.
Refitting Procedure
After internal survey
Remove plug at blow down hole. Close back all manholes and mud holes with new joints and
refit all mountings. Open air vent cock and fill up water till 1/4 of gauge glass level (If hydraulic test is required,
fill up completely)
Follow normal flash up procedure. Set safety valve pressure under steam condition with surveyor's
(a) Sketch and describe waste heat steam generating system for driving a turbine generator, which
supplies the ship's electrical requirements. (10)
(b) State what features of the system is required in order to ensure the electrical supply in the event
of sudden drop or power reduction at sea (6)
1/2001, 4/2002
In the main engine 40% of fuel consumed is converted to the useful work of the remaining
some 34% is contained in the exhaust gases, there fore waste heat recovery system are employed.
The exhaust gases from main engine is used to produce steam. The jacket cooling and
charging air cooling from main engine is used to heating feed water.
The system has separate steam receiver; exhaust gas economizer with 3 sections, separate oil
fired boiler for port operation.
In this system the upper most section of the economizer is for feed heat exhaust gas temperature of
these section is abut 170 C.
The center section of the economizer is for following purpose, Heating fuel oil (storage tanks, settling
tanks, service tanks, purifier heater, end heaters), Heating Lube oil (sump tanks purifier heater), Heating
water (Domestic hot water, M/E warming system), Heating steam (Galley air condition, O.W.S) Exhaust gas
temperature of this section is about 200C.
The lowest section of the economizer is for running turbine generators. If can produce
Electricity at sea. Exhaust gas temperature of this section is about 300C. (It is superheated steam)
(b) If the main engine speed is suddenly reduced or emergency stop, steam generating will be
reduced. But residual heat can drive turbine generator for some minutes after emergency stop.
In order to ensure arrange the operation electrical power supply sy stem should be provided. It
is uninterruptible power supply (U.P.S) issued on this type of ships. This system consists of rechargeable
batteries, invertors chargers and rectifiers.
This system can be supply the electrical power to essential consumable power such as
emergency auto cut in Main diesel generator, emergency lighting.
And then automatic load sharing with a diesel generator. Automatic load changing to a diesel generator.
Reset Procedure
Reset emergency stop. Start L.O pump & necessary pumps. Start M/E. at M/E full speed; load
sharing and changing to turbine generator is carried out.
(a) Explain with an aid of sketches on automatic boiler burning system
(b) Discuss any two methods of fuel oil atomizer used boiler burner
(c) What are the safety features that are incorporated within the automatic combustion control?
(a) With the correct water level in the boiler, steam pressure transmitter initiates the start cycle cut in
and cut out differential based on normal working pressure. The pressure of cut in may be about 1 bar below
working pressure and cut out about bar above working pressure
The Master relay to allow signal of Air on to the forced draught fan. Air on feed back signals confirms
and allows 30 second delays for purge period. Then Master relay allows Electronic to strike Arc and it signal feed
back confirms and allow 3 second delay.
Then the Master control relay allows burner solenoid valve to Fuel on operation and it feed back
signal allows 5 seconds delay.
As soon as receiving "Fuel on" signal Master relay examines Photocell, which normally
revels balance system while light scattering continuously on it.
If the result is in good order the circle is completed and if not, then the fuel is shut off. Alarm rings
and the circle are repeated after reset.
High and low water level alarm/transmitter initiates alarms and allows the Master relay to interrupt
the circuit and shut down the system.
Steam blast jet burner
The steam flow along the central passage and expanded through a convergent divergent
nozzle. (Pressure energy is converted to high velocity jet)
The oil sprayed into the jet is atomized by this steam. The exit ports are arranged tangentially to
get swirling action.
The oil through put is controlled by oil supply pressure. The range of oil pressure is between 1.4
bar to 20 bar. The range of steam pressure is between 1.4 bar to 15 bar. The turn down ratio is about 20:1
Rotating cup burner
The oil flows to the inner surface of the cup through the hollow end of the spindle. This taper cup is rotated at
high speed by means of an electric motor. The oil gets rotating energy and is atomized. The oil
throughput is controlled by regulating valve at supply line. The turn down ratio is about 10:1
Safety devices
Low and high water level, low steam pressure
Burner stopped and give alarm
Flame failure, draught fan failure, very low water level, very high water level, high steam pressure, low
fuel pressure, Air fuel ratio, Low and high fuel temperature, High flue gas temperature.
There are various types of remote water level indications. Their purpose is to bring the
water level reading to some convenient position in the engine or boiler room where it can be
distinctly seen. These indicators when fitted are normally in addition to the normal statutory
requirements for water gauge fittings fro boilers.
The above sketch is a diagrammatic arrangement of the “Igema” remote water level
indicator. It consists of a U-tube, filled with a coloured indicating liquid, whose density is
greater than that of water and it does not mix with water, having connections to the steam and
water spaces of boiler.
The upper limb is connected to the steam space through a condenser and weir. This
provides a constant head of water to one side. The other side is subjected to a variable head
of water depending on the actual water level in the boiler. An illuminated strip behind the
gauge increases the brightness, and improve readability.
For equilibrium, the forces acting on either side must be equal. Thus in the left hand
side, the constant head of water up to the condenser Weir, plus the head of the coloured Igema
indicating fluid must equal the head due to the Igame fluid and the varying eater level of the boiler in
the right hand side.
H = h + x
As the level of water in the boiler rises, the head of the right hand side (h) increases
and forces some of the Igema fluid, from the reservoir, into the left hand side, („x‟ & „H‟ will be
reduced) increasing the height of the fluid in the gauge.
This is turn displaces some of the water from the Weir, which over-flows back to the
When boiler water level falls, „h‟ will reduced, „x‟ & „H‟ will be increased. The level of
water in the condenser reservoir being maintained by condensing steam.
The Igema fluid is non-miscible with water and has a higher relative density, as well as a
distinct colour, so as to make it easily readable. The gauge would have some form of lighting, to
make it easier to read.
The central cooling system uses a „closed circuit‟ of fresh „chemically treated‟ water for the
coolant side of all the primary heat exchangers. This fresh water is itself cooled by in one or more
large Central coolers, which are sea water cooled.
The salt water is thus limited to one set of pumps, coolers, valves, and filters, which
considerably reduces the salt water corrosion problem, which is inherent in marine systems.
Since sea water is limited to a small section of pipes and coolers, special materials may be
used to limit corrosion problem there at a comparatively reduced cost. Thus the few salt water pipes
may be protected by rubber-lining, and the cooler plates made of special corrosion resistant metals
like Titanium.
The sketch (Fig.1) shows a complete central cooling system in which all components are
cooled by fresh water. Due to differing temperature requirements of the main systems there would
be various cooling circuits:-
The sea water pump takes suction from both sides of the Engine room, through sea chests
(High and Low) and filters. After passing through the Central coolers, the sea water is discharged
directly overboard.
The Main and stand-by pumps would be of the double entry centrifugal type. Materials for
this part of the system can be of high quality and expensive, as the actual S.W system is small.
The fresh water in the high temperature circuit for the main engine and auxiliary engines is
circulated by the pumps on the left. At the outlet, the water is used as a heating medium for an
From the outlet of the fresh water distiller the water is led back to the suction of the high
temperature pump through a control valve (C) which is governed by engine inlet temperature. The
control valve mixes the low and high temperature streams to produce the required inlet figure -
about 62C. Outlet is about 70C.
The low temperature circuit circulates the main engine air coolers, the lubricating oil coolers
and all other heat exchangers. Components of the system are arranged in parallel or series groups
as required. Temperature of the water leaving the central coolers is governed by the control valve
The pressure control valve works on a by-pass. Temperature of the water after the cooler
may be 35C and at exit from the main engine oil coolers, it is about 45C.
A regulating valve controls the mixing of water between the high temperature and low
temperature circuits.
A temperature sensor provides a signal to the control unit which operates the regulating
valve to maintain the desired temperature setting. A temperature sensor is also used in a similar
control circuit to operate the regulating valve which controls the bypassing of the central coolers.
It is also possible, with appropriate control equipment, to vary the quantity of sea water
circulated by the pumps to almost precisely meet the cooler requirements.
1) Less corrosion and hence less maintenance, with increased reliability as systems are not
subjected to unscheduled maintenance, due to leaking tubes, or chockage, silting or marine
growth on cooling surfaces.
2) Reduced initial cost of equipment (as compared to using the same materials for a conventional
system) as the quantity of items having sea water is less.
3) Constant temperature of coolant to various systems, since no change in the coolant
temperature, as would be the case with sea water, whose temperature varies with the
geographical location of the vessel. This gives a better and easier control and thus improves the
operating condition for the running machinery.
4) The number of sea water inlet valves is reduced together with the filters that require cleaning.
1) Two separate heat exchanger systems mean a greater overall temperature difference, which
reduces the thermal efficiency and thus increase the operating costs.
2) Greater initial first cost, as the design cost would add to the cost of extra equipment for the
Central coolers, pumps, valves and associated piping.
3) Plant is more complex and vulnerable to problems, such as break-down of the Central cooling
circuit, which would hamper operation of all other services.
(a) Sketch any roller chain system of a camshaft drive for a marine oil engine (5)
(b) Describe above, state how adjustment is made and how required tension is achieved. (6)
(c) Sketch one complete length of chain and state elongation allowance (5)
Sketch shown is a chain drive system used in B&W K/L GF type engine. The fuel pump, exhaust
valve are driven by cam shaft. The camshaft is driven by crankshaft by means of the chain. The chain is
passed over two intermediate wheels.
On the one wheel, the chain tightened is fitted to adjust the chain tension.
On the shaft of other intermediate wheel there is another chain wheel is fitted to drive the starting
air distributor, governor, cylinder lubricator with smaller chain.
Guide bars with vibration damper are fitted along the length of the chain at a distance about '/2 "
from chain. The chain is lubricated by oil sprayer jet with continuous stream of L.O onto the chain.
Chain should wrap around at least 1200 on both sprockets chain should wrap high factor of safety
(never less than 25%) to prevent stretching.
Adjustment of chain
Chain tension can be adjusted by means of tensioning device located on the slack side of the chain
when going ahead. For adjustment the maximum two chain links can be removed.
The chain tension must be checked before 4000 running hours.
The engine is to be turned that the slackness of the chain is on the tightener side.
1) Loosen the nuts A,B,C and D to free tightener bolt
2) Tighten nut (C) until the free length of the spring can be measured and then continue tightening until
required tightness is obtained.
3) Tighten nut (B) slightly against.' pivot shaft avoiding further compression of spring.
4) Then tighten nut (A) and lock in nut (B)
5) Tighten nut (C) until the thrust disc bear against the distance piece. Then tighten nut (C) further
according to maker instruction.
6) Tighten lock nut (D) on the nut (C)
A vacuum pump literally pulls (and pushes) gas molecules out of the vacuum chamber and then does
not let them go back in. In this way, it establishes a pressure gradient that causes gas molecules further
away to diffuse toward the pump inlet. One could almost say that the pump acts like a one-way road for gas
molecules allowing them to travel out of the chamber but not back into it. The earliest vacuum pumps did
this by: 1] first allowing gas within the chamber to fill a volume inside the pump, 2] closing off that volume
and squeezing it to raise the pressure, 3] followed by expelling that squeezed “high pressure” gas out of the
pump to some other location. Pushing volumes of gas from inside the chamber to the outside by
compressing them along the way is what “rotary vane”, “rotary piston” and other mechanical pump
designs still do today. Given this method of pushing molecules out of a chamber, it is quite natural to
define a pumps’ ability to remove gas in terms of its’ pumping “speed.” (The units are liters/second or l/s.)
We would say that a pump has the ability to remove X liters of volume from the chamber every second if it
is an “X-l/s pump.” The pressure of the gas inside the chamber then determines how many gas molecules
actually reside inside those X liters! The pumping speed is usually denoted as Sp. Figure 1 shows the
pumping speed curves for 3 different pumps: a rotary vane pump, a dry pump and a turbo-molecular pump.
Note that the pump curves for the Turbo-molecular pump are rapidly decreasing as the pressure goes above
about 10-2 mbar (7.6 mTorr). Turbo-molecular pumps (TMPs) are not nearly so efficient at pumping when
the pressure is large because the gas load slows down the pump vanes. On the other hand, a rotary vane
pump (RVP) with its oil sealing of the rotating vanes, has a good pumping speed all the way up to
atmoshperic pressure. It has difficulty pumping under high vacuum conditions as can be seen in Fig. 1. It
begins to lose pumping speed below 1 Torr where the Turbo-molecular pump can begin to take over. For
this reason, the two are used in conjunction to pump a chamber down from atmospheric pressure to low
vacuum (the RVP) and from low vacuum to high vacuum (the TMP.)
When talking about gases, however, the terminology must change. It is no longer worthwhile to simply
keep track of the volume of gas being moved by a pump; instead one must discuss the QUANTITY of gas
molecules being moved by that pump. The quantity of gas molecules is usually denoted as “N” and from
the ideal gas law is given by: N = (PV)/(kBT). Where P is the gas pressure, V is the gas volume, k B is
Boltzmann’s constant and T is the gas temperature. k BT is often considered to be a constant throughout the
whole system and for the whole time period of interest (although there are cryogenic vacuum pumps where
an imposed temperature gradient gives one the pumping action.) For this reason, we often place k BT on the
left hand side of the equation and describe the pumping of gas (the “throughput” of gas) as:
Q = “Gas Throughput” = d(PV)/dt.
The units of gas throughput are Pascal meters-cubed per second (Pa-m3/s). It is important to note
that this unit is identical to a Watt! Throughput describes the amount of gas energy (thermal
energy) involved in transporting these molecules per second. It turns out that this unit is rarely
used in plasma processing terminology in the USA. Instead, Pa-l/s, slm and sccm units are used
under most circumstances. A Pa-l/s is 0.001 Pa-m3/s since a liter is 0.001 m3. In addition, the units
slm and sccm stand for “Standard Liter per Minute” and “Standard Cubic Centimeter per Minute.”
The “standard” used denotes gas at 1 atmosphere pressure (760 Torr or 101,323 Pa) and at 0°
Celsius. One slm is about 1,690 Pa-l/s and 1 sccm = 1.69 Pa-l/s.
Figure 1. Pumping curves for three types of vacuum pumps. Upper: Turbomolecular Pumps.
We have the ATH400 on Holly and Indy. Center: a dry pump. Lower: Rotary vane pumps. We
have the 2063 on all 4 of our systems.
This brings up a side point. Temperature does NOT have to be held constant in these systems. In fact,
it is quite common for the temperature of a gas to rise as it is compressed! It could also be forcibly lowered.
What we are noting is simply that one can easily add or remove energy (Watts) from the gas as it is being
pumped! Therefore, PV is a quantity that does not have to be conserved throughout a system. The amount
of PV can vary in time and with location far too easily. What IS conserved is MASS. (We ordinarily think
that the numbers of molecules is also conserved, but reactions of smaller molecules to form larger
molecules can sometimes change the total number of molecules in the gas while the total mass of molecules
remains the same! Mass is conserved, molecules are not.) Consequently, one can measure the amount of
mass flowing through the system or the number of molecules flowing through the system (if molecules are
conserved). The first is called “mass flow” and has units of kg/s. The second is called molecular flow and
has the units of molecules/second. Mass flow is written as:
N’ = MQ/(N0kBT) in kg/s.
While molecular flow is written as:
N* = Q/kBT in molecules/s.
Here, N0 is Avogadro’s number (6.022x1026 molecules) and M is the molecular mass in amu. As a
conserved quantity, the amount of mass flowing into the vacuum system is always the same as that
“flowing” out of the gas phase in the system provided the pressure is constant in time.
Gas flows from one location to the next by diffusion. Diffusion is a process whereby the random
thermal motion of molecules moves them from regions of high density to adjacent regions of lower density.
There is net movement of molecules simply because there are fewer molecules in the region of lower density
going back towards the region of higher density than from higher to lower. As a consequence there is a net
motion of molecules from the region of higher density (higher pressure) toward the regions of lower
density. This is also why throughput has the units of energy flow (Watts). Each molecule that moves takes
its energy with it. A net movement of molecules from regions of high density to regions of low density
means that there is also a net flow of chemical and thermal energy!
The speed at which these molecules flow from one region to the next, the “throughput,” will depend on
both the pressure difference between the two locations, as well as on the geometry of the chamber in
between. One can imagine the importance of geometry rather easily using Fig. 2. The throughput will be
restricted and tiny if the hole through which the molecules must flow to reach the low-pressure region from
the high-pressure region is very small. On the other hand, the throughput will become larger as the
opening between the low-pressure and high-pressure regions is widened. The factor which accounts for
this geometry difference is called “conductance” and is defined as:
Conductance “C” = Q/(ΔP) = Q/(P2-P1)
The conductance is always positive. For short round orifices, the conductance can be modeled as
C = (ν/4)A l/s
provided the pressure is in the molecular flow regime (Kn > 1). Here ν is the average molecular velocity =
Sqrt(8kBT/πM) and Kn is Knudsen’s number. In the other extreme, where the pressure is large and
(a) (b)
molecular collisions in the gas phase are very important, the conductance can also be modeled under
various conditions, but the equations are both long and tedious. J. F. O’Hanlon’s book describes these
relationships under various conditions in Chapter 3 and the reader is directed to that source for further
information. (J. F. O’Hanlon, “A User’s Guide to Vacuum Technology, 2 nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons,
Figure 2. The gas throughput for (a) a small geometry orifice between regions of differing
pressure and (b) a large orifice between the same regions. The gas flow through the
large orifice is larger simply due to its increased size.
C1 C2
(a) (b)
assumes that there is no direct coupling between adjacent elements causing the gas to be “beamed” from
one element into the next. This is precisely what is happening in the drawing of Figure 3 for the two series
elements. In that case, the conductances do not quite add as inverses and things get complicated all over
The gas throughput, the pumping speed and the chamber volume determine the time dependence of the
pressure at any location in the vacuum system. The relationship between these factors is set in the
following equation.
dt V
Here PP is the pressure at the vacuum pump inlet. The pressure above the pump inlet, at steady state,
will always equal the throughput divided by the pumping speed. P P = Q/SP. The above equation is
combined with the relationship between the throughput, Q, the conductance between any two locations, C
and the pressure differential between those locations, Q = C(P 2-P1). Together these equations prove useful
in understanding the full vacuum system.
Figure 3. Examples of parallel (a) and series (b) conductances are shown in this plot. Gas
flowing through conductance C1 in part (b) will “beam” into conductance C2 changing the
overall conductance from the simple series addition explained in the text.
For example, imagine we have the simple vacuum system shown in Figure 4. The main chamber is
separated from the pump by a variable conductance, C VAR. Gas flows into the main chamber at a
throughput, Q. The vacuum pump is known to be a 1000 l/s turbo-molecular pump that can pull the
chamber to a base pressure of 10-5 Pa (7.5x10-8 Torr). We could ask: At what flow rate (throughput) will
the pressure at the pump be equal to 1 Pa (7.52 mTorr)?
First, we note that the total gas throughput consists of 2 parts: 1] that gas purposely placed into the
chamber by the mass flow controller from the gas bottle and 2] that gas coming into the chamber due to
out-gassing from the walls and through the vacuum seals. This out-gassing is what causes the base
pressure to be 10-5 Pa instead of zero and since it is a steady state phenomenon we can write (at base
Q outgas P P S P
0 or Q outgas PP S P
dt V
We are given PP = 10-5 Pa and SP = 1000 l/s. So the out-gassing throughput is Qoutgas = 10-2 Pa-l/s.
Remaining at steady state then, we must find the total throughput required to make the P P = 1 Pa. The
answer is that Q + Qoutgas = PP*SP or Q = PP*SP - Qoutgas = 1*1000 – 10-2 Pa-l/s. We must supply a
throughput of approximately 1000 Pa-l/s.
Alternatively, we could place a limiting conductance between the main chamber and pump if we
desired to set the chamber pressure to 5 Pa and while only flowing 1 Pa-l/s of gas. This variable
conductance could be used to set the chamber pressure to any value (within some limits) without having to
change the gas throughput at all. To solve for the required conductance in this case, we must use both of
the steady state relationships outlined above. In particular: Q+Qoutgas = CVAR(PC-PP) and Q+Qoutgas = PP*SP.
Plugging in the known constants we find that we have two equations in two unknowns.
Q Q outgas 1 10 1 . 01 C VAR 5 PP
1 . 01 P P * 1000
Solving these equations is really very simple and results in P P ≈ 10-3 Pa while CVAR ≈ 2 l/s. By placing a
series conductance in front of the pump, the effective pumping speed can be reduced (dramatically in this
case from 1000 down to 2 l/s) and the pressure of the chamber can be controlled independently from the gas
Variable Conductance
Figure 4. A plot of a simple vacuum system used to illustrate the concepts in the text. PC is the
chamber pressure, PP is the pressure at the pump inlet, SP is the pumping speed and CVAR is the
conductance set by a variable conductance element called a “throttle valve.”
Homework Problems:
Figure P1. Pump down curves for some Alcatel roots pumps. The curve which drops the second
fastest (the RSV301B + 2033) is typical for the pump system on Cappy. These curves plot
pressure as a function of time as the various roots pumps evacuate a 1 m3 chamber.
1) A vacuum chamber has a turbo-molecular pump connected directly to it, which has a 360 l/s pumping
speed. The base pressure of the chamber is 2.4x10 -5 Pa after it has been fully baked and as a
consequence, the gas throughput caused by out-gassing from the chamber walls is very small. After
venting the system for loading a new substrate the base pressure remains at 5x10 -4 Pa until the system
is baked again.
a. Find the leak rate (throughput) in the system after baking.
b. Find the increase in the leak throughput caused by the venting and loading procedure.
c. What could one do to reduce the increase in leak throughput?
2) Pumps typically have a pumping speed that is a function of pressure. The pumping speed curve for a
typical rotary vane-pump (2063) is shown in Figure 1. Find the ultimate pressure for a system pumped
using this pump that has a leak rate of 3.4x10 -4 Pa-l/s.
3) The typical pumping speed for a rotary vane pump is shown in Figure 1. What will be the pressure at
the pump inlet for a gas throughput (flow) of 100 sccm? Our Roots pumping package on Cappy has a
typical pump speed of 171 CFM or 290 m 3/hr. What will be the pressure at the pump inlet for a gas
throughput (flow) of 100 sccm?
4) A throttle valve is very often placed above a turbo-molecular pump in semiconductor processing
a. Why is this a good idea despite the fact that the throttle valve will always limit the pump speed and
consequently lower the maximum gas flow rate that can be used for the process?
b. What conductance should the throttle valve be set to (on Indy) to maintain a pressure of 1 mTorr
at 200 sccm? Use the pumping speed curves for an ATH400 turbo-molecular pump shown in
Fig.1 and assume the gas flowing through the system is Nitrogen.
5) A vacuum chamber has a turbo-molecular pump on it that is connected to a rotary vane “roughing”
pump by a very long fore-line (50’). The design engineer can choose to make the tube either
1.5”diameter (at $10/foot of length) or 4” diameter (at $40/foot). The process requires a gas
throughput of nitrogen up to 300 sccm total and the fore-line pressure must remain below 0.1 Torr.
Should he save the money and purchase the 1.5” tubing or not? Why? (Hint, you must outline very
specific and correct reasoning here.)
6) Figure P1 shows four pump-down curves for various Alcatel roots pumps. For the curve that
decreases the fastest, estimate the pumping speed for pressures well above the base pressure of the
Laboratory procedure:
1] Measure the approximate volume of the chamber by flowing 2.5 sccm of argon into the chamber,
measuring the base pressure with this gas flow and measuring the time required to rise from that base
pressure to 0.5 Torr after the gate valve has been closed. Take a pressure measurement using the
capacitance manometer every 15 seconds until the pressure has reached 0.5 Torr. Re-measure the chamber
volume using an argon gas flow of 5 sccm and the same procedure. Do the two estimated volumes match?
2] Next measure the approximate outgas throughput for the chamber by closing the gate valve and
monitoring the chamber pressure for 15 minutes. Record the pressure measurement using the capacitance
manometer each and every minute. What is the outgassing flow rate like compared to the 2.5 and 5 sccm
gas flow rates used in Part 1 of this lab?
3] Estimate the conductance of the main pump line by measuring the pressure as a function of the gas flow
rate with the gate valve full open. (Assume the pressure at the pump remains at less than 1% of the
chamber pressure at all flow rates. In actuality, the roots pump has a pump speed of about 171 CFM or
290 m3/hr.) In addition, measure the pressure at the halfway point of the pump line using the Pirani gauge
there. Under what conditions is the 1% approximation valid? What is the conductance of the pump line to
the halfway point?
4] Set the gate valve to 85% closed and re-measure the conductance. (Assume the pressure at the pump
remains at less than 1% of the chamber pressure at all flow rates again.) How much has the overall
conductance changed due to the nearly closed gate valve? In addition, measure the pressure at the halfway
point of the pump line using the Pirani gauge there. Under what conditions is the 1% approximation valid
now? What is the conductance of the pump line to the halfway point? Has it changed?
5] Set the gate valve to 95% closed and re-measure the conductance. (Assume the pressure at the pump
remains at less than 1% of the chamber pressure at all flow rates again.) How much has the overall
conductance changed due to the nearly closed gate valve? In addition, measure the pressure at the halfway
point of the pump line using the Pirani gauge there. Under what conditions is the 1% approximation valid?
What is the conductance of the pump line to the halfway point now? Has it changed?
6] Close the gate valve and open the “soft pump” valve. Measure the conductance again. (Assume the
pressure at the pump remains at less than 1% of the chamber pressure at all flow rates.) How much has the
conductance changed due to using the slow pump tube (the 0.25” line)? In addition, measure the pressure
at the halfway point of the pump line using the Pirani gauge there. Is the 1% approximation valid? What
is the conductance of the pump line to the halfway point now? Does it dominate over the conductance of
the second half?
(b) Crankcase Relief valve prevents the undue rise of pressure inside the crankcase and reduces the risk
of crankcase explosion.
The sketch shown is a crankcase relief valve, approved by the British Internal Combustion Engine
Research Institute. It consists of a light spring loaded non-return disc valve.
Non sticks, oil and heat resisting rubber sealing rings are fitted to the valv e. The valve opens
smartly and closes positively and rapidly after the excess pressure has been released, preventing entry of
air and secondary explosion.
Mild steel gauze flame trap is fitted and wetted with lub oil splash from the bottom end bearing. The
flame trap dissipates greater heat and prevents discharge of flame to the engine room.
Requirement (SOLAS)
Ï The engine of cylinder diameter 200mm or crank case volume of 0.6 m3 and above shall be provided
with a crankcase relief valve of a suitable type with sufficient relief area and crankcase doors of which are
usually very strong.
Ï The cylinder over 30 cm required one relief valve to be placed on each crankcase door. Free area
should not be smaller than 45 cm2 and that there shell be a minimum of 115 cm2/ m3 of gross crankcase
Ï To ensure that discharge is to minimize the possibility of injury to personnel. Spring pressure is set to
open at internal pressure of approximately 0.07 bar and will close when the pressure has been relieved.
(c) Oil Mist Detector
Oil mist detector is designed for continuous and automatic evaluation of oil mist density from each crank
position in sequence. Oil mist detectors may serve the following purposes:
(1) It can detect and locate hot spots in the crankcase. Early detection of such faults will protect the engine
components before any serious damage takes place.
(2) It eliminates the danger of crankcase explosion by measuring increase in oil mist density over and above
the density level normally associated with speed and load of engine. It energises the alarm at mist
concentration of 2 ~ 5% of the inflammable limit (Warning is given before the concentration reaches 5% of
the lower explosion limit.)
Oil mist detector gives photo electric detection which detects the condensed oil mist in the
crankcase. A sample oil mist is drawn from each crank chamber through the rotary valve and measuring tube is
compared in turn with the combined mist from the remaining chambers to atmosphere by the fan.
When there is overheated part in the crankcase, there will be difference density in the tube. The
photocell output will be different. At predetermined value, alarming and rotary valve stop to know the over
heating unit. Oil particles in the sampling tube are drained back into crankcase.
Alarm is normally arranged to operate at 2 to 5% of lower inflammable limit i.e. (assuming 50 mg/I as
lower explosive limit then warning at 1.25 mg/l.)
(a) Briefly describe three methods of crankshaft manufacturing.
(01) Solid Forged The whole crankshaft is forged from a single piece steel billet.
(02) Fully Built All components of the crankshaft (pin, webs and journal) are made separately and
then assembled into a complete crankshaft by means of shrink fit, without fitting
(03) Semi Built Crank throws and journals are made separately and then assembled into a
complete crankshaft by means of shrink fit only at the journal.
(04) Welded A number of parts (A crankpin and two webs, with a half length of journal on
each web) are forged or cast separately and then welded together to form a
complete shaft.
In large marine diesel engines, semi-built or fully built designs are used. Compared with solid
crankshafts, built up crankshafts are somewhat more massive since shrinkfits call for sufficient rigidity to
withstand the torque without slip.
In medium speed engines, semi-built types are used and in high-speed engines, solid constructions
are used.
It is now possible to manufacture solid forged crankshaft having continuous grain flow with journal
diameter of about 400 mm. These crankshafts have remarkably higher fatigue strength, i.e. about 10 to 20 %
Cast steel, carbon 0.2% Phosphorus 0.01
Silicon 0.32% Manganese 0.7%
Sulfur 0.015% Remainder is iron
Interference fit (Shrink-fitting process)
The proper surface finishing between the holes in the webs and the pin and journals so as to give
better shrinkage grip. The hole in the webs are bored slightly smaller than crank pin and journal which they
have to accommodate.
The webs should be heated uniformly and slowly for about 6 to 8 hours depending on the
sizes. The pins and journals must be fitted simultaneously.
The shrinkage allowance being 1/570 to 1/660 of the diameter of crank pin and journal.
If the shrinkage allowance is too large, there is a danger of crank pins and journals
becoming slack.
If the allowance is too small, the material of the webs around the holes may be overstressed and
fractured quickly.
Dowel pin
Dowel pins are used the older engine crankshafts; those days did not have the advantage of using
accurate measuring tools and so fitted to make up for any deficiencies which might arise from a 'light'
When some crankshafts fractured in service showed that the dowel pin and hole (half in the web
and half in the pin or journal) acted as a high stress raiser which initiated a fracture.
This, together with more accurate methods of measurement and tools, produced more reliable shrink fits
and caused the practice of fitting dowels to be not used on current engine crankshaft.
Their use is now generally prohibited by the engine construction rules of the various ship classification societies.
(c) Explain how the recorded is interpreted and how adjusted ? (5)
(a) Crankshaft alignment of an engine is can be checked by taking crankshaft deflection. Crank shaft
deflection gives an indication of high and low bearing. If misalignment exists the crank webs will open and
close slightly as the engine is rotated; this is measured by means of a clock or dial gauge fitted between
adjacent webs at half diameter ways from shaft center (punched mark on the web) and gauge set to zero with
slight pretention.
Its means to measure the distance between webs, with 5 crank positions, turning at half diameter ways from
shaft center. The positions are just after BDC (starting point, Starboard Horizontal, TDC, and Port horizontal and just
before BDC (ending point).
Direct value of BDC is not possible because of the crank pin position. So, BDC value is taking average
value from reading of just before and after.
All measurements to be record in tubular form and check for accuracy from measuring results, the
difference value between Stbd Horizontal and Port Horizontal is taken as crankshaft horizontal misalignment.
The difference value between TDC and average value of BDC is taken as crankshaft vertical misalignment.
Misalignment of crankshaft may occur due to wear of main bearings or from distortion of engine bed-plate,
defect of foundation chock, transverse members or possibly from damage to supporting ship's structure.
Reading of measurements & recorded
Take all the readings and plot them in the tabular form
Cylinder No.
Crank pin position
1 2 3 4 5 6
Port Y 6 1 7 -9 -4 4
Starboard S 6 3 6 -7 8 3
Crank No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Main Bearing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Base line
A1 +12
ü For the lower bearings, measure the shell thickness by micrometer if it is exceed the maximum allowance,
replace the thin shell bearings,
ü Tighten the foundation bolts while the gauge is tat the concerning unit. If this gauge is deflect, the
chocks should be repair for adjustment
(a) What is the purpose of fitting cross-head in a diesel engine and what are, the difficulties usually found on
them concerning lubrication?(4) (or)
(b) Sketch showing its lubrication (6)
(c) Describe above it (6)
(d) What are the problem associated with X head and how they are prevented (4)
Function (Purpose)
To minimize the force imposed upon the cylinder liner by the piston
To provide long stroke of piston & get more engine output
Causing the piston move centrally in liner and it used to absorb the side thrust between piston and liner
due to angularity of connecting rod.
Crosshead problem
Load acting on it ð The fluctuated load and High sudden load are acting continuous downward on
lower bearing half throughout the engine cycle.
Lubrication system problems
No chance for LO entering due to unidirectional load
Boundary lubrication due to oscillation movement (no relative movement)
Crosshead problem
The fluctuated load and High sudden load are acting continuous downward on lower bearing half
throughout the engine cycle. So, because of this effect and oscillating motion only, lube oil film in it is extremely
Almost down ward forces and No load reversal, which does not help the oil flow into the loaded part of
the bearing to provide a squeeze film.
(1) By using pumps mounted on crosshead to inject high-pressure oil into the bearing surface when at
boundary lubrication conditions.
(2) By increasing the lubricating oil pressure to crosshead to a level where it causes separation of the
surfaces during the light load part of the cycle, such as scavenging, providing a squeeze film during
high load period.
(3) By using conjugate bearings where deflection of pin and bearing remains in line, resulting a lower and
uniform load.
(4) By using large diameter, stiff, short pin which increases bearing speed, resulting higher bearing lube oil
pressure while the connecting bearing are moving on the pin and retains sufficient oil pressure when at
dead stops.
(5) Continuous full length bearing face under pin : Low specific load on bearing. Load is transmitted
directly downwards
The sketch shown is a crosshead used in B&W, VT2BF type diesel engines. It is made of forged steel
650MN/m2 ultimate tensile strength. Pin is highly polished and flame hardened for surface hard.
The cross head shoes, two numbers on each side, are bolted into flattened end of the pin. They are guided
through guide way which are mounted on engine columns.
The slide surfaces of shoes, which are liable to wear, are coated with white metal into which L.O grooves are cut in
order to achieve uniform L.O supply.
For cross head guide and bearing L.O are supplied from main bearing L.O system through the ducts in the
crankshaft and connecting rod. L.O gutters are cut in axial direction on lower bearing half to remain oil film in it.
The lower part of the piston rod is fitted, with dowel pin to maintain correct assembly of components, into the
bore of cross head and secured by nut.
The piston cooling oil is supplied by main L.0 system through cross head with two telescopic pipe, one for inlet
and other for return.
Running clearance of bearing is 0.2 to 0.5 mm and guides and shoes clearance are 0.25 to 0.55 mm for
surface and 0.1 to 0.2 mm for each side.
(a) Sketch a cylinder cover for large two stroke cross head engine (,6)
The cylinder covers are made of chrome molybdenum steel manufactured as one pieces. They
have various bore holes for exhaust valve, fuel injector, starting air valve, relief valve and indicator cock.
The cylinder heads are held down onto the cylinder liner by cylinder head studs and nuts. To seal off the
combustion space, soft iron joint is fitted between the cylinder head and cylinder liner. The cylinder head
studs are evenly spaced and tighten with correct tension for the perfect gas sealing.
The water guide jacket ring is bolted onto the cylinder head. Water enters from cooling bores of the
cylinder liner collar into jacket guide ring which close up to the tangential bores of the cylinder head. The tangential
bores are very close to the combustion chamber in order to get effective cooling.
The cooling water finally enters the ring space around the fuel injector and exhaust valve leaves this via the
outlet pipe.
To observe the cooling water temperature thermometers are inserted the outlet cooling water pipe. Each
cylinder cover has venting pipe which is connected the venting collection pipe leading up to the expansion tank.
Hairline crack between valve apertures to be checked.
Burning of combustion chamber side to be checked due to flame impingement.
Distortion takes place owing uneven bolt tension overheating and unrelieved casting strain.
In cooling water side excessive scaling and corrosion took place when coolant was not suitable or untreated.
To prevent fouling of cooling space (corrosion, scaling and sludge), cooling water to be proper treatment and
tested. Zinc blocks must be renewed at the overhaul time.
Water space inspection door must be open up and cleaned thoroughly. All the pockets and aperture must be
cleaned and properly ground in. Defects must be searched by using dye penetrate and hydraulic test about
State properties of cylinder oil
(b) The consequences of both excessive and insufficient lubrication of cylinder oil (8)
(d) State where defects in the assembly may occur in service (4)
(01) It must reduce sliding friction between piston rings and cylinder
liner to a minimum.
(02) It must process adequate viscosity at high working temperature and
still be sufficiently fluid to spread rapidly over the entire
working surfaces to form a good adsorbed oil film.
(03) It must form an effective seal in conjunction with the piston rings,
preventing gas blow by, burning away of the oil film and lack of
(04) It must burn cleanly, leaving as little and as soft a deposit as
(05) It must effectively prevent the build up of deposits in the piston
ring zones and exhaust ports.
(06) It must effectively neutralize the corrosive effects on the mineral
acids formed during combustion of the fuel.
The cylinder oil feed rate should be considered depend on the followings
Y Unable to wet liner surface with oil film, therefore increase friction
rate and local heat tend to high wear rate and shorter the life of
Liner and Piston rings.
Y Being insufficient spread of cylinder oil, alkaline additives may not
reach all over cylinder surface. Therefore can not react to acid
formation and carbon depositing, which may cause hot and cold corrosion
wear of liner, piston and rings.
Y Insufficient oil film is easily removed by combustion hot gas, sealing
effect lost and engine blow pass In extreme case, piston seizure may
The cam activates the plunger to suck oil from suction valve and then
force through delivery valve to ball type control glass. From there oil
pass through a non-return valve and pipe leading to the lubricator quill,
at which oil to be injected.
Feed adjustment
When there is no-flow alarm gives out signal, the engine shall be
slow-down and stopped automatically as a safety measure.
The sight glass must be cleaned when visibility has been disturbed.
The lubricator has to be drained down and cleaned inside when there is a
source of impurities or sludges present.
The individual pump unit shall be stripped down and cleaned when
there is an outcome of flow irregularity.
The oil should be timely injected between piston ring, especially 1st
& 2nd ring, while piston moving up. At this time the cylinder is in low
pressure phase and ensures to deliver the lubricant to cold region of
Pipe length
Compressibility of using oil
Change of oil viscosity due to change of ambient temperature
Oil injection time from lubricator quills are also very difficult to
determine , due to the gas trap and existing pressure in that area Engine
speed and load condition are always vary so oil injection time is also
very difficult to determine , because the injection period is only about 2
of crank angle
The following place in the assembly may occur defects while in service
High/low TBN?
In trunk type engine, needs high TBN because of to get neutralization effect.
If lean TBN lube oil is used in high sulphur content fuel oil, it
cannot neutralized completely the formation of acid due to high sulphur
content fuel oil and corrosion will occur on piston, rings liners, exhaust
valve, turbine of T/C and boiler tube.
Sketch a main engine cylinder liner mechanical lubricator for two stroke engine (6)
(a) Absence of oil grooves in the liner wall between the oil supply points results in increase
wear of liner and rings (5)
(c) The most suitable position of the oil supply points is immediately below bottom
piston rings with the piston at top dead center. (5)
(a) The assertion of ‚an absence of oil grooves in the liner wall between the oil supply points results in increase wear
of liner and rings‛ is right.
The providence of oil grooves, adjacent to the supply points, linking each other and forming one continuous
groove around liner, are essentially important. It is desired for proper distribution of cylinder oil around the liner
Being time lubrication is difficult to achieve, providence of oil grooves are very helpful to cylinder lubrication
which can be charged from intermittence flow, achieve more continuous flow in the liner
If oil grooves are absence, oil discharge from feed holes will flow only downward and can not spread entire
working surface on the liner. The area away from oil feed holes will starve lubricating oil. Therefore, following bad
results will become arise.
Can not achieve the effective cylinder lubrication
Being oil starvation, as well as alkaline additives, increase abrasive and corrosive wear to liner and piston
Being oil is spread only at feed point area, excess alkalinity only in a narrow vertical bends leading upward
and down wards from that area and resulting serious liner grooving, called Clover Leafing.
(b) Time lubrication has little merit
Because it is very difficult to achieve
Correct time injection means , delivering correct amount of cylinder oil to a specified area in correct
instant, at which the piston is moving very slowly relating to angular motion of the crank
The oil should be timely injected between piston ring, especially 1st & 2nd ring, while piston moving up At this
time the cylinder is in low pressure phase and ensure to deliver the lubricant to cold region of cylinder.
In practically, it is very difficult to achieve and require very rapid rate of injection with overwhelming
pressure to existing pressure in the area of injection.
The delivery of cylinder oil take place twice in each revolution of the crankshaft and discharged through
the small bore pipes to various feed point in cylinder. At this point, oil travel time between the lubricator and feed
point, called time lag is become major problem for timed lubrication
Time lag is very difficult to calculate with respect to piston movement. It is depend on the variations of
Pipe length
Compressibility of using c ii
Change of oil viscosity due to change of ambient temperature
Oil injection time from lubricator quills are also very difficult to determine, due to the gas trap and existing
pressure in that area. Engine speed and load condition are always vary, so oil injection time is also very difficult
to determine, because the injection period is only about 2 ' of crank angle. Therefore, correct injection time is very
difficult to achieve and having little merits
The purposes of cylinder lubrication are;
To distribute cylinder oil all over liner surface uniformly
To get correct sealing effect
To reduce frictional wear between piston rings & liner
Effectively counter measure to cold & hot corrosion effected by combustion products by additives contents
Being difficult to achieve correct injection time, cylinder lubrication is not satisfactory to the above
mentioned purpose and having little merits
Therefore Multilevel Lubricating System are developed and aided by provision of oil grooves adjacent to
the feed points.
The advantages of these improvements are
» Can charge the oil into cylinder more continuous flow rate than intermittently
» Achieve proper distribution of cylinder oil around the liner
» Greater oil film thickness due to lower roils of quills, guard against adhesion and scuffing
» High refreshing rate of oil due to upper row of quills for neutralizing the corrosive products
» Double the numbers of quill gives better circumferential oil distribution and safeguard uneven wear of liner
(c) The most suitable position of the oil supply points is immediately below bottom piston rings with the piston
at top dead center. It is because of the following achievements
At this position
» Piston speed is lower lubricant could be injected more completely even though time lag problem
» Very less effect to lubricant by exposure of hot gas and extreme pressure. This ensures to deliver the
lubricant to colder region of liner and away from extreme pressure. Therefore, the lubricant may not tend
to form hard deposits by hot gas and problems of oil hole blockage.
» Pressure in the cylinder is less and not interfere oil injected pressure
» Injected lubricant could not be carried away to the combustion side
» Injected lubricant could be evenly swept down by the piston rings
» All the piston rings will pass the feed points, improve oil distribution circumferentially. Proper gas sealing
effect and boundary lubrication can be achieved.
» It is far enough from scavenge ports, so lubricant can be scraped over and blown away
(a) What is the purpose of fitting cylinder relief valve on each unit of the diesel engine? (2)
(b) Sketch M/E cylinder relief valve (5)
(c) Operation
The sketch shown is a cylinder relief valve used in B & W L60 MC/MCE engine. Relief valve generally open
when and engine is at first start because of excessive fuel injection or pre ignition.
And also when slow running or manoeuvring of the engine due to leakage of fuel in the cylinder during priming or
leaking of fuel valve.
It is essential that valve must be opened immediately at predetermined pressure and valve should be reseated
Pressure Setting
The blow off pressure can be adjusted by turning the cap nut or adjustable nut after slacken the lock nut. It is
between the valve housing and the guide.
The blow off pressure should be adjusted 20 to 30 % above the normal working pressure.
(d) It is found leak immediate action is required because flame or spark may be expelled from combustion chamber
to the machinery space, leading to fire hazard or personal injury.
After opening the valve, sometimes a pieces of grit jammed between valve and seat so it cannot reseat
properly at normal working pressure.
When the valve should be rotate until leakage stopped. If this cannot stop leakage the unit concerned to be fuel
cutting off, otherwise valve face may be burnt. At the first convenient opportunity the engine to be stopped for replacing
it with spare valve.
They should be removed and overhauled periodically, the parts cleaned and lubricated, and the
valve and seat ground-in. The spring checked for warping and its free length measured and pressure tested
by fuel injector test pump.
Leakage test
Increases the pressure to opening pressure and that do not sink below within one minute. If the
pressure cannot be maintained within one minute, the valve to be lapped its cone and seat.
Increase the pressure to the opening pressure by adjusting the cap nut to the correct pressure.
The valve is made of special heat resisting steel and is loaded by Helical compression spring and its
compression is adjusted by turning the cap nut. Effective sealing of valve body and cylinder head has been
ensured by placing copper gasket between them.
(a) Sketch the arrangement of a large two stroke engine cylinder liner in position in the
cylinder block.
(b) Describe how jacket water sealing is accomplished between liner and cylinder block.
The sketch shown is a cylinder liner used in Sulzer RL type two stroke engine.
Top collar of the cylinder liner is press onto the cylinder jacket by the cylinder head and the head bolts. The
cylinder liner is fixed to the jacket by two bolt. A locating fitted at cylinder liner to get correct position in the cylinder jacket.
A plastic remaining sealing compound is used between cylinder liner and jacket. The exhaust and scavenge
port are sealed from the cooling spaces by pairs of heat resisting rubber rings.
To inspect rubber rings leakage, free grooves is machined between each pair of rings. These grooves are
connected to fuel pump side and leaking can inspect either gas side or water side.
Two silicone rubber rings are employed at the lower end of the jacket position to prevent cooing water
leakage and other two seals where the liner enters the scavenge space so as to prevent leakage of the
scavenge air.
The cooling water passes through the tangential bores of the liner collar to the cylinder head. These tangential
bore are very closed to the combustion chamber so it ensure very effective cooling.
(c) Clearance
There are slightly diametrical clearance between liner and jacket for expansion of the liner.
The lower radial clearance for 750 mm diameter cylinder should not less than 0.2 mm.
The upper radial clearance should not less than 0.001 mm per mm diameter cylinder.
(c) Thermal Expansion
Large output 2 stroke engine Liners are always made tapering down at the lower end to reduce weight
and facilitate fitting. By tapering the lower end, cooling of upper end being promoted and heat transmission to
lower end can be achieved properly. The liners are free to expand downwards.
Cause of Wear
01) Improper running-in-during first few hours, 10 to 20 hours,
02) Misalignment of piston, or distortion of liner, preventing bedding-in of piston and liner.
03) Inadequate oil supply or unsatisfactory arrangement of cylinder lubrication.
04) Lube oil is too low in viscosity or too low in alkalinity (Grade of cylinder oils).
05) Incorrect piston rings clearances.
06) Unsuitable liner material (quality).
07) Unsuitable piston and ring materials.
08) Contamination of lube oil by abrasive materials.
09) Cylinder wall temperature too high or too low.
10) Engine overload.
11) Scavenging air temperature too low, resulting in excessive quantities of condensed water entering the
cylinder (leading to dew point corrosion).
12) Inefficient combustion, promoting deposits formation and degradation of the lube oil.
13) Use of low Sulphur fuel oil in conjunction with high (TBN) alkalinity lubes oil.
Define causes of cylinder and piston ring wear Describe how cylinder liner wear is measured and recorded
Explain possible consequence of operation of M/E with excessive cylinder liner wear [10/2001, 1/2002,
Liner calibration is taken at every unit overhaul to know the wear down of liner. For slow speed engine,
maximum wear down is 0.75 to 1% of original bore diameter.
First clean liner thoroughly. Liner calibration is taken by using inside micrometer with extension bar
which has been calibrated against a master gauge.
Gaugings are taken at a number of vertical positions (4 to 6) over the area swept by the piston rings.
Measure fore and aft and in athwart ships directions.
To ensure readings are taken at corresponding points, a template used.
(D last - D first)
% of liner wear =
D original x 100%
Max. wear
Mean max. wear
Wear rate since new
Wear rate since last gauging
Wear in a cylinder liner is mainly due abrasion and corrosion, although under severe conditions
adhesion may also occur. Each of these may have a number of causes.
Frictional wear takes place between the sliding surface of cylinder liner and piston rings. It will
depend upon the materials involved, surface conditions, efficiency of cylinder lubrication, piston
speed, engine loading, maintenance of piston rings, combustion efficiency and contamination of air
or fuel.
Corrosion occurs mainly in engines burning heavy fuels, particularly with high sulphur content. It
is caused by acids formed during combustion. Sulphuric acid corrosion may be caused in the lower
part of the liner if the jacket cooling water temperat ure is too low. This may allow vapour
present after combustion to condense. The moisture formed will absorb any sulphur oxides present to
form sulphuric acid. These must be neutralised by the use of alkaline cylinder oil. This can be
prevented by maintaining jacket temperatures above the corresponding dewpoint, by means of
Load-controlled cooling. Water vapour will be present from the combustion of hydrogen. Water
present in the fuel, and in the scavenge are from the charge air cooler, can also contribute towards
Abrasion may take place from the products of mechanical wear, corrosion and combustion, all
of which form hard particles. Ash may be present in some heavy fuels, as well as catalyst fines
(aluminium compounds added as a catalyst during the refining process and not fully removed from the
residual fuel) which may act as abrasives.
Adhesion or Scuffing is a form of local welding between particles of the piston ring and the liner
rubbing surface, resulting in very rapid wear. It may occur if the lubricating oil film between ring and
liner is removed due to excessive temperature, insufficient supply or incorrect distribution of oil, piston
blow past, and any condition causing a failure of the lubricant film. Cylinder liners should be
gauged internally at fixed intervals during overhaul (6000-8000 hours) to measure accurately the
increase in bore. Continuous records of gauging should be kept for each cylinder. The liner must be
cleaned and inspected. General appearance of the surface may show whether lubrication has been
A careful examination must be made for surface cracks, particularly around the combustion
space. The liner should preferably be cold, but if this is not possible the gauge must be at the same
temperature as the liner to cancel expansion effects. Gaugings are taken at a number of vertical
positions (4 to 6) over the area swept by the piston rings.
Readings are taken in fore and aft and in athwartships directions. To ensure readings are taken at
corresponding points, a template may be used. Gauging figures are noted as total wear from original
and mean rate of wear since the last recording was made.
The pattern of wear over the length of the liner will differ according to engine type but in single
acting, two-stroke engines if tends to be greatest at the top of the stroke adjacent to the combustion
space, where pressure and temperature are greatest. This reduces towards the lower end of the
stroke, but will increase at the exhaust and scavenge ports.
The rate of wear varies over the life of the liner. It is high during the initial running in period after
which it should reduce to an almost constant rate for most of the useful life of the liner. Finally the
rate will progressively increase as wear becomes excessive. Normal wear rates differ but an
approximate figure of 0.01 mm per 1000 hours is acceptable for large engines.
(a) Sketch an auxiliary steam system incorporating an oil fire auxiliary boiler used in conjunction with
coil or tube type economizer in the funnel uptake. (6)
(b) Explain how the system is operated and maintenance to obtained its best performance (8)
(c) Describe how working steam pressure is controlled if steam production is excessive when the vessel
is at full speed. (2)
(b) The sketch shown is exhaust gas boiler used in conjunction with oil fire auxiliary boiler. Exhaust gas
economizer and auxiliary boiler of vertical water tube type are connected with piping and circulating pump.
Steam can only be taken out from steam drum of auxiliary boiler.
Circulating pump draw boiler water and deliver to inlet header of economizer through non return valve,
while passing through the tubes heat transfer take place.
In order to ensure economizer flood condition at all time, adjusting the safety valves of these units are
slightly higher than the valves of the boiler to which they are connected.
The heat absorb from the exhaust gas in economizer is transmitted by means of working fluid to
auxiliary boiler.
From these fluid steam and water mixture is collected in steam drum of auxiliary boiler, which is
produce steam.
(01) Boiler water circulating pump should be run sufficient time before engine start to prevent economizer coil
failure due to thermal stress. Also pump should be kept running after stopping engine sufficiently time,
boiler temperature has been reduced to about 150C so as to reduce risk of oil wetted soot at coil of
(02) Safety valve must be fitted on E.G.E piping system to prevent damage of tube due to high pressure.
(03) E.G.E soot blowing must be done regularly to get efficient heat transfer surface and to prevent soot fire.
(04) Cleaned thoroughly smoke side of economizer at regular interval.
(05) In some E.G.E system, exhaust gas by pass pipe is attached to prevent melting down of E.G.E due to
boiler circulating pump failure or leakage of E.G.E coil.
(06) Boiler water test to be done regularly and if necessary treated.
(07) Maintain good main engine combustion to prevent fouling of exhaust gas and lead to economizer fire.
(08) Simulation tests for safety devices and alarms every week.
Control of Evaporation
01) By regulating the amount of gas flowing over the extended surface, i.e. by damper regulation.
02) By dividing the unit into sections so that each section is controlled by an inlet valve.
03) By passing steam through an automatic pressure controlled surplus valve to a dump condenser.
04) By a system designed for a higher pressure than that it is to operate.
The steam pressure is controlled by actuator valve (dumping valve) if steam production is excessive
when the vessel is at full speed. Main stop valve is connected to consumer and dumping valve.
This dumping valve is one connected to atmosphere and another connected to directly to condenser.
In the case of excessive steam it can be dump out directly to the condenser or atmosphere. If dump to
atmosphere water will be consume.
Safety device
E.G.E high temperature sensor and alarm. Safety valves with manual easing gear. Circulating pump
failure and stand by pump cut in and alarm. High smoke density. Soot blower. Fire fighting attachment. U tube for
checking back pressure.
Write down a list of emergency system and equipment used on board a motor vessel (U.M.S
Describe 4 of above (Explain the usage and maintenance required for any four of the above)
State how you would start diesel generator on a dead ship when air bottle is empty.
Lube oil low pressure alarm and stand by pump running followed by M/E shut down
Jacket cooling water low pressure alarm and stand by pump running followed by ME slow down
F.O settling tank low & high level alarm (transfer pump cut in/out device)
F.O service tank low & high level alarm
Purifier abnormal alarm, ME L.O sump low / high level alarm
Boiler water low / high level alarm, boiler operating power failure alarm
Steering motor overload, fix extinguisher, life boat, life raft.
Emergency air compressor installed with its own air bottle which has a sufficient capacity to start
auxiliary engine at dead ship condition power source to run emergency air compressor is independently
of the ship power supply. It can be manually driven, diesel engine driven and electrically driven which
power is form emergency generator usually located near auxiliary engine.
It is usually located outside of engine room. The source of power to run emergency fire pump is
independent of the ship‟s main power supply. The source of power can be diesel engines, electric power
from emergency generator. The pump must be able to pump sufficient amount of water (not less than 25
m3/hr) as required by regulation under light load condition.
In case of accidental flooding of machinery space, emergency bilge injection valve is brought into
operation. This valve is connected to main S.W pump suction. The suction pipe diameter shall be the
same of the main sea water pump suction pipe. The fitting of mud box or strum box to the bilge injection
should be avoided.
In case of telemotor system failure, by changing changeover pin from receiver end and pump
control rod, to pump control rod and hand wheel unit, emergency steering system can be started .Rudder
angle indicator communication system to bridge & gyroscope are also provided at emergency Steering
station. Even if pump unit failure, it can be used by manually operated pump, which are also provided.
(01) Start emergency air compressor to fill auxiliary air bottle up to sufficient pressure by means of
installed power system.(engine driven or electric motor supply form emergency generator or
manual operated)
(02) Isolate starting air supply from main air bottle to auxiliary engine,
(03) Start one of the best G/E with correct procedure from using auxiliary air bottle
(04) When pressure and temperature are in satisfactory, close circuit breaker
(05) Start G/E, C.S.W pump and fuel oil pump, also filled up main air bottle by starting main air
(06) Warming up of M/E (or boiler start)
(07) And then, prepare for main engine starting
(a) Sketch and describe two large cross head engine Exhaust valve (8)
(b) State how they are modified to extend frequency of overhaul to lengthen mean time
between overhaul (6)
(c) Discuss how they are cooled (2) 10/2002, 7/2003
The exhaust valve is used for expelling the burnt gases from the
engine cylinder it seals gases on compression and combustion periods.
The exhaust valve being made of silicon chromium alloy, valve seat are hard face with satellite, and the
housing being cast iron with detachable valve seat.
The exhaust valve is closed by the compressed air under the air spring. It is opened by oil pressure
created by the actuator pump. When the cam pushes the actuator pump piston up it displaces a specific
volume of oil into the valve actuator. This oil acts on the hydraulic piston thus pushing the valve down and the
valve opens.
The opening stroke can be adjusted by the oil volume discharge by actuator pump. When the roller of
actuator pump run over the peak of the cam the pump piston moves down by spring force.
The air piston pushes back up by the air pressure and the valve close. Opening oil pressure is about
160 bar and the safety valve on the hydraulic oil line opens when the pressure reaches 300 bars if when the
exhaust valve is prevented from opening for any reason.
Modified the seats and valves ground on modern slow speed engines
01. The development of valve seat geometry (the seats and valves are ground at slight different
angles design)
02. The hardened valve materials ( hardened faces)
03. The bore cooling of the valve seats (as low as 327C at full load) and
04. The valve rotating mechanisms
The closing air is allowed to leak in controlled amount through angular space between the valve stem
and guide, sealing there and preventing deposition of combustion materials.
The principle of rotating the spindle, by means of small vanes in which exhaust gases causing to retote
the valve. Rotation gives a more uniform temperature to the valve seats. Without rotation, local overheating of the
leakage area and leading to valve seat burning.
New valve seat geometry provides a wider contact area when the valve is hot and exposed to the
combustion pressure. The wider contact will further ensure an efficient heat transfer from the valve to the bottom
The purpose of obtaining the combined effects differing seat angles, valve rotation and cooling of
seats, is to extend the period between valve overhauls.
Valve cooling is most important with the exhaust valve, because a hot exhaust valves will have a
shorter life. It may become the limiting factor in engine performance. The cooling water space around the
exhaust valve must be amply 1 supplied.
The whole housing and the valve seat (bore cooling design) is water cooled from Main Engine fresh
water circuit and made inner contact design with novel seat geometry ensuring improved heat transmission
during operation.
Sketch and describe portable extinguisher suitable for (a) Oil fire (b) Electrical fire
Sketch shown is chemical foam portable extinguished that suitable for oil fire. This 2 gallon
extinguisher is made in two parts, an inner container and an outer container. The outer is lead
coated steel and contains 2 gallons of sodium bicarbonate solution with foam making substance (8%
sodium carbonate solution with about three percent stabilizer).
The foaming substance are extracts of liquorices root or bark of the Aquilla tree, saponine,
licorice, turkey red oil may be used as stabilizer, Fuller's earth and albumin. The stabilizer
strengthens the walls of the individual bubble of foam.
The inner container is in brass (made of polythene or is lead-coated copper sheet) and
contains 2 pints (13%) of aluminium sulphate solution which acts as weak acid.
This model is operated by releasing the cap by means of operating handle and turning it
upside down the liquids mix, carbon dioxide gas is generated, and the pressure ejects the contents
just as in the soda-acid type. Foam is emitted to a distance of from 20 to 30 feet (6 metres).
Once started the extinguisher will empty and eject about 20 gallons of foam and duration of
discharge is 90 seconds. The foam should be directed to fall upon the fire by deflecting it from
another surface. The activity of the charge should be checked frequently and the makers
recommend an annual recharge.
Location Machinery spaces and other location where oil fire may occur
Operation releasing the cap by means of operating handle and turning it upside
down because of no internal pipe to assist chemical action one should place a finger over
the nozzle after inverted and shake the extinguisher
The carbon dioxide extinguishers store liquid gas under pressure. They may be protected by
safety sealing discs set to burst at between 180 bar and 200 bar. The pressure inside the bottle
under normal temperature conditions is about 60 bar.
The operating range of a 5 lbs model is 11 feet in still air. The duration of discharge is 8
seconds and the coverage for flammable liquid fires is from 6 to 9 square feet. Being sealed with a
domed nickel diaphragm which required piercing with striker to discharge the contents, the
extinguisher is leak proof the diaphragm is also served as a safety bursting disc.
Location Control room & other location where electrical fire may occur (not allowed in
accommodation space because of danger of gas leakage if confined might
suffocate crew or danger)
Colour Black
ISO 8217 standard requires the density of Marine fuel oil at 15 C to be 0.991 gm/cm3 or less.
Calorific Value
It is a measure of the amount of heat released during complete combustion of a unit mass of the fuel. It
should be high, about 45000 kJ/kg, so as to reduce the quantity of oil stored and burned.
Asphalt Content
It should be low; otherwise the heaters will be clogged up when the oil is heated.
Sulphur Content
It should be low. When a fuel burns, any sulphur it contains is converted into sulphur oxides which
condense in the water present to form acids that may cause corrosive wear.
This acid rapidly deteriorates combustion chamber, fuel pipings and especially heater tubes.
Water Content
It should be low. Any water in the oil will be boiled during the combustion process, thereby removing
heat from the combustion chamber.
Ash and mechanical Impurities Content
They should be at a minimum as the ash contains small amount of iron particles it can cause damage
to fuel injection pumps and injectors. Other impurities restrict flow through strainers, pipe lines and fuel injectors.
Cleaning and Treatment
The correct treatment of diesel engine fuel on board ship is vital to ensure trouble-free operation. It is
essential that water and solid contaminants be removed from the fuel before it reaches the engine, and there are
three principal ways of removing them.
1) Centrifuging (Separated by Purifier alone and Series purification process that Clarifier place after
2) Filtration
3) Homogenising and ultra-sonic treatment (Break contaminants down into particles, that are small enough
to pass through the injection system, without causing damage and then to be successfully burnt in the
(a) Sketch double wall H P pipe which is commonly fitted between fuel pump and fuel
valve (6)
(b) Describe it and state the indication that can show when such pipe is fractured.
(c) Explain why pipe of this design are commonly used on these day
The sketch shown in above is the double walled High pressure fuel pipe is used in MAN B&W LMC
High pressure pipes are provided with flexible steel wire around hoses. To prevent fuel oil from
being squirted over the engine in the case of pipe crack. It has adequate drain to system to prevent building
up of pressure in the hose.
It has ball shaped abutment at its ends that tightened against the conical recess of the fuel pump,
or fuel valve or distributor block and the treads to which the thrust pieces are fitted.
The abutment protruded length can be adjust by inner most adjusting nut for proper seating and
landing The adjustment varies between 11 mm to 14 mm length for MAN B&W LMC engine.
The outer flange nut is crewed down properly "O" ring fitted into the flange recesses to prevent any leakage or oil
to outside temperature.
A device is fitted into the fuel distributor block and operated by the control compressed air. If
when any leakage come out, the leak oil will force the diaphragm outward and this movement will in turn actuate
the 5/2 way position valve to another position 5/2 way valve of this movement actuate the control air system
give audible alarm and automatic shutting down of an engine by actuating the fuel pump rack to 'O' position.
The small leakage drained into the tank which fitted float alarm without actuating diaphragm valve.
(c) These pipe are used on most of modern large output engine. These pipe are ensure
01) Proper lagging for high pressure and high temperature fuel carrying system
02) To prevent risk of fuel leaking into atmosphere, especially on to extremely high working parts (exhaust
manifolds, cylinder heads, etc ...) in case of pipe damage and
03) To comply with the requirements for Unattended Machinery space system.
(a) Sketch Hydraulically operate fuel valve (6)
(b) Why they are required to be cooled (3)
(c) Write about anti dribbling arrangement of fuel valve (3)
(d) Why needle lift is kept within limit (4)
(b) Fuel valve cooling
All fuel valves need proper cooling to maintain the tip region temperature within acceptable zone
to avoid malfunction of the operation mechanism. The cooling is insufficient may result:
Cracking of fuel oil leading to clogging of sprayer holes, sticking of needle valves and wearing
and distortion of sprayer holes.
Carbon trumpets formation of or carbon petal formation on the tip around the sprayer holes.
Over cooling may result; Low temperature corrosion, insufficient flow quantity and too high degree of
It may cause
Early injection (low pressure setting)
Late injection (high pressure setting)
Early injection may causes knocking the engine unit. Shock heavy load on bearings.
Late injection may causes high exhaust temperature with reduced engine output and fouling of exhaust
Nozzle leakage
It is due to defective needle valve of partial opening of needle valve. It is due to defective delivery
valve of fuel pump that causes dribbling of needle valve.
It may causes secondary burning, reduced combustion efficiency and high exhaust temperature. It
may cause trumpet formation of carbon on the nozzle tip.
Worn nozzle hole
It is due to erosion of fuel oil which contains abrasive particles. That is due to insufficient filtration and
purification or the fuel valve does not close snappily after injection.
It affects the spray pattern and atomization. It cause burning away of piston crown due to the fuel
impingement and secondary burning and seriously effects engine performance.
The above sketch is a system of Atlas submerged tube type flesh water generator . There are
three main parts heat exchanger, separator and condenser.
For heating to evaporate sea water, the waste heat from jacket cooling fresh water is used. For
condensation of the vapour, the sea water from main sea water pump passes through condenser.
The equipment is required to be vacuumed about 93%, which supply s ea water to vacuum
ejector, brine ejector and feed sea water line, by centrifugal pump. The correct amount of seawater is
fed to the heat exchanger by the feed regulation.
The feed sea water is passed inside the tubes of the heat exchanger and is evaporated
by means of the jacket cooling water temperature about 50 to 70 °C.
The droplet sea water in the vapour is deflected by separator. This vapour is passed to the condenser
tubes and is condensed by means of sea water cooling. The residual brine to the brine ejector.
The salinity of fresh water produced is automatically checked by a salinometer system. When
salinity is higher than set value, the solenoid valve operates and the produced water drained into the bilge.
(b) Sterilization of distillate or Post distillate for drinking water.
If an evaporator runs remote from coastal water and at a minimum distillation temperature of 72°C
produced water is free from micro organisms. If this condition cannot be met, sterilization must be done.
Method is chlorinaton or by Ultra Violet light, ionising silver in the water, boiling the distillate usually
under vacuum on the discharge side of the distiller condenser. Most common method is Ultra
Violet light unit, fitted at discharge side of portable water storage tank or hydrophore.
These light kill micro-organism in water so that the water is sterilized without any change in physical
and chemical properties
Chlorination is to inject chlorine, a most effective chemical for destroying any likely contaminant which
can be present in sea water. It is usually added as a solution of Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl)
Inonsing silver s Ionic silver is also an effective means of sterilizing water even in concentrations as low as
0.005 ppm.
To produce clear water, Sand bed filter is used.
Any deterioration2 of vacuum will reduce the output capacity and distillate quality.
Any scale formation will result in greater requirements for heating to produce the rated quantities of
distilled water or a fall off in production for a fixed heating supply.
The rate of scale formation will depend on the operating temperature the flow rate and the density of the
Should salt deposits form up in the heating tubes it is generally due to (a) insufficient feed quantity (b) none or
too low chemical (c) heating system temperature exceeding 100C.
Insufficient heating water temperature excessive sea water temperature and heating surfaces incrusted3 can
reduced the efficiency.
Control of Scale
Use of low pressure evaporator plant using temperature less than 80C, hence calcium carbonate
scale may not be formed.
Use of magnetic treatment
Use of continuous chemical treatment (It will prevent scale-deposition and Foaming in all types of
Distillation plants.)
Organic polyelectrolyte and anti-foam
Polyphosphate and anti-foam
Ferric chloride
If the generating F.W rate becomes lower. The plant must be shut down and cleaned its heat exchanger
plates or tubes, clean up the inside of heating tubes and the condenser cooling tubes with a brush.
deteriorate // make or become bad or worse
incrustation / n. (also encrustation) 1 a crust or hard coating, esp. of fine material. 2 a concretion or deposit
on a surface.
The hydraulic governor consists of an oil pump, an accumulator, a speeder spring, a ball head
assembly, a pilot valve and a power cylinder. The oil pump drive gear is an integral part of the governor drive
The pump supplies pressure oil to the governor. The accumulator is provided as a reservoir. The relief
valve is provided for by pass excess oil to the governor sump and for reducing the pressure of oil.
If governor speed is normal the pilot valve closes the port and no flow oil.
If the governor speed falls due to engine load increase, flyweights move in pilot valve moves down,
pressure oil go to the power cylinder, the power piston moves to fuel increase position.
If the governor speed increase due to engine load decrease fly weight move out, pilot valve moves up,
pressure oil releases to the sump, the power piston moves to fuel decrease position.
For the stability, it is necessary to feed back the power piston. This may be done (shown in figure) a linkage
connecting the control piston to the power piston.
The sensitivity of a Governor is a measure of its ability to control the speed of the engine within narrow
limits. The higher the sensitivity more is the hunting, or loss of stability.
Stability is the opposite of Sensitivity, i.e. it is a measure of the reluctance to excessive speed
variations. Compensation improves the stability, but at the cost of sensitivity.
When considering the engine and governor combination the difference between the no load speed and
the full load speed is governor droop.
A small governor droop means a small difference between the full load and no load steady speed.
A large governor droop giving a slower response to the change in speed will not have such a strong
tendency to overshoot, equilibrium will be reached without a large number of rapid alterations, and it will be
reached in less time than with a sensitive governor.
When the load on an engine changes the governor tends to over-control and under-control. This over-
and under-control causes a fluctuation in rotational speed which is referred to as hunting.
Governor maintenance
Purpose or Function.
Governor is a device, which controls the speed of the engine automatically in the prescribed limit.
The governor does in two steps.
(1) Measuring the speed
(2) Control the amount of fuel supply to the engine.
The usual kind of governor keeps the steady speed regardless the load. Such a governor is called a
speed governor.
Over speed trip (1/2003, 10/2003, 10/2004)
Over speed trips are fitted on engines where the governor does not fail safe. Their function
is to shut off the fuel supply in case the engine speed rises to a dangerous level. Thus, the over
speed trip prevents a runaway of the engine should the governor become inoperative.
The trip usually consists of a "bolt" with heavy head which is fitted at the forward end of the
engine shaft where no torque is transmitted. It is fitted in a space bored out across the diameter of
the shaft. The bolt is held in place by the nut and supported by a spring.
The centrifugal force exerted on a bolt in a rotating component is balanced by a spring set
so that should the engine speed exceed about 15% of the rated speed the bolt will fly out. The
arrangement is unstable in the sense that the bolt can not return even though the speed should fall
somewhat, this is an added safeguard.
The bolt in its outward thrown position strikes a latch (trip lever) which releases a plunger
which shut off the fuel supply to the engine. The mechanism has to be manually reset before the
engine can be started again.
C C1
B Pump
Floating lever
Telemotor control
A1 A
(a) Compare the value of in-phase , out of phase and lighting spring diagrams and state the
limitation of each type of diagram.
(b) Give reasons why each types of diagram might have a different frequency
(c) Suggest what factor determine the frequency at which diagram should be taken from an
Draw Card
Power card
Light Spring Card
Taking while
Taking while.....
Taking while
Engine with MCR speed -
Engine with MCR speed Full fuel on condition Engine with MCR speed
Full fuel on condition 90 out of phase movement of Full fuel on condition
In-phase movement of indicator indicator drum & M.E piston
drum & M.E piston By using light compression
By using normal spring By using normal spring.
(b) Each type of diagram may have different frequency for taking them because
Their individual type of values and accessibility to engine performance are not same
Their limitations are not same
They are required to be taken upon different types of defects relating to engine
They are required to be taken every before and after completion of differently distributed
maintenance frequency.
The following factors determine the different frequency to taking individual indicator cards.
Power Card Š Every voyage or every 3 months interval for routine maintenance check for
engine power out put and records.
Š Before and after completion of unit overhaul
Draw Card Š Every voyage or every 3 months interval for routine maintenance check for
engine performance and records.
Š Before and after completion of unit major overhaul
Š Every completion of maintenance to fuel injectors, fuel pumps, timing check
and correction
Š Any suspect to abnormal running condition, such as, exhaust temp variation,
TC efficiency fall and using bad quality fuel.
Light Spring Card Š Before and every after change of exhaust valve
Š Every after T.C overhaul and air cooler cleaning
Š Any suspect to abnormal running, i.e., exhaust temp variation.
Explain the following defects on the indicator diagrams and the engine itself. Use diagrammatic sketches as
(a) Early Fuel Injection (b) Late Fuel Injection (c) Choked Exhaust Port (d) Choked Inlet Port
(e) Choke Fuel Valve (f) Leaky fuel valve (g) After Burning (h) Leaky Piston Ring
(i) Incorrect tappet clearance (k) Carbon encrusted Nozzle Early infection (or) Early Ignition
Causes by 7In correct fuel pump timing, worn or defective fuel pump's internal parts
7Faulty fuel valve ( High setting pressure )
7Incorrect fuel viscosity and temperature control ( Too Low ) -
7Bad fuel condition ( Low Cetane No. )
7Poor compression
7Lack of scavenge air
7Excess chain slackness
7Under cooling of engine parts.
Effect 7Due to starvation of air, engine can not perform with complete combustion. In correct air
& fuel ratio may cause engine running unbalance and decrease engine power out
7Due to incomplete combustion products, internal corrosion of engine parts, ring sticking,
and contamination may occur.
Effect to Incorrect timing of opening and closing to inlet and exhaust valve.
Early opening of inlet valve may cause low scavenge efficiency, high scavenge space
temperature and choke to suction valve.
Late opening of inlet valve may cause low scavenge efficiency, remain exhaust gas,
lack of fresh air for combustion lead to poor combustion and black smoke.
Early opening of exhaust valve may cause loss of power since pressure is released too soon.
It will give high exhaust temperature with the risk of overheating and contamination.
Late opening of exhaust valve will increase thermal load, overheat in unit , reduce
scavenge air efficiently by reducing blow down. It will also effect energy supply to
Remedy Always check and readjusted tappet clearance according to recommended R.H
Always check and regulate the necessity of LO for rocker arm , valves and tappet
Detection: By taking Compression card, Power card & Draw card without fuel supply.
Measure compression pressure and compare to other unit.
Symptom Š High exhaust temperature with smoke.
Š All units' exhaust temperature not steady
Caused by 7Excess liner wear and tare
7Excess wear of piston rings and ring grooves
7Piston ring jamming or sticking due to carbon deposit
Effect to Engine blow pass
Scavenge fire
High rate of cylinder wear being insufficient lubrication due to blow pass
Piston and liner overheat and may cause seizure.
Remedy Overhaul unit (Clean & measure Liner calibration, Piston Groove, Piston Ring
width – thickness Gap, Ring to groove clearance)
Renew excess limited parts.
Measure cylinder lubricating rate and correct as necessary
Avoid running overload
After Burning
Caused by Incorrect opening pressure setting of fuel valve. (Too Low or Spring Broken)
Partial opening of fuel valve by small debris at needle valve and forming carbon deposit by
back pressure hot gas from combustion.
Effect to Engine running with unbalance output Reduce engine power output
Remedy Inspect fuel valve, overhaul & pressure test
Change fuel valve if necessary
Clean all filter and strainers in F.0 system.
Maintain efficient fuel separation
Maintain good fuel valve cooling.
(b) Specify the additional data to be picked up during indicator diagram taken
1/2002, 7/2002
It is taken with indicator drum in phase with piston movement, fuel pump engaged and the instrument cord
attached to the indicator drive gear.
It is taken for determining work done during the cycle and the indicated engine output. The work done can be
measure area within the diagram.
Peak or (maximum pressure) can be measured between the maximum height and the base line.
It is taken with indicator drum rotation 90 out of phase piston s movement, fuel pump engaged, and
the indicator cord pulled by hand or attached to the special indicator cam.
The cord should be smartly pulled by hand just when the engine is passing over the top center.
It is taken for determining combustion and compression pressure and for evaluation of the combustion
process such as early injection, late injection, and leakage piston etc,.
Peak or (maximum pressure) can be measured between the maximum height and the base line.
(c) Compression diagram
It is taken like the power diagram but with fuel c off. It is taken for determining compression pressure. If the diagram is
nearly on line, compression and expansion lines are coincided, it is perfect.
Compression pressure can be measured between the max height and the base line.
Low compression pressure is due to wearing cylinder liner faulty piston rings leaky exhaust valve insufficient
It is taken like the power diagram but with the light spring fitted to the indicator instrument.
It is taken for determining the pressure in the cylinder during exhausting and scavenging periods and for
evaluation of the exhausting and scavenging condition.
The diagram indicates the pressures and the relative position of the piston simultaneously.
They are taken for
a). Determining the indicated engine output.
b). Determining combustion pressure and compression pressure
c). Evaluation of combustion process and its peculiarities 4
d). Evaluation of the exhausting and scavenging conditions.
1. Early Injection
the state of being peculiar(strange; odd; unusual )
Incorrect fuel pump timing (fuel pump plunger set too high). High cetane number of fuel. Incorrect fuel valve
spring press or spring broken. Incorrect fuel temperature and viscosity control. Over heated piston.
Higher combustion pressure. Ignition before TDC. Heavy shock load to bearing. Lower exhaust temperature.
Engine knocking.
Correct fuel pump timing. Maintain fuel quality and temperature. Change fuel valve. Maintain efficient cooling.
2. Late Combustion
Incorrect fuel pump timing (fuel pump plunger sunk due to wear); Low cetane number of fuel; Incorrect fuel
valve spring pressure (high); Lack of scavenges air or cold air; Leaky fuel pump delivery valve or spill valve
Lower combustion pressure; Ignition after TDC; Loss in power; Higher exhaust temperature with black
smoke. Turbocharger surging
Correct fuel pump timing; Maintain fuel quality and temperature; Change fuel valve; Maintain scavenge air
system in good order Maintain fuel pump in good order.
3. Choked Exhaust or scavenging
Faulty fuel injection system. Faulty exhaust (scavenging) system. Lack of scavenging air. Excessive cylinder
Lower compression pressure. Lower Pmax. Loss in power. Higher exhaust temperature with black smoke.
Turbocharger surging.
Correct fuel injection system in good order. Maintain exhaust & scavenging system in good order.
Correct feed cylinder lubrication.
7Excess wear and tare of the followings being caused by starvation of L.O - Rocker
arm bush
7Pin ball at rocker arm
7Cup at push rod
7Valve seat and guide for exhaust and suction valve
7Broken spring..
Effect to Incorrect timing of opening and closing to inlet and exhaust valve.
Early opening of inlet valve may cause low scavenge efficiency, high scavenge space
temperature and choke to suction valve.
Late opening of inlet valve may cause low scavenge efficiency, remain exhaust gas,
lack of fresh air for combustion lead to poor combustion and black smoke.
Early opening of exhaust valve may cause loss of power since pressure is released too soon.
It will give high exhaust temperature with the risk of overheating and contamination.
Late opening of exhaust valve will increase thermal load, overheat in unit , reduce
scavenge air efficiently by reducing blow down. It will also effect energy supply to
Remedy Always check and readjusted tappet clearance according to recommended R.H
Always check and regulate the necessity of LO for rocker arm, valves and tappet
1) In exhaust v/v open early b Exhaust gas release early loss effective stroke exhaust
temperature high: Resulting a loss of power and damage valve & seats.
2) Exhaust v/v close lately b Loss of change fresh air compression pr. Low and effect on
combustion process and loss of power output.
3) Inlet v/v opens early b Intermix with exhaust gas and possible danger of igniting to the oily air
passage surface. (high scavenge space temperature)
4) Inlet v/v close lately b Pcom; will be low as the air will escape back through the air passage
during compression stroke efficiency will be low.
If clearance more than normal inlet & exhaust v/v open lately and closed early.
1) Exhaust v/v open lately b Remaining high temperature exhaust gas in cylinder
2) Exhaust v/v close early b Intermix with fresh charged air
3) Inlet v/v open lately b Scavenging efficiency low, insufficient scavenging due to insufficient
amount of charge air supply & incomplete combustion.
4) Inlet v/v closes early b Same effect of item 3.
(a) Explain why lost motion is provided on some cam shaft (4)
(b) Draw in detail such arrangement (6)
(c) Describe its operation (6)
(a) In two stroke engine when it is necessary to reverse fuel injection, air starting and exhaust valve timing
to be changed.
To change the timing by rotation of camshaft is independent of the crankshaft while reversing is in operation
it is called lost motion of the camshaft.
The lost motion is provided that the camshaft will lose motion or be retarded through a given angle when
the engine is operation in the reversed direction. The lost motion can be carried when the engine is at rest.
(c) The cam shaft is mounted with reversing servomotor to bring the correct positions for the other direction of
rotation for actuating the fuel injection pumps, exhaust valves and air distributor.
The servomotor consists of a pair of vanes, fitted on a camshaft, which move between another pair of
vanes fitted within a gear wheel rim.
By putting of lub oil under pressure about 6.0 bar between opposite pairs of vanes the camshaft is moved relative
to the gearwheel and the crankshaft.
This movement the camshaft lose motion, or be retarded given a definite reversing angle. This angle is chosen
that the same fuel timing and other timing relation with piston is obtained both in ahead and astern direction.
The control oil pressure is admitted on one side of the vane while the other side is connected to drain. The
vane together with the camshaft is rotated till the end position and held against stop.
The rotation of camshaft is totally independent of the rotation of crankshaft it is called lost motion.
The lost motion can be carried out while the engine is at rest the servomotor being operated by the engine
reversing pneumatic controls.
Water dilution
Water may dilute in L.0 from condensation from vapour in the crankcase. Leakage from cooling water system for
cylinder or piston. Leakage from steam heating of sump tank. Leakage from defective sea water cooler tube.
Water may combine with the oil in the form of emulsion which by, adhering to the cooling surface, reduce their
cooling efficiency.
Trunk piston engine when high sulphur fuel are being used because sulphurous products of combustion
which gain access to the crankcase oil may combine with water to form sulphuric acid.
Water is removed by centrifugation. Leakage to be stopped. Batch purification.
Fuel oil contamination with L.0 may cause by dribbling fuel valve and leaking fuel pump due to excess wear of its
L.0 color changes to dark brown. Viscosity decrease Reduction in flash point will cause an explosion crankcase.
A complete oil change may be necessary. (Fuel dilution can be rectified by only renewal.
Keep fuel injector and fuel injection pump in good order.
Oxidation Products
Mineral oils react with oxygen in the air. The higher the temperature and the greater the contact with air, the
more contaminants are formed. This procedure is accelerated by contact with copper and iron which act as catalysts.
To form oil-soluble organic acid, and oil-soluble lacquers, resin and sludge.
Control temperature and use good oxidation stability L.O.
Product of Fuel combustion
Acid and incomplete burnt fuel, which form sludge and deposits and which may seriously effect engine
performance. Inorganic acid from the combustion of high sulphur residual fuels is particularly existed in trunk type
Stop blowing pass. Acid is removed by water washing during centrifugation (For straight mineral oil only) and
change partial or completely.
Optimum combustion condition to be maintains. Using lower sulphur fuel oil. Replaced the fuel valve. To maintain the
good scavenge air system. Maintain the proper fuel timing.
Foreign Mineral Matters
Solid impurities from wear and tear. Particles of rust and scales from Storage tank & pipes etc,. Dust from
surrounding atmosphere.
Oil insoluble matters are removed by centrifugation and filtration. Partial renewal
of Lube oil.
Storage tanks and pipe to be clean condition. Kept cleaning surrounding atmosphere.
Biological Contamination
It seemed to associate with wet oil cause by leakage from cooling system and is less likely to occur with
basic oil than with other.
Formation of organic acids and sludge, additive depletion, and corrosion of shafts and bearings.
Stop leakage. Change oil completely
Good house keeping is likely to prevent it. Crankcase LO suitable heating to avoid condensation. Any leakage to
be avoided. To added Biocide to both oil and water also help.
Function of lubricants
Completely separate the working surfaces (to reduce static and dynamic friction and to prevent wear. Remove heat
generated either inside the bearing or outside source. Protect corrosion. Flush away contaminants. Dampen noise. Act as a sealant
(In some case).
Removal or contaminants:
(1) Filtration: Remove the coarser oil insoluble matters. (2) Added the basic Dispersant: They are
render harmless to acid, sludge and finer oil insoluble. (3) Centrifuging: Suction takes from lowest part of the sump.
Clean oil return to the sump near the suction of L.O pump deliver to the engine. Both oil insoluble and water are
remove by centrifuging. Straight oil or oil not containing. Dispersant additives are commonly water wash to remove
acid and water soluble contaminants. This type of treatment in undesirable with Dispersant oil, especially those
containing basic additives.
How will you know the presents of the following parameter in the sample of L.0 taken from the main engine? What
are the causes and how to rectify them?
High Acidity
Acidity is tested by extracting the acids from the sample by means of shaking with a known amount of
distilled water. The acidic extract is then placed on a watch glass with an indicator solution of known strength. The
mixture is then drawn up into a glass tube and its colour compared with a series of colour standards, each
representing a known PH value, from which the sample can be determined quite accurately.
Acid are formed from unburnt fuel containing high sulphur content.
Acid is removed by water washing during centrifugation(For straight mineral oil only) change partial or
Blotter test. A single drop of sample oil is released from a given height on to a special filter paper. Compare result
with similar fresh oil with known varying insoluble content. The upper limit for mineral oil is 1 - 1.5 % and for detergent /
dispersant oil below 5 % of upper limit.
Carbon from incomplete combustion. Solid impurities from wear and tear. Particles of rust and scales from
storage tank & pipes. Dust from surrounding atmosphere.
Oil insoluble matters are removed by centrifugation and filtration. Partial renewal of Lube oil. Batch
Water dilution can be checked with a Crackling test. A known amount of sample oil in the test tube is heated
up and shaken while doing so.
If there is no crackling sound, oil is dry.
If there is slight crackling sound, the oil having trace of water.
If. there is heavier crackling and frothing, the oil is heavily diluted with water.
The fresh water may be present in L.O due to
Water is removed by centrifugation. Leakage to be stopped. Batch purification.
The simple method is three tube rolling ball viscometer. Assuming the oil used in engine is SAE 30 grade, one tube
is filled with SAE 20 grade and the other tube is filled with SAE 40 grade. The last tube is filled with sample oil.
These 3 tubes are placed in warm water to get same temperature. Mount all 3 tube on board tilted and inverted.
Internal hollow ball in each tube will rise to surface.
If the time taken of ball in sample tube is between the lower and upper limit of SAE 20 and SAE 40 grade oils, the oil fit
for further used. If not, contaminated L.0 must be changed.
Fuel oil contamination with L.0 may cause by dribbling fuel valve and leaking fuel pump due to excess wear of its
components. L.0 color changes to dark brown Flash point become low. Viscosity decrease
A complete oil change may be necessary. Keep fuel injector and fuel injection pump in good order.
Sketch a main engine cylinder liner mechanical lubricator for two stroke engine (6)
The lubricators are driven by a common drive from the engine. They are synchronized with the engine to
provide timed lubrication.
This is arranged in such a way that lube oil is fed to the piston at the time when the top two piston rings pass
the lubricating holes in the cylinder during the pistons upstroke.
The cam activates the piston which sucks in the oil from the container through suction valves and then forces
it through the delivery valves to the ball type control glass. From there the oil passes through the non-return valve to
the pipe leading to the lubricating point on the cylinder.
The amount of oil pumped up to the lubricating points is determined by the stroke length of the pumps. The
stroke length of each pump can be varied by adjusting screw to fill the needs of each individual lubricating point. The
amount of oil supplied is about 0.7 to 1.0 gm per kWh.
Effects of Excess Lubrication
ì fouling of ring grooves and resulting ring zone deposits
ì consequently loss gas sealing effect and blow by due to results of sticking ring.
ì fouling of scavenge space and scavenge fire follows
ì also effecting combustion process
ì leading to breakage of piston rings.
ì fouling of exhaust system and turbocharger.
High/low TBN?
The correct TBN is required for lubricating oil.
If TBN is low ð During combustion process, less neutralization effect leading to acid wears on working
If TBN is high ð During combustion process, acid residues are all neutralized, thus excess base occurs
which lead to base may wear on working parts.
In trunk type engine, needs high TBN because of to get neutralization effect.
Working or Operation
a each cylinder has own lubricator
a driven by common drive
a timed lubrication , L.O fed when the top two piston rings pass lubricating holes in the liner at upstroke.
a cam activates the lubricator piston.
a piston sucks the oil from container through suction valve and discharge to ball type control glass through delivery
a oil leads to the lubricating points on the cylinder through non-return valve and lubricator quill.
a the amount of oil depends on stroke length of the pump.
a this length can vary by feed adjusting screw for each lubricating point.
a amount of supply about 0.7 to 1.0 gm/KWh
a transparent type control glass have stainless steel ball will take up a certain position depending upon the amount
and viscosity of the oil flow through it.
(a) Annealing (b) Case hardening (c) Working hardening
(d) Creep (e) Fatigue
1/2002, 4/2001, 7/2001, 7/2003, 10/2003
Work Hardening
Many Metal have sufficient ductility to be cold work, Cold work may vary from a simple bend to the
great deformation produced by deep pressing and tube drawing.
So in all case, work hardening occurs to some extent, depending on the material and the
amount of cold work.
After cold work the crystalline structure is deformed. The grains are elongated in the direction in which
the metal is drawn out.
The result of work hardening is done to increase the hardness and tensile strength, but to decrease the
ductility and shock resistance.
Case Hardening
It is done to get dual structure, which is hard surface to resist wear and tough, strong core. The
component is made from a steel containing 0.15% carbon. It is finished with small amount of grinding.
It is placed in a gas tight box and surrounded by the carbo n rich material (commonly charcoal +
barium carbonate). It is heated to 900°C for a number of hours.
The low carbon steel absorbs further carbon into its surface and after 6 or 8 hours the surface may
have carbon content of 0.9% to a depth of one millimetre and, will respond to heat treatment.
Steel is annealed by heating it to slightly above the upper critical temperature and then allowing it to cool
very slowly.
When steel is heated slightly above the upper critical, its structure consists of small, unstrained crystals. If
the steel has been cold worked or deformed, these internal strains will have been removed when the upper critical is
Further heating increases the size of the crystal grains, and thus tends to weaken the metal when it returns to
the cold state. For steel with more than 0.25% carbon the cooling rate is very important.
To obtain the metal in its softest state, the cooling should be done as slowly as possible. After annealing, the
steel is in its softest and most ductile state, and is generally suitable for all kinds of work, either cold or hot.
‘Fatigue’ is used to describe the failure of a material under a repeatedly applied stress. The stress required to
cause failure, if it is applied a large number of time, is much less than that necessary to break material with a single
Fatigue Limit is the greatest stress or range of stresses, which can be applied to a member, for an unlimited
number of cycles, without causing failure.
Creep is permanent deformation resulting from loading over a long period of time. A material may fail under
creep conditions at a much lower stress and elongation than would be ascertained in straight tensile test. High
temperature creep is particularly noticeable in such strength members as high pressure steam piping, and may lead
to their final failure.
The creep value is given as % elongation of material for given stress at a given time and heat. When
materials are under load condition with high temperature, the creep value will arise particularly in high
temperature zone
(a) Stress and strain (b) Ductile and brittleness (c) Creep
(d) Plastic (or) (e) Elastic
4/2002, 10/2002, 4/2003
Stress and strain
When a material is applied by only external force the internal force is started to resist against deformation
with equal and opposite direction.
The activities of inner forces are known as ‘Stress’ and it measures by load per unit area.
Stress =
Stress is found in five classes (1) compression (2) tension (3) bending (4) shearing (5) torsion.
When the metal is applied by external forces, there will be the new dimension of the material
appeared. Strain is measured as a rate of change of dimension to the original dimension.
Strain =
Original gauge length
A material is ductile when it may be drawn out in tension without rupture. Wire drawing depends
upon the ductility for successful operation.
Ductile material must be both strong and plastic, with many materials ductility increase rapidly with
Opposite of toughness. A brittle material breaks easily under a sharp blow, although it may resist a steady
load quite well.
Brittle materials are neither ductile nor malleable but they often have considerable hardness.
The elasticity of a metal is its power of returning to its original shape after deformation by force.
The property of flowing to a new shape under pressure and retaining this new shape. This is a rather similar
property to malleability, and involves permanent deformation without rupture. It is opposite to elasticity.
The hardness of a metal is a measure of its ability to withstand scratching, wear and abrasion, indentation by
harder bodies, etc. The machinability and ability to cut are also hardness properties important in the workshop.
Hardness also decreased by heating
Resistance to fracture by blows. Tough materials usually have high tenacity combined with good or fair
ductility. Toughness decreases with heating.
This is the ability of a material to be hammered (beating) or rolled out without cracking. Vary few metals have
good cold malleability, but most are malleable when heated to a suitable temperature.
The foundation chocks are formed between the underside of the engine bedplate and the ship's inner bottom
plating. They are more closely spaced in the location of cross girder to give good supporting.
The epoxy resin compound is the latest development in engine chocking system. It is a liquid, it conforms to
all irregularities providing a precise contact fit between machinery bases and foundations (after solidification), comes
in two packs and mixed to cure completely within 48 hrs.
~ Before fixing it the ship must be even keel, align the bed plate correctly and the crankshaft defections in
satisfactory condition.
~ Surface of bed plate and tank top are to be cleaned. Holding down bolt, damming neoprene rubber strips are
lightly greased.
~ The surfaces of bed plate and foundation plate are sprayed with thin film of zinc or chemical to prevent resin
adhering and corrosion.
~ A dam is prepared with neoprene rubber strips in the chock area, create slight head about 12 mm for over fill.
~ Maintain chocking area temperature not less than 16°C, hot air blowers should be provided if necessary.
Ensure heat application must not be spotted.
~ Mixed the resin thoroughly and poured into prepared dam. Allow the resin to solidify completely, taking about
48 hour.
~ When the resin is completely cured, tighten the holding down studs with correct pressure or torque. Then
the alignment of the bedplate and crankshaft to be checked again.
It is being widely used now for large, medium and small engines.
01) Give reliable and permanent alignment without machining foundation, bedplates or chocks.
02) Provides uniform precise mounting for superior retention of critical alignment.
03) Resists degradation by fuels, lubricants, eliminates corrosion in chock area.
Piston crown
Piston skirt
The piston crown is tightened to the upper end of the piston rod by means of screws. The
chrome-molybdenum steel crown is cast in one piece and has adequate internal cooling spaces while an
inner ring supports the crown and transmits the gas load directly to the upper end of the piston rod flange
to which it is rigidly bolted.
A short skirt is secured to the underside of the piston, sealing off the cooling space, by means of
flanged screws. All screws are locked with locking wire.
The piston crown is provided with chromium-plated grooves for four piston rings. The two
uppermost rings have increased height. Piston ring No. 1 is a Controlled-Pressure Relief ring (CPR).
CPR rings may have been coated on the external surface. Handle with care, as impact may cause the
coating to crack and peel off.
At the top, the piston crown has a groove for the fitting of lifting tools.
The piston rod has a through-going bore for the cooling oil pipe, which is secured to the piston
rod top by means of flanged screws.
Cooling oil is supplied under pressure through a telescopic pipe connection on the cross head
and passed through a bore in the piston rod foot and, through the central tube within the piston rod and
flows under the centre of the crown.
And then, oil is passed on through a number of bores cooling holes in a radial direction to toroidal
space at the piston edge, swirling down behind the piston ring grooves before returning to the cross head
by the concentric space outside the tube in the piston rod.
From the bore in the piston rod foot, the oil is led through the crosshead to a discharge spout and
to a slotted pipe inside the engine frame as well as through a control device for checking the flow and
Cooling of a piston is necessary to remove excess heat from combustion and to limit thermal
stressing. It also limits thermal expansion to maintain correct clearance between piston and liner and
between ring grooves and rings.
Cooling is carried out by circulating internal passages in pistons with a coolant. This may be
either oil or fresh water.
Nowadays, oil cooled pistons are used in most engines currently in production. Piston cooling oil
forms part of the engine crankcase lubrication system. The pressure and rate of flow most be sufficient to
overcome the gravitational or cocktail shaker effects, due to reciprocating motion of the piston.
Cooling oil is supplied under pressure through a telescopic pipe connection on the cross head
and passed through a bore in the piston rod foot and, through the central tube within the piston rod and
flows under the centre of the crown.
And then, oil is passed on through a number of bores cooling holes in a radial direction to toroidal
space at the piston edge, swirling down behind the piston ring grooves before returning to the cross head
by the concentric space outside the tube in the piston rod.
From the bore in the piston rod foot, the oil is led through the crosshead to a discharge spout and
to a slotted pipe inside the engine frame as well as through a control device for checking the flow and
Safety Devices
1) Relatively easy to obtain, and does not require special reserve storage facility.
2) The ability of water to absorb large amounts of heat (Specific heat of water has more than twice the
specific heat of lube oil).
3) The system temperature can be safely carried up to 85 C if properly treated and maintained.
4) The interior of the piston remains clean when the system is not properly operated.
1) Required flexible connections and glands to convey it to and from piston. These gland required
maintenance and there is possible crankcase oil contamination from gland leakage.
2) Required regular test and proper treatment
3) Required separate pumping system
4) If improper temperature on cooling water system, cause thermal stress may lead to distortion.
Lubricating oil piston cooling systems
1. The piston-cooling oil pump is combined with the lube oil pump and the piston-cooling oil cooler is
combined with the lube oil cooler. This makes for overall simplicity in ancillary pumping and piping
systems, and in the control equipment associated with these systems.
2. Internal stress within the material of the piston is generally less in oil-cooled pistons than in water-
cooled pistons, but good design in a water-cooled piston can negate this advantage to some degree.
3. No risk of crankcase-system oil contamination, even when piston-cooling oil conveyance piping is
fitted in crankcase.
4. Simpler arrangements for cooling-oil conveyance piping with less risk of „hammering‟ in piping and
bubble impingement attack.
1. Larger power requirements for pumping cooling oil and larger cooler because of the fact (2)
2. Larger amounts of lubricating oil required in lubricating oil system, if oxidation is to be kept down.
3. Increased period of time to cool down after stopping main engine, if coking in piston is to be avoided.
4. L.O is expensive, thus loss by evaporation, leakage should be maintained.
Cranks, in star pattern on the crown, mainly happen owing to thermal and mechanical stresses
may be either of the following faults:
When the piston crown burns down the following checks to be made:
Sketch plate type heat exchanger; Describe above; How to prevent leakage and precautions necessary
when cleaning
4/2002, 4/2003
The plate heat exchanger consists of a frame holding the heat transfer plates. The carrying bars are fitted
into the fixed end of the frame.
A supporting column at the other end of the frame supports the carrying bars and holds them apart. Each
plate which is about 0.6 to 0.8 mm in thickness, corrugated and rectangular in shape is provided with a slot of a
special shape at each end which fits the form of the upper carrying bar.
The plate are suspended from the upper bar and located by the lower carrying bar. The plate pack is
compressed by a movable pressure plate at the end opposite the fixed frame and clamped tightly by lateral bolts.
The plates are corrugated to get maximum heat transfer and provide extra strength, increase heat transfer
surface and produce turbulent flow. The joint thickness and compression of the plate pack should give a spacing of
between 3-5 mm.
Fluids enter and leave the exchanger through ducts or ports formed in the corners of the plates, which are
arranged so that the cooling medium and coolant pass between alternate pairs of plate in parallel channels.
The ducts are formed from holes stamped through the plates in each corner, with seals being fitted across
these holes at every alternate plate space. The working pressure limit of this heat exchanger is 14 bars and the
temperature limit 110C for coolers and 220C for heaters.
Sewage means:
Drainage and wastes from toilets, but not including wash water from basins, and wash tubs.
All drainage from medical premises, including wash water from basins and wash tubs.
Drainage from spaces containing living animals.
Untreated sewage contains oxygen absorbing bacteria, which could deprive fish, and living plants. Untreated
sewage may also spread of disease such typhoid, dysentery and poliomyclitics... etc.
Annex IV of the MARPOL 73/78 (IMO) is international regulation for the prevention of pollution by sewage from ships.
This regulation is effective for all ships 200 GRT and above with minimum 10 person of crew.
According to the regulation, the ship must have approved type sewage treatment plant and holding tank with sufficient
Distance in NM from nearest land
Type of sewage
0 NM 4 NM 12 NM
Sewage treated by approved
No visible floating solids or discoloration
Sewage treatment plant
The System shown has four compartments. Incoming sewage passes through a coarse screen into the
primary collection tank where it remains until displaced by overflow into the aeration section. A connection is provided
so that the primary collection tank can be pumped out.
In the aeration tank, waste is retained for about 24 hours being thoroughly mixed and aerated by the aerators
located at the bottom of the tank. The aerobic bacteria and micro organisms break down the organic wastes into
mainly carbon dioxide, water and inert organic material and produce new bacteria cells and organisms. CO2 is
emitted via the vent system.
Rotary blower supplied air provided oxygen for bacteria and micro organisms. After prolonged aeration, the
mixed liquor is displaced into the settlement tank where biological floc is formed.
Settling compartment is designed to precipitate all solids to the bottom of the hopper as activated sludge
which is then returned by air lift back to the aeration tank where it is mixed with the incoming raw sewage.
Clean effluent from the top of the settling tank is collected in the last compartment for disinfection and
discharge overboard. Disinfection is achieved by treating the clean effluent with a solution of calcium or sodium
hypochlorite; this is usually carried out in a tank or compartment on the end of the sewage treatment unit. In some
plants this disinfection is carried out by ultra-violet radiation.
The discharge of the resulting harmless effluent is controlled by float switch connected to the discharge
(a) Explain why power card alone is insufficient for accurate assessment of engine performance
(b) Suggest with reasons minimum information required before an accurate assessment of an
engine performance (6)
(c) Explain the value of Draw card and light spring card in assessing cylinder condition (5)
1 All relevant Pr. & Temp data for Turbocharger & Air To determine Turbocharger and Air cooler efficiency,
consequently to achieve air and fuel ratio, to reduce
Cooler at running condition fuel consumption and increase power out put
2. All relevant Pr. & Temp data Of engine at To compare with engine trial test results and roughly
determine the possible defects and needful
maximum rated R P M maintenance, such as, cooler and filter efficiencies
5 Fuel pump index To determine the fuel pump condition and out put
power balancing.
7 Peak and compression pressure To determine the condition of liner , piston rings inlet &
exhaust valve , possible defects relating to
combustion condition
8 F 0 , L.0 & Cylinder Oil consumption To determine it is reasonable with engine power out
put and maker's recommendations.
9 Ship load , Hull fouling condition Draught & Trim , To determine load to engine , its performance
Weather and observation speed and slip
Draw card shows the pressure changes between combustion processes more clearly and illustrate any
faults during fuel combustion.
The value of compression and combustion pressure can be measured by scaled ruler. The points for injection,
ignition, end of injection etc., could be noted on the diagram by crank angle relating to TDC.
By Draw card -
W Ignition timing
W Ignition Delay
W Loss of compression
W Defective fuel pump timing
W Faulty fuel valve
W Unsuitable fuel quality
W Occurrence of after burning. Can be detected
10/2002, 10/2003
The centrifugal pumps are most suitable and efficient for handling large volumes with medium to low head
and low viscosity. The simple centrifugal pump is used for seawater circulation and other duties, where self priming is
not a requirement. When installed for bilge and ballast these pumps require with primers.
A pump which is required to initiate suction from a liquid level below it self, must be fitted with an air pump
(water ring pump).
The sketch shown is a single entry; single stage (Written as the Simple centrifugal pump)
air or when the pump is running faster than the designed speed.
When the pressure reduced dissolved air comes out of liquid and forms cavities or bubbles.
These bubbles follow with liquid when they reach the high-pressure region very rapidly and bursting each
other results in shock waves which attack metal causing cavitation pitting on the least resistance region.
This will serve vibration and leading to bearing failure
(b) Rectify
The pump should be run at design speed. To prevent suction contains air using correct size of piping and
any leakage in the suction line is avoided. Avoid throttle of suction valve.
The pump should be overhaul regular interval. Clean impeller and eye. Check clearance impeller and
wearing ring. Check bearing play. Check impeller, shaft gland packing.
Sketch and describe the following pump
(a) Centrifugal
(b) Gear
(c) Screw
(d) Reciprocating
Gear pump
Gear pumps are positive displacement pump. It consists of two gears, one is driver and one is driven
opposite direction. When pump rotates; chamber A expands and draws oil.
Oil is trapped and drawn round in peripheral cavities of the gear. Oil is discharge from outlet. Teeth mesh at
the center to preventing returning from discharge to suction.
Screw pump
Screw pumps are positive displacement pump and self-priming. It consists of two or 3 shaft having right
and left hand screw. Ball or roller bearing carries the shaft. Timing gear is fitted at the other side.
When pump rotate, fluid is drawn from suction, propel along the body from each end to center, discharge
through outlet.
Reciprocating pump
The sketch is double acting reciprocating pump. They are positive displacement pumps. It consists of
piston with piston rings, two suction valves and two discharge valve. Each pair of the valve is at the either side
of the piston
When the piston is moved upward suction effect valve 1 close and valve 3 open and the other side valve 4
close and valve 2 open forcing out liquid to discharge
When the piston is move down valve 1 open valve 4 close forcing out liquid to discharge and the other
side suction effect valve 3 open and valve 2 close. Air vessel is fitted to reduce pulsating effect at discharge.
(a) Differentiate between positive displacement type and centrifugal type pump(6)
(c) Explain about an air priming pump with the aid of sketch (4)
10/2001, 1/2003
Centrifugal pump consists of the sets of vanes, impeller and volute casing. The bilge pumping for
centrifugal pump additional priming unit is required.
In centrifugal pump liquid enters the centre or eye of the impeller and flows radially out between the
vanes, its velocity increased by the impeller rotation. A diffuser or volute is then used to convert most the kinetic
energy in the liquid into pressure.
Air priming pumps are often used for priming the centrifugal pump housing and suction pipe. It
consists of star shape rotor is fitted eccentrically in the pump housing.
When the rotor is rotated and fed a little water. It is formed a water ring at the internal circumference of the pump
Water ring is just touching the hub. Air space between water ring hub and vanes. Airspace is
expended during first half revolution and suction effect. It is compressed during 2nd half revolution and pressure
Section A is connected to suction pipe of centrifugal pump and section B is connected to discharge
pipe of centrifugal pump. Fill'; water and discharge valve close when running it maintains the flow.
(a) Sketch constant speed unidirectional rotary variable stroke positive displacement
Pump (6)
(b) Explain operation and how standby pump reversal is prevented (10)
The pump consists of central valve arrangement by ports for the supply and delivery of oils. The
pistons are fitted in the radial cylinders and fasten to slippers by a gudgeon pin.
The slipper fit into a track in the circular floating ring. When the floating ring is concentric with the valve the
pistons have no relative reciprocating movement in the cylinders.
As a result no oil is deliver and although the pump rotating. If the floating ring is pulled to right, the relative
reciprocating motion of pistons in the cylinders occur.
The lower piston will move inwards and discharge fluid out through the lower port. As it
continues passed the horizontal position, the piston will move outwards and draw fluid in from the upper port.
Once past the horizontal position on the opposite side, it begins to discharge the fluid. If the circular
floating ring is pushed to left side, then the suction and discharge ports will be reversed.
To prevent reversal of pump
The positive displacement pump two numbers are fitted in the system and only one is operating, reverse operation of
other is prevented by non- reverse locking gear.
It consists of a number of steel pawls are mounted on the coupling and stationary steel ratchet is fixed to the motor
supporting structure.
At rest the pawls engage into the ratchet, the other pump running the sense of rotation in reverse order it will not be
able to turn.
When the pump starts the reverse sense of rotation pawls fly outwards due to centrifugal force and can rotate freely.
(a) Explain, with a simple sketch, the working of a liquid ring priming pump (8)
The impeller is concentric with the drive shaft and the impeller is fitted into an eccentric pump casing.
Due to the action of centrifugal force there is a rotating ring of water, which must follow the shape of casing.
Due to The eccentric shape, alternate increasing and decreasing volume at the suction and discharge
ports. This creates pumping action, which can extract air from the centrifugal pump.
A control valve is fitted, which is open, when the system is fully primed to remove water pump casing and
reduce shaft load.
The reservoir is filled with fresh water to reduce corrosion and a cooling coil may be fitted which is
circulated by main pump discharge.
The central priming system is air handling for a group of centrifugal pumps.
It is more economical and efficient than individual shaft driven priming pumps for each centrifugal pump.
The system usually has two priming pumps; one in use and the other stand by. This pump is usually of the
liquid-ring type operates automatically to maintain a vacuum condition between pressure set limits in the vacuum tank.
The vacuum tank is further connected to various centrifugal pumps in the engine room. It carries out air
extraction for all centrifugal pumps.
The air suction is via a float operated valve, which shuts when the system is primed, preventing system
water getting into the priming pump.
(a) Lower first cost (sharing of priming arrangement between a large numbers of pumps)
(b) Saving in power, since only one priming pump is doing the job for all centrifugal pumps.
(c) Less maintenance as only one priming pump is running
Quick closing valve are usually fitted on the fuel piping system
(a) Sketch quick closing valve
(b) Describe the above stating how they are closed and opened after emergency closed.
(c) State exactly where they are usually fitted in the system
The sketch, spring compression type Quick closing valve, can be opened and shut by hand wheel like
ordinary valve. It can be also instantly and remotely close form out side engine room.
The flat tapered sluice valve is made from gunmetal. The spring and spindle are made by mild steel and
cast iron for the housing.
The actions of opening the valve compresses a powerful spring inside which tend to thrust down the valve and
spindle as shown in figure. (c)
The spindle is held up by the cross head and side links. One forked end of a connecting link coupled to side
links & the other end of the fork attached to wire which is led to the deck station.
A sharp pull on the wire makes side links to permit the spring to close the valve as shown in figure (a).
Emergency closure and opening
For emergency closure, the wire rope attached to the fork-ended rod is pulled out from any safe position to operate the
valve by compression of the spring.
After operation, rotate the wheel as if to close the valve. This movement causes the mechanisms to raise the vale
spindle back and catching lock to be released.
This catch prevents the closing of the valve accidentally. Then reverse the rotation of the valve until the valve is
fully open. The valve will now be up against the collar on the spindle.
The compressor sucks the refrigerant from evaporator and press to above working liquid level sight glass of
After filling is done, shut down the compressor and close the compressor discharge valve and keep running
cooling water for some hours.
Air is drawn off at the air-purging valve on the condenser. When it is overcharged the valve will be damage and
hammering can happen in the compressor. If it is correct, evaporator outlet temperature should be 1.5 °C above
the cooling water inlet temperature.
Oil can enter into the system due to excessive L.0 in compressor sump, excessive wear of piston ring and
liner, defective oil separator. Running at too low suction pressure can also the oil in the system.
b Incorrect condenser and evaporator temp differentials.
b Running longer than normal (It effects the system oil layer in the line preventing heat transfer and difficult to cool down
the room temperature.)
b Excessive oil building can choke the piping system.
It can be removed by pumping down the system into the reservoir and totally shut down the whole system. Then
remove or blow out the collected oils inside the piping and evaporator. If necessary, renew the compressor piston rings or
oil separator and replenishment of oil.
Properties of refrigerant
High critical temperature Above this temperature, it is impossible to liquefy the refrigerant regardless of pressure.
It should be as high as possible and must be above the maximum condenser temperature.
Low boiling point It must be low temperature at reasonable pressure
Moderate operating pressure Condensing pressure should be low to minimize the cost and weight of system
Moderate suction pressure Suction pressure must not be too low below atmospheric pressure to prevent
air drawn into the system through leak.
Low specific compressor displacement SCD is the compressor displacement per kW refrigerating effect. It should
be low to minimize the compressor size.
High coefficient of performance (COP) COP is the theoretical efficiency of a refrigerant and it is ratio of
the cooling effect produced to power consumption of the compressor. It should be high.
Good chemical stability Refrigerant must be chemically stable and should not become worse. It should not
react with material of system.
Non-toxic Refrigerant should not be toxic. If leakage occurs, it will no hazard to health.
Non flammable Refrigerant should not be flammable. If leakage occurs, it will not cause a fire or explosion.
Miscible with lubricants Refrigerant should be miscible with lubricants. Refrigerant and lubricant combination can
be separated.
Environmentally safe Refrigerant should be environmentally safe
01. Low discharge pressure
02. Large bubbles in the liquid sight glass.
03. Compressor delivery temperature is high.
04. The machine runs for longer periods between cut-outs.
When undercharge is suspected a leak test is necessary to confirm and locate the fault. It can be corrected
by testing a leak points by
01. Helide torch (a pale blue or colourless flame turns to green)
02. Soap bubbles solution of Soap Suds
03. Dye refrigerants
04. Electronic Detector and
05. Sulphur Candles which give off white dense smoke when contact with Ammonia.
After rectification of the leak point, recharging is necessary.
Remedy is to charge refrigerant until bubbles disappear in the liquid sight glass.
01. High compressor discharge pressure.
02. Compressor runs cold.
03. Frost on compressor suction line after evaporator.
04. Full liquid in the sight glass.
Remedy is corrected by pumping down the system into the reservoir (condenser) and purged out the excessive
refrigerants of the system from the vent valve.
Describe in details of scavenge fire, causes, symptom, remedies prevention and inspection
after immense fire? (16)
Clean all scavenge spaces very thoroughly. Clean and inspect and test the scavenge relief door.
Examine piston rings, piston rod and cylinder liner for surface blemishes, straighten, scoring crack etc.
Examine the diaphragm gland to ensure that are operational and not damaged, and tie rods near that
cylinder from cracks and deformation.
Turn the engine by turning gear and observe the ampere consumption to know seizure or not.
If piston rings have to renew, let the cylinder run at reduced speed for at least 24 hours and feed the cylinder
lubrication to maximum for that time and reduce feed gradually while engine speed also increase gradually.
With reference to scavenge space of M/E given reason for following results
(a) L.O accumulation (b) Scavenge fire (c) Sea temperature rise (d) T/C surging
b Used oils collected in the scavenge space due to choked scavenge drains. Used oils may be from excessive
feeding of cylinder lubrication. Failure of scraper ring in stuffing box.
b Unburned fuel from combustion space.
b Oil leaking into the scavenge space owing to damage of rubber "0" rings between piston rod and crown or skirt.
ê The main cause of fouling of the scavenging air space is the blow by of the products of incomplete combustion.
ê The air already in the space by charge air and the accumulation of fuel residues mixed with excessive cylinder oil
in the scavenge air space. Accumulation of such mixtures can be set a light by sparks or flame blow by it occur
scavenge fire
ê In case; increase in scavenge air temperature, exhaust gas temperature and cooling water temperature increase.
Turbocharger may surging.
ê The engine will slow down immediately due to the fact that the cylinder or the cylinders will not be receiving their
normal charge of fresh air at the end of the firing stroke.
Charge air temperature will be high at the scavenge space due to sea water temperature rise in charge air
Due to high of charge air temperature the exhaust gas will be high.
It is occurs when the discharge volute pressure exceeds the pressure build up in the diffuser and the
It produces a back flow of air from discharge to suction. It is characterized by noise and a variation tin
turbocharger speed.
It is cause by scavenge space fire. Choked scavenge or exhaust ports. Exhaust trunking fire. Poor power
balance. Incorrect matching of turbocharger to engine. Individual cylinder misfire, dirt nozzle or blade
c) Water accumulation
1) Charged air cooler water tube burst or defective water eliminated on cooler discharge.
2) Leakage from piston cooling water system
3) Liner cracks, defective sealing ring of liner and jacket
4) Scavenge air temperature too low … become condensation
Explain (1) Gravity disc (2) Water washing (3) Steam jetting
10/2002, 7/2003,
Figure shows diagrammatically the method of sealing and sludge ejection for a self-cleaning purifier.
Bowl sections A, B and C, are all keyed to the central drive spindle, B and C, are secured so that they cannot
move vertically whereas A is free.
The purifier is first brought up to operating speed and water is then supplied to space D through supply port
G. Due to centrifugal force the water pressure in space D moves A vertically to form a seal at the bowl periphery.
Water and then oil would next be supplied to the purifier in the usual way.
When the purifier requires to be cleared of sludge the oil supply is shut off and water supply is changed over
from G to F supply port. The hydraulic pressure crated in space E is sufficient to open the spring –loaded valves and
the water from space D will _ together with water from space E _ be discharged and A will fall, the bowl seal will now
be broken and the sludge ejection will take place.
But complete removal and cleaning Complete removal and cleaning time-interval much
03 longer due to automatic desludging has been carried
time-interval very short out frequently
Not required due to frequent desludging and
04 Strict routine maintenance required
cleaning on the bowl itself.
Solid-dependent cleaning manually if Combined Solid-dependent and Time-dependent
oils flow out from water outlet automatic cleaning system.
Water gravity tank is required only for Water gravity tank is used for all purpose of Sealing
sealing water purpose manually water, Replacing water and operating water
Stopping of the unit is required in order to Stopping of the unit is not required over a prolong
remove and clean sludge period
14 Operator needs simple technical know-ledge Operator needs higher technical knowledge
Gravity disc
The correct size of the gravity disc should be chosen according to the feed oil density.
If it is too large in diameter (inner/hole), the interface towards the bowl periphery, or the water discharging
through the water outlet will contain oil and
if it is too small, the interface closer to the bowl centre, or the oil will tend to emulsify, or the oil discharging
through the clean oil outlet will contain water.
The gravity disc sets the location of the oil and water interface line, which is variable according to the makers
Gravity disc choose depend on:
1. Separation temperature
2. Specific gravity of oil at that temperature
3. Flow rate or through put (10% more than fuel consumption)
Water washing
Water washing of straight oils, or of oils not containing dispersant additives, is a widely used technique to
remove acids, salts and other impurities from the oil. The water helps to separate out small particles from the oil, and
also continuously renews the water seal in the purifier bowl.
Water should be injected into the oil before purifying at a rate of between 3 to 5% of the oil flow. The oil
temperature should be around 75C and the water temperature about 5C higher than this.
The water washing can be done either continuously or intermittently. It is not necessary to water wash
dispersant oils because these additives are soluble in the water.
Steam jetting
By blowing steam into the engine lube oil just prior to its purification, coagulation of the colloidal carbon will
occur. This enables the purifier to centrifuge this carbon out more effectively.
(b) Explain how steering operation is made with one of the hydraulic cylinder failure (4)
Rudder stock
Buffer spring
Floating lever
3 4
pump pump
Pump control rod
To receiver
Replenishing tank
The tiller is fixed to the rudder stock and the hydraulic rams operate it by means of swivel blocks carried in forks
of the ram.
The swivel blocks are designed to convert linear movement of the rams to the rotary movement to the tiller
arms and the rudder stock.
Each pair of rams is bolted together, the joint end being bored vertically and bushed to form top and
bottom bearings for the trunnion arms on the swivel block.
Hydraulic pressure is supplied by the motor driven, constant speed, variable stroke delivery pumps. Amount
and direction of oil flow is controlled by the movement of the pump control rod, which is linked to the floating lever.
Hand operated by pass valve combined with spring loaded double shock valves are fitted across the hydraulic
Shocks vales are set to lift at a pressure of 100 bar and are intend to allow the rudder to give way when it is subjected
to a severe shock from a heavy sea or other causes.
C C1
B Pump
Floating lever
Telemotor control
A1 A
The linkage through the floating lever of telemotor, pump control rod and rudder stock formss the hunting
The pump delivers oil, only when the steering wheel is moved. The hunting gear returns the pump
control rod to mid position as soon as the rudder received the position relative to the wheel and remains there
the wheel move again.
The telemotor moves the end of the floating rod A to A1 and the pump control rod moves B to B1. Pumping of
the hydraulic oil causes movement of the tiller arm, through rams and the end of rod C moves to C1. These
movements cause the pump control to pull back to the neutral position B.
If the rudder is rotate by the heavy sea through lifting of the shock valves, the hunting gear is moves by the
tiller. This put the pump to work and the rudder will be restored to its previous position.
(a) Sketch a telemotor system of steering gear including fitting and components for charging system (6)
(b) Describe the above (6)
(c) What is the effects of air in the system and how would you get rectified of it (4)
The telemotor system consists of the transmitter (in wheelhouse) and the receiver (in steering gear room),
which are connected with two solid drawn copper pipes.
The transmitter consists of movable single acting bronze rams in two cylinders. The upper ends of the
rams are extended to form racks. They are engaged with the steering wheel through gearing.
The receiver consists of stationary two fixed rams and one movable cylinder along the rams. Each
outer end of ram short pipe is lead to circuit valve and it is connected to bottom of transmitter cylinder.
Any fluid displaced in the transmitter cylinder by the ram is forced through pipe and circuit valve to the
receiver cylinder.
Movement of cylinder must against the spring force, which brings back to mid position when wheel is put back
into mid position.
One end of the receiver cylinder is connected to the floating lever and the movement is
transmitted through the cross head. A replenishing tank is above the highest part of cylinder to prevent air into
Air being compressible gives incorrect balance between units, time lags and abnormal operation, which
can be dangerous.
Air in the system is indicated by defective steering, excessive movement of steering wheel before telemotor
No initial pressure and wheel slack on turning, jerky operation and perhaps jumping at the pressure gauges.
Air can be purged out from air vents valves. If there is considerable air inside the system, the system oils
should be totally emptied and recharged completely.
In the case of telemotor failure, by switching the change over pin, emergency steering can be carried out by
isolating the receiver cylinder.
And direct controlling the connecting rod of the main steering power unit's pump lever. The emergency
rudder angle indicator and communication system to bridge being provided at the emergency station.
To ensure the pump does not draw air the charging tank should be recharged at intervals. Pumping must be
continued until the oil discharged through pipe C is free from dirts.
The pipe now being cleaned, connect pipe C to the receiver. Disconnect wash out piece and pipes B and C
connect back to the transmitter.
Put the steering wheel into the mid position and open safety by-pass valve by means of lever. These valves
can be opened when the wheel is in mid position and the wheel will be locked in this position while these valves are
Open valve J and pump the charging pump until oil rise in the replenishing tank to the working level. Close
valve J and release air at the air cocks on the transmitter. Then release air at air cocks on the receiver. Continue
pumping until for each stroke of the pump a rush of oil comes from the return pipe D. Close the charging valves,
open valve J and release the safety by-pass lever.
Tests required before departure
One hour before picking-up Pilot, ME speed reduced and engine manoeuvring, astern running, and all steering
gear actuation checked
Both pumps are started and movements on either side checked
Bridge angle indicator and local indicator checked for correct matching response on either side.
(a) Sketch and describe rotary vane type steering gear
It consists of a rotor with vanes which can move in stator casing. A rotor is securely keyed to the tapered rudder
stock. The stator is solidly attached to the ship's structure. The sealing strips are fitted on the moving face
of the rotary and fixed vane
Chambers are formed between the rotating vanes and fixed vane of the stator casing. These cambers are
alternately connected to the suction and delivery from the hydraulic pump.
Its supply hydraulic fluid to all chamber on the left and drawing fluid from all chamber on the right the
rudder can be turned anti clockwise and clockwise movement the circuit is reversed.
Hydraulic pumps are controlled by telemotor unit through floating lever type hunting gear arrangement to
ensure the rudder can stop when steering gear wheel standstill.
A relief valve is fitted in the system to prevent over pressure and allow for shock loading of rudder.
The whole weight of gear is taken up by rudder carrier bearing. Two anchor bolts held in fixed anchor
brackets with rubber shock absorbing sleeves prevent the rotation movement.
Vanes are made of spheroidal graphite cast iron; the rotor and stator are cast steel. Synthetic rubber backs
steel sealing strips.
Advantages over Ram Type
(1) Synthetic rubber backed steel sealing strips at vane tips are not strong enough for large ship gears.
(2) Can be used for rudder stock ratings of about 1700 KNm and less (torque generated by two ram is 120 to 650
KNm and for four ram 250 to 10,000 KNm)
Torque about 1,000 KNm in 4 ram type and More adaptable to increase of Torque produces
650 KNm in two ram type about 3,000 KNm
2 Withstand Maximum pressure about 170 Bar Limited pressure about 90 Bar
7 Limited rudder angles up to 35' each side only Wider working Rudder angles, giving 70 to 80.
The stern tube is generally constructed of cast iron. The forward end is flanged and studs are used to secure
the flange to the after bulkhead, a make up liner of lead or wood being inserted between the two as shown.
The forward end is supplied with a stuffing box packing and gland to keep water out of the tunnel and aft
with a bearing, four times the shaft diameter in length, composed of lignum vitae, the wood strips being fitted dovetail
fashion into the brass bush.
Water ways are left between lignum vitae strips to allow access of water to the shaft after bearing. The wood
strips are kept in place forward by a lip on the bush and aft by a check ring. The bearing cannot attain a fully
hydrodynamic film, mainly due to low viscosity of water and there is considerable rubbing contact with consequent
Cargo ships with engine amidships had wear rates between 0.5 and 4 mm per year, but tankers and ships
with engines aft, generally larger in size, suffer wear rates ranging from 1 to 13 mm per year and in extreme cases
needed rewooding every six months. Normal clearance is 0.003 to 0.004 of diameter of the shaft.
Stern Tube (Oil lubricated)
Oil lubricated white metal bearings are widely used in ships. Tow bushes are pressed into a stern tube which
itself pressed into the ship’s stern frame. Mechanical seals are provided at both ends of the stern tube, which is filed
with oil, maintained at slightly above sea water level pressure by means of a static pressure header tank providing at a
considerable height.
Running in oil bath, the shaft is not required sleeve for protection. For an oil lubricated bearing type, the
Classification will generally accept the continuous length of bearing metal at 1.5 to 2.0 of the shaft diameter at the
after end with calculation that the specific load does not exceed 0.8 N/square mm and at 0.6 to 1.25 of the shaft
diameter at forward end.
The bush is normally made of gray or nodular cast iron which are lined centrifugally with white metal or
occasionally, white metal lined gun metal, bronze or steel. A typical analysis of white metal would be 3% copper, 7.5%
antimony and remainder tin.
White metal bearing thickens varies according to different classification societies, generally L.R.
recommends 3.8 mm for 300 mm diameter of shaft and 7.4 mm for 900 mm diameter. The oil clearance usually
provided is 0.0015 to 0.002 of the shaft diameter.
a). Sketch on one type of piston rod stuffing box for a two stroke engine (6)
b). Describe above explain and How its works material used (6)
c). Explain required maintenance and clearance (4)
(b) In large two stroke engine stuffing box is mounted on the diaphragm, which separate under piston space and
crankcase. It's prevented cross contamination of crank case lube oil and scavenge air. Each of them is equipped with set
of sealing ring and scraper rings. Each ring has three segments which are a good fit and keep together round on to the
piston rod surface by means of spiral springs.
The rings in upper section serve as a seal against scavenge air and scrape off any residues or dirt from the piston
rod during down ward stroke
The rings in lower section serve as oil control and scrape off excess crank case oil from the piston rod during its
upward stroke.
The oil from lower scraper rings flows through the crankcase and the upper scraper rings passes through the duct
B that leads to the cock on maneuvering platform. By observing the outlets from these cocks it is possible to check the
condition of sealing and scrapering. Leakage air shows that sealing ring is out of order and excessive oil discharge means
that the scraper rings need to overhaul.
Material for The sealing rings and scraper rings are made of bronze. The stuffing box casing is made of cast iron.
(C) Maintenance
The stuffing box should be removed and overhauled at regular interval at the same time of piston overhaul. The ring
should bearing against the piston rod on the entire circumference. To allow for wear there should be a 6 mm clearance at
each joint which gives total clearance of 18 mm for rings in three parts.
The sealing and scraper ring should be adjusted in grooves that they slide easily without play by maintaining a clearance
0.07 to. 0.12mm.
The correct clearance of ring segments should be checked such as axial, butt and radial direction.
Garter5 spring tension to be check and drain should be kept clear of deposit of oil sludge and dirt.
When fitting the scraper rings, it is of utmost importance that the rings are placed correctly, as other wise they
will not serve their purpose.
The drain holes from the stuffing boxes should be kept clean of deposited of sludges and dirt.
Lack of maintenance may lead to (1) loss of scavenge air (2) contamination of scavenge space and (3) overheating of
piston rod thus the formation of hot sport leading to scavenge fire and crankcase explosion.
n. a band worn to keep a sock or stocking up.
(a) Sketch single collar thrust block and name the parts (6)
(b) Explain the function of it (or) Describe above sketch (6) (or)
(b) What are the normal clearances measure and how measure and adjusted (6) (c) How thrust forces is being
transmitted to hull (4)
(b) Explain the function of it (or) Describe above
The sketch shown is Mitchell thrust block used in B&W engine. Its purpose is to prevent axial movement of
crank shaft and the thrust effort of screw propeller is conveyed to the hull of the ship by lower half casting.
The journal bearing is ensuring perfect alignment of the shaft in the casting. The pads are located and held
in position by two separate castings of inverted horseshoe shaped carriers. One hold the ahead pads and other for
the astern pads of similar type.
On the back faces of carriers steel distance pieces are secured to ensure the correct clearance at the pad
faces. The stopper secures the pad with carriers in the correct position circumferentially. The pads are made of cast
iron with white metal bearing faces. The back of pad is two thicknesses, forming a pivot line on which the pad can tilt.
The tilting of pad allows, oil on the collar surface, to from wedge shaped film between the faces of collar and pad.
Thrust bearing is lubricated by oil from the engine bearing system or from its own sump. The journal bearing
is also lubricated from the main bearing system though radial hole and duct in the crankshaft. In force lubrication
system oil is cooled by cooler and in own sump type cooling water coil is fitted on bottom of the thrust block.
(b) Checking clearance and adjustment.
The usual method of checking clearance is inserting a feeler gauge between faces of collar and the pad after
opening up the top cover. If condition allowed force the shaft aft by means screw jack place between casing and the
back of the coupling until the collar is hard up on the pads. Check the alignment of shaft and take micrometer
reading. And then the shaft collar is forced forward and takes second micrometer reading.
The different of these reading is the total axial clearance. It can be adjusted by subtracting or adding shims
to the distance piece on the back of the pad carriers. Radial clearance of the journal bearing can be measured by
taking lead reading or by means of feeler gauge. Axial clearance 1 to 2mm. Radial clearance 0.5 to 0.8 mm for 440
mm diameter.
(a) Sketch a cross section of a main engine structure comprising bed plait frames and entablature showing the
bolt in position.
(b) Explain, why tie bolt need to be used in some large slow speed engine.
(c) Explain in detail how the bolts are tensioned.
The long tie bolts are used on large slow speed engine to absorb firing load down to the main bearing
girders. To minimize bending stress in the bed-plate and to achieve mechanical stability in the whole engine assembly
under running condition.
The tie bolts embrace the bed plate and cylinder block through the column with correct tension, to
assemble the engine structure under compressive stress.
Two bolts are fitted on each transverse girder as close as possible to the shaft centerline. Pinching
screws are provided to restrained vibration of tie rods, like Violin Strings. Pinching screws are also steadies by bushes
or clamps to prevent vibration.
It needs to be checked for proper tension at regular interval and also scavenge fire.
(a) Explain about constant and pulse pressure system with aid of sketch (6)
(b) Why 2/S engine now prefer constant pressure system? (4)
(c) List the advantages and disadvantages of the above system (4)
Constant pressure system
In this system, exhaust from each cylinder lead to a common exhaust manifold which is large
enough to convert pulse to a steady pressure. Then the exhaust gases deliver with fairly constant pressure
and temperature to the turbocharger and can work at optimum efficiency.
In this system, the pulse energy is largely lost before the T/C, and the pressure energy is low to drive the
turbine, in part of load, so the blower can supply sufficient air above 50 %, engine load.(p-122,Pounder, 6 Edition)
Therefore, it is necessary to supply air for starting and part load running. Usually provided with auxiliary
blower to run in assisting at starting and manoeuvring.
Pulse pressure system
This system makes full use of the higher pressures and temperature of exhaust gas during blow down
period, and rapidly opening exhaust valves. Its leave the cylinder with high velocity as pressure energy is converted
into kinetic energy to create a pressure wave or pulse in exhaust pipe lead to the T/C which impact high velocity to
The small diameter exhaust pipe can quickly pressurized and boost up to form pulsating pressure wave.
In this system, exhaust gas pressure is greater than charging air pressure. Therefore, exhaust pipe
must be grouped according to the exhaust valve timing, to prevent the blowing back of exhaust gas to another
2/S large engine are now preferring constant pressure system
In constant pressure turbine gets peak efficiency due to smooth energy transfer from steady exhaust energy. So
the compressor capacity increase and more power can be obtained.
Good thermal efficiency and reducing of specific fuel consumption about 5% to 7%6 due to better scavenging
Good performance at high load and simple exhaust piping, no grouping require and less disturbance.
The opening time of exhaust valve can delay about 15 , thereby lengthing the expansion stroke and improving the
Constant pressure
Simple exhaust piping, no grouping require and less disturbance, and high turbine efficiency due to smooth
energy transfer from steady exhaust energy. Good performance at high load and reduction of specific fuel consumption.
Low energy available for turbine, poor efficiency at low speed and part load. Poor response to sudden
change of load.
Poor turbocharger acceleration and require auxiliary blower for low load running and manoeuvring.
Pulse pressure
Available high energy at turbine due to pulsating pressure wave and good turbocharger acceleration.
p-122, Pounder, 6 Edition
Good performance at slow speed and manoeuvring and good response at any changing load. Not require
scavenge assistant at any changing load.
If not proper grouping of exhaust pipes. exhaust blowing back to low pressure scavenging unit and reduce
efficiency. Complex exhaust manifold with large numbers of cylinder.
Not suitable for reverse flow scavenging engine Its need external driven rotary valves.
(a) Sketch a turbocharger
(b) Turbocharger
Large marine engines are supercharged. Supercharging is carried out by the exhaust gas driven
When exhaust gas is released from the cylinder, it still contain considerable amount of energy. This
exhaust gas drives the single stage axial flow turbine. Turbine drives the blower. Blower supplies the air at
pressure to the cylinder.
The blower has two sections, which are inducer and centrifugal impellers. The inducer gives shock less
air flow to impeller. The centrifugal impeller gives kinetic energy to air. The diffuser and volute casing partially
converts to pressure energy.
The rotor is joined the blower and the turbine. Turbine blades are connected to he disc which is forged
and part of the rotor. It has fur tree shaped roots and bound by binding wire.
The bearing supports he rotor at each end. The labyrinth seal separate the bearing and turbine blower. The
labyrinth seals are sealed by air, which come from blower discharge.
They prevent the oil entering to blower and oil contamination of exhaust gas. Turbine casing is normally fresh
Inducer and impeller made of aluminum alloy; Rotor is heat resisting alloy steel. Nozzle rings and turbine
blades are heat resisting nickel alloy steel. Turbine casing is heat resisting cast iron.
Cooling is effected by air at the blower end and by a cooling water jacket at the turbine end.
Any Lube oil system must be fully effective at a steady axial tilt or 15 and support a temporary tilt or
22.5 in heavy sea.
Discuss essential Auxiliary machinery used in conjunction with the constant pressure system and how and when
it comes into operation.
In constant pressure system, When running at reduced speed and especially when starting up, the pressure
energy available at the turbine inlet is insufficient to drive it fast enough to supply the quantity of air at the scavenge
pressure necessary for efficient scavenging and combustion.
Thus, Aux. machinery is required inconstant pressure system. They are brought into operation when engine
is starting up and operating at low speed. In constant pressure system, the auxiliary machine used is electric motor
driven Aux: blower.
In some engine reciprocating scavenges air pumps work in series with the turbocharger and in others
under piston compression is used in series.
(a) How do you understand about VIT (4)
(b) Sketch VIT fuel pump (6)
(c) Describe the above sketch (6)
(a) V.I.T is variable injection timing fuel pump. V.I.T, the load-dependent start of fuel injection control, provides
an additional influence on the timing of the vales in the fuel injection pumps. This improves thermal efficiency and
lowers fuel consumption.
In normal engine, Pmax can get at full power (load), but in V.I.T engines, automatically changes the injection
timing according to the load, Pmax can get between 85% and 100% of engine load.
The reduction in fuel consumption is about 1.5 g/kWh at 85% engine load when carrying the maximum
combustion pressure at its normal maximum value.
For Question of fuel pump only
The sketch is V.I.T fuel injection pump of Sulzer RTA type engine, timed double valve type, driven by the
camshaft. Each pump consists of a plunger and guide bush.
The roller is kept in contact with the cam by a powerful spring. A fuel pump can be taken out of service by a
mechanical cut-out lever, which lifts the driving piston and roller clear of the cam. This lever can also be used for
priming the injection system.
The fuel pump deliver is controlled by suction and spill valves. As long as the suction valve remains off its
seat, no fuel is delivered. When the fuel pump plunger is raised, the suction valve is lowered on to its seat. As soon as
the suction valve closes, fuel is delivered. This point is ‚start of delivery‛.
As the upwards stroke continues, the plunger delivers fuel through the delivery valve to the fuel injectors until
the spill valve is opened by its pushrod. This is ‚end of delivery‛.
Relief valves is fitted for safeguard against excessive pressure For lubrication purposes, the driving parts of
fuel pump are connected to the engine bearing oil system whilst the plungers and push rods are lubricated with fuel
Automatic safety cut-out device is fitted in each fuel injection pump body between the suction valves. Under
normal running conditions, the suction control valves are free to move in regular motion.
In abnormal running condition, by the arrangement, delivery is immediately interrupted.
So, no more fuel is injected and the speed falls until the engine is stopped.
The adjustment check will be made by measurement of the following:
1. The setting of timing for the pump plunger commencing its pumping stroke.
2. The beginning of injection (The suction valve is seated)
3. The termination of delivery (the spill vale is at the point of opening)
4. A cut-out check (no admission setting of all pump units)
When lengthing the push rod of the suction valve, the effective stroke will be shortened and the
commencement of delivery will occur late.
When lengthing the push rod of the spill valve the delivery will be terminated early.
Turn the engine backwards to a point which is a little earlier than the fuel injection point.
Shut fuel oil supply and remove delivery valve assembly with delivery pipe to fuel valve of No. 1 unit and put on a
bent pipe in place of the delivery pipe on the pump discharge.
Fuel supply valve to the engine is to be opened and put the fuel lever to running position. Fuel oil will flow out from
the bent pipe.
Turn the engine towards the TDC in its running direction slowly until fuel cease to flow and check the marks on the
flywheel whether the timing position is correct or not;
VIT fuel pump with control link mechainsm
The simple VIT mechanism is linked to the governor load setting shaft and built in cam system, control
through linkages the simultaneously timing of the suction valve closure (beginning of delivery) and spill valve
opening (end of delivery). (p-107, Pounder)
The injection timing can be altered by changing the position on the eccentrics controlling the suction valve
and spill valve, during running.
If the position of the tappet controlling the suction valve is lowered, injection commenced earlier but the fuel
quantity be increased.
If the tappet controlling the spill valve is raised, the end of injection is made earlier and the increased
quantity of fuel delivered is reduced and may be brought back to its normal level.
The timing of fuel injection is now advanced without any change in the amount of fuel delivered. (P-93,
When using poorer ignition quality fuel at the same valve timing, Pmax will drop. To obtain normal Pmax
fuel quality setting lever is used for manually adjusted the VIT mechanism. (UHA)
1.Arrival Checklist.
2.Cargo preparation.
3.Fuel injector diagram.
4.Scavenge cleaning(precaution & procedure)
5.Crankcase inspection(entry and procedures involved)
6.Draw all pumps and explain.
7.Generator starting and paralleling.
8.Enclosed space entry.
9.Flame failure(ignition) causes and action
10.How to check that FO/LO purifier is working properly and not working as pump?
11.If boiler fails to start again and again what you will do as a watchkeeper?
12.Emergency Steering Procedure.
13.Low insulation faults(causes and action).
14.Boiler water circulating pump overhauling and assembly.
15.1 unit exhaust temp. high(causes and action).
16.Diagram of OWS17.JCW line18.Steering gear diagram.
1. As a preventive measure during cold climates, what is done to sea-water lines on deck to
prevent freezing of water in the lines:
(a) Pumps are run continuously.
(b)Drains in the lines are open.
Correct ans-(b)
4. Ship has grounded and no announcement as to what has to be done, what will you do:
(a) transfer all fuel oil from forward tanks to aft
(b) sound all DB's
(c) prepare lifeboats for abandoning ship.
Garbage management
Draw centrifugal pump
Brushless alternator explain, Label the given diagram.(diagram given)
How to carry out hot work
S/G test
M/E starting
Exhaust v/v leaking,
Indicator diagram
Life boat engine checks
Scavenge fire indication & actions
Fuel injector leaking indication and effects
Boiler mounting
You are in watch - Suddenly in M/E one unit’s exhaust temperature increased.
What are the reasons?
What actions or checks you will do
2. I told some reasons for high exhaust temp but he picked the followings
Scavenge fire – what actions you will do in case of scavenge fire as 4th Engg.
Fuel injector abnormal- so 2nd Engg. telling you to change the fuel injector (M/E running) – what is the
Ans expected: M/E stopping procedure – Generator starting procedure
2. a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. 16
6. The reciprocating motion of the piston is converted into rotary motion in 2s engine crank by
a. piston rod
b. Connecting rod
b. connecting rod
c. crank web
b. open flame
c. cigarette
d. hot air from blowers
5. waves crest in ends and trough in the middle of the ship gives
a. hogging
b. sagging
d. pounding
7. How the expansion is taken care in the shell and tube type heat exchanger
a. movement of tubes and expansion joint
b. movement of tubes
c. movement of expansion joint
12. For freon 22 gas what type of safety is provided in the compressor
a. high pressure cut out
b. low pressure cut in
c. high pressure cut in
Note: written exam consists of two sections General and Motor 100 marks each.
60 marks for the theory questions & 40 marks for 20 MCQ's each carrying 2 marks.
Passing marks: 60/100
What are the problem associated with X head and how they are prevented (4)
Full effect of combustion is applied directly to the bearing causing high sudden load. Bearing is placed high in
the engine and limited space causing high bearing pressure.
Cross head pin are supported with central load, with two reaction at each end so maximum deflection at the center causing
Pin and bearing are slow oscillating movement where connecting rod is swing through 16° to 30° causing
difficult to establish hydrodynamic lubrication.
It has almost down ward forces and no load reversal to encourage the entry of lobe oil into the bearing.
K Lubrication of bearing is designed to force lubrication which delivers oil into the bearing gap when the load of a
bearing is lowest. So bearing must be designed carefully and the pins must be very highly finished to reduce surface
asperity to a minimum.
K By using pump increase the lubricating oil pressure. By using conjugate bearing where deflection of pin lower and
uniform load.
K By using large diameter, stiff, short pin which reduce length diameter ratio but deflection of pin is minimum and higher
bearing lube oil pressure.
K By using Continuous full length bearing face under pin reduction in mean bearing load.
(a) What is the purpose of fitting cross-head in a diesel engine and what are, the difficulties usually
found on them concerning lubrication?(4) (or)
(d) What are the problem associated with X head and how they are prevented (4)
(a) Purpose
On large slow speed two stroke diesel engine are designed with cross head to minimize the forces imposed
upon the cylinder liner.
Cross head is located between piston rod and connecting rod and it used to absorb the side thrust between
piston and liner due to angularity of connecting rod.
Lubrication Problem
During combustion the cross head get maximum load so bearing is highly stress and the lube oil film in it is
extremely thin.
Pin and bearing are slow oscillating movement where connecting rod's swing through 16° to 30° causing difficult
to establish hydrodynamic lubrication.
It has almost down ward forces and no load reversal to encourage the entry of lube oil into the bearing. This is to
provide a squeeze film during the high load part of the operating circle.
Prevent these lubrication of bearing is designed to force lubrication which delivers oil into the bearing gap when the
load of a bearing is lowest.
(c) The sketch shown is a crosshead used in B&W, VT2BF type diesel engines. It is made of forged steel
650MN/m2 ultimate tensile strength. Pin is highly polished and flame hardened for surface hard.
The cross head shoes, two numbers on each side, are bolted into flattened end of the pin. They are guided through guide
way which are mounted on engine columns.
The slide surfaces of shoes, which are liable to wear, are coated with white metal into which L.O grooves are cut in order
to achieve uniform L.O supply.
For cross head guide and bearing L.O are supplied from main bearing L.O system through the ducts in the crankshaft
and connecting rod. L.O gutters are cut in axial direction on lower bearing half to remain oil film in it.
The lower part of the piston rod is fitted, with dowel pin to maintain correct assembly of components, into the bore of
cross head and secured by nut.
The piston cooling oil is supplied by main L.0 system through cross head with two telescopic pipe, one for inlet and
other for return.
Running clearance of bearing is 0.2 to 0.5 mm and guides and shoes clearance are 0.25 to 0.55 mm for surface
and 0.1 to 0.2 mm for each side.
Function (Purpose)
To minimize the force imposed upon the cylinder liner by the piston
To provide long stroke of piston & get more engine output
Causing the piston move centrally in liner and it used to absorb the side thrust between piston and liner due to
angularity of connecting rod.
Crosshead problem
Load acting on it ð The fluctuated load and High sudden load are acting continuous downward on
lower bearing half throughout the engine cycle.
Lubrication system problems
No chance for LO entering due to unidirectional load
Boundary lubrication due to oscillation movement (no relative movement)
(6) By using pumps mounted on crosshead to inject high-pressure oil into the bearing surface when at boundary
lubrication conditions.
(7) By increasing the lubricating oil pressure to crosshead to a level where it causes separation of the surfaces
during the light load part of the cycle, such as scavenging, providing a squeeze film during high load period.
(8) By using conjugate bearings where deflection of pin and bearing remains in line, resulting a lower and uniform
(9) By using large diameter, stiff, short pin which increases bearing speed, resulting higher bearing lube oil
pressure while the connecting bearing are moving on the pin and retains sufficient oil pressure when at dead
(10) Continuous full length bearing face under pin : Low specific load on bearing. Load is transmitted directly