Ped Practical Project Class 12
Ped Practical Project Class 12
Ped Practical Project Class 12
2023- 2024
class :12 –G
Year :2023- 2024
Teacher ‘s Code______________
TEACHER’S CODE_____________
This is to certify that the project work submitted for the Senior
Secondary Certificate Practical Examination conducted at Indian
Central School, Kuwait is a record of my original work under
the guidance of Mr. Krishna Chandran in the year 2023-2024.
2. Practical-2
Yoga: Asanas for each lifestyle disease
I) Obesity
II) Diabetes
III) Asthma
IV) Hypertension
Ardha Chakrasana
V) Back Pain
3. Practical-3
Sport of choice: BASKETBALL
2. 600 M RUN / WALK
iii) Procedure: The test involves running a single maximum sprint over 50
meters ,with the time recorded .A thorough warm -up should be given , including
some practice starts and accelerations. Start from a stationary standing position
(hands cannot touch the ground), with one foot in front of the other. The front foot
must be behind the starting line. Once the subject is ready and motionless, the
starter gives the instructions "set" then "go." The tester should provide hints for
maximizing speed (such as keeping low driving hard with the arms and legs) and
the participant should be encouraged to not slow down before crossing the finish
iv) Results: Two trials are allowed, and the best time is recorded to the nearest 2
decimal places. The timing starts from the first movement (if using a stopwatch) or
when the timing system is triggered and finishes when the chest crosses the finish
line and/or the finishing timing gate is triggered.
v. Target population: soccer other sports in which speed over a similar distance is
vi. Reliability: Reliability is greatly improved if timing gates are used. Also
weather conditions and the running surface can affect the results, and these
conditions should be recorded with the results- If possible, set up the track with a
crosswind to minimize the effect of wind.
2.600 M RUN/WALK
ii. Equipment required: oval or 400m running track, stopwatch recording sheets.
iii. Procedure: The aim of this test is to complete the 600-meter course in
quickest possible time. To start, all participants line up behind the starting line. On
the command 'go,' the clock will start, and they will begin running at their own
pace. Cheering or calling out the elapsed time is also permitted to encourage the
participants to achieve their best time.
v. Reliability: The reliability of this test would depend on practice and pacing
strategies and motivation level. There should be good reliability if these issues are
vi. Advantages: Large groups can be tested at once, and it is a very cheap and
simple test to perform
vii. Disadvantages: Practice and pacing are required to maximize the subject
The sit and reach test were first propounded by Wells and Dillon in 1952. This test
is widely used as normal test of flexibility.
i. Purpose: The sit and reach test are a significant test to measure the
flexibility of hip region including the lower back and hamstring muscles.
Generally it is noted that owing to the lack of flexibility in this region
there is greater risk of injury. It is also entangled with lumbar lordosis
and lower back pain.
ii. Equipment’s Required: Sit and reach box or a makeshift ruler and a box
may be used in which zero mark can be adjusted for everyone according
to their sitting reach level because there is a variation of lengths of
individual’s arms and legs.
iii. Procedure: First, shoes and socks should be removed. Then sit down on
the floor with legs stretched. The soles of the feet should be kept flat
against the box. Both the knees should be locked and pressed flat to the
floor. An assistant may hold the knees down. Palms should be facing
downwards. Hands should be on the top of each other or side by side.
The individual, whose flexibility is to be measured, tries to extend his
both hands forward along the measuring line on the box as far as he can
extend. His fingertips of both hands should remain equal and at the same
level. He should not jerk or bounce to reach at maximum distance. He
should hold the full reach position for two seconds and the score should
be recorded. Generally in such test warm up is not allowed, however, the
results can be attained after suitable warm up. In case of sliding ruler or
makeshift ruler the zero mark should be at the fingertips. If it is not
available or simple marking is there the zero mark should be 9 inches
before the feet.
iv. Scoring: The score is recorded to the nearest centimetre or half inch as
the distance reached by the fingertips of both hands.
vi. Disadvantages: This test is good for flexibility of joints of lower back
and hamstrings and not related to the flexibility of other joints of the bod.
4. Partial Curl Up
i)Purpose: The partial curl-up test measures abdominal strength and endurance,
important in back support and core stability.
iii. Procedure: In this test the partner sits behind, the subject and cups the
subject’s head in their hands. The starting position is with the arms fully extended
with fingers resting on the legs and pointing toward the knees. The subject curls-up
slowly; sliding the fingers along the legs until the fingertips touch the knees, then
back down again, until the head touches the partner’s hands. One complete curl-up
is completed every three seconds and are continued until exhaustion (e.g. the
subject cannot maintain the rhythm or has reached the target number for the test).
Iv. Scoring: The completion of one complete curl-up counts as one. Make sure that
the subject does not "bounce" off the floor – only correctly performed curl ups
should be counted. The timer begins the test by calling out the signal “ready? Go!”.
The stopwatch is started at the same time, and at the conclusion of one minute the
timer calls out "Stop” at which counting and the subject stop.
vi. Disadvantages: The partial curl-up test in which the feet are not supported
measure of abdominal strength and endurance.
5. Push Ups (Boys)
i. Purpose: The aim of this test is to determine upper body strength and endurance.
iii. Procedure: start in the push-up position - with the hands and toes touching the
floor, the body and legs are in a straight line, feet slightly apart, and the arms at
shoulder width apart, extended and at a right angle to the body. Keeping the back
and knees straight, the subject lowers the body until there is a 9O-degree angle at
the elbows, with the upper arms parallel to the floor. A partner holds their holds at
the point of the 90- degree angle so that the subject being tested goes down only
until their shoulder touches the partner's hand, then back up. The push-ups are done
in time to a metronome or similar device with one complete push-up every three
seconds (1.5 seconds down and 1.5 seconds up,20 complete push-ups per
minute).The subject continues until they can do no more in rhythm (has not done
the last three in rhythm) or has reached the target number of push-ups.
iv. Scoring: Record the number of correctly completed push-ups that were
performed in time to the rhythm.
i) purpose : To measure the muscular strength of arms , upper body, and the core.
iii) Procedure: The push up begins in a kneeling position, with the hands and
knees touching the ground. The knees are kept slightly apart ; the arms are at
shoulder width apart, extended and at a right angle to the body. Keeping the back
straight and holding the core tight, the student lowers the body until there is a 90-
degree angle at the elbows, then returns to the starting position with the arms
extended. The action is repeated until exhaustion or until the limit is reached .In
case of timed tests , the maximum number of correct push ups performed are
iv) Benefits of Modified Push-Ups: There are many benefits to the Modified
Push-Ups and just as many reasons you should incorporate them into your
workouts. Push-ups are one of the best exercises anyone can do, but women
especially! All in one exercise, you get the benefit of toning your arms, chest,
shoulders, and core. Push ups tone up basically your entire upper body all the
while helping you to torch calories and reveal toned and tight arms, shoulders, and
abs. Here are just a few benefits of modified push-ups:
Fitness Test – SAI Khelo India Fitness Test in school
SAI Khelo India Fitness Test is a fitness assessment program designed
by the Sports Authority of India (SAI) and the Ministry of Youth
Affairs and Sports for school students across India. It aims to
encourage physical fitness among school children and identify talented
athletes who can be trained further.
The fitness test covers five parameters - anthropometry (body
measurements), sprint testing, endurance testing, lower body strength
testing, and upper body strength testing. Students are assessed based on
their performance in these tests and given a fitness score.
The test is conducted annually and students who score well can receive
recognition and awards at various levels. The Khelo India Fitness
Assessment App is used for conducting the test and generating reports.
BMI stands for Body Mass Index. It is a measure of body fat based on
height and weight. The BMI calculation involves dividing an
individual's weight in kilograms by their height in meters squared.
1) BMI (Body Mass Index): BMI is a simple and widely used method
to assess if a person has a healthy body weight in proportion to their
height. It is calculated by dividing a person's weight in kilograms by
the square of their height in meters. BMI is a good indicator of body
fatness, which can be helpful in assessing health risks related to
excess body weight.
Push-Ups: Push-ups are a test of upper body strength. For boys, they
perform pushups with their toes and hands on the ground, and they lower
their body to touch the ground and then push themselves back up. For
girls, they perform modified pushups with their knees on the ground
instead of their toes.
Practical-2: Procedure for Asanas, Benefits & Contraindication for any two
Asanas for each lifestyle disease.
(I) Obesity
Obesity is that condition of the body in which the amount of fat increases to
extreme levels. In other words, obesity can be defined as „the condition when an
individual weight 20 percent more than the ideal weight‟.
Vajras Ana
Procedure: it is a meditative asana. Kneel down on the ground with your knees,
ankles and toes touching the ground. Your toes should be stretched backwards.
Now place your palms of both your hands on the knees. The upper body should be
straight. At this time, the breathing should be deep, even and slow. Then expend
your chest and pull your abdominal portion inwards.
8. It is the best meditation asana for people suffering from sciatica and sacral
9. It is helpful in curing dysentery, back pain and chest diseases and also helpful
for concentration.
10. It gives relief from constipation, acidity and increases digestive process.
1.A person suffering from joint pain should not perform vajrasAna.
2.The individuals who have and spinal column problem should not perform
Procedure: first of all stands with your legs apart. Then raise the arms sideways
up to the shoulder level. Bend the trunk sideways and raise the right hand upward.
Touch the ground with left hand behind left foot. After some time, do the same
asana with opposite arm in the same way.
1. If you are suffering from diarrhoea, low or high blood pressure, back injury, or
migraine, avoid the practice of it.
2. The individual having cervical spondylities should not perform this asana.
(II) Diabetes
Type I: in this type, the pancreatic gland does not produce insulin. Hence injection
of insulin is required daily for its treatment.
Type II: in this type, the body does not produce sufficient amount of insulin, or the
insulin is produced sufficiently but it is not used properly by the body.
1. Bhujangasana
Procedure: in this asana, the shape of the body remains like a snake that is
why it is called bhujangasana. In order to perform this asana, lie down on the
belly on the ground. Keep your hands near the shoulders. Keep your legs
close together. Now, straighten up your arms slowly, raise the chest. Your
head should turn backwards. Keep this position for some time. Then get
back to the former position. For good result, perform this asana 3 to 5 times.
1. It alleviates obesity.
2. It provides strength and agility.
3. It cures the disorders of urinary bladder.
4. It cures the diseases of liver.
5. It improves blood circulation.
6. It makes the vertebral column flexible and thin.
7. It cures gas disorders, constipation and indigestion.
8. It strengthens the muscles of hands.
1. This asana should be avoided by individuals who suffer from hernia, back
injuries, headaches, and recent abdominal surgeries.
Procedure: Sit on the ground with legs forward. Then hold the toes of your
feet with the fingers of both hands. Then breathe out slowly and try to touch
the knees with your forehead. After that breathe in slowly, raise your head
upwards and come to the prior position. Perform this asana at least 10 to 12
1. It takes care of gas trouble.
2. It prevents the early ossification of bones.
3. It is a good remedy for constipation.
4. It helps to overcome several menstrual disorders.
5. It gives relief in sciatica, backache and asthma.
6. It reduces obesity.
7. It is helpful in treating abdominal diseases.
8. It is helpful in curing skin diseases.
9. Vertebra becomes flexible and healthy.
2.Avoid practising this asana if you suffer from asthma ot any respiratory
diseases. If you have any back or spinal problem, make sure that you
perform this asana only under expert guidance.
(III) Asthma
Procedure: Sit down with the legs straight in front of the body. After that,
bend the right leg and place the foot under the left thigh. Then bend the left
leg and keep the foot under the right. Place the hands on the knees. Chin
should be in. Keep the head, neck and back straight, close the eyes. Relax
your body.
1. It facilitates mental and physical balance without causing strain or pain.
2. It stretches and lengthens spine.
3. It calms your mind.
4. It enhances your condition of peace.
5. It reduces anxiety, stress and mental fatigue.
6. It helps in improving body posture.
7. It provides gentle massage to knees, calf muscles and thighs.
8. It spreads a sense of calmness throughout your body and mind.
1. If your knees and hips are injured or inflamed, you should avoid
practising this asana.
2. If you have a slip disc problem, you should take proper care while
performing this asana.
2. Chakrasana
Procedure: In this asana, the figure of the body becomes like a chakra,
therefore, this asana is called chakarasana. First of all, lie down on your
back. Fix your hands firmly on the ground. Then raise the middle portion
of your body upwards. Raise it as high as possible, so that your body is in
semi-circle position. Then keep your head downwards between your
hands. In the beginning, keep this position for one minute and then after
some days of practice, do it for 3 to 5 minutes.
1. It cures back pain.
2. It cures any pain in kidneys
3. It is helpful in removing obesity.
4. It prevents the problem of hernia.
5. It stimulates pituitary and thyroid gland.
6. It cures infertility, asthma and osteoporosis.
7. It gives relief from stress and reduce depression.
8. The semi-circular position makes the dorsal side of the body to stretch
making the chest to expand. Thus more fresh oxygen is made available.
1.If you suffer from headache or high blood pressure you should not perform this
3.Do not perform this asana if you have tendonitis in the wrists.
4. Individuals who suffer serious spinal column ailments such as cervical and
lumber spondylitis should avoid the practise of this asana.
(IV) Hypertension
Procedure: Stand up in attention position. Lift your arms upwards. Stretch your
hands upwards. Raise your heels and come on your toes. Also pull up your body
upwards. After some time breathe out slowly and come to the previous position.
Repeat the same exercise 10/15 times.
2. It reduces obesity.
3. It cures constipation.
6. It alleviates sciatica.
1. If you have low blood pressure you should not practise this asana.
2. In case of headache or insomnia you should avoid the practise of this asana.
3. Individuals, who suffer from blood circulation problems such as faulty valves,
should not perform this asana.
Ardha Chakrasana
Procedure: Stand straight with both feet together. Hold your hips with
your hands. Bend backward without bending your knees with slow
inhalation. Remain in this pose for some time. Do it two to three times .
Benefits :
1. It helps to make ankles, thigh, shoulders, chest, spine and abdomen
2. It relieves stress and tension.
3. It improves digestion.
4. It cures menstrual disorders.
5. It cures pain in legs.
6. It reduces fat in the waist and thigh.
7. It helps to alleviate upper back pain.
8. It relieves stress in the neck and shoulders.
1. Avoid this asana in case of hip or spinal problems.
2. Avoid practising this asana if you have peptic ulcer and hernia.
3. Avoid performing this asana if you have migraine, headache, low
blood pressure, diarrhoea, and insomnia.
4. Pregnant women should avoid doing this asana.
(V)Back Pain
The pain, which is felt in the back, usually originates from the bones,
joint, muscles, nerves, etc. It may be in the cervical, thoracic, or lumber
region. It may be spontaneous on can be chronic. It can be constant,
affecting one region or radiate to other parts such as arms, hips or legs. It
may give a feeling of burning sensation. Sometimes numbness may be
felt in the legs or arms. The affected persons are not able to do their work
smoothly and efficiently. Back pain may result owing to bad personal
health habits and personal risk factors such as overweight, lack of
physical activity or exercise, excessive smoking, lack of flexibility or
undue stress on back.
1. Ardhmatsyandrasana
Procedure: The left heel is kept under the right thigh and right leg is
crossed over the left thigh. After that hold the right toe with left hand
and turn your head and back to the right side. In this position move
the trunk sideways. Then perform the same asana in the reverse
1. It keeps gall bladder and the prostate gland healthy.
2. It enhances the stretchability of back muscles
.3. It alleviates digestive ailments.
4. It regulates the secretion of adrenaline and bile and thus is
recommended in yogic management of diabetes.
5. It is also helpful in treating sinusitis, bronchitis, constipation,
menstrual disorders, urinary tract disorders and cervical spondylities.
1. Women, who are two or three months pregnant should avoid practising
this asana.
2. The individuals, who suffer from peptic ulcer, hernia or
hypothyroidism, should practise this asana only under expert guidance.
3. The individuals who have the problem of sciatica or slipped disc may
benefit from this asana, but they need to take great care while doing this
2. Shalabhasana
1. It alleviates lower back pain.
2.It helps in removing constipation.
3. It improves posture.
4. It stimulates abdominal organs.
5. It helps in relieving stress.
6. It provides relief to persons who have mild sciatica and slip disc
7. It strengthens the muscles of the spine, buttocks and back of the
arms and legs.
1. People with a weak spine should avoid the practice of this asana.
2. The individuals with a weak heart, high blood pressure and
coronary problems should avoid practising this asana.
1. The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.
2. The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both hands.
3. A player cannot run with the ball, the player must throw it from the
spot on which he catches it, allowance to be made for a man who
catches the ball when running at good speed.
4. The ball must be held in or between the hands, the arms or body must
not be used for holding it.
5. No shouldering, holding, pushing, tripping or striking in any way the
person of an opponent shall be allowed. The first infringement of this
rule by any person shall count as a foul, the second shall disqualify
him until the next goal is made, or if there was evident intent to injure
the person, for the whole of the game, no substitute.
6. A foul is striking the ball with the fist, violation of rules 3 and 4, and
such as described in rule 5.
7. If either side makes three consecutive fouls it shall count a goal for
8. A goal shall be made when the ball is thrown or batted from grounds
into the basket and stays there. If the ball rests on the edge and the
opponent moves the basket it shall count as a goal.
9. When the ball goes out of bounds it shall be thrown into the field and
played by the person first touching it. In case of a dispute, the umpire
shall throw it straight into the field. The "thrower-in" is allowed five
seconds. If he holds it longer it shall go to the opponent. If any side
persists in delaying the game, the umpire shall call a foul on them.
10.The umpire shall be the judge of the men and shall note the fouls and
notify the referee when three consecutive fouls have been made.
11.The referee shall be the judge of the ball and shall decide when the
ball is in play, in-bounds, and to which side it belongs, and shall keep
the time. He shall decide when a goal has been made and keep
account of the goals with any other duties that are usually performed
by a referee.
12.The time shall be fifteen-minute halves, with five-minute rests
13.The side making the most goals in that time shall be declared the
winner. In the case of a draw, the game may, by agreement of the
captains, be continued until another goal is made.
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