Rocks bend
and store
) ) ) ) energy
(((( (((
holding the
rocks together
is overcome by
tectonic forces
Earthquake mechanism
– Elastic rebound ??
The elastic rebound theory is an explanation for how energy is spread during
earthquakes. As rocks on opposite sides of a fault are subjected to force and shift,
they accumulate energy and slowly deform until their internal strength is
exceeded. At that time, a sudden movement occurs along the fault, releasing the
accumulated energy, and the rocks snap back to their original undeformed
Stress and
Demo: Pencil
Between Stress
and Strain under
Temperatures or
Demo: gum
Strike and Dip
Strike intersection horizontal, dip perpendicular, angle from horizontal down toward surface
Vertical Movement
along Dip-Slip Faults
Horizontal Movement Along
Strike-Slip Fault
Reverse Fault Quake - Japan Normal Fault Quake - Nevada
DEMO – Types of faults
Magnitude 9.1 (26 December 2004 – Off the west coast of northern
The deadliest tsunami in history was felt in 14 countries across Asia and east Africa,
triggered by a "megathrust" as the Indian tectonic plate was forced beneath the
Burmese plate. Indonesia was the worst affected with an estimated 170,000 of the
nearly 230,000 dead.
Gas mains break, fires shaken out of furnaces. Water mains break, cannot
fight fires. Debris in streets, Fire department cannot reach fires.
Tectonic setting of the 2004 and 2005 Sumatra earthquakes. (a) The larger aftershocks of the Mw
9.3, 26 December, 2004 (red) and the Mw 8.7 March 28, 2005 earthquakes (orange),
superimposed on the the GEBCO (2003) bathymetry data, are shown. Thick black lines show the
location of the extinct spreading centre that according to Deplus et al. (1998) generated oceanic
crust in the Wharton basin. (b) Satellite-derived gravity anomaly based on Sandwell and Smith
(1997)-Version 15.2. Grey dashed lines and red lines show fracture zones and magnetic lineations
respectively (Larson et al. 1978).
Depth of Earthquake Focus
On the basis of the depth of focus, an earthquake may be termed as shallow focus (0-
70 km), intermediate focus (70-300 km), and deep focus (> 300 km).
Shallow-focus earthquakes are most common; they account for 85% of total quake
energy released. Intermediate-(12%) and deep-(3%) focus quakes are rarer because
most deep rocks flow in a ductile manner when stressed or deformed; they are
unable to store and suddenly release energy as brittle surface rocks do.
Vertical cross-sections
of hypocentre distributions
beneath modem arc-
systems. Each diagram
shows earthquakes for 7-
10 year periods between
1954 and 1969. T =
trench axis; V = recently
active volcanic chain.
Distance is measured
horizontally from each
trench axis in kilometres.
Landscape Shifting, Wallace Creek
Demo: Liquifaction
Locations of earthquakes with magnitude M≥ 6. Shaded regions represent
continents and the dots for locations of earthquakes.
Seismology is the science of earthquakes and other ground vibration.
At present, seismology is the study of seismic sources, the waves
they produce, and the properties of the media through which these
waves travel.
Elevated highway knocked over by a
strong horizontal jolt during the 1995
Kobe, Japan, earthquake.
Seismic Waves
Energy released from an earthquake.
Primary waves
Travel trough solids and fluids
P-waves are a type of body wave, called seismic waves in seismology, that travel through a continuum and
are the first waves from an earthquake to arrive at a seismograph. The continuum is made up of gases (as
sound waves), liquids, or solids, including the Earth. P-waves can be produced by earthquakes and recorded
by seismographs. The name P-wave can stand for either pressure wave as it is formed from alternating
compressions and rarefactions or primary wave, as it has the highest velocity and is therefore the first wave
to be recorded.
Secondary waves
Only travel through solids
S-waves, secondary waves, or shear waves (sometimes called an elastic S-wave) are a type of elastic wave,
and are one of the two main types of elastic body waves, so named because they move through the body of
an object, unlike surface waves.
The S-wave moves as a shear or transverse wave, so motion is perpendicular to the direction of wave
propagation. The wave moves through elastic media, and the main restoring force comes from shear effects.
Surface waves
Compressional and shearing
Solids only
Love waves (also known as Q waves (Quer: German for lateral)) are surface seismic waves that cause
horizontal shifting of the Earth during an earthquake. Love waves travel with a lower velocity than P- or S-
waves, but faster than Rayleigh waves. These waves are observed only when there is a low velocity layer
overlying a high velocity layer/ sub–layers.
Rayleigh waves behave like rolling ocean waves. Rayleigh waves are a type of surface acoustic wave that
travel on solids. They can be produced in materials in many ways, such as by a localized impact or by piezo-
electric transduction, and are frequently used in non-destructive testing for detecting defects. They are part of
the seismic waves that are produced on the Earth by earthquakes. When guided in layers they are referred to
as Lamb waves, Rayleigh–Lamb waves, or generalized Rayleigh waves)
Conceptualized P- and S-wave propagation
P and S waves
Smaller amplitude than surface (L) waves, but faster, P arrives first, then S, then L
Earthquake focus and epicenter
Note how much bigger the surface waves are
The invention of instruments that could accurately record seismic waves was
an important scientific advance. These instruments measure the amount of
ground motion and can be used to find the location, depth, and size of an
earthquake. The instrument used to measure seismic waves is a
Seismometers are the instruments that record seismic waves. Records the
movement of Earth in relation to a stationary mass on a rotating drum or
magnetic tape. It includes:
Because the different types of seismic waves travel at different speeds, they
arrive at seismograph stations in a definite order:
first the P waves, then the S waves, and finally the surface waves.
These three different waves can be distinguished on the seismograms.
By analyzing these seismograms, geologists can learn a great deal about an
earthquake, including its location and size.
Lateral Movement Detector
In reality, copper wire coils move around magnets, generating current which is recorded.
Because of the difference in travel times, intervals between P waves, S
waves, and surface waves increase with distance from the focus.
Determining the Location of an Earthquake
P and S waves start out from the focus of an earthquake at essentially the
same time. As they travel away from the quake, the two kinds of body
waves gradually separate because they are traveling at different speeds. On
a seismogram from a station close to the earthquake, the first arrival of the
P wave is separated from the first arrival of the S wave by a short distance
on the paper record. At a recording station far from the earthquake,
however, the first arrivals of these waves will be recorded much farther apart
on the seismogram. The farther the seismic waves travel, the longer the
time intervals between the arrivals of P and S waves and the more they are
separated on the seismograms.
Graph to find distance to epicenter
Travel-time curve
Because the time interval between the first arrivals of P and S waves
increases with distance from the focus of an earthquake, this interval can be
used to determine the distance from the seismograph station to a quake.
The increase in the P-S interval is regular with increasing distance for
several thousand kilometers and so can be graphed in a travel-time curve ,
which plots seismic-wave arrival time against distance.
Locating Earthquake Epicenter
A single station can determine only the distance to a quake, not the
direction. A circle is drawn on a globe with the center of the circle being the
station and its radius the distance to the quake. The scientists at the station
know that the quake occurred somewhere on that circle, but from the
information recorded, they are not able to tell where. With information from
other stations, however, they can pinpoint the location of the quake. If three
or more stations have determined the distance to a single quake, a circle is
drawn for each station. If this is done on a map, the intersection of the
circles locates the epicenter.
Epicenter located using three seismographs
Focal Depth Measurement
Earthquake focal depth is a critical parameter for seismological research,
seismotectonic study, seismic hazard assessment, and event discrimination.
For most earthquakes with MW ≥4.5, the focal depth can be estimated from
the arrival times of the teleseismic depth phase sP (or pP) and its reference
phase P.
For smaller earthquakes, focal
depths can be estimated jointly
while being located with the arrival Surface of the Earth
regional events.
Figure shows the
sketch paths of these
regional depth phases.
If regional depth phases can be identified, an alternative solution for
moderate and small earthquakes is to use regional depth phases to estimate
focal depth. The P portion of regional waveform records contains three major
(1) the P-wave travels directly to the station
(2) the P- or S-wave travels upward to the surface in the source region, is
reflected or converted at the surface and then travels downward to the
Moho (or interfaces), is reflected or refracted there, and then travels
upward to the station; and
(3) the P-wave travels downward to the Moho (or interfaces), is reflected
there and then travels upward to the station. One feature of P- and S-
waves is that the amplitude of the S-wave radiated from the source is
generally stronger than that of the P-wave by about five times and the
period of the S-wave is longer than that of the P-wave on the same
From this analysis we know that there are regional depth phases in the P
portion of the record and the usable regional depth phases are
(1) sPg (the S-wave travels upward to the surface, is converted to a P-wave
at the critical angle, then the P-wave travels along or close the surface to
the station)
(2) sPmP (the S-wave travels upward to the surface, is converted to a P-
wave, then the P-wave travels downward to the Moho, is reflected there
and travels upward to the station; Langston et al., 2003), and
(3) sPn (the S-wave travels upward to the surface, is converted to a P-wave,
then the P-wave travels along the Pn path to the station.
Regional depth phases (sPg, sPmP, and sPn) can be used to estimate focal
depth if they and their reference phases (Pg, PmP, and Pn) can be
correctly identified.
where k = Vp1 /Vp2 ; Vp1 and Vp2 are P-wave velocities in and beneath the
crust, respectively; h is the focal depth; and t is the differential time. The
differential time is independent of station distance and crustal thickness.
Broad are subduction zone earthquakes, narrow are MOR. Lead to recognition of plates
Types of Earthquakes
Earthquakes are classified by their mode of generation.
There are a number of ways to measure the magnitude of an earthquake. The first
widely-used method, the Richter scale, was developed by Charles F. Richter in 1934. It
used a formula based on amplitude of the largest wave recorded on a specific type of
seismometer and the distance between the earthquake and the seismometer. That
scale was specific to California earthquakes; other scales, based on wave amplitudes
and total earthquake duration, were developed for use in other situations and they
were designed to be consistent with Richter’s scale.
Unfortunately, many scales, such as the Richter scale, do not provide accurate
estimates for large magnitude earthquakes. Today the moment magnitude scale,
abbreviated MW, is preferred because it works over a wider range of earthquake sizes
and is applicable globally. The moment magnitude scale is based on the total moment
release of the earthquake. Moment is a product of the distance a fault moved and the
force required to move it. It is derived from modeling recordings of the earthquake at
multiple stations. Moment magnitude estimates are about the same as Richter
magnitudes for small to large earthquakes. But only the moment magnitude scale is
capable of measuring M8 (read ‘magnitude 8’) and greater events accurately.
Magnitudes are based on a logarithmic scale (base 10). What this means is that for
each whole number you go up on the magnitude scale, the amplitude of the ground
motion recorded by a seismograph goes up ten times. Using this scale, a magnitude 5
earthquake would result in ten times the level of ground shaking as a magnitude 4
earthquake (and 32 times as much energy would be released). To give you an idea
how these numbers can add up, think of it in terms of the energy released by
explosives: a magnitude 1 seismic wave releases as much energy as blowing up 6
ounces of TNT. A magnitude 8 earthquake releases as much energy as detonating 6
million tons of TNT. Fortunately, most of the earthquakes that occur each year are
magnitude 2.5 or less, too small to be felt by most people.
Magnitude scales can be used to describe earthquakes so small that they are
expressed in negative numbers. The scale also has no upper limit, so it can describe
earthquakes of unimaginable and (so far) unexperienced intensity, such as magnitude
10.0 and beyond.
Calculation of Moment Magnitude
The symbol for the moment magnitude scale is Mw, with the subscript w meaning
mechanical work accomplished. The moment magnitude Mw is a dimensionless
number defined by Hiroo Kanamori as
where M0 is the seismic moment in dyne⋅cm (10−7 N⋅m). The constant values in
the equation are chosen to achieve consistency with the magnitude values
produced by earlier scales, such as the Local Magnitude and the Surface Wave
The seismic moment can be determined from the determination of the moment
tensor or by spectral analysis Mw=2/3log10(M0) – 10.7 [dyn-cm=10-7 Nm],
Mw=2/3(log10(M0) - 9.1) [Nm], Mw=2/3log10(M0) – 6.0 [MKS(SI) unit, (meter-kg-
second], Mw is today seen as the ’most correct’ magnitude measure
Comparative energy released by two earthquakes
As with the Richter scale, an increase of one step on this logarithmic scale
corresponds to a 101.5 ≈ 32 times increase in the amount of energy released, and
an increase of two steps corresponds to a 103 = 1000 times increase in energy.
Thus, an earthquake of MW of 7.0 contains 1000 times as much energy as one of
5.0 and about 32 times that of 6.0.
The following formula, obtained by solving the previous equation for M0, allows one
to assess the proportional difference fΔE in energy release between earthquakes of
two different moment magnitudes, say m1 and m2:
2.5 to 5.4 Often felt, but only causes minor damage. 30,000
5.5 to 6.0 Slight damage to buildings and other structures. 500
6.1 to 6.9 May cause a lot of damage in very populated areas. 100
7.0 to 7.9 Major earthquake. Serious damage. 20
8.0 or Great earthquake. Can totally destroy communities
One every 5 to 10 years
greater near the epicenter.
Another way to measure the strength of an earthquake is to use the Mercalli scale.
Invented by Giuseppe Mercalli in 1902, this scale uses the observations of the people
who experienced the earthquake to estimate its intensity.
The Mercalli scale isn't considered as scientific as the Richter scale, though. Some
witnesses of the earthquake might exaggerate just how bad things were during the
earthquake and you may not find two witnesses who agree on what happened;
everybody will say something different. The amount of damage caused by the
earthquake may not accurately record how strong it was either.
Some things that affect the amount of damage that occurs are:
Different building designs hold up differently in an earthquake and the further you are
from the earthquake, the less damage you'll usually see. Whether a building is built on
solid rock or sand makes a big difference in how much damage it takes. Solid rock
usually shakes less than sand, so a building built on top of solid rock shouldn't be as
damaged as it might if it was sitting on a sandy lot
Nuclear explosions
A rule of thumb equivalence from seismology used in the study of nuclear proliferation
asserts that a one kiloton nuclear explosion creates a seismic signal with a magnitude
of approximately 4.0. This in turn leads to the equation
where mTNT is the mass of the explosive TNT that is quoted for comparison (relative
to megatons Mt).
Such comparison figures are not very meaningful. As with earthquakes, during an
underground explosion of a nuclear weapon, only a small fraction of the total amount
of energy released ends up being radiated as seismic waves. Therefore, a seismic
efficiency needs to be chosen for the bomb that is being quoted in this comparison.
Using the conventional specific energy of TNT (4.184 MJ/kg), the above formula
implies that about 0.5% of the bomb's energy is converted into radiated seismic
energy Es. For real underground nuclear tests, the actual seismic efficiency achieved
varies significantly and depends on the site and design parameters of the test.
Tsunami waves are generated by
a submarine earthquake that
displaces the sea floor and water
column above. Long, low waves
are formed above the displaced
sea floor to compensate for the
momentary rise in sea level and
spread very rapidly (at the speed
of a jetliner) in the deep ocean.
In shallower water, the tsunami
slows to highway speeds and
builds in height until it breaks
and crashes onto the shore with
incredible force, causing
destructive flooding along low-
lying coastal areas.