Jam (/iu: University Date-Sheet
Jam (/iu: University Date-Sheet
Jam (/iu: University Date-Sheet
The advance issuance of the date sheet shall not attract the late fee etc. Rest all the existing conditions shall apply.
1. Separate answer sheets shall be provrded to the students in the paper/s having Part l&ll
2. Allthe candidates will take their practical Examination in the respective college.
3. The use of any kind of phone and electronic gadget is prohibited in the Examinations Centre(s).
4 The candidates are further advised to use only BLUE INK OR BALL PEN
5. The candidates are advised not to disclose their identity by writing their name or put any other identification mark in the Answer Book as the
5ame shall tantamount to the use of unfair means and shall be punishable as per the University Statutes
5. Carry bags containing personal belonSings are not allowed in the Examination Centre premises. The University shall not be responsjble for
the ioss of the same.
7. Practical Examination willbe held on 19{2-2025,?.0{2-2025,21{2-2025 & 22t2.2025 in their own respedive colleges.
No.t Exam. tp t/
tot.t2o24 tl ll q
- 51
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Joint Registrar (Exam/Prol-!)
copy to: -
1 Spl. Secy to the Vice- Chanceilor for the information of the Vice- chancellor. 6t( rt
2 5r. P.A. to the Registrar/Controller of Examinations for information of the Registrar/C.8. pleare
3. Principal concerned colleBes.
4. C.A. to the Controller of Examinations.
5. Joinr/Dy. /asstt. Registrar (Exams. /Sty/Conduct/Eval/Conf/Accts/PRl/PRO/Media cell) University of lammu, Jammu
6. i/C website with the request to upload on the University websites
1. Superintendent, Centre conce.ned