Introduction: in our fast-paced world, effective communication is paramount, and the ability to
convey ideas clearly and compellingly is a valuable skill. That’s where slides and PowerPoint come
into play, serving as powerful aids in enhancing our ability to inform, engage, and persuade.
SLIDES: Refer to individual pages on screens that contain visual content ( diagrams, pictures &
photographs) typically displayed via projection or on a computer screen.
These slides can include text, images, graphs, charts and diagram to support and enhance
the information being presented.
They all organized sequentially to structure the flow of information commonly used in
lectures, workshops meetings or any situation where info needs to communicate visually.
They can be effective promoter of discussion, can help make to make abstractions
concrete and can lean realism to an otherwise academic discussion.
Based on method of preparation:
1. Slides made by photographic process:- involves using a camera or photographic
equipment to capture the images, which are then transferred into transparent film or slides.
This method was commonly used before digital presentation become prevalent.
2. Computer based slides: refer to presentation slides creating using software application
like Microsoft, power point, Google slides Apple keynote.
3.Hand made slides: presentation visuals that are created manually
using traditional artistic tools like, paper ,markers ,paints or other
physical materials rather them digital software They uses acetate
sheets, cellophane, etched glass, plain.
Guidelines for use of slides:
The standard size of slides is 2x 2 inches
Slides are prepared in sets of ten, twenty or more for selected
topics. At least five or six slides should be there for the
Based on the objectives of instruction, content may include
written words, sketches, cartoons, graphs, pictures of objects etc
As a rule only one concept or one sketch or one graph is adequate
for one slide.
Description accompanying the visual should be legible, simple and
correct without any spelling mistake.
The size if the letter should not be less than of 6mm .Six to nine
lines can be included in a slide.
it is often helpful to no. the slides to keep them in order( the no.
itself can then be used as an indicator of how slides should be
positioned )
The easiest way to organize a large group of slides is to place
them on a table top at once and select the order in which you want
to show them.
Switch off the lights while showing slides.
Slides must be shown one by one, at a slow rate taking care of the
slow learners.
A long point i.e. a stick or or a radio aerial or a light pointer should be used to point
at appropriate place or the screen
After the slide show, teachers has to Summaries the presentation or asks questions or
request someone to summaries
They are compact easy to carry & light weight.
Easy to store & can be preserved for a long period of time.
Less eye soaring and increased visual impact.
Speed of slide presentation can be controlled by the teacher so that each slide can
be discussed.
Control: by using remote control extension. This allows the teacher to walk around
or stand in front of the class and still control the slides, it is easy to back up the
previous slides if a question arises pertaining to them.
They are expensive.
They can get dirty easily and smudged with finger tips.
Technical glitches or equipment failure.
Less accebility: due to seating arrangements and visibility issues.
Needs proper physical settings: reduced room light.
Project bulbs do not last very long and are expensive to replace.
Physical settings: reduced room light (necessary to get a clear image on the
Projects bulbs do not last very long and are expensive to replace.
Considered time & effort in preparing the power point presentation, teacher needs plenty
of lead time for design and development.
4. Gather the content: select content that is compatible with the equipment available
5. Organise the structure:
Keep in mind any limitations or specific features of the equipment when structuring
your presentation
Plan for transitions and animations that are supported by the hardware
Check equipment:
Ensure the availability & functionality of the necessary equipment such as a computer,
projector, Screen & audio device.
Technical setup: familiarize yourself with the Venue's technical setup .Test your
presentation on the actual equipment to anticipate and resolve any compatibility issue.
Prepare a backup of your presentation (USB drive cloud storage in case of Technical
failure or compatibility issue.
Adaptability :be ready for unexpected situation by having contingency plans for technical
hiccups, such as having printed handouts or being prepared to present without slide if
Slide content
Headings and titles :make titles and headings clear and concise .They should give
an immediate idea of the content on the slide
Bullet points or key ideas: use brief points instead of long sentences or paragraphs.
Avoid text dance slides: it is better to have more slides than trying to place too
much text on one slide. Remember rule of 6 lines in slide and 6 words in each line.
Use power point to cue and guide the presentation rather than project long and
complete sentences
Use the notes pages feature to add content to your presentation which the
audience will not see.
Relate PowerPoint materials to course objectives to rein force their purpose.
7.Number of slides: as a rule of thumb plan to show one slide per minute to account for
discussion and time and for students to absorb the material.
General guideline short presentation:
Short presentation :5 to 10 minutes (5 to 10 slides)focus on key points and keep the pace
Medium length presentation 20 to 30 minutes (50 to 30 slides)
Longer presentation 45 to1 hour( 32 to 50 slides) depends on complexity content the
amount of detain you need to cover and pace of your speech
8. Emphasizing content:
Use italics bold and color for emphasizing content.
Avoid using underlines for emphasis which typically signifies hypertext in digital
Use of light background (White beige yellow) with dark type face or a dark
background below( purple, brown ) close be there light typist is easy to read in a
large room.
rely on monochromatic non texted background
9 Type phase:.
use a sans serif type face such as aerial ,Helvetica.
limit the number of typeface stylish to no more than two per slides
10.point size: ensure the typeface is large enough to read from any wire in the room titles
and headings should be no less than 36 to 40 points.The text should be no less than 32
11.clipart and graphical shows that it is best to use graphics only when they support the
Photographs can be effectively used to add realism
use two dimensional and bar graphic rather than 3D styles which can interfere with the
intended message
11.animation and sound: add motion ,sound or music only when necessary. Excessive
movement within or between slides can interfere with the message and can be annoying.
Avoid or use only simple screen transition.
Save time and energy once the presentation has been created.
it is easy to update and can be modified for other courses.
It is portable and can be easily shared with students and colleagues.
Support multimedia such as video, audio images and animation.
Reduces opportunity for classroom interaction by being the primary method of
information dissemination.
Teacher just read out slide and if if light goes she feels handicapped affecting
Leads to information overload especially with long sentences and paragraphs
PowerPoint can drive the instruction and minimize the opportunity for spontaneity
and creative teaching.
In conclusion, this assignment underscores the pivotal role of well-crafted slides in
PowerPoint presentations. Effective design, concise content, and engaging visuals are
crucial for captivating audiences and delivering information effectively. By adhering to
these principles, one can create impactful and memorable presentations that leave a
lasting impression
1. Mukesh Chandra Sharma. Textbook of Nursing Education: communication and
educational technology. First Edition.Haryana.jaypee;2013:209- 210
2. KP Neeraja.Textbook of Nursing Education. First Edition.Haryana.jaypee;2003:222-223
3. BT Basvanthapa.Nursing Education.First edition.Noida.jaypee;2003:453
4. D.Elakkuvana Bhaskara Raj, Nima Bhaskar.Textbook of Nursing Education.Second
5. Jaspreet Kaur Sodhi. Comprehensive Textbook Of Nursing Education. Second
Edition.Dehli.Jaypee; 2022:161-163.