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Name: Kausal Exp No.

: 5
Roll No.: B210195CH Date: 12-02-2024



To study the effect of gain, integral time and derivative time of PID Controller on the closed
loop performance.


The most commonly used controller in industry is PID controller. Here three tuning parameters
are available in hand. The controller gain kc which will increase the closed loop response, τi,
which will eliminates the offset and τd which will makes the performance robust.

The controller representation is:

Gc(s)= kc + (1/ τi)s + τds


Case-1: Design and performance of PID controller using Z-N

settings: Ziegler-Nichols Method:

1. First, note whether the required proportional control gain is positive or negative. To do
so, step the input u up (increased) a little, under manual control, to see if the resulting
steady state value of the process output has also moved up (increased). If so, then the
steady-state process gain is positive and the required Proportional control gain, Kc, has
to be positive as well.

2. Turn the controller to P-only mode, i.e. turn both the Integral and Derivative modes off.

3. Turn the controller gain, Kc, up slowly (more positive if Kc was decided to be so in
step 1, otherwise more negative if Kc was found to be negative in step 1) and observe
the output response. Note that this requires changing Kc in step incremen
and waiting for a steady state in the output, before another change in Kc is implemented.

4. When a value of Kc results in a sustained periodic oscillation in the output (or close to
it), mark this critical value of Kc as Ku, the ultimate gain. Also, measure the period of
oscillation, Pu, referred to as the ultimate period. ( Hint: for the system A in the PID
simulator, Ku should be around 0.7 and 0.8 )

If M is the amplitude ratio of the system response at the cross over frequency ωco,

Ultimate gain = Ku=1/M

Ultimate period of sustained cycling Tu= 2 Π / ωco

5. Using the values of the ultimate gain, Ku, and the ultimate period, Pu, Ziegler and
Nichols prescribes the following values for Kc, tI and tD, depending on which type of
controller is desired:

Ziegler-Nichols Method (Closed-loop P-Control Test)

Step 0: Develop a Simulink model as below

Step 1: Determine the sign of process gain.

Step 2: Implement a proportional control and introducing a new set-point.

Step 3: Increase proportional gain until sustained periodic oscillation.

Step 4: Record ultimate gain and ultimate period Ku and Pu.
Step 5: Evaluate control parameters as prescribed by Ziegler and Nichols (Using Table 1).

Step 6: Evaluate the performance of P, PI and PID controllers and compare the
closed loop responses (Servo regulatory).

Table 1: Ziegler Nichols Tuning Rules

As an alternative to the table above, another set of tuning values have been determined
by Tyreus and Luyblen for PI and PID, often called the TLC tuning rules. These values tend to
reduce oscillatory effects and improves robustness.

Tyreus-Luyben Method (Closed-loop P-Control test)

Step 1-4: Same as steps 1 to 4 of Ziegler-Nichols method above.

Step 5: Evaluate control parameters as prescribed by Tyreus and Luyben (Table 2).

Step 6: Evaluate the performance of P, PI and PID controllers and compare the closed loop
responses (Servo regulatory).

Table 2. Tyreus-Luyben Tuning Rules for PI and PID

Case-2: Design and performance of PID controller using Cohen-Coon

settings: Cohen Coon Tuning Method

1. Under Manual mode, wait until the process is at steady state.

2. Next, introduce a step change in the input.
3. Based on the output, obtain an approximate first order process with a time constant t
delayed by tDEL units from when the input step was introduced.

The values of t and tDEL can be obtained by first recording the

following time instances:

t0 = time when input step was initiated

t2 = time when half point occurs

t3 = time when 63.2% point occurs

4. From the measurements based on the step test: t0, t2, t3, A and B, evaluate the
following process parameters:

5. Based on the parameters K, t and tDEL, the controller parameters Kc, tI and tD can
be calculated.

Cohen-Coon Method (Open-loop Test)

Step 1: Perform a step test to obtain the parameters of a FOPTD (first order plus time delay)

i. Make sure the process is at an initial steady state

ii. Introduce a step change in the manipulated variable

iii. Wait until the process settles at a new steady state

Step 2: Calculate process parameters: t1, τ, τdel, K, r.

Step 3: Using the process parameters, use the prescribed values given by Cohen and
Coon (Table 3).

Table 3. Cohen-Coon Tuning Rules.

Step 4: Evaluate the performance of P, PI and PID controllers and compare the closed loop

Results :

1)Ziegler-Nicholos Method:
Ku Pu(sec)
143.5 3.971

Kc Ti Td
P 71.75
PI 65.2272 3.0917
PID 84.4118 1.9855 0.4964
2)Tyreus-Luyben Method:

Ku Pu(sec)
143.5 3.971

Kc Ti Td
PI 44.84375 8.7362
PID 84.4118 1.9855 0.4964
3)Cohen-Coon Method:

B B/2 0.632B A
0.67135 0.335675 0.4342932 1
t0 t2 t3
0 35.328 50.007
t1 T Tdel K r
2.169733 47.8372 2.1697 0.67135 0.04536

Kc Ti Td
P 33.3371
PI 29.68065 6.60002
PID 44.1598 5.24004 0.78254
Tuning rules work quite well when we have an analog controller, a system that is linear
monotonic and sluggish and a response that is dominated by single pole exponential lag.

Ziegler Nicholas Tuning:

This works for both closed and open loops. This method presumes an additional frictional phase
adjustment that doesn’t distort the assumed magnitude roll off. This rule assumes system has transfer
function of form {K x exp(-sT) / (a+s)}

• It is very simple to use

• This method provides a starting point for determination of the parameter

• The tuning obtained can’t be used as it is. Some fine tuning is required to get
appropriate output.
• Because of the parameter setting, which are aggressive, large overshoots and
oscillations are obtained.
• When done for closed loops, it is very sensitive to parameter variation.
• If there are predominant delays, then even after tuning, performance might be
Cohen Coon Tuning:
This works for open loops and is a 3 parameter setting method. The main design criterion is load
disturbance rejection. This method attempts to achieve a decay ratio that is quarter of position closed
loop poles. PI and PID controllers sets at expected values and P controller shows some offset.

• This method is effective on virtually all control loops with self-regulating

• Works well for systems with delay.
• Is designed for non-interactive controllers.
• Faster response than Ziegler Nicholas.

• This is unstable for closed loop systems.

• It is a manual method.
• Varies greatly even for small change in the process parameters.
• Can be used only for 1 order systems (including large delays).

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