Daily Lesson Log: Department of Education

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School Grade Level 11


Department of Education Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 10 Quarter QUARTER 1



A.Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

the principles and techniques of design using online creation tools, platforms, and applications to develop ICT content for specific
professional tracks.

B.Performance Standards At the end of the 2-week period independently apply the principles and techniques of design using online creation tools, platforms, and
applications to create original or derivative ICT content for use in specific professional tracks

These may be in the form of, but not limited to:

1. Survey instruments using Google forms (Business/Academic)

2. Athletic match-ups and league standings using Mindmeister (Sports)

3. Catalogues/Swatches/options for products and services using Prezi (TechVoc)

4. Online photo album of artistic works or photographs using Picasa (Arts)

5. Online music production using Sibelius (Music)

C.Learning Share and showcase existing Evaluate the quality, value, and First Quarterly Assessment First Quarterly Assessment
Competencies/Objectives or previously developed appropriateness of peer’s existing
material in the form of a or previously developed ICT
Write the LC Code for each
collaboratively designed content in relation to the theme
newsletter or blog site or intended audience/ viewer of
intended for a specific an ICT project
audience or viewer
Evaluate the quality, value,
and appropriateness of peer’s
existing or previously
developed ICT content in
relation to the theme or
intended audience/ viewer of
an ICT project


Sharing of Online Content Sharing of Online Content



1.Teacher’s Guides/Pages

2.Learner’s Materials Pages Empowerment Technology by Empowerment Technology by

Sixie Rozz O. Penaso, pp. 51-58 Sixie Rozz O. Penaso, pp. 51-58

3.Textbook Pages

4.Additional Materials from Learning

Resources (LR) portal

B.Other Learning Resources wix.com analytics.google.com


A.Reviewing previous lesson or Review the learners about Review the learners about Wix
presenting the new lesson blogging. analytics.

B.Establishing a purpose for the Ask the learners about the Ask the learners what they know
lesson things they have seen on Wix about demographics.

C.Presenting examples/instances of Tell them that Wix has tool to Tell the class that Google can
the new lesson monitor statistics of the track the visitation activities on a
website. site.

D.Discussing new concepts and Discuss the analytic tools on Discuss Google Analytics.
practicing new skills #1 Wix.

E.Discussing new concepts and Discuss ways how to share

practicing new skills #2 contents of a site.

F.Developing mastery The learners will analyze the The learners will analyze graphs
visits data they have on their from Google Analytics account
(Leads to formative assessment)
Wix account. of their teacher.

G.Finding practical/applications of Ask: Ask:

concepts and skills in daily living

How can blogging help you to How can Google Analytics help
improve your mathematics you to value individual
skills? differences?

H. Making generalizations and The learners will state their The learners will state their
abstractions about the lesson takeaways in the learning learnings on this session.

I.Evaluating Learning The learners will have to The learners will have their quiz.
evaluate the sites of their

J.Additional activities for application

or remediation


A.No. of learners who earned 80% of
the formative assessment

B.No. of learners who require

additional activities to remediation

C.Did the remedial lessons work?

No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson

D.No. of learners who continue to

require remediation

E.Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these work?

F.What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G.What innovation or localized

material did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked and Noted:

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