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Crystal Spells

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Make an infusion of the herb mugwort, and while it is still warm, strain it. Bathe the
stone or mirror in the infusion while quietly chanting nine times:

Lovely oracle of magic worth, fair creature of psychic light, the truest answers, you shall
bring forth, you shall be my eyes, my sight.

As you are chanting, envision the mirror or stone awakening to you and your own
psychic abilities.


To improve your work productivity, during the waxing moon place a hematite in a bowl
and enchant it by saying: ground and heal, magnetic one; bring me clarity on this day.

Add a quartz crystal to bowl and say: bring boundless energy to me; may it last through
this day.

Add a calcite and say: stone of joy and yellow light, help me sort through my work today.

Place the container of stones on your desk or anywhere in your workspace and say: help
me work through this day; bring me inspiration, and when the day is done, may the labor
be finished.


Find two stones, one representing the female and one representing the male. Hold these
two stones together in your hand so that they are touching while chanting the following:

Stones of power, stones of might, love each other day and night. Guard each other in the
rain, until the sun will shine again. Stones of power, stones of might, bring me love if it
be right.

Repeat the chant as many times as you like and when you are done place the two stones
inside a box to be put away where they will not be disturbed. It is important to make sure
that the stones are still touching when they are inside the box.

The stones will increase your and your partner’s sexual prowess.


Find a naturally holed stone and put it in a bowl of water under the moon’s light. The
moon should be new, waxing, or full for the most potent vibrations. Say:

Lady Luna, bless this water with healing energies.

Cover the water with something clear so nothing will contaminate it, but it will still be
able to absorb the moon’s light, and let it rest overnight.

Use this water for healing baths, to anoint healing charms or other magical tools, or
anything else you require healing water to enhance.


Hold a hematite stone, feel its vibrations and channel healing energy into the stone.

Chant: Stone of hematite, stone so black, give me the healing energy that I lack. Stone of
hematite, heal me now with the speed of light.

Keep the hematite close to your body until you have healed from the illness.


There may be aspects of our lives which we would like to improve, but we haven’t found
success doing so. When something needs to change, a crystal can help. Crystals can be
programmed to change negative behaviors and break bad habits.

For example, you want to stop over eating chocolate. You know you should stop for
health reasons but haven’t found the will power. Program a crystal by telling it something
like, “I have completely lost any desire for chocolate.”

Wear the crystal around your neck or keep it in a pocket. Whenever you want chocolate,
touch your crystal and feel the urge go away. To get the most out of your crystal, you
need to choose the right crystal to work with.

Pick a crystal by attraction, by being drawn to touch it, and hold it in your left hand.
Notice how you feel when holding the crystal. Notice its color and vibrations. No two
crystals are the same. Each crystal has a unique vibration. The right crystal will feel
pleasing in your hand and that is how you will know you have chosen correctly.

Before you use your crystals cleanse it. The easiest way to clean your crystal is to hold it
in the bright sunlight and order it to be completely cleansed. Once cleansed, program it
with your desired goal.


Small stone of your choice

Candle in the correct color for what you want
3 herbs corresponding with what you want
Plain carrier oil
Small bowl of water
Small bowl, empty
To start, meditate on what you want. Picture what you want very clearly. Only when you
can clearly picture your desire should you move forward with the spell.

Light the candle and hold the crystal in your power hand. Concentrate on what you want.
Pass the crystal through the flame, back and forth, a total of three times.

Place the crystal in the water and hover your hands above it. Once again concentrate on
what you want. Allow the crystal to sit in the water for a few minutes.

Remove the crystal from the water and surround it with the herbs in the dry bowl.
Concentrate on your desires once more.

You can use the stone of luck spell for anything you need. The key to this empowerment
is concentration and belief. When you have completed this spell, carry the stone around
with you. Eventually you will start to get what you want.

The power of the stone can be refreshed as needed by holding it in two hands and
concentrating once more on your desire.


7 pieces of turquoise
Green bag
Full moon

Place the turquoise in a small circle under a full moon and leave them to soak up the light
for six hours. After six hours, gather the stones in your hand and say:

Luck be quick and luck be kind, lucky seven good luck be mine.

Place stones into green bag and carry with you wherever you go. When you need a bit of
luck, find a moving body of water and remove one of the stones from the bag. Charge it
with your intent, state what you need luck for, and toss the stone into the water while
stating your intent out loud.


Moon waxing to full

Jasmine incense
Rose Quartz
Red candle

This spell should be completed in your bedroom window with curtains opened and blinds
raised. If temperature permits, open the window to let the light of moon inside.
Hold all three crystals in your hand while visualizing your ideal partner. Visualize this is
fully as you can, leaving out few details. This spell is not for receiving love from a
specific partner, but rather for the traits and characteristics you want in a partner. When
you can see your ideal partner, light the candle.

Project your vision in the crystals also adding honesty, trust, and respect if you haven’t
already. Lay the stones around the candle and leave them in place until the candle is
finished. As it burns, the energy in the crystals will slowly dissipate, releasing your
thoughts and desires into the air.

These crystals should be kept near your bed until love enters your life.


Pink candle
White candle

On your altar, place the pink candle on the left and the white candle on the right and light

Energize the moonstone in your power hand by infusing it with all the love you have to
give in a relationship. Place it between the two candles.

Sprinkle the cinnamon in a figure eight pattern around the two candles with the
moonstone being the center point of the eight. As you sprinkle, say:

Oh Great Goddess of the light, bring me happiness, true and bright! May a new love so
true come to me. So mote it be!

Allow the candles to finish burning to complete the spell. The moonstone should be
carried with you until you meet your lover.


For generalized healing, charge six lodestones and a blue candle with healing energy.

Light the candle and place the lodestones in a circle around it and burn the candle for
fifteen minutes.

The lodestones may be carried in pairs, worn in a bag as an amulet around your neck, and
kept under the pillow at night.
The candle, surrounded by all six lodestones, should be burned for fifteen minutes a day
until it is finished.


Hematite is an all purpose grounding and energy balancing stone.

Choose a hematite stone that you are attracted to and in a quiet place, tell it all of your
troubles. One by one, no matter how long it takes you, explain each trouble or problem
that you have thoroughly and clearly.

When you are finished, bury the hematite somewhere away from your home. This will
shrink your troubles and relieve your problems as the Earth neutralizes the negativity you
have placed into the stone.


Locate a stone that feels strong to you. Stones that correspond with Saturn are an
excellent choice. These are tourmaline, Apache tears, and snowflake obsidian, though any
stone will work, especially if you find the stone yourself from the Earth.

Choose a quiet and private outdoor space and make a circle of salt on the ground large
enough for you to sit in. While seated and holding the stone, draw the Earth’s energy up
into your body. Draw rings of protection up and around yourself from inside of the Earth.
Continue to visualize the rings until they are solid, strong, and secure.

When you are ready, leave the circle of salt with your stone. You now have a powerful
protection charm which you can carry with you and use as needed. When needed, take the
stone out and hold it tightly with both hands, drawing its protective rings out and around


Stone you find yourself

Holy water
Green candle
White candle

Try and find a stone to use as your healing stone with your own hands. Your own
property or living area is a good place to start looking for a stone. A stone chosen from
your own yard will be more powerful than one found elsewhere.

If you cannot locate a stone on your own property, you may search elsewhere as long as
you have positive feelings towards the area you are searching. Should that fail, you may
buy a Tiger’s Eye.
Light the white candle and use its smoke to cleanse and consecrate the area, and then
extinguish it. Charge the green candle with healing energy and light it.

Lay the stone in front of the green candle and hold the pentacle over it. If you have no
pentacle, make one out of paper for this step.

Now project healing energy through the pentacle into the stone with all the power in your
being. When you are ready, remove the pentacle, extinguish the candle, and sprinkle the
stone with holy water. It is now a powerful healing charm.


Crystal of your choice, preferably red or orange

Spring Water
Pinch of Salt

First purify the crystal by washing it in salt water and then rinsing it. Next, hold it in both
hands while closing your eyes and imagining yourself filling with the healing energy of
the crystal. Imagine yourself bathed in a stream of pure energy which runs from the
crystal through your hands and into your body.

Sleep with the crystal under your pillow for increased physical vigor.


Invoke the Goddess and God. Light some candles and herbs of the correct healing
property according to what issue you are trying to heal. Place the crystal in between the
Goddess and God candle and say:

O great goddess
Shine your lunar ray of light upon this crystal
Great Goddess charge this stone with healing power
O great god
Shine you solar ray of light upon this crystal
Great God empower this stone with your magic light
Blessed be

Now tough the crystal with your left hand and visualize a luna and solar ray of light
shining down on the crystal. Feel the energies flowing through the stone. Now hold the
crystal with its point toward your body with your right hand and visualize a light of the
correct healing color radiating from the crystal to the area of you body where you are
sick, imagine the light healing your body. Now point the crystal away from your body
and visualize the negative energies moving out of your body through the crystal. This rite
is over.

Quartz crystal

If you have a piece of quartz, first wash it in warm soapy water and rinse it with running
water. Then hold the crystal in both hands. Close your eyes and imagine being bathed in
white light. Visualize the area of your illness and point the crystal to that site. Imagine a
stream of light flowing from the crystal and bathing the area in its pure rays.

Place your crystal under your pillow while you sleep.


Basic altar set up with salt and a bowl of water

Candle color corresponding to whatever you need
Crystal corresponding to whatever you need

Shield, ground, center, cast a circle, and call the God and Goddess.

Cleanse crystal by sprinkling with water, then with salt. Say the following:

This crystal is hereby cleansed and dedicated to the workings of the Goddess and God.
If possible use the crystal to scratch an image symbolic of your need on the candle
As the candle is scratched, visualize your need with crystal clarity as if it had already
been manifested.

Chant to raise power. Place the candle in the candleholder and set the crystal near it.
Light the candle. Watch the burning flame and again strongly visualize and chant
regarding your need. Allow the candle to burn down and then begin using your crystal
charm to manifest your desire.


2 light blue candles

1 white candle
Equal parts Allspice and Rosemary OR any healing incense
Picture or paper with name of recipient written on it
Small quartz crystal

Place the candles on your altar or workspace in a semi circle with the white candle
between the two blue ones. Place your incense burner above the white candle.
Place the person’s name or picture in the center of the layout, with the quartz crystal on
Light the incense then the candles. Center yourself and inhale the incense as you think of
all ill health dispelling from the person and instead being replaced by healing energy, as
much as the air is filled with the smoke of the incense.

Gather your healing energy and when you feel ready, release the energy, directing it
through the crystal and to the recipient whose name or photo is beneath it. Give the
recipient the crystal to carry as a charm for continued good health.


If you feel you are being subjected to heavy negativity, light a white candle and place it
on the ground or floor. Sit before it with a handful of small amber beads or pieces, and
using them, create a circle around yourself.

Sit within the circle while restoring your energy and closing yourself to any and all
outside influences. Repeat as necessary.


Place nine small beads or pieces of amber into a bath of very warm water. Soak in the tub
until the water cools, then retrieve the amber, towel off, and carry or wear one of the
beads or pieces until your next bath.


When emotionally upset, stressed to the point of severe mental problems, or when in any
unstable condition, go to a place outside where you can be alone. Hold an amethyst in
your left hand. Pour out all your feelings, your emotions, from your body through your
arm, out your palm and into the stone.

Feel every pain, every emotional low, every hurt and send it into the stone with all the
force of your innate magical abilities. When the stone is nearly bursting with negativity,
throw it with as much force as you can muster. Scream, howl, choke out a shout as you
throw the stone.

As you hand releases the amethyst, release the hurt as well. Know that it is in the stone,
that it is outside you, that it is now alien to you. Calm down, breathe deeply, meditate for
a few moments. Thank the earth for its help, then turn around and leave your problems
behind you.

The earth will absorb the hurt, leaving the stone free, but never bring that stone into your
life again.

A gentle cleansing tincture can be made by placing an aquamarine in a glass of fresh

water. Let this sit in full moonlight outdoors, if possible, for three hours. It is best to
either use a jar with a lid as your glass, or cover an open top glass was saran wrap to keep
bugs and debris out of your water while still allowing it to absorb moonlight.

Retrieve the stone after three hours and drink the liquid for purification and heightened
psychic awareness.


Place a piece of azurite between two white candles in a darkened room.

Light the candles. Hold the azurite in you hand until it is warm, emptying your mind of

Close your eyes until you feel the azurite’s soft, slow energies touching your hand. Then
open your eyes and gaze at the stone until answers or messages come through. You may
ask for specific answers by quietly speaking your questions to the azurite.


In a darkened room, light a red candle. Settle before it and hold a large piece of hematite
so that the candle flame is reflected on it. Gaze at the reflection and visualize a question.
The answer will come to you.


Take a bill of the highest denomination you have. Rub it completely over with the tiger’s
eye, and then tightly wrap the bill around the stone. Tie the bill firmly to it with green
thread and carry in your pocket to increase your money. Don’t spend the bill until the
spell has worked.


Place a piece of Chrysocolla in your hand. Visualize it attracting a love to you. Place the
stone in a small red or pink cup half filled with water. In this place three red roses. Add
fresh roses to the water as the others fade. Love will come into your life.


Place a round mirror on the altar or behind it so you can see your face in it from a
kneeling position. Place two green candles on either side of the mirror. Light the candles.
Empower an opal with your need for beauty. While holding the stone, gaze into your
reflection. With visualization, mold and form your face and body to the form you desire.
Carry or wear the opal and dedicate yourself to improving your appearance daily.

Just as semiprecious and precious stones have been used for a wide variety of magical
purposes, so too have plain, ordinary stones. Nothing in nature is without its magical

This section contains minor rituals utilizing any kind of stone you find in your backyard,
on the beach or anywhere out in nature. In these spells, use your powers of visualization
and concentration to direct the energy through the stones. Here, the rocks are usually
focal points or tools that add little power of their own. Some of them are amulets and
talismans of a kind.

That’s not to say that a piece of granite made up of quartz, hornblende and various other
minerals doesn’t contain its own powers, but such stones lack focused energy. Since this
is the kind most needed in magic, it is more difficult to work with them than with
amethyst and carnelian. Therefore, in the simple spells that follow, don’t worry about
which stone to use. Take whatever is at hand.


Go to a moving brook or stream. While standing in the water and facing downstream,
remove five small pebbles from the stream bed. While you do this, visualize your need
for protection. As your hand closes over the pebbles, see them beaming out protective
energies. Just as the pebbles are hard and have weathered for eons, so too will they
strengthen your protective shield.

Now carry them at all times for protection. If you wish, place them in a small pouch or a
fold of cloth, or incorporate them into some form of jewelry.


Spend a few minutes gathering stones. Half should be dark and half of a lighter color.
Place them on the ground before you. Ask your question or keep it in mind.
Close your eyes and jumble the stones around for a few seconds; then, with your left or
receptive hand, remove one of the stones. If you picked a dark stone, the answer is yes or
the prospects favorable. If light, the answer is no, or the prospect is unfavorable.


Go to a place that contains many water worn stones. Look for a large, flat rock while
visualizing yourself being involved with the perfect mate. On this rock mark with red ink
two intertwined hearts. As you do this, keep the visualization in mind. When you are
finished, bury the stone in the earth in an uncultivated place.


Take any stone. Hold it in your projective hand for several minutes while visualizing your
need. Flood the stone with your need and with your emotional involvement with your

Send power out from your body to the stone. Use your visualization to see it streaming
into the rock. Then throw the stone into running water. It is done.


To be rid of diseases, unhealthy habits, hurt feelings and any other disturbing
manifestations of life, hold any stone in your projective hand and visualize the problem in
detail. Visualize the part of you that is to be banished as entering the stone. See the
problem and its causes leaving you and infusing the stone.

When you can send no more energy into it, throw the stone onto a hot fire, throwing with
it the causes and manifestations of your problem. Stand back because the stone may

If you have no fire or don’t wish to have rocks exploding, throw the stone into the air or
into water, thereby releasing the problem causing energy from your body. It is done.


The ancients regarded turquoise as a powerful magickal aid to ward off misfortune,
illness, and the evil eye. You can use turquoise to make your own amulet for protection.

To begin, during the waxing Moon take a piece of blue turquoise or an item of blue
turquoise jewelry and hold it in your hand for a moment. In your mind’s eye, picture a
blue light surrounding you. Hold the stone to your heart, and breathe on it to charge it
with your power, saying:

Stone of blue, surround me with protective energy.

I am protected by your soothing blue light.
Carry your turquoise with you or wear it as often as you can.
Handle it frequently to keep the spell active.


The black opal is widely known as the Witches Stone and is prized for its ability to
enhance all magical workings.

To increase the magical power of your work, choose a black opal charm and charge it by

Opal black of burning fire, add to my work the power that is required to make my magic
make its mark by the light of the day or the night of the dark.

This is something that can be done, alone, on a walk in the countryside, with no extra
magickal tools or paraphernalia. It is simple magic and down to earth paganism. It can be
applied for any need, but is particularly suitable for Earthy needs, such as money,
housing, jobs, healing.

Take one stone, and speak or think into it your need. Place the stone firmly on the ground.
Take another and repeat, until you have a fair sized mound, or Cairn. As each stone is
placed, imagine that the magic is building and that your need is getting nearer to being

If you have no stones, you can still do this with imaginary stones, or pebbles, or whatever
else seems right at the particular moment.


You can use the Stone of Luck spell for anything, love, money, health, wealth, spirit
awareness, etc. The key to this empowerment is concentration and belief.

When you have completed this spell, carry the stone around with you. Eventually you
will start to get what you want.

You will need:

Small stone of your choice (any kind)
Candle, herbs, and incense that correspond to what you want
Salt water
Jasmine oil
Glass bowl

First you need to meditate on what you want. After you feel you have meditated long
enough, you may start the spell.

Light the candle and incense. Hold the rock in your power hand. Concentrate on what
you want.

Run the rock through the flame three times, and then put it into the water. Cup your hands
over the bowl. Then take the rock out of the water and sprinkle the herbs on it.
After you have done that, put the rock into a dry bowl. Visualize yourself getting what
you want.

Anoint the rock with the oil and put the rock back into the dry bowl. Sprinkle some salt
onto the rock. Concentrate more, then wrap the rock in the cloth and leave it for at least
24 hours. Let the candle and incense burn all the way out. Dispose of the water.

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