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Last Updated on: 08 Jan 2024

Circuit Breakers
Aim to spot Undiscovered stocks that are in Action Right Now

High Volatility
65.36% Since: February 1, 2022

smallcase rationale
Sitanshu uses cutting edge research techniques to combine Technical Analysis,
Fundamental Analysis & Sentiment analysis all together to ind Undiscovered

Good Technicals: Breakouts, Patterns, Volumes, Indicators etc.

Good Fundamentals: High Sales, Pro its, Margins etc.

Good Sentiments: Macro Economy, News Flow, New Orders, Acquisitions,

Merger, Bonus, Dividends etc.

It is a well known concept that to boost returns in overall portfolio, one needs to
invest small portion in high risk high return type of assets. This Smallcase is
designed to try and achieve that. Circuit Breakers recommends high risk high
return type of stocks to investors, for them to attempt to generate alpha in their
overall portfolio.

All recommended stocks should be treated individually and this is not a model
portfolio. This service is provided according to rules of SEBI registered research
analyst and nothing more.

If there are no good opportunities in the markets, he will shift to safe assets like
debt and gold to protect investors capital.

Created by SEBI Reg. Number Subscription Type

PowerTrade INH000008552 Paid

Invest in this smallcase here


De ining the universe

All publicly traded companies on the National Stock Exchange of
India are included in the universe

I use Technical Analysis, Fundamental Analysis & Sentiment
analysis in combination all together to ind stocks that tend to hit
Circuit Limits.

Good Technicals: Breakouts, Patterns, Volumes, Indicators etc.

Good Fundamentals: High Sales, Pro its, Margins etc.

Good Sentiments: Macro Economy, News Flow, New Orders,

Acquisitions, Merger, Bonus, Dividends etc.

Constituent Screening
The researcher does individual stock picking after doing Technical
Analysis, Fundamental Analysis & Sentiment Analysis and decides
on a host of qualitative and quantitative parameters to be
considered while screening stocks for the respective strategy

Mostly Equal Weighted

This smallcase will be rebalanced on an as-needed basis

Asset Allocation
Asset class with possibility of higher momentum will be selected

*** If there are no good opportunities in the markets, I will shift to

safe assets like debt and gold to protect investors capital.


Ratio smallcase Equity Smallcap

PE Ratio 56.19 30.46

PB Ratio 2.60 3.97

Sharpe Ratio 0.84 0.97

Dividend Yield (%) 0.21 0.59

Important Fields
Inception Date Launch Date Marketcap Category
December 31, 2021 February 1, 2022 Equity Smallcap

Review Frequency Last Reviewed Next Review On

Need Basis November 29, 2023 To Be Decided

Market Cap Distribution

Large Cap Mid Cap Small Cap

0.00% 0.00% 100.00%

Live Performance vs Equity Smallcap

Circuit Breakers vs Equity Smallcap





April July October 2023 April July October 2024

Note: Live performance includes rebalances. It is a tool to communicate factual

return information and should not be seen as advertisement or promotion.

Returns over various periods

1M Returns 3M Returns 6M Returns 1Y Returns

smallcase smallcase smallcase smallcase

14.95% -3.46% 25.4% 62.32%

Equity Small… Equity Small… Equity Small… Equity Small…

6.29% 20.99% 36.89% 59.01%

How to subscribe

How to invest

De initions and Disclosures


CAGR (compounded annual growth rate) is a useful measure of growth or

performance of a portfolio. Every year returns generated by a portfolio are
different. Let's say if a portfolio is live for 3 years and returns generated by the
portfolio are 5%, 15% & -7%, respectively in the irst, second and third year. Then
we calculate CAGR as a return number that would give the same terminal
investment value at the end of three years, as we get when the portfolio gains by
5% & 15% in the irst two years and drops by 7% in the third year. The CAGR in this
case would be 3.94%. This means that you will always end up with the same
investment value at the end of the third year, if your portfolio gains by 3.94% every
year or 5%, 15% and -7%, respectively in the irst, second and third year.
In simple words, it indicates the annual return generated by the smallcase from
the date of launch. For smallcases live for less than 1 year, absolute returns in the
applicable time period are shown. Only live data is considered for all calculations.
Returns and CAGR numbers don’t include backtested data.
P.S. - CAGR calculation methodology got updated from 25th Apr’22 on all
smallcase Platforms. Please read this post to understand the changes in detail

Volatility Label

Changes in stock/ETF prices on a daily basis result in luctuations to the

investment value of your portfolio. In order to help investors understand the extent
of luctuation they might observe with their smallcase investment, every smallcase
is categorized into one of the three volatility buckets - High, Medium and Low
Volatility. This is done by comparing the smallcase’s volatility against that of the
Nifty 100 Index.
If the daily change in the investment value of a portfolio is too drastic, it means
prices of stocks/ETFs in the portfolio are changing very rapidly. Such portfolios
have High Volatility. Investing in High Volatility smallcases means that changes in
your investment values can be very sudden and drastic, whereas luctuations in
the investment value of Low Volatility smallcases are expected to be lower in
For more information about how volatility is calculated, please check here


Stocks/ETFs belonging to a smallcase are categorized under different segments.

Weightage of a segment is calculated as sum of weights of all stocks belonging to
that segment. Suppose 4 stocks, with each having a weight of 10%, belong to the
Food Products segment. Then the weight of the Food Product segment in the
smallcase will be 40% (4*10)

For smallcases where manager has not prescribed any weights, equal weights are
assumed for calculations.


Rebalancing is the process of periodically reviewing and updating the

constituents of a smallcase. This is done to ensure that constituents in the
smallcase continue to re lect the underlying theme or strategy

Market Cap Categorization of Stocks

All the stocks listed on NSE(National Stock Exchange) are arranged in decreasing
order of Market Cap, so that the stock with the largest market cap gets 1st Rank.
Stocks ranked equal to or below 100 are categorized as Large Cap. Stocks ranked
below or equal to 250, but ranked above 100 are categorized as Mid Cap stocks.
Stocks ranked above 250 are categorized as smallcap

Market Cap Categorization of smallcases

If the sum of weights of constituent large cap stocks is greater than 50%,
then smallcase is categorized as Largecap

If the sum of weights of constituent mid cap stocks is greater than 50%, then
smallcase is categorized as Midcap

If the sum of weights of constituent small cap stocks is greater than 50%,
then smallcase is categorized as Smallcap

If the sum of weights of constituent large cap stocks is greater than 30%,
sum of weights of mid cap stocks are greater than 30%, and sum of weights
of large cap and mid cap stocks are greater than 80%, then smallcase is
categorized as Large & Midcap

If the sum of weights of constituent small cap stocks is greater than 30%,
sum of weights of mid cap stocks are greater than 30%, and sum of weights
of small cap and mid cap stocks are greater than 80%, then smallcase is
categorized as Mid & Smallcap

If none of the above conditions are met, then smallcase is categorized as


For smallcases where manager has not prescribed any weights, equal
weights are assumed for calculations.

Comparison of live performance

To help investors make informed decisions, smallcase platform provide many

tools. One of the tools provided on the platform is the comparison of the live
performance of the smallcase. This comparison is a tool to communicate
factual return information and should not be seen as advertisement or
promotion. Following methodology is used to provide users different options
to compare the performance of the smallcases

All smallcases have an option to compare the live performance against

returns generated by Bank FDs, In lation and Equity asset class

FD returns are calculated using the data available from RBI. The annual
data for 1-3 year deposit rates is considered. This data is used to
compute a daily index series, where the annual returns of the series
correspond to the annual deposit rates provided by the RBI. For instance,
if the annual deposit rates for year 1 is 6% and year 2 is 7%, the total
return of the series after 2 years is calculated as 1*(1+6%)*(1+7%) - 1 =
13%. This series is also utilised to determine the CAGR between any 2
speci ied dates

In lation returns are calculated using the data available from IMF. The
annual percent change in average consumer prices is considered. This
data is used to compute a daily index series, where the annual returns of
the series correspond to the annual in lation rates provided by the IMF.
For instance, if the annual in lation rates for year 1 is 6% and year 2 is 7%,
the total return of the series after 2 years is calculated as 1*(1+6%)*(1+7%)
- 1 = 13%. This series is also utilised to determine the CAGR between any
2 speci ied dates

Equity returns represent the returns generated by Nifty 50 Index

All smallcases have an option to compare the live performance against the
returns generated by Equity Largecap section of the market - represented by
Nifty100 index

Each smallcase is categorized into one of the market cap categories using
the methodology explained in the section above. Following options are made
available, as per the marketcap category of the smallcase

Market Cap Category Comparable Option

Largecap Nifty 100

Midcap Nifty Midcap 150

Smallcap Nifty Smallcap 100

Large & Midcap Nifty LargeMidcap 250

Mid & Smallcap Nifty MidSmallcap 400

Multicap Nifty 500

General Investment Disclosure

Charts and performance numbers on the platform do not include any backtested
data. Please refer to the Returns Calculation Methodology to check how returns are
calculated on the platform. Data used for calculation of historical returns and
other information is provided by exchange approved third party data vendors and
has neither been audited nor validated by the Company. For smallcases where
weights are not provided by the creator, Equal weights are used to calculate all
returns, numbers and ratios on the platform.
Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related
documents carefully before investing. Investors should consider consulting their
inancial advisor while considering any investment decisions.

PowerTrade Disclosures


is registered with SEBI with INH000008552 as the SEBI registration number. The
AND ADVISORY SERVICES) is A/1106, Bhakti Chs Ltd, Jambli Galli, Mumbai,
Mumbai Suburban, Maharashtra, 400092, A/1106, Bhakti Chs Ltd, Jambli Galli,
Borivali West, Mumbai, Mumbai Suburban, Maharashtra, 400092.

The content and data available in the material prepared by the company and on
the website of the company, including but not limited to index value, return
numbers and rationale are for information and illustration purposes only. Charts
and performance numbers do not include the impact of transaction fee and other
related costs. Past performance does not guarantee future returns and
performances of the portfolios are subject to market risk. Data used for calculation
of historical returns and other information is provided by exchange approved third
party vendors and has neither been audited nor validated by the Company.
Detailed return calculation methodology is available here. Detailed volatility
calculation methodology is available here.

Information present in the material prepared by the company and on the website
of the company shall not be considered as a recommendation or solicitation of an
investment. Investors are responsible for their investment decisions and are
responsible to validate all the information used to make the investment decision.
Investor should understand that his/her investment decision is based on personal
investment needs and risk tolerance, and information present in the material
prepared by the company and on the website of the company is one among many
other things that should be considered while making an investment decision.

Investments in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related
documents carefully before investing.

Registration granted by SEBI, membership of BASL (in case of IAs) and

certi ication from NISM in no way guarantee performance of the intermediary or
provide any assurance of returns to investors.

The content and data available on this website and related material, including but
not limited to index value, return numbers and rationale are for information and
illustration purposes only. Charts and performance numbers are
backtested/simulated results calculated via a standard methodology and do not
include the impact of transaction fee and other related costs. Past performance
does not guarantee future returns.

All information present on this website and related material is to help investors in
their decision making process and shall not be considered as a recommendation
or solicitation of an investment or investment strategy. Investors are responsible
for their investment decisions and are responsible to validate all the information
used to make the investment decision. The research analyst may have positions in
the stock before or after the stock is recommended. Investor should understand
that his/her investment decision is based on personal investment needs and risk
tolerance, and information available in this document and related material is one
among many other things that should be considered while making an investment

Stock and ETF investments are subject to market risks, read all related documents
carefully. Investors should consult their inancial advisors if in doubt about
whether the product is suitable for them.

Contact Details:
Support Telephone: 8097414321
Support Email: [email protected]

Compliance O ice Details:

Name: Sitanshu Gala
Email: [email protected]
Contact: 8097414321

Grievance O ice Details:

Name: Sitanshu Gala
Email: [email protected]
Contact: 8097414321

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