Akhandjyoti-Englishmar Apr05
Akhandjyoti-Englishmar Apr05
Akhandjyoti-Englishmar Apr05
(May Almighty illuminate our intellect and inspire us towards the righteous path)
- Rigveda 3/62/10; Samveda 1462, Yajurveda 3/35, 22/9, 30/2, 36/3
Amrit Chintan
We are living in one of the most crucial periods of history, when humanity is passing through a
momentous inner churning and transition into a new era of unitary consciousness. The voices of
unrest, the sighs of disappointment, which we see throughout the entire world, demand a
revolutionary change in our outlook and behavior, exemplifying the noblest ideals of humanity
understanding, compassion, mutual sharing and caring.
If we do not consciously live these noble virtues and resolutely throw out of our psyches the
devils of hatred, anger, avarice, etc, we will be committing collective suicide. We have acquired
enough knowledge to create a great civilization and a bright future, but have not gained enough
wisdom to apply this knowledge for the good of all. In the form of ideals, thoughts and
principles, we have the rich treasures of the ages, but lack the wisdom, foresight and will to put
them into practice.
Our achievements in terms of fathoming and discovering the underlying principles of nature
and its workings are mind-boggling, but we need more earnestness, nobility, courage and
discipline to harness them for positive ends. Man is in agonizing search of the purpose of his life
which is enlightened awareness of his identity with the immutable and eternal Supreme
substratum of the cosmic foam and flux of creation. Despite all our material progress, the degree
of insecurity, the worthlessness and futility of life that we experience today were never felt by
the preceding generations because of an all-pervading loss of faith in our Divine origin. Such a
firm faith has ever been the force that kept common people dedicated to nobility and goodwill.
Lack of such a living and unwavering faith is the root cause of our plight.
What we need today is an all-encompassing faith in Divinity for the entire humanity, to which
all existing religions can make their contributions. We direly need such a redeeming and
unifying faith; otherwise our very existence as a species is in mortal peril. Let us listen to the
wakeup call of the scriptural admonishment What doth it profit a man if he gains the whole
world but loses his own soul?
March-April 2005 03
1 Amrit Chintan:
Enlightened Faith is the Need of the Hour 03 Contents
2 From Chief Editor's Desk:
An ardent call to Parijans at the auspicious advent
of spring and the beginnig Of Vikram Samwat 2062 05
4 Youth column
Refinement and Sharpening of the Personality 11
5 Vedic Cosmology-2
The Meaning and Nature of Vedas 13
7 Companions in Solitude-2
Entrance into the deeps of the Himalayas 19
8 Attachments 23
10 Ayurvedic Therapies-2
Ayurvedic Decoction Therapy-I 30
14 Amrit V³ñº
The Purpose and Significance of Pilgrimage 44
04 March-April 2005
From Chief
Editor's Desk
Dr. Pranav Pandya
With the end of a long, transformation and upliftment Beginning of the Indian Vikram
chilly and dreary of human consciousness. Let us Samvat 2062 on April 9 Chaitra
winter, we have offer ourselves for unhindered Shukla Pratipada.. It is believed
entered a brief inter- flow of this divine energy. that Lord Brahma set into motion
lude of spring, when the Time-Space bound process
nature is pulsating with ·Holi Parva (March 25-26) - of creation on this sacred day of
exuberant dance of signifying our resolve to root out Chaitra Shukla Pratipada nearly
vivid hues of flora and and burn up all debris of evil two billion years back (to be
an upsurge of luxuriant tendencies from our psyche, exact 1,96,08,53,106 years).
life. symbolically by Holi bonfire, on Maharaj Vikramaditya started
March 25 and replacing them the Vikram Samwat on this very
During the two-month with divine attributes of love, sacred day.
period of March-April, laughter and joy through play of
this year, we will have colors on March 26. Coincidently the Jayantis (birth
occasions to celebrate a anniversaries) of Bhagwan
number of sacred ·Chaitra Navratra Parva (April Jhoole Lal of Sindhu Pradesh,
Parvas and Jayantis : 9-18) - which marks the transit of Guru Angad Dev of the Sikhs,
nature from verdant, vibrant Baba Saheb Ambedkar, Dr.
·M a h a S h i v r a t r i spring to hot, scorching summer. Hedgewar (founder of Rashtriya
(March 8) - when we This nine-day sacred Parva is of Swyam Sewak Sangh) also fall
will rededicate our- very special significance for on this day. Coronations of
selves to be glad and Gayatri Pariwar Parijans for Bhagwan Ram and Dharmraj
willing instruments undertaking intensive and Yudhishtra were also solem-
and channels for the vigilant Tap Sadhana of Gayatri nized on this day. Foundation of
flow of divine energy of Jap (24,000 mantras), self-control Arya Smaj movement, too, was
MahaShiva, the and an in-depth study of laid by Swami Dyanand
Supreme Being, which Gurudev's literature with a view Saraswati on Chaitra Shukla
is extraordinarily active to accessing and assimilating Pratipada.
at the present epoch- divine vibrations of higher
changing juncture of realms of consciousness. Let us prayerfully and rever-
swift, revolutionary ently remember all these illustri-
March-April 2005 05
ous personages with gratitude to publish it in English in this bi-
monthly magazine in its May-
and salutations; and welcome
the advent of our new year with June 2005 issue. We have already
Do not do good
noble resolutions, pledging firmed up two special leader-
ourselves to work with still ship-training camps for the
greater zeal, vigor and dedica- youth (both men and women) of
with a business
tion towards furtherance and Indian origin living abroad,
fulfillment of the aims and between the age group 15-26
objectives of our Mission. years. The first camp is for 50
like motive.
youth from USA and Canada
The Mission has especially
from July 10-23 and the second It gives
for the youth from UK and
charted out concrete plans to be
executed over the seven-year Europe from July 27 to August
period of 2005 to 2011-12 (which 10 this year. We firmly believe satisfaction
will be the centenary year of that these training camps will
Gurudev) towards educating prove to be the forerunners and
and awakening of youth around pace setters of a worldwide only if done as
the globe, particularly those movement for awakening of
hailing from families rooted in youth to the dire necessity and
the hoary Indian heritage, and divinelywilled inevitability of a duty. Good
make them the torch bearers and an upward paradigm shift of
messengers of Yugrishi's vision human consciousness from the
of establishing Heaven on Earth:
knitting together the human
ego-based and divisive life of the done with the
lower mind to the unitive and
family on conscious realization
inclusive realms of
of our fundamental unity in the
Spirit. This will necessitate the
superamental consciousness. hope of getting
We the Gyatri Pariwar Parijans
taking up of focused and inten-
sive Tap Sadhana by the Parijans have an humble but crucial role
so that they become surcharged to play in this regard. Let us good in return
with the divine energy needed to rededicate ourselves to work
be able to fully and uncondition- singlemindedly for the realiza-
ally consecrate themselves tion of Gurudev's vision. can give
towards the fulfillment of
Gurudev's vision. With love
06 March-April 2005
The Significance of Shankha
in Vedic Sacraments
he shankha (conch- breath, the player can alter the As per the scholarly analysis of
shell) is regarded magnitude, timbre and resonance Shastric terminology, that which
sacred and of the note. Though it does not leads to welfare is called
auspicious in the Indian have much application as a “shankha”. It is with the sounding
system. Like the swastika musical instrument, the vibrant, of conch that the doors of temples
symbol [c.f. Akhand sonorous sound of shankha are opened. Another well-known
Jyoti Jan-Feb 2005], it is inspires valor, courage, purpose of blowing the conch
an integral part of Vedic enthusiasm and inner spirit. The with or without some devotional
sacraments. It is blown holy Gurbani of the Sikhs also instruments, known traditionally
to initiate religious recognizes these effects as to produce auspicious sounds, is
ceremonies. God Vishnu “Sankhan ki dhun ghantan ki kar to ward off negative vibrations or
is shown with a shankha phulan ki barkha barkhavae ...”. (The noises that may disturb the
in one hand and a disc conch and the bell produce ambience or the minds of the
(chakra) in the other. In blissful sounds…). devotees.
the battlefield
(Kurukshetra) of An adept yogi is said to Some German scientists are
Mahabharata, Lord subliminally hear the ïankhan³da reported (http://mailerindia.com/
Krishna is said to have (sound of perfect blowing of a hindu/veda) to have experimented
wielded a mighty shankha), within himself during on conch shell's sound and found
shankha called the the higher stages of trance in that diseases like those of thyroid
'Panchajanya'. It is Nadayoga Sadhana. When the and some other hormonal
believed that when it is conch is blown with controlled disorders are healed or
blown it announces the breath, the primordial sound of significantly cured by this sound.
victory of good over evil. “Om” (Oa®) emanates from it. Surprisingly the sound waves
This eternal sound is said to be the generated by collective blowing of
Using tremendous lung- origin of all Vedas. All knowledge shankhas are also believed to
power, stamina and enshrined in the Vedas is an prevent spread of plague, cholera
sustained breath control elaboration of the omnipresent etc in the surroundings. This
the player blows air into sublime sound of Om. It was this indicates the existence of an
the shell to produce a sound that was chanted by the advanced knowledge and
powerful resounding Lord before manifesting the scientific use of sound in Vedic
reverberation that is cosmos. It represents the creation India.
deemed to match with and the Truth behind it. It
the primal sound of represents dharma or In ancient India, each village was
creation. While the righteousness that is one of the presided over by a main temple
shankha has but one note, four noble goals of human life. deity and several smaller ones.
by controlling the During performing the Aarti
(devotional prayer-song after
March-April 2005 07
pooja worship) and before and methods of worshipping the experienced it and agree
after all the important sacraments shankhas are also described in the to the fact that the
and on sacred occasions, the Indian scriptures for benefits blowing of a shankha
blowing of conch was a must. varying from wealth, success and enhances the positive
Since villages were generally peace of mind to health, healing psychological vibrations
small, the sound of the conch and hypnotism. such as courage, hope,
would be heard all over the determination,
village. People who could not The shankhas that open towards willpower, optimism,
make it to the temple were left hand (vaamavarti) are etc, in the blower as well
enjoined to stop their work, at commonly available but rare are as those around
least for a few seconds, and the ones that open towards right him/her.
mentally bow to the Lord. The side (i.e., facing South). This kind
conch sound served to awaken of shankha is called dakshinavarti. As mentioned above,
people's minds to a prayerful Dakshinavarti Shankhas are most of the conches or
attitude even in the middle of their available in white color and with seashells are Vaamvarti
busy daily routine. brown lines on them. Their sizes i.e., their bulge opens
differ, starting from the size of a towards left side (facing
The shankha is placed at the altar in wheat grain to as large as a North); only a few shells
temples and homes next to the coconut. Mostly these shells are are Dakshinvarti their
Lord as a symbol of Nada-Brahma, available only at Kanya Kumari. A bulge opening towards
Om, the Vedas, Dharma, completely white colored Shankha the right side (i.e., facing
righteous victory and is indeed rare. South) and even their
auspiciousness. It is often used to spiral lines run towards
offer devotees sanctified water (of Dakshinavarti Shankha is the the right. South is the
sacred oblation) to uplift and symbol of Goddess Lakshmi. Her direction of Kuber, the
focus their minds towards idols and pictures always depict God of wealth. Tantra
nobility and truth. dakshinavarti shankha in one of Her Shastra has also given
hands. Dakshinavarti shankha great importance to such
Like the pyramids, the specific should be kept at the place of types of shells. These
geometry of a shankha generates worship or, after being wrapped shells are very rare and
remarkable energy-effects. More in a white cloth, at any sacred are found only in a very
remarkable is the fact that these place or locker in the house. It is few places. Dakshinavarti
are formed naturally. Different said to bring good luck and shankhas not only bring
kinds of shankhas are therefore prosperity to the individual and wealth but also purify
used as yantras for different his family. In the Puranas, the the atmosphere. All the
purposes in the mantra- and gods and goddesses are depicted negatives energies are
tantra- based s³dhan³s. Some as holding a shell, whenever they swept out of the place.
adept astrologers also are happy or setting out on war
recommend the types of shankha against evil forces. Whenever the Shankhas are also
and the location where these are to shell is blown it is said to purify classified according to
be placed to control negative the environment from all evil their sizes. Yavakar
planetary effects. Several kinds of effects. Even the scientific shankhas are very small
minded, nonbelievers have in size; as small as the
08 March-April 2005
size of a wheat grain and of Padamavati and Moti Shankha would become perfectly healthy
are usually dark grey in forms an important part of many and one might not even need to
color. They are quite Padamavati S³dhan³s. wear spectacles in the future. (vi)
strong and cannot be If after a bath in the morning the
crushed easily. Ellakar This shell has great significance in shell is rubbed gently on the skin
shankhas are a little Ayurveda. If water is stored in the of one's face, wrinkles would start
bigger, varying between shell it absorbs amazing slowly disappearing and the face
the size of a cardamom, a medicinal properties capable of will gain a new glow by regular
round beetle nut or a curing several physical defects. use of this process. (vii) If you
lemon. These are mostly Swami Girijananda, a Himalayan have dark circles under your eyes
found in lakes. A Yogi has experimented with rub the shell gently on those spots
significant class of these several kinds of shankhas. Some of early in the morning. This will
shells is the Hira Shankha. the simple health tips vis-à-vis gradually make the spots
These are as expensive Moti Shankha have been disappear.
as diamonds and are prescribed by him as (i) Store
considered very some water overnight in the shell This shankha, like the Dakshinavarti
valuable among the and the next morning rub the Shankha, is said to banish poverty
shells. Moti Shankha (a water on your skin. This cures all and boost one's profits in
conch shell that shines skin problems. (ii) Store water in business. Placing this shell (after
like a pearl) is even more the shell for 12 hours. Then rub it performing some rituals of its
rare and difficult to find. on white spots on the skin. Do this worship) at home or in one's shop
It has the luster of a pearl regularly. After some days the or place of work is believed to
and is generally round in white spots shall disappear and bring prosperity. This shell can
shape. This precious healthy skin shall reappear. (iii) also be worshipped on Diwali so
variety of shankha is At night fill the shell with water as to gain the blessings of the
available in all big and and in the morning add some rose Goddess Lakshmi.
small sizes. water to it. Then wash your hair
with the mixture. This shall keep Some rigorous s³dhan³s using
The ancient text of the hair black and healthy. The moti shankha endow one with the
Brahmavaivart Purana hair of the eyebrows and the beard power of hypnotizing others.
contains deep too could be turned black thus. However, practice of such
knowledge related to the (iv) If you suffer from stomach s³dhan³s is risky and it is strictly
different forms of related problems or if there is a enjoined that such powers should
Goddess Lakshmi. It is laceration in the intestines, then be used only for healing and
mentioned that early in the morning drink a helping and not at all for harming
Soubhaagya Lakshmi, the spoonful of water kept in the shell others.
bestower of good luck, is for 12 hours. This will cure the
present in Moti Shankha. problem. (v) Mix water kept in the Another precious and largely
The Jain Tantra shell for 12 hours in ordinary worshiped shankha is the Ganesha
describes Padamavati water and early in the morning Shankha. Its appearance resembles
S³dhan³s in great detail. wash your eyes with it. Doing this the idols of Lord Ganesha.
In this sect Lakshmi is regularly for some time will cure Ganapati or Ganesha, the Lord of
worshipped in the form all eye related problems. The eyes
March-April 2005 09
Ganas, manifested in an elephant any important work is money. Ganesh shankha
faced form, represents the power undertaken, be it the starting of a should be kept on red
of the Supreme Being that business, the building of a house cloth in Puja-Ghar or
removes obstacles and ensures or the writing of a book or even wrapped in red cloth, if
success in human endeavors. undertaking a journey. This kept in a locker.
Ganesha is revered as the son of worship (Ganesha Pujan) can be
Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, performed through an idol or by Shankha Mudra (shell
and is the first to be worshipped using Ganesha Yantra or Ganesha posture) is of significant
and invoked in Vedic worship Shankha. From the view point of importance in yoga.
rituals. He is worshipped for 'Feng Shui' this shell attracts Hands are folded in the
siddhi absolute success in business luck from overseas and shape of a shankha here
undertakings, and buddhi augments the chances of travel (blowing through which
intelligence. He is also the deity of abroad. the mouth makes a
education, knowledge, wisdom sound similar to that of a
and literature. Ganesha is revered This shankha is one of the eight conch shell). This mudra
as one of the five deities whose auspicious symbols found on the makes all the five
worship was popularized by Adi feet of Lord Buddha. It is elements (in the body)
Shankaracharya; the other four extremely beneficial for those who join in the fire element,
being Vishnu, Shiva, Durga and are in the export business or those which leads to enhanced
Surya. The worship of these five who have gone into foreign ad orderly flow of
deities is called the Pancayatana business ventures. Placing it in the harmonized vital
Puja. South sector of the living room energy.
helps augment the owner's fame
According to Vedic astrology, and reputation. To enhance Similar to other sacred
Lord Ganesha is helpful in academic achievements the conch symbols and objects
nullifying the malefic effects of can be placed in the North East recognized in the Vedic
planet Rahu, which are similar to area; if placed in the South West it sacramental rituals, use
those of Shani or Saturn. The harmonizes relationships. of shankha seems to have
Ganesha shankha increases the been derived from a
power of will and intelligence and Ganesh shankha should be kept in deep scientific
helps in achieving happiness, the Puja-Ghar (place of worship) observation of sound,
fame, good health and self- on all auspicious occasions and geometry and energy
confidence. This is especially used during religious festivals. It fields of Nature. Still
in daily worship. Worshipper of brings good luck and prosperity deeper investigations on
this conch shell is blessed with to the individual and the family. these aspects would
healthy and long life of nobility, Some astrologers recommend that unfold newer horizons
wisdom, scholarship, every house should have Ganesha of knowledge and well-
r e s o u r c e f u l n e s s , shankha to gain prosperity and for being.
entrepreneurship and foresight. protection against malefic effects
of planets. It is believed that those The only worthwhile
Lord Ganesha's blessings are who keep this shell in their lockers precept is one that is
invoked, in all vedic rituals, before would never face any dearth of
10 March-April 2005
Youth Column
Refinement and Sharpening of the Personality
he present-day desire in the youth to refine and ness of character, grasp of the
young generation is reshape their personalities, their subject matter and foresight of the
being increasingly awakened awareness about person whom we are meeting. It is
attracted towards themselves and their growing this discerning ability, which will
personality grooming sense of responsibility towards tell us how we can deal with the
programmes. Scores of life. This pleasant trend gives a concerned person in the best
young men and women, sense of hope. Lucky indeed is the possible way. If we are able to do
and even teenagers, are nation whose youth is alert about this, every encounter will become
joining grooming their overall personality develop- an educative experience. This
institutes and spending ment. They appear to have method is particularly effective in
hefty amounts with a realized that now-a-days labor by times of interviews, etc.
view to improve and itself is not sufficient for opening
smarten their personali- the doors to success. The psycho- The second attribute required in this
ties. Many such places logical impact cast by the person- connection is far-sightedness. It has
charge as much as ten to ality, too, is important. been a much talked-about quality
twenty thousand rupees for ages but very few actually
for 5-7 day courses. If we want to make a mark in the know the art of its effective
Nevertheless, the youth world, we will have to cultivate application. Those who do are
are not getting the some specific attributes in our able to ensure a bright future for
desired benefits. In spite personalities. themselves as well as their co-
of all the labor and workers. What is required is to
expense, their personali- The first of these is effective witness- pick up clues and trends from the
ties fail to develop the ing: That is, objectively witnessing present and make a projection on
magnetic pull which with deep understanding what this basis about what could
they so cherish, or the occurs or exists before and possibly happen in the future.
character traits which around. Only those who have this Chess players, successful busi-
could ensure their penetrating understanding are nessmen and good administrators
success in life. The able to utilize their strengths possess this quality of penetrating
famous maxim “All that effectively. Witnessing requires a foresight.
glitters is not gold” is very keen and perceptive vision; a
proving right in regard vision, which is free from the The third characteristic feature of a
to these institutes. defects of prejudice and ego-sense magnetic personality is pragmatism.
and whose essence is what the This quality is always beneficial,
There is, however, a scriptures call 'nºr-kïºr-vivek, that whether it be a matter of examina-
positive aspect to this is, the subtle discriminative tion or carrier advancement. What
phenomenon. It signifies power. We should be able to is our correct position and situa-
an increasingly strong assess, in the very first meeting, tion vis-à-vis the circumstances?
the general temperament, firm- What are our strengths and
March-April 2005 11
weaknesses? We must have an knowledge, and learning newer and living' in all its
objective and realistic assessment and newer things in one's field of programmes. It is
of all these factors. work. They even recommend that, another matter that at
apart from inculcating a reading this unique center of
The fourth attribute is thirst for habit, one should try to develop sacred and mundane
knowledge. People acquire some the capacity for effective writing, learning, one has to
degrees and think that the task is too. repay for his or her
over and now the only thing they education not in terms of
have to do is to earn a livelihood, These are some of the salient money but altruist
somehow. This thinking is guidelines for bringing about service; because selfless
retrogressive. Personality refinement of the personality. The service of society
acquires power of attraction only questions like “Where are we?” through the talents and
when it has a never-satisfying “What are we doing?” etc have expertise is the only
eagerness to acquire wider and their importance but of the genuine certificate of
deeper understanding and greatest importance is the luster success of any worth-
knowledge of itself and the world. personality. That is why Dev while personality
In modern parlance it is called Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya at grooming programme.
updating. All experts of career Gayatri Teerth, Hardwar has
counseling advise that one should compulsorily incorporated 'The
keep acquiring more and more art of personality improvement
A vaishya named Madhuvarta used to serve in the court of king Samudradatta. He used to
look after his family well with whatever he earned. All his children were happy. Once
Madhuvarta was passing through a forest when he heard a voice from a peepal tree 'Would
you take seven pots of treasures'? Madhuvarta got greedy and said 'Yes'. The invisible
voice promised that the treasures would be sent to his house. When he reached home his
wife informed about the arrival of seven pots. Madhuvarta inspected the pots and found
that six of them were filled with treasures and one was half empty. Then onwards he got
busy filling the seventh pot. He started cutting on his own food as well of his children, in
order to save money .He started getting weak, his children started getting very wild and
upset with hunger. His wife started furiously shuttling - taking either side: at times her
husband's and at other times her children's'. The home became a mad house and a hell.
Once when Madhuvarta was very sad, the king Samudradatta asked, 'Have you got the
seven pots from the Yaksha'? When Madhuvarta replied'Yes' the king laughed and said
'This is the main reason for your sorrow. If you want happiness, return them'. Realizing
his mistake Madhuvarta returned the pots and started living a happy and contented life
with whatever he had. Contentment is the most precious treasure.
12 March-April 2005
Vedic Cosmology -2
The Meaning and Nature of Vedas
hile spiritually ing to yet obscure domains of “Veda”. The essence of these
enlightened wider curiosity. implies “Veda” to be sublime
seekers, seer and knowledge that could be acquired
sages have revered the Although the focus of the series is by divine insight and inner light.
Vedas as the origin and “Cosmology and Science of Some scriptures like Satyashadha
ultimate end of human Nature in the Vedas”, the readers Shautrasutra and Apastamb
knowledge and culture; will also be briefly introduced to Dharmsutra cite its meaning as --
these have always been the meaning, nature and the “That which encompasses the
the focus of deep period of the Vedas, as extracted knowledge and guides towards
inquisitiveness for the from indisputable, recognized the karmas originated by under-
researchers of the studies. This is mainly to avoid standing of the subtle word is
Sciences of Self and confusions about these ancient called Veda”. The sagacious
Nature. For many of us, treatises, which are rarely dis- thinkers of modern times have
who are inquisitive, but cussed elsewhere with such further analyzed this word and
haven't had the opportu- consolidated information. The explained it in a language compre-
nity to read anything commentaries and deeper hensible to the modern-day mind.
genuine on the Vedas or reviews on Vedas are too vast to
the Vedic Scriptures, be listed in the short essays of this Swami Dayanand Saraswati, the
Vedas have been the series. We had listed our princi- founder of “Arya Samaj” defines
topic of interest, lying pal sources of references in the the word “Veda” as derived from
somewhere between first article (“Akhand Jyoti - The the Sanskrit verb “Vid” which
'Mythology' and 'Trea- Light Divine” Jan-Feb, 2005) with collectively represents knowl-
tises of All Knowledge' a condensed overview of what the edge, sovereignty, enlightened
encoded in some ancient series would present. These benefit and thought. The “Veda”
language. Nevertheless references would provide the is a composition of this verb
the quest of researchers interested reader an exhaustive suffixed by the proposition
to decipher the genesis Bibliography of reported works “ghaó”. As viewed by Abhinav
of Nature, Cosmology on Vedas across the globe. In the Gupta in “Natyashastra” --
and Life have also been present and successive articles we “N³tasya Vedana® Satt³l³bho
sources of wonderment would cite only the relevant Vicharaïcha Yatratann³tyaveda
for the common people. excerpts from those works, Ïabdena…. Uchyate”, most
This series of articles wherever necessary. researchers regard this suffix as
attempts to present hidden in the meaning of “Veda”,
authentic information The Vedic scriptures, and the later
therefore the meanings implied
from studies at the commentaries and research
by the verb “vid” are most promi-
interface of these two treatises on the Vedas, discuss in
major subjects pertain- detail on the meaning of the word
March-April 2005 13
In his commentaries on They represent eternal knowl- as -- “Veda is the name of
“Amarkosha” Kshir Swami edge, which is relevant, pertinent that supreme spiritual
explains -- “Vidantyanena Dharma and true in all phases of life and in truth, which is the
Vedah”, meaning - that by which all spans of time. They are the ultimate realization of
one can know the meaning of nectar source of ultimate knowl- human mind. Veda is the
Dharma (righteousness) is “Veda”. edge and spiritual light for the impulse of divine voice,
Shri Sarvanand and Acharya seekers and provide universal emanated from the
Hemchandra of Jainism opine guidelines for global well-being infinite that reached the
similarly; in their words -- “Vidanti and for living a duty-bound, inner perception of those
Dharm³dikamanenetti Veda¡” and righteous, fulfilling, happy and who had the sublime
“Vidantyanena Dharma¡ Veda¡” progressive life. faculty to receive it.
(c.f. Abhidhan Chintamani, pg. Veda is a self-inspired
A couplet of Saint poet Kabir, knowledge of the
106). In his scholarly interpreta-
cited in the holy Sikh scripture absolute”. According to
tion of “Manu Smriti”, Medhatithi
“Guru Granth Sahib” is worth him the Vedas are the
writes -- that which cannot be
quoting here. It says, “Veda kateba spiritual and mental
dechiphered by any other means
kahadu mata jhuÚhe, jhuÚh³ jo na seeds of the Divine
or source of knowledge is known
by it therefore it is called “Veda”. vich³re”; meaning: Vedas are Culture of the Vedic
never untrue, liars are those who Age. Vedas were the
In the prologue of “Rigveda do not study (understand) it beginning of our spiri-
Pratishakhya Vargdwaya-Vratti” properly. tual enlightenment and
Vishnu Mitra elaborates - Veda is will also be its (ultimate)
that which provides complete Swami Vivekanand, the seer-sage end. It is the eternal truth
knowledge and teachings of of global repute and reverence, that the Vedas represent.
accomplished life in terms of has been among the most eminent
Dharma (righteousness), Artha exponents of Vedic Philosophy Similar views are
(prosperity and progress), K³ma and Indian Culture in the present expressed by the leading
(fulfillment of worldly desires), era of scientific advancement. He lights of Indian Freedom
Mokïa (enlightenment, salvation). regarded the Vedas as self- Movement like
existent, eternal repositories of Mahatma Gandhi and
Acharya Sayan defines Veda as
divine knowledge. According to Lokmannay Tilak [c.f.
the source of all knowledge that
him the word “Veda” means Tilak's “Aryan” (1893)
leads to the Supreme Good. The
supreme knowledge. His explana- and “The Archtic Home
works of both these scholars are
tions indicate that the spiritual in the Vedas” (1903)].
regarded authorities for referenc-
light of Vedas discovered by the
ing by the Vedic researchers of the
Rishis in the state of deep trance is Vedas in the Views of
twentieth century onwards.
compiled in the four Vedas, only Western Scholars:
Vedas are not confined to any cult, parts of which were available in
the later ages. The insights of Sri Noted European
religion, or school of philosophy. scholars also accept
They are neither, for that matter, Aurobindo - another rishi of our
times, unfolded in the 'Secrets of “Veda” as pure knowl-
doctrines or principles preached edge. In “History of
in a specific period of history. the Vedas' could be summarized
14 March-April 2005
Ancient Sanskrit pure and lofty as those of the ethics of which I have been unable
Literature” (pg. 10) finest portion of the Hebrew to give more than the slightest
Maxmuller writes - “It Scriptures…. In it (Vedas) we find survey, while the first ever known
would be, indeed much many of the essential teachings of to man, is also the loftiest which he
nearer the truth to take the most advanced religious has ever practised..…, this
'Veda' as a collective thinkers…”. tradition attributes to the vast
name for the sacred reservoir of the wisdom that
literature of the Vedic Reverend Christian Priest Morris somewhere took shape simulta-
Age which forms, so to Philip mentions (in “The Teaching neously with the origin of man….
speak, the background of the Vedas”; pg. 231) -- “… We to more spiritual entities, to
of the whole of Indian are justified therefore in conclud- beings less entangled in mat-
world”. Grifith ing that the higher and purer ter…..”.
(“Rigveda Translation”; conceptions of the Vedic Aryans
pg. 5) specifies the literal were the result of a primitive American scholar Thoreau (as
meaning of “Veda” as divine revelation….”. According cited on pg 9 in “Mother America”
“Knowledge”. Mcdonal to W.D. Brown (c.f. “Superiority by Swami Omkar) shares his
states in “A History of of the Vedic Religion”) - Vedic experiences of Vedic knowledge
Sanskrit Literature” (pg. religion recognizes but one as - “What extracts from the Vedas
24) --'Veda' primarily God….. I have read fall on me like the light
signifies knowledge of a higher and purer luminary
(from 'vid' meaning 'to Renowned historian Prof. Heeren which describes a loftier course
know'), sacred lore, as a has concluded in his papers on through a purer stratum - free
branch of divine litera- “Historical Researches” (Vol. 11, from particulars, simple, univer-
ture. In the words of pg. 127) -- “They (Vedas) are sal; the Vedas contain a sensible
Furtun Dada Chan (in without doubt the oldest works account of God”. Renowned
“Philosophy of composed in Sanskrit….. The Russian thinker Lev Tolstoy also
Zorastrianism and Vedas stand alone in their solitary had great respect for the Vedas.
Comparative Study”; pg splendor, standing as beacons of Prof. J. Mascaro has referred the
10) - Veda is condensed divine light for the onward march Vedas as the soul of the holy
with wisdom and of humanity”. French Scholar Himalayas.
knowledge. Mons Lean Delbo finds - “The
Rigveda is the most sublime Noted Irish Poet and artist Dr.
Dr. Russell Wallace conception of the great highways James Cousins remarks about the
expresses the following of humanity” (“An Essay of glory of the Vedas in his cele-
views (in “Social International Literary brated “Path to Peace” (pg. 60) as -
Environment and Moral Association”, Paris, July 14, 1884). - “On that (Vedic) ideal alone,
Progress”; pp. 11-14) on with its inclusiveness which
the Vedas: “The won- Noble Laureate Prof. Matterlink absorbs and annihilates the causes
derful collection of Prologue has also expressed high of antagonism, its sympathy
hymns known as the regards for the Vedas. In “The which wins hatred away from
Vedas is a vast system of Great Secret” (pg. 96) he writes -- itself, it is possible to rear a new
religious teachings as “Let us agree that this system of earth in the image and likeness of
the eternal heavens….”.
March-April 2005 15
Vedas - The Treatises Available the available meanings, broadly, Vedas. However, as the
Today: the mantras of Rigveda mainly original inscriptions
pertain to divine descriptions and were lost in the vicissi-
The mantras of Vedas are com- devotional prayers and knowl- tudes of time, what was
plied in fours Veda-“Samhitas” edge; the mantras of Yajurveda decipherable by the
(collections) namely; Rigveda, deal with the sublime knowledge modern researchers was
Yajurveda, Atharvaveda and the and science of Yagya (which only the symbols and
Samaveda, which are affirmed as includes the cycle of Nature); forms adopted in the
Vedas by the ancient and modern those of the Samaveda consist of Sanskrit language with a
scholars. However, many all knowledge of the perceivable, few specific symbols and
researchers also include the and cosmic and subtle sounds and sounds and guidelines
“Brahmanas” and the music; and those of the on the chanting patterns
“Upanishads” among the Vedas. Atharvaveda incorporate the of the collections of
Because of three major categories philosophy of religion (righteous Veda-mantras available
of the Veda-Mantras in which the conduct) and successful worldly till their times.
vedic rishis had compiled them, at life; the Atharveda also contains Nevertheless, a wide
some places, Vedas are also root-knowledge of Tantra and spectrum of scriptures
referred as three (“Vedatrayi”). But Ayurveda. which originated from
these kinds of classifications the Vedas are available
depend upon what frame of It is said that the Rishis like with detailed scholarly
reference or criteria is chosen for Maharshi Vyasa, who had commentaries and
classification. For example, for realized the sublime vibrations of studies by the enlight-
ancient astrological calculations, the Veda-mantras, had compiled ened rishi like personali-
space is divided into twelve them in special script for the ties during the past
horizons according to the zodiac benefit of future generations. The thousand years or so.
signs whereas its division is in original language of these trea- These provide the
twenty-seven domains of plane- tises is said to be Grantha® or necessary clues and
tary movements in the ancient Pr³kat language (the origin of guidelines to find out the
Indian astronomy. Similar is the ancient Sanskrit) but specific missing links to some
case of literature-classification. symbols and forms were used to extent.
signify multiple - as many as
The mantras of the Vedas are eighteen phonemes in which a (Series to be continued)
classified in three broad catego- syllable or word could be pro-
ries - those in the verse form are nounced. Depending upon the Don't indulge in
called ich³s (hymns), those not sonic pattern of each letter or
having any constraints of verse or word in it, very large number of self-praise.
musical composition are mantras sonic patterns and hence as many
(e.g. the mantras of the meanings and effects were Your good deeds
Yajurveda), and those in verse associated with each mantra.
form with musical patterns That is how such an immeasur- will speak for
specified by samagana (e.g. the able amount of knowledge could
hymns of Samaveda). In terms of have been encoded in the four themselves
16 March-April 2005
The spirit of
wonder and adventure
[Abstracted from Catherine Ingram's universally acclaimed book-
'Passionate Presence'. Published with glad consent of the author. - Editor]
"The real voyage of According to the modern astron- neighbour planet Jupiter, which has
discovery consists not omy, our solar system was formed so far taken the largest hits for us.
in seeking new some four and a half billion years
ago when a cloud of interstellar gas In the early days, organic matter
landscapes, but in
and dust condensed into itself, was generated by sunlight on earth
having new eyes. " forming a broad and rather flat disk. or fell to earth from space, becoming
At its dense center there formed the the building blocks for primitive life
- Marcel Proust
sun, a blazing ball of thermonuclear nearly four billion years ago. It is
fire around which swirled millions assumed, however, that
wakened awareness
stromatolites had much more
is sometimes likened of rocky chunks, some of which
primitive ancestors of one-celled
to being swept into a merged together to form planets.
wave of universal This process apparently repeats organisms or small molecular
intelligence. You are itself throughout the universe. In systems but the fossil record does
standing on the riverbank 1994, the Hubble Space Telescope not go back that far due to earth's
of conditioned mind and sent back dazzling images of new ancient crust having been sub-
belief, clutching a branch stars similarly forming in the sumed far into its core.
of dogma, hoping to stay constellation Orion. In the observ-
put, and suddenly a able universe alone it is estimated From these humble beginnings life
torrent of white water that about one hundred such solar emerged in a fantastic surge of
rushes by and sweeps you systems are forming every second. creativity. Over the next few billion
off your feet. Nothing to years and despite many cata-
do but surrender and Today the planets along with other strophic eradications, living things
enjoy the rapids. Like this, large space matter swirl around the persisted in the oceans and eventu-
one's conditioned mind is fiery center in our solar system on ally on land. Adaptations of
out of the way and what the same flat plane as they did at the stunning variety morphed and
roars through is the time of their formation. What has replaced previous designs. Life
intelligence of the creative dramatically changed, however, is forms came and went. The current
force of existence. estimate of thirty million species on
the phenomenal variety of life that
Suddenly, one is inter- earth represents probably only 1
has sprung up on the third planet
ested in the process.
from the sun, our Earth. Apparently percent of all species that have ever
Moving from dogma to
abundant in conditions for life, lived. Of the living species, a
the unknown is also a
relative newcomer known as Homo
movement from dullness Earth sits strategically not too far
Sapiens arrived on the scene about a
to aliveness, and life from or too close to the sun. It is
becomes an exploration, a protected for the most part from hundred thousand years ago and
celebration. devastating collisions with interga- evolved to become the most
lactic space debris by our massive dominant and self-reflective life
March-April 2005 17
form of all. From gas and dust about the meaning of life or what tion of which coincides
through a remarkable evolutionary happens after death. But then exactly with the mystical
journey in the sea and on land, life humans began to multiply and experience.
emerged eventually into a creature become mobile enough to collide
who would wonder, “Who am I, with other communities. People When scientists or
and where do I come from?” The began to kill each other for their mystics look deeply into
late astronomer Carl Sagan beliefs, and they have been doing so what seems to be empti-
described this process as a star's ever since. ness or space, what they
way of looking at itself. find is some kind of
It is possible that the evolutionary presence. Quantum
Self- reflection, for all its benefits, journey could now lead us to a physics now tells us that
comes at high cost. As humans, we condition of wonder as a replace- particles emerge out of so-
are ever aware of our mortality and ment for myth? Could our accep- called emptiness, out of
of our general vulnerability while tance of death be based in the pure space. We can
alive. We are delicate creatures, as immediacy of our connection with eliminate all particles
mammals go, and we have compen- life? In awakened awareness we from a given amount of
sated with cleverness and an directly experience the breath of space, such that the space
extraordinary ability to adapt to or existence without knowing its is seemingly devoid of
to change our environments. origin or destination. This suffices anything whatsoever,
Nevertheless, the shadow of death for a feeling of belonging because and suddenly elementary
hangs like a pall over our every we sense that it permeates every- particles will emerge.
activity, our every tender moment. thing else. It also provides an They will simply appear
Cave drawings and artifacts understanding of impersonal out of the void. They are
indicate that when self-reflection continuation, not a continuation of somehow already there in
and awareness of mortality the personal me but of the funda- potentia. What could
emerged in evolutionary develop- mental essence from which I possibly be the operating
ment, humans the world over emerged and which suffuses my system that powers this
developed myths and stories of an every cell. fecund emergence? I once
afterlife. It is Understandable that asked my teacher if he
myths and hopes of an afterlife Many of the ideas in modern science thought that love was
would be needed to assuage the fear correspond with these feelings, what powered creation,
and. anxiety of primitive man. It which explains why so many and he answered. “I don't
may have been an evolutionary scientists are mystically inclined. even call it love. It is some
necessity for man to devote himself Paradoxically, the more we compre- kind of fullness, such as
to those beliefs in the face of a short hend of nature, the greater is the the fullness of the ocean
dangerous life that included the mystery of whatever intelligence when there are no waves."
possibility of being eaten alive. informs it. Science is therefore not a A burgeoning wholeness
Myths must have helped lessen the departure from the mystical; it is merging into itself. And
fear and provided the purpose and ultimately an embrace of it. Science within this wholeness,
a sense of belonging, a knowing of is a threat to religion, not to mysti- stardust is looking at itself
one's place in the world. This cism. Scientific discoveries continu- and wondering, "Who am
worked well enough when there ally disprove many religious beliefs I?"
were few people on earth and one while at the same time revealing the
would rarely bump into someone existence of an intelligence that
who had an entirely different idea pervades everything, the recogni-
18 March-April 2005
Companions in Solitude - 2
Entrance into the deeps of Himalayas
[Poojya Gurudev's Travelogue of the Pilgrimage to the Himalayas - Continued]
The Fatal Narrow Path death. Long time back, in my pilgrims traveling with me. All
childhood, I had heard this epic the way we had been talking and
Today I had to walk story. Once sage Shukdev visited laughing when the path was
along a very treacherous King Janak and asked the latter as smooth and safe, but no sooner
trail. There was the to how he remained unperturbed did we reach this narrow foot-
Ganga flowing below like a Yogi while attending to his path, than all the conversations
and the mountain multifarious duties as a king. To ceased and everybody became
standing high above. By explain the point Janak handed to pensively and attentively silent.
the foot of the hill, there Shukdev a bowl filled with oil and Nobody thought of one's home or
was a very narrow asked him to make a round of the of any other subject. Mind and
footpath. It was hardly 3 town and come back without soul were fully concentrated on
ft. wide. We had to go spilling a drop of oil, the punish- only one thing - keep the next step
along this path. Even a ment for failure being severing of at the proper place. With one
slight faltering step the head. Out of fear of death hand we were trying to clutch at
could result in hurtling Shukdev, made the round as the mountain wall, though there
down and getting lost in ordered, concentrating all his was hardly anything to clutch at.
the roaring rapids of the attention on the oil-filled bowl, The only solace in doing so was
Ganga hundreds of feet totally unaware of things and that it might help maintain the
below. If you thought of people that he came across during body balance in case it tended to
avoiding it and walk his round of the town. King Janak tilt towards precipice falling
away safely, there stood then explained to him that as he down to the bed of the Ganga.
the high mountain (Shukdev) had concentrated only This distance of about 1.5 miles
almost vertically rising on the oil and nothing else out of was passed with great difficulty.
hundreds of feet above the fear of losing his life, he too The heart was kept throbbing
refusing to budge an always remembered death while violently throughout. We learnt a
inch. On this narrow and going about his duties and this great practical lesson today. How
difficult path, every step helped him in putting his best in careful we have to be in order to
had to be taken with the performance of his duties and protect our lives from getting
utmost caution - the daily routines - every moment of sniffed out.
distance between life life with a totally focused mind.
and death was hardly a The tortuous and dangerous
foot and a half long. The moral of this story was patch of the trail was at last over;
acutely experienced by me while but its memory brings forth a train
For the first time in life I negotiating that narrow path. of thoughts. If we always remem-
experienced the fear of There were a number of other ber that death could pounce upon
March-April 2005 19
us any moment, we may not snow-clad mountain. The snow ance. The children got
indulge in chasing illusory was melting slowly and was their doubt cleared on
pleasures. The journey of life is flowing down in a thread-like this count, but went on
like the just concluded journey of simmering stream. Some flowing asking me more ques-
today, which called for the need of pieces of snow were still half-melt. tions related to it. I
keeping every step consciously, The sight was heavenly and readily and gladly
cautiously and correctly. If a soothing to the eyes. provided them with lot
single step was taken wrongly or of information about the
carelessly, it might mean our Some other pilgrims were staying mountains in order to
straying away from the true aim of in a room third from mine. enrich their knowledge.
life and falling down to abysmal Among them there were two
depths of inconscience. If life is children - a girl and a boy, both of This made me think of
dear to us, in order to make it about 11 or 12 years of age. Their the innocently ignorant
worthwhile, it is necessary that we parents were on the pilgrimage. human intellect in
are ever alert and conscious every The children were brought on a childhood, which makes
step of the path. Life is full of device called 'Kandri' carried by him to assume an
responsibilities like that of the porters. They were sweet natured ordinary thing like snow
travelers walking along the and precocious. Both were debat- as valuable silver. But
narrow path alongside the edge of ing on what the shining mountain when grown up, man
the Ganga. Only after negotiating was made of. They had heard that thinks more deeply and
it successfully, can we have hope the mineral mines were situated in gets down to the reality.
of reaching our cherished goal of the mountains. The boy logically If the human intellect
self-fulfillment. The path of duty concluded that the mountain in were properly educated
is narrow like the footpath de- front of us was that of silver. But and developed right
scribed above. Carelessness will the girl disagreed, reasoning that from childhood, chil-
make you slip and fall into a had it the silver been lying so open dren, too, would get to
bottomless pit of darkness, thus and unguarded, people would know the reality of
depriving of the chance of achiev- have plundered it long time back. things while young.
ing the true aim of life in this She, however, could not herself
incarnation. Clutching to the wall say what metal the mountain was But I realized that my
of righteousness will help main- made of nonetheless she contin- musings were mis-
tain the balance and help mini- ued stubbornly disagreeing with placed. How far are most
mize the fear of leaning toward the boy. The debate interested me. of grown-ups free from
the edge of the abysmal depths. In I called them both to my side and follies and misconcep-
difficult times this wall is our explained that the mountain was tions? In the same
solace and support. made of stone, but being of high manner as these children
altitude, it is covered with snow. mistook snow for silver,
The Mountain of Silver During summer the snow melts the grown-ups too
and in winter the snow covers the consider many worth-
Today I was put up in a room on mountain tops again. It is the less or cheap things like
the top floor of Sukki camp. Right snow that shimmers in the sun pieces of silver or
in front was seen the top of the and assumes a silvery appear- copper, sexual excite-
20 March-April 2005
ments, worthless ego- suddenly attacked by a swarm of is unreasonable; for they have no
displays and this mortal yellow flies that were buzzing use of the whole territory. They
body to be of lasting over some trees. Some of them should also understand that this
value and stay attached stung us so deeply that it was hard world is a co-operative venture,
to them, smugly forget- to pull them off. We tried to drive and it is only proper that it is
ful of the true aim and them away by hands or clothes equitably shared by all. They
purpose of life. and we even ran to get away from should have had the forbearance
their range. But they did not leave to let us pass through it enjoying
We are more deeply and us for a long distance. After over the beauty, the green cool shade of
pitiably entangled in half a mile's running, during the trees and fragrance of the wild
transitory and meaning- which we stumbled and fell down flowers. Instead of showing
less worldly pleasures too, the flies, at long last, left us. magnanimity, they stung us, lost
and attractions than the Wherever they had stung, it had their stings; some of them were
small children are in swelled up due to poisonous even mauled to death and others
playing with toys and stings and was severely painful. badly injured. Had they not
paper boats. The grown- exhibited their mad anger in this
ups admonish the I began to ponder over the matter. way, they could have spared
children for their lack of Why did the flies attack us? Did themselves from the unnecessary
foresight and for spend- they get anything by doing so? harm they suffered and the ill-will
ing their valuable time in What did they intend to gain by and bad impression that they
fun and frolic, instead of hurting us? Perhaps the flies created on us. From all angles
attending to studies. But might have been thinking that the their attack and greed of power
who will admonish the forest territory was theirs; it was did not exhibit wisdom. They
gown-ups who, like their dwelling place; and it had to proved themselves true to their
puppets, dance to the remain safe and secure for them; name, “Yellow flies” implying
pull-strings of sensual no one should dare trespass that “mean creatures”.
pleasures, instead of territory. When they saw us
upliftment of the soul? passing through the forest they But why blame the poor flies
The children could be might have taken it as an act of alone? Why should they alone be
convinced of snow not arrogance, endangering their call foolish? We, the human
being silver. But who security and posing a challenge to beings, are also behaving in a
will convince the grown- their sovereignty. So they might similarly avaricious way. The vast
ups that the aim of life is have deemed it necessary to teach resources created by the Almighty
not sensual pleasures or us a lesson for our imprudent to be equitably shared and used
gratifications of desires trespass. by all, are being rapaciously
but self-realization? grabbed by a few of us for our-
If this be so, it is sheer folly of the selves alone. We never pause to
Yellow Flies (Wasps) flies. The forest is made by God; think that the needs of the body
not by them. They must stay atop and even our family are limited
Today while we were the trees and make their living. and that our amassing the nature's
silently passing through Their greed to occupy and keep resources beyond our needs
a dense forest we were for themselves the entire territory would deprive others of even
March-April 2005 21
their bare survival needs. The caring and sharing. He does not survival instinct of their
excess acquisition only helps feed care two hoots for the suffering species and are not
the ego's insatiable hunger of caused to others by his self- endowed, like humans,
being the owner of vast resources; aggrandizement. The yellow flies with discriminative
which one cannot keep with went back after stinging and intelligence (which can
oneself for ever. chasing us for half a mile. But distinguish between the
when I think of the horrific mis- good and the bad). How
Man too, like the yellow flies, gets deeds perpetrated by man intoxi- sad that so few of us
blinded by greed and selfishness. cated by the craze for pelf, power, consciously exercise this
He does not acknowledge the and self-indulgence, I feel shy of gift of the Creator!
nature's eternal law of mutual blaming the bees, who live by
22 March-April 2005
[Abridged from Late Fr. Anthony de Mello's book - 'Call To Love' and published with kind consent of the
publishers - Gujrat Sahitya Prakash. 'Tony' (1931 - 87) was a universally acclaimed spiritual teacher of divine
integrity and wholeness - and he wrote for true seekers of Truth cutting across boundaries of belief, cult and
religion. We gratefully remember Fr. 'Tony' for his spiritual gifts to humanity. - Editor]
March-April 2005 23
blocks out whatever threatens If you wish to see them as they are audible, at others, it is so
it and you will understand you must attend to your attach- loud that it almost
what your beliefs are doing to ments and the fears that your shatters your eardrums.
you. attachments generate. Because Moreover it is impossi-
when you look at life it is these ble to turn it off; at times
III.And then your fears: If you attachments and fears that will it will be slow; it will
knew you were to be executed decide what you will notice and suddenly begin to blare
in a week's time it would what you block out. Whatever away when you want to
wonderfully concentrate your you notice then commands your rest and sleep.
mind to the exclusion of attention. And since your looking
everything else. That is what has been selective you have an Who would put up with
fears do. They irresistibly rivet illusory version of the things and this kind of performance
your attention on to some people around you. The more you in a radio? And yet when
things to the exclusion of live with this distorted version the your heart behaves in
others. more you become convinced that this kind of crazy fashion
it is the only true picture of the you not only put up with
IV You falsely think: world because your attachments it but even call it normal
A. that your fears protect you, and fears continue to process and human.
B. that your beliefs have made incoming data in a way that will
you what you are and reinforce your picture. Think of the numerous
C. that your attachments make times you were tossed
your life exciting and This is what gives origin to your about by your emotions,
secure. beliefs: fixed, unchanging ways of that you have suffered
looking at a reality which is not the pangs of anger,
You fail to see that they are fixed and unchanging at all but in depression, anxiety,
actually a screen between you and movement and change. So it is no when in every instance it
life's symphony. longer the real world that you was because your heart
interact with and love but a world became set on getting
It is quite impossible, of course, to something that you did
created by your head. It is only
be fully conscious of every note in not have, or on holding
when you drop your beliefs, your
life's symphony. But if your spirit on to something that you
fears and the attachments that
becomes unclogged and your had, or on avoiding
breed them, that you will be freed
senses open, you will begin to something that you did
from the insensitivity that makes
perceive things as they really are not want.
you so deaf and blind to yourself
and to interact with reality and you
and to the world.
will be entranced by the harmonies To put it briefly, the
of the universe. Then you will II DROPPING ATTACHMNTS moment you pick up an
understand what God is, for you attachment, the func-
will at last know what love is. Imagine you have a radio that no tioning of this lovely
matter how you turn the knob apparatus called the
Look at it this way: You see picks up only one station. You human heart is
persons and things not as they are have no control over the volume. destroyed.
but as you are. At times the sound is barely
24 March-April 2005
If you want to repair born with it. It sprang from a conclusion, that no thing or
your radio, you must lie that your society and your person outside of you has the
study radio mechanics. culture have told you, or a lie power to make you happy or
that you have told yourself, unhappy. Whether you are
If you want to reform namely, that without this or the aware of it or not it is you and
your heart, you must other, without this person or only you, who decide to be
give serious, prolonged the other, you can't be happy. happy or unhappy, whether
thought to four liberat- you will cling to your attach-
ing truths. But first Just open your eyes and see ment or not in any given
choose some attachment how false this is. There are situation.
that troubles you, hundreds of persons who are
something that you are perfectly happy without this As you ponder these truths, you
clinging to, or something thing or person or situation may become aware that your
that you dread, or that you crave for and that you heart is resisting them or argues
something you are have convinced yourself you against them and refuses to look at
craving for, and keep cannot live without. So make them. That is a sign that you have
this attachment in mind your choice: Do you want not yet suffered enough at the
as you listen to these your attachment, or your hand of your attachments to really
truths. freedom and happiness. want to do something about your
spiritual radio. Or your heart may
I. The first truth: You III.The third truth: If you wish to place no resistance to these truths;
must choose between be fully alive you must develop if that is so, rejoice. Repentance,
your attachment and a sense of perspective. Life is the refashioning of the heart has
happiness. You infinitely greater than this trifle begun and the kingdom of God -
cannot have both. your heart is attached to and the gratefully carefree life of
The moment you pick which you have given the children - has come within your
up an attachment, power to so upset you. grasp at last and you are about to
your heart is thrown reach out and take possession of it.
out of kilter and your Trifle? Yes, because if you live
ability to lead a joyful long enough, a day will easily
carefree serene life is come when it will cease to Study of inspiring
destroyed. matter. It will not even be
remembered - your own books is like
See how true this is experience will confirm this.
when applied to the Just as today you barely communion with
attachment that you remember, are no longer the
have chosen. least bit affected by those living deities. It
tremendous trifles that so
II. The second truth: disturbed you in the past.
gives instant gifts of
Where did your
attachment come IV.And so the fourth truth brings
light and bliss."
from? You were not you to the unavoidable
March-April 2005 25
Science and Spirituality
Prana and the Bioelectrical System of Human Body
n unlimited resource of The scientific exposition pre- bioelectric energy is
electrical energy forms the sented here is focused on the distributed amongst the
basis of physical manifesta- subtle power centers in human- body cells as per their
tion of Nature. The discovery of body whose existence is mani- functional requirements.
this fact and persistent efforts to fested in the forms of This electricity, in
utilize this immense power of Bioelectricity and Biomagnetism. conjunction with the
Nature has been of great help in The subtle bioelectrical energy (subtle) vital energy of a
scientific and technological provides the vital force for the person, produces the
developments of our age. body's functioning and governs (bio)magnetism which
various mental activities. Human in turn manifests as the
The space between the earth's body simulates an `Ocean' aura ( halo of light )
strata and the Ionosphere contains consisting of infinitely many around one's body and
positive potential of about 3 105 `rivers' in the form of the Blood the region of attraction
volts while the earth's interior vessels and the Nerves. Each in one's personality.
contains an equivalent amount of respiratory cycle gives rise to high
negative charge. On an average, and low tides of currents in this It should be noted here
every living organism on the earth `Ocean' at an average rate of about that biomagnetism is a
bears a subtle electrical pressure 15 cycles/minute. The technique consciousness-power
of the order of 5 volts/m created of electric power generation from which can affect the
by the lowest layer of the the tides and cyclones in the material as well as the
Ionosphere situated about 60 km seawater is well known today. conscious forms existing
above the earth's surface. This However, very few people know in Nature. If this subtle
potential generates an electric that the electric ions inhaled from vital energy could ever
current in human body, which is a the surrounding atmosphere be measured as an
good conductor of electricity. The during each respiratory cycle give electromagnetic energy,
measurements by sophisticated rise to a powerful tide and hence it would turn out to be
instruments have shown that this electrical flow within our body. the greatest gift of the
current is of the magnitude of 10-16 The ancient Indian sages (Rishis) Creator of the Universe
Amp Sec/cm2. At a first glance, had a deep knowledge about this to the human race. The
this small quantity of current may current and its utilization for spiritual seers and sages
appear to be negligible. higher purposes. of yore had found that
Nevertheless, its effects are the presence of this
incredible because of the existence Our body can be likened to a biomagnetism could be
of some subtle power centers in grand powerhouse. The brain experienced by personal
the human-body as described and the heart work respectively contacts, communica-
below. like the generator and the trans- tion or meditation.
mitter of the bioelectricity (ionic Supernatural abilities
currents) in the body. The can also be developed by
26 March-April 2005
controlling and the divinity (varchas) of the inner Atmosphere above the earth is
channelising this energy self (antahkaraña). charged with the strength of a
through different wide variety of energy waves
spiritual practices. This Great personalities, with con- within or beyond the range of the
energy then also helps in scious touch with higher spiritual X-, Gamma-, Beta-, Infrared,
communicating with the realms naturally have their subtle Ultraviolet or other cosmic
subtle realms of con- and astral bodies in an awakened radiations. Human body con-
sciousness pervading state. The power of their stantly receives such cosmic
the universe. biomagnetism can be easily seen radiations and transmits similar
in terms of the aura around their ones in the surrounding atmo-
The individual con- physical body, especially around sphere. Enormous amount of this
sciousness (individual their face and fingers. One finds a energy remains stored in the
self) is a part of the divine attraction in them. Their human body and manifests its
Omnipresent Supreme company inspires godliness in power in terms of its various
Consciousness Force others. People with low macro or molecular functions
and the extent of the biomagnetism, on the other hand, governed by universal physico-
manifestation of the induce a kind of repelling force chemical laws. The powers and
latter via sentiments, and dullness in their surrounding capabilities of the subtle human
thoughts and deeds of atmosphere. In spite of good body (a continuum of
the former depends on physical looks and body-built etc. abovementioned storage of
the level of above they appear to be `lifeless' and cosmic energies linked with the
mentioned biomagnetic abominable. Similarly the vital energy) however are
(vital) energy. The biomagnetism of people with unimaginable. This unlimited
subtle energy is an negative personal traits (e.g. source of power remains
integral part of all the cruelty or lasciviousness) spreads untapped and unutilized because
cellular and molecular corresponding harmful effects in of our ignorance about its exis-
constituents of the body. its vicinity. tence.
Its physical existence in
all the cells, tissues, The Ancient Indian scriptures Recent scientific research indi-
neurons, enzymes, describe in detail the science, cates that the geomagnetic
glands etc. is as homoge- philosophy and methods of pressure and the electrical field in
neous as that of the practicing various spiritual the earth's atmosphere are
dissolved salt in the disciplines of yoga and sadhana essential not only for the biophysi-
seawater. The overall meant for increasing the `positive' cal / biochemical functioning of
intelligence, vigor and biomagnetism and thereby our body but also for our mental
energetic alacrity, nourishing the will-power, creativity. The feelings of fatigue,
(collectively called ojas) intellect and other mental and dizziness, lack of decision-making
of a person is maintained physical faculties. These methods abilities observed in the astro-
by this vital energy. This deal with micro-subtler forms of nauts when they were away from
subtle energy also the vital mechanisms inside the the earth's atmosphere gave rise to
inspires the radiance human body. the above hypothesis which was
(tejas) of thoughts and confirmed by a series of system-
March-April 2005 27
atic experiments. In other experi- the same frequency. In a book any desired amount of
ments the astronauts felt perfectly entitled “The Carcadian the universal vital
normal while traveling in the Rhythms of Man” the author, energy by a proper
spacecrafts wherein the earth's Prof. R.A. Ved has described how practice of the
atmosphere was artificially the biological rhythm of the Pr³ñ³y³ma S³dhan³ of
created or simulated. functions of a human body and Yoga, with strong will-
the electromagnetic fields in the power and faith.
surrounding atmosphere influ-
Drs. Den Daniel and Kentberg ence each other. The mechanism of
have shown that longevity and absorption of the above
reproductivity also depend on the Further, a strong electrical field energy and the regula-
electrical waves received from the also exists deep inside the tion of biomagnetism
external fields in the atmosphere. Geonucleus. An electric current would become clearer
The pollution of natural atmo- of about one ampere flows in each when we consider the
sphere and adoption of an artifi- cm2 of this region. As this current following features of the
cial life-style by the human society spreads throughout the human body.
has resulted in a decrease in the geosphere it gathers strength and
level of the abovementioned begins to follow a spiral path. In continuation of the
electrical flows and the capacity of This current gives rise to the discovery of genes and
human beings to absorb these electromagnetic storms, which neuropeptides, the
waves. The reduction in the also influence various cellular and molecular (neuro)
average life of an individual and molecular components of the biologists and physicists
the increased incidence of impo- human body. have also discovered
tency in modern age are obvious some macromolecules
off-shoots of this imbalance. In fact, our universe contains an responsible for
orderly and organized system of bioelectric functioning.
The huge electric capacitor of the electromagnetic waves. This It is found that a power-
earth and its atmosphere is called universal system not only controls ful electrostatic field
the Global Capacitor. This the mutual attraction and move- exists around all tissues
capacitor is dynamic and continu- ments of various planets at the of our body. These
ously subjected to electrical macro level but is also responsible electric fields activate
fluctuations. It emits the waves of for all the continuous motions and the neurons in the brain
natural frequency range of about 7 activities at the atomic and the and, under the ener-
to 8 cycles per second. These micro-atomic levels. Energy in gized control of small
waves constantly resonate the form of electromagnetic waves amounts of
between the earth's surface and exists everywhere in the universal neuropeptides, affect the
the Ionosphere and give rise to the 'Ocean' of Ether, forming an membrane potential
Schumann Resonance. It is a Omnipresent Cosmic flow. The across the cells in other
significant coincidence that these level of this cosmic energy parts of the body.
waves resemble closely the existing in a person is manifested
electrical waves active in the by the aura around his/her body. The human body
human brain. Both are active at One can receive and subtly store consists of over 751012
28 March-April 2005
cells. There exists an (North) pole lies in the Cerebrum The immense physical power of
electrical potential of (Sahastrar). In all the living the vital energy has been discov-
about 60 to 90 milivolts organisms the electrical flows ered and investigated by different
across the membrane of through the spinal cord are groups of scientists under differ-
each cell. The body is directed downwards. Distinctly, ent names such as Biomagnetism,
thus a strong electrical the human-body alone is suffused Bioplasm, Actoplasm, Bioflux etc.
powerhouse. Every with a strong vital energy which if The manifestation of this power is
important function of evoked under proper Sadhana negligible in plants and other
this system such as the processes of Yoga would reverse organisms as compared to that in
heart beating, nerve and the direction of this flow and the human beings. Dr. Kirlian and
muscle stretching and strengthen the functioning of the Dr. Thelma Moss chromo-
contraction, hormonal brain by activating the otherwise recorded these energy fields
secretion, information unused subtle centers of energy (aura) around the human body by
processing by the central existing there. using the Kirlian and Argon
nervous system etc photographic techniques.
involves electrical The total electrical pressure of Theosophists call this `energy-
activity. During respira- about 10-5 volts per centimeter cover' as the Etheric Double.
tion we inhale negative exists in the human-body, which Supernatural and spiritual
ions, which are absorbed is continuously lost by emission powers emanate from this
in the blood corpuscles through the skin-pores and the Biomagnetism or Vital energy
and are spread in the genital organs. This loss could be field.
whole body with the reduced by dedicated practice of
circulation of blood. the Control (Sanyam Sadhana) The practices of meditation and
These ions are dis- processes of Yoga and Meditation pr³ñ³y³ma as described in the
charged back into the as described in the ancient Indian ancient Indian scriptures can
atmosphere through the scriptures. The electrical energy contribute towards the improve-
skin pores. This electri- saved thereby could be utilized ment and control of one's
cal cycle continues for elevating one's biomagnetic biomagnetism. Before going in
throughout our life. level, resulting in enhancement of for such practices one must realize
charm, kinesis, courage, patience, that it is essential to avoid any
The Endocrine gland sharpness etc. Under specific dissipation of this great power of
(Sushumna Nadi) is spiritual practices this energy pr³ña and to properly channelise it
described by the scien- could also be used in awakening through strict self-control and
tists as permanent the subtle centers of the innermost refinement of the senses, senti-
electric dipole whose eternal divine spark existing in ments, desires and thoughts by
negatively charged every human being. Spiritual living an austere and pious life.
lower (south) pole adepts examine the personality of
resides in the Kava an individual by `reading' the Failure indicates half-
Equina (Mooladhar) in (biomagnetic) aura around
the center of the genital his/her body and suggest the hearted effort towards
organs and the posi- appropriate line of sadhana
tively charged upper accordingly. success.
March-April 2005 29
Ayurvedic Therapies: 2
Ayurvedic Decoction Therapy - I
here are several modes of and tend to rely more and more on tured into pioneering
preparation and therapeutic synthetic medicines; ample research in Ayurvedic
regimen of medicinal drugs availability (though at expensive kw³tha-chikits³ (herbal
prescribed by Ayurveda. prices) and easy use of these decoction-therapy) in
Accordingly the Ayurvedic chemically synthesized drugs in new scientific light. The
medicines are classified as - rasa or tablets, capsules, syrups and i.v. dedicated research work
ras³yanas, bhasma, c¿rña - in the injectable forms have virtually of the Ayurvedic doctors
powder categories; vaÚº - tablet; wiped out the natural healing and scientists (many of
avleha, ³sava, ariÌÚa and kw³tha. - in modes like the Ayurvedic kw³tha whom also happen to be
the syrup and decoction category. therapy. dedicated s³dhakas) has
Of these, ³sava, ariÌÚa and kw³tha shown significant
induce quicker healing effects. The acute negative effects of benefits of kw³tha-
Kw³tha (decoction) is found to be antibiotics and chemically chikits³.
synthesized drugs and the
the best in terms of effectiveness,
inability of modern (allopathic) The studies of healing
minimal risk of side effects, fast
therapies in healing several kinds effects on a large number
remedy and flexibility in compo-
of psychosomatic disorders and of patients treated at this
sition as per the suitability to the
diseases have created an alarming centre by kw³tha medi-
patient. It is prepared from fresh
need for multidimensional cines affirm the assertion
herbs/medicinal plants and
research in alternate and comple- of the Ayurvedic
administered orally soon after the
mentary modes of healing. scriptures that this
preparation so there is no risk of
Several institutions across the therapy has the potential
adulteration, stalement or degra-
world have been engaged in of kay³kalp - complete
dation and untoward reactions.
reviving the ancient system of transformation of the
Most of the herbal medicinal Ayurveda for the past over two psychosomatic system
plants used in kw³tha drugs in a decades. Most of these research from a sick, weak or dull
large number of diseases can be efforts are focused at state to a healthy, strong
easily grown in the farms, kitchen phytochemical analysis of herbal and vibrant state. Kw³tha
gardens or even in pots. Many of medicines and extraction of drug- (or k³Ãh³ in Hindi
them could also be taken as part of chemicals from medicinal plants;
language) means
daily intakes in appropriate only some institutions/labs are
decoction prepared by
quantities as vital tonics for reinvestigating the diagnostic
boiling fresh (green or
maintenance of vigorous health aspects and the bhasma, rasa or
dried), cleansed plant-
and increase in body-stamina and ras³yana-based medicines and dry
medicines (prescribed
immunity against diseases. It is a herbal powders. The parts of the plant, e.g.
pity that we often remain ignorant Brahmvarchas Research Centre, leaves and/or stem-
of such marvelous gifts of Nature Shantikunj, Hardwar has ven- section, bark-skin, etc) in
30 March-April 2005
appropriate combina- mass awareness. One can visit the raw medicine mentioned here
tion at controlled herbal-samples exhibition hall of corresponds to one dose for an
temperatures. It is found the centre. One can also visit their adult patient, on an average):
to be a natural, soft mode k³Ãh³ lab to have a glance at the
of healing which func- method of preparation. Several 1. Kw³tha: According to
tions in total harmony species of herbal plants can be Ayurvedic pharmaceutical
with the metabolic seen planted in the herbal gardens instructions - P³ñºya ÏoÃaÌa
system, because of the of this centre and at Shantikunj Guña® Kïuññe Dravya Pale
appropriate doses of the Ashram premises, Hardwar. Kïipet; meaning: take about
specific kw³tha(s) of one Larger extension of the research one pala (one pala = four tol³ =
or more medicines as per facilities and Ayruvedic clinic at 48 gms) of jaukuÚa (coarsely
the disease state and Brahmavarchas will be estab- grinded dry herb or grated
patient's prakati (natural lished in the campus of the Dev cleaned plant-part) medicine
constitution). Several Sanskriti University, of Gayatri of interest. Boil it in sixteen
otherwise intractable Tererth, Shantikunj. Here we times volume of water (= 1648
and chronic diseases present the introductory informa- gms in this case) till the boiled
have been cured by this tion (with relevant details) on decoction is reduced to one-
simple therapy within a kw³tha-therapy. fourth of the original solu-
few weeks to several tion. Wait till it cools down up
months time. Kw³tha or k³Ãh³ is also referred as to lukewarm temperature;
ïata, nirp¿ha and juï³nd³ in the then filter it through a clean
The Ayurvedic experts vedic scriptures. These are cloth-piece. Needless to say
at the Brahmvarchas counted among "Panchaka̳ya" that all utensils should be
Research Centre have (five 'subtlized' medicines). The properly cleaned before use.
devised the formulae five members of this group of five The filtered decoction is the
and methods of prepara- types of medicines are Kw³tha, kw³tha ready for use.
tion through reinvesti- Hima, Ph³óÚa, Kalka and Swaras (or
gation (based on the arka). These are relatively lighter 2. Hima: In this case 24 gms of
Ayurvedic scriptures) of in terms of the (subtlized) the raw medicines' powder is
the botanical identifica- extracted concentration of the soaked from the evening till
tion, morphology, medicine; for example, kw³tha is the next day morning in six
phytochemical and times volume of water (= 624
lighter than swaras, kalka is lighter
medicinal properties of a gms). In the morning, it is
as compared to kw³tha, hima to
large number of com- crushed through clean hands,
kalka and phaóÚa to kalka. All these
monly found and rare mixed and then filtered
forms of medicines are to be
species of Himalayan through a clean cloth-piece.
drunk orally in a fresh form
and other Indian herbal The filtered hima is ready to be
(preferably no later than an hour
plants. Excerpts of some drunk instantly.
after preparation). The method of
of their findings are
preparation and the proportion of
displayed at the centre 3. Ph³óÚa: Water amounting to
water account for this difference,
along with samples of four times that of the herbal
as described below (the amount of
many herbs for creating
March-April 2005 31
medicine is boiled separately. kw³tha. Milder than this is the doshas. Dºpana Kw³tha is
Then the powdered medicine p³chana kw³tha, which is a more concentrated
is soaked in it for sometime prepared the same way except decoction, prepared by
(till the powder absorbs that the decoction is boiled till boiling the medicine's
maximum amount of water the water solution remains half solution till it becomes
and becomes sufficiently of the original volume. This is only one-tenth of the
soft). Then the soaked recommended in case of high original volume.
medicine-powder is further fever, etc to first control the Depending upon the
triturated (to make a watery deficiencies or excess in the type and state of the
paste). It is then filtered and is doshas (namely v³ta, pitta and disease, the dºpana
ready for drinking. kapha); initially, it even aggra- kw³tha of specific
vates the doshas that have herbal/plant medi-
4. Kalka: Desired amount of dry caused the ailment in order to cine(s) is prescribed to
or wet (herbal/plant) medi- make the disease manifestation cleanse the stomach,
cine is triturated on the clearer. Mildest is the enhance appetite and/or
grinding stone by mixing a santaparña kw³tha, in which the regulate metabolism.
little amount of water so as to
heating of the solution is
prepare a wet smooth paste. Ïodhana kw³tha is still
continued only till it begins to
This paste is the kalka, which higher in the potency of
boil. This type of kw³tha is often
is to be gulped (with slight the medicine as it is
used like a general tonic given
chewing, if necessary) soon boiled till the solution is
for balancing the concentration
after preparation. reduced to one-twelfth
of specific vital elements in the
body. of the original volume. It
5. Swaras: It is also called arka. cleanse out the mala (the
It is prepared by crushing the accumulated dirt inside
The potency of a drug becomes
pieces of fresh plant medi- the body, infections, etc).
successively higher in the other
cines on a grinding stone then ÏoÌaña kw³tha is the
types of kw³tha of a particular
taking out the juicy part by
medicinal herb/plant. Ïamana richest extract of the
pressing the paste so pre-
Kw³tha is boiled till the solution boiled medicines. It is
pared. The juice is filtered
is reduced to one-eighth of obtained by boiling the
before use. Like the other four
original volume; as the name herbal/plant medicine's
preparations of kw³tha group,
suggests, it calms (pacifies) the solution (decoction) till
swaras is also used in a fresh only one- sixteenth of the
intensity of the disease by
state (preferably, instantly original volume
suppressing the corresponding
after preparation). remains. This type of
doshas that are the root-cause.
Often, if the symptoms are not strong kw³tha destroys
There are seven major types of
confirming the diagnosis, first the cause(s) of the acute
kw³tha varying in drug-potency;
the p³chana kw³tha is given; the or aggravated ail-
these are p³chana, dºpana,
desired regimen of the ïamana ments/sickness com-
ïodhana, ïamana, santaparña, pletely.
kledana and ïoÌaña kw³tha. The kw³tha starts only after neces-
one described above is the kledana sary 'ripening' of the specific
According to general
therapeutic principles of
32 March-April 2005
Ayurveda, p³chana proportionally increase or 3. Kutaja Kw³tha: It is very
kw³tha should be taken decrease, depending upon the effective medicine to cure
in the night (before dose. In each case, the constituents dysentery, loose motions, and
sleep); ïamana kw³tha are separately crushed (grinded) chronic or infection-driven
before noon (after as coarse powder and then mixed amoebiasis.
breakfast, as guided by as per the given measurements.
the doctor); dºpana The method of preparation will be Ingredients: K¿Úaja- 1 tsp, Bilva- 1
kw³tha is prescribed to be specified in the next article in this tsp, K³lamegha- 1/2 tsp, TrikaÚu-
taken late in the after- series, together with the constitu- 1/4 tsp, Ïarpunkh³- 1/2 tsp, V³s³- 1
noon (post lunch). ents of some more kw³thas. The tsp, N³garmoth³- 1 tsp, MulahaÚhº-
Santaparña and ïodhana common English names and 1/2 tsp, Chir³yat³- 1/2 tsp, Giloya-
kw³thas are taken early in botanical names of the herbs 1 tsp, D³r¿ Haldº - 1 tsp, Haldº - 1/2
the morning (empty mentioned here are given in the tsp.
stomach). Table at the end of the article.
March-April 2005 33
Alphabetic list of the Hindi Names (of the herbs/medicinal plants) referred above; other popular
Hindi names, if any, are also shown in the first column
(Series to be continued).
34 March-April 2005
My Life: Its Legacy and Message 13
Never-failing Sadhana
(Autobiography of Poojya Gurudev Pt. Sriram Sharma Acharya - Continued)
an has his own It does not serve any purpose to been accomplished should purely
limitations like a give false assurances for the future. be considered the result of Divine
child. He poten- Proof has to be furnished how, Grace, most of which is being
tially gets infinite strength whatever has been given so far, has showered not directly but through
from his Creator, the been utilized. This is the basis of the medium of my Gurudev,
Omnipotent God. This, preparing the performance graph, although it hardly makes any
however, is conditional. which is examined before promo- difference.
Children do not know tion is granted. I had to give
proper utility of objects convincing proof of my competence How could this sublime achieve-
and cannot take care of and sincerity during past several ment be possible? It was possible by
them. So they are given births. When everything was found cultivation of competence or
cheap toys, petty bal- to be in order, gifts and grace were worthiness. It is also known as
loons, rattles, whistles, showered on me. Jºvan-s³dhan³. It is intimately
lemon juice balls, toffees related to up³san³. Electric current
etc. When a child grows Whatever Sugreev, Vibhishan, flows through a metal wire and not
up, understands his Sudama, Arjun got and whatever through wood. A dry log of wood
responsibilities he gets they did was not the result of their burns far more quickly and brightly
everything in inheritance own ego-centred efforts. The than a wet one. A mother takes up a
without demanding supreme power of God was child into her lap when he is neat
anything. For this he is not working from behind the curtain. and clean. If he is stained with filth
required to beg, beseech Canals get water from rivers. and dirt, she will first wash and
pathetically or offer Distributaries, which supply water clean him and then take him in her
prayers. God and to the fields, get it from the canals. If lap and feed him. For securing
divinized human beings there is any disorder or mishap nearness, proximity to God, purity
are keen to give a thou- anywhere there is bound to be a of character is a must. Several
sand times more than breakdown in the entire chain. Man persons had remained soiled with
what we ask for, provided can establish intimate relationship carnal cravings in their previous
we have demonstrated with God on some definite basis. lives but the moment they took to
our competence to utilize There is no scope in it for anything faith, devotion and s³dhan³ their
the divine gifts for noble like flattery. God does not play lives were transformed beyond
and altruistic purposes favourite with anyone. He is bound recognition. Valmiki, Angulimal,
and not for gratification of by the laws underlying the smooth Bilva-mangal, Ajamil became saints
our perversely petty, working of His cosmos. He is in the true sense of the term, the
egoistic desires and impartial. moment they surrendered them-
hungers. selves to God, although their past
My personal human competence is lives were far from pious. We adopt
almost insignificant. Whatever has the policy of R³m n³m japan³ par³y³
March-April 2005 35
m³l apan³ (mechanically taking three are at its root. A man having practice what we preach
Ram's name but coveting what these vices is bound to be dragged and try to convince
belongs to others). We go on doing towards hell. people by logic, facts and
evil deeds and yet think that by results and our resolve is
worshipping God merely through Actions are shaped by our subtle firm, it is well nigh
outward symbolic acts, we will tendencies. Our physical body is impossible that persons
escape from retribution for our governed by our mind. Mind alone close to us will not be
trespasses. Is this not a great and not the body should be consid- influenced. If economic
delusion? ered responsible for all the mis- malpractices are sought to
deeds. Keeping this fact in view, I be eradicated, it is
Before dyeing, a cloth has to be considered it appropriate to cut the necessary to educate the
washed clean. Before sowing it is roots of the poisonous tree of ego- minds of the people on
necessary to plough the land. To centered cravings and started Jºvan- these lines. With this
earn the grace of God one has to lead s³dhan³, considering mind as the resolve I remained firm in
a pious life and become a s³dhak. A basis. my convictions. Our
s³dhak alone can become a true family in Ghiya Mandi,
devotee. In the absence of Jºvan- Crimes are often committed due to Mathura, consisted of five
s³dhan³ the thoughts, character, economic compulsions and members. Till we came to
diet and daily routine of a person temptation. A pledge was, there- Hardwar in 1971, we
will all be disorganized. Such a fore, taken by me to lead a simple managed our expenses
person will always remain restless life of an average Indian. Whatever within two hundred
on account of greed and desires and the income, it should be spent rupees per month. This
he will never be able to concentrate economically, according to local could be possible by thrift
his mind. No purpose is served conditions, on the principle of and by maintaining a
merely by performing karma-k³nd 'simple living and high thinking'. In standard different from
and symbolic worship. Worship is principle, most of the people give it others, although my
directly related to inner feelings. lip support, but when it comes to income was above
With sublimated feelings alone a practice they find it difficult to do average as I had inherited
person is able to assimilate righ- so. It requires unshakable firmness ancestral property. It was
teousness in his attitudes, actions and resolve, as members of the also spent in the educa-
and nature. family have also to be prepared to tion of children of other
follow it strictly, not only in princi- members of the family
When a respectable guest pays a ple but also in practice. and nothing was accumu-
visit or there is a function, the entire lated to breed vices and
house is cleaned and whitewashed. The greatest difficulty in this addictions. Thus an
If God is to be invited to occupy the connection is about the attitudes important aspect of Jºvan-
chamber of the heart, it has to be prevalent in the society. People s³dhan³ could be prac-
first cleaned of all the dirt and dross, think that when everybody is ticed.
which fill it. For this one has to take indulging in riotous merry-making
recourse to self-growth. These facts on his well-earned or ill-gotten A man has a propensity
were explained to me and I thor- wealth, why should we exercise for adorning, embellish-
oughly assimilated them. After all, control on ourselves? It is very ing and enriching one's
why do we lead a contemptible life? difficult to convince members of the own family and he wants
Greed, delusion and pride, these family in this matter. Still, if we to leave behind huge
36 March-April 2005
wealth in succession at work, it became difficult for her to my attitudes (guña), actions (karma)
the time of his death. spare time for household work. and nature (svabh³v) with a view to
Children of the people ensuring that righteousness of a
who indulge in unre- It is a false notion, born out of a s³dhak has been incorporated in
strained gratification of perverted sense of values, that those them. It is a matter of satisfaction
desires are bound to living in pomp and show are that I can humbly claim to have
become addicted to regarded 'great' while those living emerged victorious.
luxuries of all sorts and in simplicity are considered to be
thus a chain of extrava- unlucky or backward. It did not At birth, everybody is crude and
gance and squandering of ever apply in my case. It would unpolished. Every soul brings with
money starts. Ill-gotten have been a different matter if it, from previous lives, a greater or
wealth is bound to be poverty had become our lot on lesser load of evil tendencies and
spent in licentious living. I account of sloth or incompetence. impressions. They cannot be
learnt a lesson from the But in our case it was a voluntarily eradicated all at once. Grace of the
experience of the down- and gladly adopted way of life in Guru or p¿j³-p³th (rituals) also does
fall of others and did not adherence to high and noble ethical not serve this purpose. The only
allow such an outlook to principles. None of my relatives, way is to struggle hard against the
enter in my home. Thus a friends etc. who came in my contact evil tendencies. A parallel army of
cultured, refined family regarded it as poverty but as an noble thoughts, duly trained,
grew up. example of setting Br³hmañ tradi- should be kept in readiness to fight
tions. There are people who by it out as soon as an evil thought
People squander away a giving up chillies or putting on creeps in. Evil thoughts and
lot of money and time in wooden sandals make loud tendencies cannot exist for long if
bragging, pomp and proclamations of their simplicity they are not allowed to consolidate
show, ornamentation and and righteousness. But spiritual life their position in our minds. Their
fashion. There was no is truly lived by an all-inclusive self- strength is limited. They mainly
scope in my life for such restraint and discipline in which depend on habits and conventions,
ego-inflating and self- one has to consciously endeavour while good thoughts have always
glorifying trivialities, as every moment to transform his the strong support of logic, facts,
an atmosphere of entire way of life into that of a true proof, wisdom, etc. The authors of
Br³hmañ-like politeness Br³hmañ. This entails a gradual and ancient scriptures have rightly
and simplicity was long s³dhan³. In this respect, I pointed out that ultimately truth
maintained throughout rigorously trained myself and also alone prevails. In other words, it is
my personal and family all those who were linked with me. the divine virtues and noble
life. We had formed the tendencies that form part of our real
habit of doing all domes- Life is affected by accumulated evil higher nature; evil tendencies are
tic chores with our own tendencies and habits. Passion, only aberrations and shadows
hands. For years Mataji anger, greed, delusion, pride and without substance. When monkeys
grinded flour at home and jealousy, all tried to deflect me from and bears can be trained to display
prepared meals herself the righteous path, but they were amazing feats, there is no reason
for the family and guests. chased away before they could why a raw and crude human mind
A domestic servant had to establish a foothold in my psyche. could not be refined and made
be engaged only when, on They succeed only when a person is righteous through concentrated
account of extraordinary caught unawares or lowers his s³dhan³.
expansion of mission's guard. I kept a constant watch on
March-April 2005 37
Occult Science of Astrology and
its role in Healing and Health
he positive role of astrology in waves over material particles. levels of the cosmic
spiritual healing has been They hold that matter is only an energy are also affected
demonstrated through the illusive appearance; the substratal in some way. These
ages. If the spiritual healer is well reality is nothing but energy. different energy levels
versed in astrology he can draw a Everything in this creation have been classified by
very close estimate of the patient's whether animate or inanimate the experts of astrology
past and future courses of life. was pure energy before taking in symbolic codes, which
True, in modern times astrology form, will dissolve into the cosmic are expressed as
has become a victim of many formless energy waves after navagraha (the nine
kinds of misconceptions and physical death. The scientist and planets), twelve zodiac
criticisms. Variety of malpractices the spiritualist both agree that this signs, twenty-seven
and superstitions have tarnished all-pervading energy has many naksatras (constella-
and overshadowed the basic levels and states, which are tions), etc.
scientific premises of this great continually changing. This
science. But if these layers of perpetual flux is the cause of the Astrology and spiritual
popular blind beliefs are unpeeled origin, sustenance and dissolution science both agree that a
and its real character deciphered, of the creation. person's moment of
its scientific worth becomes birth has special signifi-
apparent. It is a very effective There is, however, a theoretical cance. Undoubtedly,
technique of personality assess- disagreement though between the every moment of time is
ment. It gives a glimpse into a scientists and the spiritualists as to important but the birth
person's latent potentialities and why this change occurs. While moment exercises
future prospects. It fairly accu- science ascribes this to mere continuing influence on
rately predicts what major chance factor, the spiritual the whole course of
hurdles one will be coming across viewpoint considers it as born out embodied life. Why is it
in life or which ill-fortunes are of the cosmic consciousness-force so? The answer is that
likely to befall him at which as an absolute necessity for the special currents of the
specific points of time. creational process. According to cosmic energy meet
this view, change in the circum- every moment at one
But for this, it would be necessary stances of a human being, a higher point or the other in a
to have a clear understanding of order living being, is caused and specific arrangement
its nature and functioning. guided by his actions, thoughts, and quantum. It is in
Modern science accepts the truth emotions and resolves. This is the these moments of
that this universe is instinct with core premise of the science of convergence that the
energy. Indeed, the physicists astrology. This science also birth of a person takes
have now gone to the extent of postulates that in this life-long place. This precise
according primacy to energy cycle of changes the different moment decides in what
38 March-April 2005
sequence these energy Astrology looks into the intricate expertise from his enlightened
currents will meet in pattern of a person's birth- gurus during his sadhana days in
future and what influ- moment-based energy cycle and the divinely charged environs of
ence they will cast on the determines when, and in what Gyanganj Siddhapeeth located in
course of his life. way, a particular energy current is the astral realm in a remote region
likely to cast its influence on his of Tibet. Swamiji was greatly
The astrologers prepare life. This cycle also tells which skilled in all the three branches or
horoscope or diagram- actions and sanskaras of the past, aspects of astrology viz. Ganita
matic representation of otherwise called fate, caused the Jyotisa (mathematical or computa-
the energy cycle of every person's birth at that precise tional astrology), Yoga Jyotisa and
sentient or insentient instant. This kind of knowledge Deva Jyotisa (astrology of the
entity. This cycle is constitutes one aspect of astrology gods).
generally based on the (jnana jyotisa). Its other aspect is
nine planets or nine concerned with methodology of Mathematical astrology is the
primary currents of the adjustment with these energy branch widely known and
cosmic energy and currents, that is, it prescribes the practiced. In it, computation is
twelve special currents conscious steps a person may take done on the basis of time and place
forming the zodiac to enhance the effects of his good of birth, and the resultant effects
signs. If the calculation is luck or opportune moments, or to are studied. In yoga astrology, the
accurate, it will reveal mitigate the impact of bad phases time of the union between the
the resultant effect of the lying in store for him as per parents is determined with the
confluent energy astrological readings of his help of yogic power. The starting
currents on the lives of horoscope. point of calculation here is the
these entities. moment of conceiving and not of
There are many efficacious and the physical birth. Deva jyotisa
Man's position is helpful methods prescribed in contains many wonders, for
somewhat different. He Jyotish Shastra for different example, preparing a person's
is neither completely situations. It is for the spiritual horoscope on the basis of informa-
non-conscious like healer to intelligently and intu- tion given about a person indi-
matter nor semi- itively select or reject a particular rectly or by simply looking
conscious like plants or method. It all depends on his own through his energy field by direct
animals. He is self- depth and range of knowledge. interaction, etc.
conscious. He is richly Unfortunately, there are very few
endowed with the scholars today who are equally Swami Vishuddhanandji utilized
powers of reason and adept in both spiritual sadhana and these different aspects of astrol-
discrimination. That is astrological science. But some ogy in his spiritual healing
why he is capable of decades back, this rare confluence according to the time and need.
adapting and modifying was seen in Swami Rohini Kumar Chel has recounted
the effects of the cosmic Vishuddhanandji who was the his own experience with
energy waves falling guru of Dr. Gopinath Kaviraj, a Vishuddhanadji. When he went to
upon him. great scholar of Indology. The meet Swamiji the first time he was
former had acquired this twin carrying with him his own and his
March-April 2005 39
wife's horoscopes. He wanted to differed. Vishuddhanandji for Rohini Kumar's
seek solutions to some problems explained: “It is the horoscope spiritual healing. This
of life. But as soon as he began to prepared by me that is correct. If curative process
take out the horoscopes from his the one you possess had been included some tech-
handbag, Vishunddhanandji correct, you would not have been niques of tantra too.
stopped him and brought out a an ordinary mortal but an avatar
piece of paper on which had been (Divinity incarnate). You would To sum up, for correct
drawn not only the two horo- not come to me; I would have astrological prediction,
scopes of his and his wife but full gone to you. Because, the horo- the practitioner has to be
details of unfoldment of their lives scope you have with you shows a an adept in all the three
had also been worked out. A birth lagna whose conjunction branches of this occult
surprised Rohini Kumar com- with the cosmic energy currents science, viz; Ganita
pared the two sets of horoscopes and the specific sequence of their Jyotish, Yoga Jyotish and
those with him and those shown meeting makes it an extra- Deva Jyotish as was
by Vishuddhanandji. His wife's ordinary moment”. Through this Swami Vishuddhanandji.
horoscope exactly tallied while in personal interaction, Swamiji took
his own case the birth lagna (time) the necessary remedial measures
A king had four ministers. Three of them were sycophants but the
fourth one was farsighted and frank.
When the king died the first minister built an expensive monument
in his memory. The second one got precious stones engraved in the
monument. The third one got golden lamps lighted in it. Everyone
appreciated their devotion and sincerity towards the deceased king.
The fourth minister got a dense garden planted around the
In course of time the amount spent by all the three ministers got
wasted. Thieves and dacoits stole all the valuable decorations of the
monument. The garden of the fourth minister kept giving fruits.
Families of gardeners lived on them. The travelers got shed to rest in
the garden and heartily blessed the person who got it planted and
40 March-April 2005
On the Sacred Festival of Navratri
Âdyaïakti Tripad³ G³yatrº
here are only two tion. Vijn³na or science forms the divine energies. The scriptures
fundamental basis of physical / material contain references to the 24
elements in this progress. These two are called attributes of G³yatrº correspond-
creation - the conscious riddhi and siddhi respectively. One ing to 24 avat³rs, 24 deities, 24 riÌis,
(chetan) and the non- name of G³yatrº is Jagaddh³trº 24 yogas, 24 tapas (austerities), 24
conscious (jada). The (upholder of the cosmos). It is chakras (extra-sensory energy
principles and forces therefore appropriate that the centers), 24 s¿tras, etc.
working within the non- Supreme power, which upholds
conscious are discov- this cosmos, be called Âdyaïakti, G³yatrº mah³mantra has three
ered and utilized by the Primordial Energy. The seers parts and hence G³yatrº has also
vijn³na, the scientific while assigning supreme impor- been named as Tripad³. Since it is
knowledge. To under- tance to the use and symbols of composed of three segments of
stand the nature and ïikh³, s¿tra, mah³mantra, eight syllables each, Pingalashatra
tendency of thoughts, gurumantra etc., have sung paeans calls it G³yatrº chhanda (metrical
ideas and sentiments of praise to the glory of this composition). Tripad³ is triveñº,
that flow within the Br³hmºïakti, the creative energy. the confluence of three rivers. The
conscious, one has to G³yatrº is revered as Vedm³t³ three streams are called theism,
take the help of jn³na, the (origin of the Vedas), Devam³t³ spirituality and religiousness. The
spiritual knowledge. (mother of the gods) and triads of sat-chit-³nand (existence,
The root source, from Vishwam³t³ (mother of the uni- consciousness and bliss); satyam-
which both these verse) because she holds in her shivam-sundaram (truth, goodness
streams of knowledge - bosom, in seed form, all the major and beauty); satwa-rajas-tamas
the spiritual and the and minor streams of the spiritual (purity, kinetism, and ignorance);
scientific - spring like and the scientific knowledge. amrit-p³ras-kalpavikïa (elixir,
Ganga and Yamuna Shruti (the revealed texts) says: philosopher's stone, and wish-
descending from the “In this world, nothing is loftier fulfilling celestial tree); Brahma-
Himalaya, is called than G³yatrº”. Vishnu-Mahesh; Saraswati-
G³yatrº Mah³mantra. The
Lakshmi-Kali; bhakti-shakti-shanti
jn³na aspect of G³yatrº is The science of G³yatrº is extremely (devotion, power, and serenity);
tattva-darïan (essence) of subtle and elaborate. The key to etc. are associated with the three
Brahmavidy³ i.e. glimpse understand the essence of this parts of G³yatrº. This is also
of the ultimate Reality, science has been incorporated in reflected in the three forms of
while its vijn³na aspect seed form in the composition of its trik³la sandhy³ (prayer-rituals of
consists of practices of word-structure. The adepts of morning, noon and evening).
s³dhan³. Jn³na or G³yatrº s³dhan³ have underlined
spiritual knowledge the sanctity of its 24 letters by There are nine words in G³yatrº
leads to mokïa or salva- comparing them with the 24 basic mah³mantra. Each of these
March-April 2005 41
contains the blueprint of divine physical and metaphysical the nine words of
virtues for individual and social knowledge as complementary to G³yatrº.
well-being. Imbibing these virtues each other. But today, one-sided
an individual can rise from and narrow material pursuits These nine energies may
pettiness to greatness and trans- have become everything. Not also be called basic
form himself from an ordinary only should Durg³s be wor- divine potentialities of
mortal (nara) into godhead shipped, but the worship of human consciousness.
(n³r³yana). Virtues are indeed navadevºs, which represent They lie in a dormant
countless but, upon classification, spiritual radiance, should also be state within every
they can be reduced to nine in restored to their original sanctity. human being. If the right
number. Similarly, the innumera- endeavor is made to
ble strands of the moral code, In the narvar³tris of ³ïwin and awaken them, they will
which are required to uplift the chaitra months, only the worship endow the s³dhak with
society, can also be grouped in of navadurg³s has been holding the divine powers,
nine categories. This nine-fold primary importance, because of which are called riddhi-
grouping is symbolically repre- pre-eminence given to power and sidhi. These achieve-
sented by the nine threads of pelf (siddhis). However, the ments are termed as
yagyopavita (sacred thread). The orthodox devº - worship, in one 'going forward' and
devotional method to integrate form or the other, has continued in 'rising high'. 'Going
this process into the scheme of life a subdued way. Ram-lºl³, R³ss-lºl³, forward' means to
is navadh³-bhakti (nine-fold Ramayana-p³r³yaña, navah³nna- become endowed with
devotion). Mostly, it is the nine yagya, gañagaur and other such prosperity and glory.
words of G³yatrº whose 'Rising high' means to
religious traditions are performed
simulative and rhetoric interpre- become evolved and
during navar³tri itself, and they
tations form the core-substance of cultured. Divine potenti-
are different from the regular
navadurgas, nine planets, alities and noble disposi-
Durg³-p¿j³, as they, by and large,
navadweepas, navanidhis, etc. tions are present in
represent the prayerful yearning
Navadurg³s are mentioned in the everyone in seed form.
of the Soul for upliftment towards
unorthodox t³ntric practices. The seed encapsules the
its source.
Their external forms or images are potential of the whole
well known. In the orthodox yoga- tree, but this is normally
It has been mentioned earlier that
s³dhan³, there is a description of not visible. Only when
the nine words of G³yatrº appear
navadevºs (nine goddesses). the seed is duly planted
in nine-fold classifications
in rich soil and nurtured,
Durg³s represent material powers depending on different perspec-
does it germinate and
and abundance, and devºs, spiri- tives. In the Ramayana, they have
finally grow into the
tual forces. The two are not been called “Navaguna param punit
giant tree. It is the divine
antithetical; they complement tumhare” (your nine attributes are
energies and noble
each other. It is only by combining the most pious). These nine
tendencies that are the
the material and the spiritual that attributes are symbolized as
Durg³s and the devºs. By
knowledge becomes complete. navadevºs and can be viewed as the
s³dhan³, they are
The wise sages of yore had kept sublime inspirations inherent in
awakened and culti-
42 March-April 2005
vated. Awakened inner- ment and transmutation of one's G³yatrº have three words each
power (atma-bal) is raw and base mental and physical representing the trilateral func-
kalpavriksa. The virtues tendencies (kusanskars) into noble tioning of tridh³. Navadh³ bhakti
and noble traits are its and altruistic thoughts, emotions (nine-fold devotion) is also an
fruits. Persons endowed and deeds (susanskars) as integral expansion of this very
with creative inner- parts of the personality. Brahmavidya. These divine
power are able to emanations of G³yatrº are known
achieve grand successes The three parts of G³yatrº pro- as nine devºs or goddesses. Their
and perform historic pound respectively (a) theism, i.e., worship leads to integrated
deeds. This is not the firm faith in the Divine; (b) spiritual growth and synthesis of
result of their mere spirituality, i.e., awareness of a matter and spirit.
physical and intellectual Supreme Intelligence at the base
prowess but that of their of creation; and (c) religiousness, The G³yatrº Shaktipeethas have
spiritual eminence. In i.e. sincere performance of one's nine goddesses. They are: (1)
terms of spirituality, it is duties. That is why it is called Adyashakti, (2) Savitri, (3)
called divine grace. To Tripad³. From each of these three Kundalini, (4) Vedamata, (5)
become the medium of spring three currents making it an Devamata, (6) Vishwamata, (7)
such miracles, it requires aggregate of nine. The three main Saraswati, (8) Lakshmi and (9)
cultivation of the inner strands of yagyopavita, each Durga. This navaratna (nine-gem)
soul through s³dhan³. consisting of three threads, are a family of G³yatrº encompasses all
S³dhan³ means focused pointer to the transmutation of the that is good, beneficial and joyful
effort towards refine- three into nine. The three parts of for the individual and the society.
44 March-April 2005
gious terminology as there. You must know that tºrthas of virtuous mundane and spiri-
puñyas. Progress on are not meant for merely going tual growth. In ancient India,
both fronts is necessary through some mechanical rituals Gurukuls were educational
for washing out the sins and beseeching worldly favors tºrthas for young children where
and attainment of from the deity. If you regard they used to gain in-depth
auspicious qualities and Shantikunj as Gayatri-Tirth (a knowledge of life and existence
d i v i n e g r a c e . Tºrtha for Gayatri S³dhan³), you from their mentor rishis on all
Connection between the must follow the disciplines here aspects of life. They also used to
two poles of electricity is and make the best use of every get thorough training for activa-
essential for the flow of moment of your stay for your tion, refinement and growth of
current in a circuit. spiritual enlightenment. Here we their talents and for overall
Similarly, the harmoni- have strict timetable from the development of their personali-
ous conjunction of both moment you get up (early in the ties. Aranyaks also used to serve
Gy³na and Karma leads morning at 3:30 am) till you go to as centers for training of the elders
to fulfillment of devo- bed (at 9pm). The arrangements, (vanprasthis) in the s³dhan³ of
tion and righteousness, activities and time-schedule are altruistic service and social
which then effectuate so designed that if you follow welfare.
the supernormal them sincerely, within a few days,
attainments or siddhis of you would imbibe a regimen of The monasteries established by
spiritual elevation. self-restraint and moral disci- Lord Buddha were also like
Tºrthas were created in pline. Interaction with people Aranyaks. Those who used to
the ancient times to here will also inculcate in you the renounce their worldly attach-
provide the motivating art of living a truly civilized and ments and were dedicated to
energy and atmosphere cultured social life. You will get an selfless service and dissemination
for transcending and opportunity to know the funda- of the divine teachings of Lord
transmuting both mentals of spiritual S³dhan³ and Buddha for the welfare of all used
Gy³na and Karma into Indian Culture and also gain an to be the permanent inmates of
experience and practical guidance these monasteries. Well, you may
the supreme state of
for imbibing an austere, ascetic call them as "Bauddhvihars"
self-realization. instead of Aranyaks; it hardly
life dignified simplicity.
makes any intrinsic difference.
If you go for pilgrimage, Such sacred centers of learning
This place is like a sanatorium for
you must keep this and training, where every
spiritual healing. Doctors and
purpose and importance moment of life is dedicated to
medical experts may be there in
of tºrthas in mind. If you tapa-s³dhan³ and service, are
any conventional hospital, but
are lucky to reach and sanatoriums are equipped with a tirthas indeed.
stay at a tºrtha where the distinct additional facility viz.,
spiritual vibrations of health restoring atmosphere in a Tºrthas are not the sites where
the Rishi Age are still natural setting. What patients people congregate out of religious
active in some form, you now a days gain in good sanatori- faith and do nothing except
must devote yourself to ums in terms of health benefits, crowding the place with cars,
cultivating an attitude of used to be provided in the buses and modern day gadgets of
quietude to the uplifting Gurukuls and Aranyaks to the tourism; bathing in the ponds or
vibrations pervading aspirants in ancient times in terms
March-April 2005 45
rivers there, offering some in introspection, sw³dhy³ya, during the seventeenth
customary worship in the shrines contemplation, japa - up³san³ , century AD. Moreover,
and distributing some alms to and discussions with enlightened as per the needs of the
beggars. Such a pilgrimage is no s³dhaks around. Go over to the times, he had expanded
different from a picnic trip. After the tradition of tºrthas at
banks of Ganga nearby; take a
spending all the money and time, the grassroots level.
stroll there in the evening; sit and
you may have the satisfaction of
meditate or relax and energize
completing a pilgrimage to a Sarmarth Guru Ramdas
yourself in the purifying vicinity
'popular tºrtha', but reality is that visited almost every
of the holy river…. Don't let any
doing a pilgrimage in this manner part of your routine be wasted in town and village of
is not genuine and worthwhile. wayward activities and thoughts. Maharastra and encour-
You must understand the correct This is what would justify your aged widespread
meaning of pilgrimage. While being here in a real tºrtha. I have establishment of
going to a tºrtha, you must Hanuman temples
attempted to make this tºrtha as a
remember that your journey and throughout the Maratha
living replica of the tºrthas of the Kingdom. From where
stay there are meant for getting
deep inspiration for self- ancient times. It has been estab- did he get the money?
refinement and self-upliftment lished in the sacred Saptsarovara Some people may think
Pilgrimage is for introspection, region on the banks of Ganga, that temples should be
practice of penance and selfless right at the place where Maharshi grand and gorgeous in
service and for resolving to single- Vishwamitra's Tapasthali was appearance and people
pointedly strive for an enlight- located in the Vedic Age. should donate lots of
ened future. The devout endeav- money for such religious
ors of self-discipline and self- Adi Shankaracharya had resur- activities… That way
transformation of today lay the rected the Vedic tradition of there are many so-called
foundation of a brighter tomor- tºrthas by establishing the grand religious trusts and
row. Pilgrimage should be a "Chara Dhams" (four tºrthas) with maÚhas, which collect
milestone in this ascending uphill the help of Mandhata. Lord huge amounts of money
climb of the individual self. Buddha had also encouraged the by exploiting the faith of
expansion of tºrtha tradition in credulous devotees.
You have come here to the the form of Bauddhavihars and Some people may
Gayatri-Tirtha (Shantikunj) for a Sangharams. Where…? These become rich by cheating
s³dhan³ retreat. You must centres were spread all over Asia. the poor or by befooling
understand that this kalpa - Rigorous s³dhan³ retreats and the innocent and thus
s³dhan³ experiment is not going training programmes for lay amassing wealth by
Buddhists and Bhikshus used to making others suffer…,
to transform you from a physi-
be run at these centres. Were they but even they them-
cally old or weak person into a
selves are often found
young and stout one; rather, it is tºrthas? Yes indeed! I call them the
fooling themselves and
actually meant to transform your real tºrthas. Lord Mahavir had
pouring heaps of money
inner personality. You should also propagated the system of as alms in the shrines to
therefore make the best possible s u c h tºrthas t h r o u g h J a i n 'get rid' of their sins.
use of your free time here (beyond Ashrams. Samarth Guru Ramdas Guru Ramdas was not
s³dhan³ and discourse sessions) had followed the same path interested in taking such
46 March-April 2005
donations. He got the dedicated to noble ideals of social (as is done by many so-called
temples of Lord and cultural upliftment of the popular priests these days,) as
Hanuman built by motherland. All that is happening mere storytelling, or amusing
collective participation in most of the temples today is people by the rhetoric or allegoric
of the local people. mechanical ritualistic worship of representations of the scriptures
These were constructed the idols of God, may be coupled (Purnas) without trying to
by using local soil and with some devotional songs. But understand and explain their
wood, or as huts or the temples established by implications. E.g., telling that
thatches, or small Samarth Guru were not like that. "Lord Krishna had sixteen
structures of bricks, as Ritualistic worship was only a thousand one hundred and eight
per the capacity of the part of the activities there. Main queens, and what not…." or that
villagers. And what thrust of activities was the devel- "Lord Shiva had cut Ganesha's
about the idols and their opment of people's personalities head and then stuck an elephant's
ornaments and dresses, in accordance with the Indian head on his neck…", etc is all
etc…? He knew that it is ideals of virility and vibrancy. A mindless; rubbish. Such narration
the purity and depth of gymnasium was attached with never had any truth or meaning
faith which matters in each temple. These used to serve neither in the earlier ages, nor
the eyes of God and not the purpose of improving the now. These kinds of 'stories'
the grandeur and physical health, courage and valor convey nothing but the ignorance
decoration of His idols. of the masses in a collective way; and shallowness of the so-called
He got the idols of above all, people used to learn 'preacher'…. The kath³-v³chana
Hanumanji made up of team work, organized efforts and by such preachers is shear wast-
stones available in the unity there. There also used to be age of time and degradation of
village/town and arrangements for mass education scriptural texts.
encarved by local and civic and cultural awareness
talents. No need of programmes in the temple In order to protect " kath³ -
jewelry and gorgeous premises. The priest of the temple
dresses; the idols were v³chana" from such aberrations
used to supervise and conduct all
painted by the color the educational activities. In the and distortions in the temples
made up of ger¿ founded by him, Samarth Guru
evenings there used to be satsang
Ramdas had to write a new
(Ruddle, red ochre). and kath³-v³chana2 to enlighten treatise. The stories and associ-
More important for him the masses and guide them to ated teachings from this volume
was the necessity of resolve social or familial problems called "Das Bodh" were used for
making these spots as by taking examples from the
tºrthas centres of soul kath³-v³chana in these temples.
ancestors. Attending " kath³ - "Das Bodh" was like a "Purana",
awakening and faith- v³chana" is more of a hobby or an which was most suited for
instilling for the masses.
easy way of satsang for many enlightenment and moral eleva-
The purpose was to train
people today. So let me warn you tion of the people of his times. He
the youth to become true
on that. thus pioneered the renaissance of
devotees of Lord
Hanuman. That means, the glory of tºrthas and the Vedic
Kath³-v³chana is an effective tradition of kath³-v³chana and
to make them strong,
mode of teaching the illiterate satsang in a remarkable, relevant
prudent, morally
masses. It should not be misused
elevated and fully and practical way. It was indeed
March-April 2005 47
these Hanuman temples that
trained and produced the army of Form IV
patriots, which fought the historic
1. Place of publication Mathura
battles against the invaders of
Indian self-esteem under the 2. Periodicity of its
leadership of his intrepid disciple
publication Bi-monthly
Chhatrapati Shivaji.
Notes: 3. Printer's Name Mrityunjay Sharma
1. Satsang: Being in good com- Whether a citizen
pany; attending enlightening
discourses, discussions on of India? Yes
different aspects of life. Address Jan Jagran Press,
Sw³dhy³ya: Self-training through Vrindavan Marg,
study of sagacious Mathura
thoughts/teachings and works of
4. Publisher's name Mrityunjay Sharma
elevated souls.
Whether a citizen
2. Kath³-v³chana: Discourses in of India? Yes
an enchanting way, by means of Address Akhand Jyoti
telling or reading the stories from Sansthan
scriptures and inspiring episodes
Ghiya Mandi
from world history with proper
5. Editor's name Dr. Pranav Pandya
(To be continued in the next issue) whether a citizen of India? Yes
Address Shantikunj,
He alone is a
6. Names and address of individuals who own the
courage, and
I, Mrityunjay Sharma, hereby declare that the partic-
patience in ulars given above are true to the best of my Knowledge
and belief.
Sd. Mrityunjay Sharma
48 March-April 2005
Campus News
An Important Announcement
Inspired and guided to contact for detailed proce- birth place (Awankheda
by Shraddheya dure of applying etc. Shri village) and Akhand Jyoti
Shailjajiji and Dr. Pradeep Shah at his email Sansthan at Mathura
Pranavji Pandya, we address given at the end of
! Overnight stay at Chetna
are glad to announce this announcement.
Kendra, Noida, UP
organization of the Applicants should be keenly
first Leadership motivated and in sound ! July 23 Conducted sight
training camp for health. seeing tour of Delhi
Gayatri Pariwar
Brief Outline Of The ! July 23/24 nightD e p a r t u r e
youth in USA,
Program. for USA/Canada
Canada at Gayatri
Teerth, Shantikunj, ! July 9 Arrival at New Delhi ! Shantikunj-arranged AC
H a r i d w a r , (Centre for Gayatrhi coaches will meet the partici-
Uttaranchal, India Consciousness, Noida) pants at IG International
between July 10-23, Check-in & registration. Airport at Delhi, and will
2005 for 50 boys- ! July10 Departure to drive them to Shantikunj.
girls/men-women Hardwar Similar arrangement will also
between the age be made for conducted tours
group 15-26 years. ! July 10-21: Trainingcamp at in India, including transpor-
Brief information in Shantikunj with two-day tation upto the airport for
this regard is given outings on July 14 & 17 departure.
below. ! July 11G y a n Deeksha ! Comfortable and hygienic
Selection of trainees Samaroh board and lodging arrange-
will be done on 'first- ! July 21 Departure for Agra ments are being made at Deva
come-first-serve' for a full moon night view of Sanskriti Vishwa Vidyalaya
basis. Persons desir- Tajmahal (DSVV), Shantikunj, includ-
ous of attending the ing washing machine facili-
camp are requested ! July 22Visits to Gurudev's ties, during the duration of
March-April 2005 49
the camp (July 10-21) and ! Cultural programs by the Shri Jeetendra Tiwari
other places. Special arrange- participating youths on two and Smt Mamta
ment will be made for safe evenings Bhatnagar
drinking water. Estimated Cost: $350
!Musical night at
per head
! Proper medical facilities Prageshwar Mahadev temple
including check-ups at the
Feedback session For all details con-
time of registration and at the
end of camp. Dress code
Shri Pradeep Shah at
! Conducted tours and in- ! Males Half sleeve kurta- email address:
house training at Shantikunj payjama (off-white color) [email protected] or
Ashram, DSVV, Bramvarchas [email protected]
! Females Half sleeve kurta
Shodh Sansthan etc. in small
salwar (off-white color) Organizing Team
! Own yoga, jogging, outdoor P.S. Gayatri Mission
! Daily regular outdoor Shantikunj is also
etc. clothing
activities: Games, sports, planning to organize
group singing ! Detailed program will be a similar but shorter
sent to the selected partici- youth training camp
! Special programs for eight
pants in due course. of 4-day duration in
evenings at Shantikunj.
Organizing Team USA in 2005, which
! Aarti at Har-Ki-Paudi will be personally
Program coordinator: Shri guided by Dr. Pranav
! Deep Yagya at the bank of
Sandeep Kumar ji. Details will be
holy Ganga
Program development team: announced later.
! Cultural programs by
Dr. S.P.Mishra, Vice
DSVV youth on two evenings
Chancellor, DSVV assisted by
Annoyed with Pericles, the famous metaphysician of Greece, a man once began to revile him. He
was mad with anger. No sooner had he reached Pericles' house than he started abusing the sage.
Pericles kept listening to his ranting and raving patiently. Still the man's anger would not
subside. Noon faded into dusk but the man's outpouring of invectives continued. When
darkness descended, he grew tired and got up to go. Pericles motioned to his servant and
instructed him “ Take a lantern and accompany this gentleman to his house” On hearing this,
the man was overwhelmed with shame and remorse for his misbehavior and begged Pericles'
Tolerance towards opponents not only melts their opposition, but also turns them into friends.
Plato used to say “The biggest conquest is to win over the antagonist's heart”.
50 March-April 2005