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Global Perspective

Gather information on how social media usage affects the

mental health of teenagers?

Social media is digital technology that allows the sharing of ideas and
information, including text and visuals, through virtual networks and
communities. But excess use of anything causes addiction . such as
Social Media it is a huge addiction towards humans especially human
mind . Social Media is impacting humans mental health as the the
research shown below.

Research Material:

Damaging Effects of Social Media Addiction

on Young People
Data from Statista provides a deeper look into the negative effects of social
media use reported by US teenagers.

Out of the 1,141 respondents aged 13 to 17, teens reported that:

● 70% felt left out or excluded when using social media

● 43% have deleted social media posts due to receiving too few likes
● 43% felt bad about themselves if no one liked or commented on their
● 35% reported experiencing cyberbullying
● 80%of the world's people use the internet, mostly teenagers.
As social media use becomes more accepted and expected, more
flock of birds are trapped in the net of social media. Gen Z and
generation Alpha is stated as prey of the internet.

Social Media Addiction

Statistics by Age
Teens and young adults are by far the largest age group affected by social
media addiction.

Because many young people experience FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), they
feel obligated to be on social media despite the mental health issues
excessive use of social media can cause.

According to Statista, rates of self-reported social media addiction by

age group include:

● 18 to 22 years old: 40% of Americans self-reported being addicted

to social media
● 23 to 38 years old: 37% of Americans self-reported being addicted
to social media
● 38 to 54 years old: 26% of Americans self-reported being addicted
to social media
● 55 to 64 years old: 21% of Americans self-reported being addicted
to social media.

Social media is a danger to human health. It is calculated by 2024 statistical

research of addiction to social media that about 56.8% of the world's
population is joining social media every year.


According to Common sense media for teens shows how social media plays an awful
role in disturbing the mental health of teens.

Its being a decade that it is calculated teens become depressed and stop using their
minds ability and come on the stage to suicide and also the report shows that the
suicide rate has increased between 20l0 and 2015 that mostly teens further more In
U.S the suicide rate was rapidly increased between 2007 till 2017 and the age of the
deaths were between 10 til 2024 years old. ( according to CDC)

5 valid problems cause by social media on human health:

1; Segregation and Competitions:

If a person is addicted to social media, one surely is involved in fake beauty

standards , competitions and segregation that put a negative effect on human
personality and mental health . It is stated by National Institute of Health in 2012 about
692 -719 individuals aged 14-24 years suicide and 79 of these suicide due to social
media . In this war of beauty and views people become enemies of each other
without any valid reason . If a person gets less views one gets in depression causing
him to lose his control on himself .

2;Blanks human mind:

Social media is an ancient version of Corona virus it spread through one to another.

Humanity is the creator of everything in this universe that is known to be man made to
facilitate himself. Over all living things human beings are known as the mastermind of
everything . but if one with mind relay on one with wires . If humans really relay on
social media it would lose its own ability to think as stated by the World health
organization. Generation Alpha known as the current teenagers relay on social media
even to decide its own choice and likes . That blocks the mind, making it blind to think.
3; Bad knowledge:

Human mind is a car; you just have to give it the directions it will move on by itself . It is
reported by the Mclean Hospital that usage of social media in excess causes the
human mind to release a chemical called Dopamine , a ‘’feel-good” chemical from the
brian reward center that is linked to pleasurable activities such as sextual activities ,
food and social interaction. Excess use of platforms such as social media cause
anxiety , depression and physical ailment that also cause farness for religion
and negativity in mind.

4; Mental changes:

Social media can permanently change young people's brain structure and impact
how they will think, feel and act throughout their lives.

5; Cyberbullying

Social media sites are very public, so the messages can be seen by
many people very quickly. Additionally, social media sites allow people
to share their thoughts and feelings anonymously, making it easier to
be mean or hurtful.

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