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The Application of The Lean Manufacturing System and Its Impact On

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The application of the lean manufacturing system and its impact on

(Applied study in the prefabricated building competitive policies

Mueyyed Akram Omar arslan1, Sawsan Ibrahim Rajab2
Sivadass Thiruchelvam3, Gasim Hayder3,
College of Graduate Studies, University Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), 43000 Kajang,
Northern Technical University, Kirkuk Technical Institute, Iraq
Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University Tenaga
Nasional (UNITEN), 43000 Kajang, Malaysia
[email protected]

The Lean Manufacturing philosophy emerged as a result of a broader philosophy that
characterized the Japanese management in its view and management of things and in
all fields and areas. In the field of industrial engineering, they consider it the other side
of the Toyota Production System or one of the phrases that can be used for the
synonym of the phrase Toyota Production System.
The term lean is derived from reducing the use of resources and not wasting them in
the sense of achieving high efficiency in their uses. Where the content of an agile
system generally revolves around achieving high achievement while minimizing the
use of time, warehousing, and labor, in other words, excluding all activities that do not
add value to the customer through the product or service.
In this context, the (Toyota Company) experience is a pioneering model in the field of
lean manufacturing, which it started in the early eighties of the last century, taking
advantage of its ability to streamline the process and use the continuous improvement
approach to reduce waste and losses, as well as employing the Just In Time production
system, In providing the best customer service.
Keywords: Lean manufacturing, competitive policy, prefab factory.

)‫تطبيق نظام التصنيع الرشيق وأثره على السياسات التنافسية (دراسة تطبيقية في معمل البناء الجاهز‬
‫ظيخت فمدفة الترشيع الخشيق كشتيجة لفمدفة أوسع اتدست بيا اإلدارة اليابانية في نعختيا وادارتيا لألمهر وفي‬
‫ فالترشيع الخشيق لم يهلج ويشسه بعيجا‬,)‫ ىحه الفمدفة تعخف بـ(فمدفة التحدين السدتسخ‬, ‫كافة الحقهل والسجاالت‬
‫ بل ان الكثيخ من السفكخين اإلداريين والعاممين في مجال اليشجسة‬, ‫عن ما يعخف بشعام تهيهتا اإلنتاجي‬

‫الرشاعية يعتبخونو الهجو االخخ لشعام تهيهتا اإلنتاجي او احج العبارات التي يسكن استخجاميا لسخادف عبارة نعام‬
.‫تهيهتا اإلنتاجي‬
‫) مذتق من التقميل من استخجام السهارد وعجم التبحيخ فييا بسعشى تحقيق‬lean( ‫إن مرطمح الخشيق‬
‫ حيث يجور محتهى الشعام الخشيق بذكل عام حهل تحقيق إنجاز عالي مع التقميل‬.‫الكفاءة العالية في استخجاماتيا‬
‫ بعبارة أخخى استبعاد كافة األنذطة التي ال تزيف قيسة إلى الدبهن من‬,‫ العسل‬,‫ الخدين‬,‫من استخجام الهقت‬
.‫خالل السشتج أو الخجمة‬
‫وفي ىحا الدياق تعج تجخبة (شخكة تهيهتا) نسهذج ريادي في مجال الترشيع الخشيق بجأت بو في بجاية‬
‫الثسانيات من القخن الساضي مدتفيجة من قجرتو عمى انديابية العسمية واستخجام نيج التحدين السدتسخ في تقميل‬
‫ في تقجيم أفزل خجمة‬,Just In Time ‫ فزالً عن تهظيف نعام اإلنتاج في الهقت السحجد‬,‫اليجر والزياعات‬
.‫ معسل البشاء الجاىد‬, ‫ الدياسة التشافدية‬, ‫ الترشيع الخشيق‬:‫الكمسات السفتاحية‬

First: the study Problem
Lean manufacturing is one of the modern pioneering systems that many organizations
have adopted in reducing and eliminating all types of waste and loss among all
activities that do not add value to the customer and the application of this system,
which is a systematic entrance to excellence through continuous improvement,
continuous flow of products and rapid response to the customer's desires to obtain
Required quality.
From the foregoing, the researcher believes that there are a number of questions that
can contribute to clarifying the contents of the study problem, namely:
1. Does the organization in question have a clear vision of the Lean Manufacturing
2. Does Lean Manufacturing contribute to the competitive policy in the organization
under study?

Secondly. the importance of studying

The study gains importance in its attempt to measure the relationship between lean
manufacturing and competitive policy in the organization under study.

Third. Objectives of the study
In light of the study questions and in line with its importance, the study seeks to:
1. Presenting some theoretical concepts for the management of the organization in
question about the Lean Manufacturing System, its principles and characteristics.
2. Revealing the importance of Lean Manufacturing and the methodology it adopts.
3. Measuring the relationship between the application of lean manufacturing and
quality improvement.
Fourthly: Study hypotheses
1. There is a significant correlation between lean manufacturing and competitive
2. There is an influence relationship between lean manufacturing and competitive

Theoretical framework
First Axis: Lean Manufacturing
First:. Concept and importance
Lean manufacturing was first presented by (Womack, et. al., 1999) in his book
The Machine that Changed the World (Green, 2000) tried to clarify the idea of Lean
manufacturing by presenting a package of ideas that are continuous improvement, flat
organizational structures, work teams, Waste elimination, resource efficiency and use,
supply chain management On the other hand, Japanese companies of all kinds have
adopted this concept in reducing costs by eliminating waste. In this context, Kapltrick
(2003) indicated that agility makes the organization more responsive to market trends
as well as delivering products and services faster and at less cost compared to non-
agile organizations.
Types of wastage:
A. Waste due to defects in products
This waste occurs as a result of cases of non-conformity with the previously
specified specifications in the products, and this type of waste is removed through the
improvement of production processes and the elimination of defects.
B. Wastage as a result of transportation

Moving materials is a costly and time consuming process. In order to reduce or
eliminate waste, it is necessary to reorganize the work site and work method to ensure
the continuous flow of production.

T. Storage Wastage
Storage may be the most important source because it does not add value to the
final product. There are several ways to reduce the quantities of stockpiles, including
reducing the processing time by synchronizing production and improving skills that
lead to a reduction in the level of stockpile
The Wastage resulting from the increase in production.
It entails costs that are difficult to estimate, especially with regard to products that are
damaged in storage. And this type is removed by manufacturing the specific quantity
that customers demand on time, in addition to feasibility studies and others.

C. Wasted waiting times

Increasing the length of the queue leads to an increase in waiting time, and this
waste is removed by synchronizing work with loading, depending on flexible workers
and flexible equipment
H. Wastage during operations
This waste arises during the production process for reasons that result from
errors in the method or method of production. Any step that can be canceled or stop
producing any unnecessary part can be removed and working to expand productive
thinking beyond economies of scale and speed.
X. Waste caused by movement
Movement must be designed efficiently, and this waste is removed by conducting
movement studies to achieve economy and consistency in movement for competitive
and productivity policy. Figure (2) presents the aforementioned seven types of waste.

second Axis: the concept of competition philosophy, competitive policies

Concept of competition philosophy:
It is a system of economic relations under which a large number of buyers and
sellers fall, and each of them acts independently of others to reach its maximum
profitability, which is the power of supply and demand: the supply of goods alongside
sellers in their group, and the demand for goods on the side of buyers in their group.

Competitive Policies:
Two types of Competitive Policies will be indicated as given below and my agencies-:
1 - Price policies: here the price of the product is the factor that the company controls,
where some find that the price factor is the most important in the competitive base,
while others see that the price competition of other elements of the marketing mix is
the most important in this area within the case of price competition. (Brustatiene, &
Rutkauskas 2000: 173).
2 -Non-price policies: The role of non-price policies is no less important than the role
of price policies.
Non-price policies cannot be reduced, as is the case with the price reduction strategy.
For example, if the consumer is attracted to the products of the organization as a result
of low prices, then this consumer can easily buy from another competitor as long as
this competitor offers a better price. This cannot be achieved. For the non-price
competition, in which it is difficult to react quickly on the part of competitors.
-Price competition leads us to a kind of bargaining and bargaining with consumers,
and this does not happen in non-price competition.
The non-price policy often allows the organization's management to open new markets
to sell its products as long as this competition provides a high-quality product that
matches the consumers' desire. On the contrary, the low price does not enable it to
enter the markets if the product does not have a certain quality that matches Consumer
needs and wants.
Non-price competition often leads to an increase in the profits that the organization
seeks to achieve, how it enjoys a competitive advantage in the market and does not
have to reduce the price as a result of the reactions of competitors (Brustatiene,
Rutkauskas, 2000, 188).
Among the non-price policies, we clarify the following_:
1 .Product policy: The product policy plays an important role in strengthening the
competitiveness of business organizations, as achieving competitiveness through
products requires providing products with an advanced level of quality through
strengthening research and development units.

2 .Pricing policy: Through the pricing process, the organization can sell its products at
an appropriate price to consumers, and at relatively low prices compared to
competitors, which is the main advantage of the organization through which it
outperforms competitors.
3. Promotion and Advertising Policy: Promotion is a form of communication that aims
to build cognitive benefit to the target audience about the promoted goods or services.
Promotion overcomes the buyer's ignorance problem by providing information about
the institution, commodity, prices, or uses of the commodity. ..etc.,
4. Distribution policy: that distribution is the element through which goods and
services are delivered from the places of their production to the places of their
consumption at the appropriate time, place, quality, quantity, and price. .
5. Policy of development and innovation: The survival goal of the institution dictates
that it pay attention to developing its products or services and inventing new products
so that it can raise these products to the level of consumer needs and desires that are
characterized by a high degree of development.
6 .The policy of product differentiation and quality improvement: Distinguishing the
products and services provided by business organizations leads to satisfying the
desires and needs of consumers through a continuous competitive advantage.
Relatively high but with better profitability.
7. Service policy before and after-sales: The importance of this function is based on a
philosophical idea, which is that the product is not important if the consumer is not
aware of how to use it or repair it in the event, he expects it. Therefore, attention to the
services provided is a very vital issue and helps in attracting customers to deal with the
company. Al-Sumaida’i and Youssef, 2006, 113).

Fourth: Lean Manufacturing Objectives

The main objective of a Lean Manufacturing system is the continuous elimination of
waste and the addition of value through continuous improvement. Mekong-2004 refers
to the sub-goals he identified as follows:
1. Reducing losses in large proportions.
2. Reducing production cycle times and waiting period.
3. Reducing stock levels.
4. Improving the morale of the workers and thus improving their productivity.
5. Optimum use of material resources.
6. Assuring flexibility in changing production from one product to another.
7. 7. Maximizing outputs.
8. High product quality in terms of conformity to specifications.

The third axis: the relationship between lean manufacturing and competitive policies
There is a close relationship between Lean Manufacturing and Competitive Policy, as
Lean Manufacturing can be considered as an approach based on recovering all kinds
of waste and loss. By adopting this approach and adhering to its principles and
requirements, the required quality can be reached. On the other hand, the quality
competitive policy can provide a good basis for Lean manufacturing. Through the
communication between the Lean Manufacturing philosophy and the competitive
policy to reach quality, which is to eliminate waste, and to strive for continuous
improvement. In addition to the above, the merging of the two will generate a single
continuous improvement philosophy through which the most difficult obstacles and
problems facing organizations can be faced.
Sixthly. Description of the respondents
In line with the direction of the study, the researcher distributed a questionnaire form
to the respondents, as (32) forms were distributed, all of which were distributed to the
directors of departments, divisions and major formations, and (24) valid forms were
obtained for analysis. :
)1( Table
Characteristics of the surveyed individuals in the research organization
age categories No. The ratio
20-30 4 16.67
31-40 16 66.66
41-50 4 16.67
and over -51 0 0
Academic No. The ratio
prep 4 16.66
Higher Diploma 9 37.50
BSc 10 41.67
MSc 1 4.17
Length of service No. The ratio
in the company
1-5 9 37.50
6-10 11 45.83
11-15 3 12.50
16-20 1 4.17

Seventh: Description and diagnosis of the study variables
This paragraph includes identifying the nature of the study variables and the attitudes
expressed by individuals in the research organization about the main variables
represented by lean manufacturing and quality.
1 .Describe and diagnose lean manufacturing system variables
Table (2) indicates the frequency distributions, the mean and the standard deviation of
the variables of the Lean manufacturing system at the level of the organization in
question. (95.8%) of the surveyed individuals confirmed the interest in the
arrangement and cleanliness of workplaces on a continuous basis to create a healthy
atmosphere for production, and this supports the value of the mean (4.50). With a
standard deviation of (0.722) for the variable (X16), and the same is the case for the
variable (X17), where (95.8%) of the respondents confirm that the organization’s
workers are trained on periodic maintenance procedures, and the value of the
arithmetic mean and standard deviation is (4.417), (0.584) respectively.
(54.2%) believes that the organization seeks to get rid of all unnecessary movements,
including wrong directions and waiting times. The arithmetic mean value of the
variable (X18) reached (3.625) and the standard deviation (1.0135), while the
respondents' answers about the variable (X19) indicate that (66.7%) have multiple
skills that enable them to deal with various operations in the organization. The mean
value is (3.875) and the standard deviation is (0.947), and (79.2%) of the respondents
believe that there is great interest in maintaining machines and equipment in order to
improve their performance and efficiency. The value of the arithmetic mean and
standard deviation of the variable (X20), respectively (4.208), (0.779).
(91.7%) of the interviewed individuals confirm that the organization seeks to get rid of
defects resulting from the discontinuation of machines in production, and the
arithmetic mean of the variable (X21) reached (4.417) and the standard deviation
(0.654), while (70.9%) of the respondents indicate that the organization seeks to
Achieving the goal of zero-stop machines based on the experiences of working
individuals, and the mean value of the variable (X22) was (3.958) and the standard
deviation was (0.859). And (62.5%) of the respondents believe that the organization
seeks to achieve the time of zero numbers by relying on the knowledge and experience
possessed by the workers, and the value of the arithmetic mean (3.833) and the
standard deviation (1.049) for the variable (X23). On the other hand, (66.7%) of the
respondents indicated that the organization constantly trains its employees on speed
skills in preparing and preparing machines, and this is supported by the arithmetic
mean value of (3.750) and the standard deviation value of (1.032) for the variable
(X24), and (75%) agree The respondents indicated that the organization seeks to
achieve a clear and understandable production system for all employees, as the
arithmetic mean value of the variable was (X25) (4.00) and the standard deviation was
On the other hand, the results of the variables (X28, X24, X30) expressing the
organization’s interest in improving its production processes, eliminating waste and
spreading its culture came as follows: (79.1%) of the respondents confirm the
organization’s interest in improving its production processes and with an arithmetic
mean (4.250) with a standard deviation (0.794). While (66.6%) indicates that the
organization seeks to eliminate all types of waste, and this is confirmed by the value of
the arithmetic mean and standard deviation of (4.00) - (0.834), respectively. As for the
level of spreading this culture among workers, the mean value was (3.833) and the
standard deviation was (1.274).

2 .Description and diagnosis of competitive policy variables

The data in Table (3) refer to the recurring distributions of the competitive policy
variables in the organization in question. A large percentage (87.5%) of the
individuals surveyed indicate that the administration undertakes to adopt continuous
improvement and strive to search for contemporary quality programs. This supports
the value of the arithmetic mean and standard deviation of the variable (X1). ) (4.167),
(1.007), respectively, while (75%) believe that the senior management in the
organization seeks to achieve quality goals as one of the most important effective
strategies to achieve the goals of the organization, where the value of the mean (3.875)
and the standard deviation (1.191) for the variable (X2), while (54.1%) sees that the
senior management is familiar with the concepts, tools and principles related to
quality, and the value of the arithmetic mean and standard deviation of the variable
(X3) is (3.583) and (1.060), respectively. (83.3%) of the interviewed individuals
believe that the organization adopts a culture that guarantees the delivery of high-
quality products to its customers. The mean value and standard deviation (4.250)
(0.944) for the variable (X4), respectively.

While (87.3%) of the respondents believe that the organization adopts effective
contexts to deal with information returned from the customer, which are guaranteed by
complaints with an arithmetic mean (4.167) and a standard deviation (0.761) for the
variable (X5), while (79.2%) indicates that the organization has allocations This
supports the arithmetic mean value of (3.958) and standard deviation of (0.999) for the
variable (X6). (91.6%) of the interviewed individuals confirm that there are in our
organization the foundational structures of the information system, as the arithmetic
mean and standard deviation of the variable (X7) reached (4.375) (0.647),
While (70.8%) believes that the organization has machines and production equipment
at a high level that ensures the achievement of the required quality, and this is
confirmed by the arithmetic mean value of (4.167) and the standard deviation (0.992)
for the variable (X8). (75%) of the individuals surveyed indicate that the organization
possesses cadres with appropriate skills, and the value of the arithmetic mean (4.125)
and the standard deviation (0.992) for the variable (X9).

(66.6%) of the interviewed individuals believe that the organization has financial
allocations for quality-oriented training activities, and the arithmetic mean and
standard deviation of the variable (X10), respectively (3.917) (0.974) are available,
and (58.4%) indicates that the researched organization depends on its internal
capabilities in training employees on quality concepts and tools, the mean value was
(3.50) and the standard deviation (1.063) for the variable (X11). (3.750) and standard
deviation (1.260) for the variable (X12). While (58.4%) believe that the organization
is taking appropriate measures to remove the causes of quality problems and put their
repetition, and the arithmetic mean of the variable (X13) reached (3.542) and the
standard deviation (1.103), while (75%) of the individuals surveyed indicate that
continuous improvement provides an effective environment to achieve the required
quality, the mean value was (3.197) and the standard deviation (0.776) for the variable
)2( Table1
Frequency distributions, percentages, and standard deviations of the Lean
Manufacturing variables
For a Strongly Strongly
scale disagree
disagree neutral agree
Arithmetic agree standard
% No. % % % %
No. No. No. No. deviation
X1 4.167 4.2 1 4.2 1 4.2 1 45.8 11 41.7 11 1.007
X2 3.875 8.3 2 4.2 1 12.5 3 41.7 11 33.3 8 1.191
X3 3.583 4.2 1 8.3 2 33.3 8 33.3 8 21.8 5 1.061

X4 4.183 - - 8.3 2 8.3 2 51.1 12 33.3 8 0881
X5 4.251 8.3 1 8.3 2 8.3 2 33.3 8 51.1 12 0.944
X6 4.167 4.2 1 8.3 2 8.3 2 54.2 13 33.3 8 0.761
X7 3.985 4.2 1 4.2 1 12.5 3 51.1 12 29.2 7 0.999
X8 4.375 - - - - 8.3 2 45.8 11 45.8 11 0.647
X9 4.167 - - 4.2 1 25.1 6 21.8 5 51.1 12 0.963
X10 4.125 - - 8.3 2 16.7 4 29.2 7 45.8 11 0.992
X11 3.917 - - 8.3 2 25.1 6 33.3 8 33.3 8 0.974
X12 3.511 - - 25.1 6 16.7 4 41.7 11 16.7 4 1.063
X13 3.751 4.2 1 21.8 5 4.2 1 37.5 9 33.39 8 1.260
X14 3.542 8.3 2 4.2 1 29.2 7 41.7 11 16.7 4 1.103
X15 3.917 - - 4.2 1 21.8 5 54.2 13 21.8 5 0.776

)3( Table
Frequency distributions, percentages, means, and standard deviations of
competitive policy variables
For a Strongly Strongly
scale disagree disagree neutral agree
Arithmetic standard
mean deviation
% No. % No. % No. % No. % No.
X16 4.511 - - 4.2 1 - - 37.5 9 58.3 14 0.722
X17 4.414 - - - - 4.2 1 51.1 12 45.8 11 0.584
X18 3.652 - 2 - - 37.5 9 29.2 7 25.1 6 1.135
X19 3.875 - - 8.3 2 25.1 6 37.5 9 29.2 7 0.947
X20 4.218 - - - - 21.8 5 37.5 9 41.7 11 0.779
X21 4.417 - - - - 8.3 2 41.7 11 51.1 12 0.654
X22 3.958 - - 4.2 1 25.1 6 41.7 11 29.2 7 0.859
X23 3.833 - - 12.5 3 25.1 6 29.2 7 33.3 8 1.049
X24 3.751 - - 16.7 4 16.7 4 41.7 11 25.1 6 1.032
X25 4.111 - - 12.5 3 12.5 3 37.5 9 37.5 9 1.022
X26 3.417 4.2 1 16.7 4 29.2 7 33.3 8 16.7 4 1.100
X27 3.583 - - 16.7 4 33.3 8 25.1 6 25.1 6 1.060
X28 4.251 - - - - 21.8 5 33.3 8 45.8 11 0.794
X29 4.111 - - - - 33.3 8 33.3 8 33.3 8 0.834
X30 3.833 8.2 2 - - 37.5 9 8.3 2 45.8 11 1.274

Testing the study model and its hypotheses
O no. The relationship between lean manufacturing and competitive policy
Table (4) indicates the nature of the relationship between Lean manufacturing and
competitive policy, where the overall indicator between Lean manufacturing and
competitive policy indicates a positive significant correlation, as the correlation value
reached (0.860) at the level (0.05), and this relationship confirms the importance of the
role of the Lean manufacturing system. In the competitive policy of the study sample
company. In light of this result, the hypothesis is accepted.

)4( Table
The Correlation between Lean Manufacturing and Competitive Policy
dependent variable Competitive variables
independent variable
Lean Manufacturing System 0.860
N = 24 P≤ 0.05.
Secondly. Impact of Lean Manufacturing on Competitive Policy
The results of the regression analysis in Table (5) indicate that there is a significant
effect of the Lean manufacturing system on competitive policy, as the calculated (F)
value reached (62.29), which is greater than its tabular value of (4.30) at the two
degrees of freedom (1.22) and the level of significance (0.05), The coefficient of
determination reached (R2) (0.73), which indicates that the differences in competitive
policy in other than Lean Manufacturing, and by following the beta coefficients (B)
and testing (t) for them, it is found that the calculated (t) value amounted to (7.89)
which is greater than its value. The tabular value of (1.71) at two degrees of freedom
(1.22) and a level of significance (0.05), and this proves the validity of the second
)5( Table
The influence relationship between Lean manufacturing system and competitive
dependent variable
‫التشافدية‬ F
R2 B1 B0 calculated
independent variable

Lean 1.936
Manufacturing 1.73 1.273 62.29 4.30
N = 24 P ≤ 0.05.
Conclusions and Recommendations

First: Conclusions
The study reached a number of conclusions, as follows:
1 .Adopting the agile approach leads to operating the organization efficiently and
effectively, at the lowest cost, and heading towards the goal of zero waste.
2 .The application of the Lean Manufacturing System leads to reducing costs and
competitive policy, allowing the organization to obtain a market share from
competitors and providing better working conditions for employees.

Secondly. Recommendations
In light of the conclusions, a number of recommendations can be presented, as
1 .Educating the organization's employees about paying attention to the lean
manufacturing system by motivating the workers financially and morally in the
production and service departments.
2 .That the senior management pay attention to training on the lean manufacturing
approach, its types, and the benefits that can be achieved in the event of reducing or
eliminating waste.
3. Provide the requirements for the application of the lean manufacturing system in the

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)1( ‫ممحق رقؼ‬

‫بدؼ هللا الخحسؽ الخحيؼ‬
‫استسارة االستبانة‬
‫استسارة االستبانة‬/‫م‬
.....‫عديدي االستاذ السحتخم‬
............‫تحية طيبة‬
‫أضع بيؽ يجيػ استسارة االستبانة التي أعجت ألغخاض البحث العمسي وهي جدء مؽ متظمبات اجخاء‬
‫بحث في ادارة االعسال االنذائية (إدارة السذاريع ) بـ ( أثخ تظبيق نغام الترشيع الخشيق في الدياسات‬
.))‫التشافدية(دراسة تظبيقية في الذخكات اإلنتاجية االنذائية‬
.‫لحا نخجؾ االجابة عمى التداؤالت التي تزسشتها االستبانة بجقة ألجل الؾصؾل الى نتائج أ كثخ عمسية‬

‫عمسا ان السعمؾمات سيتؼ استخجامها ألغخاض البحث العمسي فقط‪.‬‬
‫شاكخيؽ تعاونكؼ معشا ومؽ هللا التؾفيق‬

‫ضع عالمة (‪ )X‬إمام اإلجابة الصحيحة ‪:‬‬

‫أوال‪ :‬الدسات الذخرية‬
‫أنثى‬ ‫‪ – 7‬الجنس ‪ :‬ذكر‬
‫رئيذ قدؼ‬ ‫نائب مجيخ الذخكة‬ ‫‪ – 8‬المسمى الوظيفي ‪ :‬مجيخ شخكة‬

‫بكالوريوس عالي‬ ‫دبلوم متوسط‬ ‫‪ – 9‬المؤهل العلمي‪ :‬ثانوية عامة فأقل‬

‫دراسات عليا‬
‫‪ 16‬فأكثخ‬ ‫‪16-11‬‬ ‫‪11-6‬‬ ‫‪ – 11‬عجد سشهات الخبخة ‪5-1 :‬‬

‫ثانيا ‪ :‬معمؾمات عامة عؽ الذخكة ‪:‬‬

‫‪ – 1‬سشة تأسيذ الذخكة ‪.‬ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ‬
‫‪ – 2‬عجد العاممين بالذخكة ‪ .‬ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ‬
‫‪ – 3‬مكان الذخكة ‪:‬‬
‫‪ – 4‬الذخكة حاصمة عمى ‪:‬‬
‫جسيع‬ ‫شيادة اإلشخاف‬ ‫عالمة الجهدة‬ ‫شيادة السهاصفات الجولية ‪ISO 9000‬‬
‫ما سبق‬
‫ال‬ ‫نعم‬ ‫‪ – 5‬ىل تيجف شخكتكم الهصهل إلى الجهدة الذاممة ?‬

‫ثالثا ‪:‬عشاصخ وابعاد اإلنتاج الخشيق ‪:‬‬

‫‪ ‬ضع عالمة امام العبارة التي تعتقج بانها مالئسة‬
‫ال أوافق‬ ‫ال أوافق‬ ‫محايج‬ ‫مؾافق مؾافق‬ ‫أ‪ :‬معاييخ تشغيؼ مؾقع العسل (‪)5s‬‬
‫تساما‬ ‫بذجة‬

‫يقؾم معسل البشاء الجاهد بالتخمص مؽ السؾاد الغيخ‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫ضخورية في أماكؽ العسل لتحقيق تجفق صحيح لمسؾاد‬
‫وحخكة سهمة لمعامميؽ‬
‫يدتخجم معسل البشاء الجاهد أسمؾب البظاقات لتحجيج‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫السؾاد والعجد واألدوات التي تؼ استخجامها‬
‫يقؾم السعسل عمى تشسية الؾعي لمعامميؽ بأهسية ‪5S‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬
‫وجعمها جدءا مؽ ثقافة العسل‪.‬‬
‫يقؾم السعسل عمى تؾحيج إجخاءات ارجاع السؾاد واألدوات‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫الى األماكؽ السخررة لها ‪.‬‬
‫يقؾم السعسل بؾضع السؾاد واألدوات في أماكؽ يدهل‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫الؾصؾل اليها مؽ قبل العامميؽ ‪.‬‬
‫يتؼ تشغيف األدوات والسعجات السدتخجمة وأماكؽ العسل بعج‬ ‫‪6‬‬
‫انتهاء كل وجبة عسل ‪.‬‬

‫ال أوافق‬ ‫ال أوافق‬ ‫محايج‬ ‫مؾافــــــــــق مؾافق‬ ‫ب‪ :‬معاييخ الريانة السشتجة الذاممة‬
‫تساما‬ ‫بذجة‬ ‫‪)TPM( Total preventive Maintenance‬‬
‫يحاول السعسل تظبيـق الرـيانة السشتجـة الذـاممة‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫لمسعجات والسكائؽ لتحديؽ األداء ‪.‬‬
‫يؾجج في السعسل فخيق الريانة يذارك فيـ افـخاد‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫مــــؽ مدــــتؾيات إداريــــة متعــــجدة لجــــخاء اعســــال‬
‫الريانة ‪.‬‬
‫اهتسـام قدــؼ الرـيانة فــي السعسـل بــأجداء السعــجة‬ ‫‪9‬‬
‫التي فيها استهالك او تجهؾر لتقميل العيؾب ‪.‬‬
‫يهتؼ السعسل بالسقتخحات السقجمة مؽ قبـل االفـخاد‬ ‫‪11‬‬
‫العامميؽ في قدؼ الريانة لتحديؽ أداء السعجات‬
‫يقـؾم السعســل بتـاميؽ العــجد واألدوات والتدــهيالت‬ ‫‪11‬‬
‫لمقيام بالريانة الذاممة ‪.‬‬

‫يقـــــؾم السعســـــل ب ـــــتح دورات تجريبيـــــة ألعســـــال‬ ‫‪12‬‬
‫الريانة ‪.‬‬

‫ال أوافق‬ ‫ال أوافق‬ ‫محايج‬ ‫مؾافـــــــــــق مؾافق‬ ‫ج‪ :‬معاييخ التحديؽ السدتسخ‬
‫تساما‬ ‫بذجة‬ ‫‪)C.I( Continues improvement‬‬
‫يؾجــج فــي السعســل فــخع عســل متعــجدة الؾعــائ‬ ‫‪13‬‬
‫لمقيام بالتحديشات السدتسخة ‪.‬‬
‫وجهـة نغـخ السعســل فـي التحدــيؽ السدـتسخ هــؾ‬ ‫‪14‬‬
‫إل زالة الهجر مؽ جسيع األنغسة داخل السعسل ‪.‬‬
‫ســــعي السعســــل الــــى نذــــخ ثقافــــة إزالــــة الهــــجر‬ ‫‪15‬‬
‫لمسشتدبيؽ ‪.‬‬
‫مــؽ أولؾيــات السعســل ب ـخامج التحدــيؽ السدــتسخ‬ ‫‪16‬‬
‫وبذكل مدتسخ ‪.‬‬
‫وجؾد سيظخة نؾعية لمجؾدة لمسشتجات السقجمة ‪.‬‬ ‫‪17‬‬
‫مداهسة مـؽ قبـل الدبـؾن فـي اعسـال التحدـيشات‬ ‫‪18‬‬
‫السدتسخة لمسشتج السعسل ‪.‬‬

‫ال أوافق‬ ‫ال أوافق‬ ‫محايج‬ ‫مؾافـــــــق مؾافق‬ ‫‪Cellular‬‬ ‫هـــــــ‪ :‬معــــــاييخ الترــــــشيع الخمــــــؾي‬
‫تساما‬ ‫بذجة‬ ‫‪Manufacturing‬‬

‫تقــــؾم اإلدارة العميــــا لمسعســــل باســــتخجام التختيــــب‬ ‫‪25‬‬
‫الجاخمي الحي يحقق تجفق اندـيابي لمسـؾاد وبـجون‬
‫فاقج لالنتغار وتجاخل في عسميات اإلنتاج ‪.‬‬
‫رئـــيذ وعســـال الخـــط اإلنتـــاجي مدـــوولؾن عـــؽ‬ ‫‪26‬‬
‫معالجة األخظاء داخل عسمية اإلنتاج ‪.‬‬
‫مرـشعة مـؽ‬ ‫يسكؽ خ ض مخـدون السـؾاد الشرـ‬ ‫‪27‬‬

‫خالل الترشيع الخمؾي ‪.‬‬
‫يـــتسكؽ العـــاممؾن بالدـــيظخة الشؾعيـــة مـــؽ خـــالل‬ ‫‪29‬‬
‫تظبيق الترشيع الخمؾي وبذكل واضح ‪.‬‬
‫تقـــؾم اإلدارة العميـــا ب ـــتح دورات تجريبيـــة مختم ـــة‬ ‫‪31‬‬
‫لخفع ك اءة العسال والسشتدبيؽ ‪.‬‬

‫رابعا ‪ :‬عشاصخ وابعاد الدياسة التشافدية ‪:‬‬

‫ال أوافق‬ ‫ال أوافق‬ ‫محايج‬ ‫مؾافــــــــــق مؾافق‬ ‫ب ‪ :‬سياسة التدعيخ‬
‫تساما‬ ‫بذجة‬
‫تؾجـــج لـــجك الذـــخكة سياســـة متشؾعـــة ل ســـعار‬ ‫‪36‬‬
‫تتالءم مع مشتجات وقظاعات الدؾع السختم ة‪.‬‬
‫تهــجا الذــخكة مــؽ خــالل عسميــة التدــعيخ إلــى‬ ‫‪37‬‬
‫تعغيؼ الخبح فقط ‪.‬‬
‫تهجا الذخكة مؽ خالل عسمية التدعيخ إلى بيـع‬ ‫‪38‬‬
‫مشتجاتها بدعخ مشاسب الى السدتهمكيؽ‪.‬‬
‫تأخح الذخكة بعيؽ االعتبار ردود أفعـال الؾسـظاء‬ ‫‪39‬‬
‫فــي حالــة تحجيــج األســعار لسشتجاتهــا ألنهــا ذوي‬
‫أهسية في تؾزيع السشتجات وتخويج لها ‪.‬‬
‫تقؾم الذخكة بتؾفيخ معمؾمات عؽ درجة استجابة‬ ‫‪41‬‬
‫السدتهمكيؽ لمتغيخات في أسعار السشتجات ‪.‬‬
‫األسعار السشخ زة ندبيا مقارنة بالسشافديؽ هي‬ ‫‪41‬‬
‫السيدة األساسية لمذخكة التي تت ـؾع مـؽ خاللهـا‬
‫عمى السشافديؽ ‪.‬‬

‫ال أوافق‬ ‫ال أوافق‬ ‫محايج‬ ‫مؾافـــــــــــق مؾافق‬ ‫د‪ :‬سياسة التؾزيع‬
‫تساما‬ ‫بذجة‬

‫تعسل الذـخكة عمـى إيرـال مشتجاتهـا إلـى الدبـؾن‬ ‫‪49‬‬
‫في مكان والؾقت والسكان السشاسبيؽ‪.‬‬
‫تعسل الذخكة عمى تحجيج مدتؾك كثافـة التخظيـة‬ ‫‪51‬‬
‫الدؾقية السظمؾبة مؽ وقت ألخخ‬
‫تقؾم الذـخكة بتقيـيؼ قشـؾات التؾزيـع الخاصـة بهـا‬ ‫‪51‬‬
‫مؽ وقت ألخخ ‪.‬‬
‫تدــعى الذــخكة إلــى امــتالك شــبكة تؾزيــع واســعة‬ ‫‪52‬‬
‫مؽ الدهؾلة الحرؾل عمى مشتجـات الذـخكة مـؽ‬ ‫‪53‬‬
‫قبل السذتخيؽ ‪.‬‬

‫ال أوافق‬ ‫ال أوافق‬ ‫محايج‬ ‫مؾافـــــــــــق مؾافق‬ ‫د‪ :‬سياسة التظؾيخ واالبتكار‬
‫تساما‬ ‫بذجة‬
‫تعظـــي الذـــخكة اهتسامـــا كبيـــ اخ البتكـــار مشتجـــات‬ ‫‪54‬‬
‫ججيجة ‪.‬‬
‫الذـــخكة باالبتكاريــــة والتظـــؾيخ الدــــخيع‬ ‫تؾصـــ‬ ‫‪55‬‬
‫لمسشتجات الججيجة ‪.‬‬
‫تأخح الذـخكة بـاراء العسـالء عشـج تظـؾيخ مشتجـات‬ ‫‪56‬‬
‫يــتؼ إش ـخاا رؤســاء أقدــام فــي عسميــات وتظــؾيخ‬ ‫‪57‬‬
‫وتحديؽ السشتجات ‪.‬‬
‫يسكــؽ لمذــخكة تعــجيل الخظــؾي اإلنتاجيــة إلنتــاج‬ ‫‪58‬‬
‫مشتجات ججيجة في الؾقت السشاسب‪.‬‬

‫ال أوافق‬ ‫ال أوافق‬ ‫محايج‬ ‫مؾافـــــــــــق مؾافق‬ ‫هـ‪ :‬سياسة تسييد السشتجات وتحديؽ جؾدتها‬
‫تساما‬ ‫بذجة‬
‫تدعى الذخكة الى تسييـد مشتجاتهـا عـؽ مشتجـات‬ ‫‪59‬‬
‫السشافديؽ بقرج خمق ميدة تشافدية‪.‬‬
‫تعسل الذخكة عمى تحديؽ جؾدة مشتجاتها لجحب‬ ‫‪61‬‬
‫عجد اكبخ مؽ الدبائؽ ‪.‬‬
‫تقــــؾم الذــــخكة بعســــل تغييــــخات متكــــخرة لشســــاذج‬ ‫‪61‬‬
‫ومؾديالت السشتجات بغخض تسييدها عؽ مشتجـات‬
‫السشافديؽ ‪.‬‬
‫الهــجا مــؽ تسييــد الذــخكة لسشتجاتهــا وتحدــيؽ‬ ‫‪62‬‬
‫جؾدتها هؾ تمبية رغبات وحاجات الدبائؽ‪.‬‬

‫ال أوافق‬ ‫ال أوافق‬ ‫محايج‬ ‫مؾافــــــــــق مؾافق‬ ‫و‪ :‬سياسة خجمات قبل وبعج البيع‬
‫تساما‬ ‫بذجة‬
‫تعظــي الذــخكة اهتسامــا واســعا لخــجمات السقجمــة‬ ‫‪63‬‬
‫قبل واثشاء عسمية البيع لجورها في جحب الدبائؽ ‪.‬‬
‫تعظي الذخكة اهتساما واسعا لخجمات الذخكة بعـج‬ ‫‪64‬‬
‫عسمية البيع بكدب والء الدبائؽ‪.‬‬
‫تحـــــخا اإلدارة عمـــــى مـــــشح صـــــالحيات الكافيـــــة‬ ‫‪65‬‬
‫لعاممي لتقجيؼ الخجمات السشاسبة لمدبائؽ ‪.‬‬
‫تحخا الذخكة عمى االترال السباشخ مع الدبائؽ‬ ‫‪66‬‬
‫بقرج تقجيؼ الخجمة في الؾقت السشاسب ‪.‬‬
‫تعتقــج الذــخكة بــان تقــجيؼ خــجمات مــا بع ـج البيــع‬ ‫‪67‬‬
‫إحجك الؾسائل الهامة في كدب والء الدبؾن ‪.‬‬
‫فــي حالــة حــجوث أي خمــل فــي تقــجيؼ الخجمــة يــتؼ‬ ‫‪68‬‬
‫اتخاذ اإلجخاء الترحيحي بسا يزسؽ رضا الدبـائؽ‬


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