Ed Gcse History Medicine WB Answers
Ed Gcse History Medicine WB Answers
Ed Gcse History Medicine WB Answers
Medicine in Britain,
Medicine in medieval England: c.1250–
Ideas about the causes of disease and illness
1 The Theory of the Four Humours was an idea first put forward by an Ancient Greek doctor
called Hippocrates. The theory stated that the body was made up of four humours: blood,
phlegm and black and yellow bile. It was believed that the humours must be balanced for
a person to be healthy. It was also believed that the humours had their own
characteristics, for example phlegm was cold and wet. The humours were also linked to
the seasons, for example it was believed that the body produces too much phlegm in
b People suffering with leprosy were banished from communities and had to wear a bell
to announce their presence. Leper houses were set up on the edges of towns and cities.
3 A lazar house was a place, usually a religious house, in which lepers were cared for.
4 Barber surgeons performed small surgeries such as pulling teeth and bloodletting.
Medicine in Britain, c.1250–present
5 Galen’s ideas did not challenge the Bible. He believed in the idea of the soul.
6 During a dissection the physician would sit away from the body and read from the works of
Galen. Somebody else would dissect the body.
7 Miasma Theory stated that bad air was filled with poisonous fumes, which caused disease
and illness.
8 Urine was carefully examined before diagnosis of a patient. The physician would check the
urine’s colour, thickness, smell and taste.
Theory Explanation
The impact of the planets During the Middle Ages it was believed
that a movement in the planets would
result in a disease spreading
throughout England.
God’s punishment During the Middle Ages it was believed
that God sent illness as a punishment
for sins.
Theory of the Four Humours Medieval people continued to believe
that illness was caused by an
imbalance of the four humours.
Miasma Theory Medieval people believed that bad air,
filled with poisonous fumes, was the
cause of disease and illness.
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) History Workbook: Medicine in Britain/The British sector of the Western Front 2
11 In this answer, you are looking for a clear focus on the explanation of ‘why’ throughout the
You may wish to use bullet points to argue that Galen’s ideas dominated
medical training. The Theory of the Four Humours was widely believed in medieval
England and so Galen’s Theory of Opposites was used to treat illness.
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Edexcel GCSE (9–1) History Workbook: Medicine in Britain/The British sector of the Western Front 4
a focus on similarity
support from both time periods, for example, in both the thirteenth and
seventeenth centuries people turned to the Church to explain disease and illness.
During the Black Death and the Great Plague, it was believed that God had sent the
epidemic as a punishment for sin.
a focus on difference
support from both time periods, for example, in the thirteenth century monks
and nuns looked after patients who attended hospital, and they adopted a ‘care not
cure’ approach. However, by the seventeenth century patients attended hospitals with
wounds and curable skin conditions for treatment.
Treatment Prevention
b Bleeding a Pilgrimage
d Prayer c Authorities stopped
cleaning the streets
f Strong-smelling herbs
d Prayer
e Leaving the village
f Strong-smelling herbs
g Quarantine
h Self-flagellation (whipping
Many believed that the In order to prevent the Like physicians, people
Black Death was sent Black Death spreading, did not know how to
by God as a punishment local authorities treat or prevent the
for sins. As a result, introduced quarantine disease. They still
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) History Workbook: Medicine in Britain/The British sector of the Western Front 5
19 In this answer, you are looking for a balanced answer that both agrees and disagrees with
the statement before reaching a sustained judgement.
Arguments that agree with the statement could include the following:
Religious ideas that disease and illness were sent as a punishment from God
dominated medical practice and led to treatments and preventions such as prayer,
pilgrimage and penance.
Religious teachings led to care of the sick taking place in religious institutions
and being carried out by monks and nuns.
The Church supported the ideas of Galen, as they did not challenge the Bible
and so were taught in medical schools across Europe.
Arguments that disagree with the statement could include the following:
There was a strong belief that disease and illness were caused by an
imbalance of the four humours. This led to treatments and preventions such as
bloodletting that were intended to balance out the humours.
More rational ideas began to develop, including the belief that bad air caused
disease and illness (Miasma Theory). This led to people carrying and burning sweet-
smelling herbs and flowers during the Black Death.
Many people relied on religious ideas during the period c.1250–c.1500. However,
rational ideas were becoming more prominent and people turned to these ideas during
dangerous epidemics when they were desperate.
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Change Continuity
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of smallpox.
22 a Animalcules were ‘little animals’ in plaque scraped from between the teeth. They were
the first recorded observation of bacteria.
23 The rise of humanism led to more experimentation and questioning. New ideas began to
gain more support.
24 The new printing press enabled medical ideas to spread more widely and much more
25 a The Royal Society’s aim was to promote and carry out experiments to further the
understanding of science. It shared scientific knowledge and encouraged debate.
b The Royal Society encouraged the new medical ideas that developed during the
Renaissance, for example animalcules. The Society made it possible for physicians and
scientists to access and study each other’s work.
27 In this answer, you are looking for a clear focus on the explanation of ‘why’ throughout the
You may wish to use bullet points and argue that people continued to believe
in the Theory of the Four Humours and Miasma Theory as the causes of disease and
Stronger candidates will use knowledge in addition to the bullet points. For
example, although new ideas began to be developed during this period, including
animalcules, without widespread technology leading to a change in ideas people
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turned to the old ideas of the Theory of the Four Humours and Miasma during
epidemics such as the Great Plague in 1665.
29 For example:
30 a Your answers could include sarsaparilla, ipecacuanha (ipecac) and cinchona bark.
b New herbal remedies started to appear due to the discovery of new lands.
32 For example:
Regimen Sanitatis
33 For example:
Practising moderation
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35 Vesalius had a deep interest in the human body. In 1543, he published On the Fabric of
the Human Body, which was a book of anatomical drawings. To do this, he dissected
human corpses. He proved that there were errors in the work of Hippocrates. He also
proved that the human jawbone was in one part, that men did not have one fewer pair of
ribs than women and that the human breastbone was in three parts. Vesalius encouraged
other doctors to base their work on dissection.
36 In this answer, you are looking for a balanced answer that both agrees and disagrees with
the statement before reaching a sustained judgement.
Arguments that agree with the statement could include the following:
Arguments that disagree with the statement could include the following:
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) History Workbook: Medicine in Britain/The British sector of the Western Front 10
d Harvey’s discovery had little impact on medical treatment. Doctors of the time ignored
and openly criticised Harvey. Old ideas about treatment prevailed.
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38 In this answer, you are looking for a balanced answer that both agrees and disagrees with
the statement before reaching a sustained judgement.
Despite Harvey’s discovery, medical ideas about the causes of disease and
illness, and therefore methods of prevention and treatment, stayed the same. This can
be seen during the Great Plague of 1665, during which people still used prayer
because they believed the epidemic was sent by God as a punishment and burned
fires in the street because they believed that bad air caused the disease to spread.
Harvey published his book An Anatomical Account of the Motion of the Heart
and Blood in Animals in 1628. However, medical textbooks continued to give Galen’s
account until 1651 and Harvey’s ideas only began to appear in universities from 1673.
40 a
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41 a There is no right or wrong answer to this question, but you should be able to support
your decision.
b A possible answer to this activity could argue the following, but others are also
There was very little change in the ideas of the cause of disease between the Black Death
and Great Plague. People still believed that the disease was sent by God as a punishment
for sin and that it was spread by bad air (miasma). However, people began to use new
methods of prevention linked to these ideas during the Great Plague, including plague
water and the smoking of tobacco.
a focus on similarity
support from both time periods, for example during both the Black Death and
the Great Plague bad air (miasma) was believed to have caused the epidemic. As a
result, people would smell herbs, carry sweet-smelling flowers and burn fires to drive
away the bad air.
a focus on difference
support from both time periods, for example during the Black Death people
would flog themselves to avoid catching the disease. However, by the time of the
Great Plague in 1665, the government took more action to prevent the spread of the
disease by banning public meetings and closing theatres.
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46 Louis Pasteur discovered germs. He published the ‘germ theory’ and developed vaccines
for chicken cholera and rabies.
47 Robert Koch used a petri dish and chemical dye to identify microbes using a microscope.
He discovered the microbes for tuberculosis, cholera and anthrax.
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o Microscope
o Petri dish
o Chemical dye
o Miasma Theory
o Spontaneous Generation
o Some doctors did not believe that germs existed and so continued to believe
the old ideas.
c Germ theory.
50 In this answer, you are looking for a clear focus on the explanation of ‘why’ throughout the
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) History Workbook: Medicine in Britain/The British sector of the Western Front 15
You may wish to use bullet points to argue that the technology available,
such as the microscope, was important, alongside the new scientific thinking during
the Enlightenment, which encouraged questioning and experimentation.
Stronger candidates will use knowledge in addition to the bullet points, for
example the importance of the individual, Louis Pasteur, and his ability to scientifically
question and experiment to discover that germs were the cause of disease and illness.
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o a focus on similarity
o support from both time periods, for example, in both the seventeenth and
early nineteenth centuries it was believed that disease was spread by bad air
(miasma) and so governments took steps during the Great Plague and early
cholera epidemics to clean the streets.
o a focus on difference
o support from both time periods, for example during the Great Plague of 1665
the government banned public meetings and closed theatres. However, by the
late nineteenth century the government knew that dirty water spread cholera and
so it funded the building of sewers in London.
vaccination compulsory
Nationwide epidemics of smallpox (note: 1 1722,
multiple years) 1723,
Jenner publishes his findings 5 1798
People are inoculated to prevent the spread 2 From
of smallpox early
The Royal Society refuses to publish Jenner’s 4 1797
findings, demanding more proof
c Jenner’s discovery of the smallpox vaccine had little impact in the short term because
he was unable to explain why it worked without knowledge of germs. As a result, there
was opposition and inoculation was still used. However, once the government made the
smallpox vaccine compulsory in 1852 and enforced its use as a prevention from 1872, the
death rate fell dramatically.
56 In this answer, you are looking for a clear focus on the explanation of ‘why’ throughout the
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) History Workbook: Medicine in Britain/The British sector of the Western Front 19
You may wish to use bullet points and argue that opposition came from the
Royal Society because Jenner could not explain why the smallpox vaccine worked
before Pasteur’s ‘germ theory’. Additionally, many doctors made a lot of money from
inoculation and so opposed the new method of vaccination.
John Snow was a surgeon who lived in Soho. Snow investigated the cholera epidemic of
1854. Snow created a spot map to show where the deaths had occurred around Broad
Street. He was able to connect the deaths to the water pump in Broad Street. He removed
the handle from the water pump so that people could no longer use it.
There were no more deaths from cholera. It was then noticed that the well providing water
to the pump was close to a cesspit with a cracked lining. Waste from the cesspit was
leaking into the well and spreading cholera.
b Cholera was fatal. Sufferers would die between two and six days after falling sick.
The disease spread quickly and killed thousands.
e Deaths were linked to a water pump on Broad Street. When the handle of the pump
was removed and people could not access this water, the deaths stopped. There were no
deaths among people who did not use the Broad Street pump, including at the workhouse
and brewery. Upon investigation, Snow found that the waste from a cesspit was leaking
into the water supply.
f There was no immediate action, but the government did agree to invest in a sewer
system from 1860.
g The ‘Great Stink’ was a bad smell from the River Thames in the summer of 1858.
h The government funded the building of London’s sewer system by Bazalgette from
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58 In this answer, you are looking for a balanced answer that both agrees and disagrees with
the statement before reaching a sustained judgement.
Arguments that agree with the statement could include the following:
Dr John Snow discovered that dirty water caused cholera and he eventually
encouraged the British government to take responsibility for providing its citizens with
clean water. Sewers were built in London from 1860.
Arguments that disagree with the statement could include the following:
John Snow’s discovery was limited because he was unable to explain the
spread of cholera without knowledge of germs and so the British government did not
take immediate action.
John Snow’s discovery was important in identifying the cause of cholera, but
the turning point only came once Louis Pasteur had discovered germs. The ‘germ
theory’ led to disease and illness being accurately understood and explained, which
forced the government to take responsibility and intervene to prevent its spread.
Technology Illness/Disease
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63 In this answer, you are looking for a balanced answer that both agrees and disagrees with
the statement before reaching a sustained judgement.
The discovery of DNA by Crick and Watson and the Human Genome Project
led to greater understanding of genetic illnesses, such as cystic fibrosis.
The twentieth century also saw a change in the understanding of disease and
illness as related to lifestyle factors, for example stress, smoking and a poor diet.
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Event Chronologic Do I
al order (1– know the
9) year?
66 The 1911 National Insurance Act provided medical care to workers following government,
employer and employee financial contributions.
68 Not much changed due to a lack of money. Hospitals desperately needed updating.
Robotic surgery
70 Medical treatment has improved greatly since 1900. For example, X-rays are used to
target and shrink tumours (radiotherapy), chemotherapy can treat cancer, dialysis is used
to ‘wash’ patients’ blood to help combat kidney failure, heart bypasses are widely
available, better prosthetic limbs are now produced.
o Compulsory vaccinations
o Diphtheria
o Polio
o Whooping cough
o Tetanus
o Measles
o Rubella
a focus on similarity
support from both time periods, for example in both the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries vaccines were used to prevent disease and illness. In the
nineteenth century the government made the smallpox vaccine compulsory and during
the twentieth century more vaccines were used, including the HPV vaccine.
a focus on difference
support from both time periods, for example during the seventeenth century it
was believed that disease and illness could be transferred from a person to an object
and so people would place an onion next to a wart. However, by the twentieth century
bacteria were understood and magic bullets, including Salvarsan 606 and Prontosil,
were developed in order to treat disease and illness.
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f Florey and Chain. They made enough penicillin to carry out experiments on mice and
a human.
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For example:
Individuals: the genius of Fleming in recognising that the penicillin mould had
killed the staphylococcus bacteria it had landed on. The determination of Florey and
Chain to carry out tests on mice and humans when making enough penicillin to do this
was a challenge.
76 In this answer, you are looking for a clear focus on the explanation of ‘why’ throughout the
You may wish to use bullet points and argue that penicillin was mass-
produced after Florey and Chain developed its production so that they had enough to
test the drug on mice, and then a human, to prove it successfully treated bacterial
infections. You may also argue that the mass-production of penicillin was funded
during the Second World War because both the US and British governments needed it
for mass use. This led to its use on D-Day to treat thousands of injured soldiers.
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Edexcel GCSE (9–1) History Workbook: Medicine in Britain/The British sector of the Western Front 28
78 In this answer, you are looking for a balanced answer that both agrees and disagrees with
the statement before reaching a sustained judgement.
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) History Workbook: Medicine in Britain/The British sector of the Western Front 29
The NHS led to a change in the accessibility of medical care and treatment in
the UK, as medical care was available to all free of charge. This included hospital
treatment, surgery, and GP and dentist visits.
Even though medical care and treatment was accessible to all, the
government did not have a lot of money to spend on medical care and so hospitals still
needed updating after 1948 and more hospitals needed to be built across the country.
A study in the 1950s argued that up to a quarter of GPs were not satisfactory.
The NHS was a turning point in medical treatment because it enabled all
people — both rich and poor — to have access to hospitals and GPs. Scientific
developments, such as magic bullets, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, enabled the
treatment, but it was the NHS that made these treatments available to all.
Edexcel GCSE (9–1) History Workbook: Medicine in Britain/The British sector of the Western Front 30
b Support trench:
Troops would retreat here if the front-line trench was under attack from the
c Reserve trench
Reserve troops were mobilised here for a counter-attack if the enemy was
d Communications trench:
e Dugout
Holes dug into the side of the trenches, providing protective cover
f No man’s land
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Mass casualties
Chalky ground
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3 In this answer, you are looking for two features, with a supporting sentence.
New strategies. Tanks were used for the first time, but were not very
4 a In this answer, you should focus on how the sources are useful by considering their
content and provenance, and support with additional historical knowledge.
Source A is useful for showing the problems that large amounts of mud
caused for stretcher-bearers as they collected casualties from no man’s land during
the Third Battle of Ypres. There were approximately 250,000 British casualties during
this battle. The source is useful because an official army photographer, who
experienced the battle and witnessed these conditions, took the photo. Therefore, this
photograph is a snapshot in time. However, we do not know whether or not mud also
prevented the stretcher-bearers from working effectively after other battles, for
example at the Somme or Arras.
i Detail in Source B that I would follow up: ‘Some had been waiting a day and a
half to be brought in’.
ii Question I would ask: How long after a battle were injured soldiers being
transported from the battlefield?
iii What type of source I could use: Admission records from a dressing station at the
Somme, 1916.
iv How this might help answer my question: Admission records would tell me the
dates and times that casualties were admitted, and I could then match this
information against the dates and times of the battles.
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8 The British Army reduced the risk of tetanus on the Western Front through anti-tetanus
9 The British Army reduced the number of head wounds by the end of 1915 by introducing
the Brodie helmet.
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10 a Gases used in gas attacks on the Western Front were chlorine, mustard and
b Gas affected the soldiers on the Western Front by causing death by suffocation,
internal and external blisters, and burning of the skin.
c The British Army prepared British troops on the Western Front for gas attacks by
issuing them with gas masks from July 1915.
11 a In this answer, you should focus on how the sources are useful by considering their
content and provenance, and support with additional historical knowledge.
Source C is useful for telling a historian about the ‘coughing and choking’ that
chlorine gas caused. The Germans first used chlorine gas in 1915 and it could lead to
death by suffocation. The source tells that the British Army carried out different
experiments to find a treatment for this new battlefield weapon, including using
different masks and ammonia to enable a soldier to breathe more clearly. Source C
also tells us that these experiments were carried out not only to treat injuries from gas,
but also to find a way of safely reaching the injured soldiers in order to help them. The
source is useful because a Queen Alexandra nurse wrote the account, and she was
on hand to witness the effects of the gas and the experiments carried out during the
months in which the Germans first deployed gas on the battlefield.
Source D is useful because it tells us about the mental and emotional effects
of the Western Front in the form of shell shock — ‘men shaking with ague, mouthing
like madman, figures of dreadful terror, speechless and uncontrollable’. It has been
estimated that about 80,000 British troops experienced shell shock. The source is
useful because it is a contemporary account written by a journalist who experienced
the conditions on the Western Front and saw the effects that the war, and shell shock,
had on soldiers.
i Detail in Source D that I would follow up: ‘The shell-shock cases were the worst
to see and the worst to cure’.
ii Question I would ask: How was shell shock treated during the First World War?
iii What type of source I could use: A medical journal article that focuses on the
effects and treatment of shell shock.
iv How this might help answer my question: A medical journal would detail the
treatments used for this new mental and emotional illness suffered by soldiers
during the First World War.
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14 a In this answer, you should focus on how the sources are useful by considering their
content and provenance, and support with additional historical knowledge.
taken on the Western Front during the First World War, meaning that you can see
exactly what the conditions were like. However, it only shows us the conditions of one
dressing station and further research would be needed to see how typical these
conditions were of all dressing stations.
Source F is useful because it tells us about the first aid work carried out at a
regimental aid post (RAP), including the dressing of wounds and provision of pain
relief. The RAP was often located within 200 m of the front line because its role was to
give immediate first aid and get as many men as possible back to the battlefield. The
source is useful because it is an account from a member of the RAMC who
experienced the conditions in a RAP on the Western Front and saw the effects that the
war had on soldiers. However, we do not know if these conditions were typical of all
RAPs in all battle locations throughout the war.
i Detail in Source F that I would follow up: ‘But it was all first aid work’.
ii Question I would ask: What first aid supplies were available in the dugouts on the
front line?
iii What type of source I could use: RAP records from a dugout on the front line at
the Somme.
iv How this might help answer my question: Records would provide details of what
supplies were used and delivered to a RAP on the front line.
c In 1914, the British Army only allowed the Queen Alexandra nurses to care for the
wounded in the British sector of the Western Front. Volunteer nurses were turned away,
and instead found work with the French and Belgian armies. As the number of casualties
increased, this attitude changed and thousands of volunteer nurses began helping the
British Army. In January 1916, FANYs were allowed to drive ambulances, replacing male
British Red Cross drivers. There were never more than 450 FANYs in France, but they did
encourage other women to join organisations such as the Voluntary Aid Detachments
(VADs) and contribute to helping soldiers on the front line.
Cooked meals
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Washed clothes
Sources How?
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Government support
18 The problems surgeons faced on the Western Front included infection. There were no
sterile conditions (aseptic surgery) present in hospitals before the war.
19 The Thomas Splint reduced the death rate of soldiers dying from a broken thighbone from
80% to 20%.
20 Mobile X-ray units were used to identify and locate shell fragments and bullets embedded
within a patient’s body.
21 Soldiers were treated with a mobile x-ray machine in casualty clearing stations.
22 The first blood bank was used during the Battle of Cambrai.
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Source How?
24 a In this answer, you should focus on how the sources are useful by considering their
content and provenance, and support with additional historical knowledge.
Source G is useful for illustrating the Thomas Splint, which was first used on
the Western Front. The Thomas Splint was used to improve the survival rate of men
suffering from a gunshot or shrapnel wound to the leg from 1916. It increased the
survival rate from injuries of this type from 20% to 80%. The source is useful because
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it is a diagram that shows exactly how the device was used to fix the injured leg in
order to prevent movement and further injury.
i Detail in Source H that I would follow up: ‘It saved countless lives of men who
would otherwise have died from shock and loss of blood’.
ii Question I would ask: How many men were given a blood transfusion following
the Battle of the Somme?
iii What type of source I could use: Casualty clearing station records from the
iv How this might help answer my question: All blood transfusions would be
recorded following the Battle of the Somme.
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