Buildings 14 02226
Buildings 14 02226
Buildings 14 02226
Analysis of Physical Properties of Coarse Aggregates Recovered
from Demolished Concrete with a Two-Stage Water Jigs Process
for Reuse as Aggregates in Concrete
Artur Bressanelli Teixeira 1, * , Carlos Hoffmann Sampaio 1 , Josep Oliva Moncunill 1 , Jose Luis Cortina Palas 2 ,
Monica Mariana Davila Lima 1 and Grethel Tamara Herrera La Rosa 1
1 Departament d’Enginyeria Minera, Industrial i TIC, Escola Politècnica Superior d’Enginyeria de Manresa,
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Av. Bases de Manresa 61-63, 08242 Manresa, Spain;
[email protected] (C.H.S.); [email protected] (J.O.M.);
[email protected] (M.M.D.L.);
[email protected] (G.T.H.L.R.)
2 Departament d’Enginyeria Química, Campus Diagonal Besòs, Edifici I, Eduard Maristany, 16, Sant Andrá de
Besòs, 08930 Barcelona, Spain; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: The present work analyses the physical characteristics of aggregates recovered with the
waterjigging process from comminuted concrete. In this work, conventional concrete (C16/20) was
crushed to a top size of 20 mm with a jaw crusher and classified in a size range of 5 to 20 mm. The
densimetric distribution analysis was carried out in a densimetric range of 2.4 to 2.8 g/cm3 , and
the cement paste was dissolved from all granulometric ranges to analyze the composition (sand,
cement paste, and aggregates) of each part and define the possibilities of materials to recover. A
two-stage water jig concentration process was used, generating a cleaner material in the first stage
and a re-cleaner material in the second jigging stage. The physical properties of the material inserted
in the feed and the material generated in the first and second stages were analyzed to compare them
with natural aggregates. The results indicate the viability of recovering 47.8% of the coarse aggregates
Citation: Teixeira, A.B.; Sampaio,
present in the concrete feed in the re-cleaner material, with 84% of particles having a density higher
C.H.; Moncunill, J.O.; Cortina Palas,
than 2.6 g/cm3 . These characteristics are similar to those found in natural aggregates.
J.L.; Lima, M.M.D.; La Rosa, G.T.H.
Analysis of Physical Properties of
Coarse Aggregates Recovered from Keywords: concrete; physical proprieties; aggregates; concentration; jigging process
Demolished Concrete with a
Two-Stage Water Jigs Process for
Reuse as Aggregates in Concrete.
Buildings 2024, 14, 2226. https:// 1. Introduction buildings14072226 Construction and demolition waste (CDW) is the most generated waste when con-
Academic Editor: Xingwei Li sidering the residues generated in all countries in Europe, according to a survey carried
out in 2020 by the European Commission [1]. More than a third of the waste generated in
Received: 6 June 2024 economic activities and household waste in the European Union (EU) in 2020 was waste
Revised: 28 June 2024
from economic activities linked to construction when comparing all economic activities and
Accepted: 3 July 2024
households. Waste generation values accounting for all economic activities and households
Published: 19 July 2024
amounted to 2153 million tons or 4813 kg per capita in 2020 [1].
Observing the specific case of Spain, demonstrated by the European Commission [1,2],
an even greater portion of waste from construction is observed, which can generate an
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
amount of more than 37% (share of total waste) of solid waste from the construction sector.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Looking at the generation of construction waste compared with other types of waste, an
This article is an open access article aggravating fact comes to light: the generation of CDW occurs in a diffuse and not a
distributed under the terms and centralized manner, which makes the management of this material difficult. Any location
conditions of the Creative Commons with construction, renovation, or demolition of buildings is a potential generator of this
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// material. Research has been carried out within the scope of construction management [3,4] to reduce the volume of material generated. However, it is still at an initial stage and does
4.0/). not have considerable effects on the volume of material generated or on the general quality.
Figure 2. Schematic
Figure model of the jig
2. Schematic chamber
model of theduring the jigging
jig chamber duringprocess. (A) Jig
the jigging chamber
process. (A)atJig
thechamber a
beginning of the process,ofwith
the process, with
light (red) light
and (red)(black)
dense and dense (black)mixed;
materials materials
(B) mixed; (B) after pulsation
after pulsation,
the material fluidizes fluidizes with
the fluid the fluid
pulse, pulse,the
expanding expanding the bed,
bed, allowing allowingto
the material the material to differen
from gravitational forces; (C) after bed contraction, the material stratifies into layers, with thelayers,
from gravitational forces; (C) after bed contraction, the material stratifies into densewith the d
material being concentrated at the bottom of the jigging bed and the light material being located at
the top of the chamber. The figure was modified from the work of Sampaio et al. [19].
Jigs were and remain widely used mainly because of their low costs. In addition to
presenting low operational costs, jigs are robust, have a high capacity, are easy to operate,
and beneficiate relatively large particle distribution, which simplifies mineral processing
Buildings 2024, 14, 2226 4 of 17
flowcharts. In comparison with other beneficiation processes, jigs present a great capacity
to absorb large fluctuations of ore contents, feed rates, and solid percentages [19].
Currently, as previously demonstrated, the main use of CDW is where it has a low
added value, where it is often not worth processing the material for resale. The use of RA,
with a low level of contaminants and desirable characteristics after processing by jigging,
as demonstrated in this work, generates a new perspective for reusing and processing
the material. Furthermore, this concept enables new studies on replacing NA with RA,
reducing costs, carbon emissions, and energy expenditure on processing and transporting
the material.
Observing the proposed context, this article proposes an analysis of the physical
characteristics of the aggregates that are recovered from concrete (16/20 Mpa) after their
concentration with the jigging process. Aiming to generate material with characteristics
that are equivalent or close to those found in natural aggregates, the paper aims to gener-
ate material with desirable characteristics in order to replace natural aggregates in new
concrete formulations. After the comminution of the concrete, the aggregates present in
the formulation are partially liberated and the analysis of the characteristics is necessary to
analyze their possible reuse in new concrete formulations.
Material generation
Figure 3. Material generation flowchart
flowchart before starting the jigging process.
uses water as a dense separation fluid in the concentration process. Powered by the motor
(E), the water is pumped from the piston (D) from the water duct (B) to the jig chamber
(A—enlarged in the image), where the material is placed. In the jig chamber, the water
propelled by the piston comes into contact with the material that provides the expansion
and contraction of the bed, enabling the stratification of the material into layers. The energy
panel (C) controls the operation. The tests were carried out with a frequency of 35 pulses
Buildings 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 19
per minute, a maximum amplitude of 14 cm from the piston, and lasting 3 min.
Figure 4. Jig equipment used in the experiments: (A) jig chamber (enlarged), (B) water passage duct,
Figure 4. Jig equipment used in the experiments: (A) jig chamber (enlarged), (B) water passage duct,
(C) electric panel, (D) pump chamber, (E) motor. Modified from Teixeira et al. [39].
(C) electric panel, (D) pump chamber, (E) motor. Modified from Teixeira et al. [39].
After each test, the material is manually removed from the top of the jig chamber
After each test, the material is manually removed from the top of the jig chamber
according totothe
according thepreviously
layers and
and placed
placed to to
in in
an an oven
oven at ◦70
at 70 C °C
24 h24toh
to remove moisture and subsequently carry out the characterization
remove moisture and subsequently carry out the characterization tests. tests.
2.2.2. JigConcentration
ConcentrationTest Test
Figure 55 demonstrates
Figure demonstrates the theflowchart
flowchartofofthe thetwo-stage
two-stage jigging
jigging processes
were car-
ried out
carried toto
out concentrate
concentratethe theconcrete.
jiggingwas was carried
carried out in
in duplicate,
the first(FM1)
(FM1)and andsecond
(FM2). During
During the theprimary
process,two twolight
generated (LM1 and LM2) with 50% of the bulk volume of the batch,
generated (LM1 and LM2) with 50% of the bulk volume of the batch, which was separated, which was separated,
and primaryconcentrate,
material(DM1(DM1and andDM2)
DM2)was wasgenerated
the other50%50%bulk
volumeof ofmaterial
inserted in inthe
chamber.The Thetwotwojigjig
batches werecarried
to confirmthe thereplicability
replicabilityof ofthe
process.In Inthe
DM1and andDM2
mixed, generatingthe thefeed
materialof ofthe
two materials
materials were
were generated,
generated, the the final
final concentrated
concentrated material,
material, aa dense
dense part
represents 33% 33% ofof the bulk volume,
volume, and andaalighter
which represents
represents 66%66% of
thethe bulk
bulk volume
volume of of
jig jig chamber
chamber thatthat
waswas alsoalso separated
separated andandwillwill
not not be used
be used in
in this
Buildings 2024,
2024, 14,
2226 7 of 19
6 of 17
The flowchart
Figure 5. The flowchart of
of the
two-stage jigging
jigging processes
processes is
is used
used to
concentrate the
the aggregates
aggregates from
the concrete.
The physical
The physical characterization
characterization tests
tests were
were carried
carried out
out on
on the
the concrete
concrete inserted
inserted in
in the
material feed
material feed (FM1
characteristics of the
characteristics of materials that were
the materials inserted
that were in-
in the jigging process after crushing, on the densest materials that were generated
serted in the jigging process after crushing, on the densest materials that were generated after
the first
after the stage (DM1
first stage and and
(DM1 DM2), andand
DM2), in the dense
in the material
dense material(DM3), which
(DM3), whichis composed
is composed of
aggregates recovered after the second jigging stage.
of aggregates recovered after the second jigging stage.
2.3. Materials Characterization
2.3. Materials Characterization
2.3.1. Densimetric Distribution Test
2.3.1. Densimetric Distribution Test
The concrete generated, in the size range of 5 to 20 mm, was submitted to a densimetric
The concrete
distribution with sink generated,
and float in test
the insize
therange of 5 of
densities to 2.4,
20 mm, was 2.6,
2.5, 2.55, submitted to2.75,
2.65, 2.7, a densi-
metric distribution with sink and float test in the densities of
2.8. The test was carried out using a solution of sodium polytungstate. The concrete 2.4, 2.5, 2.55, 2.6, 2.65, 2.7,
2.75, and 2.8. The test was carried out using a solution of sodium polytungstate.
samples were separated in the following density ranges: ρ < 2.4 g/cm3 , 2.4 < ρ < 2.5 g/cm3 , The con-
2.5 < samples
ρ < 2.55 were
3 , 2.55 < ρin< the 2.6 following
g/cm3 , 2.6density ranges:
< ρ < 2.65 g/cmρ <3 ,2.4 g/cm
2.65 < ρ ,<2.4
2.7< g/cm
ρ < 2.53 ,
g/cm 3 , 2.5 < ρ < 2.55 3g/cm 3 , 2.55 < ρ < 2.6 g/cm
3 3 , 2.6 < ρ < 2.65 g/cm
3 3
2.7 < ρ < 2.75 g/cm , 2.75 < ρ < 2.8 g/cm , and ρ > 2.8 g/cm . The density of the solutions, 2.65 < ρ < 2.7 g/cm 3, 2.7
ρ <measured
2.75 g/cmwith3 , 2.75a <manual
ρ < 2.8Anton
g/cm ,Paar
3 and Density
ρ > 2.8 g/cm
3 . The
(DMA density
35). of the solutions was
measured with a manual Anton Paar Density Meter (DMA 35).
2.3.2. Analysis of the Concrete Substrate Constitution
Analysis of thethe
understand Concrete Substrate
constitution Constitution
of the concrete used in the experiments, each of the
To understand
densimetric ranges thatthe were
obtained ofwas
the concrete
subjectedused in the experiments,
to a digestion each ofacid,
test with sulfuric the
to quantify theranges that were
constituent obtained
content wasaggregates
of fine subjected (<5
to amm),
digestion test
coarse with sulfuric
aggregates acid,
(>5 mm),
to cementthe
quantify paste. The dissolution
constituent content of test was
fine carried out
aggregates (<5with
mm),the methodology
coarse aggregates defined by
(>5 mm),
and et al.The
cement paste. [43].dissolution test was carried out with the methodology defined by
The concrete
Akbarnezhad et al.was dried, weighed, and placed in a sulfuric acid solution at a concentra-
tion of
The3 molar
concreteor was
higher. Using
dried, a circular
weighed, andmixer,
in aconcrete
sulfuricwasacidleft submerged
solution in the
at a concen-
acid for 8 h and washed to remove the cement paste that was dissolved.
tration of 3 molar or higher. Using a circular mixer, the concrete was left submerged in the The procedure
was repeated
acid for 8 h anduntil all thetocement
washed removepaste was dissolved.
the cement paste thatAfter
wasthe cement paste
dissolved. had been
The procedure
was repeated dissolved,
until allthe
cement pasteaggregates were dried
was dissolved. in anthe
After oven overnight
cement pasteand
through a 5 dissolved,
completely mm sieve tothe quantify the remaining
remaining aggregatesweight
were of coarse
dried in aggregates (<5 mm) and
an oven overnight and
fine aggregates
sieved through (>5a 5 mm).
mm sieveThe amount of dissolved
to quantify cementweight
the remaining paste is
coarse byaggregates
the difference
between the amount of aggregates recovered at the end of the process,
mm) and fine aggregates (>5 mm). The amount of dissolved cement paste is given by the com-pared to the
weight of material
difference betweenthat the entered
amountinto the process.recovered at the end of the process, com-
of aggregates
pared to the weight of material that entered into the process.
2.3.3. Granulometric Distribution Test
2.3.3.The granulometric
Granulometric (particle Test
Distribution size) distribution of the material was determined by
analyzing the material retained on the sieves with 20 mm, 12.5 mm, 8 mm, and 5 mm sieves,
The granulometric (particle size) distribution of the material was determined by an-
and the fine aggregates with sizes under 5 mm were analyzed.
alyzing the material retained on the sieves with 20 mm, 12.5 mm, 8 mm, and 5 mm sieves,
and the fine aggregates with sizes under 5 mm were analyzed.
Buildings 2024, 14, 2226 7 of 17
2.3.5. Specific Density (OD), Saturated Specific Density (SSD), Apparent Density (OD),
Saturated Apparent Density (SSD), and Water Absorption
Due to the densimetric fractions and the cement paste content present in each of the
material concentration stages, the analysis of the material in its saturated state is necessary.
Cement paste, due to its porosity and lower density than aggregates, modifies the parameter
values according to the saturation of the material. The apparent and specific density values
in their water-saturated and oven-dry forms and the water absorption were measured
by ASTM C127-07 [45] to understand the influence of the presence of cement paste in
the aggregates.
The procedure recommended by the standard is as follows: Dry the test sample in
the oven to constant mass at a temperature of 110 ± 5 ◦ C, cool in air at room temperature
for 1 to 3 h for test samples of 37.5 mm (11/2 in) nominal maximum size, or longer for
larger sizes until the aggregate has cooled to a temperature that is comfortable to handle
(approximately 50 ◦ C). Subsequently, immerse the aggregate in water at room temperature
for a period of 24 ± 4 h.
Remove the test sample from the water and roll it in a large absorbent cloth until
all visible films of water are removed. Wipe the larger particles individually. Determine
the mass of the test sample in the saturated surface-dry condition. Record this and all
subsequent masses to the nearest 0.5 g or 0.05% of the sample mass, whichever is greater.
After determining the mass in air, immediately place the saturated surface-dry test sample
in the sample container and determine its apparent mass in water at 23 ± 2.0 ◦ C.
Dry the test sample in the oven to constant mass at a temperature of 110 ± 5 ◦ C, cool
it in air at room temperature for 1 to 3 h, or until the aggregate has cooled to a temperature
that is comfortable to handle (approximately 50 ◦ C), and determine the mass.
The equations used to determine the values are the follows:
• Specific Density (OD) (kg/m3 )
A = mass of oven-dry test sample in air, g;
A = mass of oven-dry
B = mass test sample in air,test
of saturated-surface-dry g; sample in air, g;
B = mass of saturated-surface-dry test sample
C = apparent mass of saturated test sample in in
g; g.
C = apparent mass of saturated test sample in water, g.
3. Results and Discussion
3. Results
3.1. and Discussion
Granulometric Distribution Test
3.1. Granulometric Distribution Test
Table 1 presents the granulometric distribution values of the concrete after the crushing
process in 1the
Table jaw crusher.
presents The majority
the granulometric of the material
distribution values of(67.2% by weight)
the concrete is coarse
after the crush-
ing process ininthe
theparticle size range
jaw crusher. betweenof
The majority 5 and 20 mm. After
the material (67.2% crushing,
by weight)the is
turns 32.8%ininto
aggregates the fine material
particle (0 × 5between
size range mm). This fine
5 and 20material
mm. After is composed
crushing, thebasically of
turns pasteinto
32.8% andfine
(0 × (sand)
5 mm).that
Thisseparate from the
fine material coarse aggregates
is composed basicallydue to
of ce-
the difference
ment paste andinfine
resistance of the
aggregates cement
(sand) thatpaste and from
separate the aggregate
the coarse particles.
to the
was not analyzed
difference in this
in resistance paper.
of the Thepaste
cement coarse particles
and are composed
the aggregate particles.ofThis
totally liberated
material was
aggregates, particles of cement paste mixed with sand that were not comminuted
not analyzed in this paper. The coarse particles are composed of totally liberated aggre- in the
crushing process, and aggregates adhered with the cement paste.
gates, particles of cement paste mixed with sand that were not comminuted in the crush-
ing process, and aggregates adhered with the cement paste.
Table 1. Size distribution of the concrete (16/20 MPa) comminuted at a top size of 20 mm.
Table 1. Size distribution of the concrete (16/20 MPa) comminuted at a top size of 20 mm.
Concrete Size Distribution <5 mm (%) 5/8 mm (%) 8/12.5 mm (%) 12.5/20 mm (%) Total (%)
Concrete Size Distribution <5 mm (%)
32.8 5/8 mm14.7
(%) 8/12.5 mm
26.6 (%) 12.5/20 mm (%)
25.9 Total
100 (%)
16/20 Mpa Concrete 32.8 14.7 26.6 25.9 100
16/20 Mpa Concrete 32.8 67.2 100
32.8 67.2 100
3.2. Densimetric
3.2. Densimetric Distribution
Distribution Test
The following
following densities
sink-and-flow test: 3 2.5 g/cm3 ,
The test: 2.42.4 g/cm
g/cm 3, 2.5, g/cm 3, 2.55
2.55 g/cm 3 , 2.6 g/cm3 , 2.65 g/cm3 , 2.7 g/cm3 , 2.75 g/cm3 , and 2.8 g/cm3 . Figure 6
g/cm , 2.6 g/cm , 2.65 g/cm , 2.7 g/cm , 2.75 g/cm , and 2.8 g/cm . Figure 6 demonstrates
3 3 3 3 3 3
the mass retainedthe in
mass retained density
the different in the different
ranges ondensity rangesaton
the concrete thethe concrete
particle size at the
particle size
of 5 × 20 mm. range of 5 × 20 mm.
Mass (Wt%)
2.4 > ƥ 2.5 > ƥ 2.55 > ƥ 2.6 > ƥ 2.65 > ƥ 2.7 > ƥ 2.75 > ƥ 2.8 > ƥ
Concrete 15% 19% 16% 15% 12% 18% 3% 1%
Density Range (g/cm3 )
Figure 6. Density distribution of the concrete generated after comminution, material in the granu-
Figure 6. Density distribution of the concrete generated after comminution, material in the granulo-
lometric range 5 × 20 mm.
metric range 5 × 20 mm.
known as sand), and one part of cement (less dense material which involves particles
with higher density, forming concrete in its formulation). Particles with a density lower
2.6 g/cm3 are composed of a mixture of cement paste and fine aggregates, or coarse aggre-
than 2.6 g/cm3 are composed of a mixture of cement paste and fine aggregates, or coarse
gates with cement paste attached. The adhesion of cement paste directly negatively mod-
aggregates with cement paste attached. The adhesion of cement paste directly negatively
ifies the specific
modifies density,
the specific porosity,
density, formform
porosity, factor, and water
factor, absorption
and water of theof
absorption material, mak-
the material,
ing it impossible to recirculate it into new concrete formulations.
making it impossible to recirculate it into new concrete formulations.
Accounting for
Accounting for portions
portions>2.65 >2.65g/cm
3, >2.7 g/cm3, >2.75 g/cm3, and >2.8 g/cm3, shown
3 , >2.7 g/cm3 , >2.75 g/cm3 , and >2.8 g/cm3 ,
in Figure 6, 34% of the material has a density
shown in Figure 6, 34% of the material has a density greatergreater
than 2.6than
2.6; g/cm
3 this material is com-
3 ; this material
is composed of fully liberated coarse aggregates and coarse aggregates with a thin of
posed of fully liberated coarse aggregates and coarse aggregates with a thin layer ce-
ment paste attached. Due to the difference in resistance between the
of cement paste attached. Due to the difference in resistance between the cement paste cement paste and the
and theaggregates, concreteconcrete
coarse aggregates, fracturefracture
tends totends
the interface of the materials,
in the interface which
of the materials,
causes liberation of the aggregates. Due to its low cement paste content, this
which causes liberation of the aggregates. Due to its low cement paste content, this material material tends
to have
tends to characteristics similar
have characteristics to natural
similar aggregates,
to natural possibly
aggregates, allowing
possibly reuse.reuse.
allowing In theInpre-
sent work, the objective is to recover the material with a density above
present work, the objective is to recover the material with a density above 2.6 g/cm and 2.6 g/cm 3 and3 ana-
Mass (wt%)
2.4 > ƥ 2.5 > ƥ 2.55 > ƥ 2.6 > ƥ 2.65 > ƥ 2.7 > ƥ 2.75 > ƥ 2.8 > ƥ
Fine Aggregates 27% 26% 22% 24% 16% 16% 0% 0%
Coarse Agregates 23% 24% 38% 51% 74% 75% 100% 100%
Cement Paste 50% 50% 40% 25% 10% 9% 0% 0%
Densimétric Ranges (g/cm3)
Figure 7. Cement paste, fine aggregates, and coarse aggregates content in different density ranges.
Figure 7. Cement paste, fine aggregates, and coarse aggregates content in different density ranges.
Concrete in the 5 × 20 mm granulometric range.
Concrete in the 5 × 20 mm granulometric range.
The densimetric
The densimetric fractions
fractions presented
presented thethe values
values of
of their
their constituents
constituents asas expected.
expected. Frac-
tions with
tions with aa density
density greater
greater than
than 2.7
2.7 g/cm
g/cm were
were considered
considered coarse
coarse aggregates
aggregates completely
liberated. It
liberated. It isisworth
fine aggregates
aggregates dodo
show show a degree
a degree of liberation
of liberation due
to to their
their complete
complete mixingmixing withcement
with the the cement
paste.paste. Densimetric
Densimetric fractions
fractions with densities
with densities lower
than than
g/cm2.63 g/cm
have3 ahave
high content of cement
of cement paste
paste and and
fine fine aggregates,
aggregates, which con-
which contributes
tributes to reducing the density of the material. The densimetric ranges
to reducing the density of the material. The densimetric ranges of 2.6 < þ < 2.65 g/cm of 2.6 < þ <3 2.65
g/cm< þ
2.65 3 and 2.65
< 2.7 g/cm 3
< þ <have
2.7 g/cm
a highhave
3 a high
content content
of coarse of coarse 74%
aggregates, aggregates,
and 75%, 74% and 75%,
respectively; in addition, the ratio of fine aggregates mixed with cement paste is higher
than the less dense fractions, which contributes to increasing the density of the material.
Buildings 2024, 14, 2226 10 of 17
Buildings 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 19
in addition, the ratio of fine aggregates mixed with cement paste is higher than the less
dense fractions, which contributes to increasing the density of the material.
3.4. Jig Concentration Tests
It is
3.4. Jig worth mentioning
Concentration Tests that jigging processes (water or air) are devices used around
the world and are
It is worth based on the
mentioning thatdifferentiation
jigging processes by density
(waterand sizeare
or air) of devices
the materials present
used around
in the
the worldbedand (separation
are basedofon denser particles frombyless
the differentiation denseand
density ones).
sizeObserving Figure
of the materials 7 and
the basic jigging theory, the jigging tests were dimensioned (height of
in the bed (separation of denser particles from less dense ones). Observing Figure 7 and the cuts in the jigging
bed) to
basic provide
jigging the the
theory, concentration
jigging tests ofwere
materials with a density
dimensioned (height greater
of cuts inthan
the2.6 g/cmbed)
jigging 3, to
Figure 8. The flowchart of the jig tests and mass balance of the jigging test.
Figure 8. The flowchart of the jig tests and mass balance of the jigging test.
Material Feed 1 (FM1) comprises 23,300 g of concrete with a content of 34% of materials
with Material
a densityFeed
1 (FM1) 2.6 g/cm323,300
thancomprises (as shown in Figure
g of concrete 7) presenting
with a content of7922
34% gofofmate-
dense material. The process was carried out with a bed height of 18 cm. FM1, after jigging,
rials with a density greater than 2.6 g/cm3 (as shown in Figure 7) presenting 7922 g of this
generated two different materials, a light material (LM1) and a dense material (DM1). LM1
dense material. The process was carried out with a bed height of 18 cm. FM1, after jigging,
represents 50% (bulk volume) of the jigging bed and has 11,780 g of material with a content
generated two different materials, a light material (LM1) and a dense material (DM1). LM1
of 13% of the material with a density greater than 2.6 g/cm3 ; the material represents 50.6%
represents 50% (bulk volume) of the jigging bed and has 11,780 g of material with a con-
(by weight) of the material that was inserted into the FM1 and concentrates 20.3% of the
tent of 13% of the material with a density greater than 2.6 g/cm3; the material represents
initial FM1 dense material. This material is composed of particles of cement paste and
50.6% (by weight) of the material that was inserted into the FM1 and concentrates 20.3%
of the initial FM1 dense material. This material is composed of particles of cement paste
Buildings 2024, 14, 2226 11 of 17
fine aggregates with cement paste adhered to the material, normally presenting a low
density, high porosity, and high water absorption, making recirculation unfeasible. DM1
represents the remaining 50% (bulk volume) of the feed, which separates to the bottom
of the jig chamber. With a mass of 11,520 g of concrete, and 55% of it at a density greater
than 2.6 g/cm3 , DM1 represents 49.4% of the material inserted into FM1 and concentrates
79.7% of the dense material inserted into the feed. This material (DM1) is composed of fully
liberated aggregate particles and aggregates with a thin layer of cement paste with adhered
fine aggregates.
Material Feed 2 (FM2) comprises 27,100 g of concrete with a content of 34% of materials
with a density greater than 2.6 g/cm3 , presenting 9214 g of this dense material. The process
was carried out with a bed height of 20 cm. FM2 after jigging generated two materials, a
light material (LM2) and a dense material (DM2). LM2 represents 50% (bulk volume) of the
jigging bed and has 13,400 g of concrete, with a content of 16% of material with a density
greater than 2.6 g/cm3 ; the material represents 49.6% (by weight) of the material that was
inserted into the FM2 and concentrates 29.3% of the dense material. DM2 represents the
remaining 50% (bulk volume) of the feed, which separates to the bottom of the jig chamber.
With a mass of 13,700 g of concrete, and 52% of it at a density greater than 2.6 g/cm3 , DM2
represents 50.6% of the material inserted into FM2 and concentrates 70.9% of the dense
material inserted into the feed. DM1 and DM2 have similar component characteristics.
The light materials (LM1 and LM2) were separated and can later be directed to
recirculation, to recover the dense material present. The dense materials (DM1 and DM2)
were removed and directed to the second jigging stage. The physical properties (specific
density, bulk density, saturated specific density, saturated bulk density, shape factor, and
water absorption) were analyzed of the mixed dense material (FM3) for comparison and
analysis of the progression of parameter values during the jigging process.
Material Feed 3 (FM3) is composed of 25.220 g of pre-concentrated concrete, having
a content of 53% of materials with a density greater than 2.6 g/cm3 , presenting 13.402 g
of dense material. The process was carried out with a bed height of 18 cm. FM3 after
jigging generated two materials, a light material (LM3) and a dense material (DM3). LM3
represents 66% (bulk volume) of the jigging bed and has 15.010 g of concrete with a content
of 32% of the material with a density greater than 2.6 g/cm3 . The material represents 29.8%
(by weight) of the material that was inserted into the first jigging stage and concentrates
27% of the dense material. DM3 represents the remaining 34% (bulk volume), which is
separated to the bottom of the jig chamber, has 10.210 g of concrete, and has a content
of 84% of material with a density greater than 2.6 g/cm3 . DM3 represents 20.3% of the
material inserted into the first jigging stage and concentrates 47.8% of the dense material
inserted into the test.
The light materials (LM3) were separated and can later be mixed (with LM1 and
LM2) for recirculation, to recover the dense material present. The dense materials (DM3)
were collected and directed for physical analyses. The physical properties (specific density,
apparent density, saturated specific density, saturated apparent density, shape factor, water
absorption, densimetric distribution, and cement paste content) were analyzed in DM3 for
comparison and analysis of the material generated at the end of the process.
Materials Code
Concrete after the comminution process CO
Concentrated material generated in the first jig stage (DM1 and DM2) C1
Concentrated material generated in the second jig stage (DM3) C2
Natural aggregates used in the industry NA
Table 3. Analysis of the physical parameters of the materials generated from the jig process (C1
and C2), the concrete used at the beginning of the process for concentration analysis (CO), and the
conventional natural aggregates (NAs) normally used in the industry.
Table 2 shows the measured values of the main characteristics defined by Brito and Saikia [23]
as the parameters that most influence the fundamental properties of aggregates for use in
concrete. According to the concentration of the material with the jigging stages, an increase
in the specific and apparent density value observed in both its dry and saturated forms
is noted. Density is one of the fundamental parameters of aggregates and is important
to designing concrete mixes and controlling several properties of the resulting concrete.
The density of the CDW aggregate is lower than that of natural aggregates. This is due
to the existence of porous and less dense cement paste in the CDW aggregates. Due to
their origin and size, CDW aggregates may have different densities depending on the
amount of adhered mortar paste [23]. CO has a specific density of 2.59 g/cm3 , while C2
has 2.66 g/cm3 , approaching the 2.67 g/cm3 value observed in NA. An increase in density
values is observed while the concentration value of the cement paste decreases according
to the concentration stages of the jigging process. The jig processing removes less dense
particles, basically formed by cement paste. The bulk density of CDW aggregate is also
lower than that of normal aggregates. The bulk density of CDW aggregates is generally in
the range of 1150–1400 kg/m3 with a few exceptions [23]. Ferreira et al. [28] explain that
the lower apparent density value that is observed from RA recycled from CDW compared
to NA is due to the greater volume of voids between particles in the CDW aggregate. Water
absorption, contrary to what was observed in the density results, is directly related to the
cement paste content measured in the materials. The water absorption capacity of the CDW
aggregate is higher than that of normal aggregate (which is less than 1% for almost all
current aggregates), as the CDW aggregate is composed of cement paste, which is porous
by nature and therefore can absorb high amounts of water [23]. The higher the content of
the cement paste, the more porous the material is, and consequently it will absorb more
water due to its porosity. CO has a water absorption of 4.73%, in C1 3.2% water absorption
is observed, while C2 has only 1.2%, a value close to that obtained in NA, which measured
0.72% water absorption. De Juan [46], in a study carried out in Spain, reports that the water
absorption of NA can vary between 0 and 4%, while for cement paste that is adhered to the
aggregate, it is between 16 and 17%, providing a greater water absorption of RA from CDW,
which varies between 0.8 and 13%, with an average of 5.6%. Research [28,47] proposes that
Buildings 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 19
2.2 2.7
2.15 2.66
2.64 C1
2.1 2.62
2.05 C2 2.58
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Cement Paste Content (%) (B) Cement Paste Content (%)
1.48 NA 2.7
Apparent Density (OD)
1.4 C2 C1 2.55
2.5 CO
1.34 2.45
0% 20% 40% 60% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
(C) Cement Paste Content (%) Cement Paste Content (%)
1.42 NA 5
Apparent Density (SSD) (g/cm3)
present. (A) Shape Factor × Cement Paste Content, (B) Specific Density × Cement Paste Content,
present. (A) Shape Factor × Cement Paste Content, (B) Specific Density × Cement Paste Content, (C)
Apparent Density × Cement Paste Content, (D) Saturated Specific Density (SSD) × Cement Paste
(C) Apparent Density × Cement Paste Content, (D) Saturated Specific Density (SSD) × Cement Paste
Content, (E) Saturated Apparent Density (SSD) × Cement Paste Content, and (F) Water Absorption
Content, (E) Saturated Apparent Density (SSD) × Cement Paste Content, and (F) Water Absorption
× Cement Paste Content.
× Cement Paste Content.
Taking into account new concrete formulations, the relationships between materials in
their desaturated state are of greater relevance. The analysis of materials in their saturated
Buildings 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 19
Mass (Wt%)
2.4 > ƥ 2.5 > ƥ 2.55 > ƥ 2.6 > ƥ 2.65 > ƥ 2.7 > ƥ 2.75 > ƥ 2.8 > ƥ
NA 0% 4% 0% 7% 26% 55% 4% 3%
C2 2% 2% 3% 9% 24% 53% 4% 3%
C1 7% 5% 11% 21% 17% 34% 4% 2%
CO 15% 19% 16% 15% 12% 18% 3% 1%
Density Range (g/cm3)
Figure 10. Densimetric distribution of concrete in its initial constitution (CO), the natural aggregates
Figure 10. Densimetric distribution of concrete in its initial constitution (CO), the natural aggregates
(NAs), and the generated materials in the first (C1) and second jigging stage (C2).
(NAs), and the generated materials in the first (C1) and second jigging stage (C2).
The densimetric
The densimetric distribution
distribution of of the
the analyzed
analyzed materials
materials demonstrates
demonstrates aa large large densi-
metric variation in the concrete in its initial form (CO) with
metric variation in the concrete in its initial form (CO) with a homogeneous distributiona homogeneous distribution
between the
between the values
values obtained
obtained in inlighter
materials(2.4 (2.4g/cm
g/cm33 << þþ << 2.6
g/cm33)) and
and denser
materials (2.6 g/cm 33 < þ < 2.8 g/cm 3 ).
3 From the first jigging stage
materials (2.6 g/cm < þ < 2.8 g/cm ). From the first jigging stage where the first concen- where the first concen-
trated material
trated material (C1)
(C1) is is generated,
generated, therethere is is aa decrease
decrease in in the
the content
content of of light
light materials
materials and
an increase in the content of dense materials. When observing
an increase in the content of dense materials. When observing the values obtained from the values obtained from
the material
the material generated
generated in in the
the second
second jigging
jigging stage
stage (C2),
(C2), the
the values
values areare similar
similar toto the
the values
obtained from
obtained from natural
natural aggregates,
aggregates,due duetotothe theremoval
removalofoflight lightmaterials
materials that areare
that located
in upper
upper part of the
part of the jig jig
chamber during both
during stages.
both In C2,
stages. a small
In C2, presence
a small of light
presence ma-
of light
terial (2.4(2.4
material g/cm 3 < þ
g/cm 3 < < þ2.5< g/cm 3) is 3observed; the presence of this material is due to the
2.5 g/cm ) is observed; the presence of this material is due to
the thatthat
particles areare
trapped within
within the thedense
concentratedin in the
the second jigging
stage at the bottom of the jig chamber, which are unable to move
chamber, which are unable to move to the highest to the highest part
part of the
jigging bed
jigging bedwhere
wherethe thelight
material is is located,
located, making
making it impossible
it impossible to remove.
to remove. C2 pre-
C2 presents
84% of material
material with awith a density
density > 2.6 g/cm 3 , very
> 2.6 g/cm 3, very close to natural aggregates that pre-
close to natural aggregates that present
sent of
88% 88% of material
material in theinsame
the same granulometric
granulometric range, range,
and aand a densimetric
densimetric distribution
distribution sim-
similar to
ilar one
the to the one in
found found
the the NA.
3.6. Future
Future Trendings
Analyzingthe thematerials
generatedandandthe possibility
the of of
possibility recovering aggregates
recovering present
aggregates pre-
in concrete with characteristics very similar to natural aggregates, it is necessary
sent in concrete with characteristics very similar to natural aggregates, it is necessary toto ana-
lyze the the
analyze useuse
of these materials
of these in in
materials new
the parameters
observed in the work. The formulation of concrete test specimens and the analysis of the
Buildings 2024, 14, 2226 15 of 17
characteristics that the insertion of these generated materials can bring to new concretes
are of utmost importance for the validation of the concentration method for CDW.
Although the jigging process is widely used around the world, the method of concen-
trating aggregates with the jigging process is a new possibility that is being suggested by
this work; thus, a pilot-scale plant is necessary to validate the process at industrial levels.
4. Conclusions
The main conclusions of this paper are the following:
The aggregates recovered from the use of the two-step jigging process for the pro-
cessing of CDW as demonstrated in the paper present improvements in their physical
properties, and the proposed process is promising for enabling the use of recycled ag-
gregates. The process positively influences the analyzed characteristics of the aggregates
and is a fundamental part of the recovery of more than 50% of the coarse aggregates with
density >2.6 g/cm3 present in the concrete studied.
The comminution of the material via jaw crusher with a top size of 20 mm and the
classification of the material in the granulometric range of 5–20 mm demonstrated the gen-
eration of more than 32% of fine material (0–5 mm) and more than 67% of coarse material.
It was observed that the concrete presented a large density variation in the coarse
particles (5–20 mm), ranging from 2.4 to 2.8 g/cm3 , allowing the stratification of the
material between tailings (cement paste and fine aggregates) and concentrated material
(coarse aggregates).
The concrete dissolution analysis, used to observe the composition of the concrete
(cement paste, fine aggregates, and coarse aggregates content) in all granulometric ranges,
demonstrated the presence of 34% of particles with a density > 2.6 g/cm3 . Such particles had
a low cement paste content and characteristics close to those found in natural aggregates
according to the analysis.
The analysis of the properties of the materials that were inserted in the process, as well
as the materials that were generated in each of the jigging stages, positively demonstrate
the improvement in the parameters of specific and apparent density, shape factor, water
absorption, shape factor, and cement paste content. With cement paste as a contaminant
in the CDW recycling process, the reduction in its content is positive for the subsequent
analysis of the reuse of this material (DM3).
Due to its proprieties (porosity, density, and water absorption), cement paste content
was directly linked to the properties analyzed in the study. A reduction was observed
in the 46% content of cement paste that was analyzed in the feed material (CO) of the
process to 30% after the first jigging stage (C1), and to 15% after the second jigging stage
(C2) performed on the final concentrated material.
The densimetric analysis carried out on the materials generated and compared with the
natural aggregates provided the verification of the similarity of the densimetric characteris-
tics of the material generated after the second jigging stage (C2) with the natural aggregates.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, C.H.S., A.B.T. and J.L.C.P.; methodology, J.O.M., J.L.C.P.
and A.B.T.; software, J.O.M. and J.L.C.P.; validation, G.T.H.L.R., J.O.M. and A.B.T.; formal analysis,
C.H.S.; investigation, M.M.D.L. and A.B.T.; resources, J.O.M. and A.B.T.; data curation, C.H.S., A.B.T.
and J.L.C.P.; writing—original draft preparation, A.B.T. and G.T.H.L.R.; writing—review and editing,
C.H.S., M.M.D.L. and A.B.T.; visualization, M.M.D.L. and G.T.H.L.R.; supervision, J.O.M. and J.L.C.P.;
project administration, C.H.S. and J.L.C.P.; funding acquisition, C.H.S., J.L.C.P. and J.O.M. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by Agència De Suport A La Competitivitat De L’empresa
Catalana, Acc1ó, grant number: ACE034/21/000093.
Data Availability Statement: Data are contained within the article.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the Agència de Suport a la Competitivitat de
L’empresa Catalana for the funding received, as well as the company ROMÀ Infrastructures i Serveis
for the samples provided.
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