GB Cleric Exorcist
GB Cleric Exorcist
GB Cleric Exorcist
Domain Spells
unspeakable horrors, chaotic fey and well-
intentioned celestials who seek to possess 1st-level Exorcist feature
the innocent for their own intentions. You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the
Members of this domain evict extraplanar Exorcist Domain Spells table. See the Divine Domain
incursions from a person or an area and class feature for how domain spells work.
stand ready and willing to face the creature
that emerges head-on. Exorcist Domain Spells
Clerics who excel at banishing evil from whence it Cleric Level Spells
came, understand that corruption manifests in 1st detect evil and good, protection from evil and good
unexpected forms. Not only must they expel the 3rd silence, zone of truth
corruption, but also uncover it under layers of lies and 5th magic circle, nondetection
deceit. Followers of these gods take great pride in 7th banishment, private sanctum
maintaining the tools necessary for their work. Their 9th dispel evil and good, planar binding
armor and religious garments are inlaid with sacred
texts, holy scripture and religious iconography. They I Cast You Out
speak with purpose and duty when the task is at hand
and may even paint or mark their bodies for added 1st-level Exorcist feature
protection. A veteran exorcist is a prime target for You shield the mind of yourself and your allies when the
powerful horrors and hidden cults. forces of darkness attempt to invade where they do not
Bonus Proficiency belong. When a creature within 30 feet of you that you
can see makes a Charisma or Wisdom saving throw,
1st-level Exorcist feature you can use your reaction to grant that creature
You gain proficiency with martial weapons. You also advantage on the save. You can use this feature a
gain proficiency in the Investigation or Religion skill. number of times equal to your proficiency bonus,
regaining all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Cleric: Exorcist | Gamingbrew 1
Channel Divinity: Exorcism
2nd-level Exorcist feature
You can use this feature a number of times equal to Learn more about the Erenel Campaign Setting
your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), and you
regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long