Unit-II-DSR - Part-1 Bolted Connection-TH

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Unit No-II

Design of Steel Connection

Bolted Connections
Question-: States and Explain the Types of Bolt.
1) Black Bolt
2) High Strength Bolt
Question-: Explain Black Bolt
i. it is a common unfinished rough bolt.
ii. it is made from black mild steel rounded bars
with square or hexagon head.
iii. Diameter at the rootof the thread is 1.5mm to
3mm less than diameter of shank.
iv. These are used for light structure subjected to
static loads and for secondary members such as
purlins,bracings etc for roof truss
v. They are not recommended for connection
subjected to impact load,vibration and Fatigue.
vi. This bolt available from 5mm to 36mm in
diameter and designated as M5 to M36
High Strength Bolt (HSB)
High Strength Bolt (HSB)

i. it is also called as friction grip bolts

ii. it is made from medium carbon heat treated steel bar
and alloy steel bar
iii. High Strength is achived through quenching and
tempering processes or by alloying steel.
iv. Hard Steel washer are provided for uniform
distribution of clamping pressure on the bolts.
v. Tensile strength of these bolts are two or more times
than ordinary bolts
vi) Ductility of bolt decreases as the hardness of strength

vii) High Strength bolts are more susceptible for fatigue


viii) it is available in size 16mm to 36mm and are designated

as M16 to M36

ix) Specification for High strength bolts are given in IS-3757-

1985 And IS-400-1992

x) High Strength bolts are used in high

structure,bridges,machines ect.
Uses of HSB with their Commonly used Property Class

-: High strength friction grip bolts are commonly used in


-: High strength friction bolts are used where slipping of

plates is to be avoided.

-: it is used when the load is transferred by friction only.

Advantages of bolted connection
1. Less man power required compared to rivet connection.
2. 2. High strength bolts are much stronger than the rivets.
Hence number of fasteners required for bolts are much
lesser when compared with rivets.
3. Bolted connections are faster.
4. Tightening Bolts and nuts are much silent when
compared with rivets where lot of hammering has to be
5. Bolts is a cold process. Hence no risk of fire.
6. Bolts can be removed, replaced or retightened easily in
the event of faulty bolting or damaged bolts due t
1. Bolted connection have lesser strength in axial tension as
the net area at the root of the thread is less.
2. Under vibratory loads the strength is reduced if the
connections get loosened.
3. Unfinished bolts have lesser strength because of non
uniform diameter.
4. Architectural look.
Advantages of HSFG Bolts
1. HSFG bolts do not allow any slip between the elements
connected, especially in close tolerance holes, Thus they
provide rigid connections.
2. Because of the clamping action, load is transmitted by
friction only and the bolts are not subjected to shear and
3. Due to the smaller number of bolts, the gusset plate sizes
are reduced.
4. Deformation is minimized.
5. Holes larger than usual can be provided to ease erection
and take care of lack-of-fit. However note that the type
of hole will govern the strength of the connection.
6. Noiseless fabrication, since the bolts are tightened with
7. The possibility of failure at the net section under the
working loads is eliminated.
8. Since the loads causing fatigue will be within proof load,
the nuts are prevented from loosening and the fatigue
strength of the joint will be greater than in
9. Since the load is transferred by friction, there is no stress
concentration in the holes.
10. Unlike riveted joints, few persons are required for
making the connections.
11. No heating is required and no danger of tossing of bolt.
Thus safety of the workers is enhanced.
12. Alterations, if any (e.g. replacement of defective bolt) is
done easily than in welded connections.
Question: What are the Different Grade Used In Steel
 Bolts are different grades 3.6 to 12.9
 Grade of Bolt Ultimate Stress (fub) Yield Stress (fyb)
N/mm2 N/mm2
4.6 400 240
5.6 500 300
6.5 600 300
6.8 600 480
8.8 800 640
10.9 1040 940
12.9 1220 1100
Types of Joints
1) Lap Joint
2) Butt Joint
1) Lap Joints
1. Two members are overlapped and connected
2. May be single bolted or two bolted joint
3. Loading axis of members do not match
 Load is eccentric
 uneven stress distribution
4. Bending of joint
 couple is formed
 bolt may fail in tension
 at least two bolts must be used
Butt Joint
 When the two members are to be connected by placing the members end to end
and additional plate/plates provided on either one or both sides to attach them
properly, then this joint is called butt joint. And the additional plate is called
cover plate.
 If the cover plate is provided on one side then it is called a single cover butt
joint, But if the cover plates are provided on both sides of the main plates then
it is called double cover butt joint. A single cover butt joint and double cover
double bolted butt joint shown in figure below.
 Types of Failure in Bolted Connections
In a bolted connection either the connecting plate might fail or the bolt
might fail. Therefore, it becomes important to consider the "Limit States"
or failure modes of both bolt and the plate

Failure Modes of Bolts in a Bolted Connection

1. Shear Failure of Bolts
2. Bearing Failure of Bolts
3. Tensile Failure of Bolts

Failure Modes of Plate in a Bolted Connection

1. Shear Failure of Plate
2. Bearing Failure of Plate
3. Tensile Failure of Plate
1) Shearing failure of bolt-:
 When the plate and bolts are connected as lap joints and
subjected to tensile force, it is induced shearing stress in
the bolt
 The maximum shear force in the bolt may exceed the
nominal shear capacity of the bolt.
 When a bolt is connected to two plates with single
plane interface is called as single shear failure.
 When a bolt is connected to two plates on either sides of
a plate with a two plane of shear interface is called as
double shear failure.
1. Bearing failure of bolt-
In this failure, the bolt fails in bearing due to contact with
the plates. This type of failure occurs in cases where a
low-strength bolt is used with a plate of very high grade,
which usually doesn't occur in practice.

3. Tensile Failure of Bolts
• The tensile strength of the bolt is the amount of pull
the bolt can withstand in the perpendicular direction to
the plane of loading. If the pull on this perpendicular
axis exceeds the tensile strength of the bolt, then the
bolt will fail in tension.

1. Block Shear Failure
 In block shear failure,a
block of materails with in
the bolted area breaks away
from the remainder area.
 it occurs when edge
distance of the bolts is lesser
than required.
 it is also occurs when the
less number of high strength
bolts are used.
 Block shear failure can be
prevented by using as
appropriate bolt pattern.
2. Bearing Failure of plate-:
 Bearing Failure of plate is also
known as crushing of plates.
 A Plate may be crushed when
bearig stress in plate excces the
design bearing stress.
3. Tension or tearing failure
of plates.
 Tearing of plates occurs
when the bolts are stronger
than the plates tension on
both the gross area
(yielding) and net effective
area(rupture) must be
Question-: Define Diameter of Bolt Hole.
State the IS Specification for clearance for bolt hole
• Diameter of Bolt Hole=Nominal Diameter +Clearance
• do = d + C
• Table for Clearance value
Sr No Nominal Diameter of Hole Standard
‘d’ in mm Clearance ‘C’ in
1 12-14 1
2 16-24 2
3 24< 3

Question-: Why Drilled hole preferred over Punch Hole

• Because Punch hole reduces the ductility and Toughness and
it promote Brittle Failure.
Design Strength of Bolt

Design Design Design

Strength of Strength of Strength of
Bolts in Bolt in Bolts In
Shear Tension Bearing
Design Strength of Bolts in Shear
 The Nominal Shear Strength of the bolt is given by
Vnsb= x (nn Anb+ns Asb)
Vnsb 3
x (nn Anb+ns Asb)
Vdsb= =
γ𝑚𝑏 1.25
Where as,
Vnsb = Nominal Shear Strength
Vdsb = Design Shear Strength
fub = Ultimate Tensile Strength of Bolt
nn = Number of shear planes with threads intercepting the shear plane
Anb = Net shear area of Bolt at threads, may be taken as the area

corresponding to root diameter at the thread. (Anb = 0.78 x d2 )
ns = Number of shear planes without threads intercepting the shear plane

Asb = Nominal Plane shank area of the bolt.(Asb = x d2 )
γ𝑚𝑏 = Partial Safety Facto=1.25
Design Strength of Bolt in Tension
 Nominal Tensile strength of bolts is given by:
Tntb= 0.9fubAnb < fyb Asb ( )
Whers as,
Tntb = Nominal Tensile strength of Bolt in Tension
Tdtb = Design Tensile strength of Bolt in Tension
fub = Ultimate tensile stress of the bolt
Anb = Net tensile area as specified by IS:1367 (For bolts where tensile stress
is not defined. An shall be as the area of the root of threads.)
fyb = Yield Stress of Bolts
Asb = Shank area of the bolts
γ𝑚𝑏 = Partial Safety Factors (Bolt Bearing type-Shop and Field Fabrication)
γ𝑚𝑜 = Partial Safety Factors (Resistance governed by yielding)

Tdtb= Design Strength of Bolt in
Design Strength of Bolt in Bearing
 Vdpb= ,Where as Vnpb=2.5 kb d tp fup
e p fub
Where as kb is smaller of [ ; − 0.25; ; 1.0 ]
3dh 3dh fup
In design Kb is normally taken equal to unity.
e,p = End and pitch distances of fastener along bearing direction.
dh=diameter of the bolt
d=nominal diameter of bolt
fup =Ultimate tensile stress of plate
fub =Ultimate tensile stress of bolt
tp= thickness of connected plates experiencing bearing stress in the same direction.
γ𝑚𝑏 = Partial Safety Factors (Bolt Bearing type-Shop and Field Fabrication)=1.25

Thus, Design Bearing strength of bolt on any plate

2.5 kb d tp fup
Bolt Value
 Bolt value is the minimum of value of shear strength (Vdsb) and Bearing
strength(Vdpb) of bolts.
 It is denoted by Bv
Tension Strength of Plate
 Due to presence of hole plate may fail through the weakest section
 This tensile strength of plate governed by rupture of net cross sectional area, Anp,
at bolt is given by
0.9 x Anp x fup
 Tdn =

Where as.
fup =Ultimate tensile stress of plate
γ𝑚1 = Partial Safety Factors failure at ultimate stress
Anp = Net Effective area of plate.
Anp = (b - ndh ) x t for chain bolting
Anp = [(b – ndh + ( )] x t for Zig Zag bolting
b and t = width and thickness of the plate
dh =Diameter of bolt hole (clearance in addition to the diameter of bolt for directly
punched holes)
n= Number of Bolt Holes in Critical Section
g=Gauge distance i.e. the distance between the two consecutive bolts in a chain
measured at right angles to the direction of tension force in member
P = Pitch length parallel to tensile force.
n=Number of Bolts holes.

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